HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-06-10, Page 2E WING4IAM TIMES, ,TUNE 10, 1909
Backache ie the primary cause of kidney
eronble. When the back aches or becomes
we it is a warning that, the kidney* are
Babde to become *Meted..
Heed the warning; cheek the Backache
unci diepoee of any chances of further
If you don't, merlon* complications see
very apt to arise and the first thing you
know you. will have Dropsy, Diabetes or
Bright -et Disease, the three most deadly
forms of Kidney Trouble.
lir. James Bryant, Ariebat, N.S., eras
troubled with his back and used Doan's
Kidney Pills, he writes:-" I cannot say
too much about the benefit I received after
using three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills.
1 was greatly troubled with an aching pan)
across ;he atnall of my back. I could not
go to work and my back was so weak I
would have to sit down. It would go away
for a, few days but would alwaya return.
I was advised to try Doan'e Kidney Pills
and I must say they completely cured me,"
Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxem for
$1.25 at all dealers or !nailed direct on
receipt of price by The Doan Kidney Pill
Co., Toronto, Oit.
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of eaoh week.
THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1909.
Toronto Globe -Last year's casualty
list in the army of industry in the
United States was olose on 35,000 killed
and about 2,000,000 injured. American
reoklessness and the habit of placing a
low valve on the life of a man of small
earning power -are the ohiet nausea of
this record.
Mr. Issac Brock Lucas, K. 0., M. P.
P, for Centre Grey, was Thursday etfter-
noon sworn in as a member of the On-
tario Government without portfolio.
Mr. Lucas was summoned to the Cabi.
net chamber, where, in the presence of
the ministers, his honor the lieutenant -
governor administered the statutory
oath of allegiance and the oath of a
member of the executive council.
The total immigration into Oanada
for April was 24,237, as compared with
29,723 in April last year, The immigra-
tion from the United States was 12,609,
se compared with 9,084, an increase of
39 per Dent. Arrivals at ocean ports to-
talled 11,628, am compared with 20,669
for April last year, a decrease of 44 per
cent. In addition to the immigrants
arriving at ocean ports there were 2,728
classed as returning Canadians.
M A boy may be lectured and tutored by
e. father upon the proper thing to do and
the thinge to avoid to stave off failure
or worse, yet advice and example are
wasted. The boo, and even the man
developed from the boy, will learn noth-
ing, or, at least, will pay no attention
to the lessons of experience of others.
It is only by bitter personal experience
that he can be brought to an appreci-
ation of the wisdom of the advice of
parents and elders. -Woodstock Express.
Dilettante doctors in the west are
advooating cutting out every young
person's tonsils, holding that the tonsil
14 a vestigial organ, a hang over in-
herited from oar root -eating, cave.
dwelitcg, near -man forefathers. While
evolution teaoheaithat this is partly tray
the accumulated experience of old wise
physicians has shown that in many
case after removal of the tonsils there
toilows a stunting, dwarf%og of the
ehueaoter, a speotes of eunuchism. Iu
other words, the tonsil belongs to that
strange, unknown, inystertous circle of
glands in the bead and rink which do.
anivates erowth, virility and character.
--Now York Prete:,
l'egow is a CrAd
to bsa Cured'
When It has ronohed the sheet, to
d ovelopi n ii Into bronchitis and three.
tens to become pneumonia.
So gradually and stealthily does a
cold pass from its simpler form of a
cold in the head into inflammation of
the bronchial tubes and then on to the
lunge that many do not realize their
condition until pneumonia is upon them.
Ordinarily, of course, the cold is
thrown off, but with the systertt run
down and weakened there is every rea-
son to 0:Vett seriOgs trouble.
Why should not every cold be taken
seriously and Ur. Chase 's Syrup of Lin-
seed and Turpentine woe before a 80 -
Vere illness its upon you,
There aro many reasnna why you
should use Dr. f'haae's Syrup of Lin -
Seed and Turpentine. Tt is morn thor-
ough and far-reaebing in its effeets on
tr, Rion than eny mere rough meet -
eine can Ilo-;tiblo be. Tt neeee the eaten!
