HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-06-03, Page 6KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILLI
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
You Can't always judge the dinner by
the price.
The average girl would rather be in
love than be happy.
Constipation and Headache.
Mrs. R. Morrow, Braoebridge, Ont ,
writes: „For years I waa troubled al -
moat constantly with constipation and
never got anything to do me the lasting
good that has been obtained frog! Dr.
Ohase's Kidney. Liver Pills, Not only
have they Cured constipation but bave
also entirely cared the headaches from
which I used to suffer terribly and have
improved my health in every way,"
If we didn't have to work there would
be no fun in loafing.
Some men attempt so much that they
never get anything finished.
flora in Iowa.
Oar family were all born and raised
hi Iowa, and have used Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
(made at Des Moines) for years, We
know how good it is from loug experi-
ence in the use of it. In feat, when in
El Paso, Texas, the writer's life was
saved by the prompt use of this remedy.
We are now engaged in the zneroantile
business at Nareoossee, Fla., and have
introduced the remedy here, It has
proven very snccesstnl and is constantly
growing in favor —ENNIS BROS. This
remedy is for sale by all druggists.
The woman who doesn't know her
mind hasn't ranch to worry over.
There are in Glasgow 17,000 unlet
premises, pp16,000a being dwelling -houses.
the diseased
is sent direct
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and ever. Blower
free. An dealers,�orDr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co,. Toronto and nuscla
All the world may be a stage, but
just the same stage money does not
The optimist expects to get a good
hand even when the other fellow shuffles
and deals.
Tell some doterving Rbenmatio sufferer,
that there is yet os a dimple way to cer-
tain relief, Get Dr. Shoop's book on
Rheumatism and a free trial test. This
book will make it entirely clear how
Rheumatic paius are quickly killed by
Dr. Snoop's Rheumatic Reined;, --liquid
or tablets. Send no money. The test
la free. Surprise some disheartened
sufferer by first gettirg for him the brisk
from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wie. Sold at
Welley's Drug Store,
The body of John Jamieson, drowned
at Hamilton April 7, was found in the
Peter Hanson, a Criminal with a re-
cord, escaped from Stony Mountain
• Penitentiary.
raiz to ,Sprorned Anile,
As usually treated, a spra ned aztirle
will disable the iejured p'eeeon foe a
remote, or si).ore, but by applging Chem. -
1 . r lains Liniment and observing the
direetiono with each bottle faithfully, a
care may be effect:.;e in imam u e e Dia
teed than oneweek'a time. This liniment
ie t most zerearkable preparation. '.cry
tt doe it, °tram osr
b n,a°, or whets la'i;i np
ai is el?roriic or muscular shenmetirea,
and yeti. are certain to be deli htee. with
the p;:ompt relief which it aiiorda. Fcr!
auto ety all druggists.
There are many things in thio world
b'ttee then mettey, but they are dread-
fntio azpeaaive.
.etc, t tIC2s'•.
Pctl.a • ;loe Thi Kiri Yon Have Dan Belelit
"I wished I owned en aeroplane in -
steed of an auto." "Why?" "I could
then Iook at any neighbors without
feeling that every one of them wee
wishing that I would take him for a a
ride." j oIME
It is said that very rich men as they
grow rioher are Attacked by a fear of
becoming poor.
Dylug in poverty is no hardship; it's
living in poverty that puts the thumb-
screw on a fellow.
After June tat those who sell cigar-
ettes in Galt will have to pay an annual
IleumIiese fee of $25.
It is very annoying to have people
talk behind your back, espeoially when
you are at the theatre.
Pains of women, head pains, or any
pain stopped in 20 minutes euro with
Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. See full
formula on 25o. Bea, Sold at Wallee's
Drug Store.
A man has a heavy Ioad to oarry when
his wife tries to share it by patting all
his earnings ou her bank.
Galloway cattle are being raised in
Alaska, their hides being considered
equal to bearskins for beauty and ser-
Bears the _The Kind You Have Always Bought
The man who believes that two can
live as Cheaply as one never had to
reckon with the milliners and dress-
Professor H. A. A. Kennedy, D. D.,
of Knox College, Toronto, was Chosen
for the chair of New Testament Theol-
ogy in New College, Edinburgh.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
Donath medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaotion. Price 25
"John, what is a vacuum?" inquired
a woman of her husband. "A vim -
num, my dear, is something that
exists only In your mind!" was the
ungaliaut reply. .
se,.far "3*tineMt.XA.
