HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-06-10, Page 554 SUI'T'S► To Be Cleared at Sacrifice prices,. NO 2 SUITS of the SAME PATTERN Having purchased a Traveller's set of Samples, we are prepared to give you remarkable values. We have also taken out of our own stock all ODD SUITS and put thein along with this lot, which gives you a splendid assort- ment, in, all sizes, 4 Youths' Suits, regular $8.50, sizes 31, 32, 83, for$5.00 3 Youths' Suits, regular 12:00, sizes 33, 34, for 6.50 6 Men's Suits, regular 9.50, sizes 36, 37, 42, 44, for 6.00 4 Men's Suits, regular 10,00, sizes 37, 38, 40, for6.50 8 Men's Suits, regular 12.50, sizes 34, 37, 38,40,41,44 8,50 4 Men's 11 Men's 4 Men's 3 Men's 3 Men's 4 Men's Suits, regular 13.00, sizes 37, 40, for 9.00 Suits, regular 15.00, 35, 36,37, 38, 39, 44, 46 10.50 Snits, regular 17.50, sizes 35, 36, 38, for12.50 Suits, regular 18.50, sizes 36, 37, for 13,00 Suits, regular 19.50, sizes 36, 38, 39, for14 50 Suits, regular 21.00, sizes 35, 36, 37, 38, for 15,50 These are positively cash prices. Eggs taken at cash prices. McGee & Carnpbell CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS. ittee++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ♦ Hest attention + 4 orders.to grocery CANNA! We aim to t Beet give you Phone 74. eatisfaotion, + ♦+ STORENEWS1 ormirmorm.....* Parasols. • Have you your Summer Parasol, we have a choice selection of I + Parasols, in the newest shades with the prettiest Handles. Silk and • Linen. Ranging from $1,25 to 82,75, s + i+., Linen Skirts. Ladies' Wash Skirts in plain white and white and black spot, 4' 't nicely made in good quality. Call and see them, + + Corsets. + 7 Ladies' Corsets, light, cool and comfortable, designed for medium figures, splendid proportionate fits nine out of ten, and give perfect satisfaction, Ask to see our number 377 at $1,25 per pair, t also our Parisian Corsets at $1,00 per pair. Lawn Waists. Pavey Embroidered Lawn Waists in new designs, long sleeves • * selling quickly, come and pick out your size. • • Straw Hats. Men's Straw h+a at all prices. • 4 We have a nice line of Princess Ribbed Hose tan, best quality in all sizes at 25e per pair. x F and Linen Hats in newest shapes, all sizes A in black and Men's and Youth's Clothing. Children's Hose + We have been doing a big business in Men's Ready -to -Wear s * Suits whish are hard to best, they are well finished, perfect fitting, s stylish leaking and good patterns. Remember they are all new, all i• sires 34 to 44, ranging from $10,00 to $15,00 per snit. • • * BOX'S' SUITS.—We have in stock many Tweed and Wor. • * sted Suits in newest designs and patterns—bring in your boy, we • • have all sizes at lowest priees. *♦ Grocery Department. Full stock of Groceries always on hand, ihAAMMAAMAMMNNNAAAAANN AN, : . s 4. i C 0 • + + * s THE VRNGlft '17ME13, JUEE 10 1009- BreentItalcre WeerraD AT owvn.-1000 Oases eggs, 1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool, ifgbest prtoes, cash or trade. KING'S' Wingham, A garden party under the auspices of liluevale Methodist (Laron will be held et the residence of Mr. Then, Rigging, Turnberry, on Friday evening, .Tune 20th. Tea will be served from 7 to 9 o'olook and refreshments will be for sale. Mesio by the Salvation Arany Band of Wingham, Admission 25o and 15o, 1i, Vrgetabte Conatipatiou Cute, Because they contain mercury and mineral volts, many pills are harsh, The easiest and safest laxative is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and EAU, ternut. They olean the stomach, in• eestines and bowels—drive out waste matter, tone the kidneys and forever euro constipation. Ae a general tonic and system cleanser nothing is, so mild and efficient am Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake And Butternut. Sold every- where verywhere in 25o, boxes. emaatoRE. WANTED AT ONCE, -1000 oases eggs, 1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool, Highest prices, gash or