HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-06-24, Page 61711.4 WIN(ir.tiAht TIMES, JUNE 24, 1909 KERNftS. FROM THE SNCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges Dying is the only satisfactory thing some people ever do. Tie owner of an illicit still is anxious to keep it quiet. Look out for Pneumonia. Your system is in a run down condi- tion You catch cold. You think it will aeon pass off. It doesn't. You neglect taking any special care of your- self. Broaehitie develops and then comes pneumonia and a fight for life. A fight which is too often uneueoessful. Why not take every cold seriously and cure it promptly by using Dr. Obase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Raymond Wilson was drowned in Rice Lake, St. Mary's, by the upsetting of his canoe. Two London seedsmen are being pro - Mooted under the pure seeds aot for keeping unolean seeds for sale. - Tell some deserving Rheumatic sufferer, than there is yet one simple way to cer- tain relief, Get Dr. Shoop's book on Rheumatism and a free trial test. This book will make it entirely clear how Rheumatic pains are quickly killed by .Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy --liquid or tablets, Send no money. The test +s free. Surprise some disheartened sufferer by first getting for him the book from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis, Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The five-year-old daughter of Mr. Cook of Niagara FaIls was fatally burn- ed by her olothing catching fire. Rev. Dr. E. D. McLaren is going to the old country in search of men for the Presbyterian missions in the west still unprovided for, Na Need of Suffering from Rheumatism. It is a mistake to allow anyone to suf- fer from rheumatism, as the pain oan always be relieved, and in most oases a cure effected by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. The relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. It makes sleep and rest possible Even in oases of long standing this lini- ment amid be used on account of the relief which it affords. Do not be dis- couraged until you have given it a trial. For sale by all druggists, Mr. 3, M. Sobaefer, who has run the Albion Hotel, at Fordwieh, for about vine months, has rented the hotel in Ethel and will shortly take possession. 416. IS tar en e • Beau the The Kind You Have Always Bought 8ionature•-�,••w If you must carry hot coals from the fire and fear they will spill from a shov- el, why not try dumping them in a Iong. handled frying pan? They cannot esoapo from the deep sides. If you would have a safe yet certain Cough Remedy in the home, try Dr. Shoop's-at least once. It is thorough- ly ualise any other Cough preparation. Its taste will be entirely new to you - 'unless it is already your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium, obloroform, or any other etupitying ingredients are used, The tender leaves of a harmless, lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its won- derful emotive properties. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy presorip• tion. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Wilco warming plates for meats cau- tion const be need to prevent them from gutting hot, as heat cracks the glazing, and if it does not show at the time it Will soon glaze. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Capt. Vine of the Montreal fire brigade told t t d t lie commission that he had receiv- ed bribe money for the promotion of men OD the brigado. In one case he got $200 and as he had a lot of hard work in it ho kept the money. CA TA RRH If you want a sure cure for I �!! CATARRH Ob` THE HEAD, hero it is, (1110E)111TOil THE REASON WRY : BECAUSE OXYGENATOR HEALS The cooucselng at1n nd raucous susrunii the nese ; but ''when this suonl rand is hsetitd the discharge ceases. rotor effort shtlnld be made to mire Catarrh. for it leads to Catarrh of the Throat, Stomseh or Bladder, Consump- tion and Bright's Disease. oxygenator" is put up in large size bottles. Price, 41.25 $i.00, and We."Oxygenator" M sold by aall wholesale and retail druggists. The Oxygenator Company oronto, C.rn oto. 1 IThe Railway Oommiseion has order- ed tho railway companies( to weigh coal oars at the port of entry and at destine. tion also if insisted on by the consignee. A fee not exeeediing two dollars may be charged for this second weighing unless here is a serious disorepanoy in weight , "Tell your mother, Johnny," said bis kind maiden aunt, as she planed a piece of