HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-07-29, Page 6Ttira iVl.LVGiki4iil TXl1ti!+S, JULY 29 3.9u9
Dangerous and Painful Operation
,Avoided by Taking "Fruit -a -fives,"
Guelph, Ont., Aug. G, 1)OS.
1 suffered for many months with
dreadful Stomach Trouble, witli vomit -
Ins and constant pain, and I could
rotain practically nothing.
My doctor stated that 1 must go to
the hospital and undergo an operation
of Scraping, the htoinach and be fed by
the bowels for weeks. All the medicine
the doctor gave me I vomited at once.
1 was dreadfully alarmed, but I dreaded
An operation and bud refused.
1 had heard of "Fruit -a -fives" and
the great success they were having in
all Stomach Troubles, and 1 decided
to try them, To my surprise, the
"Fruit -•a -tires" not only remained on
the stomach, hut they also checked the
vomiting, I immediately began to im-
prove, and in three days the pain was
eas'ler and 1 was decidedly better. 1
continued to take "Fruit-a-tives" and
they completely cured me.
Mrs. Austin Hains'tock.
"Fruit-a-tives" are 50c a box, 6 boxes
for $2.50, trial box 25c. At dealers or
C, from 'Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa.
When hearts are trumps a girl expects
as young man to play a diamond.
After a man has turned down two or
three opportunities they begin to dodge
Boy's Life Saved,
My nttle boy, four years old, had a
severe attack of dysentery. We had
two phyeioians; both of them gave him
up. We then gave bim Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy
which cured him believe slaved his life,
--Wr tr,tbt H SenoL.TNG. Carbou Hill,
Ala. There is no doubt but this remedy
savee the 1Hyatt of many children each
year. Give it with castor oil according
to the plain printed directions and a
onre is certain. For tale by all drug-
Even a ooilege education can't de.
prive some young men of their good
Some people attain great age by eat-
ing few meals and others by the oppoeite
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr-
hoea itemedy Would Have Saved
Dim $100 00
"In 1902I had a very severe attack of
diarrhoea," says R. N. Farrar, of Cat
Island, La. "For several weeks I was
unable to do anything. On March 18,
1907, 1 bad a similar attack, and took
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr-
hoea Remedy which gave me prompt
relief. I consider it one of the best
medicines of its kind in the world, and
had I need it in 1002 I believe it would
have saved me a hundred dollar doctor's
bili." Sold by all druggists.
The death is announced of Dr. Wil-
bert McIntyre, M. P. for Strathoona,
Bearathe The Kind You Have Alway3 Bought
Stratus r�
Hon. L, P. Brodeur has promised to
assist the movement for a drydook at
Pain can be easily and quickly stopped.
Pink Pain Tablets—Dr. Shoop's—stop
Headache, womanly pains, env pain.
anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Petniti-
lA on the 25o, box, Ask your druggist
or doctor about this formula—it's fine.
Sold at Walley 'el Drag Store.
A bullet, whioh lodged in the head of
an Ohio woman in 1815 hoe just been
extracted from her heel, having taken
over fourteen; yens to work down
through the body.
1. Good brain food.
2. Seats the funeuione of the liver.
3. Promotes a sound sand quiet steep.
4. Disinfects the mouth.
5. Neutralizes the lurch* Ada, of the
% rerelyees hemorrhoickl disdurbtncei,
7. Helps the!rottener) of the kidneys.
li. Prevents cakukis coacrttions.
'S. Obviates indigettion.
preventative against diseeter of
l I. !k
atone a 1 n+ervoust enemy and rote
trivet tate nature fines.
42 Sarlwrd Street, Yereatfo, Did
1 lnteresting•Paragraphs from our Exchanges
Beware of the truth crushed to earth
it is liable to rise up later and take
fall out of you.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree hats finally been enocesefully
separated and refined into a perfect
anoxia medicine --Dr, Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers .en a
guarantee of eatisfaotion. Pride 25
Harry de Lisle, a young man attempt.
ed enicide in a Windsor hotel after a
lover's quarrel.
George Goold is under arrest atBrant-
ford on a oharge ot assaulting a Lang-
ford hotel proprietor with a razor. •
; Coincident with the 70th Ronkfeller
a birthday the Standard 0 1 Company
announces an inoreaste of one cent a
gallon in the price of Rosen os, wbioh
will mean a birthday gift to Mr. Rook -
feller by the pub}l�iyc/of�)
about /
$ 00,000.