1,,, eit reel open, it hblr, ezl.eeioration
anti alleys the inflareesetion.
Ii tams more ti ,, 1:iL. it move f the
tom, :t9 tete ae tie• emote. it i, !L.+e`,j
pt ,its:, liif ant =P fa' t Lit, in ame,
t ell tioaltrc, yr 1 , va•. u •
Te unto.
Now that the factory season Is getting
lace frill ming, farmer* are wondering
bow the cows will do tide year. Dow*
are expeoted to make some profit. Great
expeotations are always realized, and
i! pasture is poor, how is the mill* flow
to be kept up? Hopper she man who ba*
provided for a supply of green feed, and
who has a silo tor Bummer feeding,
Some oheok ihoald be kept on the
yield of each now. If the milk is weigh-
ed on only 8 days a month and samples
tested owls p month, then the owner
will know very closely which are the
heaviest producers. If weights are
taken at every milking any endden vara.
Atteu will be immediately observed,
steps oan be taken to remove the otiose.
If a reoord is kept of the feed, the moat
profitable cows can be detected, and
some that might produce more if fed
better will be given the opportunity.
This is what members of the cow twit-
ing associations are doing, studying
eaoh individual in the herd *o as to
make sure that eaoh single oow kept
gives a profit. Thi* is evidence of good
bueiness management. No one wants
to harbour a cove that is inoapable of
making a good profit. Does eaoh one
of your cows pay? Do you know that
she does? Guess work won't do these
Record blanks are supplied free on
applioation to the Dairy commissioner,
Ottawa. Many men since oommenoing
to record are now receiving $60 per now
when they used to get but $40, because
they know which are the economical
producers. It certainly does pay to teat
If you want your children to grow up
with strong sturdy and vigorous hair,
teaoh them to nse Parisian Sage; the
world snowed flair Tonin.
Parisian Sage is guaranteed by Walton
Mo$ibbon to ours dandruff and stop
failing hair in two weeks. It grows new
hair quickly in cases where the hair is
"thinning out."
It is positively the most delightful,
invigorating hair dressing on the market.
It is not stinky or greasy and will make
the coarsest hair soft, lustrous and lux -
orient. Get a 50 cent bottle from Wal-
ton MoKibbon and watoh how rapid its
action. Giroux Mfg. Go., Makers, Fort
Erie, Ont.
[Seaforth Expositor.]
Complaints are all too frequent on the
part of merchants in the smaller towns
of the prevalence of city sbopping. To
the detriment of the local merchant
many persons have got the avail order
habit. In other words they have got
into the habit of doing considerable of
their buying by mail from the large city
departmental stores. This buying away
from your own town has a two fold ef.
feet - it not only affects adversely the
merohants, but it is a serious detriment
to the town. In the long run it will
re-aot unfavorably on those who indulge
in the practice. It is only building up
the cities at the expense of the home
Commerce is based on an equal ex-
change of commodities, and a deviation
from this principle only means ruin in
the end to either one side or the other.
People cannot expect to continue send-
ing their money to other places for the
goods they require and continue to
successfully sell their products or labor
in the home town. The practice is not
confined to any one olass of the cam.
munity, all classes are more or less
guilty. With many it is a ease of
thoughtlessness, with others it is a de.
etre to get goods at a leas pride than they
can be legitimately sold and Ieave to the
merchant a living profit. Many are
caught by the inducements held out in
the catalogue of the large departmental
store that is being sent into the home,
without a visit of inspeotion to the store
of the local merchant, Where in many
cases a similar article could be purchased
ea quite as good a price. In these days
of keen competition the merchant must
be up to -date in every particular is or-
der 80 be in the raoe, and this same com-
petition prevents any excessive charge
for goods, and when quality is conetder-
ed the prioes at the home store will be
found as low it not lower than those in
the pity stores. What We want is loyal-
ty to the home town and loyalty to the
home institutions. If this is carried out
the service will be equal to that of the
oit9 store and the prosperity of the town
will be inoreaeed, there will be a readier
market for the produce of the farm,` and
the demand for liber will be increased.