cake in his hand, "that I was very sorry your sister couldn't come." "And What will I say," replied little Johnny with an air of etrategy, "if mamma asks where is sister's piece of oake," Stomach Troubles. Many remarkable cures of stomach troubles have been effected by Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One man who had spent over two thous- and dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tab- lets. Pride, 25 cents. Samples free at all drug stores. The marriage took plane in Knox Church, Calgary, on Saturday, June 5th, of Mr. Bertram (Merles Binning, son of Mr, W. E. Binning, of Listowel, to Adah Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fyfe, of Calgary. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 3. W. Clark. sr'nmtl MEDICINE. As a spring medloinco Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired weary feeling err prevalent in the spring Paul Brennan, for twenty years yard- master for the Grand Trunk at Ottawa, had his head out off Thursday morning. He was riding on the front of a shunting engine in the yard when it struck on a switoh and jarred Brennan off. The engine paased over him, completely sev- ering his bead from his body. In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that this nerve controls will also surely fail, It may be the Stomach nerve, or it may have given strength and support to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr, Shoop's Restorative was not made to dose the Stomach nor to temporarily stimulate the Heart or Kidneys, That old•fashioned method is all wrong, Dr, Shoop's Restorative goes directly to these failing inside nerves. The re- markable success of thin presoription demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these failing cogane. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ten days test will sorely tell. Try,it once, and see! Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Thos. Lovell of Wroxeter, bas pur• chased the 100 -acre farm, owned by Mrs. Roe, on the 4th con., at a good price and will get possession on Deo. lat. Mr. Lovell will spend the summer preparing some land for wheat and mak- ing other improvements. G. W. Walk- er, Garde, made the sale. telgetOp Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of George Johnston of the Howiok town - line, has a curiosity on his farm in the shape of a Dolt with three front feet. The colt is about two weeks old, and seems to be doing well, The extra foot grows out of the fetlock of the right front foot and is almost the same size as the other feet, Mr. Johnston will likely have it amputated if it is possible. Born itt Iowa. Our family were aII been and raised in Iowa, and have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy tmade at Dee Moines) for years. We know how good it is from long expert. ence in the use of it. In Pant, When in El Paso, Texas, the writer's life was saved b the r prompt t use ' o� Pthis Premedy. . We are now engaged in the mercantile business at Nareoeseee, F'a., and have introduced the remedy here. It has proven very successful and is oonetantly growing in favor.-ENNIs BRos. This remedy is for sale by all d::t ggiste. Another of the few ;to..aining early settlers of the Leohalsh district has de- parted this life in the person of Mrs, R. MoKenzie, who passed away tit the reeidenoe of her son-in-law, John T'in- Ioyscn, Tuesday evening, June 8th, at the age of sevens -sev y en yours. Born in Roes -Shire, Scotland, in the year 1832, the deceased name on the tide of emigration which swept westward to Canada from the shores of the highlands of Sootland some eixty or more years ago. Afterwards she Wats married to Roderick iiceT enzie, also a native of Rote -Shire and with him settled on a farm on the i4tb concession of Ashfleld, near Lochalsh, which is neW occupied by D. Fergatoii, Iti 1872116r, MoE:enzie died and the deceased teat left with a large family of email children 3nbjevtea to all the privations of a pioneer's life. Some years ago the farm was rented and the decocted came to reticle With her married daughters ,tp to the time of her death. The wedging toot: piece Kahl;-- et .St James Oatbolio Church, at Sea,atortti on Wednesday of lost week of Mini Nor, i%illoren, :ourgest i nghte' e afro l Winifred Ki11nsan, of S-atorrtt, to Mr, Edmund A Cleary, (Meet e sa -f Mr. 1 I'raa• ie Cleary, of Wtn./eon O ;Ong to a recent b2reave•ment in the bride's family, only itonlediete relatives were present 'U$E LADIES' kAVO1 UTe. taxa -Liver Pills are the lai'it