The Wingham Times, 1909-06-10, Page 6tl x`tjtk'. Y INGILAM TIMES, JUNE 10, 1?U9 KERNELS FR� VI THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Timber wolves are killing Cattle in Dummer township, Peterboro'. Two hundred men struck at the De- troit. River Manuel for an inereaeo of pay. The lifystortous Nerves, How like electricity is the mysterious nerve force wbioh courses through the body controlling the movement of every xnnsol& and the working of every organ. The secret of keeping the marvellous nervous system in health and vigor is found in the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, the great blood builder and nerve restorative. At the Saskatchewan Synod Bishop £{Tisdale asked for the appointment of a coadjutor. Dr. H. R. Casnrain of Windsor was elected President of the Ontario Medloal Association. No Need. of Suffering from Rheumatism. It is a mistake to allow anyone to suf- fer from rheumatism, as the pain OEM always be relieved, and in most oases a cure effected by applying Chamberlain's Liniment, The relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. It makes sleep and rest possible Even in Cases of lona etendieg this lini- ment should be used en account of the relief which it affords. Do not be dia- oonraged until you have given it a trial. For sale by all druegiste. Mrs. DaVal, wife of the Moderator of the Presbyteziau General Assembly, died at Winnipeg. If riches have wings, man may be able to phase the mighty dollar more successfully with the aid of an airship. Bow's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIHENEY & Co , Toledo, 0 We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be. lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finanoially able to carry oat any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internaI- ly, acting dire,.tiy upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syetem. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle, Sold by all Drngeists, Take HalI's Family Pills for con. stipation. The subject for conversation at an evening entertainment was the intelli gence of animals, particularly doge. Said Robinson, "There are doge that have more sense than the masters." "Just so," responded young Jones. "I've got that kind of dog myself." Only those who suffer from Pres can know the agony, the burning, throbbing, shooting, stabbing pains which the ailment causes, and the way it wrecks the sufferer's life. Zara -Balk is blessed by thousands who used to suffer from piles, but whom it has cured. One such grateful person is Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, of Greenwood Avenue, Toronto, She says —" For four long years 1 suffered acutely from bleeding piles. During that time I spent an immense amount of money on 'remedies' and doctor's pre- scriptions but got no case. 'Lam -;ink was different to everything else I had tried, and it cured me. I am grateful or the, cure, and as I have never had piles once since, 1 know the cure is permanent.' Another thankful woman is Mrs. Ti, A. Gardiner, of Catalina, Trinity Bay. She says 1—"In my case Zam-Buk effected a wonderful cure. For twelve years I had been troubled with blind, bleeding, and protruding piles. I had been using various kinds of ointments, etc., but never came across anything to dome good until tried Zamt Buk,which oared me. That this may be the means of helping soma sufferers from piles to try Zam-Bok, is the wish of one who has found gteet relief." Zany -Bok is a purely herbal balm and should be in every home. Cures cuts, burns, bruises, eczetna, Wears, bloods poisoning, prairie itch, sunburn, blisters, sere feet, Summer torts, and all diseases Injuries of the skin. etc. All ;felts and attires at Soc. hot, or froth Zam-link Co„ Toronto, for pries, Shareholders of the Elgin Loan Cont - t pang, which failed six years ago, will re- ceive a dividend of 8 1.3 cents on the dollar, A little daughter of Mr. Afred Bali, of London, Ont., swallowed a satety pin, and an operation will be necessary to remove it. M, Famnlara of London, Ont., whose son was run over by a street oar and lost both legs, made a determined effort to kill the motorman. Sore Nipples, Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the Child is done nurs- ing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth be- fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by all druggists. rr The Qaebeo Legislature has prorogued after one of the longest and most excit- ing sesaione in years. The members' in- demnity was increased to $1,500, Recent advances in beef hides and Calf ekins have increased prices being paid in the country from sixty to one hundred per oent. over the level of last year, IL Dr, Chase's Dint went is a certain and guaranteed curefor each and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding clips Seo testimonials in the press and as Your neighbors about it. Yon can nee it and et your money back if not satisfied. 