HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-08-05, Page 6B SEYEN VEARS AN INVALID Then She Took °'Fruit-a-tives" And Is Now Wall. Arnprior, Ont., Nov. 27, toile. 1 was an invalid for eleven years from fearful Womb Trouble. I hall Zoning, womb. with constant pale in the bates. and front tie my body and all dawn my legs. There was a heavy Those who never do Wong discharge awl this Ina& ma weak, wonderful satiafaotian in the sleepless, restless Ona mi4erable. often .1 was „b:iged to he in bed for a month "Murder will out." rat a, time. I was treated by several doctors, but their troitmeut did mo no vermanent good. KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Irate sting Paragraphs from our Exchanges A few months ago, .I was persuaded to try "Ie utt-a-tives." I toot; several boxes, and from the outset of this treatment I was better, the Constipa- 'tion was eureel, and the discharge lessened. I took, for the paleness, sev- eral battles of the Iron etitture as recommended in the "'Fruit-a-tives" book, but I feel that it was "Fruit-a- tives" alone that cured me. (Mrs.) Eliza Levesque. Take Mrs. Levesque's advice. Take "Fruit-a-ttves" and cure yourself. 50c a. bnX. 6 for $2.50; trial box 25c. At dealers or from Fruit -a. -hives Limited, Ottawa. Silence is indeed golden to those who are paid to keep quiet. Money talks, but it doesn't always make a satisfactory finanoil statement, Cold on the Lungs. This letter gives some idea of the con- fidence placed in Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine by people who know by- experience of its exceptional merit. Mrs. R. D. Turner, Broadview, N. W. T., writes: "We have seven children and have used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for them all when troubled with cold on the lunge. We always buy four bottles at a time and always keep it in the hoose, believing there is nothing so good for coughs and colds." --rr Ali the Russian railway stations keep complaint books, where passengers may enter complaints. It is easy to pick holes in other pec. p1e'e work; but far more profitable to do better work yourself. Diarrhoea Cured. "My father has for years been troub- led with diarrhoea, and tried every means poeaible to effect a cure, without avail," writes John H. ZlrkIe of Philippi, W. Va. "He saw Chamberlain's Ooiio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy adver- tised in the Philippi Republican and de. oided to try it. The result is one bottle oared him and he has not enffered with the disease for eighteen months. Before taking this remedy he was a constant sufferer. He is now sound and well, and although sixty yearn old, can do as much work aa a young man." Sold by All Druggiats. A little toilet water or oollagna pour- ed into the bath is delightful in its ef- fects. rain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25.cent box. Ask your Dootor or Druggist about this formula! Stops womanly pedlar, headache, pains anywhere, Write Dr, Shoop, Ranine, Wis. for free trial, to prove value of his Headache, or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold at WalIey's Drug Store. Paint epote may be removed from any kind of clothing by satttrating with equal parts of turpentine and spirits of ammonia, OIY�ENRTIJ (Generated Oxygen) Cures CONSUMPTION. CATARRH. COLDS and LA GRIPPE, Alse RHEUMATISM, as allows the Kidneys to freely y discharge the Uric Acid from the Bkod. Cures Old Sorer. Good Family Medicirte to use For Cuts, &aids ted Bruises, THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER KNOWN. PorSaI e by all Druggists, TITh OXYGENATOR CO., 42 tiotrbs rd Street, Toronto, Canada take ail Remember that for the prat few eaytng, days after the chick is hatched it needs warmth more teen enytbing else After 48 hours it will be ready for its first food. Ct,cel,pSMeCOOh ,XAL,. Bears the / The Kind Yeu HaveAAllwaya Bought RigA4tgrq ,,��►/^�`,C✓G r" .of t1I, .• The new old-fashioned sashes of wide black ]ace are to be much worn over tight summer dresses. Tough meal eau be made tender by adding a teaspoonful of lemon juice to the water in whioh it is boiled. August time, tells on the nerves. Bat that spiritless, no ambition feeling can be easily and quiokly altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop s Restorative. Within 49 hours after beginning to use the Res- torative, improvement will be noticed. Of comae, full health will not im- mediately return. The gain, however, will surely follow. And beat of all, you will realize and feel your strength and ambition as it is returning. Outside in. finances depress first the "inside nerves" then the Stomach, Heart and Kidneys will usually fail. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr, Shoop'e Res- torative and see how quiokly health will be yours again. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. In a single mfnute a machine which outs up wood to make matches will turn out 40,000 'splints,' as they are called. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature o In Java there is an orol'id, all the Sowers of which open at once, as if the stroke of a wand, and they also all wither together. A Faithful Friend. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since it was first introduced to the Public in 1872, and have not known one instance where a core was not speedily effected by its use. I have been a traveler for sigh. teen years, and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says H. S. Nichols of Oakland, Ind. Ter, When a man has used a remedy for thirty-five years he knows its value and is competent to sl.eak of it. For sale by AU Druggists, Atter nearly 200 years the first statue of Bienville, founder of New Orleans, is to be placed in one of the public squares of that city. The essential Iung-healing principal of the pine tree has finally been snoceasfally separated and refined into a perfect oonglt medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction, Price 25 Dente. It is estimated that there are 7,- 3955,593 Sunday school scholars in the United Kingdom. There are 703,312 teaohers and 49,401 Sunday aohoole. .tY. Granulated Sore Zyea„Cnred. "For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes, says Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. "In February, 1903, n gentleman asked me to try Ohamberlain'e Salve. I bought one box and need about two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since," This calve be for sale by all druggists. Camphor, a Remedy for Mice— Anyone desirous of keeping seeds from the depredations of mien may do so by mixing pieces of camphor gum In with the aeede. Camphor placed in drawers or trunks will prevent mice from doing theta injary. The little animal of jecte to the odor, and keeps a good distance from it. He will seek food eisevwhere. Bears the The Kind Yea Have Always Heti Signature of .c'.�C�i',4 An. American guest for the night at en inn in Stirling, Scotland, descended to the office at break of day, and cornplain- ed to the person in charge that the bed was hard. "It wet like sleeping on a I board," he *aid. The person in charge replied, with cold • p ,'4v o daustbrity"The Duke of 'Wellington Once slept in that bed." "I'O wonder they balled hint the 'Iron Duke,' " remarked the guest, ruefully I rubbing his'perion, as be turned away, Don't drug the Stomach, or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. The is wronir It is the weak nerves that are emirs nut for help. Vitalize these weak inside controlling nerves with Dr Shoop's Restorative, and see how quie•k':y S'od health will care to von swain Teat it I and see? Sold at Welley's Drug Store. When the bald spot on the back of a man's head shows beneath the rite of his hat somehow it looks as bad as when a woman's skirt slips away from her belt. If you are doubtful about your cream keeping sweet, heat it to almost boiling, put in tightly corked glass bottles, and set on ice to cool, In this way it well not sour nearly so soon, STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, LECA; COUNTY, SS Frank J, Cheney makes oath that he is a senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chaney & Co., doing business In the Oity of Toledo, County and State afore- said, that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every Case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me and sabsoribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W GLEASON', NOTARY PL'BLIo. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal. ly, and ants directly on the blood and motions surfaces of the system, Send for testimonials free. F. 3, CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 750. Take Hall's Family Pella for constipa- tion. When you feel exhausted after bath- ing hunt for the cause. The water may be too hot or too cold, you may be stay- ing in it too long or bathing when too tired. A cup of hot milk is a great pick - me. up after a hot bath. SPRING lilm iol , As a spring mediciuce Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired weary feeling ao prevalent in the spring "John," said his wife gently, "you're interested in temperance movements, are you not?" "Of course I am," he answered. "Well, suppose you go and m ake a few of them at the pomp•handle. I want a pail of water at once," IL a Dr. Chase's Cent, went is a curtain and guaranteed cureforcachand every foram of itching. bleeding and protruding piles. See testimonials in the press and ask your neighbors about it. You can use it a.rd t our money back if not satisfied. 60e, at all ers c: EmuaNsoN, BAxas & CO.,'Toronto. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT. Siam is an independent kingdom, the Government being an absolute mon. Archy. A British official acts as ad- viser in the rational finances, bnt has no control. The country is rich with a oath balance of $10,000,000 in the treasury and no debts. On Sunday last Samuel Bowman, Derby, had 34 sheep worried, 20 of which are now dead. This, however, will not be a total loss as the Township of Derby pays two thirds of the value of the ownership if the dogs cannot be fonnd. They Help Your Stomach Out And Save You a World of Wretchedness A stomach that cannot digest a good meal is certainly a sore trial. It hat been responsible for almost everythitsg in the way of human misery, up to suicide. The trouble in tnost cases is that the stomach and other digestive organs lack vigor. Not enough of the juices necessary to digestion are secreted, nor does the stomaeh work up the food properly, The worst of it is that there is not sufficient nourishment taken Out of the food to restore the systtrn's vigor, and the trouble goes frau bad to worse`. The Mauch needs help. "Little Digesters" meet the need exactly. One "Little Digester" after each meal will ensure perfect digestion, provided, of tease, that the food is good and wholesome. "Little itis Dig* ere , are krtf to Bore Tditestion, and Dyspepsia, or year money will be refunded. 2 e'et , brain theColeu druggist's, T' by 'ran WOW,MASI TIMES, AUGUST, 100 Are You Using An Oily Liniment? Beware of Any Thick, greasy Linlmertt That Contains Acids and Strong Ammonia No dootor would think of presorib ing a greasy, thiole, ammonia, liniment they can't peuetrate and in oonsei ueooe are nimble to reach the source at pain The best Il invent for general household nee is "Nerviline," which issold under positive guarantee to cure pain. Nervines is sure to mire pain because it is itnmausel.y stronger than other lint - mount, because it is more penetrating, because it relieves the oengested oondt- tian that exnitos pain, because .it r•» stores eironlat,ou of the part. Now 1 "u understand w .y nue person in three throughout the Dominion of Oam ide uses Nerviline. These people have tested it. They know how good it is, because in the hundred and one minor ailments that eftliot us at odd tithes they found Nerviline always cured. Nerviline is an absolute antidote to pain. powerful, soothing and certain in its notion. Nerviline io inestimably the finest re- medy for pain found in the world. Not an ache or pain any where that Nerviline does not care. Try Nerviline for neuralgia, headaobe, soiatica, lumbago, stiffness, rheumatism —wherever there is soreness or pain, rub on Nervilino and you'll be cured. Refuse anything offered you instead of Nerviline, large 250. bottles, five for $1. All dealers, or The Oatarrhozone Com- pany, Kingston, Out. When you lay an egg don't cackle too long, Get busy and lay another. Some of his Satanio majesty's lieu- tenants go about handing out free advice. Drive Rheumatism from the blood with Dr. Shonn's Rheumatic Remedy. Tab- let or Liquid. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. __..._ .. Arra-Temente have been completed for a merger of the leading Canachau cement companies. The man wbo doesn't owe a dollar can look any other man in the eye and toll him to go to—work. what Is Best for Indigestion? Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin, On- tario, has been troubled for years with indigestion, and recommends Chamber. lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets as "the best medicine I ever used," If troubled with indigestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at all drug stores. Looking for business is like looking for four leaf clovers, which somebody else always finds easily enough. Several barns and stores in various parts of Ontario were struck by light- ning and either damaged or destroyed. A Most Remarkable Case. "My face was paralyzed, I could not speak, five doctors failed to help me and I was in despair when hearing of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I used this won- derful restorative treatment and became weli and sound in every way. I would not go back to my former condition for all the gold in the country," writes Mr. Wm. J. Brennan, Western Hill, St. Catharines, Oat. Men in the penitentiary have just enough to eat and think they do not have enough, Free men have too mach to eat. At the Police Constables' convention a resolution was passed protesting against oritioism of the sweat box and third-de- gree methods. t:hronie Diarrhoea Relieved. Mr, Edward E. Henry, with the Unit. ed States Express Co., Chicago, writes, "Our General Superintendent, Mr. Quick, handed me a bottle et Chamber- lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy some time ago to oheok an at- tack of the old chronic) diarrhoea. I have used it since that time and oared many on our train wbo have been sick. I am an old soldier who served with Rutherford B. Hayes and William Mo. Kinley four years in the 23rd Ohio Regis meat, and have no ailment except climb - to diarrhoea, whioh this remedy etops at aloe." For sale by All Dragglsta. The August Rod and Gun, The holiday feeling pervading the land during the hottest month of the year is weII represented in the August issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, pub- lished by W. J. Taylor at Woodstock, Ont, How the people in the Maritime Provinces, known by reason of the gee breezes as the "ltingdoln of 0ooldom," enjoy the beautiful summer weather le told in a profusely illustrated article. A delightful paper is "Still Hunting with a Camera;" while of equally Absorbing intereet Is one on similar lines --"Shoot. ing Wild Geese with a /Kodak." To de- tail the list of good thinge would be to repeat the table of contents, but the ar- ticle on Voracious Eaters by Martin Hunter ie worth attention of All *porte- mien. The Xing of Furbearera is a story of a successful attempt at fox rearing for the sake of pelta. Blood hound* and Trailing will appeal to ell dog lovere and Mr. Bartlett'e paper on the wolves fol. lows -up the interest tweeted throtllgh the Magazine in this important enbJect. This number thotlld acooinpany every sporteraan on bis vaoAtion for' "a its pages he will find mach to make hit leisure time two pleasantly. SONO OF EMPIRE. Frani the London Daily Mail. o great and glorious F,mpire! This is the song we sing, And this our loyal motto— "lJne flag, one throne, one King!" God Moes our great Dominion, God bless this preoious laud, And mace in us His servants A great and gloriona baud. Long may the flag of freedom F,oat o'er this land of Dura. A sign of might and juetioe, To other worldly powers; A land of wealth and plenty, The seeds of power has sown—. To grow and be the woneier Or nations yet unknown, From far-off western prairies, To vineyards in the south, To -day the strains of freedom Swell from a nation's mouth, Far o'er this vast Dominion, From sea to farther eat. We sing, a thankful people, The soog of loyalty, Therefore be this our motto, And this the song you sing, "The Maple Leaf forever, One flag, one throne, one King," God bless our great Dominion, And may it never cease To be the pride of England, The harbinger of peace. —John W. F, Night, Toronto, Western Fair, London, Sept. 10 (8 The management of the Western Fair, London, Ont„ are putting forth extra efforts this year to make the Exhibition more popular than ever in all its different branches, but to none of them are they giving more attention than to the Live Stock Department. A large amount of money has been added to the Prize List. In the Horse ' classes several changes have been made; sections are added in the Roadster class for "farmers only;" other sections in the High Steppers for Tandems and Four-in.hands, while in Speed events several hundred dollars Have been added to the purses. In the Cattle $500 has been added to the abort - horn Class alone, and substantial in- creases to the other classes. Increases have been made in the Sheep classes and one new class added in the Swine. A third prize in cash has been given the entire Poultry list beside