trade, KING'S. Wingham, Mrs. David Bremner and three child- ren, of Winnipeg, are visiting with Mr. Bremner's parents here. Dor. Collins, for several years teacher in the Belmore ehoel, but who Lae been further prosecuting his studies, died last week at the home of his parents near Barrie, Rev, John Radford attended the meet- ing of the General Assembly in Hamil- ton and Mrs. Radford and family visited with relatives at Waterdown, The Giri That is Pale. She is in danger, her system is run down, weak—she needs nourishment, needs richer blood. More than all else she needs Ferrozone, needs it became it brings back the nerve energy which rapid growth and study have exhausted. The old-time vigor, happy spirits and new atrength return with Ferrozone. The delicate maid is energized, strength- ened and rebuilt. isn't it worth while using Ferrozone when it surely does so mnch, At all dealers in 50o. boxes. GODERIOii, The Town of Goderioh is creating a waiting room and offices at the dock for the convenience of passengers waiting for boats during the season, The lank of proper accommodation has been a dI'awbaok here for years, but the man - oil intends to remedy this defect for this season, and propose patting up a first-class building. Tenders are to be considered this week for the work. This town will have an exoellent passenger boat service this season, the St, 'inmate of the D. & 0. line; the King Edward, of the Algoma Oentral line, and the Huron, of the Star -Cole lino, each mak- ing two calls a week. • A Wonderful Cold Cure, rust think of it, a cold cured in ten minutes—thas's what happens when you use "Oatarrbozane," 'Yon inhale its soothing balsams and out goes the cold—anifiies are oared—headache is oured—symptome of antarrh and grippe disappear at once. It's the healing pine essences and powerful antiseptics in Ca- tarrhozone that enable it to sot . so quickly. In disease of the nose, for irritable throat, bronohitis, coughs and catarrh it's a marvel. Safe even for children, 25o, and $1,00 sizes at all dealers. BLYTH WANTED AT ONCE. -1000 oases eggs, 1000 boxes butter, Iarge quantities wool. Highest prtoes, Dash or trade, KING'S, Wingham, Noticeable improvements are being made by James Moody on his property. The house has been moved, raised and a cellar put under it and a coat of paint will be applied, Dr. Wilford Is home from Toronto on a visit. He will go to China next October and in the intervening time be is at the disposal of the General Board of Missions. Blyth Gun Club has been re -organized for the season with the following ofil- oere:—Hon,-President, d'aa, MoMurohie; President, S. H. Gidley; Captain, Joe Blaney; Treasurer, E. Mason; Secre- tary, B. MoArter; let Lieutenant, N. Taylor; 2nd Lieutenant, A. Coombs. Managing Committee, J, Dingwall, D, Stalker and R, Somers. LANGSZDE. WANTED AT ONCE, --1000 eases eggs, 1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool. Highest prioes, cash or trade, KING's, Wingham. At half -past nine o'clock Tuesday morning, June fat, the marriage of Mies Gertrude J, A. Cornelius, of Langside, and Franois P. Kelley, of Ashfield, took place at the Roman Catholic Church, Teeswater. Rev. rather Corcoran per- formed the ceremony. The bride, tvho is an only daughter of Mr. and Mre. James Oornelius, formerly of near Dun. gannon, Was attended by the groom's sister, Miss Sarah Kelley, of Goderieh, and the groom was supported by the bride's br0thor, Amos Clornelina, After the ceremony the bridal party' drove to the residence of the bride's patents where the wedding dinner was served, after which the young people drove in to Leoknow to take the afternoon train for Toronto, 1lamilton, Niagara ..Palle, Detroit and Other points, Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Orin reside on the gt'eem's term In Aiihfield. WANTED AT ole011.