N'oxt time you are tempted to patron.
izo the mail order departmental stored
consult the advertisements in the local
papers and visit your home merchant
If he has not what you want he will get
it for yon. If it is :tot right he will
slake it right for yon, Nothing could
be falter than this. You will not lose
anything by the trent:aotieu, you will be
the gainer in the long run, ,and you will
have the datle.action of knowing yon
are doing your share towards building
tip the home town and keeping it in the
front rank. Form a "buy at home eiub"
join yourself and induce your neighbor
to oOme hi,
How the Mason and Risch continuous
brass action flange assures purity of
tone in the piano.
THE hammers of the Mason
and Risch piano action al-
ways strike a firm, clear
blow on the strings, giv-
ing the full tonal value of
each note. The y never
rattle or wobble from, one
side to the other.
This is because the
hammers are supported by a
continuous brass action
flange instead of the usual
method of each hammer
being supported on a separ-
ate wooden flange.
Section of Mason and Risch
action showing method of
attaching to flange.
ason sand 1S C
The piano with a soul.
The Mason and Risch action flange being of
metal instead of wood will not bind, shrink or warp ;
being of metal it preserves the unvarying alignment
of the hammers.
As you'll note in our illustration we attach the
knuckle of the action to the flange by a metal piece,
the tongue on which fits into a metal groove pre-
venting the slightest variation of the :hammer
from one side to the other.
• This is one of the little but extremely
important details in the sound, scientific, MASON
artistic and up-to-date construction of and RISCII
the Mason and Risch piano -the littleLiaPIA o CO.,
improvements which have placed it in / TORONTO
the enviable position itholdsto-day,
trated gene mebooklet eyearxplainsitus.•
Send us this coupon and we'll ing the reasons why I
mail you a booklet which ex -should awn a Mason and
f'' Risch piano. This in no way
plains the entire story of the s obSlgates metopurchase.
construction of a Mason and f// Name
Risch piano.
The Mason and Risen
Piano Co., Limited
32 West King St.,
International Newspaper
Bible Study Course.
Salient Points in the Lesson for Sunday, June 13,
Given in a Series of Questions} by;
Rev. Dr. Linfacott.
(Ragi,tered in accordance with the popyright Act.)
HEtoEs oe' FAITH. Reb, xi:1.40,
Golden Text -Faith is the substanoe
at things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen. Heb. xi:1.
Verses 1.8 -In what respects are faith
and hope similar?
It a desirable thing is possessed by
email:, does that give as mach, or similar
satisfaction, as the possession of the
thrag itself?
What is the ground of our faith, that
"the worlds are framed by the word of
Why do we admire the men of faith
if past years?
Verses 4, 5 -Abel had a truly relig•
sous nature; nt.w was this nature the
result of his faith, or was Ms faith the
roault of hie nature?
Dote this record mean that Euoch's
rnnalation was direotly caused by a
aped&e act of faith, or that his general
Ilfe of faith made him such a good
roan that God translated him without
+ e th?
Terse 6 Faith is Sometimes based
upon outward evidence; sometimes
upon personal revelation; some
times upon tuition, and Sometimes
capon composite grounds; what mor-
al or spiritual qualities, therefore,
are necessary for becoming a man
of faith? (This question roust be
eaiswered in Writing by members of
the club.
Why is faith necessary in order to
plasma God?
Verse 7 -- What was ITdah's faith
heated upon, send wherein war his faith
Nemec 8.12 --What was the difference,
if tato, between Abrahatn's faith and
that of the Pilgrim fathers, when they
Tari the old country for the Amerioan
bald of premise?
