HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-07-01, Page 61
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
The law will not make a man good
Vat it will belp him to make good.
Row we enjny seeing a mon get the
worst of it when he tries to get the best
Of others.
In Agony with Piles.
Mr, p•, W. Carroll, with the Shaw
Millicg Co , St. Catharines, Ont,
writes: "For six years I was a victim
Of itohing, premien/1g piles and wee in
dreadful agony day ar•d night. Dootore
Were unable to help me and I was about
ha miserable as any creature cmaid be.
My druggist advised me to try Dr.
Vhase'e Ointment, which 1 did and ob.
tamed relief from the first bcx and cone -
Vete core with the second. This oint-
Ynent would be cheap at fifty dollars a
box, in view of what it did for me."
The man who marries a garrulous
Went= far her money soon begins to
realize the fact that money talks.
The weight of a warship when she is
launched is only a third of what she
weighs when finally commissioned for
A book on Rhemmetieur, by Dr. Shoop,
of Racine, Wis., tells some plaiu truths,
;tied in a plain and practical way. Get
this booklet, and a free tial treatment
of Dr. Shoop'a Rheurnatio Remedy for
some disheartened sufferer in your
vicinity. Make a grateful and appre-
ciative friend of some one who is die.
xouraged beeanee it the failures of
others to help him. Help me to make
this, test, and I will certainly help your
enfferiog friend, Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
If yon starve the colt the first winter
be is liable to come out very thin in
the spring and worth lees than when
In 1797 Edinburgh raised a force of
oyer 8,000 volunteers, which included a
regiment of cavalry and two batteries
of artillery.
Boy's Life Saved.
My little boy, four years old, had a
severe attack of dysentery. We had
two physioians; both of them gave him
up. We then gave biro Chamberlain's
()olio, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy
which cured him believe eaved his Iife.
--WILLIAM H: STnoerea, Carbon Hill,
Ala. There is no doubt but this remedy
eaves the lives of many children each
year. Give it with castor oil according
to the plain printed direotions and a
cure is certain. For Bale by all drug.
The notes of birds while correspond.
ing with our musioel scale, also inolude
vibrations occupying intervals between
our notes.
The Navy Department has announced
syetem of competitive steaming tests,
in which prize money will be awarded
to the engineer forces of war vessels.
8100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that aaienoe has
been able tooure in all its stages, and
Hall's sCatarrh
Cureto is onlysnow known
medical fraternity. Oa being a
constitutional disease, requires a eon-
stitntional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
npon the the system, t1 therebod and yIIedesteoyinsurfacesus the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do-
ing its work. The proprietors have so
mob faith in its curative powers that
they oiler One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials,
Address P. J. CHENEY & Co.,
Toledo, 0.
Sold all
TakebHall's Family Pills for con-
James Sharp, who styled himself as
Adam God, and led a gang of religions
fanatics into Manitoba last year was
on Saturday sentenced to 25 yearn in
Missouri penitentiary for engaging in a
fight with police of Kansas City in
which a number of lives were lost.
1. Good brain food.
2. Excites the functions of the liver.
3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep.
4. Disinfects the rnotrth,
5. Nelerelires the surplus aid of the
6. Petalyze t he rnorrhoidal disturlances.
7. Helps the secretion eF the kidneys.
S. Prevent cakulus saturations.
4. Obviates indigettion.
10, A preventative against dise,ises of
the throat.
11. home all nervous energy end res
vivat the natural fotcct.
4Z ilfularbora Streit, Terorifo, Ont.
Four million gallons of glue are re •
quired yearly for the postage stamps
' used le Great Britain, and yet people
ask the tmaster to Mole the stamps.
Nan the The Kind you Nato Always bele
Oats are the beet general feed for a
horse, and go well with timothy hay,
Once or twice a week give a feed of oorn
and clover with 'bran mash. Give only
what will be eaten up Olean.
The congregation of Katie Church,
Paieley, bas extended a pall to Mr.
