HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-07-01, Page 3TUE WIND 4II TIMES, JULY 1, 1909
Young & Co,
There is no season of the year so fitttd for brightening up
as the present. Look at the list given below and see if there isn't
something you need for spring cleaning, Then look at the price
and see if you can afford to overlook this store.
A good Mop is always useful, but just now with the muddy
days it is especially so. We have excellent mops at 2
for 25 cents,
Don't be handicapped by a leaky -pail, we hase pails of all
sizes. The following prices should appeal to you. Best
Galt' iron Pails 30c. Strong Tin Pails 20c. Good Fibre
Pails 30c,
Z hese are all guaranteed to hold water.
Scrub Brushes
Our Scrub Brushes are made to stand the hardest kind of
work. Strong solutions will not effect their fabric.
Price 10c and 13c,
Carpet Beaters
Times have changed, no more whips or banibco poles, we
now have some durable Carpet Beaters that can be used by
any housewife, any shape for 15c.
Step Ladders
Hanging pictures, washing woodwork, etc., all require the
use of a step ladder, and it is not a pleasant sensation to be
on a rickety step ladder. Let us show you some of our
good ones.
We are agent for Sherwin Williams' Paints at d Varnit-hes �
and will be glad to give you figures on "Brightenir'g up" your h
place inside or out. Come in and talk the matter over,
This is an entirely new idea, and will espe-
cially interest people who reside in natural
gas districts. The gas ring takes the place
of the lower Sunshine fire -pot, thus making
it possible to burn gas in your furnace without
inconvenience. Such is not possible in a
furnace where the ordinary gas log is inserted;
for, should the gas give out, A coal or wood
fire could not be started until the gas pipes
were disconnected.
To provide against sweating in the summer
time, Sunshine Furnace is equipped with a
nickelled steel radiator and dome. All
bolts and rivets are nickelled, all rods
copper -plated. This special treatment, be-
sides meaning quicker and greater radiation
from the radiator and dome than cold chill
iron could possibly give, acts as protection
for the bolts, rivets and rods from inroads of
gas. When cast iron conies in contact with
our nickelled steel it is coated with our special
.Anti -Rust treatment, which prevents the
slightest possibility of rust commencing
anywhere in Sunshine Furnace.
The Gas Ring
k y
r Mt,
E Uy
Drs¢. K. Be K. are favorably known throi•git.
out 'Canada where they have (lone bust.
n.•ss for over 20 years. '.thousands of patients
have been treated and cured by thew gwat
skill and through the virtue of their New
Method Treatment. Chen you treat with
them you know you are dealing with respon
sible physicians as they own and occupy.
their own race building in Detroit, valued
at 5100,000. When they (ecido yet r rase is
curable, all your w( rry is remot ed for you
know they will not deceive yon. Thy
guarantee to cure all curable cases, No
matter how many doctors have failed to
benefit you; no matter how much money
you have spent 1n vain; no matter how dis-
Conraged you may be, dont give tip in des-
pair until you get n free opinion front these
master specialists, if you are at present
within the clutches of any secret habit which
Is sapping your life l,y degrees; if you are
suffering from the results of Fast indiscre-
tions; e s, if your Mood has Nen tainted from
any private disease and you dare not marry;
if you are married and lice in dread of symp-
tom; (int and erpcsinr yr or Vast;if you are suffering as the result (f d. mic-
aeoty�niaiLyvot n•e-,, befg ihme 103
tell y
ou honestly if 3 o are Cumbie.
Wo Treat and Cure
BLADDER Disease*
Peke i
! ar to Moo.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
Da. KExNrbv, ilIEDlCAL DinncltOI
or Das. X.