Sears the The Kind You Have Always MA'(
It is not the proper thing to say
then a man will make a good hnaband,
It is the wife who makes the good
husband. The bad ones only are the
self-made article,
In California, where many wells yield
both natural gas and water, it is stated
that a system has been tried whereby
the gas is aeparated and utilized in an
engine to pump the water.
Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes
sure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets, The formula is on the 25 cent
box. Ask your Dootoe or Druggist
about this formula! Stops wosranly
pains, headache, pains anywhere. Write
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for free trial
to prove valve. Sold at Walley'c Drug
Fifteen thousand workman in Paris,
France, out for a lark, pretended to be
strikers and resisted the poli a
a z
spirit of miaolief. A hundred arrests
were made while many people were
more or Iess wounded, The affair Can-
not he regarded as serious, being rather
a holiday 'Imam; than a deliberato mani-
festation of disorder.
N'3, Need of Suffering from Rheumatism.
It ie a mistake to allow anyone to suf.
fer from rheumatism, ao the pain can
always be relieved, and in most cases a
cure effected by applying Chamberlain's
Liniment. The relief from pain 'which
it affords Is alone worth many times its
cost. It makes Bleep and rent poosible
Even in oases of long standing thisee
nentshould be maid on ;moron.;moron.of the
relief which it affords. Do not be dia.
canraged until a ou have given it a trial.
For sale by all druggists.
.A. remarkabfo coincidence of the
death of two brothers with only the
pace of about twenty hours apart,
warred recent`y in the passing away of
rWilliam Moore, of Sebringville, and
James Moore, of Carthage, aged 72
74 respectively. The former died
Wednesday, May 19, and the Iatter
Thurudny, May 20,
1. Goad train food.
2. Pxeites the facetious of the liver.
3. Promotes a totted and quiet sleep.
4. Disinfects the mouth.
5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the
6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal distertemeem
7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys.
13. Prrevents talculus concretions,
9. amities indigestion.
10. A preventative realest diseases of
the throat.
I1. l:tstorei all nervous energy end re -
viers the natural forces.
42 idarbord Street, l'oronte, Ont.
florin BY Ant to t +Mesa ,
oan'e Kidney Pills aot on the kid-
, nneya, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaal to weak back, rheum•
edam, dial:steo, oo nation, infiamatfon,
s gravel, Eright't t ate and all other
diens•tags arleing ert ,woes action of the
kidneys and blend,l;
The postal authorities are very anxw
Ions be get their hands on a certain
young Italian Whose recent operations
have been a sonecc of trouble in a num-
ber of the larger Cities in Ontario and
Qnebeo. Ilia modus operandi is to pnr.
chase a postal money order for $2 and
then cleverly raise the °mount to $2,i
and pads the forgery upon some nuns.
peeling merchant after the postbfiice
Was closed for the day. In this Way he
Weald get aping amounting from $60 to
$100, and bore the forgery had bosh
discovered would be On his ova t6 n
lr ovr
Quickly Cured
Everybody has a Cold, Some resort
to tablets are powders that contain
daugerons drugs, and death from heart
depressing remedies to not infrequent.
We poor policy to negleot a cold --
especially when it Can be cared se
quickly without medicine.
Yoe Can send the soothing vapor of
the pine woods, the richest balsams and
healing essences, right to the cause of
your cold by labeling Oatarrhozone,
Kittle drops of wonderful curative
power are distributed through the whole
breathing apparatus in two seconds.
Like a miracle, that'a how Catarrh -
ozone works in bronchitis, Catarrh,
Colds and irritable throat. You simply
breathe, its oily, fragrant vapor, and
every trace of congestion and disease
flees as before Are.
No trace of the disease remains after
Oatarrhozote is used—no more matter
to olog np the nose and cause yon to
oongh and epit —no more headache and
buzzing ears.
Cure is absolute.
Because Oatarrhozone contains such
healing balsams and soothing antiseptics
it Can't help outing every kind of oat
tarrh, throat, lung and bronchial
Don't experiment longer--Catarrho-
zone means euro cure. Two months'
treatment (guaranteed), price $1,00;
smaller size, 50o., at all dealers, or the
Oatarrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont.
A homesteader named Tetrault, ander
erntenoe of death for murder near Bat-
tleford, has had his sentence commuted
to life imprisonment.
Mrs. Sophia Lawrence was given a
verdict for $300 in her breach of promise
action against Thomas Hansford at the
Belleville Assizes.