60c, at all tears cr. Enar&NsoN, Bevas & Co., Toronto..� bap CHASE'S O lT✓MENa . The body of Harry MoEwen, who was drosvned off a launch in Hamilton Bay, has been recovered, and will be buried with that of Albert Milburn, the other victim of the accident. The trial of W. M. Carruthers on a charge of libelling Sir Frederick Borden was pat over to the October term at Kentville, N. S., at tbe request of the Crown. Defendant was admitted to bail. In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that this nerve controls will also surely fail, It may be the Stomach nerve, or it may have given strength and support to the Heart or Kidneys, It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr, Shoop's Restorative was not made to dose the Stomach nor to temporarily stimulate the Heart or Kidneys, That old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes direotly to these failing inside nerves. The re- markable success of this prescription demonstrates the wisdom of treating the aotual cause of these failing organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple five or ten days test will surely tell, Try it once, and see l Sold at Walley's Drug Store, On June 1, at high noon, a very pretty wedding was solemnized in the Metho- dist Church, at Trowbridge, the con- tracting parties being MSS Ada Seaman, evangelist, and Mr. 0. Burk, both of Blenheim, Ont. The nuptial knot was securely and happily tied by the Rev. S. Salton, Pains of women, head pains, or any pain stopped in 20 minutes eure, with Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets, See fall formula on 25c. Boo. Sold at Walloy's Drug Store, The Goderioh assessor has jest com- pleted his assessment rolls of the town for the present year and the following figures are taken from the rolls; Value of real estate, $1,698,776; business as- sessment, $219,214; income, $60,274; total, $1,978,263; population, 4,549. The essential lung -healing ptineipaI of the pine tree has finally beensuooeesfully separated and refihed into a perfect oaugh medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Fan Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a g iarantee of satisfaotion. Price 26 omits. "Times are hard" to be sure, but what's the nee of Climbing up on a dry goods box and day after day proclaiming to the world this old threadbare stereo. typed assertion, We sometimes think that times ought to be still moro strin- gent with same of these fellows. D;d it ever Occur to yon that the genuine hrtstler rarely, if ever, Complains of hard times? CASTOR IA For infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Beare the Signature of Hepworth eouncil has passed a by-law to en;.onrage the planting of trees on the streets a offering a benne of 1Go for each tree planted and that each tree be not leaf than ono and one half iuohes in diameter and providing said trees Conte out in leaf the second season the said bonus of 15o per tree will be paid to the persons planting the same, SPRING hIE ruTNE. As a spring medicine(' Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal, It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and -,takes away that tired weary feeling so prevalent in the spring Something out of the ordinary in the way of domestic dif Ioulties was furnish- ed when Mrs, Sweetland, of Flint, Mich., suing for divorce, told her trouble to the court, She claims that one .of the many altercations which she and her husband participated in; took place lo their barnyard and her husband got so angry with her that he pinked up a live pig and heaved it at her head. "1 clod, ged the pig," said Mrs, Sweetland, "bat it was killed," The court thought Airs, Sweetland was entitled to a divorce and $800 in alimony besides, Tell some deserving Rheumatio sufferer, that there is yet one eimple way to cer- tain relief, Get Dr. Shoop's book on Rheumatism and a free trial test. This book will make it entirely Clear how Rhenmatio pains are quickly killed by Dr, Sboop's Rheumatic' Remedy --liquid or tablets. Send no money. The test is free, Surprise some disheartened sufferer by firet stetting for hum the book from Dr. Shoop, Raoine, Wis, Sald at Walley's Drug Store. An aged witness in a will case over in England on being asked if he bad any brothers and sisters, replied that ho had had one brother who died 15U years ago. The Court expressed doubt as to the truth, of the rather strange etatement, bat documentary evidence was submit- ted to prove that it was trne. This showed that the father of the witness had marriesi first at the age of 19 and had s# son that died in infancy. He married again at the age of 75, and the witness, now 94 years of age, was the fruit of that marriage. Take a Cont Seriously. The possibilities of every cold are dreadful to contemplate, Bronchitis, pneumonia, consumption usually begin with a simple cold. Why not fight the Cold from the start and ensure success by using Dr. Ohase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. It allays inflammation, keeps the cough free and loose and pro. Mots the bronchial tubes and lunge from danger. A happy event took place on Wednes- day morning, June 2nd, at the home of 111r. and Mrs, James Geddes, 4th of Huron, when their daughter Stella was nnited in the bonds of holy wedlock to Mr. Peter M. Campbell, second son of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Campbell, 4th of Huron. The young couple are both well known and higbly esteemed by a large circle of friends who will wish them every prosperity. Tho ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Mac- Farlane before the friends and immedi. ate relatives of the contracting parties. Born in Iowa. Our family were all born and raised in Iowa, and have used Chamberlain's ()olio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (made at Des Moines) for years. We know how good it is from long experi. ence in the use of it. In faot, when in El Paso, Texas, the writer's life was saved by the prompt use of this remedy. We are now engaged In the mercantile business at Narcoosseo, Fla„ and have introduced the remedy here. It has proven very successful and is constantly growing in Moore—Emus Boos. This remedy is for sale by all druggists, A perfect June day lent a charm to the pretty wedding 'which was solem- nized at the Sacred Heart Ohureb, Mild- may, on Tuesday of last week, when Miss Mathilda Reinhart became the wife of Ignatz Grub of the 8th conces- sion of Carrick, The bride was beauti- fuIIy attired in a dile organdie costume, with large picture hat, and carried a lovely boquet of white roses, Her Sister Mise Laura, acted as bridesmaid, while the groom was supported by his cousin, Mr. Joseph Grub. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. R, 0. Lehman, parish priest, LIVER COMPLAINT The chief office of the liver is the secre- tion of bile, whioh is the natural regulator of the bowels. Whenever liver c'omesi dgand thbileductsclogged, hear complaint is produced, and is manifested by the pre - Renee of constipation, pain under the right shoulder, aaMIow complexion, yellow eyes, slimy -coated tongue and headache, heart" burn, jaundice, sour stomach, Waist brash, catarrh of the stomach, eta Livor Complaint nay be cured by avoiding theabovo mentioned causes, keep- ing the bowels free, and arousing the slug- gish liver with that grand liver regulator, In a village in Wellinftoti bounty with a population of 1,400, the assessor found eighty-three reeidericeb in whit% there were brit three people; 108 in whish there were onily two, and to less than thirty-five homes With but one OConpant, All thio Was the result of the drain of the watt, The drain is being felt with quite ate great efteot in the townships of the Prov#noe, For Family use. An Ideal Remedy tor Coughs. Sore Throat, Catarrh, We Chest. After having made a speoisl study of thi treatment of the throat and lungs fur twenty years, Prof. D. Jeokeon States that in his opinion po preparation for general family use :a eo efficient. so healing, so pertain to pure at. Catarrh- ezene, As his reason for making this claim for Oamarrhozoue, Dr, Jackson says:-- "Catarrhozoae is free from opium, "The patient oan breathe its rfoh, bal- samic fumes direct to the diseased spoi. "It is a remedy that treats and °urea causes --prevents disease spreading, "Reaches the innermost reoesaes of that throat, nose, broaohial tubes and langAlp. 'leviates chest sorenees, "Stops eoughtug instantly, "Prevents bronchial i,ritatious, "Relieves clogged nostrils. "Cures sniffles and newel catarrh. "Prevents Le Grippe. "Has proven itseif a cure for weak lungs, loss of voice, speakers' sore throat, asthma. bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, Colds and Winter ills." Oatarrhozone is unquestionably the world's greatest breathable cold, cough and catarrh medioine, and being free from all drowsy drugs, entirely safe for children and old folks; it makes an ideal family remedy. Recommended by the medical profession, and sold by all re- liable dealers. Beware of imitations, get. "Catarrhezone" only; Large size lasts two months, and is guaranteed, price $1; smaller sizes 25e. and 50o. 13y mail from the Oatarncczone Com- pany, Kingston, Ont. There died at her home on the North North Line, near Kiuoardine, on Mon- day, May 31st, in the person of Mrs. Alexander Munro, a woman who for 61 years has resided in the township of Kincardine on the same farm, Mrs. Munro, at the time of her death, had reached the ripe old age of 96 years. She was suffering from no particular ailment but the sands or time had run out and she passed peacefully away to enter into the joy of a well earned rest Her maiden name was Mary Ann Mo - Lead and she was born in Loobinvar, Sutherlandshire, Scotland. Here she married her hneband, the late Alexander Munro, who predeceased her about 16 years. They came to Canada in the year 1848 and came to Kincardine town- ship and settled on the farm on which she died. A family of three sons and four daughters survive, For a Sprained Ankle, As usually treated, it sprained ankle will disable the injured person for a month or more, but by applying Cham- berlain's Liniment and observing the directions with each bottle faithfully, a cure may be effected in many cases in lees than oneweek's time, This liniment is a most remarkable preparation. Try it for a strain or bruise, or when laid up with Chronic or muscular rheumatism, and you are Certain to be delighted with the prompt relief which it affords. For sale by all druggists. The great foe to home, peace and happinees is worry. The habit of worry keeps us crossing bridges before we reach them, The evils that fret us most are those which threaten ns but have not yet arrived. Stop worrying about the bread that yon are afraid will not rise, the new dress you are sure the dressmaker will spoil, and the next month's rent. If you will firmly re- solve to worry only about the evil or special hardship this hour or mintite and Can't be avoided, ninety-nine oases out of one hundred you will find there le no such evil or hardship, Stomach Troubles, Many remarkable cures of stomach troubles have been effected by Chamber. lain's Stomach and Liver Tableto, One man who had spent over two thous• and defiers for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tab- lets. Prioe, 25 cents. Samples free at all drug stores. Last week another old resident of Mildmay was removed from our midst by the hand of death, in the person of Mr. Peter Lenahan sr., who passed away on Monday morning, May 31st. Deceased was' in his usual health until the day previous, and his sudden death came as a great shook to his friends. On Sutiday night he ahowed the first symptoms of illness, and on Monday morning he passed peacefully away. Mr. Lenahan was born in Ireland in the year 1823, and came to Canada about thirty years ago, and settled near Balaklava, after which he moved to Mildmay. He was a mason by trade. He was a quiet, inoffensive man, and highly esteemed, G*A!5tTr CI 371.X.A nacrs the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature sof West WawalOah lost one of its earliest eettierd, when, on Saturday, May 22nd, Mrs. John Mallough passed peacefully AWAY' lifter an extended illness, at the ripe old age of Over four score years. She woe born near Eireubbin, County Down, Ireland, April 28th, 1829, coming to Canada in 1851, and settling in Mid- leeox county. There she was united n marriage to Mr. John Mallough, who redeoeased her several years ago, She nd her partner in life took up their esidetiae on lot 15, con. 2, Webt Wawa. osh, Where with the exteptoin Of tett ears in LtioknOW, she spent her dart ntil the summons came to exchange et earthly home for the heavenly, LIVER OOMPILAIIN'1', d Mr.Oeo,Fulreett, 1latniltoity Ont,,sediteat "Raaving suffered with liver Commpplaint for It years and tried all sorts of rem* 1 etas a advised to try Milburn's Laze -Liver ill t. r 'two vittle of them, say, eel gaits s netetaking rb roan, in tat n strongly recommend them to anyone." y Noe $5 cents per vial or 5 for $1.0, at et all dealers or mailed direst by the The lldilbtfsrn Cro,, itede Tomcat), Oat* _ Parente do wrong in keepipg their children hangiug aronied home, ebeiter- ed and enervated by parental indulg- ence, The eagle does better. It stirs. up its Met when the young eagles are able to fly. They are compelled to shift for themselves, for the old eagle literally turns them them out, and at the same tears all the down and feathers from the meat, 'Tie the rude and rough experi- ence that makes the king of birds so fearless in his flight turd so expert in the pursuit of p Tey. It is a misfortune to be born with a silver spoon in your month Mr you have it to Carry and plague yen all your days. Riobee often hang Like a dead weight. Yes, like a millstone about the neck of ambitions young men, Pain anywhere stopped ite 20 minutes euro with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Paiu Tablets, The formula le on the 25 Cont box, Ask your Dootor or Druggist about this formula! Stops womanly patine, headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Raoine, Wis., for free trial to prove value. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Another of the reepeoted pioneers of Hnllett has been removed from tins lite, Geo. Watt passed peacefully away at his home on the 10th conces- sion on Wednesday morning, May 26th. Mr, Watt had reached the good age of 88 years, He did not seem to suffer from any particular disease, but a once robust Constitution has been giving away before the pressure of years for some time. Mr. Watt was a native of Banffshire, Scotland, and came to this country when quite a young man. He had been a resident of Hallett for over half a Century. He was a useful man in the Community and did his share in building up this section of his adopted country. He was several times, a mem- ber of the township council; wad for many years an officer of the Tooker - smith Branch Agricultural Society, and was one of the Charter members of Mo- Kiliop Mutual Fire Insurance Oompeny and occupied a position on board of direotors for many years, until he was forced to withdraw on account of the infirmities of old age. His wife died in 1880 and he is survived by four sons and three daughters, THE LADIES' FAVORITE, Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorit medicine. They pure Constipation, Sick Readaohe, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or siokening. C,H.sorcai=t,]CA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of •lr � c'4 "WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE." IS. E. Kiser.] When pa was my age there were few Grown men could do what he could do; He didn't waste his time at play, But did a man's work every day. He'd mueoles that were hard and strong; He sought the right and shunned the wrong; His parents never had to scold Or fret when pa was twelve years old. 'When I was your age—" Jimmunnee t How often pa says that to me, At every meal I have to hear The some old thing, or pretty near; When he was my age he would eat Just wholesome things and pass sweet; He wouldn't even taste of cake, And shunned pie for his stomach's sake When pa was my age he would save Up every cent he got--and—brave? If he'd of met a lion, it Could not have frightened him a bit, The thing he liked to do the best Was good hard work, with little rest. In school he was above them all, And he was nearly six feet tall. "When I was your age—" Every day Pa hands that out the same old way; His head is bald, his stummiok's bad; He's lost the muscles that he had; Me Can't afford to keep a maid; Pa's not a great man, I'm afraid—. At least no banners seem to fly, And no bands play when he goes by. Down where be labors wet and dry, They keep pa in a little cage; I wonder why ho wishes I Would be like he was at my age? the OXYGEH�TQQ (Generated Oxygen) Cures CONSUMPTION, CATARRH. COLDS and LA GRIPPE: AIse RHEUMATISM, as it allows the Kidneys to freely discharge the Uric Acid from the Blood. Cures Old Sores, Good Family Medicine to use for Outs. Scalds and Bruises, THS'B ST BLOOD PURIFIER KNOWN. For Salo by all Druggists, THE OXYCINATOR CO., 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Canada FARMERS yew1btoose orother they having of, hod vr'alae the Same for sale in the Timis. our large olronletion tells and it will be strange indeed if boudonot ¢etaaustomer. We oan'#stnnrantee hai on wUl veil beanse Jou may tisk more Tor the artielb or stook than itis worth. Send your advertisement to the Tullis and try this plan off, disposing Of your stook and other TWENTY YEARS AGO, Mems from the "Times" fyles. (Froth the Tools of June 7, 1889.) LO0AI, NBWS, Meaers. George Oaseniore, Bluevale Robt, Reilly, East Wawanoeh; Jame Anderson, Samuel and Alex Porter Turnberry, and 0. A. Soott, Wingham Left on Tuesday for Manitoba, Mr. J, R. Graut writes a letter from Winnipeg tendering his resignation of the postmastership of Brussels, Rev. John Soott, M A„ and Dr. Tow ler are in attendance et the Methodist Conference this week., at St. Mary's. Among those who passed creditable first year examinations at the Toronto University we notice the naznee of Mr, W. L MoQuarrie and J. 11. Cornyn, of Wingham. Miss M. Peke, of the publio sohool staff, was palled away on Thursday last to attend the tonere! of her sister, Mrs. J. Armstrong, On Saturday last Messrs. Dulmage took control of the union bus which they pnrohased from Mr, Wm. Black, An experienced and reliable driver, George Kellow, from Toronto, hue been en- gaged. Mr, E. Bowers and family left for Manitoba on Wedneeday,having decided to locate in that country, Mrs, S. W. Galbraith and son and Mise Emma Yonhill of Beet Tawas, Mich., are at preseut on a visit to their parent?, Mr. and Mrs. S. Yonhill, of