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The Wingham Times, 1909-06-10, Page 4
:rryiF 4 lISTA.BLIS1IED 187e .11EINCA TIRES. R nt.1,111eer pnxsxfPf>.x eaQ1SPRnPR1J I' THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1909 NOTES AND COMMENTS The pan .est Cabinet i the i n h hilry itoof OaIet. Minister Canada, Hon Wiliam Lvou Mackenzie King. M P , 0, M. C . M A., L L B , assumed oflioe as Minister of Leber and Privy Coanoillor slut Wo.lneeclay of last week. In cora- plum with Sir Wilfrid 'Laurier and in the tatter's automobile, Dir. Sing drove to ovaTllUext House, wtaTe benne It ie Excellency Earl Grey he took the oath of offiee. PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT, TUE WING1140M TIMES, JUNE 10, 1909 INDIGESTION CURED EVIDENCE IN PLENTY Your Neighbor Can Tell You of Lures by Or. Williams' Pink Pills. Report for May Names are arranged in order of merit. SENIOR THIRD. Macke obtainable, 775. 'Rachel Rintoul 725, Ella Mitchell 722, Bert Inane 713. Harry Moalannas 701, Lulu V:enSlckle 690, Nelson Rath 085, Eddie Helps 635. Ruby Canford 617, George Bowmen 599 Garnet Weames, 575,Nellie McLean 668, Irene Allen 564, Mamie Cartwright 557, Allan Reid 551 Maggie Murch 544, Verna Carruth. 538, Ernest Niergarth 536, Vance Sanderson,'. 529, Arlie Beckwith 317. Stuart Pender 481, Ina Gibson 464. George Day 448, May Rebineon 404, Nelson barges 400, Moses Brown 375, Alice Simmons 374, Roy Manuel 322, Frank Wiley 195. JteNIOR THIRD. Meese obtainable, 600. Grote Robinson 535, Scott Maxwell 494, Alex Anderson 443, Howard Gray 395, Phoebe Bloomfield 892. Earle An- derson 856, Harvey Niergarth 376, Helen Jones 357. Harold Maguire 344, Willie McOool 333. Nellie Bennet 321, Nora Graney $19. Willie Hinsonffe 308. Diok Graham 305. Jolla MoNevin 288, Willie Stapleton 273, Sterling Readtng 270, Paul Giileavie 265. Mabel McDonald 261, Carrie Wilson 235, Fred Constable 220, Verna MoDonald 206, Leonard Robinson 168. SENIOR SECOND. Marks obtainable. 887. Joe Rinhardscn 788, Kathaleen Prin- gle 774, Verna Armour 772, Fred Walk- er 750, Florence March 674, Marion Johnston 614, Winfred Morden 608, Spencer Johnstn 593. Theo McDonald 591, Bertha Blackball 597, Harold Gould 578, Ezra Pocock 562, Frank Moore 554, Verna Moore 493, Cora Hingston 471, Edith McNutt 447, Lexie Huffman 446, Elia Rogers 899. Eva Patterson 886, Maggie: Pocock 372, -Clair Crawford 367, Otarence Thornton 326, Elia Cooke 315, Gladys Dear 276. Junior Class. Markel obtainable, 720. Jack Maxwell 651, Nellie Fanalstine 613, Charlie Grabam 596, Eileen Dore 577, Vera Webb 561, Olive Rintoni 553, Clare Iserd 549, Pat Holmes 532. Miriam Smith 531, Sara Hamilton 493. Mark Ousels 476, Kent Smith 454. Lila Bell 450. Nina Hengh 417, Irene Hewer 390. Tillie Bottrell 389. Winnifred Walker 348, Sara MeL an 205, Jean Carrie e.65. Irr SECOiD CLASS. Names are arranged in order of merit. Senior Class.—Dora Laandy, 'Noel lrumniond, Elda Gowdy, Henry Aitohisan, Frank Robinson, Enfold Mann, Mergoret Piper, Florence Diamond, Irene Paton. Charlie bard, Reggie Smith, Myrtle Fyfe, Mae Pass - mare, Florence Hineclif£e, Dorothy CIark, Teddy Mareh, May Allen, Charlie Lloyd. Harold Hamilton. Junior Class —George Fry, Rath Anderenn, Edna Musgrove, Elizabeth Hamilton, James Dobie, Stanley Mo Donald, Mary Ooultee, Velma Johnston, Harry Angus, Willie MeNevin, Chester Stapleton, Catherine Adams, Rollo Sanderson, Hazel Mieiner, Charlie Poeook. Percy Joynt, Leonard Jarvis, Albert Bloomfield, Thelma Sanderson, Eva C tarridge, Evelyn Angus, Lily Casemere. Alex. Taylor, Jack Van- Normen, Gavin Holmes, Eddie Tangher, Kenn, Nichol, David Letson, Madeline Walker. uowiOle. Another old resident of this township has pecaed away in the pereon of Mary Ann Musgrove, relict of the late John