The Wingham Times, 1909-06-24, Page 1THE WIN(iHAM
VOL XXXVZII.----NO. 1950.
We parry a fine fine of Films and
Photographic Supplies.
Kodak. $10.00 to $25.00.
Brownie Cameras $1.00 to $12.00
No trouble to show the Camerae—
come in and inspeot.
A dark room FREE to our custom -
ere, We develop films
Walton McKibbon
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
Wool Wanted
Any quantity,
price paid, or in
Home -Made Yarn,
Sheeting, at
highest cash
exchange for
Blankets and
Fall Term
Opens Aug.. 30
Our graduates are assisted to
the best positions. Write for the
reason. Prepare now to enter at
the beginning of term.
Mail Courses for those who wish
to study at home.
GEV. SPOTTON, Principal
Farmers who want money to buy
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market,
oan have it on reasonable terms.
Notes dieoonnted for tradesmen, mer -
Chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rates going.
So hard to get something to
relish. Of course it is. You
want, ---•-well you're not exactly
Sure, but it's got to be something
better than usual, AND TEAT
Here's a Treat.
One barrel. Heinz Sweet Onoum.
here. Don't know of anything
finer to be had. They're well
selected and pnt np in special
vinegar. per dozen 10o.
Assorted Cake Icings.
We bane the beet lino of Ioings
possible to get. M&Laren's in
Maple Chocolate and Pink. Yeti
know all abont them and how
they're used. Pet ib. 10o.
Cooked Meats & Cheese
You Will always find here a
bit of the ohoioest Oheete as Well
as something exceptionally flue in
Boiled Hails, Come see what
we've got.
Bread That's Liked.
No better Bread than ParnelI'e,
is baked in Western Ontario, It
is made under the moat hygenie
condition. It's good Bread and
you'll like it, Try a loaf 5o.
PTONlf 9
For all 000aeions -- Parties,
Weddings, Funerals, eta.
Wingham Greenhouses
Wear Greer"'s Shoes and Rubbers
The firm of J.
butchers has been di
E. Louttit will Conti
the old stand and
met all the old
ones. Mr, Lonttit
but the very best
of meats.
en A. E, Louttit,
solved and Mr. A,
ue the business in
ill be pleased to
natomers and new
will keep nothing
the different kinds
Automobile for hire. Apply to A. M.
One of the bee
Dominion day will
Donnybrook grove,
of St. Augustine R.
will be a good prog
abundance of ref
mission is 25o , w
for dinner.
ay Picnic.
places to spend
e at the pionio in
under the auspices
0. Church. There
m of sports and an
elements. The ad-
ioh includes ticket
TRANKS and VALISES.—Big stook at
lowest prices. W, J. GREER.
T. W. Le
T. W. Leavitt,
public libraries, di
at Banoro t, when
for Rome time. B
in 1904 Mr. Le
organizer in On
Brookville Time
part of the an
seotion on a Ieotn
itt Dead.
superintendent of
d Monday morning
he had been resting
fore his appointment
itt was Cenaervative
ano and editor of the
Mr. Leavitt spent
mer of 1894 in this
ing tour.
You oan have your buttons made to
order from any kind of material at R.
MAxwELL's tailor shop.
The Sons of Soo
are arranging for
games at the lake
30th and the Sons
ham have arrange
Kincardine for th
the stations from
line. Bills will be
giving full partioul
see a good program
reserve Friday, J
n Games.
land at Kincardine
big day of Scottish
own on Friday, July
f Scotland of Wing -
for an exoursion to
t day, taking in all
Palmerston . up the
ssued in a few days
rs, If you want to
e of Scottish games
ly 30th to go to
HouSE WANTED.—A good house, cen-
trally located, wanted to rent. Apply
at the Tinos cffioe.
Veteran Po tmaster Dead.
Mr. Malcolm °Lean, Walkerton's
venerable puttee er, died on Monday,
aged 92 years.