b,' laver t medicine. They cure Conetipt.io1;, Sick Headache, Billiousuees, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Too many of our youug gorte fail in showing considerate attention, and too often do not fully appreciate the self. sacrificing love and benign presence of the mother. Like the air end the snn- tight, she and her tender mir.,ietries are received and looked upon as a matter of fact. When she is at rest in the home of the soul, this thoughtless negligence costs her many a tear. IL Dr: Chase's Oint mein is dgurante oureforea,°h and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding plies. See tostiniontals in the press and ask your neighbors about it. You can use it and tot3 our money back if not satisfied. 60o, at all 3eators ,; EnainxsoN, .BATES & Co., Toronto. � . V.IASa'a OINTMENT. How many woolen, ass a writer in The Chicago Record•Herald, would de- liberately walk into prison and see that the doors are locked and barred behind them, shutting out life and the world, sunlight and joy? No sane woman would do that. How many women mar- ry a man whom they do not respect and whom they do not love? Many. The sentence is the same, only a thousand. fold worse. It is better to toil as a do- mestic servant and to sleep in an attic than to marry one who is unworthy. For a &grained Ankle, As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable the injured person for a month or more, but by applying Cham- berlain's Liniment and observing the directions with each bottle faithfully, a cure ratty be effected in many oases in less than oneweek's time. This liniment is a most remarkable preparation. Try it for a strain or bruise, or when laid up with chronic or muaoular rheumatism, and you are certain to be delighted with the prompt relief which it affords, For sale by all druggists. A New Jersey man inherited a big, braes-olasped family Bible from his maiden aunt in 1874, but he was not a Bible student, and he did not think ranch of his legacy. The other day he was curious enough to nnolaep the thirty-five•year•old gift, when it was found to contain $4,867 in bills. Now he regrets his lank of interest in the book• If he hal had the money in. vested at 5 per centinterest compound. ed semiannually it would have grown in the thirty•five years to $26,846 37. - Hamilton Times• Make the Blood .boli and Red. Miss Cynthia Hutchison, Hanceville, B. 0., writes: "My system was so completely run down that my friends as well as myself thought I could'nevergot better. A trial of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food benefitted mo and at the end of a month people scarcely knew me I had improved so much. The blood was en- riched, color improved, new flesh was added and I got strong and well." "Gowrie," the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Johnston on the 8th concession of Colborne, was the scene of an interesting event on Sat- urday last, the 12th inst., when their daughter, Miss Julia B. Johnston, was united in matrimony to Charles A. Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ales. Robertson, also of Colborne township, The house was prettily decorated with flowers and greenery, the parlor in pink and green and the dining -room in white and green. The bridal pair stood before a bank of magnificent ferns and beneath an Groh of English ivy. The ceremony took plane at 11 °'clank, Rev. John Young, of Ham- ilton, uncle of the bride, offioiating, aeeie ted by Rev. J. R. Mann, of Atiburn. WAS WEAK AND THIN ONLY WEIGHED 73 POUNDS. NOW WEIGHS 113 POUNDS. Had Heart Trouble and Shortness of Breath for Six Years. MIL BV RN, S NEAI;T ANDNERVE PILLS cured Mrs. K. E. Bright, Burnley, Ont. She writes: "I was greatly troubled, for six years, with my heart and shortness of breath, 1 could not walk eighty rods with- out resting four or five times in that abort distance. I got so weak and thin Y only weighed seventy-three pounds. I decided at loot to take Some of Milburn'* Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taring eight braes I gained in strength and weight, and now weigh ons hundred and thirteen pounds, the most I ewer weighed in my life. I foal well and tan work as well as over it did, and can heartily thank.filbutn's heart and Ner're dile for it ell." Price 50 per box or 3 boxes for $1,28 at ail dealers, e1r resiled direct on receipt of p by Tion T. Milburn O`o., Limited, Toronto, Ont. CATARRH The Source o1 Comsumption Cured Permanently. 13y CATARRHOZONE It Soothes and reale every part of the liineous AMembrane, Cures ell forms of Caturrhni Diseases of the Nose, Throat, Vocal Chords, Bronchial Tubes, Lungs and .Deafness. If you have Catarrh or a cold yon cannot afford to be indifferent to its progress. Your unsatisfactory expert- wente with the old-fashioned treatments requiring the use of disagreeable snuffs, powders, washes, ointments, etc., should not influence you against Oatarncozone St. Catharines. Ont, -"Best thing for Catarrh of the Throat I ever tried." - Thomas Elliott. Goderioh, Ont. --"Excellent remedy for throat irritation," -Rev. M. McKay. Blyth, Ont.-"Nc more bronchial at- tacks sines using Oatarrbozone,"-Wil- liam Pollock, Halifax, N. S.-"das cured my Ca- tarrh. I recommend it to my friends," W. P. Oonnors. Kingston, N, B -"Beast remedy iu the world far catarrh. -Bessie McKendry. Wawota, Asea. -"The very best Oa- tarrh remedy on the market."--Robt, H. Davies. Bannockburn, Oat. -"No better rem- edy in the world for Catarrh."-Patrlok McQ uelland. West Lake, Ont, --"It's everything it is guaranteed to be." -Ethel Hildman. Hickey, Mich.- "Ham cured me of Oatarrh."-S. S. Ward. Olementeport, N. S--"Oatarrhozone oared me of Chronic Asthma."-Samnel Ferndel. Woodstook, Ont-"Catarrhezone re- stored my sense of smell." -Mrs. F. Simpson. Brookville, Ont. -"Moet oonvenient remedy on the market." -Thos. Mo- Gilllvray. Vanleek Hill, Ont..-"Oatarrhozone cannot he beaten."-Rodie McDougall. Perth, Ont.-"Oatarrhozone is of real valne."-Rev. S, J. Hughes. Get the large $1 00 size of Catarrho• zone, including a beautiful, hard rubber inhaler, and sufficient medication to last two months, Smaller sizes 251. and 50o. Beware of imitations. By mail from the Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont. 0 Against the old Tennesee colored man charged with stealing a pig the evidence was absolutely conolueive and the judge, who knew the old man well, said re- proachfully. "Now Uncle Rastue why did you steal that pig?" "Bekase mah pooh fambly wuz starvin', yo' honnah," whimpered the old man. "Family star- ving!" cried the judge; "but they tell me you keep dogs, How is tbat, Unole?', "Why vo' honnah," said Uncle Rastas reprovingly, "you wouldn't 'speot mah fambly to eat dem dawge I" Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes euro with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25 Dent box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist about this formnlal Stops womanly paine, headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wis., for free trial to prove value. Sold at Walley'a Drug Store. The appointment of Mr. J. E. Camp. bell, of Hepworth, as trade oommiseion- er at Leeds, England, by the Dominion Government, will be a popular one in the county of Bruce. Mr, Campbell has been reeve of Amabel and of the village of Hepworth. He bas represented both at the county council and has been pro- minently identified with municipal life of these two places. He contested North Bruce twice itt the Liberal interests be- ing defeated on one occasion by 11 votes and on the other by one vote. He is exceedingly popular in Hepworth where he will be missed in the business life of the place with whioh he has been closely connected. Bow's T1iis? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re. ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 3. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be. Bove him perfectly honorable in all bnsineee transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WILDING, I Wholesale Hall's Cat ly, acting d mnoous sur! Testi- monials sen bottle. Sold Take Hall stipatidn. NCI, KINNAN & MARVIN, Drn i gg ste, Toledo, O. Catarrh Ours( is taken internal - usably' upon the blood and aces of the sgstem. t free. Price 75 cents per by all Druggists. 'e Family Pills for con- It is, reported that the committee in charge of the liquidation of the defunct Sovereign Bank are negotiating with a syndicate of English capitalists for the sale of the Alaska Central Railway, in Which the k ' n is6 interested to the ex- tent of $2,000,000, If the two million dollars is realized, it is expeoted that the shareholders will not only escape the threatened double liability, but will recover at least 75% of the amount they havo paid into the bank. The liquidators expect to realize snffioient from the Chicago and Milwaukee rail- way to add another 15 per cent, for the shareholders, which would altogether mean e. recovery of 90 per cent of their Sovereign Bank money, The essential lung -healing prinoipal of the pine tree has finally beeneueoessflilly separated and refined into a perfeot bough medicine --Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrtip, Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 1i5 cents, Mies Baxter, feeling the effects of a torrid afternoon in June, was attempt- ing to arouse the interest of her lan- guid class by giving, as ehe supposed, an luteresting talk on the obelisk, After speaking for half an hour she found that her efforts were wasted, Feeliug utter- ly provoked she oried: "Every word that I hove said you have let in one ear and out the other, "You," pointing to a.girl whom she noticed had been par- tloulerly inattentive throughout the entire lesson, "tell me, what is au obelisk?" The pupil, grasping the teacher's last words, rose and promptly answered, "An obelisk is something that goes in one ear and opt the other." Dan's Kidney Pills not on the kid - nem bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak book, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamatfon, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong trction of the kidneys and bladder A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. H. Pennabaker, Clinton, on Wednesday, June 16th, when his daughter Florence Mary, was united in marriage to Mr. Thos. Watts at 12 o'olook noon. The happy couple stood by a bank of flowers while the ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Obarlesworth, The bride was taste- fully attired in a dress of cream voile with silk trimming, and carried a boquet of pink and white carnations, Mies Marion Bogie, cousin of the bride, acted as flower girl, After the cere- mony and oongratnlations the company sat down to a dainty and sumptuous lunoh. 4+++++++++++++++++++++++++ You'll Be Glad You Did After You Have Tried ♦+ 4 FIG PILLS + + + + the fruit kidney and liver pills. They purify the blood, bring T. back the fading color to your + cheeks, and make yon feel + better all over. 25 cents a + box. + For sale at Walley's Drug Store ++++0+++++++++s+++0++0+++4 A boy oan sit still on a sled six inches square, tied to a sleigh moving 8 miles all hour, but couldn't Bit still five min- utes for a dollar. A man will sit on an inch edge of a board and talk politics for three hours; put him in a ohuroh pew for forty minutes, he gets nervone, twists and turns and goes to sleep. A man will pouch his cheeks with filthy tobacco, but a hair in the butter kills him. He stays out till midnight, wife doesn't know where he is, comes home when he pleases, but if a meal is not ready just on time, pouts, frowns and says unpretty things. Evidently man is a strange animal, gets intoxicated, imagines he's rich, a great man bete on the losing horse, goes broke, quarrels, fights, lands in jail, fade frescoed and Morals depraved, yet he is "Lord of all creation and monarch of all he sur- veys." Strange animal, this man. Sore Nipples. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nurs- ing, Wipe it off with a soft cloth be- fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results, For sale by all druggists. , POPPLAI STALLIONS The imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot" will nday the seasoniowner's sfollows lluevale, for Prank Wright's, Jr., 1% miles north of Jamestown, for noon; and to Currie's hotel, Wroxotor for night. Tuesday -To IiirtonBros"eon. 6 Turnberry, for noon this en's stable, Bluevae, for night. Wednesday - To Wm. Eston's, con, 2, Morris, for noon,then to his owner's stable Bluevale, for nigt and remain until Thursday noon. Thursday -At noon leave for Dennis' feed stable, opposite Cement Works, Wingham, for night. Friday -To ,Alex. McPherson's, con. 7, Turnberry, for noon, and to Wingham for night. Satur- day -To his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re- main until following Monday morning. .7. W. Icras, F.S. MoPHEusoN, Proprietor. Manager. bt rle imported hief "will ClydesdaleStallion,seasonnIIof 1909 s follows:- Monday-At ollows;- uevierteores'sowner's rrl,B, t Walr leave con.for night. Tuesday -To Geo, McFarlan ea i% miles north of Brussels gravel road, for noon; and by way of Duncan's eideroad to Wednesday Warwick's, Jas' S ddon'sf0 co. night. Morris, for noon; then two hours at Robt. Nieholson's and to J°s Miller's, con.3, Morris for night. Thursday -To Jae Golley's gravel for noon; then to John Menzies, con. 10, East Wawanosh, for night. yriday-To 8. Burehill's, con. 18, East Wawanoeh, for noon; then to Dennis' feed stable, opposite Cement Works, aBuvaandman untilMonday noon. J. W. Menet Proprietor and Manager. FARMERS end aaiyone Maine flit stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver-. Use the ;minister sale in . the Timm. Our large oirotilation tells•and ii will be strange indeed if On de not flet a onatomer. We can't guarantee that Yeti will sell beoauks you may ask mare for the article or stock than it fa worth, Bend your advertisement to the Timis land try thio planartiof disposing of yottr idea and Oho TWENTY YEARS A60. Local History of the early HO' , Items from the "Times" fyles. (From the 'roues of June 21, 1889,) LOCAL NEWS.. Mr, Wal. Dore has purchased it lot from Mr. George McKay, next to Mr. Dawson's recently acquired property on the Diagonal road, Mr. D Stewart shipped a load of fine hoteliers' cattle to Toronto this week. He has pnrobased a part of Mr. W. Olegg's splendid lot for the export trade, et le good price. The sash and door factory of Messrs, 0. ,Lloyd & Sons, which is exceedingly well equipped and kept, le doing a large business and judging by the appearance of the articles turned out, they ought CO command ready sales. Mr, 5, Graoey purchased the premises at present occupied, from Mr, George McKay, for $1050. Mr. J. Chisholm has pat a new show case in the Corner Drug store. Mr. J. S. Jerome is recovering from a bad attack of inflammation and is able to be on the street again. Mr, 11. Kerr has a staff of men em. ployed in Blyth at present. He is also pushing the work on Mr. T. Bell's fac- tory rapidly forward The $5,000 town debentures have been sold by the Mayor to Mr. George Sten, son, of Montreal, at 104aa. Mr. James Slemin has purchased the Dominion bakery from Messrs, Gilchrist Brothers and will in future ran this one, as well as the one in the south, end. A pretty well attended meetitigsof the Board of Trade was held on Tuesday evening, President Wilson in the chair. There were admitted as new members by ballot Messrs. H. W. 0. Meyer, T. Bell, 0. N. Griffin, T. Stiles, M. 11, Mo- Indoo, P. Fisher, R. Elliott, B. F. Gers. ter, S. Grainy and D. 0. Munro. Mr. J. J. Anderson and family arrived in Deloraine on Thursday last, and let - t ers received by friends say they all like the country very much, Mr. Anderson says he thinks 50 times as mach of it as he did on his first visit. lis has several times been offered $5000• more than he paid for his land. Amount spent by the various muni- cipalities of the county of Huron upon charity in 1887 and 1888: 1887, 1888, Ashfield .$188,59 $216.00 Bayfield , 38 68 54 83 131y 55 47 Brussels .,„......,,, 147 73 191 58 Cliatoa 2t8,8t $22 95 Colborne ,......... 200 50 277.15 Exeter 105 69 226.72 Goderioh Town,,., , 536 05 651.09 Go ierioh Township282,75 348 36 Grey ,,- 202 00 193,00 Howiok 264 11 118 37 Mullett 80 00 30.00 McKillop 136 50 175,25 Seaforth .. 181 57 201.22 Stanley .... 102,00 147.18 Stephen,.,, 65 50 129 65 Tuokersmith ,,., , `x78,98 470.00 Turnberry 171 89 234 84 Uaborne 883 25 296 08 Eget Wawanosh 172,11 70.00 West Wawanosh•..., 156.52 173.00 Winghani ..... , 207 26 100.68 Including average for muhicipalities not reporting $;4660.00 $5319.00 BIRTHS Green. -At Wingham, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. R. Green; a son. Green. --At Winghanl, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. W. Green; a son. MARRIED. Macdonald -Griffin, -At Wingbam, on the 19th inst., by Rev, Mr, Moore - hove, Mr, W. H. McDonald, dentist, to Mies Minnie Griffin, both of Wingham. DEATHS. Kelly.-Ia Turnberry, on the 15th inet„ Mary Kelly, aged 84 years and 10• months. - ID YOU EVER FIGURE THE COST of a'single day's baking - the material, fuel, time and labor --and consider that it is all wasted if the baking is a failure? Is it economy, then, to use a flour of uncertain quality when a few cents more will buy ti�.j �v Royl lltnseokI tur -a flour that you, can depend upon to produce light, crisp and wholesome bread or pastry? It is made from selected hard wheat, milled by a most modern process which guarantees absolute purity. Royal Household Flour does not vary in quality --- does not disappoint. 17 Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal. KINCARDINE flTR0IT return ________.................... $2.00= Steel Steamier " KING EDWARD ALGOMA CENTRAL STEAMSHIP LINE Tickets good going June 25th, Leave Kincardine 5.Oa a.m. Arrive Detroit 4.45 p.m. Return 'June 7th and July 4th. Leave Detroit S.00 a.m., Central time. MEALS AND BERTH EX'TRA, H. T. HtRDON, T. 1 KENNEDY, Local Agent. Traffic Manager, Sault St, Marle,Ont,