Little, of Flesherton. The eonsidera.
tion offered is $1,000 with free manse
and three weeks vacation annually.
Heir for Those Who Have Stomach
Atter doctoring for about twelve
years for a bad stomach trouble, and
spending nearly five bundred dollars for
medicine and dootor's fees, 1 purchased
my wife one box of Obamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did
her so much good that she continued to
use them and they have done her more
good than all of the medicines I bought
before,— &sew , BureR,;Folsom, Iowa.
This mediates is tor cele by all drug-
gists. Samples free.
A dog poisoner has evidently got busy
in Teeewater this season. No lees than
five canines went the way of all flesh
during the past few weeks, evidently as
a result of having swallowed etryohnine.
Pain can be easily and quiokly;stopped.
Pink Pain Tablets—Dr, Shoop's—stop
Headache, womanly pains, any pain,
anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formu.
la on the 25o. box. Aak your druggist
or dootor about this formula—it's fine.
Sold at Walley's Drug Store,
There is a telephone line over the
Alps, but the record elevation in this
respect belongs to the United States,
there being a line at Camp Bird, Col
which is 13,000 feet above the sea level.
DR. A. W. CHASE'S og
is seat direct to the diseased
Parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
MedicinedCo.. Tootor nto' sandWBuS'ala
There are about 14,000 beneficed
clergy in England and Wales. Accord-
ing to statistics 7,000 of these have in-
comes Iess than £155. There are even
15,000 who receive less than £67 a year.
A. failing tiny nerve—no larger than the
finest silken thread—takes from the
Heart its impulse, it's power, its reg-
ularity. The Stomach also has its hid-
den or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop
who first told ne it was wrong to drug a
weak or failing Stomaoh, Heart or Kid-
neys. His prescription—Dr. S11oop's
Restorative—ia direoted straight for the
oause of these ailments—these weak and
faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt,
clearly explains why the Restorative has
of late grown so rapidly in popularity.
Druggists say that those who
test the
Restorative at ve even for a few days become
fully convinced of its wonderful merit.
Anyway don't drug the organ. Treat-
ing the cause of sickness is the only
sensible and successful way. Sold at
Walley's Drug Store.
To destroy worms on house plants
put a quantity of eulpher matches head
downwards into the pot. The worms do
not like this diet and soon give their
last wriggle, If the plant be watered
with lime water it will soon make short
work of them.
0hatnberlatn's Colic, Cholera and Diarr-
hoea Remedy Would Have Saved
131m 6100 00
"In 19021 had a very severe attack of
diarrhoea," stave R. N. Farrar, of Cat
Island, La. "For several weeks I was
unable to do anything. On March 18,
1907, I had a similar attack, and took
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr-
hoea Remedy which gave me prompt
relief. I consider it one of the beat
medicines of its kind in the world, and
had I need it in 1902 I believe it would
have saved me a hnndrad dollar doctor's
bill." Sold by alI druggists.
Two matrimonial events were celebra-
ted on Wednesday of !set week by the
pastor of Knox Cbnroh, Goderioh, At
6 o'clock in the morning Maggie, young.
daughter of the late Peter Murray,
ame the bride of Linnaeus Gordon
e , of Brantford. The event tea•r
e at the residence of Mr. and Mrs
liam Warnock, Albert etre °, and
bride was given away by her step-
er, Mr. Warnock, The bride wore
travelling snit of linen and a Oman
She was unattended, and the event
a very quiet on. The happy oonple
on the early train tot their future
e in Brantford. The second event
the riiarriege of Ivy Anthony Allen,
of Anthony Allen, of Cromarty, to
Sarah Winnette, daughter of Mr.
Mrs. Peter McLauchiin, The
m is an employe of the Western
ur Mille Co, The e'tent teoto place
e home of the bride's parents, and
Y. James A. Anderson performed the
Nasal Catarrh
An Old Physician Says to Look
for Dizziness, "Frontal head,
ache, Stiirness and Nose
Catarrh in almost every instance starts
with a common cold in the head, which
is added to with another cold, and be -
(mute of some extra txpoeure or weak.
nese of the syatom, it becomes ohronio.
A fall case of disgueting nasal and
throat catarrh then develops. Unloss a
radical ours 1s effected thele the disease
passes rapidly to the throat, bronchial
tabes and finally to the lunge.
No man or woman earl ever got new
lungs any more than new Rogers or a
new nose; but every one suffering from
Oatarrb can get a sure oure by Wareing
Catarrh( me, and this is proved after
you read further.
"After ten long years of suffering with
Catarrh in the throat and nose I write
to toll you that I am 'now completely
cured with Oatarrbczone. Whet a re-
lief it was to got that buzzing stopped
in my ears, to have my nine free and
easy to breathe through ---what a bless
ing it was to get oared of droppiogs,
catarrhal dyspepsia and bad breath. All
this is the result of Oatarrhrzme, whteh
I recommend everyone to use for any
trouble in the throat, nose, bronchia.
tubes and Auriga"
John Mocnllogh,
Moosebrook, N. S
Let Catarrbozoee cure you, get the
large dollar outfit which lasts two
months and contains an indestructible
bard rubber inhaler. Smaller sixes 25o.
and 50o. each. Beware of imitations of
Catarrhozone, which all reliable dealers
sell, or by mail from The Oatarrhozone
Company, Kingston, Ont,
How scarce good hardwood is get•
ting to be in this province is indicated
by an item in the Toronto papers. The
Toronto Shipyards Company needed for
some purpose an oak plank twenty feet
long and two feet wide. The Company
had to send to Indiana to get the plank,
and when it was laid down to Toronto,
it was worth twenty dollars.
Over Thtrty-Five Years,
In 1872 there was a great deal of
diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera infan-
tnm. It was at this time that Chamber-
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy was first brought into use. It
proved more encoessful than any other
remedy or treatment, and has for thirty.
five years maintained that record. From
a small beginning its sale and ase has,. M
extended to every part of the United -
States and to many foreign countries.
Nine druggists Ont of ten will recom-
mend it when their opinion is asked, al-
though they have other medicines that
pay them a greater profit. It can al-
ways be depended upon, even In the
most severe and dangerous oases. Sold
by all druggists.
The foIIowing cure for corns and bun-
ions is given by a writer. Wet a bit of
absorbent cotton with three drops of
castor oil and sprinkle lightly with bag.
ing soda. Bind it upon the corn or bun-
ion and draw an old stocking foot over
the foot. Do this for several weeks un-
til the Dorn or bunion is removed. It is
simple and harmless and it will effect a
cure in a few days.
'run WLNGi44M,. TIMES JULY 1, 1009
When he learned that $22,000 in paper
money which he dug up two weeks be,
fore in a field wbile ploughing, was
worthlees, William Murpby, a farmer
living three melee east of Snyder, Okla,
lost hie mild. Murphy guarded hie
find carefully for a week before he learn,
ed that the bills were heated by the
Confederate States of America daring
the Civil War,
Dorm's Kidney Pills aot on the kid-
rnuys, bladder and urinary organs only,
They Duro backaches, weak back, rheum-
nth nt, diabetes, congestion, intimation,
ravel, Bright's disease and all other
1iacases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
"Cedar Heart," the quiet country
home of Mr. Henry Dawson in Stanley
Township, was the scene of a very
pretty wedding on Wednesday of last
week, at high noun, when hig daughter,
Mary, was united in marriage to Percy
L. Couch, of Clinton, one of the leading
dry goods merchants. The Rev, A. W,
Browne performed the ceremony, and
only the immediate friends of the fancily
were present,
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
On Jane let. at his home in Okla-
homa, N. S., David Garvin, a former
resident on the 9th line, Morrie, and 8th
line Hullett, passed away after an ill-
ness extending over four months. Hie
age was 84 years, Deceased moved to
the United States about 29 years ago.
Mrs. Wm. Lawson, of Hallett Tp. and
David Garvin of Goderioh Tp., are the
only daughter and son who reside in
Twenty Five Cents is the Price of Peace,
The terrible itching and smarting,
incident to certain skin diseases, is al-
most instantly allayed by applying
Chamberlain's Salve. Piioe, 25o cents.
For sale by all druggists.
We learn that on Thursday, June
10th in Chicago, Mr. Harry W. Whitely
and Mrs. Nina L. Flower were united
in marriage. The ceremony was solem-
nized by the Rev. B. F. Aldrich of the
Congregational Church. Mrs. Flower
is the daughter of Mr, J. C. Coes of
Detroit, a sncoesefal manufacturer, and
r. Whitely, son of the late R. J.
Whitely of Luoknow, has been Manager
of the Credit Department of the Hamil-
ton National Bank of Chicago for some
Nothing in the way of a Cough is quite
so annoying as a tinkling, teasing,
wheezing, bronchial Cough. The quick-
est relief comes perhaps from a presorip-
tion known to Druggists everywhere as
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And be-
it is
so thoroughly
g y harmless that
mothers give it with perfect safety even
to the youngest babes, The tender
mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's
Cough Remedy its remarkable curative
effect. It is truly a most certain and
trustworthy preeoriptioh. Sold at Wal-
ley's Drug Store.
Word has been received of the death
of Mr. Robert Forbes at his home in
Hartney, Man., on Sunday, June 6, at
the ripe age of 82. Mr. Forbes was ane
of the pioneers of Kinloss having once
lived on the 4th con., lee!.melee from
Ripley. He moved with his family to
Man, about 22 years ago and his family
are all settled and prosperous in the
Prairie province. Many in this locality
will remember Mr, Forbes as an honest,
hardworking pioneer and a consistent
father. He was an adherent of the
Methodist Church and when living in
Kinloss was an active member of that
Suffered More Than
Tongue Can Tell
From Liver Trouble.
A laza slow or torpid liver is a terrible
afliieti0n, as its influence permeates the
—h01 e stem causing g Biliousness, Heart-
...-. a, Water Brash, ',engem., Coated
Tongue, Sick Headache, Yellow Eyes,
Sallow Complexion, eel. It holds back
the bile, which is required to move the
bowels and lets it get int* the blood
instead, thus causing Constipation.
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills will regu-
late the flow of, bile to act properly upon
the bowels, and will tone, renovate and
purify the liver. Mrs. J. C. Westberg
Swan hirer, Man., writes: ---"I suffered
for years, more than tongue can tell,
from liver trouble. I tried several kinds
of medicine, but could get no relief until
I got Milburn'(s Ietxs,-Liver fills. I can-
not pettiest them too highly for what they
have done for me."
Miihurn'e Lara -Livor Piills um 250.
per vial, or 5 for $1,00, at all dealers,
or twilled direct ori receipt of price by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
As a spring medioince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired
weary, feeling so prevalent in the spring
Thursday, ,Tune 17th John White, an
old resident of Tuokeremith, passed
away to his reward in his 75th year.
Mr. White came from Simooe Co. to
Tnokersmith about 35 years ago. He
was a Methodist in religion and a Liber-
al in politics. Mrs. White died 1%
years ago. Five sons asurvive, viz:—
George, Robert and Josiah in Manitoba,
Wm. in Morris and Ralph of Tuelter-
smith, Deceased had been i11 for some
time with a oomplioasion of ailments.
was an industrious Dna hone
rable man
who was respected by the community,
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favarit
medicine. They pure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousnees, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or siokening.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. David
Mountain, near Londesboro was the
soeno of a pretty wedding, Wednesday,
June 23rd inst., when their daughter,
Alice Mary, was united in marriage
With Mr, Jomea H, Pipe, of Londes.
bora. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. H. E. Corry, on the lawn under an
aroh Of evergreens in the presence of
about 50 immediate Mende and relatives
of the bride and groom, •
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been snocessfully
separated and refined into a perfect
(tough medicine --Dr. 'Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Pride 25
A tinkling or dry Dough can be quickly
iootened with Dr. Shoop's Cough Rem-
edy, No opium, no chloroform, nothing
unsafe or harsh. Sold at Walleyes
Drug Store.
A number of County Councils through-
out Ontario are forwarding petitions to
G tnment
:taking , g aha t
farm buildings in rural municipalities
be exempted from taxatiOn. The pe.
titiona set forth that such notion would
have a pronounced tendency towards se -
oaring the speedy improvement and oc-
cupation of vacant Lands, and would en-
courage farmers to improve and beauti-
fy their property. 1t is the intention of
the Goverriment, The Globe learns, to
submit the gneetion to the 'special Leg-
islative bonintittee appointed to deal
With a Complete revision of the assets.
trent act. This committee will probab-
ly be called together early Ih the autumn
With. a View to completing its work in
time for the Legislative Session, Which,
by reason of the ohange in the financial
year Of the ProVlnce, will inbet next
wear early in January.
Two big gray rate fought a battle with
a rattlesnake the other day and the rats
won. The snake was purchased by a
grocery firm 1n Dalton, Ga„ for a win
door display and two big rets were ob.
tained as food for the snake. When the
rats were planed in the One with the
snake it made no effort to molest them:.
es crowd gathered to witness the snake
eat the rats, but it was over an hour be-
fore the rattler moved to attack. The
rats aahowed fight from the start. While
the snake was after one the other would
be plunging its teeth into the snake's
body. After an hour the snake succum-
bed. One rat was nearly dead, while
the other was apparently unharmed.
As a tribute to its valor, the unhurt rat
WAS released. Tete rattler 'measured
seven feet in length.
Is Dr. Chase Your Doctor?
For over a generation Dr. Chase has,
by means of kis famous Receipt Book
and great family medioipes, been win-
ning the confidence and esteem of the
people of this continent, His Kidney,
Liver Pills, Ointment, Nerve Food and
other medicines have long since proven
their exoepttonal merits and today are
to be found in the best homes every-
where. Why not let Dr. Chase be your
dootor. -
Dr, Black of Paisley had a trip
through the west this spring. In a let-
ter to the Advocate he seeye in concert.
sion: "The young man of Ontario will
not make much of a mistake by tackling
the plains of Alberta and Saskatchewan
and grow wheat. No better prospects
in the west. .Commercially he may do
well if he keeps well In the van of civili-
zation before competition becomes too
keen. The towns on the prairie must
eventually get smaller, They can never
have industries for the want of power.
The forms are too large to make a large
eommnnity, so many dwindle down to a
store or two, an elevator and a livery
barn. The older man who has a home
and doing fairly well makes a great mis'
take to forsake it for a home on the
prairie. Privations must be his lot for
many years to oome, and by that time
his wife may be a widow, Sum up the
bitter with the sweet and old Ontario, as
the boys on the street would say, has
them all "skinned by a mile,"
Paine of women, head pains, or any
pain stopped in 20 minutes sure, with
Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. See full
formula on 25o, Box. Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
tL'Y a 35C T Cr Wt. X .I..
Beare the The Kind You HavoAlways Bouch
of efeee /jice,
There are 130 municipalities in Mani-
toba, and an even break has been secur-
ed between the license and local option
forces, each being in control of 65.
Nearly every one of the license munici-
palities will be invaded by the temper -
once party this fall, in an effort to bring
them under local option also.
+ Will find Decided Benefit +
+ from Taking +
+ +
+♦ The greatest flesh builder and +
i nerve tonio in the world. Works +
wonders in enriching the blood, +
g g nerves
and 4.
building up the system. Tho best
way to prove this is to try a box— +
50 cents, six boxes for $2.50. For
sale by Walton WcKibbon. +
4+++N+4.1t4s :+444++N+++++++
The imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot"
will make the season of 1909 as follows:—
Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale,
for Frank `Wright's, Tr., 11/a miles north of
Jamestown, for noon; and to Currie's hotel,
Wroxeter,for night. Tuesday --To Eirton Bros.,
con. 5, Turnberry, for noon; and to his own-
er's stable Bluevale, for bight. Wednesday—
to hia o nems stable Bluevaie; for nighttand
remain until Thursday noon. Thursday—At
noon leave for Dennis' feed stable opposite
Cement Works, Wingham, for night. Friday
To Alex. McPherson's, con. 7, Turnberry,
for noon, and to Wingham for night. Satur-
day—To his owner's stable, Bistro/ale, and re-
main until following Monday morning.
J, W. KING, D. Mt1P•nEtisor ,
Proprietor. Manager.
burls Chief""ted w llCmakedthe sle easonnofr11909 s
Monday—At noon, leave his owner's stable.
Bluevale, for Walter Forrest's, con.
2, M
e,forni ht, Tuesday—To Geo. Mirione's,1,miles north of Brussels rnisroad, for and by way of Dubcan'g eIderoal
Thos. Warwick's, eon. 3, Morrie, for night.
Wednesday—To. dos. tlheddon's, eon, 4,
Morris, for noon; then two hours at Bobt.
oonit,shoMiller's, con.
grvfrghTursday.o Ja.Glaael
road, for neon; then to John Menzies, con. 10,
East Wawanosh, Inc night. Friday—To s.
Btirnhtll's, eon. 13, Last Wawanosh, for noon •
then to Debnis' feed stable, opposite Cement
hskrs Wingham
ileaeatliowneaBuvaInd remain Saturday—To
Monday noon.
J. W. IING, Proprietor and Manager.
nail anyone hating ISi6 stook or other
.rtlelee they wish to diepoee of, Should adver-
tise the same for sale in the Tulsa. friss large
eironbttien tells tend it will be titmice indeed if
rudenot etaotretordsr. We can't
at yon will bell became you vier see mora
r the artiole or 'took then it is worth. Bend
roar advsr*ieenteai to *he Tnesa and ter *his
roe ttel01 dta posing of your stook iota other
TwLII 1 1 yEARs AGoi Itozns it Som the "Timex" tyle$.
CFronz the TIAMES of June 28, 1888.)
!desert!. Gilohrist, Green & Co, have
been adding greatly to their meobanioal
staff and everything is now bumming at
the Union,
Division Court was held here on Tues.
day by Judge Toms, of Goderioh
Seim eight oases were disposed of. In
the ease of the Belgrave Cheese and
Butter Company ve. Watson, to recover
shareholder's payments of stock, judg-
ment was reserved.
A junior baseball team --the Aome--
has been organized, with Mr, George
MoOlymont ae oaptain and Mr. W.
Loutit as seoretary.treasurer.
For hie handsome end well-bred two
year old mare, "Inatilaot," Mr. Meyer
has been offered $400 by a knowing
horseman. The owner thinks, however
—breed and quality considered, the
beast being in foal—that $1000 is about
the value.
The news will be received with
universal eatiafaotion that Mr. John
Rutherford, book-keeper at Messrs,
Gllohrist, Green & Co's. factory, has
decided to remain in Wingham, instead
of returning to Auld Scotia, as con-
Mr. James Somerville, M. P. for
North Brant, was in town on Friday
last on his way to visit his cousin, Mr.
James SomerviIIe, ex -M, P. P., of
Messrs. Huebsohwerlin & Morrie have
opened out a new tailor shop opposite
the Bank of Hamilton.
Mr. John Bailey is the conductor who
has put in the longest term of service of
any on the Grand Trunk. 'He ran his
first train on the 1st of March, 1865, but
had been on the road about a year be-
fore that time.
Mr. Duncan Anderson, a former reef.
dent of Lower Wingham, who was in-
Wingham arranging for the ereotion oe
a monument over hie father's grave,
about a year apo. The Where remains
were interred In the Wingham cemetery
about a year and a half ago, A letter
from a brother-in-law of deceased, lifr,
W. H. Thedford, of Port Elgin, informs
us that Danoan Anderson died at the
"Soo," some weeks ago.
Will J, Wilson, commercial traveller,
0f Kansas city, and a brother to Mr.
J, S. Wlioon, teaohir, is at present on
visit to his relatives here, He wag
formerly an employe with Mr, T. J.
Jackson in the mercantile business in.
Mr, John Rudie, of MoKillop and
Miss Annie Colter, of Morris, were near,
reed in Wingham on Wednesday.
Mr. J. A. McEwen, of Con. 2, Morrie;
has samples of rya 6 feet 6 inches in,
Thornton, -.-At Bluevale, on the 23rd"'
inst., the wife of Wesley Thornton; a
Gilmor--Green,—In Macleod, on the
29th ult., by Rev. Wellington Bridgman,
Mr, Robert Gilmor, of the N. W. M. P.,
formerly of Wingham, tO Miss Rosa
Green, all of Macleod, N. W. T.
Robertson.—In East Wawanosh, on
the 26th, inst., the wife of Mr. A.
Robertson, aged 40 years and 3 months.
To Keep Light Dresses Clean.
Magnesia may be obtained either
in powder or in square cakes, and
it is very effeotive in cleaning laces
and delicate fabrios. Sift or rub it
on' the parts to be cleaned, and lay
them away in a box or drawer where
they will be undisturbed for a day
or 50, and then shake them out, It
is a very good pian to apply the
magnesia in this way when patting
away party dresses that have be-
oome slightly soiled. The magnesia
absorbs the dust, and when you take
the dresses out to wear them the next
time, they will be fresh and dainty.
The magnesia is also effeotive, when
applied in the sane way, for removing
grease•spots.—Woman's Home Com-
panion for Jnne.
12, .Eli. It5l'V Ca R I .!3 .
Beare the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
An Important Decision.
A decision of importance to muni-
ci a 'lit es
p was handed out by the
court of appeal at Toronto. In effect
it holda that no traotion engine can
go on a bridge without laying plank.
If one does eo, any damage that
results will be chargeable to the
owner of the engine. In the case
in question, the Goodison Thresher
Co. brought an action against the
township of McNabb for damage to .
an engine, ander eight tons in wei-
ght, by the collapse of a bridge. No
plank was laid, but the plaintiff' con.
tended this was unnecessary and the
only reason for laying plank was to
protect the floor of the bridge. The
ooart held however, that without
laying plank, each an engine has
no right on a bridge and must suf.
fer the consequence, and not only die -
missed the plaintiff's action but gave
the township $77.90 for damages done tO
the bridge.
What a Great Man Said to
the Great American People
Parisian Sage is a dieoovery of a cele
brated scientist, who spent the best
years of his life in perfecting this great
hair tonio.
In giving his reoipe to the Amerioan
people he said, "Parisian Sage is the
most delightful hair dressing in the
world, but it is more than a hair dress.
ing. It cures dandruff by killing the
germs that infect the roots of the hair;
it stops falling g hair • it gives vigoran
strength to the hair roots. Walton Mn -
gibbon sells Parisian Sage at 50 oent5 a,
large bottle and guarantees it to do all
that is claimed for it, or your money is.
refunded. If you do not reside near a
druggist who sella Parisian Sage, send
50 oents to Girona Mfg. Co., Fort Erie„
Ont., and a bottle will be gent yon all.
chargee prepaid.
YOU cannot buy flour ar
fine, white, pure and
nutritious as Royal House-
hold under any other name.
There is no other flour in
Canada upon which half so
much money is spent to
insure perfect purity—just
think for a moment what
that means to the health of
your household.
Royal Household Flour
is the best—most wholesome—
most carefully milled flour to be
had in this country. The Ogilvie.
name and trademark are on every
barrel and sack ---W a guarantee
from the maker to the consumer.
Tell your grocer you must have
Royal Household. x$,
%W a title' ll Ib Co.* Balla, NottrtaL