-1044 cases eggs, 1000 boxes batter, large quantities wool. Highest pricee, *ash or trade. gniu. s, Winghaw. Mr. Lector McKay lost a good horse one day last week. Two horses were Woking in the stable with the result that one of them bad a broken leg and had to be killed. Mr. Geo. Lamont, station agent, is away to Landon and Toronto for his holidays. Rev. W..4.. and Mrs, Malay attended the meetings of the Conference in London. Mr. David Ross is building a new ad- dition to his baro. The beet ring has commenced opera- tions for the season. The warm weather and the Erapid growth lies made the farmers look happy. .: w.EST WAWANOSH, WANTED At ONCE. -1000 saws eggs, 1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool. Highest prices, cash or trade. KINci's. Wingham, 11Mr, John O'Connor recently under- went an operation for appendicitis, It is hoped he may soon bo onjoyiug good health, Council met as e. Court of Revision and for general business on May 27th. There being no appeals against the assess- ment roll, on motion of Wilson and Thompson the assessment roil was adopted. The equalization of union sohool sections was presented by the assessor, being the equalization for the next 5 yenta. The Council then mat for general business, Reeve Medd in the chair, Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved on motion of Wilson and Titomp- eon. The Treasurer's statement showed balance on hand of $206,44, Filed on motion of Wilson and Aitoheson, Jas, Foster was employed to pat two teams on the grader at $7 00 per day and D. McDonald was employed as operator Of grader at $2.25 per day. The Reeve and Treasurer were em- powered to borrow the emu of four hundred dollars for Township purposes and bylaw passed confirming the same. Ohegnee were issued for the payment of acoounts to the amount of about $220.00. The ()Quinn then adeonrned to meet on June 28th, at 1 o'clock. W. S. Mo0Rosetn, Clerk. It Prevents Sore Throat. No simpler way to kill a cold and stamp out sore throat than by applying Nerviline—rub it in freely, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster an the chest. These remedies hent out pain, destroy every trees of congestion, euro the cold and tendency to bronchitis. Thousands find Nerviline inestimably the best remedy for pains, aohee, bruises, neuralgia, sciatica, oolds and winter ills. Not only is it penetrating and powerful, but it is safe and econo- mical, All dealers sell Polaon's Ner- viline. Large bottles for 25o , the plasters same prioe. Beware of sub- stitutes, MORRIS. WANTED AT ONCE, -1000 easea eggs, 1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool. Highest prices, cash or trade. Kew's, Wingham. We are pleased to report that D. W. Campbell, of the 1st line is reoovering after a serious illness from pnaumonis, His son, Mr. John Campbell has return- ed home from Treherne, Man., owing to kr. Campbell's illness. Miss Katie Manning, 5th line is visit- ing friends in Palmerston and Flesher - ton. A. I. McCall, wife and two sons, of Chatham, are visiting with friends on the 7th line. Mrs. J. F. Mathewson and children, of Flosherton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Manning, 5th Iine. The residence of Patrick Kelly, 8th line, ze being enlarged and improved. It will bo veneered with brick. A new residence will be erected by Jae. Lawson, 8th line. The foundation is ready and the site chosen is a good one. Preparations are being made by Joseph Bolger, Sth liae, for the construc- tion of a modern barn on hie well locat- ed farm. We hope he will often have it crammed with crop. Wet. Geddes and Blies Mabel, of the 3rd line; Mise Maggie Fraser, of the at line, and l.1re. Sohn Johnston, of Biaevale, are among the visitors to the West. We wish them a good time. .M AAMAM1t,NteWA A/NAMA KEEPING CHILDREN WELL, Every mother ehou,d be able s to recognize and euro the minor ills that attack her little ones. Prompt attention may prevent ser - t forts illness-3.'erhnps save Alit• tie life. A. wimple, sate remedy In the home le therefore a ne. cessity, and for this purpose there is nothing else so good as