HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-07-29, Page 8MINOR LOCALS. --Fall wheat harvest is in full awing in this section, -Next Wednesday will be elvio lasali- iay at Goderieh. -Sono of Scotland exenrsion to Kiu- car;3ine on Friday of this weeit, -The era new wheat of the season was sold at London on Tueed:ay. --Palmerston will have an Old Boys' re -union on August 2nd, 8rd and 4th. --A rural mail delivery route baa been established between Listowel and Moles- worth. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday asvening, -The British. Columbia Legislature willtoue a plebiscite on the question of loei;I option. -The rain of last Thursday and Fri- day will do a great deal of good, par- ticularly to corn and root crops. -The Canadian Paeifxo Railway now have five steamship sailings per week each way between Owen Sound and Fort William, -Miss Houghton intends spending the next few weeks in Kincardine and .hes music class will be closed until the Sat of September. -Mr, Jas. E. Cope and family, who have been residents of Wingham for a few months, left this week for Wood. stook, where they will reside. -The annual excursion of the Hanle - ton Ladies Aid Society via 0 P R. to Toronto and Niagara Falls on Wednes- day was well attended by Winghamites. -Brussels and Luoknow held their civic holiday on Tueaday and a large number of people went on the annual Sunday school exonrsion to Kinoerdine, -Miss Maggie Shiells, of East Wa- wanosh, passed her primary Conserva- tory of Music examination with first- class honors, She was a pupil of Miss Houghton. -Gilbert D. Malcolm, youngest son of Mayor A. Malcolm of Kincardine, died at Gravenliurst on Friday last, aged 21 years. He was a popular young man and had been ailing for some months. -A number of counterfeit quarters are in circulation in different parts of Ontario. The coins are an excellent imitation, but there le so much lead in them that they discolor in a very short time. -The highest number of marks ob. twined in the recent Entrance examina. ations at Wingham, Fordwich and Wroxeter was 587 and the student ob- taining the distinction was Tom Holmes, of the Wingham Public School. -In a letter received from Regina on Monday it was stated that our former townsman, Mr. D. Lougheed, is doing nicely now and it is expected that he will be able to be brought home in a few weeks. He will be partially paralyzed. -We want you to try Wdod-Lao Stain with our assurance that it's an ideal stain, ono that's sure to please your most fastidious taste. You can refinish floors, furniture, and interior woodwork with these stains, and the re- sults willoome up to your expectations. Prepared in all colors, Richardson & Bay carry a full line; color Gard free, Tunain>Eni r, Minutes of Cannon meeting held in the CIerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, July 26th. Members of Council all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read adopted on motion of Abeam Rutherford and McMichael. Communications were received from the Central ()anode Citizen re petition to amend aetessment sot. --Filed. Aiso from Municipal Aeaoolation re member, ship,- h'iled, MoMiobael-Selly. -- That the Olerk be instructed to enter in Collector's' Roll the extra amount required over En• gineer's estimate to complete municipal Drain in 8 and 9 Don., also the unoolleot- ed amounts of Engineer's award on 4 and 5 con. drain; also the full amount ,Of Engineer's award on 12th Don. drain, known es the O'Malley drain,---darried. The Treasurer laid his half yearly re- port before the Clonnoil which showed cash balance on hand of $803. Kelly--Wheeler--That the Treasur- er's report be received and adopted,- Oarried Rutherford -Wheeler -That Ey.Law No. 10, 1909, be passed for levying a rate of 14s mills on the doilar of the lust revised aasebemetst Of the rnunfoipality to inset the expenditure for the current Year.y-Oarried. McMichael * Kelly -- That By.Litw No. 11, 1909,be phased for leiryirtg a rate of 2 5400 mills on the dollar on the ?rust revised assessment of the municipal- ity to meet the County rate for the cur. rent y tttr,-Oatried. Wheeler -Rutherford --'That DyLaw No. 12, 1909, be pooled for lamina a rate of 2U wills on the dollar on the last re- ♦itted tasretem nteot the municipality to raueet the to+ nihip grout to iohoolu for the Oitrrnxit yearr.