S K,
Books Free on blesses of Men. U unable
to tali, writo for d Question Blank for
Sieh IXeadachr and relieve all the tronbleq incl•
dent ton bllioi', state of the system, each as
eating, Pain
tlie'Sf1i Drowsiness,
their most
remarkable succuss hal; Me, &c,
shown lit curing
Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver PIM are
equally valuable In Constipation, curing nndpre•
venting this annoying complaint• while they also
correct all diso dersorthestomach, stimu.atethe
liver and regulate the bowels, livenIf Meyonly
clued .,
Ache they would be atm est priceless to those who
suffer Ann thlsdistressingcomplaint; but forte -
mutely their goodness does not end hero,and those
who once try them will find these little pills valu-
able in so many ways thi:t they r 111 not he wil-
ling to do without thous. $atafter allelcl; head
Is the bane of so many lives that le wbere
we make our great boast, surplus emelt while
' others do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to take. Onoor two pills make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, but by their gentle action please aurwho
use em.
fall mall Down hall I Pricer
We may name a hundred drawbacks
That a man mast faoe in lite,
We myy say it's all a "battle"
And a never•end,ng "strife,"
Then resolve to meet it brwvely-
Stand the test to do and dare -
But the secret of true viotory
Lies in just one word be "square."
There is something In the twinkle
Of an honest fellow's eye
That can never be mistaken
And neer oan be passed by.
Be his station high or lowly,
There's that dauntless upright air
That convinoee all beholders
That the man they nee is "egnare"
Heaven Rives snob men influence
Over those they daily meet.
If they see a fallen brother
They will help him to his feet -
Make the "sneaks" a bit uneasy --
Blake the "false" not kind of fair,
For the greatest rogue on record
Will reap -co the man who's "Fgnars,"
Origin of Surnames.
Surnames were introduced into Eng-
land by the Normans and were adopt-
ed by the nobility about 1100. The old
Normans used. Fitz, which signibes
son, as Fitzherbert. The Irish used
0 for grandson -O'Neal, O'Donnell.
The Scottish highlander used Mac, as
Macdonald, son of Donald. The Welsh
used Ap, as Ap Rhys, the son of Rhys,
Ap Richard, The prefix Ap eventually
was combined with the name of the
father; hence Prys, Pritchard,. etc. The
northern nations added the word son
to the father's name. as Williamson.
Many of the most common surnames,
such as Johnson, Wilson, Dyson, Nich-
olson, etc., were taken by Brabanters
and others, Flemings, who were nat-
uralized in the reign of Henry VI.,
The Sycamore.
The sycamore has been called the
Egyptian fig tree. The date of its be-
ing planted in England is not known,
but it was very early. Glary, queen
of Scots, brougbt over from France a
young sycamore, which she planted in
the gardens of I-Iolyroo1; and from
this have sprung all the beautiful
groves of sycamores now to be seen
in Scotland. -St, James' Gazette.
His Dilemma.
"J'm in a difficulty over my girl,"
*What's wrong?"
"I've been saying each nice things
to her that she's getting conceited. If
I stop she'll think I don't care for her
any longer, and if I go on she'll think
she's too good for me." -London Mail,
A Previous Specimen.
He -If I'd known bow sarcastic you
were I never should have married you.
She -You had a chance to notice it
Didn't I say, "Tbis is so sudden,"
when you proposed to me after four
years' courtship? -Boston Transcript.
A Heroine:
Ella --Bella never passes a mirrot
without looking in it, Stella --Brave
0.4i--Ilarper's Weekly.
The Professor -And how did Phocion
shamefully evade his duty? The Fresh-
man (who doesn't know) ---I have been
taught, sir, never to speak ill of the
Goodness Nosed
Whenthe clerk itifornieti the ewa
tomer that the handkerchiefs Were
$1.50 each the latter remarked:
"No, sirr set That's too mach monelr
to blow int"
Restore Failing Energy.
