HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-07-29, Page 511 1' THE WINtetiQ.1i2 TIME$ sJ U.0 29 Ibuu z1 PEABODYS' UNION MADE GOOD MANUFACTURED 1N The only Overall made in Canada of Im- ported American Denim ; fast color and practically non -shrinkable. They are made to wear. We will give the purchaser to cents for every button that comes off, and 25 cents for every rip in a seam, within 3o days from date of purchase .... Try a pair. McGee & Campbell CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS. BLY EB Pure ice cream. LNNNOX, Wingham. Barrister Archie Dickson, who practised here some years ago, was calling on old friends last week. He is looated in the State of Mississippi now. Not long ago a fine herd of oattle were taken through town pnrohaeed from John Armstrong, the well-known Belgrave drover, by John Ranaford, the Salt King, of Clinton. There were 125 bead in the bunch and the price ,paid was said to be $7,842. The cattle were turned on the grass on Mr. Rens- ford's farm and will no doubt improve. The annual Financial Report of Blyth Methodist church has been limed and distributed and shows growth and de• velopment refleoting credit on both pastor and people. Each department did weII. The total amount of money raised for all purposes was $2,726.42. For general Missionary contributions were $350.00; Women's Missionary Society, $144.00; Organ Fund, $305.00; Ladies' Aid, $134.28. Jackson's ap- pointment paid $220,00 as their share toward ministerial support and are generous in sustaining the other in- terests, The . two congregations are in a healthy condition, well officered and have a good preacher and pastor in Rev. Mr. Cooper. • PHONE70.IHANHA_& GO 0' IN- ++++rrt•Of♦tl+i♦+•++•t♦d+++ wFull Stock Ladies' Wear on Hand. Highest prices • paid for • Butter and te e Eggs i STORE NEWS Dutch Collars, Jabot's Fancy Stock Collars, Ladies' Belts, Elastic, Leather, Wash Belt, Silk and Tinsel, also Fancy Belting by the yard. Fancy Frillings—black, white and all the new shades. We have a complete range of t Ladies' Ready to -Wear Skirts + • + •+ • + + + 4 + 4 e >e • + . r Call and inspect them. All sizes, all colors. Special Prices on Fancy Mulles. • • ••4 On sale this week, Fancy Mulles, all lar 40c for 28c. f t♦ Fancy Parasols. r 4 4 Men's Z Grocery Department. Lairds Pickles, regular Sac for 23C. Torhatoes, first-class, 3 tins for 25c. Phone your order to the Grocery Department. AMAAMMMAMMMMIIAMAA Tighest prices paid for Butter and Eggs, shades regu- + + Regular $i.15 for 98c; regular $2.00 for All different shades. + + • $137 • + + •. • • • • e 4 •s a •• • • • • Ready - Made Suits. Ranging from $10.00 to $20.00. HANNA Sc. C 4i�Fii+.#♦his♦�i�##f ##iii dF ):AST SPAWANQ8H. Fresh groceries. LI;NNOX Wingham Sohool•s will re -open on Monday, August 16th. Mr. Henry Tisdale ie hope from Muskoka for few weeka. Misses. Ellen, Annie aud, Mary Foran are spending their vacation at hone, The trustees of S. S. No. 11 have secured Mies Margaret Kilpatrick as their teacher for the next term. We are pleased to report that Mr. Wm. Robinson is improving and hope to sen him able to be around again soon. Quito a number from around here took in the excursion to Kincardine last week. They report having a splendid time in spite of a wet day. Mise Gussie Haines has returned home after spending a month's vacation with friends in Hamilton, Torgnto, Beams - vine, Welland and Niagara Falls. For a clad Cold. Nothing cures so quickly as the heal- ing. Pine essences in Oatarrhozone. It fills the breathing organa with a heal- ing, soothing vapor that relieves irrita- tion at once. Ordinary colds are oared in ten minutes. Absolutely sure for Catarrh, and in throat trouble it works like a charm, Oatarrbozone is a per- manent cure for bronobitis and throat trouble. Not an experiment—not a temporary relief—but a onre that's guaranteed. Get "Oatarrhozone" to- day, 20o, and $1.00 sizes. BELGIRAVE. Confectionery. LENNOS, Wingham, East Wawanosh Council met in the Foresters' hall on Monday. Mr. Peter W. Scott was in London last week attending the meetings of the Masonic Grand Lodge. Mr. Wm. James, of East