HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-06-10, Page 1THS WINCHAIVI TIMES.
We carry a fine
Photographic Supplies,
,' Nodules /$10.00
Brownie Cameras
No trouble to show
come in and inspect.
A dark room FREE
era. We develop
line of Films
to $25.00.
/$1.00 to $12.00
the (Samaras—
to our oilstone.
Walton McKibben
Macdonald Block, Wingham,
Wool Wa ted
Any quantity, ighest cash
price paid, of exchange
Home -Made Y n, Blankets
Sheeting, at ,
Fall Term
Opens Aug. 30
Onr graduates are assisted
the beet positions. Write for the
reason. Prepare now to enter
the beginning of term.
Mail Courses f or those who wish
to study at home.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
Farmers who want money to
horses, cattle, or hogs to feed for market,
oan have it on reasonable terms,
Notes disoonnted for tradesmen,
chants or agents, on favorable terms.
Loans on real estate at the lowest
rata going.
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fella' butcher shop,
Watches, cloaks, silverware and
jewellery slaughtered at BNox's this
To RRNT.--Three rooms on Victoria
street; also a nine roomed house. Apply
to Mess X. M. FISHER.
All the Time
We try to hand out only what
is beat. Everything in eatables is
selected with the greatest pare
and we get only from reliable
sources. Our aim is to please—
not once—nue ALL TILE TINE.
Yon Want something good in
cheese. We've got it, Rich old
OTtEDDAii ANY DAV. . A regular
treat. If yon don't Want it old
We have it new. Or perchanoe
you might try Cream Cheese ---at
any rate tris us on cheeee.
brow's the timo Of yeat When
yci i want eoinething to tempt the
appetite. What's nicer than
good boiled haft, Give ours
A Snap in Plates.
About a dbgen Plates esebrted,
bine, ggteen, white and geld, ete.
Pick thein tip at the Weal we
stk. spot tenth billy 25o per doe.
i1 Henry Christie
For all occasion* Parties,
Weddings, Venerate, etc,
Wingham Greenhouses
Wear Greer% Shoe; and Rubbers
Baptist A4sociation.
The annual meoti
Assooiation of Baptis
held this week at
those in attendanoe
are Rev. W. L. Sts
A, Oosens, Mr, A. Ke
Miss K. M. Fisher
of the Walkerton
Ohnrohes is being
oderioh. Among
from Wingham
es, Mr. and Mrs.
y, Mrs. P. Fleher,
fed Mies M, E.
Greatest bargains ever given in jewel-
lery at KNox's June Sale.
Meetings of the
the Women's Inati
the 0. 0. F. hall
inst., at 2 30 p. m,
L. M. Ashley, of
the speaker and a
being arranged. Ti
ly Invited.
Wingham branch of
ite will be held in
on Thursday 17th
and 8 p. m. Mrs.
ondesboro, will be
ood programme is
ladies are •rdiai-
work, apply to MRS,
r eneral house-
OLEGG, Patrick
Onr splendid Shoes for en, priced
at $3 50, $4 00 or $ .00 ost yon no
more than inferior q al es,
Hanna Br
Osler Wade, ase/
Bros estate has sen
the receipts and .
eetere The aFaete
770 48. The oredt
dividend of 84 (lent
$3,371.85 was paid i
cost of running bust
up the estate.
s. Estate,
nee in the Hanna
out a statement of
penditnre ,ti this
amounted to $21.
ora will receive a
on the dollar and
preferred claims,
eee and of winding
Automobile for hire. Apply to A, M.
Busy at West rn Foundry.
The wanagemen at the Western
Foundry report bus • ess as being extra
good this season. he works are run-
ning with a full et; if of workmen and
stoves, ranges and maces are shipped
out as fast as t ey are made. The
largest single order :ver received by the
company came to . and last Friday, It
was for 550 sto • es to be shipped at
TRUNKS and VALISES.—Big stook at
lowest prices. W. J. GREER.
You can have your buttons made to
order frond any kind of material at R.
MAxWELL's tailor shop.
Greyhoun Excursion.
Again we re..iin
Greyhound exoursi
Oonrt Maitland 0.