a fine lot of Specials. The Agricultural and Fruit Departments have been carefully revised and added to where it was thought advisable. The Ladies' work has received special notice and the Prize List arranged up.to-date. Send for Prize Lists, entry forms and all infor- mation to the Secretary, A, M. Hunt, London, Ontario. SOME GOOD ADVICE If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs. If your hair is falling out, stop it. There is one sure remedy that will our() these misfortunes and aid you to remain young. Parisian Sage, the great hair restorer, is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff In two weeks, or Walton Mo- Kibbon wiII give you your money back. Parisian Sage stops falling hair—it prevents the hair from fading, It is the best beautifier for ladies' hair, as it makes harsh, lusterless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful. Parisian Sage is sold and rigidly guar- anteed by Walton McKibben. Pride, 50 cents a bottle. It oan also be proonred at 50 cents a large bottle, from the Can- adian makers, all chargee prepaid. Ad- dress Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Ont. Daniel McKenzie and Albert Roes were arrested at Glace Bay on a charge of attempting to blow up Manager Simp. eon's house. The big trees of California are the oldest living things in the world. Ess timates rand° from the cross amnions of some of those which have fallen show that the mature trees are mora than 4,000 years old. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Kitchen, Salem, on Wedneeday, July 21st, when her grand- child, Mies Olive May Green, became the bride of Mr. 5, Johnston, of Ford- wioh. The wedding was gaiet owing to the recent death of the bride's grand- father, Mise Gena Johnston, sister 'of the bridegroom, played the Wedding March. Rev, Mr. McKenzie tied the nuptial knot, BE SURE AND SEE TEE TRADE MARE- • s 4` The • • 1 1 ► Maple Leaf" +T Min- A. Schram WEAR BACK Bin'tes: Pry Bra POR YEARS. }I was troubled + with weak beak. +4+-H-44-44+ Oftentimes Iitstie laid in bed for days, being acaruely able to tuna mrelf and 1 have also beds a great err While trying to petfotrrt my honeebrild duties. I had doctors attending trie with- out avail and tried liniments and *eters, but nothing sa=wed to do nee liar goad. 1 was about to give up he d r pare when my husband induced me to - Dos*', Kidney fills, end after ntd•• try o labite I am now well and able to do my worse. I an positive Doan's Kidney 131k are all that you claim for them and I *add advise all kidney sufferers to eve thorn a fair trial." Price, 60 cental pet box, 3 hazes for $1.25. At rill dealers, erw,'ll •,be WNW diieet on receipt oP prroe, by The T. burn Co., Limttyed,T�oronto Ont. +,'. in ordering specify "Does'p, All flour is made from wheat. But there are different kinds of wheat and. several ways of milling. Royal sok Flour is made of the best hard wheat in its finest and purest form. It always produces uniformly light,. wholesome bread or pastry because its quality never varies. If your grocer does riot carry Royal Household Flour, he will get it for you. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., limited, Montreal. 11. (From the TIIIEs of July 26, 1889,) LOCAL NEWS, Mr. Wat, Sloan bas for some time been suffering from a sore foot, the effect of a bad attack of inflammation. Messrs. A. Weloh, Win. Pomeroy and W. Wylie returned from Louisiana on a visit last week, Mr. A, Dawson has removed into his fine residence purchased from Mr, Geo. McKay. Mr. R. Elliott, P. H. 0. R. of the 0. 0. F., received a riohly designed and handsome morocco bound copy of the address presented at the recent meeting of the High Court at London. On Monday evening last, while Mr. Andrew Tennant, a son-in-Iaw to Mr. John Oaeemore, near Wingham, was coupling oars at Palmerston his foot caught, and he was thrown down and both his legs broken, one below the knee and the other near the thigh. We notice by the daily Globe of Tues day that Mr. Geo. Leslie, of Winnipeg son of Mr. T. Leslig, of Wingham, has germinated, matured and consumated a matrimonial alliance with one of Win- nipeg's fair daughters—Miss Mary Edna Anderson, daughter of James Anderson, a factor of the Hudson Bay Co. In that pity. Messrs. John Neelande and R. Elliott attended a meeting of the exeoutive committee of the High Oourt, C. 0. F. at Brantford, this week. Mr. 3. A. Morton, by frequent exonr- sions and