Island of Mull, A
came to Canada
appointed postm
1862, and has held
Mune. He was 0
mayors, Was a In
and sixty years
militia officer, M
married, but leave
several nieces and
e was born in the
yleshire, in 1817 and
s a youth. He was
ter at Walkerton in
the office continually
of Walkerton's first
nitrate of the county
ago was an active
• McLean never was
a brother, sister and
Horses fo
SInce early wint
furnished a large n
and heavy horses
jadgininfrom the w
Weeks all the good
been pioked lip.
ley, of Brandon, sh
Mr. Bider, of Br
and Jas. H. Robe
Man„ one oar Ina
of horses sent o
left a large amoun
farmers, Mr. Eld
over $50,000 pine
the West.
r this section has
mber of both light
for the West and
rk of the past few
horses have not yet
is week Mr. Hart-
pped two car loads;
ndon, one oar load,
son, of Whitewater,
The large number
of this section has
of money among the
r alone paying ont
arty winter.
Remembereby Neighbors.
A few weeks ag Mr, George A. Mo.
/Mesh, of the viol' ity of Whitechurch,
had the miefortu' : to lose a valuable
pow`. Soon atte aide the idea of
Making good the nes was conceived he
the minds of !to • e of the neighbors,
whose noble effo to were brought to a
successful oulmi . tion One 'day last
week, when a fi e bovine was driven
into Ur. Motntos •'a premises, to replaoo
the ono that had • led. The generosity
of the neighbor* nd the spirit that
prompted it are . rthy of ()Minuends.
Con. Mr. Motto .' feels +very grateful
for the ltindnet+ tut *hewn him, and
Wiikee through, th to ooldmns to expra*t
his *inners thanks to all Who had a part
in it.
Read Willis & Co
.'s adv. on page 8.
st Friday.
e last Friday be -
Foundry nine and
rs was not very
g to the oold, die-
he game was a
ed in favor of the
of 12to5.
Baseball L
The baseball ga
tween the Wester'
the Harriston play
largely attended owi
agreeable weather.
good one and resul
home team by a Boor
Cur readers wil
amendments to the
follows: "Every o
letter or letters, or
to serve the purpos
oard, in a parcel po
or in a packet of se
penalty not exoeedin
not less than ten dol
A single copy of a n
$cal weighing less t
not be posted for less
o P. O. Act.
do well to note
Poet Office Aot, as
e wbo encloses a
y writing intended
of a letter or poet
ted for parcel post,
pias shall incur a
forty dollars, and
ars in each case."
spaper or period -
n one ounce oan-
han one gent.
Pare ioe cream. LENNOX, Wingham.
Monday th
Monday, June 2
of the year, Fo
time hard to pass
some day, bat t
the perfect weal
at present it won
Ever since last
shortest day wa
shed its welcome
each day, until
at the turning
will be some time
ing of the lengt
cause regret ampa
outdoor life;
Longest Day.
was the longest day
those who Rad the
it would be a weari-
those who delight in
er we are enjoying
d prove all too abort,
)eoember, when the
run, the sun has
light a little longer
Monday it arrived
point. However, it
yet before the wan -
of the days will
the lovers of the
Highest prioe paid for hides and pool•
try at T. Fells' butoher shop.
Cochrane -Gra
A quiet weddin
home of Mr. and 111
Centre street, ye
5.45 o'clock, when t
Agnes Florenoe, wa
to Mr. Bryson Ooohr
of this town. The o
formed by Rev. 0.
B. D., the happy non
ed. A dainty wedd
afterwards served, a
Cochrane left on t
train for a short hone
onto and Ohioago,
residence in town,
am Nuptials.
took place at the
a. Chas. J. Graham,
terday marnin g at
air daughter, Mies
nil;ed in marriage
e, marble dealer,
remony was per-
. Jeakins, B. A.,
e being nnattend-
g breakfast was
d Mr. and Mrs.
e early morning
moon trip to Tor•
etore taking up
e Temps extends
A new bicycle for sale at a bargain.
Apply at the TIrtEs offioe.
To Por
The big Masoni
Stanley, via G. T.
Wednesday, July
train will Ieave W
arriving at Port Sta
turning leave Part
This makes a long
prettiest lake ports
Stanley is not the
years ago, having be
The return fare fro
$2 05 and this make
ing. All arrangem
at Port Stanley to
of the excursionist
their own lunches
hot water free of
off and spend the
shores of Lake Eri
excursion to Port
will be held on
7th. The special
gham at 7 a, m.
ley at 10.40. Re-
tanley at 8 p. m,
ay at one of the
in Ontario. Port
lane it was a few
greatly improved.
Wingham is only
a cheap day's out-
te have been made
the accommodation
and parties taking
ill be provided with
harge, Take a day
7th of Ally on the
StMnIER CoTTAG TO R .. T,—A seven -
roomed hoose in an old -°apple orchard,
at Kincardine, ear the lake; suitable
for a camping p r ye For further par-
ticulars and ter apply to
JOSEPH BARBER, Kincardine.
The members o
the 4, Y. P. A. p
of Days and Prom
skating rink on
Strong oomntitte
hand of arranging
served from 4 to
charge. Admissi
will be free. T'
Wingham OItize'
tendanee, Dori•
aeon foe of 10
Refreshments of
during the event
articles, home 00
on sale, Don't f'
institution*. •3'•o
'What the "Peon
and find ont for y
to the rondo of th
llitnd will not be
tionir for the
date, next Ttie
f bays.
f : t, Paul's branch of
n pose holding a Feast
Ade ()onoert in the
nesday, June 291h.
e: hive the work in
his novel and unique
tternoon tea will be
p m. at a nominal
n during these hours
om 7 'to 10 p. m. the
a' Band will be in at -
thio time at admts-
ents 'will be °barged.
11 kinds will. be sold
. Useful and fanoy
ing, eto,, will also be
get to patronize home
are curious to know
of Days" is, Oome
nett. Apromenade
Wingham Citizens'
t. a least of the Mitrao-
Vte • nil. Retnefnber the
brine 28th.
Death of Wm. Hayden.
There passed away the home of his
parents in Fergus, on ridgy, 18th lust,,
William James Haydn •. in his 3l8tyeer,
The deoeased young •.: n will be remem•
bared by many in to n, having spent
last summer here asci ting his brother,
Mr. O. V. Hayden, in he laundry bust -
nese, He had not, h' wever, beer; in
robust health for a nu'• bar of yeera, and
tuberculosis developed which caused his
demise. He was born in Wallace town-
ship, but the family ater removed to
Wroxeter where th.resided for a
number of yeare be -a removing to
Fergus. Mr. Haydn had 'been for
years connected with •luevale L. 0 L,,
and was formerly member of the
Young Britons. Th funeral took plane
Monday afternoon to Belayde Demeter y
Fergus. Mr. 0. V. • ayden ot Wing -
ham, and Mr, How: el Bolt, of Turn.
berry, attended the •'sequies.
Our splendid Shoes for men, priced
at $3 50, $4 00 or $5.00 cost you no
more than inferior qualities.
W. 3, GREER.
Death of Mrs. •$mon VanNorman.
The death 000'rred on Monday of
Elizabeth Miller, •eloved wife of Mr..
Simon VanNorma , at the home of her
son, Mr, John " VanNorman. Mrs.
VanNormaa had .:en visiting with her
two sons in town : ad was in her usual
health until We' nesday of last week
when she was at icken with paralysis,
and gradually fai :d autil the end came.
The deceased Iad • was born in England
seventy-four yea : ago, she having pass-
ed away on her 7 th birthday. With her
parents she oam . to Canada when one
year old and s: ttled in what was then
known as the t aeon's bneh in Halton
county, Fifty -"our years ago with her
father, the late obert Miller, the fam-
ily settled on e. a 3rd line of Morris, on
what is now he John Cottltea farm.
Fifty-two yes ago deceased was mar-
ried to her • ow bereaved husband and
since that tle e has resided in Belgrave
and vicinity. Mrs. VanNorman had for
years been a ...ember of the Methodist
Ohnrah and ' as held in high esteem by
her large oir e• of friends and her sud-
den death wi ' be mnoh regretted. Of a
family of ten .hildren, five sons and five
daughters, nia survive, one daughter,
Margaret pa mg away a number of
years ago. T e children anrviving are:
V. R , Wingh.m; Robt,, Mrs. Hanna
and Mrs. Yana stine, of Hamiote, Mau.;
Mrs. John, of Morris; John W.
and Charles, f Wingham, Frank, of
Brune Mines; is Mary, of Winnipeg.
The funeral to k place on Wednesday
afternoon, ser ice being held in the
Methodist Oh rah at Belgrave and in -
torment in B anion cemetery. The
bereaved will ' • ve the sympathy of the
By -Law to Ratepayers.
At a special meeting of the Town
Council last 'day evening with all
the members ) resent except Oonnoil-
lore Spotton and VanNorman, the
Clerk was ins rooted to prepare a by-
law to provide for a system of water-
works for domestic purposes and one to
raise $4,000 to 'ay the Town Hall de-
bentures. On T'esday evening another
special meeting o the Connell was held
with the same m tubers present, when
the two by-laws ••ere given two read.
ings. By -Law N. 586 provides for the
raising of $6,000, ••hich will be used in
giving Wingha» a syetem of water,
works for dom .stirs purposes and by
law No. 587 pr' ides for raising $4,000
to pay off the 1 own Hall debentures,
which fall due in September. These
by-laws will be •oted on by the rate-
payers on Monde , July 26th, The by
law for the $4,000 for Town Hall de-
bentares is being submitted to eave the
ratepayers paying the $4,000 out ot one
year's taxes. If e by-law is defeated
it will mean the raising of next leer's
tax rate some sior seven mills. The
waterworks by -1a should be heartily
supported by the atepayere. 11 will
not only give Wet= for domestio pur-
poses, but will al 0 give tut a doable
aetvioe for fire • oteotion and thin
should be a big 110 for the ratepayers.
In the waterwork> department, ander
present conditions there is an minuet
revenue of $1,700 a' d with pore water
the number of c • manners will be in.
greased, whieh should Morose the
revenue sufficient to make the system
self-supporting r, • d not cote the general
ratepayer anythin extra in the way of
taxes. The by'1. •• will be found in
another column, : efote voting doe!' vee
'Will gkee Our rea' ere further fdate on
this important ma' tr. The question of
snbmitting a by leu► 'to .pro"41de for
electing oomraisei ners to manage the
eleetrie light and waterworks depart.
manta will be ca tittered. ata speoiai
meeting of the a • unoil next Monday
Miss MoVittle, , f Toronto, is visiting
With her cousin, rs. John Nichol.
Miss L. Sherk has returned home
from Sodbury for two months' visit.
Mr. J. 0. Johns on, of Blnevale, left
011 Tuesday on a fweeks visit to the
Mr. John Elder eft Saturday morn-
ing to spend a co • ' le of weeks in New
Editor Chisholm and Mr. John
Wendt, of Wroxeter, were in town on
Mrs. Chas, Swanson and Miss Edna
Gannett are visits' g with relatives in
Mrs. Good, of Emerson, Man. is
visiting at the h • '. o of her brother,
Mr, W. F. VanStone.
Mr. and Mrs. McCool, of Londesboro,
were visiting for o er Sunday with their
daughter, Miss M
Mr. and Mrs, hos. Netterfield, of
Milverton were v siting with Wingham
relatives for over .unday.
Mrs, Wm. Diamond was in London
last week attendg the funeral of her
sister, Mrs. Thos. aokson.
Mrs. Geo. Stewart and Mise Stewart,
of Strathroy w re visiting for a few
days with Mrs. i, Gillespie.
Mr. John Anderson, of Wareham, is
visiting with re atives and old friends in
Wingham, Bite Wawanoeh and Turn.
Mr, and Mr:. John Glenn, Of Lis-
towel, were vie ting for over Sunday at
the home of t' air son-in•law, Mr. Geo.
Mr. A. J. ;oholle has returned home
after spendin-. several weeks with rela-
tives and frie ds at different points in
Mr, Thos, B II, of Southampton, was
visiting for a 'eve days at the home of
Mr. R. Vanst'ne and calling on his
numerous frien' a in town.
Mr. and Mr:. Thos Field left on
Tuesday 011 a trip through the West.