Beare the The Kind Yau Have Always Bought
Of f
The Sovereign Bank has issued a
writ against H, Torr R•suce, of Oliu•
ton, to recover $10,125, which it claims
he owes on the guarantee executed by
him oh Jane Ilth, 1906, and amended.
by a letter signed by bine on Jane 80th
of the same year.
Tan I.AMES' r.Voitrrn.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' tavern
m 'dioine. They pure Constipation, Sick
He tdaohe, Billiousnese, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Several thousand dollars worth of dia-
monds are said to bave been smuggled
into Canada from England,
Perhaps an open countenance may
he all right, but people who are never
able to keep their months closed are all
A failing tiny nerve --no larger than the
finest silken thread—takes from the
Heart its impulse, it's power, its reg-
ularity. The Stomach also has its hid-
den or Weide nerve. It was Dr, Shoop
who first told us it was wrong to drug a
weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kid-
neys. Hie prescription—Dr. Shoop's
Restorative—is direoted straight for the
cause of these ailments—these weak and
faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt,
clearly explains why the Restorative bas
of late grown so rapidly in popularity.
Druggists say that thoae who test the
Restorative even for a few days become
fully convinced of He wonderful merit.
Anyway don't drug the organ. Treat-
ing the cavae of sickness is the only
sensible •and suooeeefnl way, Sold at
Walley's Drug Store.
Thomas Jamieson, a C. P. R. con-
ductor, was drowned in French River as
the remit of a friendly Bonilla with a
in Agony With Piles.
A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. Shoop,
of Racine, Wis., fella some plain truths,
and in a plain and praotioal way. Get
this booklet, and a free trial treatment
of Dr, Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for
some disheartened onfferer in your
vicinity. Make a grateful and appro.
clative friend of some one who is dile
oenraged because of the failures of
others to help him. Help me to make
this test, and 1 will certainly help your
suffering friend. Sold at Walley'e
Drug Store.
Hon. Joseph Martin, undeterred by
his recent defeat at Stratford -on -Avon,
has accepted a nomination for the Brit.
ish House of Commons from East St,
Mrs. Polly W, Baker Shippert, of
Newburg, Indiana, aged 50, who recent-
ly married her ninth husband, has
brought snit for divorce because she
says she was oompelled to do all the
menial work.
A tickling or dry cough can be quickly
loosened with Dr. Shoop's Cough Rem-
edy. No opium, no chloroform, nothing
unsafe or harsh. Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
Gold, sliver and iron are said to have
been found on the farm of 3, Ira
Swayze, lots 8.and 4, on the seoond
oonoession of Pelham, one and a half
miles west of St. John's and six miles
eouth of St, Catharines.
Etelp for Those Who Save Stomach
After doctoring for about twelve
years for a bad atomach trouble, and
spending nearly five hundred dollars for
medicine and doctor's fees, I pnrohaaed
my wife one box of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, Which did
her so much good that she continued to
use them and they have done her more
good than all of the medioinee I bought
before.--SAatci I. Bo'srett, Folsom, Iowa.
This medicine is for sale by all drug-
giate. Samples free,
A new oil refinery company with
capacity of $200,000, has been formed at
Wallacebtirg. The plant Will be located
on the bank of the river there. Gas will
be used for fuel' end operations will be
Commenced within 90 days,
0.111.0 +e'er .1..4...
Beers tee ,lrThe Kind Yau stare Always Boa
President Taft has openly announced
hlmeelf in favor of aboli*hing the dnty
oil coal and hides entering the United
States. Weetetn Republican Senators
*Phe isnot' a general downward revision,
say if the rednotion of the tatriff 15 con'
I tined to hides and coal, *bleb are pro.
daeed in their States, and if fnanafaot•
tired goods, *Melt their oonetitttenni
have to buy now. they dare not go home..
They will unite in rt fight fora out along
the lint.
Twenty -rive Cents Is the Price of Paco,
The terrible itching and smarting,
incident' to certain skin diseases, is al-
most instantly allayed by applying
Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 25o Dents,
For sale by all druggists.
Herbert Latham, a French aeronaut,
got half -way aortas the English Chan-
nel in a monoplane, when his motor gave
out and he was forced to alight in the
water. The air space in the wings kept
him afloat, and he calmly smoked a
cigarette until picked up by a French
Torpedo boat.