They malts well and healthy
the d de "s
Deo ed liver and d kid-
iheyd, making thenndorm
their functions. Besides
this, they
and make the run-down oil-
feel like e
� n
Try a box -x-25 oente, and again.
how +quickly you note the
For sale at Walley's Drug More
After Results That Maty Coma From
Hunthtg it With a Light,
The folly of hunting for leak In a
gee Pipe with a lighted match Le not
so much because of the danger of an
explosion as of other damage, aa
shown by the experience of a house.,
bolder not long ago. /
One or two small Ieake we detect-
ed by going over all the pipes teed
holding e. lighted match to them. The
*tell of teas ceased, but was replaced
a few hours later by the smelI of burn.
lag wood.
Another visit to the cellar showed a
charred floor joist a little distance
above a gas pipe. There was no ap-
parent cause for this until a very close
examination resulted in the finding of
n tiny jet Of gas which was issukng
from the pipe beneath the beam.
It was lighted, but was so small as
to be blue iu color and nearly invisi-
ble. It bad been lighted by the match
used in tbe first investigation, but bad
not been noticed.
"If that teak had happened to be in a
lend joint instead of an iron connec•
probably have been work for the
tion," said a gas man, "there would
brigade. The smallest possible jet of
lighted gas issuing through lead will
in time heat and melt the lead and
make the teak larger until a big flame
fs issuing.
"This may make a fire hours later
In the dead of night or at a time when
no one is in tbe house, The only prop-
er way to look for these very small
leeks is to paint the suspected pipe
with a smooth soap lather. Just as in
the case of a bicycle tire, the tiniest
leak will blow n bubble in the lather,
and there you aro." - London Tele-
Primitive Ruts In the Villages of the
Native Indians.
The Mexican Indian huts in the vil-
lages and upon the ranches of the
lower Pio Grande border region of
Texas have a style of architecture and
construction that Is distinctly their
own. This type of primitive building
Is rapidly passing out of existence, At
many places on the border families of
Mexicans have abandoned their jacals
and moved into more pretentious
No money outlay is necessary in
erecting the old style picturesque struc-
tures; neither is a knowledge et car-
pentry needed. A double row of up-
right poles firmly set or driven into the
gt'ottnd forms the framework for the
walls. Between tbese two rows of
poles are placed other poles or sticks
of shorter length, forming a thick and
compact wall. At each of the four
corners of the building posts are set,
reaching to a height of about eight
feet. Roughly hewn stringers are laid
from one post to another, and to these
stringers are tied other poles that form
the framework of the walls. The
strong fiber fr'ort the maguey plant or
strips of buckskin are used to tie the
poles into position. The rafters are
tied to the ridgepole and the stringers
in the same manner. At one end of
the building is built tbe opening
through which the smoke of the inside
tire may ascend. Stoves are unknown
among these Mexicans, and the cook-,
ing is all done upon the ground. -Kan-
sas City Star.
She Was Slow.
The shop assistant had shown and
reshown the toys to the undecided
shopper. •
Rabbits, monkeys, jacks -in -the -box,
jumping jacks, trains, velocipedes --ev-
erything had been displayed, manipu-
lated, operated and explained to the
shopper, but still shecould not make
up her mind.
"1 wanted to get something suitable
for my little nephew," she reiterated
for the thousandth time,
"Yes, madam," responded the weary
assistant. "You told me that when
you came in, hut I think your nephew
bas outgrown all these toys while you
have been at this counter." -London
His Translation.
A dignified elder of an Australian
church was presiding at a charitable
concert. 4. Miss Brown was to sing
"Ora Pro Nobis," but at the last mo.
ment she changed her mind, and a note
was passed to the chairman intimating
that She would give "The Song Tbat
Reached My Heart."
He therefore made the following an-
nouncetnent: '.Miss Breast will now
sing 'Ora Pro Nobis,' which, being
translated, means 'The Song That
Reached My Heart'' -London Chron-
No Hurry.
He--Tben you brave decided to accept
the proffer of my heart and handl
Site --Yes, dear. Ile-Thankst You
have made me the happiest of men,
but we must have some regard for the
old maxim and not be married in
haste. She -Don't worry about that
t am perfectly willing to wait till next
week. -Los Angeles Times.
Maple Drop Oakes.