Wingham. At a meeting for the ro-organization of the Board of Trade on Wednesday evening there were present: Messrs Wilson, Cline, McInnes, Moindoo, Homnth, Mills, Gordon, Stiles, Griffin, J, W. Inglis, Fisher, Scott, Clegg, Dr Macdonald and S. Gracey. According to the Charter and by-laws the organiza- tion is etill legally in existenoo. It was agreed on motion that the membership fees be remitted to those whose names are enrolled except one dollar, whioh 0 payment nonetitutea them members till February 1890. It was deoidt,d to re- tain the present officers till tl,e end of the current year ---B. Wilson, president;. D. nlelnnes, vice-president; J A. Cline, ae0.'treas, TURNBERRY, Mr, Wm, Nicholson of Toronto, was' home this week, attending the funeral of his brother. A son of the late Issao N1,•holeon's. died on Monday, supposedly from blood poisoning. He was a smart, intelligont: and kindhearted lad in his 15th year. This township has 269 dogs assessed and but one bitch. How many dollars, in assessment are saved by this decep- lion. But they say figures won't lie. LOWER WINOHAhi, Miss McLean left on Wednesday on a. visit to friends in Ottawa and other• plaoee in the east. Mr. and Aire. Joseph Flack loft on Saturday to visit friends et Markdale, Mrs. Flack has been in poor health moat of the winter and the Change it is hoped will be beneficial. Mr. Andrew Eadie, M, D., of Toronto . who spent a few days last week with his parents has returned borne, BIRTHS Tbomae.—In Turnberry, ou the 30th' ult., the wife of Mr. Philip Thomas; an daughter. Kinoaid,—At Wingham, on the 31st' nit„ the wife of Mr. Wm. Kincaid; a. daughter. DEATHS, Nicholsou.—Io Turnberry, on the Std+ inst., Willie Nicholson, aged 14 years,, 11 months and 4 days, Walton,—At Wingham, on the 5th• inst., Mrs. Joseph Walton, aged 33 years and 6 months. 0•••4••••+••.••••••••••+•. +4+++++++4++4+++4+4+++++44 ♦ Mon, women and Children all find *i IIITA1. :Ile from this great blood, VITAL • ee and nerve tonin. It is an ♦� k. • • tonic, and the thousand who have used it, and have been benefitted by it, Z • never oease to reoommed it to their friends who have suffered se they • themselves, Vital cures>all diseases which are direotly due to a weak and watery condition of the blood, bringing new lits • and ruddiness to pale VITAL and sallow Cheeks; cares general muscular weak neesee, loss of appetite, 1 •• depressed spirits, weak sued will, shortness of 4l •• breath on slight exertion, coldness of hands or feet ---which is an unnatural 1 condition, pains in the bank, loss of memory, alt forme of female weak-• • neesee, snppreseion c 1 m a n s e s, f.; • • andrheumatism; in short, all •• I TAS blood diseases instantly. For sale, b0 cte, a box,or 6 boxes for • $2.50. t • FOR SALE AT WALTON MCKIBBON'S DRUG STORE. 4 e +� ei •••••••il•r+e + €.•••••••• ••••••••••f•••••••••••••.•, • S h • unfailing blood builder and nerve An exohange says that alcohol will re- • move grass stains from summer clothes. The exchange is right. It will also re, move summer clothes when used to ex- oees and also spring and winter clothes, not only from the man who drinks it but from his wife and children. It will remove household furniture from the house and eatables from the pantry; the smiles from the face of wife, and the happiness from his home. As a re• mover of things alcohol has few equals, It you would have a safe yet pertain Gough Remedy in the home, try Dr. Shoop's—at least once, It is thorough- ly unlike any other Cough preparation. Its taste will be entirely new to you— unless it is already your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium, ohloroform, or any other stnpifying ingredients are used. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its won- derful ourative propertied. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescrip- tion. Sold at Walley's Drug Store, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. With twenty-two years' experi- ence to its credit this college is recognized as the greatest practical training school in Western ;Ontario, Three departments: Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy. Our Classes are the largest, our Courses most practioal and our in- structors experienced, Our gradu- ates are assisted to positions and sinned. as none others. Enter now. Get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MoLACHLAN PRINOIPALS. KINCARDINE — TO — DETROIT and return Steel Steamer " KING EDWARD " ALOOMA CENTRAL STEAMSHIP LINE Tickets good going June 25th. Leave Kincardine 5.00 a.m.. Arrive Detroit 4.45 p.m. Return June 27th and July 4th. Leave Detroit 8.00 a,m,, Central time. MEALS AND 11ERT.11 EXTRA, H. T. HDRDON, T. J. KENNEDY, Local Agent. Traffic Managers, Sault St, Marle,Ont.