Wawanosh, had a valuable horse killed by lightning on Thursday evening Inst. Mr. Hill underwent an operation for gall atones, this week. We hope soon to see him fully recovered. Dr. Hamilton and Wm, Watson at. tended the Masonic Grand Lodge meet. ing in London Iast week. Adam Geddes has returned to Fargo, North Dakota, after spending six months with hie aged father, David Geddes. Alex, Stewart, when unloading hay at Wm. Stubbs' felt from the load to , the floor, alighting on bis head and should- ers, hurting himself very badly. The accident was caused by the trip rope breaking, while pulling the carriers back. JAAIESTRwN, Confectionery, LENN0x, Wingban,. Mira Lizzie Innes returned .to het home e,t Moorefield on Monday last. Mr. J. Hunter, of Brussels, to* the servioe in the hall on Sunday evening last. Ur. and Mrs. D. W. Rae, of Wrox- eter, visited the letter's brother, Mr. D. McDonald, on Saturday last. Miss Fern Eckmier gave a party to a few of her girl friends on Wednesday afternoon last, in honor of her friend, Miss Lizzie Innes, of Moorefield, July 27th was Jamestown'a Oivio holiday and quite a number took ad- vantage of the holiday and spent a pleasant day on the shores of Lake Huron at Kinoatdine.. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McAllister and Mr. Robt, MoAlliater and Miss Jose- phine, all of St. Augustine, ,attended the funeral of Mrs, Robt. MoAliiater, Sr., on Sunday last, also called on friends in and around Jamestown. BRUSSELS. Not long ago Daman MoArthnr, of Brneseis, decided to go to Clifford for a visit and although getting aloug in years he wonted the idea of making the trip any other way than on foot. He made the 25 miles in 6 hours, which is good travelling. W. J. Kyle, agent G. T. R., Brew/els, was united in marriage to Miss Goodwin of Ohesley. In Mr. Kyle's absence 0. Ober, of Berlin, is relieving at the depot here, Mr. Kyle and bride will make their home in the residenoe of tin late Thos. MoLauohlin, Turnberry street North. The death ocourred in Buffalo, N. Y,. on Wednesday, July 14th, of a well known Bruaselite in the person of Mrs. Mary Armstrong. The late Mrs. Armstrong was in her 77th year and was pre•deoeased by her husband, Robert Armstrong, nearly 7 years ago, who died in London, 1902, they having moved from Brumes to that city. The greater part of Mrs. Armstrong's life was spent in and around Brussels. ex. HELENS. Fresh groceries. LENNOX, Wingham. Miss Marian MoPherson, of Clinton hospital is home for her vacation. Miss Belle McOroatie has returned home from Smith's Falls, Mase. Mies Grace Reid of Langside, spent a few days the guest of Miss Lizzie Miller. Mise Clark of Fergus, is visiting Miss Mina Rutherford. Miss Mary Clark attended the summer school at St, Thomas, as a delegate from the Westfield Methodist League. The cement walls of Mra. Miller's;new residence have been completed. Miss Tena Ford of Milton is visiting with relatives in this community. There arrived on Saturday, Jnly 17th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Darnin a baby girl. Mrs, D. MoDonald and family left on Wednesday for a visit to Belmore going from there to Toronto where they will reside. Dr. and Mrs. Macdonald of London, and formerly of Wingham, visited with Mrs. D. Todd, sr., on Tuesday. Master Lorne Firth, who has been visiting at Mrs, R. K. Miiller's returned to his home at London on Tuesday. A load of St. Helens folks spent an enjoyable time at Blank Horse lake on Wedneaday. Three pupils out of foar of Mr. Will. MoGregor's scholars were sucoessful in passing the Pabllo School Leaving ex- amination. A number of the young people of this locality intending taking in the celebra• tion at Kincardine on Friday. Flora and Verna MoDonald returned to their home in Wingham, on Saturday after visiting their grandparents here. Mr. Robt MoGuire is busy repairing his threshing outfit and will soon be ready for the season's work. Mrs, D. E. McDonald and children, of Wingham, have been visiting with. Mrs. Mot onald's parents, Mr.,;; and Mrs. Thos. Todd. A quiet wedding took plane on Wed. nesday, July 14th, at 5 30 p, in., tat the home of Mrs. Charles Taylor, when her eldest daughter, Ella, Was united in marriage to Leonard Cook, of Westfield. Rev. S. H. Moyer, of Calvin Ohnroh, St. Helens, perforniod the ooremony. On account of recent bereavement in the family, only immediate friends were present. 