In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve
goes wrong, then the organ that this
nerve controls will also sorely fail. It
may be the Stomach nerve, or it may
bave given strength and support to the
Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop
that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr.
Shoop's Restorative was not made to
dose the Stomach nor to temporarily
stimulate the Heart or Kidneys, That
old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr.
Shoop's Restorative goes directly to
these failing inside nerves. The re-
markable success of this prescription
demonstrates the wisdom of treating
the aotnal cause of these failing o.gans.
And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple
five or ten days test will anrely tela.
Try it once, and see! Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
The first rural mail delivery in this
locality is now in full swing in the Tp.
of Elderslie and a long -felt want is being
filled. The route is from Paisley along
7th con. Eld. to GiIIies Hill, thence
along 15th sideroad to Vesta and along
townline to Ellengowan and Elora road
to Paisley. There are 9 delivery boxes
at Gillies Hill, So says the Ohesley
Lara -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorit
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headaohe, Bfiliousnesa, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Mr. and Mrs. G. McIntosh of the 4th
concession, McKillop. celebrated the
fiftieth or golden anniversary of their
wedding on Tuesday, May 18th. when
the members of their family and a num-
ber of their friends gathered to do hon-
or to the auspioious occasion. Mr. and
Mr, McIntosh were the recipients of
many oongratnlations and good wishes.
As a spring edioince BuING rdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones np the
iyetom and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired
weary fooling so prevalent in the sprint{
Mr. P. H. Roy, late president of the
defunct Banque de St. Jean, and an ex -
speaker of the Qnebeo Legislature,
found guilty of making false returns
regarding the bank's affairs, after ad-
dressing the Court for an hour and a
half in his own defence, was sentenced
to five years in the penitentiary, the
maximum term.
'X'1dI'a W.[NG1•HAM TIMES, JUNE 3, 1909
A carload of wheat was sold on Win.
nipeg exchange, wbioh has been in store
in Fort William dime 1904, as a result
of litigation Iarieiog out of the bill of
lading. It netted the termer about 61
cents per bushel, although sold at $1 10.
As a matter of foot the farmer is out
thousands of dollars on the deal atter
paying his lawyers.
E 74. Brook, an aged Zion City man,
of Chicago, lay for 4 days under a tree
during the recent lever° storm, waiting
for ravens to feed him. He is slowly
recovering. He had read about Elijah
by exercising faith being fed by ravens,
and he decided to try it. Be pari
enough faith to last four days, during
whish be prayed inoeesantly, but the
ravens were not on the job. He finally
gave up and suffered himself to be car-
ried bank home.
In the Quebec Legislature 14 members
supported a motion to abolish the treat-
ing habit. The motion was worded to
make it illegal for a license holder to
accept money for liquor at a bar for more
than one drinker. The mover claimed
that the whole curse of drinking was
Caused by the ridiculous habit of two or
three friends going into a bar and pay-
ing for a drink in auooestion. Perhaps
none of them wanted more than one
drink, but the silly habit kept them
drinking more than was good for them.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
France applies taxation to the betting
evil, and last year the revenue derived
was close on to a million dollars. There
are some who Claim that drawing a rev-
enue from an evil is a measure of fellow-
ship with the frnitful works of dark-
The home of Mr. and Mrs, Blake,
Goderioh was the some of merrymaking
on Wednesday of last week, on the oo-
nasion of the marriage of their daughter,
Bliss M. E. Blake, to Oscar Forster, a
prosperous yonng farmer residing near
Holmesville, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Forster. The happy event took place at
high noon, and was celebrated by Rev.
R. W. Millyard, pastor of Victoria St.
Methodist Church, in the presence of 50
or 60 guests.
Sore Nipples.
Any mother who has bad experience
with this distreaeing ailment will be
pleased to know that a oure may be
effected by applying Chamberlain's
Salve as soon as the child is done nurs-
ing. Wipe it off with a soft Cloth be-
fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many
trained nurses nee this salve with best
results, For sale by all druggists.
The North Bruce Liquor License
Oommissioners in opposition to the pro-
tests of the Port Elgin oonnoil have
granted lioenses to four hotels in that
village instead of to three as has been
the custom for years. The population
of Port Elgin is 1370. The counoil has
appealed to Provincial Secretary Hanna
to investigate the matter.
t?or baby's Shin Troubles.
There are times in the life of nearly
every child when Dr, Chase's Ointment
proves itself a blessing. The tender
akin Chafes and is irritated by the cloth-
ing. Oftentimes baby eczema develops
from this very cause. In a dozen ways
Dr. Ohase'e Ointment Can be used to
Booth and heal the skin and prevent suf.
fering of the little one. No treatment
is so well suited for this purpose and
none is so entirely satisfactory.
Hugh Kalis died in Normanby town -
township near Mount Forest last week
at the age of 102 years and six months.
The deceased was born in Belfast, Ire-
land, and Dame to Canada eighty years
ago, settling in Peterboro' for a short
time, and then came to Normanby,
where he had since resided. Mr. Katie
was a very healthy man, never having a
aiok day in his life. In religions he was
a Roman Oatholio, Five sons and two
daughters survive.
"Kit," the well-known writer on
be Toronto Mail, has something to
ay on Iadies' hate that every lady
hould read. Here it is:—It is
ositively unfair of the women who
re wins and daughters of men
arising but a decent competence, with
erhaps but a trifle Over—to pay more
han five dollars for a hat. And five
Clara is a great deal—a dress -hat
rice. Three dollars is enough to pay
r the ordinary street hat. The
napes and styles alter se thickly
hat last season's hat can hardly be
made over." I know I have Often
been a sinner in paying as high as
fifteen 00 eighteen dollars for a hat,
bat I hope I will never do it again.
My taster hat cost me just one dol-
lar and seventy -fine cents. Of oourae
it is not a helmet, nor yet a basket,
nor even Of the Merry Widow+ --now
defunct --order, It is !alit summer's
late season hat, not large, nor smell,
jest m.edinin, and with a new bower,
which post seventy -fine dents, and some
ribbon, it looks alt tight. It Is Comfort•
able, it is becoming, and it is respect-
able. No woman will look at it twine
Save with Contempt, and no Men WoUid
zlotioe it anyway,
f ` nshould f t1w once attenhe bowels is ded
to and eorrected.
work on the bowels gently and naturally
without weakening the body, but, on the
contrary, toning it, and they will if per.
severed in relieve and cure the worst oases
of constipation.
Mrs. James King, Cornwall, but., writes:
"X was troubled with sick keadaches, con-
stipation and catarrh of the stomach. Y
could get nothing to do me any good mail
I got a vial of Milburn'° Laza-Liver Pills.
They did me more good than anything elegy
I ever tried. I have no headtt hes or Corse
etipation, and the eaterrh of the stomas*
ie entirely gone.�I feel like a new woman
thank's 00 Milburn T hate -Lifer Pills. 1
vied fit all abort half is dollen vials." $
Pride 26 oar a vial, 5 for $1,00, at afl
stealers[ or mailed direct by Tho I'. Milburn
Ca..IRidNted. Toronto, Ont.
ore FFeet
Are your feet hot,
sore and blistered ?
If so try Zani-Buk.
As soon as
Zam-Buk is applied
it cools and soothes
injured smarting
skin and tissue.
Its rich, relined
herbal essences
penetrate the skin;
its antiseptic pro-
perties prevent all
danger of festering
or inflammation
from cuts or sores ;
and its healing essences
build up new healthy tissue.
For stings, sunburn, outs,
burns, bruises, etc.—just as
Mothers find it invaluable for
baby's sores!
All Draggles and Slorea.—JO,, bog,
The proportion of left-handed people
is one in six.
Calgary has a scandal in connection
with the new Oity Hall contract.
An English Company is about to build
o $2 500,000 dry dook and shipbuilding
plant at Montreal.
If you would have a safe yet Certain
Gough Remedy in the home, try Dr.
Shoop's—at least onoe. It is thorough-
ly unliae any other Clough preparation.
Its taste will be entirely new to you—
unless it is already your favorite Cough
Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or
any other stupitying ingredients are
need. The tender leaves of a harmless,
lung -healing mountainous shrub, give
to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its won-
derfnl Curative properties. It is truly a
most certain and trustworthy prescrip-
tion. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
In the pottery industry in Germany
females earn $2.16 to $3 a week and the
males earn $2.86 to $7 20.
A squad of eight smuggled Chinamen
Captured in New York State near the
border were refused readmission to Can-
ada by the authorities.
A wise old owl lived in an oak.
The more he heard the less he spoke.
The leas he spoke the more he heard.
Why aren't we all more like that bird.
Stomach Troubles.
Many remarkable onres of stomach
troubles have been effeoted by Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
One man who had spent over two thous-
and dollars for medicine and treatment
was oared by a few boxes of these tab-
lets. Price, 25 oents. Samples free at
all drug stores,
A bird recently built its nest immedi-
ately above the hymn board on one of
the pillars in the ohuroh at Lumsden,
near Regina, and during worship the
congregation oonld Bee the mother en-
deavoring to teach the young birds to
fly. They were hatched out in the
ohuroh, and advanced through the var.
ious states to maturity without any nets -
bap. The nest was not disturbed end
tho old bird never seemed frightened
during services,
Row's This?
We offer One Hundred 'Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that
Cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. OHENET & Co , Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known P.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Hsll'a OattarrhlOere itt gtakenTointernal.
ly, sating direotiy upon the blood and
muerte surfaoee of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle, Sold by all Druggists,
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
On Friday, May2st the death of
Samuel Boles, aged 65 years, ocentred
at the residence of his sitter, Mrs. John
Miller, south line, Kincardine. Deoea•
sed was born in Glengarry County, He
oame here ab it boy with his parents but
spent abort thirty-flve years in Mexico
and Peru. Re gained considerable
reputation as an essayist which business
he followed in those oountriee. Ile re.
turned to Kincardine about eighteen
months ago taking up his residence
with his Widowed sister.
and anyone kering live stook or other
twitch* they wish to dispose of, should laver.
Ma the etre* for stile In the Those. Our large
nggtells audit will be straped Indeed if
ihatdo onawilIasell tbecause yon nay ask e ore
7 y more
for the attest* or steak than ft ie w'orih, bend
your adyertisemeai to the Trios sad try thief
pier of . disposing of you* stook and other
TWENTY YEARS AGO. Items History oi! the early y es,
Ytolns x1'om the "Times'" f les,
(From the Tronas of May 31, 1$89.)
Mr, George MoKay, J. P., op Satur-
day last disposed of his residence on the
Diagonal road with the JIM sores ad-
joining as well as a couple of lots to the
welt, to Mr. A. Dawson, insnraooe
agent, for $1,750.
The person referred to in the follow-
ing item was the mother of Mrs. G.
Molntyre, of Wingham; Another old
and highly esteemed retb:lent of West
Wawanosh has passed over to the great
majority in the poraon of Mrs Cameron,
wife of Mr. Alexander Cameron, of the
14th concession. Deoeased was in her
66th year and had suffered for many
months past wiSh liver troubles and al-
though for some time little or no hopes
Were entertained for her recovery.
Messrs. D. Welsh, AIbert Ackerman
and two daughters and David Halstead
leave for Moosomin, N. W. T. on
The people of Goderioh are somewhat
excited over the C. P. R. °barter, which
they obtained in June 1887. At the last
meeting of council a communication was:
received from H. W. 0. Meyer, of,
Wingham offering to take the matter ofi
preventing the oharter from lapsing into
his hands by complying with the terma
A Buooesafnl "At Home" was held in
the Presbyterian ohuroh on Monday
evening, A speoial attraction was the
presence of the Methodist °huroh or-
chestra who rendered several excellent
masioal seleotions. Recitations were
given by Mr. S. Graney, Dr, McKenzie
and Miss Carrie McDonald and Mise
Maggie Cargill. An instrumental selec-
tion was given by Miss Fisher, and
Frankie Black and the choir also sang
a selection.
Amongst the names of those who
have successfully passed their ex4+mina,
Hone at the Ontario College os Physi,
oians we notioe the name of Goorga Mo,
Kenzie, of Wingham, with honors lit,
bin primary,
Mr. J. J. Anderson, saw miller and
stave manufacturer, who has t'ec:n for
some weeks prospecting in Meeitoba,
returned on Thursday last, He travel.
led over a good deal of oountry and iR
well pleased with what he saw, believing
a splendid future to be in store t'or Oho
country. He had the advantage or
travelling in Company with a 0 P. R,
official, Mr. N, Attwood. We under,
etand he has purohased four sections -
2,560 sores—on the Souris river
All the stir, bustle, gayety, confusion,
hearty enjoyment and mirthful inci-
dents consequent on the outing of at
least three thousand people were Wit-
nessed in Wingham on Friday bet.
The whole celebration was a much more
splendid success than was anticipated by
the most sanguine. The winners of
prizes were as follows: -100 yd. race --
G. Mosgrove, J. Dingwall, 200 yd.
rape—G. Mosgrove, J, Dingwall. Boy's
foot raoe—Geo. Cook, R. Pettypieoe.
Boy's race under 15—W. Soott, T Soott
Potato raoe—J. Campbell, 3, Molnnes,
Running long jump—G, Mosgrove, J.
Molnnes, Hop, atop and jump—J, Mo -
Innes, G. Mosgrove; Throwing heavy
and light atones and 'wrestling -V,
Vanaorman, Climbing greasy pole—
W. Potter. -
Naylor.—Io East Wawanosh, on the
80th inst., the wife of Mr. Fountain
Naylor; a eon.
Cameron. --In West Wawanosh, om
the 22ad inst., Mrs. A. Oamerou; aged
56 years.
Mr. Charles Elston° was killed
lightning near Wyoming while standing
in the door of Wallace Williams', his
brother-in-law's, barn, The building
was burned.
Two men and a woman were mobbed
by a lot of Mormons at Magrath, Al-
berta. They were trying to take pos-
session of a ohild whose father was a
"Gentile" and her mother a Mormon.
by Mrs. John W. Tiernan, an old resid-
ent of Seaforth, died at the residence of
her daughter, Mrs, Oollingbnrn, in To-
ronto on 'Tuesday evening, May 20th,
death being due to a stroke of paralysis
she suffered two weeks previously. The
deoeased was 77 years of age. She was
a native of County Fermanagh, Ireland,
and a sister of the late Christopher Mul-
doon, of Leadbnry, and the late Mrs.
Wm. Galbraith, of Winthrop. For
nearly thirty years she lived in the little
brick Cottage at Silver Creek, on the
Huron road east, but owing to i11 health
she went last summer to live with her
daughter in Toronto. Mr. Tiernan died
many years ago.
Forty-one local option Contests have
been begun in Ontario, in preparation
for voting on January lot next, accord-
ing to The Pioneer. Two of these
municipalities—Brantford and Peter-
boro—are Cities, There are fourteen
towns where a campaign is on—Al-
monte, Aurora, Carleton Place, Co-
bonrg, Oollingwood, Dunnville, Lind-
say, Medford, Newmarket, Orangevtli°,
Pioton, Port Hope, Stayner, Strathroy;
three incorporated villages -- Acton,
Dutton and Georgetown. The other
municipalities are: Adelaide, Adman -
ton, AIbion, Beckwith, Blyth, Brooke,
Bromley, Caledon, Danwiob, Elma,
Eramosa, Esquesing, Esse, Gower
North, Gwillimbury East, Hay, Luther,
Marlboro, Nepean, Pakenham, Sunni -
dale and Tuokeramith.
The death occurred on Friday morn-
ing, May 21st, of Alexander Davidson,
aged 90 years, at the home of his son,
Rev. T. Davidson, at Varna. Mr. Dav-
idson had been quite hale and hearty
until the previous Sunday, when he ex-
perienced a paralytio stroke on his left
side, which, though he was quite con-
scions np to the end, resulted in his
death. Born in Tervis, Aberdeenshire,
Scotland, on May 240h, 1819; in 1844 he
was married to Agnes Shepherd, Com-
ing to Canada a few years after hie
marriage, he settled near Mount FOreet,
Cutting the bush and Clearing the land
to make a home. He resided on his
farm np to a few years ago when he ro-
tired, going to live with his daughter,
Mrs. Laing, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.
After some three years he took up resi-
donee with his aon, Rev, Tilos, David-
son, of Varna about seven years ago,
where he resided np to the time of his
How much the lose ie when a very
large percentage of the best apples in
the orop is wormy? The prevalence of
wormy apples is becoming greater in
Ontario owing to the rapid spread of the
Codling moth. Whether this spread is
inoreased throng a growing scarcity of
wild birds, which used to prey upon
them, and thus keep their numbers
dowel, or through some oche* condition
being removed, It ie difficult to say, but
the only practiced means at the Com-
mand of the farmer is the oonsietent
spraying of the apple trees The molt
important spraying time for this per.
00eo is just when the bright apple blos-
somS fall, and Calyx of the blossom,
green ring of leaves underlying the
blossom leaves, olose tkegmeivesr If the
poisen can be plaited upon the blossom
just be fore it Climes, it Will stay there,
and kill any worm that tries to enter at
any time cluing the gement. For the
oodling moth alone, arsenate of lead is a
good spray, It cart be need in the Pre*
portion of 8 to 6 pounds Of arsenate Of
lead, t0 every 10o gallon' Of water,
1 Brings Vigor
Are you feeling all run down,
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BERNER, Agent, Wingham,