Two cups of maple sirup, one-half
of c
P ea
m or milk,
eggs, cup of melted butter, three tea-
pbonf of
bakiu powder, wd r
enougb to make n tuft batter. Bake
In gem pans, -Good Housekeeping.
The Anno
rn n}
et Followed.
They say there are germs in
Suppose you >
girl eonld catch that way? t
Ht's•' -A htlshand.••-Ladies' Rome Jour. -
A pound of ears will not pay an
umite of debt. -Dutch Proverb.1
Never closed -the open season for
' kissing.
1 The real martyr never has time to en -
i joy the honor,
! Late of s61f-made mon manage sue-
oessfally to _congeal it,
The pessimist doesn't bore us with his
alleged funny stories,
The coming Summer is loudiy herald-
ed as a season of color.
When respeot departs, love paoks its
grip And takes a vacation.
He is anything but a good barber who
cute an acquaintance,
Everybody 'a business is nobody's hue -
loess except the busybody's.
The average man considers a picked•
up supper mighty slim picking.
It is the uncertainty of women that
makes men go daffy over them.
Sooner or later a man who travels on
his cheek will have a worn look,
A candidate stands on his party plat.
form and his opponent jamps on it.
Publicity is an alarm olook that fre•
q gently wakens a man's conscience.
The ideal man only exists in the mind
of the woman who has never married.
Do yon think lawn mower becoming
to grass widows than other dress fab -
Our idea of a fool man is one who will
kiss a woman after seeing her kiss 9 pet
The boy who runs away from home
never has as good a time as he thought
he would.
The time for any man to marry is
when he finds a woman silly endngh to
accept bine.
Don't have such a lofty opinion of
yourself that others may not pare to
look up to you.
Wise is the ohap that catches on at
the proper time and Iete go at the psy
ohologioal moment.
Money talks and there is often
speaking likeness between the genuine
and the counterfeit.
Ice is about the only thing that needs
a blanket around it to keep it comfort.
able in hot weather.
The Poor Editor.
Froth en Eacobauge.
The editor of a local paper is often.
unjustly censured for his mistakes.
The wonder in that he does not make.
more of them. 04 the average paper
he tnust deal with all kinds of pub•
jegte, give the names, date', oto. Dias
boar he may be engaged in reporting
religious' meeting and the next
drawing the picture of a .fight. IIe
mast condense and 611 with kris items
severe/ columna, whether events are
transpiring to throw up material for
hie use or not. Count the looal items
in le paper and imagine how many
steps they have required, bow much
mental anxiety, worry and work they
have cost and some idea of the editor's
work can be gathered. The smallest
may have cost him a long walk and
mttoh effort to reach the facts. There
is no end to his work. When one
paper goes to press he tarns his at.
tension to the next. $e makes the
rounds in search of news and to*?.let
get a line, p'roua some be sunl4 oak
news without their knowing it, drawlag theta into conversation andob.twining what be wept* in steelier*
Eie may Wage for hours in oh/141
down a rumor only 20 and /bat there lea
nothing in it. His loan/ oolumns eta"
him its the face sail demand to be
Ailed not with skim milk but with
oream of the news events and matters
of interest. Ifie bounds are iittai#ef1
tied yet he must find in ewes day and
all through the wee$, month and year
something of interest to the public,
No more perfect treadmill .could be
devised. With such a oonetent strain,
producing weariness of the body and
mind and an almost endless variety of
eubjaots to bo tonohed upon, is it sur-
prising that be should oocestonaliy
make s 41istake? Other people f, to, wb'
shoulan't an editor?
A barking dog never bites -while he.
is barking.
Sour Stomach and Heartburn ?•--�,
At all Druggists or direct from.
25c. a Box.
Yi12�ii611120.0•®i®i8.600Q8 E rlMQliO/ai0i11p0111yAilll�pM!®
a •
. i ••
ir knoi
w •
i• FWr1R 1908-09. •
i .