'We extend to Mr. and Mrs. Cook ant beat wishes for happinelet in their future life. Mrs.Ityan, a hotelkeeper's wife at Shannonville, is charged With ahootirg and wounding a halfbree i woman. Alderman Lapointe of Rosemont has been disqualified for doing bushiest! with that municipality M p contractor. What causes "Nerve,,?" Most people say worry—they are wrong—the cause is in the blood whioh is thin and looks nutriment. To onre "Narver" more blood, sinew and flesh are required. You get these Trickly by taking Ferrozone. No health bringer is so certain, no nerve strengthener more potent, no system tonic eo well adapted to the wants of the run-down, nervous or sleepless. Let Ferrozone build you up, tet it fill you with vim, energy and eurprus vigor. It has done this for thousands. 11ioniv s. Pare ice cream. LENNO:c, Wingham. The enlargement of W. Thuell's barn, 6th line, is completed. A metal root was put on it. Edward Armstrong, on the Easterly end of the same line, has enlarged and improved bis barn also. These are good signs. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Peter Barr, 5th line, is not enjoying her onstomary good health but we hope a change for the better will speedily enene, Mrs. Jun. Mooney, her adopted mother, is waiting on her. Tuesday of last week a well known resident of Morris township passed away et the home of his brother-in- -law, J. Kelly, North half 1st 18, non. 7, in the person of John Agin, aged 52 years and 9 months. Pneumonia was the cause. Deceased was born in this township and spent his life here, He is survived by 2 brothers and 5 sisters. Mr. Agin was unmarried. He was a Conservative in politics and belonged to the R. C. church. Deceased had many fri.nds who will regret his demise. litany Down (Pith Pleurisy. Doctors say the country Is fall of it. First comes a chill, then cold develops --- the inflammation grows—you oau't draw a long breath—hinge and aides get sore, and pleurisy sets in. A good home cure mutilate in taking twenty drops of Ner- viline every four hours. Supplement title by vigorously robbing the sides and cheat with Nerviline, and when warmth and oironlation are established, put a Nerviline Porous Planter over the aching spot. Nerviline treatment is always sui.cesefal in colds, neuralgia and pleurisy. Try it yourself. GEEY. Fresh grooerlea. LENNox, Wingham. Nelson Cardiff had 31 Ioeda of hair off 12 aorea this season, en unusually good crop. Mrs. J. Tuck and Mrs. A. Trick, of Clifford, have been holidaying with the latter's mother, Mrs, 1?, 14'iilier. R. Wheeler is home from Sonthamg- -TVS LION stops loss of flesh in babies and children anti ht adults lit summer as well as winter. Some people have gained a pound a day while taking it. '.Cako it is a little cold wttor ornili:. Get a small beide Pew: All 1)rugi hsic THE STANDAno O ''tHE 1Ntp,81.C. ten for a row ;,voolta holidays and is building up brawn in the hay field. B. W. and Mrs. Hay and daughter Miss Annioe, of Port Albert have bean visitiug at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curio. H. Tyreman, gravel road West, has been bothered lately with a lanae knee but we hope he will soon be as active as usual. Last week James and Mrs. Armstrong and daughter, 10 non., arrived home from a very pleasant two 2nontba' visit with relatives sad old friends In the West. Quiet and peaceful was the closing of the earthly lite of David Grant, Let 8, Con. 14, on Monday, July 19th, when at the advanced age of 80 years and 2 days he responded to the call "Come up higher." Deceased was about the farm on Saturday and had been a remarkably healthy man hardly knowing what a day'e illness was. Hernia, ooapled with his advanced age, was the cause of bis demise. Mr. Grant was born in Aber- deenshire, Scotland, where he was married 52 years ago to E,len Wilson, who predeceased him Illy years, They Dame to Canada shortie after their marriage, the