Baby's Own Tablets They promptly cure au stomaoh and bowel troubles,t destroy, worms, break np colds, m e toetbiag Seasy and keep oldren healthy f ,and oheerfal, Mr . .los. Levee. < que, Caeselrna et , says:—"I 1 have used Ba y's Own Tablets iand have always found them satisfaotory. My child has grown splendidly and is always 1 good natured eine I began us- ing this medioina." Sold by modieine dealers or by mail at. C25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., $rock• vide, Ont. aoYvvWyvVvwVY1/VV V VwvWv Roll. Members all present, and sub- scribed the oath required by Statute. Jas, Parish complained of being as- soseed too high on north g lot 27, con. 8; ease dismissed. Thomas and Arthur Williams, entered joint owners north a lot 1, eon. 7. Win, Miller en- tered tenant, south part 15, con. 5. B. 0. Brandon entered F. S. sonde ;n 3, owe. 4, On motion of Shortreed and Wilkin. son, the Court of Revision was then adjourned to meet again on June 28th at 10 o'clock a, m, Council business was then takers np Minutes of last meeting were read and passed. liy•Laws, No. 4 and 5, re Russel and Smith drains, were read and passed. By -Law No. 6, re North Huron Tele- phone Co., read three times and pawed. A petition Wes presented by Rabt, Nichol and others, asking for the con- struction of a drain ander the provisions of the Municipal Drainage Aot. On oration of McCracken and Wilkin- son, tee said petition was entertained and Engineer Roger instructed to ex- amine the locrility described and make his report thereon, Accounts were ordered to be paid as follow:—R. E. McKenzie, cement, $15; T. Millor, repairs for grader, $4 50; Sao. Watson, Assessor's salary, $70; W. Olark, part salary, $40; R. B. Alcock, pnttinn in onivert, $3 50; Jon. Watson, equalizing Union School Sections, $15. The Council then adjanrned to meet again, after Court of Revision, on Jane 28th. W. Or ARIL, Clerk. BRUSSELS. A new water tank for street watering enpply purposes has been built at the Electric Light Works whose engine will do the pumping for the sprinkler run by R. Henderson. Work has been commenced on the new Carnegie Library and Contraotor Hunter intends to push the work along so as to have the building ready for oc. eapatinn by the earl,' Fall. His tender was $5,960. The lower foundation will be cement, then cement blocks followed by pressed brick. It will be quite an adornment to the town and will prove an acquisition to Brussels and a lasting memento of Andrew Carnegie's gener- osity, Wedding bells chimed cheerily at the fine residence of Councillor D,?.. Lowry, Queen street, Brussels, on Wednesday of last week, at high noon, when under a wedding ball of apple bloesoms, lily of the vaXey and white roses, Mies Pearl, the wineoine eldest daughter of the home, joined hand and heart with Jas. W. Oraigie, of the Standard Bank, Col- borne, Ont. The bridal chorea was played by Miss Clara Lowry, sister of the bride, the latter was given away by her lather. Ceremony was performed by Rev. John Holmes, of Dorchester, formerly of Brussels, assisted by Rev. J, R. Oreigie, M A„ of Toronto, father to the groom. There were no attendant's, The bride looked ()harming in a pilot gray garment, with collar and Duffs of pale blue and a velvet hat to matoli trimmed with bine flowers. Luncheon was served in the dining room which was embowered in flowers. The happy twain took the 3 p. m. train on a short wedding tour to St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Toronto and other points parrying with them many good wishes for a happy and useful career in life. Mr. and Mrs Oraigie will reside at Colborne. The Froom is well and favorably known here. having been a member of the Standard Bank staff for several years. Mrs. Oraigie was a general favorite in Brussels and will be greatly missed She was a highly valued member of the Methodist Church choir. Many evi- dences of high esteem were given in the form of wedding gifts. --The semi.annnai