---Harried. "'healer --V Molltiobael- That we tip. pow mil Powell tux Collector for the taattraint ye*, prrGTlded that he ;greet noway *the ettlitfactiort of thiit Ooun-1 oil and also provided that he ,gives ratepayers of the east side of the tow ship the same privilege ,of paying the taxes into the Bank of Hamilton Wroxeter as he gives to the ratepaye of the west side of paying into the ban in Wingham.-Carried. Kelly -Rutherford- That the Cler he authorized to advertise for tende for the ooinpletion of the King drain i the 4th and 5th Dons. Tenders to b addressed to Clerk's ofnoe, Binevale, u to 3 o'clock p, m, August 30th, 1909. Carried. The following accounts were passe and cheques issued --Municipal World rolls, $2 80; Robt. Hogg, repairing cul vert and ditch, $3; Wm. Mitchell, re pairing culvert, $2,25; James Nichol repairing King drain, $1; John W. King gravel job, 54o.; Howard Bolt, grading $15; W. B. Edwards, lumber, $G.85 Thos. Weir, lumber and spikes, $1.25 John McLean, lumber, $17.03; R. Grain work on roads, $9; Mrs, J. Robinson gravel $3 48; John Smith, damages, $1 H. B. Elliott, printing, $26.25; Joh MoBurney, gravel, $198; Andrew Pol lock, gravel, $2.10; Alex, McDonald gravel $3 50; Samuel V anstone, grave and damages, $8 63; James Gaunt, Ium ber, $3.33; Ben Ringler, gravel, 48o ; D. Pocock, gravel, $2.04; Peter Fowler, gravel and damages, $3 45; C. Moffatt, gravel and damages, $2 44; David Breen, team on grader, $3; Thos. Appleby, team on grader, $3; Oliver Stokes, team on grader, $3; Rueben Stokes, team on grader, $3; Hugh McKinnon, 3 jobs gravelling, $95.79; Robert Yeo, inepeot- ing gravelling, $5.25; W. J. Campbell, inspecting gravelling, $4 50; John Bal• four, inspecting gravelling, $3; Wm. ConnoIIy, ditobing, con. 9, $4 50; A. Taylor, Cnlross to pay':, $1; H, Mark. ley, gravel and damages, $3 64; Wm. Abram, gravel and damages $2 92; Jos, Breckenridge, gravel and damages, $5,48; Jas. Peacock, gravel and damages $2.03; Mrs, B. Holmes, gravel and dam- ages, $9.72; E. Orvis, gravel job, $4.72; D. Eadie, gravel, $2 52; Thos. Aitken, gravel and damages, 26. Wheeler -Kelly - That this meeting' do now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, August 30, at 10 o'clook.-Carried, JOHN BURGESS, Clerk, to n- it iR re k re n 0 p d • • n 1 NEWS NOTES. Highest price paid for hides and poul try at T. Fella' butcher shop. This week is expected to see an end to the Nova Scotia coal strike. Rev. J. E. Munro, of Gladstone, Man., has accepted a oall to Oakville, Ont. Five foreigners were kilted by a rook slide on the Canadian Paoifio near Grand Forks, B. C. Rev. Canon George A. Bull, of Hamil- ton, died suddenly from heart failure, in his 82nd year. GIRLS WANTED. - sewing machines in day work. Clean, good wages, Ap Moo. Co. Limited, or work on power nitting mill or on steady work and ly, THE WATSON aris, Ont. Robert Smith, of Cornwall, Ont„ was found dead of gas poisoning in his room at Andover, Mass, The gas was turned full on, Deceased had plenty of money and there was no apparent reason for suicide, The first Lord of the Admiralty has official`- announced in the House of Commons that the British Government has determined to lay down four addl. tioisal Dreadnoughts in April next, to be 1 e completed in March, 1912, Alfred Slater, employed at Jos. Situp- sOn & Sona' factory at Toronto, is suf- faring from three knife wounds and two Italians are charged With having inflict- ed the wounds. HORN. T8x8 rANr: -In Wingham, on the 27th inst., the wife of Mr. ?:Richard. Tennant; a son. lust , the wife of Mr. Lorne McDonald; a 22nd SiAmeNs,- In''Winaham, on the 22rd inst.. the wife of Mr. Ernest Simmons; 1 daughter, EARitts..