HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-07-01, Page 88 T.U4 W1NGUAM TIMF$, ;JULY 1, 19U9 MIM -Excursion t ei sday.of next --Annual Su Eineerdine, on --- 'armee) a] doing duty on 1 --Dominion held in a nu: towns. --There are Wingham in tl %ventilate effect day. -Taylor-Ane forth are in r ei clothing factor; column. -The June o Government ea are late throng yield promises --Bug I.O C and Detroit o Keep this date the popular tri -Mr, E. Mo( Wingham and furniture, eto., skating rink on --The past very warm wei of June. The some sections, -Mr. D. J. Wingham, ha Dominion Exp tent of their office at Toron -Mr. J. A. bloom on Thu believe this to Mr. Morton w editor of the T -The Bell torie8 closed d time for atm have numero mence runnin Edith, the Mr. and Mrs. met with a ra evening last she sustained ylone- --Mr. W. Wingham, wr to the TIMES s that country a and proapeots this time of t --Harry Bri of J. M. Br Walkerton, w 'whioh he had day. Heart f been the tans -The votin A. W. Glass, tibiae of the at laying of gas of a gas plant the result bei -Tea is m influences th why it ghoul Air or sold i lead packets the tea in all - upon "Salads -Dr. Ken improvement large verand erection and enlarged and have one of Wingham w -Wood-La for staining plioation. In they combine id). the neces expensive wo mahogany, w Rae will tell -We hay Evanston of the cpm Evanston Ho nurses wer diplomas. A ing was Mise ter of Mr. town. -At the League on M men had 0 whioh was of addresses ve Ansley, W. and lea P Composed of Hill. B. A, rendered sell good form, a Willis was itn K EEC'' CHt DI Every mo1 summer trio Cholera infot+ and atomise1 frequent at t i{etre life is lc The another Tablets in th national nee •tofnach and trouble oom'b little one th Votirall, Sand baby was tinfl *cid ditirktlos Eaby'i Own peered." 8o ivy total25 Inhibitor' lY Ont. IR LOCALS. LO and ns he e ng d of its nedy s the hen and nary yon Incex e itarge ere drkel. • y � �y e You i Q a l� will not feel �i heat CHURCH NOTES. Town of Wingha� aimiesusiommisomolosommismilimpimmipay KING'S 'OR E 1 •R i port Stanley en Wel"' reek' lay sohool excursion to Thursday, July 22nd• appear 0 and have been buey he roads -statute labor. )ay celebrations will be her of the noighboricg no changes affecting to new tune table whioh on the G. T. R on San- hereon• Southgate, of Sea- d of operators at their P t, See advt, in another rop report of the Ontario ys that while the °rope ys %bout the province the So be good, . F. excursion to Sarnia Saturday, August 14th. in mind. Thio is one of 9a Of the season. Noy intends moving from will sell his household by public auction at the Saturday afternoon. week bas given ns someAnd ther-hot far the month 't have been good rains in but none in this district, McFeggan, formerly ofday, 1 been appointed by the rens Co., as superintend- southern division, with $O iforton had sweet peas in rade Of last week. We y be the first in Wingham. le two days ahead of the IMES. Union furniture faro awn this week for a short •taking. These factories orders and will Done- g again in a short time. two-year old daughter of J. D. 31.1oEwen, of Morris,' they painful accident one reek, by a fall, in which a fracture of the collar H. Rockey, formerly of iting from Carman, Man., aye that the grain crops in re now looking beautiful were never brighter at year. flinger, aged 22 years, son illinger, of Brant, near es found dead in a field inbeginning been working on Satu!