Gallaher. who died on Saturday laer. Deo cad lady was 80 yeara of age and had been a resident of this township for mans rears and was held in high esteem by a inroe circle of friends. A. family of eigiet dantzhtere and two one survive, viz: -ribs. Chapman. Hamilton; Aire. Fred Kitchen, Leamington; Mrs. Ed- ward Brya's, Grey; hire. Wm Bryans, Morris; ,lira. Gnodfellow, Wiarton; Moo John Farmer and Mrs. W. G. i4fonic omerv, Wroxeter: Mies Ada, at borne; William, of Tnrnberry and Albert on the homestead. The funeral to tee Wroxeter cemetery on Monday was Iargely attended. *eve Stock Merinos.. Toronto, Jane 8,—Trade was active and pricey firm at the market to day. AIthough the run was heavy, trade was so brisk that almost everything was cleared in remarkably short time and by noon there was practically nothing left, The total rue was 93 loads, with .1,800 head of cattle, 868 sheep and lambs, 200 hogs pad 360 calves. Every case ofind#geeti on, nomatie r how bad, can be cared by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Not only oared, but cured for good. That's a sweeptnig statement and you are smite right in demanding eyideuee to back it. And it is backed by evidence in plenty—living evidence among your own neighbors, no matter in what part of Oenada you live. Ask your neighbors and they will tell you of people iri your own district wbo have been oared by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills of dizziness, palpitation. sour stomach, sick headeohes and the internal pains ot Indigestion, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mire beoaase they strike straight at the loot 01 all stomach troubles. They make new, rich blood, and new blood le jest what the stomach needs to set it right and give it strength for its work. Mre Geo. E. Whiteneot, Hatfield Point, N. B„ says: "1 am glad to have an opportunity to speak pa favor of Dr Williams' PInk Pillseefor thev deserve all the praise that cdu be given them. I was a great suffer r from indigestion, which was oft aocompanted by nausea, sick he ache and baokaohe. As a result in complexion was very bad and I black hogs under the eyes. I too a great deal of dootor'8 medicine, but it never did more than give me the most temporary relief. About a year ago I was advised to give Dr, Williams' Pink Pi11fl a trial Be- fore I had taken a couple of boxes I found relief, and by the time I had need a half dozen boxes I found myself feel- ing like a new woman, with a good appetite, good digestion, and a clear oomplesion. I can strongly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink PiIle for this trouble and advise similar sufferers to lose no time in taking them. Dr, Wiiltaws' Pink Pills cure all the troubles whioh have their origin in bad blood. That is why they cure anaemia, indigestion, rheumatism, mem, St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis and the many ailments of girlhood and woman. hood, Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or two boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GRE7,•. The annual pienio of S. S No. 8 will be h; ed on June 291h, in Atwood's grove Miss L-zzie H Taylor, of Clinton, ie visieeng with her grandfather, James Smit=ie, and other relatives. Richard Mitches!. who was visiting resat:vee and friends here, left for his home in the West on Wednesday. At a o'clock Wednesday evening of lest week, Robert Houston and bytes Mzo gie S. bfrNeir entered into a metro reetela.1 alliance at the borne of the bride, IG^ls sen., when by the Md of Rev. D. B McRae, of Cranbreok, the knot vast ha;ag lig tied in the presence of abent 2001 guess's Ceremony was performed on the [awe. Mied 1'atini© ioneton, sister t of the groom, tires bridesmaid and Neil McNair, brother of the bride wasgroome- man. A aumptnone sapper was served nod n splendid time enjoyed by the large eonepany. The wedding gifts were menisci/01y oteeece, useful and s num_ rotes. Mr. and 5ira. Houston mom• menet) mhrried life nadt:r naepicionb cou 1ltions and heno the Feet will of the connnonety, At Leigh , boots on Wcd esday of haat eek Rev. E 0 Powell tied the matreteon:al bow, at the reeidenee ot FI, and erre. yerzoan, between Fred Oster, a well known vetting farmer of the 14„3 Evan . mai Miss Anted tellian, yona :est daughter of the boat and h(wanet, In the preeent of about CO gentle 7:he c, reaaony took place in ‘tbe pall -)r wader * &brill Wedding bell, 'Upended from an arch of evergreens and apple blossoms. As Mies Keeler, of Durham, played the march the prinoipals took their places, the bride being given away by Iter father. She was moat becoming- ly attired in cream silk Eoliene, trimmed with silk guipure, with bridal veil and beautiful boquet. They were unac• oompanied. After hearty congratula- tions the party sat down to an elegant dejuener, prepared in Mrs. Tyerman's best style. The wedding gifts were choice, numerous and useful. Mr. and Mrs. Oster will take up their residence on the groom's fine farm with the beet wishes of a large circle of friends. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R 0 0. 1597, Chapter 129, Sea 38, that all rsons hav- fng claims against the estate of Walter Coulter, late of the Township of East Wa- wanosh in the County of f3 n, Gentleman deceased. who died on or abo . the 1..th day of May, 1909, are required to se d by post prepaid or otherwise delive to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Exec for of the said deceas- ed, on or before the t day of July., A. D. 1909, their names, ad ewes and descriptions, and a fun statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security if any, held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceasea among the parties entitled thereto, having' retard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 9th day of Jame, A. D., 1909. R. ziANSTONE, Wingham P. O. Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby. given pur ant to R. 8 O. 1597, Chapter 129, Sec. 88, t t all persons hay. ing claims against the Est a of ;Mary Rintoul. late of the Town of Win m in the County of Huron, married wom deceased. who died on or about the 20th d of May, 1909, are re- quired to send by t prepaid or otherwise deliver to the un 'fined, Solicitor for the Executor of the sad deceased, on or before the 5th da; of July, A. D., 1909. their vanes, addresses and descriptions and a full state- ment of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any. held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto. having regard only to the claims of: which:he shall then have notice. Dated this 9th day of June. A. D D. le09 12, VANSTONE, wingham P. 0. Solicitor for the Executor. Mortgage Sale of Valuable Real Estate. Pursuant to the power of sale contain- ed in two certain mortgages which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered by public erection at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wing - ham, in tee County of Huron, on. Wed; neaday. the 30th day of Jane, A.,D. 19C9 et two o'clock in the afterxrban, the following valuable propertiet, that is to say: Parcel No. 1.—The n h easterly corner of farm lot numbs 7 in the 10th coneesaime of the To ship of West Wawatoeh in the . unty of Huron, containing one • re' Iand nitre or less and haring a fr' . . ge on the concession line of 8 rods an, a depth along the tide - road ot 20 rods. On this parcel is situa- ted a frame 1?„ storey. t e n ec t y o ed P as a store, postcffice and dwelling, 21x32 with addition 21t40, a frame stable 16x86 and 12x14 and a frame drive shed 16x24. This is the property known as Fordyce Postaffice, and is Mituated on a coed gravel road. about 0 miles from the Village of Whiteohnrch and .11 miles from the Town of Wingham. Parcel No, 2.—The Booth half of lot member 23 in the 8th concession of the sell Township el East Wei►atioeh. On this lot there is a coaaiderablo quantity of timber enitabie for firewood, poets �. and. other purposes, The premises are well watered and will make good pas- ture lands. Tztsis os SALE. --Ten per cent of the pnrehase money of each parcel on the day of sale end the balance in twenty days thereafter. The parcels 'will be sold subject to a reserve price. rusher Particulars and conditions will be made known on she day tel stile or may be had: on application 101h+►undersigned. 1009 ted thle 9th 'day of June, A. D, R, VANSrONE, Wingham P 0 l Solttiita' for the Venders. The fallowing are the quotations: Exporters' cattle-- Per 100 lbs. Choke $6 00 $6 46 Medium 5 25 5 75 Balls 4 50 5 00 Light 3;75 4 09 Doves 4 25 4 50 Feeders— hest 1000 pounds and up- wards 25 4 60 8tookere oboioe 2 75 3 00 '• bulls , ,.,,., 1 50 2 00 Butchers' Pinked 5 50 5 75 Medium 5 00 5 25 Cowie ........ 4 25 4 50 Bulls 3 00 3 50 Hogs -- Best Lights Sheep— Export ewes 4 50 Books..,. 3 00 Culla „ 2 50 Spring Lambs eaoh„ 3 00 Calves. each .. 3 00 .765 7 40 5 00 4 00 3 25 5 50 6 50 wix(Ha1a mammy itOrORTs Winghaln, June 9111, 1909, Flat rper 100lbs.,,. 8 10 to 3 50 Fall Wheat„,,,,, 1 30 to 1 30 Oats, 0 50 to 0 50 Barley .... ..... 0 50 to 0 55 Peas 0 8e to 0 85 Butter dairy ,.,. ...,0 18 to 0 18 Eggs per dos 0 18 to 0 18 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay , per ton 8 00 to 9 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 35 Lard ,., _ 0 17 to 0 17 Live Hogs, per owt. 7 60 to 7 60 CANADIAN PAG! Fl C. Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $7620 Return from WINGHAM, good going May 20th to Sept. 30. Return limit Oct, 3lst, Liberal stop- overs, Wide choice of routes. Go b the direct Canadian line -see your own country -the West, the Rocky Mountains. Visit the Seattle Exposition and other special attractions. Talk it over with J. H. BEEtMEO, Agent, Wingham, .5. • Royal Grocery I TRY 4• +++++++++++++++++ d• 4 4• 4. 4- 4• 4• 4 4 4• Malcolm's For TEA AND COFFEE They are the best. ALSO FRESH GROCESIES And the best that can be bought, Call and inspect. 4• 4• 4 4• 4• 4• 4' 4. 4' 4. 4e1-14+4.4- 1-1 1 ! 4-1.40144.4.444-44+4.4 +++++++++++++ OUR CROCKERY BARGAINS Always to be found in our Crockery Department. .—.,44,IN_r..._.. MAE.GOLr1,s Produce Taken. Phone 54. ram A Rare Opporthiiity On Saturday morning, JUNE 13TH we will place on sale at our store, Josephine street, Wingharn, Ontario, Twelve SSR SEWING MACHINES ttlat have been rented and the cabinet work slightly marred. We guarantee the mechanism to be equal to neva. We will sell these ata 'Very law figure to close them out; we have but twelve, so call early for a choke. Remember, every machine is fully guaranteed. Cern oil', CISEDI.'. SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY For Coughs—Take This Do you know a remedy fox coughs and colds nearly seventy years old? There is one—Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Once in the family, it stays. It is not a doctor, does not take the place of a doctor. It is a doctor's aid, Made for the treatment of all throat and lung troubles. Ask your own doctor his opinion of it. Follow his advice. No alcohol in this cough medicine. J, C. Ayer Co., fr.owell, Mstss. You cannot recover promptly if your bowels are constipated, Ayer'e Pill; are gently lax- ative; act directly on the liver. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor all aboutthein. :, Lea 1” : E 'EE !!n! s 4471177W17111. A. 9•i , BURN ITU Special 30 Days' Sale B 1111111111111111111131111111111011111111111 lex PARLOR SUITES SIDEBOARDS PARLOR CHAIRS (odd pieces) BEDROOM SUITES COUCHES EXTENSION TABLES SPRINGS and MATTRESSES aimmammommommo We bane a pretty full stock and prefer the money to the goods. If you have the money and want to exchange it for anything in the furniture line, and get special good vi,lue, the opportunity is yours now. Come and we will do our best to deal with you on SPECIAL TERNS for 30 days, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Brass Extension Rods for doors and windows, Stair Pads and Carpet Paper. Baby Carriages and Go Carts kept in stock. We make a specialty of repairing and upholstering sofas, coaches, chairs, etc.; also of picture framing. - WE ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW SCALE-WILLIAMS PIANOS and can give you some special inducements in this line. Call and see what we can offer you. S. G!ACEY 114 1 r�ti.Yr mph .°Ira : 21t{C FURNITURE DEALER AND PRACTICAL UNDERTAKER. • .mrre.g..so.roeseasse3 Yl�tttitir...r.lutiGiu\.demaxims* iiur: Ina vvvvvvvrvvvvvvavvvvvvvvvvv YvvvvvvyVavavvavvvvvvavvvi E THE CENTRAL HARDWARE STORE, R •► •1444► ► Farm Tools We search out the best Farm Tools If every sort and make it worth your while to come to ns for whatever yon want. EXAMINE Oar stock of LAWN MOWERS, we sell them from $3 to $15. We also have a full line of HAMMOCKS, SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS, POULTRY NETTING, GARDEN HOSE, REELS, Mo. And the beat of PAINTS for all purposed. ► Olean your Bath Tubs, Sinks, Tinware, Floors, a, etc., with ► ► a trial package for 25o, and money back if not satisfied. • • WE TAKE EGGS AS CASH. Id. G. Stewart & Go WYANDOTTE 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 4 • 4 lie • PHONE 16. WINGHAM, ONT.10. ♦AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA1111 iAIA AAA&AA AAAN1MAAAAAAANtAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAARAAAAArsAAAAAAAA0AA ASnap in Iron Bedst c 1 C 1 Through some Mistake in ordering, we have a double stock of Iron Beds. We can't ship them back, but have secured a special eut on theta that will enable us to make a reduction ot $1,00 on each one, and they will go at these prices, 'while they Iast : A X5.00 Bed for A$3.10Bed for ...... A 63.00 Bed for 64.00 52.50 62.06 Springs and 3tattresses to fit We have found trade a little slow; owing to the late season, and are going to give a SPECIAL DISCOUNT on all furniture DURING JUNE! We'd rather carry the money than the stock. Our large stook and special prices for the 1,ezt month will give indtteetnents which you cannot. in justice to your pocketbook, afford to overlook. JAS. WALKER ogr SON. p _ _ The People's Popular Store WINGHAM, ONT. Agents - Ladies' Horne Journal KURR & BIRD Ag0 nts- Homne Journal Patterns Now dor a Big House Cleaning Sale We expect to take stock early in June this year, and in order to clean the stock up nicely and reduce it as much as possible, we will offer all odd lots in every department at about half price. This will be the BIGGEST BARGAIN CHANCE EVER OFFERED 1N WINGHAM. Sale will continue throughout the month of June. AT HALF PRICE A quantity of Men's Hats and Caps. AT HALF PRICE A number of low prised Snits AT HALF PRICE All Men's and Women's Raincoats. AT HALF PRICE A'quantity of Fancy Combs A quantity of Laces and Trimmings A quantity of good Brushes. AT HALF PRIOE A quantity of Shoes and SIippers on our bargain oonnter, LESS THAN HALF PRICE Table Vinegar put up in Fanoy Glass Bottle, regular 15. Oar special price only 7o. CHINESE AND EVEREDY STARCH. during sale packagesg for 80. No. 1 Fine Starch. We guarantee the quality. Ladies' Home Journal 15o� amonth. Ladies Home Journal on sale here Leave your order now. every month. Prioe iso. Carpet Bargains. All our Wool, Union, Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, also Stair Carpets AT % LESS THAN REGULAR PRIDES. Every yard of Carpet and every Carpet Square will be offered at 25 per cent, less than regular prices. Window Shades, Tremendous price call#ng, a large stook to select from. Regular 50o Window Shades for 890 Reguler 75o Window Shades for 50o Regular 90o Window Shades for 690 Regular $t Window Shades for 790 Curtain Pole Bargains White Cottage Rods, reg. 15c for 10o Brass Extension Rode, rag. 60o for 44o " " " " 20o for 14o " " 15o for 10o Oak and Mahogany Poles, 25o for 200 All Rod; and Poles complete. Bargains in Dinner Sets 1 Set 9i pieces, reg....30 50 for 63,24 2 Sets 97 pieces, reg... 7.00 for 4,79 2 Sets 97 pieces, reg.... 9 00 for 5 98 1 Set 97 pieoes, reg. ...12.00 for 7 98 ++++++++++ ++++++++++++++44 .1-1-1"1-14 114-1.44-1-44.1414-++++++44+ 1414-A++++4•i44 j GREAT JUNE SALE •H '1' OF Watches Clocks, Jewelry,m +*. 4• 4• 4• JEWELRY, Silverware, etc COMMENCING SATURDAY, JUNE 5. ENDING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 WATCHES. 14 k. solid gold ladies' Watch, 15 Jewel Waltham Movement, reg $40.00. June Salo..$30.0O Ladies' 14 k. 25 -year gold-filled, 15 Jewel Waltham Watches, reg. $16,00. June Side ..$12.00 Ladies' 14 k. 255•vear, gold filled, 7 Jewel Waltham. Watch, reg. $12 00. June Sale. .$9.00 Ladies' Silver Watches, reg June Sale $3.50 Gents' 18 size, open floe, 14 k. 25 -year void -filled oases 21 altham Ws Jewel Wtohes w reg. $40.00. Suns Sale,.$30.00 Gents' 18 size, open flee, 14 k. 25 -year gold.filled one, 17 Jewel Waltham, reg. $30.00. Stine Sale $22.00 + CLOCKS. 4. Fancy Mantle Menhleized Clock, ,1• reg. $9.00. Sone Sale ,... $5.75 • 8 day Oak or Walnut Man$2tle .7fi .1. Oloek, reg. $4 00, June •t• Sale •a. Alarm Clocks, reg$2 50. Sone ele Seltale $1.00 '11„ Alarm Clock, teg, (100. Sane + Sate..,. 09c SILVERWARE, 4. 4• Having a Large stook of Silver. '1' ware We are offering it be• T love Mast, now is your * opportunity. t JEWELRY $Ladies' long 0014 Chains, reg. .. 4• $8.00. June Sale.,„ .... , $4,05 t, Ladies' long Gold 0haint, reg. $5.00. June Sale.. $2.x9+1 4• Gents' goid'fthied Watch Chaise, eti reg, $10.00, June Bale. ,.$0.2 1 reg. $8.00, " 4.75 reg. 35 00, " , , . 2.95 reg. 3300. " 1.765 Gents' 18 size, open face, 20 -year gold-filled tease, 17 Jewel P. S. Bartlett Waltham Watch, reg. $17.00. June Sale..$11,50 Gents' 18 size, open face, 20 -year gold-filled oases 15 Jewel Waltham Watch, reg. $15 00. June Sale $9.75 Gents' 16 size, open facie. 25 -year gold-filled case, 17 Jewel Witham, reg. $24.00, Sone Sale .... $17.75 Gents' 16 size, open facto, 20•year gold-filled oase, 15 Jewel Waltham, reg. $18.00, Stine Sale $12.71+1 Gents' Silver Watch, 17 Jewel Waltham Movement, reg. $$17.00. Jane Sale$12.50 Gents' 17 Jewel Waltham Watch in nickel mese, reg. $12 00 June Sale.. $8,25 Gents' 7 Jewel Walthan Watch in nickel ease, reg. $7 00. Sone Sale $4,95 Boys' Watches, reg $1,50. June Sale 89e Ladies' Extension Bracelets, reg. $8 00. Sone Sale ......,, $5.00 reg. $500. Sone Sala.... $s.9 5 Ladies' solid gold Pearl Pennants, reg. 32500. June Sale .$17,25 reg. 315.00. Stine Sele..$10.75 reg. $11.00. June Salo. ,., $8.75 Ladies' Gold Signet Ringg, reg. 340000, Snonne le,,..$2.75 Gents' Gold Signet Rinne, reg. $8 00. Sone Bela... .85.15 reg. $6.00. June Sale,... 0.73 Ladies' and Cleats' Stone Set Rings at exoeptiotitelty IOW prices. Speaks' jatte prioea in Leokete, Looket dhaina, Gents' and Ladies' Yobs, l3roocbes, Scarf Pine, Cart Linke, Out Glass, etc. { R. KNOX 1 OPPOSITE QUEEN'S MTV/. WINGIIAM, ' 'i.01.t'i: t •i' ;•l~'1♦'f'ittlf et .t4 "t " 'ti i 4: 4' 4• 4• ,1. 4• 4., d• •I• 3 .1. 4. ,1. 4. 4 ++++++++