The Wingham Times, 1909-06-24, Page 5TUE WINfa1i4M TIMB8, JUNia 24 1909 i5 s]r. *IFK,r:Ns. Gordon MoDonald, whose parents ^reside here,'died suddenly a1 BIXBY/118e on Wednesday, June 9th. Deceased wee engaged ae book keeper at the Floe ,holler Mille, Eluivale, and had attended to his duties the day previous to his death, He was suffering from bele- morage of the bowels. The young man was in his 210 year and was held in high esteem by a large oirole of friends, The remains were brought to St. Heiens 'for interment. The bereaved family will have the sincere sympathy of a large oirole of friends. ALTBUIIN, Pure ice orealn. LENNOX, Wingham A correspondent writing to the To. ronto News from this place says:—In spite of the late spring the crops have made wonderful progress, Alfalfa is being ont and whole hay Drop is good. The fall wheat has started to fill out and the general crop outlook is bright. The demand for horses is still iincreasing on account of the activity of the West• ern buyers, Thies is the pause of the marked briskness in the horse breeding line this season. ratting (hair Doman uff Ayees Hair fallingkPromptly dew Sys the pairs Ayer's Hair Vigor lust as promptly destroys the germs that cause dandruff. It removes every bulbs, restores them to health. The hair stops trace of dandruff itself, and keeps the scdlD falling out, rirows more rapidly. clean and in a healthy condition.. Doeso ®ikl the �ia1ir We wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair Vigor does not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest degree.. Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate blond hairrnay useit freely without having the hair made a shade darker. Ingredients; Sulphur. Glycerin. Quinin. Sodium Chlorid. Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Water, Perfume. Show this formula to your doctor. Mk him what he thinks of it. • d. 0, Arsa CoHrArrX, Lowell, Maas. 1 1 is put up in rolls containing , ils, tin caps and cement. All you need in ad . ition is a hammer. This is only one of he any conveniences of RUBEROID RO ! 1 G. It is fire -resisting an weatherproof. x6 years on the roofs prove its durability. RUBEROID is the original and smooth surfaced roofing. Write for samples and prices. standard Call at office and see samples taken from a roof, having been in use for the past 18 years, and still in good condition. Ji As McLean SOLE AGENT FOR WINGHAM AND DISTRICT. •41♦4♦14444414444444114.44 4 t •1114♦4♦4144414♦♦11444♦444♦4 We aim to 4j give yon • satisfaction. Bede attention HANNA & GO1 to grocery orders. Phone 70. STORE NEWS Muslins Must Go. In our Wash Goods Section we have many pretty patterns in stripes and floral designs which must be sold, all new goods, regular 20e per yard. Special price 140, Gent's Furnishings. We would like to have you look through our Men's in Fancy Vests, Shirts and Neckwear, &fen's and Suits, good selection to choose from, ready-made and made Fancy Tweeds and Serges. Wear Boys' tailor - Gloves. Why not have a new pair of Summer black, tan, silk lace or lisle thread. assortment. Gloves? In white, Come and see our Ladies' Collars and Belts. • Dutch Collars,,Tabots Embroidery Linen Collars. Black and Brown Silk and Elastic Belts, also Wash Belts. • House Furnishings. Lace and Tapestry Curtains and Madras Tapestry., 'Velvet, Union and Wool Rugs, sewed and laid free of charge. Oilcloths and Linoleunas in block and floral designs, Ready -to -Wear Department. Many new lines have been added to our Skirts in Voiles, Panamas, and Linen Underskirts, Corset Covers and bight Dresses, • z 4 1 4 • •4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 •4 4 4 4 4 •4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • s 4 • 4, t • • • • • 1 • • Grocery Department. Special on Canned Fruits, Plums 15c for 10e, Cherries, Raspberries, and Strawberries 25c for 17c, T'olnatoe Catsup 5o per can. /teliAAA/ AAAAAMAAA AAAMAAA 'Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs. HANNA JAIVIESTOWN. Wedding bells are ringing near James - to ie town th week. Mies Ada Gallagher, of Salem, is spending a few days at Alex. Bryan's.. Miss Scott, of Harriston, le visiting her friend, Mrs, J. D. Miller at preeent. Mr. Chas. Forrest and Mies Bell Henderson spent Sunday with Wingham Mende, Mr, R. B, Eames, of Clinton, will take the service in Viotoria Hall next Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs, Job King, of Grey Tp - and Miss Brown, of Qlinton, visited as A. Pollook's last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W, Iuned, of Moorefield, spent a few days renewing old aognatnt- auces in this vicinity last week. =IMPALE Confectionery. LENNox, Wingham, Mr. Geo. McDonald le improving after a very severe illness, Rev. W. J. West was again elected High; Chaplain of the 0. 0. F. at the meeting of the High Court, whioh was held at London. WANTED AT ONOE.-1000 oases eggs, I000 boxes butter, large quantities wool, Highest prices, cash or :;rade. KING'S Wingham. Special meetings of the Women's Institute will be held in the Foresters' hall on Saturday afternoon at 2,30 and in the evening at 7.30. Addresses will be given in the afternoon by Mrs, Ashley, of Londesboro and Mra. Woe - lard, of Forest and in the evening by Mrs. Ashley, Mra, Woolard, Rev. W. J. West and Rev. Mr. Andrews. There will be a musical program also. At the close of the afternoon meeting tea will be served. A collection will be taken up to defray expenses. All are wel- 001110. i • • • s • • • • •• • co.I Do on Get Bilious? This trouble arises from torpidity of the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as Dr, Hamilton's PilIe. They stir up the liver, rid the system of bile; tone the stomach, give appetite and strong diges- tion, you feel drowsy and bad tempered, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will help yon at onoe,—taken at night you're well by morning. Don't be afraid of Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills, they are mild—don't gripe or nauseate. They just "oure"—that's all. :+++•••••••••••••••••••++++ MORRIS. Mr. Robt. Shedden, of the 4th line, has a goose whioh laid over fifty eggs this season, and at last accounts had not shown signs of any inclination to incubate. This is rather remarkable. Mr. Robt. Higgins, of the third line of Morris, recently disposed of his fine three year old driving colt. This horse is sired by one of the best hackney horses in Canada. Although the sum realized by his sale was, two hundred dollass, still he shows every sign of be- ing a good horse. The purchaser was Mr. J. Leaver, of Wawanosh. Mr. Hig- gins takes great pride in keeping his horses looking well, He also has a two year old pacing colt whioh shows every indication of speed, so be on the look out, Joe. ST, AI;fi1CSTINE. Fresh grooerles. Lox Wingham, Eig pionia In the Donnybrook grove AM July let, Mrs. B, Brophy wee Visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Moyers, in Kinloss. WANTED Ax ONCE. -1000 caeca eggs, 1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool. Htghest prices, omit or trade, R'ING'S, Wingham. There was a largo attendance at the Farmers' Club meeting here Thursday night, June 10th. George Wallace 511. ed the office of chairman. One of the features of the evening was a debate be. tween aides chosen by Joseph Brophy and Joseph Kinahan, jr, The subject was "Which is the more profitable, to sell grain or feed it?" The affirmative was taken by J. Brophy's side and the negative by 3, Kinahaa's, the negative winning by a very small margin. Be- sides the debate there were violin sale°. bone by Joe. Flynn and John Walsh, songs by Wm. McGregor and Wm. MoOrostie, mouth organ eeleotions by Walter Tisdale, and graieaphoue selections by Robert Medd, George Howitt, Wm. MoOrostie and Wm. MoGregor acted as judges for the de- bate. Have You Stomach Trouble? When you wake with headaohe and bad taste in the mouth, something to settle the stomach is needed. That dull, heavy feeling must be lifted, and appetite must be created. Get a tumb- ler of water, some sugar, and then pour in a stiff dose of Nerviline. You'll feel tip top in a few minutes. Nerviline in- vigorates, braces, tones, pate vim and snap into your movements. You'll be fitted for a hard day's work by taking Nerviline—nothing better. Large trot - 110, 25o. everywhere. CULROSS, Mr. Robt, Marshall is away on a trip through the Welt, going as far as Edmonton. The marriage took plane at Pontiac, Mich., 011 June 16, of Miss Henrietta Allan to Mr. Robert Alfred Newman. The bride is a daughter of Mr. James Allan formerly of Calms and a grand• danghter of Mr. J. S. Elliot. Mr. Joseph Walker of Cnlroes re- ceived word of the death of his brother Robert at Winnipeg. Death Oootirred on the 11111 acid was quite unexpected by Mr. Walker, who did not know that his brother was ill. Dtmeesed was 49 years of age and had gone west 14 years ago, where he has been in the employ of a mercantile house as travelling Salesman. He leaves a widow but no ohildren. There was a pretty and largely at- tended wedding M the Sacred Heart Church, Mildmay, on Tuesday, June 8th, at 9 30 a. m. The bride was Miss Helen B. Ste Marie, daughter of Mr. Alex. Ste Marie, of Carrick, and the groom Mr. Albert Schumacher of Culross. The .Rev. Father ,Lohman of Mildmay officiated. Miss Margaret Sohumaoher war bridesmaid, and Mr. Adam Ste Marie groomsman, The bride was prettily attired in white silk with insertion of laze to matoh, and the bridoemaid wore blue silk trimmed with pale bine ribbon, After the oeremony at the church a reception was given at the home of the bride's parents, About 200 Knott verb press eat. After the enjoyment 01 tin elabor• ate dinner a pleasant evening watt spent at games, dancing, Mo. The groom's gift 10 the bride Was a gold' watch and to the bridesmaid I1 br000h, 57•e2 The Critical. Age. Height of vigor is past—nature's pow- er alowing.down—vitality ebbing away, endurance decreasing. Stop the pro - groom of decay, tone up the weakened nerve °entree, impart vigor to the tiring body — prepare for the crises. Best means for rebuilding is found in Ferro zone; it brightens up the whole being, imparts power, strength, vigor. Old age is pushed back twenty years, the reliance of youth is restored, vigor, vim and new life established. You'll try Ferrozone, 50o. at all dealers, s► EAST WAWANOSII. Pure ice cream. LENNOX, Wiugham. Some people of this towuship took in the exoursion to Guelph on Thursday last. Mr. Robt. MoBarney is building a new straw shed, Mr. D. Tisdale has the carpenter work. WANTED AT oNOE.-1000 oases eggs, 1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool. Highest prices, cash or trade. KING'S, Wingham. Rev. W. Bough, of BenmilIer preaoh- ed at Donnybrook on Sunday last. Rev. A. E. Jones preaohed anniversary sermons at one of the appointments on the Benniiller circuit, Blyth is getting quite a name for early morning weddings. Oa Monday, Jane 141h, Albert E. Quinn and Miss Martha Howard, both of East Wawanosh, were united in marriage at Trieity Church by Rev. W. H. Hartley, at 6 o'olook• The wedding party was oonfined to im- mediate relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Qasnn left on the 7 o'clock train on their hon- eymoon trip to Detroit and other West- erly pointe. They will make their home in East Wawanosh. Many good wishes are expressed for their happiness and prosperity. the Oth lino requires moiler treateuec t and coeds it badly. On June 0th the matrimrniai knot was tied at Knox church, Calgary, by Rev. Dr. J. A. Olhrk, between Andrew l�. Warwick of Vegerville, Alberta, formerly of the Sud lame, Morris, and Mise Jessie, daughter of T. H. Mo' Laughlin, of Gorrie, Oat. Mr, Warwick. went West about two year ago and is a butter maker by trade. Ile is well Immo here being a son of the late Robert Warwiok, and a brother to Don. Warwick, of Brunetti, The many old friends of the bride and groom in Huron 00. will be a unit in extending ecu• gratulations and wishing the happy couple prosperity, ANXIOUS MOMENTS FOR YOUNG MOTHERS. Tho hot weather months are an anxious time for all mothers, but partic- ularly for young mothers. They are the most fatal time of the year for babies and young children, because of the at prevalence of stomach and bows trou- bles, These come almost with t warn ing and often before t e mo er realizes that there is danger a Ile one may be beyond aid. No er medioiuo can equal Baby's Own Tablets in promptly curing bowel and stomach troubles and and an 000aetonal dose, given the well child will keep the stomach and bowels free from offending matter and ensure good health to the child, Therefore the Tablets should always be kept in the home as they may be the means of sav- ing a little life. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The De. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont, LANGSIIDE, Fresh groceries. LENNOX, Wingham. WANTED AT ONCE, -1000 cases eggs, 1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool. Highest prides, cash or trade. KING's, Wingham. A. very interesting event was cele- brated at the home of Mrs. H. Rich- ardson on Wednesday the 9th inst., when her daughter Annie, was united in marriage to Mr. J. W. Young, of Cobalt. At 5.30 to the strains of the wedding maroh played by the Lucknow orchestra, the wedding party entered the parlor, the bride leaning on the arm of her mother with Miss Isabel Moffatt as Sower girl. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. G. P. Duncan of Port Credit. After the ceremony, those present (about fifty in all) repaired to the lawn where the tables were laden with good things for the inner man. The remainder of the evening was spent in social chat end games. The Orches- tra rendered sweet music throughout the evening and were highly appreciat- ed by all, The large number of beatiti- ful presents go to show how highly the young couple are esteemed in this neighborhood. The groom's gift to ttie bride was a Iovely gold watch and chain and to the flower girl a beautiful locket. Mr, and Mrs. Young left for their hew home on Monday of last week, visiting at Toronto, Niagara and other points en rouse. r>s BLYTI3 Cenfectionery. LENNOX, Wingham. Rev. W. H. Hartley and F. Metcalf attended the meetings of the Synod in London last week. Mr. John Wilford attended the North Huron County L. 0. L. meeting in Wingham on Monday. A gang of Italians are engaged in this vicinity, improving the 0. P. R. track patting in new switches, ditching, etc. J. W. Jacobs, the well known straw- berry grower, has about 10 acres under orop this year and hopes to outdo any past season. Mr. Jos, Stotbers, baker, is building a fine residence on Dingley street. The foundation is completed and ready for the bricklayers, Mrs. Hammond, widow of the late Matthew Hammond, former G. T. R agent here, has been renewing acquaint• anceships in this vicinity. Mr. McIntosh. has purchased a piece of property on Queen street and is erecting thereon an up-to-date Dement stable for the aocommudation of his horses. The work on Mr. Steinhoff 's new house is being pushed rapidly forward, and is nearing completion. It will be occupied by the G. T. R. agent, we understand. Mr. John McMillan, dealer in butter and eggs, has removed the house next to hie store, formerly oconpied by Mr, Thos. Jones, butcher and is replacing the old building with a cold storage outfit. Mr. Eastoott, principal of our public school, received word Saturday evening of the death of his mother, which took place at her home near Ortllia. Mr. Eastcott was taken to Stratford Sunday morniug in Mr. I. Brown's auto to oatch an early train for Orillia. Mr. A. H. Wilford is enjoying the work of the Y. M. 0 A. in London, where he holds the position of assistant secretary. We understand that when the apple season oomes, he will take a few weeks holidays and assist in con- nection with the evaporating factories of Messrs. Brown & Wilford, At 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning of last week the marriage took place at the home of the bride's parents, Water- loo, of Miss Emma, the estimable daughter of J. G. and Mrs. Moser, former well known residents of BIyth, to Frank Carr, commercial traveller, and one of Blyth's most popular young men. Mrs. E. Bender, A. Carr and Miss Lily and Mr. and Mrs. Wightman and son Harold attended the wedding from here. Mr, and Mrs. Carr will make their home in Toronto. nLORRIS. Oonfeotionety. LENNOX, Wingham. Township Council will meet next Monday. Mrs. Lizzie Sellers is away on a visit with relatives in the West, Walter 'rail' is drawing gravel for the foundation of a large barn he is going to eroot this Summer. WANTED AT Oxon. -1000 oases eggs, 1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool. Highest prices, cash or trade, KI:w's, Wingham. This week W. R. Mooney, 5th line, fororonto here he ex leaves'P , eote to w p take a position. His many old friends Wish him sncoere wherever bol may Locae. Thto road grader attached to a trac- tion engine did a good job on the lith line and When the road wail is proper- ly gravelled it great improvement will be in evidence. The East iia miles of r INew idea Patterns II39e Have You Bronchial Catarrh? It ie easily recognized by the dry Cough and hoarseness. Not difficult to cure with Oatarrhozone as Mr. Xavier Rabin, of River Capelin, Qne, proved. "No one could suffer from Brotlohitie more than I did. I had a hard hacking cough that caused me great pain. My throat was hoaree,and I had great distress in my chest. Oatarrhozone reaohed the sore spots and gave Immediate relief, Since using it I have not had a single attaok." Every physician who is asked about Catarehozone says it is a sure oure,—so will you if you try it. Sold everywhere, 250, and $1.00 sizes. DO CT 0 R. S say consumption can be cured. Nature alone won't do it, it needs help. 'SCOTT'S EMULSION is the best help, but its use must be continued in sum- mer as well as winter. Take It ht a little cold intik or *stet Cet a email bottle now. All »rupatsts rHE STAN ARO OFT WO Lt1 i THE LEADING STORE New Ides gagazines 6e Ladies' Whitewear Our stock of Whitewear is LARGE and CO3MPLETE in all lines. All garments are perfect in fit and finish, with ample fullness provided. STYLE, FIT AND VALUE GUARANTIED. LADIES' WHITE CAMBRIC UNDERSKIRTS.—Good quality, wide flounce of tucked lsiwu,fiaisbed with deep trill of Swiss Embroid- ery,regnlar value $1 50, Sale $1.25 ! 1 SPEOIAL UNDERSKIRP$,—Fine quality Oambrto with hemstitched tucks and embroidery, insertion and deep flounce. Oar special out pride $2.00 LADIES' EXTRA QUALITY UNDERSKIRTS.—Made of beet Eng- lish Cambric, trimmed with insertion and 18 inch embroidery flounce, regular price $3 50. $2.90 CHILDREN'S DRESSES 'Vary pretty White Lawn Dresses, mode in the very best style, trimmed with Mao and insertion, sizes run from six months to Six years Prices are 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Ask to ate them, LADIES' WHITE CAM- BRIChGOWNS. Fall width, trimmed k� with lace and em- broidery, well sewn. Prince are 75e, 1.00, 1.25. 1.50, See our Ieader it beats them all only 1.00 LADIES' CORSET COVERS In good quality Cerebric, front and acme trimmed with fine lane and embroidery, all prices. See our 35o line, on sale at 25c LADIES' DRAWERS. In fine White Cotton, trimmed with tucks and hemetitohing, finished with lace and em- broidery. Prices begin at 25c. A special line at . ., ... 39c LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS —In very pretty styles, made of good ' Wash Dock or Linen, trimmed with folds and insertton. Special bargains at ... 1.50 and 2.00 LADIES' WAISTS --A very large range of styles and patterns, long or short sleeves, trimmed with fiae tanks, fine insertion and fanoy collars, All prices from 75c to 3.00 We buy from the manufacturers and in quantities that will command the LOWEST PRICES. tH. E. ISARD & CO., vvvdwvvvvwwvvvvvw+rvvvy 0.49.0n r,vnAAAAAAOAAAAAAINArw�n RICHARDSON '8r RAE. 7 c 1 PHONE 27. HEADQIIARTERS FOR PHONE 27. MURESCO Screen Doors Screen Windows Screen Wire Spring Binges Door Springs y Q t"r 100 per cent. Pure Paint Grass Shears HE dge Shears Sheep Shears Pruning Shears Pruning Saws Sling Ropes Hay Fork Ropes Hay Fork Pulleys Pulley Hooks Rope J.Iitebes 3 3 3 2 Lawn Hose Lawn Fencing Woven ' Fencing Field Hoes Turnip Hoes BLUE RIBBON COAL PARIS GREEN' IIAMU OOKS ......... AWA ,., ._.. O/5►V'/4t4ti► BINDER TWINE 1