• ailnre is supposed to have• of death, g on a by-law to grant to of Detroit, a 30 -year Iran. reets of Goderioh for the mama and the construction took plane on SatuT ay, 355 for and 107 met. ,re susceptible foreign en even but . This is neo ! be posed to the n bII rm. The sealed "S Ada" Tea preserve native goodness. Insist '$ is finishing up the on his property, The ah is nOW in course Of office building is being remodelled. The Dr. will the finest properties in the work is Completed. o Staines are manufactured varnishing at one ap. making Wood -Lao stains, With a good quality yarn- colors for imnlitatingWHITE-In Ods, such as oaks, cherry, shunt, ata. Riohardson & all about them. I received a Dopy of the giving a full account mencent exercises of the apical School, when eight presented with their mon the nurses radnat-y g g Jean McGillivray, dough- Arch McGillivray, of this meeting of the Epworth onday evening, the young 01 the Programme, a patriotic notate, Short given by Messrs, W. T. Hall, B. Cruickshank A Hunte quartette, Massie, W. J. Greer, F. J. Hammond and 3, Guest, era' patriotic seleotions in nd A piano solo by Mr. G. uoh appreciated, ,-.-_ BARGAINS. I W WANT YOUR TRADE The inauguration of ;be surplice choir at St. Faure church will take place on Sunday next, when the members will BY -LA NO, 686 1909 in the new form for the first' •Far hot weather nothing -- 1►1(IJSI,INSr Dicer or cooler than a Al1lslin Ditto ---a fine assorlment in black, white and fancy colors, 90411•01.101.•‘..,90411•01.101.•‘..,a: of summer er time at the evening service. A ByLaw for the issue of debentures await your inspection -prices to suit everybody. TO ANY ��r Wear ' t GREAT EXTENT IF r Q proper kindO YOU L Shoes. Mr. J A, Morton attended the con-, of the Town of Wingham to the ventign of the Howiok Sunday School amount of $6000 00, for the purpose Assogiahe at Fordwieh on Tuesday, p t}ud at the evening seas{on delivered an of improving the present water- 'i WASII S� JITXN�`i ,--NTew colors and a full stock will add to ourprevious good business, g OR, 000L��"�` CAT.MEANS IN OTHER WORDS, CA O(L D address on "Adult Bible Close work." works system of the said Town and Mr, Jg1in Rausford, tef Clinton, con- for procuring a supply of pure water ducted the services in St. Paul's Chnroh for domestic purposes. PRINTS.— Fancy Strips and Spots -.large variety, ...—�.---. Jeakins took the services in St. George'sWhereas the Municipal (`ouneiI of the Town Church at Godexiob preaching to the of •Wingham deem it expedient and uecc �sary ,Gingbams, Zephyrs, Delaiues, ete., in the best patterns. Here are a few suggestions, and the prices are so low that -•- well, in fact they COST YOU NOTHING, 'for .the reason that while you are wearing them you are saving your other shoes. that the present waterworks system should—' member9 of the A. F. & A. M. on Sun- be improved m d that the ratepayers and resi- dents day morniug. dente of the Town should be supplied with pure water for dgmastic purposes, the Municipal council Fancy collars, Belts, etc., in the newest designs. And whereas said Rev. W, L. Rutledge, B, A., D. D„ have, through their Engineer. Wm. Mahlon .: the newly appointed pastor of Wingham Davis, procured estimate., og tae cost of inatallirig a ey6tem Of pUCe tPater for 1}1H pill• Methodist Church, arrived in town on pose aforesaid, which estimates are appended Tuesday eveningfrom London, and the hereto, marked Schedule "A", and which y amount, in the whole, to *MOO 00.