As a spring medicine Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring
It is said that the potato plants in
England are not infested with the
bugs which. hinder the growth of the
tubers in America. Could we not get
even with the fellow who broug!:t over
the English Sparrow by exporting a
few bugs over the deep blue.
Pains of women, bead pains, or any
pain stopped in 20 minutes sure, with
Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. See full
formula on 25o. Box. Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
Possibly very few know what an
inch of rain means. An acre is 6,272,-
640 square inches, An inch of water
on an acre, therefore, 6,272,640 onbic
inches. That amount, at 227 cubic
inohea to the gallon, equals 22,000 gal-
lons, or 220,000 lbs„ or 100 tons. An
inch of rain is, in other words, rain
falling at the rate of 100 tone to the
now Croup Is Dreaded.
Nothing in the way of a Cough is quite
so annoying as a tickling, teasing,
wheezing, bronchial Cough. The quick-
est relief comes perhaps from a prescrip-
tion known to Drnggista everywhere as
Dr, Shoop's Cough Remedy. And be-
sides. it is eo thoroughly harmless that
mothers give it with perfect safety even
to the youngest babes. The tender
mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's
Cough Remedy its remarkable ourative
effect. It is truly a most certain and
trustworthy prescription. Sold at Wal-
ley's Drug Store.
The Miners' Confederation of Great
Britain will ballot its million members
on the question as to whether a nation.
al strike is to be called in support of
the Scottish miners who are resisting
a wage reduction of sixpence a day. If
the strike is called it will mean paralysis
for all British industry.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They (lure backaches, weak baok, rheum -
Webs, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong notion of the
kidneys and bladder
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hor-
ton, Howlett, was the scene of a pretty
Wedding on July 14th, at 5 p. m„ when
their eldest daughter, Gertrude Eliza.
beth, was married to Mr. Geo, Rusk,
The ceremony was solemnized by the
Rev. J. lit, Horton, uncle of the bride,
beneath an arch of evergreen and white
lilace with a floral bell. The young
people have taken up honae-keeping on
?dr. Rests farm near Clifford.
*100 Reward, $100,
The reader* of this paper will be
pleated to learn that there is et least
one dreaded disease that aoioace has
been able to cure in all its stages, and
that is Catarrh. Mail's Catarrh Cute le
the only positive onre now known to the
Medical fraternity. Catarrh being it
oonatitntional disease), requires a cob.
etitntional treatment. nail's Catarrh
Cure le taken internally, noting directly
upon the blood and mucous *nrtaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the diaeaee, and giving
the patient strength by building tip the
eonstitntion and assisting nature in do-
ing its. work. The proprietors hale so
mutyh faith in its enrative powers that
they Offer One Snndred Dollars for any
case that it fails to onre. Send for liet
of testimonials,
Addresb ]i'. J', Ounzory C1e,,
Sold bo.O, all Druggists, 7156.
Take mall's F'aniily Pills for obn•
Prepare for Lumbago !
If You Save "Nervlflne" Handy
One Rubbing Will Cure the
The "strike" of lumbago is like a bolt
of lightning ---yon never kt ow when itis
oomtug or where it is going to strike.
i'robetny the one certain thiog about
lamhago is the fact that it oan be oared
by Norviline--the only liniment that
penetrates deeply enough to recoil the
oougeated cords and toneolea.
"Years ago I attain•
ed my baok and sue•
fered considerably
with weakness over
toe spine," writeaDa-
riva P. Milan, a
well known farmer,
residing near Kings-
ville, "Then lutnbago attacked the
wank emit, and for days at a time I
would have to lie up in bed, unable to
move or then, Linim"nta, ponitioes and
bot applications failed to bring the de-
sired relief, and I was in despair of
ever getting really well again. I at last
decided to test "Nerviline " I got five
bottles from the drug store and had
it rubbed on three times a day. The
stiffness and pain left my bank quickly,
and by continuing Nerviline I was oam-
pietely cured of Lumbago,"
This is similar testimony to that of
nearly five thousand Canadians who
have written unstinted words of praise
to the manufacturers of Nerviline, For
the cat e of lumbago, soidtioa, neuralgia
nd rheumatism there is Eno liniment
with one-fifth the pain•reheving power
of Nerviline.