voyage occupying 11 weeks, .After a residence of 11 or 12 years in Blenheim township, Oxford Co , they came to Grey 40 years ago par. chasing the farm on whioh both died. Their family consisted of three sons: -- David (deceased 2 years ago), James on the homestead, and John, Deputy Reeve of this township, and one daughter, Miss Maggie. The subject of thia sketch was an honest, industrious, honorable man, quiet in his manner and a great lover of home, In church relationship he was a Presbyterian for many years and in politics he was a staunch Liberal. LANGSIDE. Pare ice cream. LENNox, Wingham. In the death of Mr. James Orowaton on Friday.morning last, Langside and county have lost a good citizen. As an agriculturist, he was born in Lincoln. shire, England. He was a good, farm hand and a good ploughman in a sec. tion where good plowing was the rale. In this county at plowing matohea, where he could not win first prize he always took second. He started for this country from Hull, on May 3rd, 1852 and name to Toronto. Residing for a time with his brother, John, who came to this country a year ahead of him, the two brothers in Ootober, 1853 came to Langside and bought adjoining farms and here he resided up to the time of his death. When we consider that the brothers were not brought up to use axe and saw, it was a task for them to settle on places which were then an unbroken forest. Today his farm, except for eight acres of hardwood bush, is a well cleared farm and I have heard it said Is one of the best farms in the county. The buildings on his place are substantial and as you stand at the house and look over the well tilled fields, with splendid maple shade trees in olamps of twos and fours, and fence corners free of docks and thistles, you can form some idea of what a life's work has put on the place. He was a man who liked everything about his premises neat and tidy. He was fond of cattle and sheep and the stable walla are filled with prize tickets from different agricultural societies. In politics he was a Liberal and was a be- liever in free trade, and in religion a Methodist. He was 76 years of age and had been in failing health for some time. Besides his widow, he is survived by three sons and three deughtets, viz: — James, of Markdale; Angus, of British Columbia; William of Gilbert Plaine, Man; Mrs. Mitchell, Lucknow; Mrs. Bicknell, Napanee, and Mrs. McCul- lough, near Kiucerdina. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon. W}II'TECHII1tC t. Mrs. Marks, of London is viaiting with Mise Eunice Peddle, The people of this district were aur• prised on Friday last, when it became known that Mr. Patrick Troy had pass- ed away. Mr. Troy was in hie usual health up to two days prior to his death. He was suddenly stricken with paeu• monis. Deceased was one of the best known and highly respected residents of this soohion. He was aged 78 years and some fifty years ago settled in East Wa- wanosh on the division line a short die- tante south of this village. Some ten years ago he purchased a 100 acre farm in linloss adjoining this village. Mrs, Troy passed away a few years ago and Mr. Troy is survived by seven daughters who will have the sympathy of the cons- munity in their sudden bereavement. Mr. Troy being for so many years a re- aident of this district mad° a largeoirole of friends who will hold him in reran'. brume for many years for his sterling chereeter. In politics Mr. Troy eras a Liberal buy' in religion was a Roman Catholic and had for years taken an ant. ive interest in the Church. The funeral 10 the St. et.ugnstitie .:emetery on Minn• day morning was largely attended. III.Itcycr, :ala 1`ttcwa hotel employe°, „ria ale( treed+r,,; through grasping ado. foctiva wire. A little girl died at Ifamilton from lockjaw resulting from a wound caused LT a rusty lied, New Idea j"� j �' j Patterns THE LEADING STORE ills NOW leg Magazines 0 TSAR'S Hol Weather Bargains Read every line of the following list of BARGAINS. These CUT PRICES will crowd the store. Be sure you get your share—shop early and often. White Cambric Underskirts, with deep fi mace, $1,50 for - $1 25 Ladies' Print