- .In Wingham, on Jul 28th, to Rev. O. E, and Mrs. Jenkins; a daughter. Marti J5Oi8.-At Jamestown, on Ally 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton; a son. Pitts .--In Brussels, on July lStli, to Mr. and Mrs. A. lt. Price; a son, IDLED Arris, -311 Morris, on Jul, nth, John ,(}.gin, aged 52 years and 0 months. relict of the late Robe taArmstroing,f rmerly of Brussels, in her 77th year. GRAy1.-.-in Grey, on July 10th, David Grant, aged 89 years and 2 days. McLatior lir,-in Cranbrook, on Slily 18th, Mary Melndoe, relict of the late wni. Me- LauehlAn, aged 85 years. TROY. -In Cuirass, On .Tnly 22rd, Patrick Ttaw, aged r B years, M0 Zrciti.--Til Pefrolia, on ;filly 38th,' Bohert James McBelgie, formerly of Wing. ham, aged 47 yak's .7ACImat At (3ationialaity, Ont on x.._ 2'hid. Lilian Fair Jaekaon, daughter of Ids, , Jetkeon, of Clinton, ear s 28 years, fimitaaalifiemeariastritasiewaliaiiiiliawirealkalaiaWmianiais TEACHER WANTED, Applioatious willreoeived by the undersigned for the position of teacher in S. S. No. 11, Turnborry, (Lower Wingham), State qualifihations and salary expected, Dunes to commence August 16th. WM. 5, L1iS LATER, Wingham P. 0. TEACHERI WANTED. Applications fo the position of teacher for School eotion No. 5, Turn - berry, will be rece ed by the under- signed up to Th rsday;, August 5th. Applicants to ata a onalifioations and salary expeoted. ntie&. to commence August 16th, 1909 M. A, MoGILL, Seo'y-Treasurer, Wingham P. 0 STRAY STEER. There came on the premises of the undersigned, lot 30, concession 10, East Wawanosh, on or about June 15th a two•year.old red steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses, JOHN kleGEE, Fordyce P. 0. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the undersigned Solicitors of the Town of during t the hereby July and August as follows On each week day, with the excep- tion of Saturday, at 4 p.m , and. on /Saturday at p.m. 'I'111 WilYl$tl, M T1MES, JULY 29, 1909 KING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 1 WE WANT YOUR TRADE leEGGS 20e. TUB BUTTER,UTTEBUTTER,20c. SUMMER SALE. Our Sale has been a great success for the past two weeks. This week we have some eextraspecials. Come in and see them. 25 White Quilts, large size, regular $1.50 for 90c. 50 ends, Black and White Shirting, reg 17c for 12:1. All 15c Ginghams for 10c. Our 12' c BIeached Cotton for 91c. 50 pieces 10c Print for $c 10 pieces 10c Shirting for 5c. 'All Muslins at Half Price. Ladies' Spring Jackets, Whitewear and Lawn Waists at Half Price. GOOD CHAP GOODS PRICES • Il G. t KING ealo •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••N • • 1'e, VANSTONE, • J MORTON, DLDLEYTI0LME3, Parasols.• • FARM FOR SALE. : AA fi • • The undersigned offers far sale, lot 33, concession 1, Cnlross, containing 129 sores. The farm is now all in grass and is well. watered. There are good build- ings, situate 434 miles from Wingham. Possession will be given to suit pur- chaser, FRANK Mc0ONNELL, Wingham P. 0. A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGLIAX, - ONTARIO, Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market; 0011 have it on reasonable terms. Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer- chants or agents, on favorable terms. Loans on real estate at the lowest rates going. T. Royal Grocery TRY f: Malcolm's for • FRESH TOMATOES + GREEN PEAS • NEW POTATOES Also remember this is the place to buy FRESH GROCERIES T. • and the best T. TEAS AND COFFEES •1• New CHINA just arrived. Call and see it. jAAqu%%a ntity of Cherries wanted LGOIA '64 1: Produce Taken. Phone 54. +++4.4.4•44.14+++++++++++444++ Good Flour One baking with our flour will convince you that the "Home" Flour cannot be surpas- sed. Try our PURE MANITOBA; " FIVE LILIES" BLENDED "GOLD STAR" SPEcrAr, FOK rASTR17 "CREAM PASTRY" wr w.ri All kinds of feed kept on 1 hand. Good Eread and Cakes always fresh. God delivered promptly. drank 111 Howson l Phone 146. J! • Parasols - some in : med with insertion s lady's outfit one of r shall assist you in o • • • • • We feel that we are always offering bargains to the people of : • Wingham and vicinity, but at present we have some • • VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS IN HATS, BOOTS & • • • SHOES, CARPETS, MATTINGS •• • :a and in many cubes lines. It will pay you to ,,,..,n and:_____< <z___ • lines before purchasing elsewhere, - • • This week we are offering for sale Ladies' pale shades with dainty designs, some in white trim and others in dark, rich colorings. To complete a these dainty Parasols is necessary. Call and we choosing one of these pretty sunshades. • Y 1 1• 0 • a 1. • LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS AT COST ! • • • Only a few left. Come and get one before all are gone, • • • • Highest prices for Produce. Eggs 20c. • • • •GORDONJ • • 0 • • ••aM0••.0•011 r•0•••••••.• r••••••••••SS000•••••1111•••10 143 / 2 Alex Young & Co. This Week's Reductions AT THE OLD RELIABLE HARDWARE STORE Axle Grease, regular 100 at 5e per box. Hay Forks, regular 60e at 50e. Turnip Hoes, regular 50c at 40e. Get our Prices on Cement. ......„...._________________________________.- Scythes best quality, regular 21.15 at 90e. Scythes, regular 75c for 65c. Snaths, regular 75c at 65e. See us for your Wire Fencing of all kinds. Pure Manilla Hay Fork Rope, reg. 14c and 150lb. at 13 Ice Cream Freezers, regular 22.00 and $2.50 at $1.50. Lawn Pose, regular 100 at 8e per foot. How About your Binder Twine and Binder Whip. Bug Finish at 10 lbs. for 25e. Pare Paris Green at 25e per lb, Keep your Kitchen Kool-and get one of our COAL OIL OR GASOLINE STOVES White Lead and Oil Paints and Varnishes. Yoti will find ns in the Old stand. YOUNG'S BIG IIA EDWAEE , .i .40;11M_ r v r t -,r1 _. ,y L : rte. r.t •,}Iitale.3e'J v]r ac ,»TR re ST.3; ;r VI alawasairmayallaalaawalPlaaolleassamailmal Mid -Summer Sale OF COLORED SHOES TAN CHOCOLATE OX -BLOOD About 300 Pairs All Told EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES 6t Samples and Prices in our North Window, WILLIS & CO. AGENTS THE SHOE STORE. FOR LADIES -woo Victoria " Shoes for ladies, "Albert " and "Astoria " Shoes for men, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM I.O.O.F. EXCURSION ON Saturday, Aug. 14 Minerva Encampment, No. 47, 1. 0. 0, 1?., Wingham, have completed arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway System to run a big Excursion to 1 etroinkiettretiiiidrinit tertotdnGitali higtdeo6iiYboModoeheo6mt,1hrdudvn„ „n..n,.& RNIA - - - - -SA_ Via HYDE PARK Prom the following places, on Saturday,. August 14th, 1009, returning Monday, Aug. 10, at the following lots fares Kincardine 5.40 a.m. $2,30 Ripley 5.55 2,20 Luoknow , 6.10 2,05 Whitechurch 6,23 2.00 Wingham 6,40 1,00 Belgrave ...: ,.... 0.54 a.ni, Blyth I ondesboro 7.08 Clinton. 7,50 Bruedield ...,.,.,. 8.12 Kippen 8.23 $05 1.00 1.6060 1,35 1,35 Children over 5 and under 12 years - Ralf 1?nre. Returning, special train will leave Sarnia Monday, Ang.16, at 10 p.m. Arrangements have also been made with the White Star Steamship tr--::, Line to convey passengers from SARNIA to DETROIT per ritagnifieent Steamer "Tashrnoo," on Saturday, leaving Sarnia at 4.50 p.m., at the low return fare of .5e. T'iek•ts good returning on 'any White Star Line boat up to and including 2.30p.m., Monday, August 10. This will afford an excellent outing and nn oppor- tunity for excursionists to spendSundayin betroit,0 Everyone Come and Enjoy a Pleasant Outing ! COMMITTEE . w 1I, 13, ELLIOTT, J. W. DODD.