�,� exchange your Wool for Yarn, Blank. WOOL. Sheeting, etc. We have the best. ets, gi , FOR THE CHILDREN y" White Canvas Slippers, Barefoot Sandals pp + ' Gray Canvas Shoes, Rubber Soled Canvas Shoes. FOR THE GIRLS Canvas Oxfords, Rubber Soled low and high Canvas Shoes. Barefoot Sandals, Gray Canvas High Shoos - FOR THE BOYS Rubber soled high and low Barefoot Sandals, Canvas Shoes, Gray Canvas high Shoes. WOMEN FOR Y� 1� see Canvas Oxfords Gray Canvas High Shoes and Cuban Ties. FOR MEN GrayCanvas High Shoes, g White Canvas High and Low Shoes, Brown Canvas High Shoes• And whereas it will be necessary to issue family have taken tip residence at the debentures of the said Town of Wingham for '•` parsonage. The TIMI s welcomed Mr the s wh oh snmia 0.00, Utlintr tft rtp10- and Mrs. Rutledge and family to our cleated by this bylaw, the proceeds of said town and trusts that their work here debentures to be applied to the said purpose SPECIAL. -50 pieces Sheeting, .extra width, assorted patterns, an all-round world beater, reg.. 170 for 12?;e �—�• ' and no other. may be pleasant and successful. The And whereas the total amount required by.'White "The Municipal Ant" to be raised annually by n ew pastor will begin his duties on special rate for paying the raid debt anis in• terest, as hereinafter prrvldt d is d5:i 0. . - -- :- •�• Cx 6r O (� N T S Sunday nest, preaching morning and everting, Rev. Dr. Rutledge preached his fare- well sermon in the First Methodist And whereas the amount of the whole rate- able property of the said Town of Wingham according 1773,52.00. the last revised as c-slneut roll is 5173,652.00. whereas the amount of the existing de' benture debt of the said Municipality, ex- of local imprevements secured by r O 0 D GOODS Y s , O HEAP PRICES Church London,on Sundayeveningcusive ' in the : s ecial rates and assessments, is the sum of 1142,614.16, whereof there is nothing in arrears last and will take up his work Wingham Methodist Church next Sun- Dr, Rutledge was tenderedja cone. plimentary banquet by the London Ministerial Asseociation and a farewell social was held by the Ladies' Aid Societyof the First Methodist Ohnroh, In replying to the address read at the social, Dr. Rutledge said. "1 am cin ggoing of principal or interest. Therefore the Municipal Council of the 04116 ••••••••.�.a••••••••s tion of the Town of Wingham enacts iMell••il.•®A•••••!�•r•••• a Q por e ••®• 1. The sum of 56000.00 shall be expended byWaite in theimpsaid thLADIES' BLOUSES AND 0 the Town of orisWillsystem present waterworks system of the said Tots n and procuring pure water for domestic pur- is • • Poe For rho purposes aforesaid the Mayor of • the said Town of Wingham shall cause de- • • bentures of the said Town to be issued to the @a GOODS.WASH • aiall no of 56000.50, which said debentures a• shall not b° less than +100.00 each. Such de- 1t • to a smaller place, but I do not think that I am palled to do a smaller work, and I am flat as lad to serve myhead g Father in Wingham as 1 have been in the First Methodist Church. I have al- ways tried to reach to wearyhearts P i and to tryto keepbefore me the vision of the Christ who never fails, and that need has no narrow boundaries of one bentures shall be sealed with the seal of the • • Corporation of the Town of Wingham and • • shall be signed by the Mayor or other acting• of the Corporation and also by the • We have some very stylish Blouses on sale at present. Some •• Treasurer thereof ® finely embroidered and very daintily trimmed, with insertions and • 3. The said debentures shall bear date on • • the fifteenth day of beptember A,D, 1909, ani a lace, all have the new long sleeves, also the smart and Modish Tailor- • shall be issued on the day of the date thereof, ed Blouse in all white or with •colored pipings. s. • and shall be made payable in twenty years •p p g from the said date, at the otic) of. the Tress- • We have a large stock of Cotton Suitings which can be made carer, for the time being, of the saki Town of p • Winham, and shall have attached to them • into the popular wash suits for summer wear. Nothing more • coupons for the payment of interest. • serviea.ble or stylish when trimmed with buttons or neatlybraided. el 4. The said r debentures -shalf bear interest et •y • the rate Pour and one-half