Refuse any substitute. Large 25c.
bottles of Nerviline, or five for $1.00, at
all dealers or the Catarrhozone Co ,
Kingston, Out,
Tha Goderioh town council has de.
cided to sabmit to the ratepayere a by-
law to guarantee the bonds of the Cana-
dian Good Roads Maclaine Oa. to the
(extent of $40,000 on a seoutity of $70,.
000. The company is a branch of the
American Good Roads Machine Co., of
Kenneth Square, and is now located at
pA DR. A. W. CHASE'S gg
Is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
On Wednesday evening,the 14th inst.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mo.,
Kenzie, Armow, was the soene of a moat
enjoyable gathering, when their daugh-
ter Jessie was united in marriage to Mr.
Hugh McIntyre, of Detroit. The cere-
mony took place on the spacious lawn in
front of the resideuoe, under an arch
of evergreens and flowers and was per-
formed by the Rev. Dr. Maclennan, of
Over Tlxirty-Five keare.
Ia 1872 there was a great deal of
diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera infan-
tum. It was at this time that Chamber-
lain's Oolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy was first brought into use. It
proved more successful than any other
remedy or treatment, and has for thirty-
five yearn maintained that record. Prom
a smell beginning its sale and rise has
extended to every part of the United
States and to many foreign countries.
Nine druggists out of ten will recom-
mend it when their opinion is asked, al.
though they have other medicines that
pay them a greater profit. It can al-
ways be depended tipon, even in the
most severe and dangerous oases. Sold
by all druggists.
Farmers and other owners of stook
should be on the out -look against this
swindler. If a smooth-tongued gent
oomes to your premises stating that
he is sent out to examine your stook,
for foot and month disease, be sure he
has official authority for doing Bo.
And again, don't pay hire any money,
the government does that. This is
about the latest swindle out so don't be
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
1tlr. Wm, Warnock, of Goderioh has
grape vine leaves which measure 12%
by 1W ins. morose, and the show for
fruit he says to remarkably geed. This
confirms the reports from the Niagara
and other districts that the grape orop
will be a record one. Mr. Warnock also
has some apples of the 1908 orop which
are still sound and of good flavor, the
Johnston variety, aomewbat' like the
Mies Florence Smith has been engaged
as teaoher in the Maple Bill sohool,
Bruce county, at a salary of $400 a year.
Mise Smith is a good teacher, and the
trnatee5 have made no miatske, The
school law now in regard to teaohetil'
salaries worker ant strangely, There
*Ora three or four applicante for this
wheel. One asked it salary of 0425, and
another $450. If the teaoher that apt
plied at $425 bad boon aooepted, it would
have 000 the !motion less than the $4011
teacher Will Cost, and if the $45o appli-
cation had been aooepted, the motion
would have had to pay out exactly, the
batne amount set It *111 for the $400
teacber. This It owing to the difference
in the government grant. no grant
depends largely ripen the teacher's ex.
perienoe and the grade of the oertiflost°.
—Walkerton TAletoopor
James D Ilopki s, of the 4th con, of
Hunan, died on Monday, July 1941,1, so a
result of the injuries he reosived in be.
ing throws Exam his wagon while at
work in the field one week ago. The
deceased wee upnmrried and 51 years of
age, Heewas a man who was held in
high esteem in the oommnnity, and by
his death, Huron will lgae a man who
was kiud and oonrteous to bis neighbors,
and possessed of starling integrity.
The severe windstorm that passed
over a part of Carrick Tp. on Satur-
day, the 10th inat., did oonsiderable
damage. It carried the big bank barn
belonging to Alex, Ste Marie of the
lot concession oft the foundation and
made of it a complete wreck, Mr. Ste
Marie was in the field scuffling turnips
when it began to rain and wept for
shelter to the barn. He was in the act
of tying his horse in the stable when
the wind storm struck the barn, parry-
ing it off the wall.
The death of 111re. Donald Beaton,
aged 76 years, occurred at her home on
Princess street, Kincardine, on Saturday
morning, July 170h, Deceased bad been
ailing for months past and her death
was not unexpected. She was born in
Sootiand. Her maiden name was Ann
McKenzie. She canoe to Kindardine
township 55 yearn ago settling with her
parents at Stony Island, Here she mar-
ried Donald Beaton, who predeceased
her some years ago.
To Have a sieautifui Skin.
About one sixth of the waste matter
discharged from the body passes out
through the pores of the akin. If the
skin is to be kept beautiful the pores
const be kept in healthful condition by
bathing and by use of Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment which overcomes all chafing and
irritation of the skin and cures pimples,
eruptions and the many forms of
In the death of Patrick Ford, which
occurred on Tuesday, 18th inst., a
well-known and mule respected resi-
dent of Goderioh was removed from
this life. He had been ill for some
months, hie trouble being of a canner -
one nature. Mr. Ford was a native of
Ireland and was about eighty-one years
of age. Before coming to Goderioh he
had lived for a considerable period in
the township of Taokeremith, Ile is
survived by his widow.
H. B. Willing, of Whitby, has been
sentenced to four years in the peniten-
tiary for bigamy. Willing, who is a
young Englishman, arrived in Whitby
a few years ago, and shortly afterwards
married there, and three children have
since been born, Last year be went
baok to England, met a girl he had
known since boyhood, induced her to
oome out to New York, and married
her. Then he went baok to his home to
Whitby and was followed there shortly
afterwards by wife No. 2, exposure
following in due course,
Port Elgin Times: A local minister
has an excellent English oherry tree
of which he is justly proud. One even-
ing last week he heard a diaturbenoo in
the tree and having been warned about
oherry thieves, went out to investigate.
He found a number of young men or
boys helping themselves and tearing
down more branohes than a cyclone
could do. With a club in one band and
a lamp in the other the minister kept
Pe boys up the tree until one of the
members of the family went for a
constable. The young chaps were
brought down, greatly humiliated and
badly frightened.
The death of Mr. E. P. Miller occurred
at the residence of his father, Mr, E.
Miller, Prinoesa St., Kincardine, on
Sunday morning, July lath. Deceased
was in his 42nd year, and his death
which was unexpected and sudden was
a great shook to his relatives and
friends, Mr, Miller was born in Kin -
cardiac) and spent his school days in
that town. He learned the printing
trade under Mr. Walter M. Daok, but
for years has not followed that business,
Until about a year ago he was engaged
by the Sault Ste. Marie oorporntion in
0onne0tion with the water service of the
town, which position ho resigned and
since then has been living in Walkerton.
Ile leaves a wife, the daughter of Mr.
It. E. Truax, M. P. P., to mourn his
early. demise,
Suffered More Than
Tongu Can Tell
From Liver Trouble.
A last', slow or torpid liver is a terrible
afiction, se its influence permeates the
whole syeletm, causing Biliousness, Heart -
bort, WAter Brash,fir, Coated
Tongue, Sick Headache, Eyea,
Sallow Complexion, eta. It hokie back
We bile, winch is required to move the
and lets it get into the blood
, thus causing Constipation,
1NCc'hurn'a Ulm -Liver }ala will tett-
late the flow of bile to sot properly upon
the 1.oweta, and will tone, renovate and
;r the liver. M.ra. J. a C.We*tberg Ri , Man., fes, ��I dBuffeted't#tt•�
tat years, mors than tongue can tell,
F nen liver trouble. I tried several ktride
faf iiedieiue, bat eould pt rib Mitt until
I got Mfbnrn's Lams -Liver Pitlb. I ei~n-
mp� for
t too highly for what they
erect LaZerLiVar Pill, irlte 25e.
yet rias[, or 5 for *1.00, at all dealers,
or sailed direct on receipt of priioe by
me T. ,Whitt* Co-, Lis aittld, Toroeoto,
More Bread
to the Barrel
That extra cost per barrel'.
which you pay for
oyal lioasehold
doesn't go into anybody's pocket.
It covers the cost of inspecting the
entire wheat crop of the country, and
selecting the choicest grain.
It pays, for cleanliness,' for purity
and for scientific flour -making.
A. barrel of Ogilvie's Royal House
hold Flour goes flrther than a barrel
of any other flour. It makes more
bread and better bread.
You are not really spending that
extra amount—you are investing it. 114.4
Go to your grocer and say "Royal
Household." 22
Ogilvie Flour Lliilis Co., Limited, Montreal.
I might have wealth by going far
And digging bard and searching well
Where neither joys nor comforts are,
Where no oongenial epirite dwell;
I might, if I obeyed the call,
Possess the gold I deem eo dear;
But I should have to give up all.