I take it that Abraham and the Pil-
grim fathers, while in communion with
God, felt a drawing to go to the rioh
country in the distance about which
they had heard; that they took this
drawing to be the voice of God; and in
this faith they started out; what
evidence is there that their faith was
true, and that such faith is always de-
Verses 18.16 -Wily is it that all na-
tions and all peoples, in all time, so far
as we have any record, believe in, and
"desire a better country, that is an
Verses 17.19 -Give from memory the
account of Abraham offering up his
son Ieaao.
What is the particular virtue, in
Abraham obeying God in the matter of
offering up Isaac?
Would it be a virtue of a vice in these
days, if any man should do the same
thing as Abraham did?
Verses 2081 --- Suppose the persons
mentioned in these wonderful verses,
Ieaao, 3acob, Joseph, Moses and Rehab,
had been lacking faith in God, in these
oritioai moments of their lives, what
would have been the difference in the
Does faith in God always make the
present happy, and picture in glowing
oolore the fntnre?
Verses 32.40 -Rave men distinguished
for their faith always been noted for
their goodnoss?
Tillie is a thrilling account of the ex-
plolte of the man of faith; give me an
account of the achievements of men
noted for their lack of faith..
Lesson for Sunday, Jane loth, 1909
br. MaEwan of Wiarton, a veterinary
surgeon, performed an operation on a
how most unique in its ohdraeter.
There was a worm in the eye of the
aorta which made the eye blind. The
tloatoe gave tethe horse seven ounces of
obloreform, which put it thoroughly to
sleep, opened the eye, took oat the worm
which was about three inches in length
ttud now the sight is perfectly restored,
eeleetett Kidney' Piffle ant On the kid.
..07e, bladder -and urinary organs only.
The; cure backaches, weak back, rhount-
etieni, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
ravel) Bright's dine$so and all other
°aeries arising front wrong action Of the
kiineys and bladder,
The minister of a curtain parish in
Scotland was wanting ono misty night
through a street in the village when he
fell ihto a deep holo, There was noted.
der by which he could melte hie escape,
so he began to shoat for help. A labor-
er passing, hearing his cries, and looking
down, asked who he was. The minister
told him, whereupon the laborer re-
marked--"Weel, Wool, yie needna kink
up bio a noise. You'll iso be needed
afore Savebath, an' this la only V ede-
dayntt nicht."
0111 . ..S. a
Dears tib The rad Yoi Have Always Pug
gig etre
Rumor 0at;>xoa .Sabbath services at
11 a m and 7 p rn, Sunday. School at
2;80 p m. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W.
It Steevee, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meets
Monday evenings 8 p.m. W.D Pringle,
S.S. Superintendent,
Marl#oDiaTOaUEOH Sabbathaervioe*
at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Bohool at
2:80 pm. Epworth League every Mon-
day e+'ening. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W.
te. Howson, pastor. 1+', Baahanan, S.S.
PunsaYTm>azaN Omlmon--Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:80 p m,. general prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev,
D. Perrie, pastor. I)r, A. 3. Irvin, S.S.
Superintendent. ,
bathservices at 11 a m and 7 p m.
Sunday School at 2:80p m. Rev.. 0. E,
Jeaktns, B. A,, B. D„ Rentor ; Ed,
Nash, S. 8. Superintendent ; Thos. E.
Robinson, assistant Superintendent.
SALVATION ARMY -11301110(3 at 7 and 11
a m and 8 and 7 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at ti
o'clock at the barraoka.
POST Or'xox--Offioe hours from 8a m
to 6:30 p m. Open to box holders from
7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster.
Puma Lrene T -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will
be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:80 O'olook, and every evening from 7
to 9:80 o'olook. Mies Ethel Elliott,
Tows Oousold Thomas Gregory,
Mayor; Dr. A. 410tT. Irwin, Reeve ;
Geo. Spotton, J. W, Molitbbon, H. B.
Elliott, William Bone, Dr, Robert
0. Redmond, and V. R. Vannorman.
Ooanoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Olerk and
Treasurer; Anson Dnlmage, Assessor.