They purpose oing through to the
Coast and we wi h them a pleasant trip
through our promising Western
WANTED AT ONOE.-1000 cases eggs,
1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool.
Highest prices, Dash or trade. KING'S,
Wingham. .
Women's Ins itute Meeting.
The meetings o the Women's In-
stitute held on Th reday of last week
well were attended Mrs. Ashley, the
speaker for the d y, gave two very
interesting and pro table addresses and
a pleasing program was rendered at both
BUTTER and EGGS,—Bring along your
Produce. Highest prioe paid in ex•
ohange for Boots and Shoes,
Farewell So sal at Army.
On Thursday ev ing of last week, a
pleasant evening a spent at the Salva-
tion Army social soldiers and friends
of the Army. It was etfarewell send
off to Ensign P ole, who, during his
sojourn in Wingh m, has made for 'him-
self a boat of frien e, both citizens and
soldiers. But lie en, the Ensign is a
Biblical student, nd the Bible distinct-
ly- tells, ne it is no good for man to live
alone, and he hav ng found Ms affinity
has gone to claim his prize. The lady
in question is Mi L. Thompson, Baugh•
ter of a Windsor ontraotor and builder.
As an officer in Army she has been
a great success. herever she has gone
there has been al ays converts added to
the roll, and heap of friends to her list.
Her appointments have been Totonto,
Burks Falls, Coba and Sudbury, where
she is now stati lied, and which oho,
with the aid of Ca t. Meader opened up
among the rich silver mines of New
Ontario. The we ding will take place
as Fevereham, Mo day, June 28111, the
Ceremony 10 be performed by Col.
Sharp, the Owen ound Band futnish-
ing the innate, Opt. Price acting as
groomsman and its Henderson as
bridesmaid. After the ceremony the
happy Couple will t ke a share furlough,
dividing op betwe Detroit and Wind -
Mor. Ensign Po e'e many Wingham
friends wish him mnoh joy. Prior to
his departure the neign was presented
by citizens and a diets with an address,
a000mpatiied by set of silver knives.
Annum RooI ING.—I have been ap.
pointed sole agent in this vicinity for
this high oleos roofing, whish has no
equal. Oall and get samples. .
J. A. MoLxAN.
.. Wei of 498Spa ing a"
Dr. 'Nelson a d b ve
Toronto, will b at the Queen's Hotel
Wingham, all de Thursday, June 24th,
for oonenitatton diseases of Bye, Ver,.
Nese and Threat Glutei fitted,
Rev. 0, E. Jeaki • will preach to the'
members of the A P. & A. ill. in St.
George's Ohnroh at a oderioh next Sun-
day morning,
The oongregatio of Knox Presby-
terian Church, Lista el, has extended a
gall to Rev. D, A. U:qubart, B. A.,
of Kippen,
Mrs. (Rev.) Rutle'ge, wife of the
new pastor of the ethodiat Churob,
was on Monday pre' anted with a very
kindly 'worded addr":s of appreciation
and a fine mahoga • , silk drawing.
room chair and a h ndsome cut glees
salad bowl. The gi ° s were from the
Women's Missionary and Ladies' Aid
Societies of the First "etltodist Ohuroh,
Fon SALE —A •ood ascend -hand
windmill. Apply t 0. J, Thornton,
at Pump shop.
Dear Sir,—As m work is almost at
an end in this town would you be kind
enough to grant me space in your paper
for a few words o farewell. I desire,
first of all, to tend r to the looal press
my very einoere t auks for the unre-
munerated privileg of announcing the
subjects of my se ons through your
columns week by w ek; as also for the
many kind and ap r eoiative references
to my work in the ' uipit and out of it.
These I shall never forget. I desire to
express the plsasur. I have had in my
three years' sojonr in this beautiful
northern town and shall carry away
with me many ple>sane and grateful
memories of its pe ple. I have found
many friends amo all the different
Christian denomin tions; and have
been pleased to recip ooate their friend-
ship. To the me bars of may own
obnroh and oongre tion I extend my
tweet grateful thank I have not been
able to do for them 1 my heart longed
to do, but am gla to know, through
many letters sent o me, and through
hundreds.of testim ies freely given to
me in person, tli' t my work in the
pastorate, has been most gratefully ap.
preoiated; and thr' • gh the blessing of
God, has left bebi. d it abiding comfort
and inspiration, T. the same Christian
love and kindly o' -operation, I com-
mend my encomia in the ministry of
this Gospel, the env. Dr. Rutledge.