meeting of Tarn - berry District L 0. L. will be held in Wingham next Monday, 14th inet., et 2 o'clock p. m. —The semiannual meeting of the Ocnnty Orange Lodge of North Huron mill be held in the Orange hall, Wing - ham, on Monday, June 21st, at 2 o'olook p, m. Annual Meeting. The Anneal meeting and pionio of the West Huron Farmers' Institute will be held at the residence of H. J. Morris, Loyal, on friday Jane 18th Business meeting at 1 o'olook sharp. Women's netitute branches and Farmers' Clubs of the riding are invited to be precent. Prof. Day, of the Ontario Agricultual College, will be present and addrese the meeting. Tuesday morning of last week as I Mark M. Cardiff, of the 5th line, was engaged in fitting up a windmill at the barn of George McOall, 8th line, he had the misfortune to have a fall of about 30 feet, resetting in it dialooated hip, a fractured bone in One ankle, some die• abled ribs and a gash in hie head. Two dootors were soon in attendance and Mr, Cardiff's many' friends hope he will be speedily rebtored. It rias a miracle he was not instantly killed, stoKRls. Mrs, Wm. Watson recently tinders Went a anrgical oporatien, We hope she /nays again be restored to good health, The Connell mot en Mayr $lot, as it 00titt of 1 evasion on the Assessment makes Baby nervous and fretful, and stops gain in weight. EMUL.S1ON is the Bost faod•medicine for teeth,. ing babies. It strengthens the nerves, supplies limns for the teeth, keeps the baby growing. Get a email bottle now. Alt liresteists THE Siv4N,DA,Rb Q THE CAL,() NW New Idea Fattens 10e Wow idea, 1Sagazinaa 5e Ladies' Whitewear !` Our stock of Whitewear is LARGE and COMPLETE in all lines. I All garments are perfect in fit and finish, with ample fullness provided. STYLE, FIT AND VALUE GUARANTEED, LADIES' WHITE CAMBRIC UNDERSKIR'PS.—mood quality, wide Rounoe of tanked lawn,finished with deep trill01 S7vtas,Etnbroid- ery,regalar value $1 50, Sale $1.25 SPECIAL UNDERSKIRTS.—Fine quality Onmbrio with hemstitched tucks and embroidery, insertion and deep flounce. Cher special out prioe ,-.. $2,00 LADIES' EXTRA QUALITY UNDERSKIRTS —Made of best Eng. lish Cambric, trimmed with insertion and 18 inch embroidery flounce, regular price $3 50. $2.90 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Very pretty White Lawn Dresses, made in the very best style, trimmed with lane and insertion, sizes run from six months to Mx years, Prices are 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Ask to see them. LADIES' WHITE CAM- BRIC; iGOWNS. Full width, trimmed .. with lace and am- ern broidery, well sewn. Prioos are 75c, 1.00, 1,25. 1.50, See our leader it beats them all only :... 1.00 LADIES' CORSET COVERS In good quality Cambric, front and arms trimmed with fine lane and embroidery, all prices. See our 35c line, on sale at 25c LADIES' DRAWERS. In fine White Cotton, trimmed with teoks and homstitohinar, finished with lane and em- broidery. Prices begin at 25c. A speaial line at . 30c LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS.—In very pretty styles, made of good Wash Duck or Linen, trimmed with folds and insertion. Special bargains at 1.50 and 2.00 LADIES' WAISTS —A very large range of styles and patterns, long or short sleeves, trimmed with fine tucks, Ane insertion and fancy (sollars. All prices from 75c to 3.00. We buy from the manufacturers and in quantities that will command the LOWEST PRICES. N. E. ISARD & C YVVYYVVVVVYVYMYVYYVYYVVVVY I•nlrelnnnnnnnnAAAA"err.n"a"0,, A RICHARDSON PHONE 27. & RAE. P EIOINi1i 27. i 11E *.DQUAittTERS FOR Screen Doors Screen Windows Screen Wire Spring Hinges Door Springs Grass Shears Fac dge Shears Sheep Shears Pruning Shears Pruning Saws 100 per cent. `f) Pure Paint Sling Ropes flay Fork Ropes Hay Fork Pulleys Pulley Hooks Rope Hitches s 0.4 444 ty to Lawn Hose Lawn Fencing Woven Fencing Field Hoes Turnip Hoes BLTJR RI1313O1+7 COAL BINDER TWI1NE „.r...,.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA