HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-05, Page 88 T.11 1 'WINGHA i TIMES, AUGUST 5, 1809 MINOR LOCALS. - -The w'aoat harvest has started in A/ignitable and Alberta. —0. A. Mutual shipped a car load of heavy horses on Tuesday, —I 0 0. P. excursion to Detroit en Saturday, August 14th. Highest price paid for hides and poll' try at T. rellie butcher eb* . --Mr, Paul Pugh boa taken a position as junior clerk in the Bank of Ramfl Sen. —The Lietawel Benner staff is holi diving this week and no paper is being Iinbliebed. —Regular monthly meeting of the Pablic School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. —Nearly all the fall wheat in this section has been out and some has been threshed, The sample ie very good, --Wingham Fall Fair on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 28th and 29th, Yon can get a copy of the prize list at the TIMES office. --Mr. Peter Robinson has moved his family to London where he has secured x position. Mr. Wm, Robertson will Wee his house an Frances street, —Dr. W, J. Pride has had his dental rooms in the Beaver blook nicely re•pap• tired and linoleum placed on the floor. His suite of offices is now right up. to - date. —Mr, J. J, Homnth. formerly of Wingham has opened a tailor shop on Avenue Road, Toronto. Old friends here will wish Mr. Homuth success in his business. The pastor's subject et the Baptist church next Sabbath evening will be "Happiness in two worlds." Text, Luke 15:10, "There is joy in the presence of the jugals of God over one sinner that repenteth." —Among the shipments out of Wing - ham on Monday were three car loads of maple rollers by J. A. McLean to the Old Country; two ear loads of Western Foundry Co. ranges to Winnipeg and a oar load of eggs to Vancouver. —Letters received this week by the Editor of the Tates from Dr. A. M. Stewart, of Roaetown, Sask., and G. McIntyre, of Oak River, Man., former', residents of Wingham, report pros- pects as very bright for a good harvest ' in the West. —Mr. Wm. Elliott, of the Boundary brink yard, near Belmore, is putting in a system of waterworks for fire pro- teotion. It will consist of a tank set 30 feet high to give pressure. The water! will be pumped up by a windmill. The cost will be $340. —Miss McBurney, of town, has been engaged .as teacher in the school at Glenannan and Miss Jetties Petrie has been engaged to teach in Gilmore's school in Turnberry, We congratulate these young ladies on securing sohools so near their homes, —The things moat in evidence in any home are the woodwork, furniture and fioore. If these things look old, shabby Or ont-of-date, the home can not be Modern, Apply a coat of Wood -Lac; its interesting and fascinating and the expense is trifling. Richardson & Ras have a stock and will gladly explain its merits. PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to Vats column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Howard. Orpen, of Toronto is vis. itiug at the home of Mrs. Masser. Master Charlie Fowler, Bluevale road, le spending hip holidays at Guelph. Mrs, Bleck, of Chicago, is visiting with her neige, Mrs. Robt. Maxwell. Miss. Robson, of Hanover, was visiting for a feet days with Wingham friends. Mr. W. T. Hall is spending a week With relatives end friends at Owen Sound. Mr. Frank Paterson, of Toronto, wap visiting for a few days with his family in town. Dr, Win. Agneas, of Dayton, Ohio, Wad visiting with his parents in Lower Wingharn. Miss Hattie MdCeaoken bas returned home after a month's bisit with rola. ties at London. Mies Maude rryfogle was visiting for is few days with her friend, Miss Pauline McInnes, at Ripley. Mrs. (Dr.) 11. E. W. Tamlyn id spend. Ing a month with friends at Milford Bay, Muskoka Lakes. Milia Mayfeed Sider, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and. Mrs. A. J. Alderson coir a couple of week. Dr. T. Chisholm, 113, P. and A, 11. Musgrove, M. P. P. ate in Toronto for si few stays on business. Mr. Robs. Galbraith, of Guelph, is spending his holidays With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Galbraith. Arr. and Mrs. Chas, TI. Green, of Southampton ward visiting for a tow days with 'Minutia= mends. Mr. Gordon