per cent, per ,. • +,�. - SPECIAL PRICES ON BAREFOOT SANDALS Beginning on Saturday next, July 3rd. Chi•ldren's sizes, 3 to 7 70 cents Girls' sizes 8 to 10 80 cents , L ' Misses' sizes, 11 to 2 95 cents Oar Sandals are the very best made — best heaby tan tops, oak tan soles, Goodyear welted, perfectly smooth insoles. city or another. I thank you with all my heart for your many kindnesses and you may rest assured shown to me,y that I will never forget them wherever I g may go. I pray that God may bless you and make you a blessing."for r annum, from the data thereof, and said in er- est shall be paid annnall at the office of the said Treasurer on the fifteenth day of Sep - tember int each and every year during the » Ladies Whitewear. currency tbereof. 0 • 6. During the etrrency of said debentures or any of them there shall be raised annually a In tbis department, our stock is complete. Each garment 10 by special rate on all the ratable probe 2,0 of • the saki Town of Wingham the sum of $2.000, well made and daintily trimmed with tucks, embroidery, lace and • the payment ofintereSt on said debentures. and the sum of 1183.02, for the purpose of • insertion. We ask you t0 inspect our stock before purchasing : creating a sinking fund for the payment of s elsewhere. s Sole agents S & � ��� CO THE SHOE STORE. �s�obtz ML {,y"`�„•� swan" for " Queen duality " and " Victoria " Shoes for ladies, "Albert " and "Astoria " Shoes for men. amommomms _ ,_ the debt hereby secured, making in all the • • be by •• NEWS NOTES. sum 01 5453.02, to raised annually special • rate as aforesaid, during each of said twenty • years. 6 This by-law shall take effect from and ei Choice Groceries always in stock. after the final thereof. passing 7. The votes of the electors of the said Town • • There is talk 01 a coal famine In the west during the coming winter, awing to the strike of miners. • of Wingham shall be taken on this by law at the following times and places, that is to say, •' • •on Monday the 26t1i day of July A. D. 1909, A Highest prices for Produce. a at nine °'°look of the forenoon and continuing till five o'clock of the afternoon of • • same day, by the following ks:Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks: GORDON - F. W. Sussex, teller in the Union Bank at Rooanville, Sask., has dieap• . In Ward 1, at J. T. Fryfo he's Implement - • « • Shop, Josephine St., by John F. Groves, De- • • Pott Cleekurning Officer, and J. J. Fryfogle, ••••••••••••S••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••o•ae Tn Ward 2, at Advance Office, by Theo. Hall, VVVVVIET.VrIVII.YV : f j % n I ass ItVW9i1t•Vd7.9/TVW trrvirdT!I!TidyVV.VV7'EITWVIrr.01131.3 4 T READ THIS1 § r you are LookingBargains 4 4 Peered. He Dame from Palmerston. �,. __ Deputy Returning Officer, and A. J. Alderson, Poll Clerk. In Ward 3, at the Town Hall, by A. Dulmage, NOTICE OF CLOSING. Deputy Returning Officer, and E. Nash. Poll Under Eel . B.' BONNY. Mu nEn7 ,-In Turnberry, on June 20th, to Mr and -Mrs. Wm. Mundell; a daughter. In Ward 4, at Albert Bell's House, Josephine, Street, by C. N. Griffin. Deputy Returning We, the undersignedSoliaitors of thegTown Officer, and J. W. Dodd, Poll Clerk. of Wingham, he eby agree to close our offices 8, On Saturdaythe 24th da of July A.D. duringthe mo July and Au August as 1909 the Mayor of the said Town shall attend. follows :- One I reek day, with the exeep- 4 Saturday �r I W�n�e o REm, in Turnberrp, on June 18th,to Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Reid; a daughter. BARER -In Turnb°rry, on June 27th, to 41r, and Mrs. Norman Baker; a daughter. 