# r
w The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below a
ifor any of the following publications :
Times and Daily Globe •
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o Times and Daily Mail and Empire •
• Times and Dail•y World 4.50 •
3.35 s
• Times and Toronto Daily News., 2.30 •'
• Times and Toronto Daily Star •1
• Times and Daily Advertiser •2.30 •
• Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.85 •
♦ Times and Weekly Globe . ••
o Times and Weekly Mail and Empire........ • 1.60 •:
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85•
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• Times and World Wide 1.80 i'
• Times and Northern Messenger. 220 �`
• Times and Farmers' Advocate 1,35 %
., or e
• We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
2 Times and
the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine,
Farming World
• Times and Presbyterian �' '
• Times and Westminster
• Times and Presbyterian and Westminster
• Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto)
Times and Youths' Companion "
• Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)
• Times and Sabbath Reading, New York
Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)
Times and Michigan Farmer
• Times and Woman's Home Companion ...
,•.r Times and Country Gentleman ..
Times and Delineator
•Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine
•• Times and Green's Fruit Grower
Times and Good Housekeeping
.L. Times and McCall's Magazine . .;• . ` . •
Times and American Illustrated Magazine
It is to be hoped thst the meek inherit
the earth before the other fellow 'gets
through with it.
The average man will stand up for
himself, no matter how many people be
has to sit on in order to do it,
"Ie twenty years we will all be fly•
ing," says a scientist. Shocks! Base.
bill pitchers have wings
The sweet girl graduate is !woke, all
right, When she gene through sohool
the housecleaning is all done,
Many a oity man boasts of his boy-
hood on the farm -but he doesn't make
a strenuous effort to get back to it.
OooationaIly a woman cultivates the
acquaintance of her next door neighbor
so that she oan borrow things.
Some men never think of earning an
honest Iiving until they accidentally get
a good hard jolt is the right spot.
It's hard for any man to keep in the
straight and narrow path unless he bas
a good woman to guide his footsteps.
Any man can inherit money if given
an opportunity, but when it comes to
keeping it -weal that's another story.
Many a man's boasted bravery has
gone lame when his wife suggested
that he visit Abe kitchen and fire the
In all cases of headache the first thing
to do is to unload the bowels and thus
relieve the afflicted organs or the over-•
full blood vessels of the brain; and at
the sante time to restore tone to the
system, re-establish the appetite, pro-
mote digestion and invigorate the entire
will remove the cause of the trouble and
restore the system to healthy action and
buoyant vigor.
Mrs. S. Priest, Aspdin, Ont„ writes: -
"I was troubled with headache for several
years and tried almost everything with-
out results, until it friend advised me to
try Burdock Blood Bitters. I got two
bot*les, but before I had finished one I
was completely cured. I tan never say
too much h
c for
For sale at all dealers. Manufactured
only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Orders Ers O
! t the Insertion
a ern
s teeoherE Yvanted,bnbirteae chancnti
eeb nia
8 weeded, articles , Een
for tette, or fact
in f
Iliad ' ofn
a odyn. is
other city papers, may any
h,d tlui Trus
;Atka.nitssave people/l the treuble of remittInn
for and forwarding edvertleertrehtn. Lowes$
testes will be giscted on a' pltcatiotx- Lel►i(e
or ttetideamoz neat Work of this kind to tilt
TfkIES OF.EXel , Win*bgie
Times and American Boy Magazine
Times and What to Eat
Times and Business Man's Magazine......
Times and Cosmopolitan
Times and Ladies' Home Sour nal , ,
Times and Saturday Evening Post
Times and Success
Tines and Hoard's Dairyman
Times and McClure's Magazine
Times and Munsey's Magazine
Times and Vick's Magazine
Times and Home Herald ....... , .
Times and Travel Magazine
Tithes and Practical Farmer.,.
Times and Home Journal, Toronto. .... . . .
Times and Designer
. Times and Everybody's
and Western o
tr Home
Monthly, tl
Winnipeg-. P
Times and Canadian Pictorial
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These 10W rates a
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