Board meets first Monday evening in
eaoh month at 8 o'olook.
Hien SCHOOL BOARD.- W. P. Van -
Stone (chairman), J. A. Morton, John
Wilson, 0. P. Smith, W. J. Howson,
John A. M,oLaan, Frank Buchanan,
Dudley Holmes, seoretary. A. Oasens,
treasurer, Board meete second Monday
evening in each month,
(chairman), G. 0. li[anners, H.E. Isard,
A. E. Lloyd, W. D Pringle, Wm. Moore,
Alex. Roes, 0. N. Griffin, Secretary,
John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B
Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday
evening in eaoh month. a •
lor, B.A., principal; J. 0. Smith, Bette
olassioal master; J. G. Workman, B.A.,
mathematical master ; Miss Helena
Dedson, B.A., teaoher of English and
Moderne; Mise Anderson, fifth teaoher
PUBLro SCHOOL TitiouEas.--Joseph
Stalker, Principal. Miss Brook,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Mise
Wilson, 'Mies Cummings, and Mies
BOARD or BBALrE-•Thos. Gregory,
(chairman), 0. J. Reading, Abner
Oosens, Wm, Feesent, J. B. Ferguson
Secretary; Dr. 3. R Macdonald,
Medical Health Offioer.
Capital paid up, $3,976,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided pro#its $5,297,000
Total Assets, otter 48,000,000
Farmers' Notes discounted,
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Eur`bpe.
6A.VINGS DEl'ARTMENi'-iateres
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards
D. T. HEPBURN, Manager
E. Vanetane, Solioitor.
for a reliable Looal Salesman repre-
"Canada's Oldest and Greatest
in gingham and adjoining country, p
Yon will find there is a good demand
for nursery Stook on, account of the
high prices that growers have realized a
on their fruit this seaean.
Oar salesmen are turning in big busi-
nese to ne this year. Bp one of them
and earn good wages through the winter
Territory reserved. Pay weekly.
B ree sample outfit, etc.
Write for particulars,
STONE + c 1 LLL111TO1 of
Fonthill Nurseries
60 YEARS' •
Tsetse Menet
Anyone sending A sketch and description may
ttatckiy ascertain aur optnlen free whether an
t,l4ent eII to probably �,,,x�tenfabin. ommunica.
tlormstrletty,Onadenttai. SBAfj0006tt on Patents
sent fret,. tttarst aaoncy or tweeting patents.
Patents taken through Morin .h co. re801r e
twist notice, lvithout charge, tithe
Scientific Mrn MMM tw
A hnndtetnely illustrated weekly, Largest sit.
natation t 1 any scientldc journal. Terms for
Venetia,?i.7f, a year. postage prepalv",, soli sty
an 11014441e Cole.
MINK it8lfiro*dwuy.NCw¥q ill
t itta WMhfagto D. ;
Xl1ZABl;IIMXP 4872
The Times Qlce,, Beaver Block
Taiii4s or SCnao$I OPTI nil --461.00 per annum in
aevanoe,11.501f not ao paid, No paper disoon-
tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the
option of the publisher,
ADv*nTismlo R&T,e. -- Legal and other
oaenaladvertieemente 10e per Ngnpariel line for
first in*ertion, 8o per lin. for snob subaegnent
Adverllsemente in local columna are charged
1Q eta. per line for ant insertion, and 6 Dents
per line for eaoh subsequent Insertion.
Advertisements of Strayed, Parana for Sale
er to Rent, and similar, 11.00 for first three
weeks, and 20 cents for eaoh subsequent in-
OoarnAoT RATE -The following table shows
our rates for the inaertlon of advertisements
for specified periods; -
I I'R. 0 MO. 8 Mo. 144o.