'hs at the Town Hall in the said Town at eleven tion of Saturda at p.m , and on o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to at 1 p.m. R. PANSTONE, attend at the various polling places aforesaid, and at the final sumnlln upJ A. MORTON, g of the votes by DUDLEY EtOLME3. the persons interested the Clerk on behalf or in, and or opposing this by-law, Wanted - Exper sed O p Operators on gni0kere Yeralla. Constant14 Pants, , employment the year round. Highest Reent rn.-At Emo, on June, 12th, to Dr. a nd Mrs. F. H. Bethune; a son. hiARILIED promoting respectively. 9. The Clerk of the said Town of Wingham NOTICE, shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven °'clock of the forenoon of Tuesday,the 27th union wage paid g •; piece work. Inexperienced hands to learn operat- ins, • + .--_r , 4 SATURDAY BARGAINS ONLY—JULY 3rd. w; , Ladies Lawn Embroidered Waists, regular $2,50 for $1,80; 82,00 for LI E81.60; $1.76 for $1,36; $1,50 for $1,20; $1 26 for 900; $1,00 for 700, Also a few odd sizes, reg. 76c and $1.00, your choice for 40o. a Ladies' Black Sateen Underskirts, reg, $1.50 for $1,20; $1.25 for 880. Laundry Soap, reg. 60 a bar, sale pride pride 7 for 25o. White Grose ; Starch, reg. loo a pkg Bale price 3 for 23o, 28 ib box Raisins for $1,60 or 4 4ee lbs for 25o, 4 L YOt7MANs—STEACEAN—At the home of the bride, on.June 24rd, by Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., Mr. A. P. Youmans, of Toronto, t0 Mies Isabelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Strachan, Jamestown. day of July A. D. 1909, to sum u thnumber Of votes giyen for and against this by-law. The Oemetry committee has engaged Dated at the Town hall at the Town of Wingham, this 22nd day of June A. D. 1909. a permanent caretaker for the cemetery. Any person may have a plot oared for 'Mayor. by leaving $1.00 at McKibben's Drug Taylor - Anderson - Southgate SEAPORTS, Orr, Clerk. Store. DIED Woons-In West Wawanosh, on June 17tH Is abelia Woods, aged 73 6 months and 1i' GEO. SPOTTON, SCHEDULE "A" TO THE PROPOSED R. 0. REDMOND, BY-LAW MCKIBBON, PUBLIC ►' OTICE. . years, days. Rtssula—At Gilbert Plains, Sask„ on June J. WALTON (No. 586, 1909, of the Town of Winghain.) (Property Comm{tree) hieing an estimate of the expenditure re- The Court of Revi on of the Town Of 1► 4 ►, MONDAY BARGAINS ONLY—JULY 5th. 4 , 4 , Mens Light Top Shirts, reg $1t25 for 98o; 75c for 60c; 60o for 40o. et p Mens Fancy Shirts, reg. $1.00 for 68c; 85o for. 60o ; 60o for 88o; $1,50 for i $1.10. t► I. gall. Canned Apples, reg. 30o for 23o. Oheete, 16c alb, i Bulk Pickles, sour, reg.20o aquart tor 16o. Bulk Piokles sweet keg. f 80o a quart for 25o, '4 C 4 3rd, Mary A. Fhthleigh, beloved wife of George Russell, formerly of Wingham, aged 57 years. Tuckersmith, on June 17th, John (erred to in the foregoing By-law, 590, 1909.) ESTIMATE, w Artesian Wells, 8 inches in diameter. 11340,00 NOTICE TO REDITORS. Air Pump and connection 444.00 Wingham will me •t in the Council Chamber in the said i own of Wingham, on Wednesday,the 7 h dayof July,1909,1•'► 'White, aged 74 years, 4 months and 15 days. ng Ari=TO-11114e sGi eon oinfhe'lMite PeierHM a Neil, aged 20 /ears, 2 months and 6 days. PnATFol;n.—In Wroxeter, on June 19th, MaryStephen Play sed 6rd, rel std two late IiaLAY-Tn Wingham, re June23rd,Margaret McLaren, relict of the late Peter Imlay, aged Air Compressor, connected with Eleo- Notice is hereby given pursuant to R S. O. InciMotor 75000,00 1897, Chapter 129, Sec, 88, that an,persons hay- Addition to Pump House g 0�0 ing chains against t1 estate of Walter Concrete Reservoir 612,00 conites, hate of the T. • •ship of East wa• Connection with existing mains ..... 200.00 a ceased, whoa on o: ab Huron, the 1Gentleman"i t Three stage Centrifugal Pump, caps- May, 1909, are required .