You will find him , Ohriatian gentle-
man, of large exper noe, fine Scholar-
ship and a good p :aoher. The con-
gregation is to be c' gratniated on se-
curing so to an the
pastorate of the Me hodiet Ohnroh in
this town. We hopthat he will be
esteemed and loved f • r his works sake;
and that he may prov to be the bearer
of boundless blessing to this place and
With loving, Christ an farewell, I am,
Yours „oat sincerely,
W. G. HowSON.
Froth grooeries. LENNOX, Wingham.
Women's Oxfords, Ties, Pumps and
Slippers in the handsomest models that
ever graced a Shoe Store, $2 00, $2 50 up
to $3 00 or $3.50, W. J. GREER.
--The interior 'f the Brunswick
hotel hat been repai • ted and thoroughly
overhauled and ne would hardly
think it the same souse. The outside
of the building wi 1 be repainted and
when all the impr vements are com-
pleted this hotel wil be one of the beet
in Western Ontario.
—The Exeter Y. . 0. A, are holning
an evening of spor s on July 9th. The
main feature of t•: evening will be a
100 yard foot ran: (2 in 3) for the
Amateur Champ onahip of Western
Ontario. A olive medal will be award-
ed the winner. : asides this there are
other open event: for which good prizes
are given.
—A pretty wed.
the home of Mr.
the Hensel! Obser
day, when his dan
married to Mr. Ar
R. agent at He
wag performed b
of Motley, assiste
of Hensall, and w
twenty-five frien.
ing took place at the
elands, proprietor of
:r, at 12,30 on Thnree
Met, Miss Edna, was
ur King, the G. T.
all, The oereinony
Rev. Prank Powell,
by Rev. Mr. Smith,
s witnessed by about
—A public mee ing washeld in Mills'
Mannerist Rall ursday evening, un-
der the anspioes o the local LoyAl True
Blue lodge, when r. J. S. Armstrong,
of ()riffle, gave an illustrated address on
the work in conn ction with the True
Blue Orphanage t I'ioton. The view*
presented were* y good once. A slum'
bar of Musical leotions were alio
given. Mental nation* towards the
Wont of the Orp anage have been re-
edited, for whit) the mesnbera at the
local lodge With return tbanke.
Etc., etc.,
is the theme which we bring to
your notice at this time,
Some wise man has said, " My
son, get wisdom, and with all thy
getting get understanding,"
The wise man to day says,"Get
a new suit or overcoat, and when
you are getting, get it made to
your order in your own town,
where you know what Jou are
getting, and that it is genuine
tailor - made." That would be
wisdom ; that would be under-
Our New Spring Goods have
arrived, and it is not exaggerat-
ing to say they are the nicest line
we have had for some time, and
at prices corresponding with the,
qualities shown.
Space will not allow us to go
into detail, but
and can make them any style
desired. We are dealing in
strong statements, but will back
it up, that we have yet to find the
style of garment we cannot dupli.
cate. And although plain, neat
styles are more in line with
strictly high - class tailoring this
season, it is for you to name your
Our Furnishing Department is
filled with the newest and best
for Spring and Summer in all
lines. We have also added a
first class Iine 01 Jewelry.
Robt Maxwell
Tailor and Furnisher
For Men Who Care.
The Cemetry committee has engaged
a permanent caretaker for the cemetery.
Any person may have a plot cared for
by leaving $1.00 at McKibbon'e Drag
(Property Committee)
The Leading Shoe Store.
Black and Tan
Are not the Only kind of Shoes we
sell. You can have a nice pair of
WHITE TIES for outing
wear as well. In feet We have a
splendid display of
When you come to see it you will
At once dee hew stain shoes must
make any foot attractive,
Yon Will went a pelt of some of the
many' kinds, and you oan the our
word for it that our prioe* will not
stop you from filling your desire.