patient search, is rapidly in- creasing his fine oolleotion of preserved floral specimens. Mr. D. Sutherland has begun the erection of a new residence on his corner lot bought from Mr. Geo. McKay on the Diagonal road, Mr, D. Stewart shipped a car load of cattle to Toronto on Monday. Mr; Bell's factory is rising from the ruins a finer structure than it previously was. The Grand Lodge and Grand Enoamp• ment of the I. 0, 0. F. meets at St, Catharines on Tuesday, the 18th of August, The delegates are Meagre. J. A. Morton, T. 3. Elliott and A. G. Mao - Gregor. .A. large number of oases of damage by lightning were reported on Saturday night last. Mr. T, Farrow's barn, near Binevaie and Mr. R. Godkin'e house, hear Zetland, were struck. Mr. A. Sloan's barn, near Blyth, was burnt. A barn was burnt in Stanley and one.near Brussels, The Brussels and Wingham lacrosse teams played a friendly matoh on the Recreation grounds on Tuesday after- noon. The firet and second goals were won by Wingham in about ten and twelve minutes respectively, after whioh. no goal was made, the game snbeequent- ly being more keenly contested and both sides exhibiting some good playing. The Brussels players were: J. MoBain, H. James, W. Sumbling, Will James, L. O'Connor, R, Roes, T. Ross, 3. Ballantyne, A, MoArthur, N, Bowbier, A, McNaughton, The Wingham team was composed thus: 3. Venetian, J. Anderson, Tommie Soott, Ted Winfield, Jas. Macdonald, Geo. Roe, A. K. Cameron, Ed. Bowles, Arthur Carr, W. Oornyn, 0. Steele and J. Harper. As tenders for the new town hall have been advertised for we may state briefly what sort of a building is contemplated. The main stricture will be 90 feet in length by 50 in width, with two wings 24 feet by 12, intended to give stairway room. A fortnight ago we briefly noted the• death of a former well-known resident of Wingham, E, Rookey, whose death oocnrred at Shetland, Middlesex Co., on the 15th of July, The deceased, who. was in his 69th year, had leased hie mill at Shetland and was about removing to live retired with Isis son William, who controls a mill at Mt. Brydges, Cold was contracted and paralysis set in and. his death was rather unexpected. Des ceased had lived eleven years in Wing-• ham, having purchased the mill from John Gregory in 1876. He removed less than two years ago. The name Rookey was synonymous with sweetie in the Sour industry in western England— Devonshire especially --as well as west ern Ontario. METES Snell,—In Morris, on the 18th nit„ the. wife of Mr, James Snell; a daughter. Geddes.—In Whitechurch, on the 31st ult., the wife of Rev. W, H. Geddes; a eon, Hart.—In Wingham, on she 28th ult., the wife of Mr. Ezra Hart; a son. MARRIRD. Prestou--Barker.—At Windsor, on the 22nd ult., by the Rev. John Oars loyd. Mr. William Preston, of Detroit,, to Mise Sarah Barker, of Detroit, forms erly of Wingham. noaanS. Irvine.--Iu Morris, on the 3let ult., Sarah A, Irvine, aged 86 years and 6 months, Stothora,--In Turnberry, On the 26th ult., the wife of Hugh Statham, aged 71 years. To make a baby's hair curly start treatment at birth. Use a soft hair brush and always brueh "against the grain"—that is brush the hair up- ward toward the front of the head instead Of down. Oooasionally rub the scalp with vaseline. ray the killing of the entire family ss railway company hag eecaped liability for the payment of damages for the death of Philip Hegel, of ,Jefferson Oity, Mo,, and wife and their minor sone, Suit Was brought for $15,000 by the ad. minietrator of the aetitte. A000rdintt to the Missouri so Sx renb Conrt , the Dom. pony is left free from dernages because the entire family Wet Wiped tint by the fatal 'Irreok, nO person who had the right JO Maintain taut to $dal judgement 1 spinet the eomprny eurviring, TUX LADIES' Is'AVORITE, Taxa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorit medioine. They euro Oonetipatibn, Sisk Headaohe, Billiouanees, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. 60 YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE . ATENTS Thant maRKa DE$IONR i COOtItiaNTs &C. Anon• sandlot a wretch And desoreaton inter „...„.,. ....... f poaablyt backup nLmy It/Markin) oar lImpato e. p m ten Ment MO. Meet ecurtnr atente. r�� ��tqnit takeet t,ro it Mttnu e . rmoltr ,, i5s4ma:41os; without I, attar I n ■ merlon. _tit. y a t s ♦ lig It f any. SgtII yo'ti nM. rmt or /WY ytrrpatd, Apia by gli$stliwrdeea, N�e�yw" „ a 55., Wa.kfn ittgu,, D1l.' -