• send post prepaid city 500 tgallons all onsic perminute, con- 1150,00 or otherwise deliver • 0 the undersigned, Transmission Solicitor for the htheotoraofthe said deceas• ed, on or before the 5t; day of July, A. D. House t0 Waterworks Station 436.00 1909, their names, addr saes and descriptions, Contingencies •_ and a full statement f particulars of their at 8 O'clockp. me t her and mine complaints -gains$ the assess- went of the real pr. •a ertiee on the east sidek of Catharine S :rest, between Pet- rack and Jolla $tie = s for the cost of the construction Of a 0 aerate sidewalk on eget side of said 'treet between the points aforesaid, :•e estimated cost of the proposed work e $346.00. Clerk's Office, W ngham, June 24th, , 4 ' 4 TUESDAY BARGAINS ONLY—JULY 6th ' Dress (bode in different materials, reg 60o, 75o and $1,00 a yard, sale 4 prioe 26C a aid, y Ladies' Corset Covers trimmed with lane And insertion, reg. 500 for .4 280; 300 for 200; 250 for 15o,MI 14 , �► Ladies White Cambric Drawers, trimmed with rooks and embroidery, 41 4 ; reg, 76o for GSD; 50o for 38q; 300 for 20o. i1 s7 years. MCAIaasTait-In Morris, on MOnda Total q D0 claims, and the nature .f the security if any, held by them, duly c: tiled, and that after *.909, J. B. li+; R(1USCIN, Check. ,June 23rd, Martha Anderson, relict of the late Archibald McAllister, in her 00th year. the said day the Bxe. •tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased N r 7 amongthe parties e • ruled thereto, having `� T E • regaronly to the alai s of whioh they shall `I�'�� �'T1"1"l"i °Z` �' '�'D'>i A'i I'd"i"4 i'd"t FARM FOR SALE. Take notice that the above is a true copy, ee then have notice. a proposedby-law which hes been token into bated this 0th day o. June, A. D.,1009. consideration and tahich will be finally passed R. VANATONE, by the Council of the Municipality of the Town Wingham P. O. of Wingham (in the event of the assent of the • So] c1tor for the Executors. 4. Royal. Grocery i. +14 + ± 41 g WEDNESDAY BARGAINS ONLY—JULY 7th 4 r +1 Ladies Oxfords in black (new stook), regular $1,76 for $1.25; $1,26 for 98o, 'ran Oxfords, reg $2.00 for $1.50, Dong, Bal. reg $1.75 for $1.55. Odd 71 sizes to clear at 600 worth 3 times the value, I� Men's Felt Hats, reg $2.25 for $1 45; $2,50 for $1.90; $2.26 for $1.75, 4 Men'S Straw Hata reg$1.00 for 85o;$2,50 for $1 90. Linen Hata reg50 ' ' r for 40o• 4 4 The nndereigned offers fora ,lot 33, concession 1, oulross, c Irving 129 acres, The farm is no 11 in and electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication thereof in the Wingham TIMES, the date of which publi• cation was the 24th day of June A. D. 1909, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. and the votes of the electors of the said Muni• .. + .g 1 .p qtr bar grass is well Watered. The are good build• Inge, site t 41' 9 g , a ee from Wingham. Paseesaion wigiven to snit put'. P ,tt the litiur's' and ptacest herein fixecel, day and Notice to hereby give pursuant to R. s O, 1897. Chapter 129, Seo.:. that all persons hay- Wingham, June 24th, 1903, ing claims against the u.tate of Mary Rantoul, J. B. IiERGlUSON, Cleric., hate la the Town of Wit : ham in the County 1. `-`-` aW 1a rl� s ' chaser. FRANK MCCOJ,tNIJLL, Wingham P. 0. Huron, married woma. deceased, who died PUBLIC NOTICE onqor abont the 20th da of May, 1009, are re- deliver to the ubnderxig fed, Solicitor otherwise the RE PROPOSED BY-LAW OP TSE TOWN Executor of the said d• caked, on or before the 5th day July, A. D., 1909, their 'I" This is the week for '� '1'aF .1. 