Griffin, of °wan Sound, at visiting for a few days with his vomit, Mr, and Mrs, 0,1+r, Griffin. ++ Miss Edith Oouery, of Guelph, is visiting with Wingham friends, Mre. A. Orr and daughters left on Wednesday for Toronto, where they wilt reside,. Mr, Irwin Eason and Miss EMO, of Elderslie, visited foe a few days at Ur. S. Lard's. Mrs. 13 II Pullen and son, of Owoses, Mich., are vtattiug with her sister, Mrs, Robt, Maxwell. Mr, Clare Adams is home from Orangeville and is spending his holidays with hie parents. Miss Robertson, it former member of the teaohing staff of Wingham Public School, is visiting with old friends in town, liIr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnston, of Blue - vale, who have been In the West for the past few weeks, returned home on Sat- urday. Mr. James Gibson, who has been liviug in the Yukon for a number of years, is here en a visit with his mother, Mre. flueeton Gibson. Mrs. 0. I3. Oonery and Master Alfred have returned home to Guelph after upending the holidays with Mrs. John Fowler, Bluevale road. Mr. and litre. W. H. Rintoul and two obildren left on Tuesday for a month's holidays, whittle will be spent with relatives and friends at difi'eient points in Nova Scotia, Mise Hazel Drummond, a graduate of the stenography department of the Wingham Business College, has aooept- ed a good position in the office of a Toronto real estate and broker's office. Mrs. Looker, of Detroit, who lute been visiting for a week at the Sunset hotel, Goderioh, returned to town on Tuesday. Mr. Looker was joined at Goderioh by a party of Detroit friends, who will make a tour of the Lakes. Excursion to Soo, _ The Algoma Central Steaship Co. will run an excursion to t Soo from Kincardine per s amer "King Ed- ward" on Monday An st 16th. Boat leaves at 1 a. re. F e for round trip, $6 with meals and rth extra. Tickets good to return, leaving Soo on August 18 or 25. Those desiring to visit points in Michigan or Port Arthur may do so, For further particulars apply to H, T. Burden, Kincardine. Care of the Furnace. Here is a "tip" to the householder, though the fire in your furnace has not long been out. Do you realize that your furnace is something like yourself—that it deteriorates more rapidly when idle than when moderately employed. Your cellar may be damp. If your furnace has not been thoroughly cleaned — if ashes are left in the heater and soot in the flues; they will hold dampness which will corrode and pit the iron sur- faces of grates, firepots and pipes and produce deterioration. If your furnace has not been thoroughly cleaned, have it done at once, and, at any rate, don't fail to light an occasional fire of wood refuse of any kind to dry out the fur. nace interior and air the house—especi- ally after a rain. BABY'S HOLD ON LIFE. Baby's Own Tablets cost 2 ents a box. A box bought now 'ay save baby's life. Summer comp into come suddenly, and carry eve thonssads of little onee every year, If the stom- ach and bowels are kept n order there is little danger of the = troubles dom- ing on, Baby's Ow • Tablets is the best medicine in . • e world for pre- venting and outing stomach and bowel troubles, They can be given with per- fect safety to the new born baby or to the well grown child. An occasion- al dose of the Tablets will regulate atomaoh and bowels and prevent sum- mer complaints. The mother who keeps these Tablets beside her has a reasonable assuranoe that her little ones are safe. If yon have not got a box of Tablets, get one without delay. Do not wait until trouble comes, it may then be too late. Sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. BORN. MArRIAs.—In Wingham, on August Cad, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mathias; a daughter. Ittcx:ctoxn.—In Morris, on July 25th to Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond, a daughter. (Mag gie Helen Alberta Roc;Etisoia,—In Morris, on July 27th, to Mr. end Mrs. Thomas Rogerson; a daughter. CtInftxns.-1n Grey, on July 19th, to 'air. and Mrs. Joseph Cummings; a daughter. Gtns0N,--In Wroxeter, on July 19th, to Mr, and Mrs. John Gibson ; a daughter. SrrBwA1i'r.--In Bluevale, on July 20th, to Mr, and Mrs, John Stewart; a son. INIINAGuAN.—In Morris, on July 10th, to Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Xernaghan; A son, Dieu cleisis rox,---ln vpint hani on July 29th, 'Hugh Eamilton, in his 67th year. Ert,to2..- In Wingham, on July 28th, Thos. J. Elliott, aged 57 years. Joan. --In Dauphin, :fiat., on July 27th, Rhoda Henning, beloved wife of Mr. William Jobb, fuai ,vrly of Turnterry. Rrnt'ot t.—ln Wingham, en July 31st, David liintoul, of Whitechurch, aged 28 years and 2 months. t tuerrteris.inadagitofM.and14rn.PMatha Fenurrt.--In 3'urnt'erry., on July 28th, 'William Barrell, in his 84th year. * fftdv.• -In Turnberry, On July* 30th Olive Berne oungest daughter of Jr. and Mrs. Chits, Thom, aged 14 scare and 8 Months. Mc f nr TEit,• «In Grey, on July 23rd, Mrs, 1#obcrt McAllister, in herS&th year. PortArtn.�-sn Brn.'sels, nn Ju1i 25th, Wfl- Iftim Y011srd, aged. Cls y flare, Notice To Drain Cont eters 'lenders will be received lethe Clerk of the Township of Turnberry i1 us face iii Blue - vale, up to s o'c1or1 pc,of Monday, .Augustmull next. for the aapletion of the lino; drain on lots 4 and n the 4th and 5th cones• lions of the Township of Turnberry. Plans andspeeiffcationscan be ft`Nir at the Clerk's office, Bluevale. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. TEACHER WANTED. Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of teacher in S. S. No, 11, Turnberry, (Lower Wingham). State ilualificntious and salary expected. Danes to comtueuce August tette. WM. S. LINKLATER, Wingham P. 0. STRAY STEER. There came on the premises of the undersigned, lot 30, concession 10, East Wawaneek, on or about June 15th a two•year•old red steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN McGEE, Fordyce P. 0. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned Solicitors of the Town of Wingham. hereby agree to close our offices during the months of July and August as follows On each week day, with the excep- tion of Saturday, at 4 p.m , and on Saturday at 1 p.m. R. VANSTONE, .1 A. MORTON, DUDLEY ,IIOLME3, FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale, lot 33, concession 1, Culross, containing 120 acres. The farm is now all in grass and is well watered. There are good build- ings, situate 414 miles from Wingham. Possession will be given to snit nor - chaser, FRANK McCONNELL, Wingham P. 0, A. E. SMITH BANKER WI:YGE[AaI, ONTARIO. Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market, oan have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. Royal Grocery T4. 4, TRY 4. 4. Malcolm's 4. for +44 FRESH TOMATOES 4. GREEN PEAS NEW POTATOES Also remember this is the place to bay FRESH GROCERIES 2 and the best 4F TEAS AND COFFEES * New CHINA just arrived, 'm Call and see it. 4.41 •—� + A quantity of Cherries wanted ,'�!,• M]%LGOLM'8 Produce Taken. Phone 54,'f!. NMI Good Flour One baking with our flour will convince you that the "Home" Flour cannot be surpas- sed. Try our PURE MANITOBA FIVE LILIES" IALENDEII "GOLD STAR" SPECIAI. I0It PASTRY "CREAM PASTRY" All kinds of feed kept on hand. Good Bread and Cakes always fresh. Goods delivered promptly. Fraokto Howson Phone 14d. sesemeseikeleeses A KING'SFOR BARGAINALES 1 1 - W B WANT YOUR TRADE URHas been a 'great success. 'UGTe 0 have sold a lot of goods, and have a lot more to self, . SI'111b1F.ii I'tTSLINS • • Some dainty patterns in floral designs, just the thing for the hot weather—HALF PRICE. JI;S'1' - AS - DELAINES--About 10 patterns, fast colors, the best Wrapper goods out.. Regular 20e and 15e, for 121e. ALL GINCHA111S, Checks and Stripes, regular 15e, for 10e. ABOUT 20 DRESS GOODS REMNANTS, from two to five yards in the piece, at NEXT -TO Zti OTHING PRICES. FIVE PIECES NAVY FLANNEL, suitable for Men's Shirts, Underskirts and Children's Dresses, reg. 25e, for 121-c, TEN PIECES FANCY TARTANS, for per yard, 5e. TEN PIECES HEAVY TOWELLING, for per yard, 5e. 100 PAIRS FLANNELLETTE BLANKETS—the big size, regular 1,35, for 1.00. Better get your supply of these --they won't Last long at the price. ,A full stock of the best staple goods to be had, with prices to suit everybody. EGGS 22e, TUB RUTTER 20e, GOODS G. E. KING. PRICES •••s••••••••••s••••saisee• ••••••••••••••osa•aaa•a••■ o 0 5 • . si •Summer Parasols.: s tt D 0 s 0 0 a • • O r 0 2 0 0 • • This week we are offering for sale Ladies' Parasols -- some in o pale shades with dainty designs. some in white trimmed with insertion and others in dark, rich colorings. To complete a lady's outfit one of • these dainty Parasols is necessary. Call and we shall assist you in • choosing one of these pretty sunshades. • • 0 • We feel that we are always offering bargains to the people of Wingharn and vicinity, but at present we have some • VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS IN HATS•, BOOTS & o ® SHOES, CARPETS, MATTINGS o o and in many other lines. It will pay you to come and inspect these • o lines before purchasing elsewhere, •• o 0 LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS AT COST ! o s' Only a few left. Come and get one before all are gone. 'S 0 • • Highest prices for Produce. Eggs 20c. i • alt • • • • • • • 0 D. 1i1. R I 1• " Victoria " Shoes for ladies, "Albert " and "Astoria " Shoes for leen. YOUR ATTENTION IS AGAIN DIRECTED TO OUR Mid -Summer Sale OF COLORED SHOES Real Uve Bargains On All New Goods HERE ARE A FEW PRICES : Men's Russia Tan Blucher Oxfords, Goodyear welt, genuine Oak Tan soles, all sizes, regular 4.00, for $2.75 pr pair. Men's Ox•Blocd Oxfords, Goodyear welt, genuine Oak Tan soles, all sizes, regular 4.00, for $2.75 per pair. (The above two lines in Bigh.cut Blucher Bals at 3.00 per pair). Ladies' Chccolate Kid Laced Boots, slip sole, golden brown color, regular 2,50, for $1,50 per pair. The same kind in Girls' sizes, 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2, regular 1,75, for $1.20 per pair. Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords, fine Viei Kid, regular 1.75,for $1.20 a pair. Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords, a very fine line, with flexible soles, regular 2.00, for 1.35. Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords, a still better line, with suede insertion, regular 2.50, for $1,60 per pair. SAMPLES IN NORTH WINDOW. LOOK IN THE "ADVANCE" FOR ADDITIONAL LIST OF PRICES. WILLIS & CO. AGENTS THE SHOE STORE. FOR LADIES 0 000000511004000000000000511111 >o•••••,••0••••••s•ell•91A00100 ► ASS:SrerS IRMAIMP vSt�'tvf''`' !Atilvi) ,Alex Young & Co. 4 This r Week's Reductions Fll Get our Prices on Cement. 001 ut f�,;,,Sl� 11' Cin AT THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE . Axle Grease, regular 10e at 5e per box. Ray Forks, regular 60e at 50e. Turnip Hoes; regular 50c at 40e. r 11/ 1.1 %..ggs.iiri.� ✓ c.lcS ix -.'Si✓ Scythes best quality, regular $1.15 at 90e. Scythes, regular 75e for 65e, Snaths, regular 75c at 65c. See us for your Wire Fencing, of all kinds. Pure Manilla Hay Pork Rope, reg. 14e and 15e Ib. at 13e. Ice Cream Freezers, regular $2.00 and $2.50 at $1.50. Lawn Hose, regular 10e at Be per foot. How About your Binder Twine and Binder Whip. Bag Finish at 10 lbs. for 25e. Pure Paris Green at 25c per Ib. Keep your Kitchen Kool--'•and get one of our COAL OIL OR GASOLINE STOVES White Lead and Oil. Paints and Varnishes. You will find 11s in the old stand. YOUNG'S BIG HARDWARE .C! -10 C1/ er.+++++++++4+4++++++++4.+4 44+++++++++#+++++++++++++4. • PHONE ele 'HANNA p>r ! t! ! .i Highee farioea Batter and Eggs ;+ y,..........,��.. 4' i 44 • • • • STORE NEWS Full Stock Ladies' Wear on Hand. Dutch Collars, Jabot's Fancy Stock Collars, Ladies' Belts, Elastic, Leather, Wash Belt, Silk and Tinsel, also Fancy Belting by the yard. Fancy Frillings—black, white and all the new shades. We have a complete range of Ladies' Ready.to4Wear Skirts Call and inspect them. All sizes, all colors. •• • t Special Prices on Fancy Mulles. On sale this week, Fancy Mulles, all . shades regu- lar 40c for 28c. Fancy Parasols. Regular $ r. t s for 98c; regular $2.00 for $ I.37. All different shades. Men's Ready - Made Suits. Ranging from $10.00 to $20.00. Grocery Department. Lairds Pickles, regular 30c for 23c. Tomatoes, first-class, 3 tins for 25c.. Phone your order to the Grocery Department. mIt/W/111/4/4iN1A/ove. NoN/klr!>hokmAh Uighest prieea paid for nutter and Eggs, HANNA & CO. :►+++40;i 40.44 '#0.+4E++044' f+++++++++.0.+++++++++40+.*