Wrappers, choice patterns $1 25 for • - - • $1.00 5 dozen large Shopping Satohels, good value at 750 salt - - 500 Ladies' fine Cambric Drawers, well made, 45o now - • - 35e 10 pieces vary wide Flannelette, extra heavy, regalar 12i4., sale - IOo 20 pieces fancy Colored Marline to be sold at a discount of 20% A number of very fine White Uaderskirte, value at from $3 50 to $5 for $2 90 13 pairs Ladies' Oh000late Oxford Shoes, reg price $2 00, agile - $1.75 Table Napkins, large siz3, pure linen, sold at $1.50 now - - $1 00 Corset Covers, all sizes, trimmed with lean, sale pride - 25o Ladies' White Cambric G, was, fall sizes, our special oat price ,- 75o All colors in wide Silk Ribbon, cheap at 15o, sale price - • 12 zo Silk Net Waists, fine tucked net, Gipure trimming, reg $$3.75 for $2 75 White Quilts, large size, Damask pattern, regalar price $1.25, sale $1.00 10 dozen Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, special sale price • 10a Men's two-piece Summer Suits, light grey, regular pride $8.00 for $0.00 Men's Sooke in fancy stripes or plaids, our oat price - • 25o 10 pieoes Caine Taffeta Silk, all colors, 75a gaality for GO 15 pieces 27 inch Japan Taffeta, regular price 50o, sale - 40o AlLlines of dollar and a gasrter Deese Goods, selling now for $1,00 5 dozen 60 inch Tape Lines, regalar prioe 5o, on sale •• 3o 10 dozen papers Black Toilet Pius, regalar 5o package for - - 33 Ladies' Kid Gloves, all colors, best make, guaranteed, $1.25 for • $1 00 Some odd lines of Oarsets, regular dollar qaality for - 50o 3 pieoes Fancy Dresden Ribbons, regalar price 25o, Hale - 150 Window Shades in green or Dream, on spring rollers 350 Extra wide Victoria Lawn, Bargain et 12i, on sale • 10o Summer Parasols in fancy white, regalar $t.25 for - - $t 00 Ladies' Sommer Vests a very splendid line at 2 for 15o Ladies' Wash Dack Skirts, nicely made, a bargain at $2,00 Children's Fanny White Lawn Dresses, all six3s, only $1A0 Big bargains in Carpets, Cartaina, Rags, Art Squares—no room to quote prioes here. Come and see—we can save you money in all departments, PI -1. E. ISARD & CO 1 Low prices for cement and vigorous competition among the manufacturers daring the last six months or more, have according to the World, made it bard sledding for some cement manufaotnr- ere. It is only a few weeks since the Imperial Cement Co. assigned. Now Domes a report from Owen Sound to the effect that the Owen Sound Portland Cement Co. at Shallow Lake and the Lakefield plant have abut down, while the Sun Cement Works are debating whether to follow snit or not. Gement is now selling at $1 15 net per barrel f.o,b, in oar lots. The Manitoba Government has decid- ed to give a grant of $250,000 to the Sel- kirk Centennial Exhibition, Cause of Bolls Explained. Even in health there is a large se - cumulation of matter in the system,, which if not destroyed, breaks through the skin in the form of pimples and boils. No remedy is so cleansing, so sure to drive out boils es Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. They brace up the system. rid it of humors, restore health, and absolutely prevent swellings, pimples. blotches and boils. Because mild and certain, anyone can use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers. Does not Color the t'laar AYER'S I-IAIR VIGOR Stops Palling Hair An Elegant Dressing Destroys Dandruff Makes i -lair Grow Composed of Sulphur, Glycerin, Quinin, Sodium Chlorid, Capsicum, Sage, Alcohol, Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor his opinion of such a hair preparation. AYER'S I.1AIR VIGOR Does not Cogor the Haar J. 0. AZEn COMPANY, Lnwoll, ye =Made in Canada is put up in rolls containing nails, tin caps and cement. All you need in addition is a hammer. This is only one of the many conveniences of RUBEROID ROOFING. It is fire -resisting and weatherproof 16 years on the roofs prove its durability. RUBEROID is the original and standard smooth surfaced roofing. ,: { 'Write for samples and prices. Call at office and s t e samples taken from a root, having been in use for the p1131 isyears, and still in good condition. (fieLean BOLE AGENT POR WINtIIAM AND DISTRICT.