1' C THURSDAY BARGAINS ONLY ---JULY 8th ; r Ladies' Silk Weide, reg $3 00 for $2 80; $2,50 for $1.90; $2,00 for $1.65. i Utlderekirte. (white), reg1 26 for 980; $1,60 for $1.16. r $ Odd eats, reg $1.26 for 9$. Stair C?ltbtoth, reg 20o for 14o a yard, 4 Bulk Tea reg85o for 5 Ibe for $5,26, 4 ' r TEACHER WA ED. OP WINGHAM• of Hames, addresses and descript .ns and a full state- Notice is hereby given that the Municipal ment of particulars of their claims and the Council of the Corporation et the Town of nature of the security If any. held by them, Wingham propose to submit to the ratepayers duly certified and the after the said day theand of the said Town for their assent a by-law to Executor will proceed o distribute the assets t 11, Berries, 't'd'e are filling 'i' ` orders now,Metra are .DREN WELL RING HOT WEATHER. • Applicettbne will be Oohed bvthe undersigned up to the,etth day of Jn.ly, for the position Sufi t eeher in S.S.No. 6, arnberry, S e qualifications and► eatacy. Ontiee t0 Commence 16th, 1000. authorize the saia Council to borrow the sum of the said deceased ntong the parties ete lomat for thopurpos)of itnproviug thb tithed thereto, hnvin, regard only to the prevent waterworks system of the said Town claims o1 Which;he aha 1 then helm notice. anti to procure a supply of pure water for Dated this 9th day of ! tine, A. D.,1009, domestic purposes. Re VANBTONE, The The following Is an estimate of the cents of W Ingham P. 0, the proposed waterworks improvements and So circ! for the Executor. the procuring of pure water for domestic, bur.,reg , , handlling nothing but home grown fruit. They '1' are the best. The best 4* FRIDAY BARGAINS BINS C%NL.Y--JULY 9th. 4 sr Art Mneline and Oanebiitl" 16o for 80. lance Curtains, reg 25o for re 200; 00o for 45c; $1.40 for $1.25; $1.75 for $1.50. 4 Oarpete, Makin), reg 40o for 280. Tapestry, reg 60o for 480; 66tl.41 ` �� r her knows how fatal the ithe are to small children. UM, diarrhoea, dysentery : troubles are Alarmingly WS time and too . ften a et after a. few h. , a illness. who keeps -able" Own p 5 house feel .. fe. The ore. of the *Wet. prevents bo el . ronblee or if the e' en. , :my will bring the match Welt."' Mie. (lee. 9 Beach, Que.. says: -"My ,bring from colic,. vomiting a. but after' g{t'ing' him lAblete the trouble d{eap• Id by' ntedicitne dealers or Dente a box from The 1)r. 'edioitte Cls►:, Brookrllle, DA.V1D HorimES Wingham P,O• ones need) fur the said Town by Wm. Mahlon $sole, c, E. En21aIATE. ��R I535°Por '1E �. are always the cheapest. . . 2 Artesian Wells. Hitches in diameter. 61840 00 �,,J : '4 These prices are for day and date only. Come and get ybnr share of the el bargains, oaeh or tirade. THESE Aim1. NOT CREDIT P1t1OSS. 4 Notice 10 Con '�'ac r$ 1 Air Pum and connection 444.00 Air Compressor, eenilected with Eiee- i� /� /'ri the Motor,,. -..... ............. .. 750 O6 i� ■ ■ [ �. rteeiver 100.00 i�.O.J FING. Addition to Pump House. .. • 09 09• Concrete iiesarvoir and Yump Sense902.011 -+ Re1<iflnlllb�rr, Our TC$S . . and Coffees Lead. - 4' r A M 1 L LS r et ONE 8D. iN 'tut x O '. le . di KA' IitA. . « , ,, AAAA "AaAiiimaikAAL*41414 Awr"AkA A - ° 0oaneetion with maim existing 20000 A'1 parties lntendi g to do any roofing T'teft�j'ttoo neon. ..............,a. +Teirderc twill be received the undersfRned up to the loth day of J y , for the re•lioo1• In rf the 131uevale tieYr n The Yoctas areg 118 t 2�n,im #ie ;ninon rac�toi futni+ih iii material remove and repleteie ace state, end 1b Wenge 's min e, this sea"on will do II to Look into the tweeted to Bleetric Motor 1160 eo merits of Parold R ng before placing TransmissionL3nefrorEleetriePower their order. 1 have he sole agency for Add o co......eticies.::::::::: ::: 4)0.000 Wingtlaftz for this ran of Roofllip, Get paxtlenlara at th Miming Mill, ALG IA 9N up all 01c1 material. Wer t eti the eth day of /m yet, ` ° be camptcte i r gisai See'yTrL, eu e'MeeE7',0, Total Dated, Clerk's Oilleb, tfiiilgltam, ,Tithe 4th, 1iI0(r. r.ee muter ett1N. rneeo. S. NETT. l�rodnoe Taken. Phone 64, •, .... _ • , X4.4 f•4•.t..>F