The pleasure I am having here.
I might, by toiling day and night
And clinging to some noble cause,
At length pewees the splendid right
To men's approval and applause;
I might succeed in winning fame,
The badge of worth I might poems,
But I should have to cease to claim
The joy I have in idleness.
How few among us would be poor,
How few unlanreled and unknown,
If it were easy to seoure
What each man wishes were his own;
What lofty niohes we should fill
If there were not so many "buts,"
If it were not eo easy still
To merely dawdle in the ruts.
S. E. Kiser.
Necessary for the Family.
If health is to be maintained there
must be at band in every household a
medicine which can be positively relied
upon to regulate the liver, kidneys and
bowels. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills have proven their right to have
first place in this regard and already
hold a secure position in the great ma-
jority of homes,
Secret Societies.
What is the moral effect of Free Ma-
mmary, Odd Feliowehip, Forresters and
the numerous secret societies upon the
home? Solomon, the wise man, said:
"Discover not a secret to another," and
he had good reason for laying such an
injunction, for in his time, as at the
present, there were people too much
disposed to tell all they knew. One
hall of the trouble in every community
comes from the fact that so many
people have not the capacity to keep
their mouths shut. We have two eare
but only one tongue which is suggestive
of the fact that we should hear more
than we tell. By the power of a se0ret
divulged, famines, ohnrohes, neighbor-
hoods and even nations fiy apart. By
the power of a secret kept, great chari-
ties, reformatory movements and Chris-
tian enterprises may be advanced. It
Is an often diacursed question whether
assooiations that do not have their work
with closed doors, land admit their mem.
bare with pars words, and greet each
other with a secret grip are right or
wrong, Our answer is that it depehde
entirely tspoil the Object for"Wbiob they
meet. 11 10 is to pass the hours in re -
vein` and obscene talk, or to plot
trouble 00 the state, then we *ay with
emphasis that it is wrong. Eat where
the object is the Improvement of the
mind, the enlargement of the heart, the
defense of the flag, then we say with
just as inaob emphasis that they are a
Westing. There is no need that those
who plan for right over wrong should
publish to the world their Mtentiont.
Seoreoy of plot and exeontlon are wrong
only when the obje0ts and ends are ne.
fdrlone. Evert' family le a secret
bociety, etyery briskest firm and every
banking institution. Then men who
hauelno ospaeity to keep a secret are un-
fit for poatotone Of trust anywhore•
Secret booieties Nitre done inoalonlable
good. Some secret looloties have pour•
ed a very 'heaven at sunshine and lien°.
diction into lite home of suffering.
Some of them are founded on fidelity to
good citizenship And the B1b1e.—Ex•
To morrow never comes? Yet hold it -
dear, --
The try -again and further-ohance of
Tho flame of hope that lights the bitter-
est tear,
Setting the task and dancing on again,
Tomorrow never comes? Be 'tae it may,
Yet dreaming still of its elusive oharm
May nerve us through reality's to -day;
And if it conies not ever—where's the
To -morrow never oomes? Ay, oomes to.
When, at the last, Time ceases for
each one,
Ansi at its edge, who eo life -tired as say,.
Without regret: "This old To -day is•
So let ns plain our fair To -morrow
And build our palaces of Love and
And if to -morrow laughs at all our
Oar toil today shall tarn the laugh to -
—Stephen Chambers, in Philadelphia -
There is eo ranch a daughter can do
for her mother that it is hard to know
where to begin.
Suppose we start with how eke can
help with the housework and care of
the younger children. For years the
mother has had the entire charge ot
'both and it is time she was relieved..
Patiently and uncomplainingly oho‘
has drudged along with no thought but
for the children's welfare and comfort.
It should be the daughter's joy as welt
as duty to bring a little reoreation and:
pleasure into her mother's life.
Remember, girls, that all your lives.
your mothers have been sacrifioing-
themaelves for you. Now you have a.
ohance to reverse things, Your
shoulders are young and strong; help
lift the burden a Iittle from the tired.
shoulders that have borne it so long.
Let her see that yon appreciate all that,
she has done for you.
Takethe heaviest part of the home-
work off her hands, Make her stay in,
bed in the morning While you get the
breakfast. Send her out to enjoy her.
*elf while you look ,after the children.
Of course you can not do this every day,.
but you can do your share of it.
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