Saturday. June 19
from Wingham is
ids take regular
ton, connecting
Goderiph and fro
an the steamer Gr
of the most popal
and no doubt ala
of this district
the low rate.
Saturday, June 1
our readers of the
n, ander anspiaee of
F., to Detroit on
The return fare
$2 35 and excursion -
ruing train to Olin-
ith special train to
Goderiph to Detroit
yhonnd. This is one
✓ trips of the season
o number of people
11 take advantage of
member the date is
BUTTER and Dem—Bring along your
Produce, Highest price ' paid in ex-
change for Boots and Shoes.
W. 3. GREER.
High School
The report of t
Schools, J. A, Ho
official visit to Wi
has been received,/
very satisfactory.
cotnmodations an
With one or two
Staff ail qualified;
A. few additions 1
recommended, and
be added in the
specter sage: --"0j
Wingham High S
elate the Board a
generally setisf
everything in
nspector's Report
e Inspector of High
ston, upon leis recent
ltgham High School,
and On the whole is
The grading of ao•
organization are
xoeptions first plass.
disolpline exoellent.
3, girls 84; total 167.
the equipment are
these will no doubt
ar future. The 'e-
dits my first visit to
cool, I meet cbngrat•
d the staff non the
otory condition of
onneotion with the
Women's Oxfords, T e, Pumps and
Slippers in the hen so eat models that
ever graced a Shoe re, $2 00, $2,50 lip
to $3.00 or, $3,50. W. 3. (Imam.
The Fall Tenn 0
Ooltege wbioh is
Greatest Chain of
Soboole, will elm
will be well for v
advanoemont to in
Becoese of its grad
advantage* of bein
iia this tiellege, i
Spotton Ocrrecpo
dent* may *tidy
n part, arid then
by eating onneida
Wingham teainese
link in Canada's
igh Grade Besiness
encs Aug. 110th. It
Meg people de*{ting
estigate closely the
tet encs learn the
connected With this
affiliated With the
enoe ,Seheels, ate-
home altogether or
Web at Oollege, there,
ble board bill.
!The Royal oarlet Ohapter of
Wingham L. O. L. Will meet in the
qOrettge hell On e 14th Ind., at 8
Read Wilits & Ga.'s adv. on page .8.
The Ladles' A
Hospital will hold
Monday, May 1
Chamber, at 4 15
arrangements for
by the Shredded
in aid of Hospital.
Mary of Wingham
epeeist meeting, on
h, in the Council
•m . to make final
banquet to be given
heat Co., Sept. 23rd,
A new biovole for sale at a bargain,
Apply at the Tines o$loe,
Dominion Day Picnic.
On Thursday, J 1t' let, a picnic will
be given by the oung people of St.
Augustine R. 0. +March, at Donny-
brook grove. Musi will be supplied in
abundance, and t•: re will be rapes,
games, eta. The p blip are invited to
patronize this event and spend a pleas.
ant day on the bank of the Maitland,
COTTAGE TO En. T. Franops street,
Apply to Mre. • . binson, Vanstone
Off to Lon
The Wingham O
left on Tuesday fo
days' training in
recent order fro
went the number
is much smaller t
only twenty-one f
W, A. Campbell
local company.
on Camp.
pany of volunteers
the annual twelve
ndon. Owing to a
the militia depart -
Men going to camp
is year than meal—
ore Wingham. Lieut.
s in charge of the
FOR SALE. --A good building lot on
the corner of Francesand Victoria
streets, Apply to H. HAMn 'roN,
Stable Burned.
Shortly before
afternoon a fram
Mr. W. D. Prize
glove leather mills,
on fire. An alarm
firemen promptly
tine the flames un
h, f •re oenMidArahl
The roof of Mr.
adjoining was alao
4 o'clock Tuesday
stable belonging to
e, at the rear of the
was discovered to be
as given, and the
sponded, soon get-
er control, but, not
damage was dame.
as. Barber's stable
Public S • heal Board.
The Board met •n Tnesday evening,
the chairman, Tr. dee Rose, presiding,
An amount of $2. 02 was paid to Geo.
Mason for suppli, A and 35e. for tele.
phone message to istowAl. The pay-
ment of $25,00 .to , ot'titeot Binning for
plans of beating s stem was ratified.
The salaries of the eachers and officers
were ordered to be •aid, and the genre•
tart' was instruoteto pay salaries for
June on the comp': ion of the term.
Do not forget KNox's June Sale, oom-
menoing Saturday, June 5: ending
Wednesday, Jnne 30.
The Late
The death took
at her home in Mo
wife of Mr. John 0
ed lady was a d
Miles Miller, 3rd 1
been In failing he
She was a member
Oburob. About t
was married to
her husband, she
three eons and
funeral took pia
cemetery and
ed. The family
of many frie
rs. Couites.
ace on Friday last,
xis, of Ellen Miller,
cites, The deceae-
ghter of the late
e, Morris, and bad
th for acme time,
of the Presbyterian
my years ago she
. Coultee Besides
eavee a family of
ne daughter. The
e to the Brandon
a largely attend -
have the sympathy
s in their severe
WANTED AT ONCE —1000 cases eggs,
1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool.
Highest prices, cash or trade. Knee's,
$35.00 and Cos.., or 30 Days.
On Monday eftern•on, Palmer Mor-
den appeared before Police Magistrate
J, A, Morton, on a charge of supplying
liquor to John Mcloed, who is on the
"Indian list." T.: information wee
laid by License Inspector Wm. Clegg,
at the instance of 'rovineial Constable
Phippen A nnmb:r of witnesses were
called, and after . eating the evidence
the magistrate de• ded a clear cane had
been mads out a unposed a fine of
$35.00 and costs amonnting in all to
$42 00, or the opt on of 30 days in jail,
The authorities . eon the trail of some
others who are auspected of breaking
the provisions the license law in this
rfollespoectw., and . ther proseoutiOns may
SEAMIER COTT GE TO Elan .—A sevens
roomed house in an . d . .pie orchard,
at Kincardine, n ar .e lake; sultabie
fora camping pa ty. For further par•
tionlars and term , apply to
joene BARrinn, 13 inoardine.
Teeswater ine Defeated.
The first hone= gaine in the "Big 3"
baseball Leaga • was played on the
park Tuesday afternoon between the
Teeswater G , ye and the Western
Foundry Oo, - Me and proved to be a
walkover for .he iron men, the aoore
being 16 to 3 in their fa'vor. $atterles
•--Teeswater Johnston, Araoott, Fete
gnome and ood. Wingham—Donlop
and Skirt. mpitte,—Jackson of Bare
rtston. The note by inniettkiee
Wingham 4 0 0 3 4 1 2 1 1--16.
Teetweter--2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0— 3,
Iiatrieton team will meet the Poen-
dry Co, nine 0 ' the local dfeniond next
`i.'hnraddy ate noon at 415 o'biook,
T'wa telepb
from the pill
Co. Any per
tiOn that will
to liberally re
e reoeivere are missing
of the bell Telephone
n who oars glee inform*.
ed to their reooeery Will
Miss Elva Dodd is
with Mrs, Dr. MoIsere
Mr Jewitt, of Erna
with Mr, Edward
Mr. Walter Davide°
visiting at the house of
Gavin Davidson.
Mr. Ernest Button,
waa visiting fora few
three and friends in tow
Mr. Stevenson, of 01
ing for over Sunday at
aider, Mre. Edward Bo
Mtn. Hugh Rose, of
for a few days with
and Mrs. Robt. Ma
Mr. and Eire. John L
of Calgary were visitim
last week with Mr,
Mr. John MOCool op
the past week in Mrchi
Was called to the beds/
who is ill.
Mr. and Mre. Joh
Tnesday far Toronto,
the wedding neremon
Johnston and Miss Sy
Mr. and Mrs. 13.
London this week, Mr
the annual meeting o
of the Canadian Order
Mr. Jas. H. Mite
this week attending
meeting of the Oa
Foresters as a del
Miss Agnes Wile
who has been con
sines last fall with
chide and oongesti
able to be out again
Mies B. Hogan, L
ate of the Oommer
Wingham Busine
Toronto last week
position with Me
Oo,,.of that pity,
pending a month.
ele, was visiting
amen for over
, of Regina is
is mother, Mrs,
of Shelbourne,
ays with rela-
t°n, was visit -
he home of his
iinton, visited
r parents, Mr.
well, Binevale
ttle and family,
for a few days
nd. Mrs. Robt.
t a few days of
an, whither he
e of Ms mother,
Nichol Ieft on
o be present at
of Mr. Jamas
1 Dedd.
Elliott are in
L+1liott attending
the High Oourt
f Foresters,
11 is in London
the High Court
adieu Order of
ate from Court
n, of Turnberry.
ed to the house
n attaok of bran -
n of the lunge, is
tbian, who is gradu-
1 Department of the
a College, went to
rid has accepted a
rs. 3, H. Bentley &
Y. M, C. A. 'ummer Camp.
The County Com
Men's Christian Ass
are going to conduct
damp for the boys of
Lake shore, at Iron
south of Goderiph, be
Provision is being ma
50 boys, and the Co
get a small oontingen
and village in the can
food, boats and eve
plied by the Comm
will have to britesse
al belongings; and, e
the committee so much
to defray the expense
Any boy from 12 to 18 ye
go, who secures the writ
his parents or guardian
an ideal one for eampi
fine spring of water, go
boating. and excelle
games and athletics.
be under the manag
Fleming, Comity Seor
assisted by A. O.:llens,
retary, F. B. Chant, f
Director of Midland Y
Robertson and A. F. J
and others. It is exp
Dien will be on the gr
will be employed, an
made for the safety, c
are of the boys. Par
fear or anxiety, cone
of the boys while t
they should embrao
giving their boys a
outing, under Chri
supervision. The
other purpose, in
camp, than to do e
who goes, all the go
°ally, mentally a
further particulars
ittee of the Young
oiations of Huron,
ten•day s summer
he County on the
rings, seven miles
inning July 13th.
e to aeoommodate
mittee desire to
from each town
ty to go. Tents,
hing will be sep-
als, so that the boys
their own person -
h boy will pay
or the ten days,
of the camp.
re of age may
en consent of
• The place is
g. There is a
d bathing and
grounds for
The Damn wilt
went of L C.
cry, who will be
Provinoial Sec-
rmerly Physioal
M. C. A , 3. E.
line of Auburn,
ted that a physi-
nnda, and a cook
every provision
wort and pleas-
ts need• have no
ning the welfare
e7 are away, and
the opportunity of
ealthy, wholesome
tian influence and
ommittee have no
(inducting such a
ry individual boy
d they oan, physi-
d morally For
rite L. 0. Fleming,
Baseball at eeswater.
(Reported for the TIMES )
On Friday evens g last, Wingham
High School Baseb 11 club journeyed
in the midst of a • izzling ram to the
far-famed baseball own of Teeswater.
As the clock on t e pity hall tower
amide six, the ga•.., which resembled
water polo rather han baseball, eom-
mented. The hom • team took the field
and McLean, who • as drat to bat tent
an easy grounder to the infield. In
spite of the liquid . tate of the Atmos-
phere and Madame'. sprinting he was
shat off at let. Te a and Moffat were
likewise retired on nfield hits. Tees.
water in the first t o innings secured
eight runs to Wingh...'o two and both
teams for the next th -e innings played
a close game, no runs .sing scored. In
the sixth Teeswater se tired three more
rens tans reeking the e.ore 11 2 in favor
of the home team. In the seventh
Wilson, who weld w th dt8lcalty be
Been in the midst of t heavy crop or
hay in the outfield, ma e three difficult
oateho's. In the eight. Gallagher, who
had been hitherto, wi Glanville end
Wilson, debating on he chances of a
boot -race in the swam : y district called
the outfield, secured t • o pit oats and
another by WIlson ol.:ed the innings.
The last few innings - ere rather slow
although eaoh team s:.ured two runs.
Lloyd Oohed a good g . me bot was not
well enpported by the Infield, although
Young and Teee play° s a good game on
first and second, G . nville played tin
errorless game in oe re field, his only
ohanoe being a wild t row to Second by
Moffatt, who_ otherw' : e played his post.
tion well. The goer: at the Conclusion
of the game stood 13• in favor of Test -
water. The genie w - made interacting
by the demolishing of a speetetor's
umbrella by a foul ti and by the won-
derfut rooting of "itigham's maty
supporters. protrllu:•t among whom
were Mr, Smith, c . I.lnnoan end Ii.
Green. Lino -up •r Witighamt-41.
Moffatt, 0.; D. L1 yd, p,; G. Young,
let b,; G. Tens, . d b.; W. McLean,
8rd b.; X. Gedd. y a. a.; O. Wilson,
1. f; T. Glanville o. f.; R, Gallagher,
r. t.
The member
were all in the
meeting held o
Mayor Gregory
A coistmunie
inspeotor of the
writers', giving
lire protection
Also one from t
to the °metrno
commotion wi
bridge to be er
The poet of aid
neighborhood o
would be exp
liability for inju
welt. On mots
and Reeve Irwi
atruoted to co
Western Found
whether they wo
tribute part of th
A statement of
the half-year was
iedby a cheque
share of the tend.
Mr. James N .Icon, Minnie street,
complained of the '-ater from the street
flooding his cella and premises, On
motion of Conn . Spotton and Mo -
Ribbon, the Stre Committee was in-
struated to investsate the matter.
A deputation re resenting the Board
of Direotors of Wingham Genera/
Hospital intervie ^ ed the Council in
regard to the son al grant Barrister
R. Vanstone piaoe• the claims of the
institution before he members and on
motion of Cones VanNorman and
Elliott a grans of $ • 00 was made,
Mayor Gregory eported that Engin-
eer Davie bad bee • here and made an
inspection, but hie report regarding the
waterworks plan 1 ad not yet been re -
caved. The Mayr also stated that at
a Meeting of the Committee, it was
recommended that he eleotrie light and
waterworks depa tmenta be placed
under the manage •• ent of a commission,
and that a bylaw be submitted to the
electors at the samr time as the other
by-laws to be subm tted this year; this
by-law, if passed, t• take effect the be-
ginning of next yea
0a the suggestio• of Conn. Spotton,
the clerk was anth•, ized to comment -
este with Mr. A. ' . Campbell, Good
Roads Oommissio.:r and have him in-
spect oar streets a d deliver an address
qinuestiothe ntown hall on the good roads
The sum of $35 was plaoed to the
credit of the Pablio pool Board.
The Finance Com • 'ttee reoommended
payment of the folio •ing acoonets
D. C. McDonald, wo It. $27.50
D. 0. McDonald, wok 6.75
E Moore, meal to pr soner .25
W. G. Gray, teami . • 6.00
Bell Tel. Co., Chief': phone10 00
G. W. Carr, suit f • chief 20.00
A. Sanderson, tea .. ing . , .. 29 05
A. Sanderson, wa ering streets, . 11 65
Richardson & Ra., coal, etc
15 29
E. Lewis, enlist,', 20 00
R Rankin, ringi, g bell 7,00
G. Allen, salary , 46 00
J.B. Ferguson, set cry and postage 65,60
A. Haines, labor . , .. 7,25
E. Dennis, teami.g 1.30
W. Murch, labor
F. Scott, labor.. ▪ 1.25
Dominion Expres Co ........... .. .25
T, Hall. printing, oto 6.00
W. A. Currie, rep: irs .55
A number of other accounts were
Mao authorized t• be paid when proper.
ly certified to, as were also the accounts
of the electric 1i.. ting department.
On motion of 'l ones. Bone and Elliott,
it was decided t at all aeoonnts must be
properly oertlfi:d to and presented to
the clerk not lata than 7 o'clock on the
night of meetin: , to ensure payment at
that meeting.
Chief Allen d eve attention to the un •
safe condition f the foundation at the
pump house. • eferred to the Fire,
Water and Lig. Committee,
The Finance •ommittoe presented a
report of the =stlmated receipts and
expenditures r the year, and on
motion the rept was adopted, and the
rate of taxation fixed at 25 mills.
The Coart o' Revision held a short
session at the el. :e of the council meet-
ing, and dispos +d of the case of the
Canada Furnitu.. Manufacturers. The
business assess.. int on the chair fee -
tory was struck ff and the real assess.
meat raised to $1+,000,
°f the Town Counail
r places. at the regular
Monday evening, with
residing• sees.•0
tion was read from he
Oanadian Fire Under-
report of a test of the
stem recently made,
G, T. R. in reference
ion of a sidewalk in
the proposed new
ted by the Company,
alk would be in the
$1000, and the town
Sed to assume the
y to persons using the
u of Conn. Redmond
, the clerk was in-
municate with the
y Co. and asoertaiu
Id be willing to eon•
cost of oonstrnotion.
the license fund for
presented, accompan-
r $330.37, the town's
If the party who took thee°Iawn
mower from t , e machine op on
Josephine scree will rete it before
Saturday morn ng, 1 th ' at., nothing
will be said. f not anted by that
date, au exam • e wil be made of the
guilty party,
Huron Schoo
Something in
Idea is given i
J. E. Tem, pn
the inspeotorat
was submitted
county cannot
week. Mr. T
time came w
should be me
high sohool
who are most
of their Child
the Legielat
given tO so•
says, "are d
the exporien
the seot]ons
salaries paid
a matter 'b
Mr. Toni
paid to the
lio soboole a
the aeerag
salary for
$483, at Inc
East Hero
average est
teaober as
female teas
On the oth
of $84 an
Inspet:tor's Report.
he way of an advanced
the annual report of
lie sohool intpeotor for
of West Huron, which
b the meeting of the
held in Goderieh ]alt
to asks, "Has not the
en one or more women
bare of every public and
oard? It is the mbthere
nterested in the edeeetion
le," Mr. Tom commend*
re on the liberal greets
ale. "These grants," he
tributed so as to benefit
ed teachers and reward
Moll provide propel' ne-
s and equipment." The
to sohool teachers ie always
interest. In West Huron
sports the average eatery
Olen employed in the pith.
$500 and to the 23 women
salary, $400. The average
11 the teachers in 1903 erne
ease from $860 in 1905, In
Inepeotor Robb reports the
ry Raid to the rural male
78, a deoreaee of $7, and
ers, $4.01,' a deorea,e of $80.
hand there waa an inertias!)
$A0 r espeotively in urban
REV. W. L. RUTL' AGE, B,A., D.D.
who has been eppoiutei to the pastorate of
Wingham Methodis ('hureb, and will
assume his duti .s on the first
Sunday . July,
Rev. Mr. Retied • e was ordained to
the ministry in 1.76, and has filled a
number of impor ant charges, among
them being Yongstreet and Dundas
street, Toronto; Z on Church and Grace
Church, Winnip •g; Division street
Church, (labour ; First Methodist
Church, Bandit n; Central Church,
Woodstock ; Park street, Chatham, and
for the past two ears at First Metho.
dist Chnroh, Lo. • on. The Trues con-
gratulates the „ ethodists of Wingbam
on seourine such . u able man, and trusts
that his efforts in his part of the Master's
vineyard may be • bundantly fruitful,,
Rev. A K. B ries, B A, L L. D„
of the Askin Str:et Church, Leedan,
wee elected as pre 'dent of the Confer-
ence for the eomin; year.
The Leymeu's
officers as follows
Hunt, Scottevilie;
F, Lawrence, Sarni
user, 3. 3. Masan, St
W. G. Dinirman. S
guson, Sarnia; F.
ham: W. H Kerr, Br
Association elected
—President, E. S
ice president, W.
secretary -trees,
tford; Executive,
ratford; J Fer•
adman, Wing.
Following are the
the Wingham Dlstri
draft of the stationin
London Oooferenoe
week;--Beigrave, J.
G. W. W, Rivera, B
HayIook; Bervie, W
Rev. W. G Howson, o
to Wailaeebnrg.
Aacarding to the
George Elford of Leb
of the Statistical
London Conference f
total membership of 5
903 are on probation.
over last year is 474
report also shows an
departments. For
has been raised, an
784; for education, $5,
of $297; for tamper
increase of $295; for
$13,700, an increase o
oats purposes. $281,3
$18,525; and for
$151,095. The total
poses was $629,67
hanges made, in
1, from the first
Committee of the
published last
Cook; Ripley,
D.; Salem, J. J.
ed. Pomeroy.
Wingham, goes
eport of Rev.
nom. Chairman
ommittce, the
r 1909 has a
,177. of which
The increase
The financial
increase in all
isotone, $62.045
norease of $4,-
24, an increase
nee, $1,206, an
omen's missions,
$1,519; for Dir.
, an increase of
wisteria' enpport,
geed for all pur-
, an increase of
Rev. Pr. Lauren tan, will have mass
in Wingham next unday at 10 30.
Rev. Dr. Lyle, . Hamilton, was last
week elected Mod rator of the Presby.
terian General A: •embly,
The Foreign •• iseion Committee of
the Presbyterian parch has appointed
:v. R. Deneausn, of Walton, as mise
emery to Macao South Mina.
A man's sery •e, in connection with
the regular eerie • Wil] be nonelected in
St. Pani'e Ohara. next Sunday evening,
when the recto., Rev. C. E Jenkins,
will speak on " h Mystery of Weak
Moments " Al will be weloorne.
The pulpit of
was occupied a
Thornley. a sn
Barrie. The r
pastor of th
Church here ab
In St. Peter
on Saturday
O'Connor, of
to the prieetho
bishop M0Evay
Leurendean wa
the service.
Services will
ahurohes on Su
with the wog
Hance. H,1 E. I
in the Preebyte
and in the Met
Rev. F. J. Lyn
tilt Church at
the Methodist Churoh
eptably by Rev. Wan
erannuated minister, of
verend gentleman was
Prinaitive Methodist
at thirty five years ago.
Cathedral at LOrxdon,
mOreing last, Dennis
awanosh, was ordained
d by Hie Cetace Arch-
er Toronto Rev. Fr.
preeent and assisted be
be held in Wit:where
ay next in connection
of the Domirtion Al-
win, X. Ca will speak
h Will apeak in the Bap.
were held . Andrew's Presbyterien
Church on Se day morning lase. Some
twenty new embere were reeeived and
the pitetot, D. Petrie presiolied
eisiellent ser tin to a large oongrega.
nom In the *maim; Mr. Petrie owe 6,
telk that We. Of ranch benefit to new
membere As ell aia tO the Older Mere -
bare of the oongtegation. Be gate a
hietort of 13 sbyterieniem find it gener-
al Mediae of he duties teen/had from
Very tietiolt e +eyed by All nitwit. St
Etc., etc.,
is the theme which we bring to
your notice at this time,
Some wise man has said, " My
eon, get wisdom, and with all thy
getting get understanding."
The wise man to day says, "Get
a new suit or overcoat, and when
you are getting, get it made to
your order in your own town,
where you know what you ere
getting, and that it is genuine
tailor made," That would be
veisdom ; that would be under-
Our New Spring Goods have
arrived, and it is not exaggerate
ing to say they are the nicest line
we have had for some time, and
at prices corresponding with the
qualities shown.
Space will not allow us to go
into detail, but
and can make them any style
desired. We are dealing in
strong statements, but will back
it up, that we have yet tO find the
style of garment we caenot dupli-
sate, And although plain, neat
styles are more in line with
strictly high - class tailoring this
season, it is for you to name your
Our Furnishing Departraent
filled with the newest and best
for Spring and Summer in all
lines. la -We have also added a
first class line ot Jewelry,
Tailor and Furnisher
For Men Who Care.
The Cleraetry committee has engaged
a permanent caretaker far the
Any person may have a
by leaving $1.00
eared for
ibbon's Drug
J. Wareron McKinnon.
(Property Committee)
The Leading Shoe Store.:
Tan Oxfords.
No shoes heve beceente ea tweeter ter
stinraer wear as INVIOTES Colored
Colored leather is more popular thie
ye/sr then e'Ver before
INVIOTT.Iiii Colored Oxfores are easy
on year feet no matter hew hot the
The 'colored leather in IN,10VOS
Shoes beteg porous means a Unreel:it of
• coiaetantly eirettleting around your
Thie keeps them owl, dry Ana ootas
forktble on the hatted Steamer day,
binding et the sokles—no isggleg or
bulging at the eideit.
in • 1900 fOratWerie Can be hid in IN.