OneOolnmii .........870.00 $40.00 822.60 18.00
Half Column 40.00 25.00 16.00 0.00
QuarterOolumn... - 80.00 12,50 7.50 8.00
ane Inch 5.00 0,00 2.00 1.25
Advertieaments without a ooiflo directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged'moord.
inglq. Traneient advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
Tan Jon DiiP,a1Tionsr ie stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites:or print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
type anforappropriateturning
outs ftor all tyles of Pk. oet-
ere, /land.atom, silo:, and the latest styles of
J type for the finer classes of print
Proprietor and Publisher
8.8 Member 01 thea BrriitisM.O.P. iaal O.
tention. Gn paid td o diseases of Women nd Child,
ren. Chloe banns -1 to 4 p, m.: 7 to 9 p, m.
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physiolan, 'Surgeon, etc.
DrugOffiStore, Night oaflls ansswereett 88 W.Mthe oatoe
L. R. O. P. London,
Offioe, With Dr. Ohishohn.
I Licentiate of aOntarie Collegenof Physicians
and Surgeons.
Ba, Devotes special roat Byesthoroughlyotested,
Glasse > properly fitted.
eHours-8D to 5 7 to 8 p.m.
R •
Private and Oompany funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest mortgages, town and farm •
property bought and sold.
Offioe. Beaver Blook, Wingham
Wingham, Ont.
B. L. DIORINsom Dtmr.sy Rotates
Orrroit: Meyer Block, Wingham,
ARTHUR 4. IR.WIN, D. D. 8., L. D. S.
Dental Cor ollege Land Lgicentiatee of tPennsylvania Ry
Jollege of Dental Surgeona of Ontario. Office
n Macdonald Block, Wingham,
W J. PRIOR, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D, S.
Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental c
surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni-
rerslty of Toronto. t
Office ; Beaver Block. t
,pn ;;t.,„ That J. S, Jerome, Dentist
1 * teeth for o eight dollars, is making beautiful , and e of e
alleging the Patent Airchamber. All '
work guaranteed. . ti
Office in Chisholm Block, gingham, ti
Wingham General Hospital 91
(Under Government inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur- s(
ished. Open 10 all regularly licensed rt
hyeioians, Rotes IfOR PATIENTS- al
which include board and nursing), $3,50
o $15.00 per week according to location
f room. For farther information,
Mies 3'. B. WELst, i
Box 223,1 Superintendent,
Ont. iz
=don - 0.40 a,m-,.. 8.80p,m.
;wonto&East11.08s,m., 6.40a.M.,.. 2.40p.m,
lneardine..11.67 a.m2.08 P.M- .. 9.16p.m.
interline -0.40 a in. -11.00 tam- - 2.40 p.m,
andon... . .1144 a.m,,.. 7,85 p.m. Di
tlmereton 10.80 4.m. IDy
sronto 8c East ... , 2,08 p.m.. - 9.15 p.m.
W . HENRY, Agent, gingham,
trontoend Eaet,, 0.87 a.m..- 8.10 Pori. w4
ioawater ,........,1.07 pap- -10.00 p.m,
Ant tv1i vatim otl
)ebwater..-. ,.0.87 a.m. ..... 8.10 p.m. r$'t;
,ionto end Raet ....,.1,07 p m_,.10.00 P.M.
3. H. BRRMIIR, Agen8,Win;,ham.
Chamberlai• n's ,
Cough Remedy i'li
Coughs, Colds and Croup.
Methods of a Brilliant Operator of
Many Years Ago..
One of the most brilliant operators
of Wali street in the early sixties et
the last century carts Walter Wellman
Morse, though be was by comparison
with some of the gray haired market
veterans only a mere boy, being just
thirty years 08 age. The publle con-
adeuce he enjoyed made it possible for
him to realize profits in any stock.
Such was the influence bis 'adorn -
merit would carry that after he had
accumulated stock at his prices be
could tell his daily callers that the
stock was due to go up, and immedi-
ately there would be enough profes-
sional and public buying of the stock
to send it up, thus enabling Morse to
unload at a prat.
An eeample of Morse's popularity
was illustrated in a scene accompany-
ing, the opening of subscriptions for
stock in a coal mining company or-
ganied by him. The day the subscrip-
tion book was opened people flocked to
the office and fought with each other
in their efforts to enter and get their
names recorded. One man who lead
subscribed for a large amount of this
stock, after getting away from the
crowd, came back and, walking up
to Mr. lllorse, said. "I say, Mr. Morse,
was that gold or coal stock I sub-
scribed for?"-Moody's Magazine.
A Gypsy's Warning Before the Battle
of Sadowa.
During the night, July 2-3, before the
battle of Sadowa, a division command-
ed by the archduke, retreatiug before
the Prussian army, bad bivouacked
near a town in Bohemia facing north.
At Midnight the archduke, when
resting in a peasant's cottage, was
awakened by the arrival of a gypsy,
who insisted on seeing him personally,
baying come to report the advance of
the enemy.
The archduke, who spoke Romany
fluently, asked: "How do you know?
Our outposts have not' reported any
."That, your highness, is because the
enemy is still some way off."
"Then how do you know?"
The gypsy, pointing to the dark sky
lighted by the moon, observed, "You
see those birds fiyenje over the woods
from north to south?"
"Yes. What of them?"
"Those birds do not fly by night un-
less disturbed; and the direction of
their sight indicates that the enemy
is coming this way,"
The arcbciuke put bis division under
grans and re -enforced the outposts.
R-hich in two hours' time were heav-
ily attacked. -Field Marshal Sir Eve-
[yn Wood in London Saturday Gazette.
Some Prophecies Fulfilled.
Long before his name was known
outside his native country Oliver Crom-
1ceIl was making one of his rambling
speeches in the house of commons.
Lord Digby asked Hampton who he
was, and Hampton replied, "If ever
tTC should come to a breach with the
!ing, that sloven will be the greatest
man in England:" .Never was any
prophecy more completely fulfilled
!ban this.
Almost equally remarkable in its
vay was Disraeli's prophecy, "But a
time will come when you will bear
me," made when nothing appeared
more unlikely than the brilliant series
of triumphs which fulfilled it.
Another instance of a quickly fulfilled
prophecy was furnished by Pope Pius
VII. when he was told of Napoleon's
escape from Elba. "Don't worry about
t," he said; "it is a storm that will be
over in three months." The story of
he hundred days proved his holiness
o be right to a few hours.
He Got None.
"What's a pun, father?"
"A. pun,my son, Is a play upon
cords. There are three kinds of puns
good ones, which you laugh at; in-
Ifferent ones, whicb you take no no -
cc of, and bad ones, which make you
Trow something at the punster."
"Can you make a pun, father?"
"Of course, my son! Now, you're
Linking about your supper, aren't
"Yes, father"
"Well, that' s -upper -most in your
ind at the present time. That, you
e, is a play on- Here, you young
scat, what did you throw that book
me for?" -.Philadelphia Inquirer.
Frog Farming In France.
Among the advantages of frog ferm-
i; in France is the fact that it en-
lesbpersons of limited means to util-
e marshes and ponds which are too
hallow and warm for fish culture and
raetically useless for any other pur-
se and produce on a comparatively
mall area a large amount of valuable
to • material for which there is al-
ays an eager market.
Hunted the Hunter.
'Is it really true," asked lilt -ss Chef-
s, "that you're engaged to Ur. Rich -
'It is," calmly replied Mies /into.
`My," exclaflned Miss Ohellus, "he
l8 a great catch!"
`I beg your pardon," retorted the
let haughtily; "catcher." -Catholic
iudard and '.Gimes.
Ubje0ts of General Intorect,
Those flashy Van Panits have tnov.
Do you know where tbey went?"
That's the very thing their unitap.
.landlord astted me." -Cleveland
in Dealer.
The poet's verse slides into the curt
rent of our blood. We read it when
young, we remember it when old.„