HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-06-03, Page 5TI1! WINGHAM TIMES, JUNE 3 1909
To Be Cleared at
Sacrifice Prices..
Having purchased a Traveller's set of Samples, we
are prepared to give you remarkable values.
We have also taken out of our own stock all ODD
SUITS and put them along with this lot,
which gives you a splendid a . ur -
ment, in all sizes
4 Youths' Suits, regular $8.50, sizes 31, 2, 33, for... $5.00
3 Youths' Snits, regular 12.00,1zes 3:, 34, for 6.50
6 Men's Suits, regular 9.50, iz 36, 37, 42, 44, for 6.00
4 Men's Suits, regular 10.00, sizes 37, 38, 40, for6.50
8 Men's Suits, regular 12,50, sizes 34, 37, 38,40,41,44 8.50
4 Men's Suits, regular 13.00, sizes 37, 40, for 9.00
11 Men's Suits, regular 15.00, 35, 36,37, 38, 39, 44,46 10.50
4 Men's Suits, regular 17.50, sizes 35, 36, 38, for12,50
3 Men's Suits, regular 18.50, sizes 36, 37, for 13.00
3 Men's Suits, regular 19.50, sizes 36, 38, 39, for14 50
4 Men's Suits, regular 21.00, sizes 35, 36, 37, 38, for 15,50
are positively cash prices. Eggs taken
at cash prices.
WANTED AT ONCE. -1000 eases eggs,
1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool.
Highest prices, crush or trade. BING'S,
Mrs. (Be.)`✓West is visiting with her
parents at Whitby and will attend the
meeting of the Grand Council of C. 0.
0. F. in Toronto which is to be held
next week.
Tuesday, Saul 1st, was the regular
monthly meeting of the Missionary
Society, Ladies' Atd and Mission Band
of Knox Church,
Rev. W. J. West, Mrs. West, Mra.
John King, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs, Mao•
Donald, Mrs, Aitchison and Mrs. Max.
well attended the missionary convention
at Brussels.
The regular monthly meeting of .the
Women's Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Geo. MacDonald on
Thursday, Juno 10th, at 2 p, m. All
the ladies are invited to attend.
Duff & Stewart's new saw mill was
raised on Wednesday afternoon of last
Bronchitis Creeps into Consumption ,
Coughing weakens the tabes and
makes a resting plane for the bacoilli.
Why let Bronchitis become established?
It's easy to cure—just inhale Catarrh-
ozone—breathe in its soothing balsams
and relief comes at once. Catarrhozone
is so pertain in Bronchitis that every
case is cured, Throat is strengthened,
oough stops, irritation goes away, all
danger of tuberonlosis is prevented.
For throat trouble, catarrh and coughs,
Oatarrhozone is The Remedy. 250 and
81.00 sizes at all dealers. Get it today.
McGee & Campbell'
*fi•d:++++++++++++++++++++4044 et+4++4-4++++++++++++++++++es
WANTED At ONCE. -1000 oases eggs,
1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool.
Highest prices, cash or trade. KING'S,
Nearly all the
People are busy with their roots.
Jamestown boys have returned from
Toronto for their holidays. J. T.
Straohan, Fred Bryan and Jas. Strachan
are among the number.
Mrs. A. D. Mo0osh and Rob visited
at John Straohan's last week. They
were attending the Maitland Presbytery
held in Brussels on the 18th inst.
The Woman's Institute will hold a
special meeting at Mrs. S. Snell's on
June 10th. The meeting is to arrange
for the public meeting to be held at
Mrs. Jno. Outt's on June 28th.
♦ +
4 Best attention IHANNA
& We aim to +
to grocery
4' orders.
Phone 70
give you +
WANTED AT ONOE.-1000 Oases eggs,
1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool.
Highest prices, oash or trade. Emu's,
Township Council met on Monday.
Minutes will be given in our next issue.
Mrs. John Coultes, 3rd line, Morris,
has been very i11 but we hope she vein
0000 be couvalesoent.
Mrs. Jae. Blake, who went to Spain
a short time ago, is expected home in a
short time on account of poor health.
The lady is a daughter of Wm. Watson.
Miss Rebecca Jaokeon, who holds a
responsible position at the Mlmioo In•
dustriai Sohool for boys, has been re-
newing old friendehips in Morris and
The death of Franoie Kirkby, a pion •
eer of Blaoehard township, Perth Co..
occurred on May 18th. He was in his
80th year. The late Mr. Kirkby was
born in Yorkshire, England, coming to
Canada with his parents at two or three
years of age. The family first settled
near Toronto, and Mr. Kirkby went to
Blanchard over sixty years ago. He was
almost a life-long resident of Blanchard,
removing to St. Mary's after half a
century of toil to spend his declining
years in quiet retirement. Mr, Kirkby
was a kindly, unassuming man and an
ardent member of the Methodist church.
Four sons and three daughters survive.
Deceased was a brother of Mr. Geo.
Kirkby, of this township.
farmers have finished
+ �
• Have you your Summer Parasol, we have a choice selection of
and white and black spot,
see them.
els. +•
Corsets, light,
ht, cool and comfortable, designed for
•P medium figures, splendid proportionate fits nine out of ten, and give +
erfeet satisfaction. Ask to see our number 377 at $1.25 per pair, +
4 t
Pa ,aso ls. •4
t Parasols, in the newest shades with the prettiest Handles. Silk and
Linen. Ranging from $1,25 to S`?.75.
• ° n
Linen S , i °��a .
• Ladies' Wash Skirts in plain whit
sP nicely made in good quality. Call an
James Richardson visited at his home
on Sunday.
Picnics will soon
day again.
Are you getting ready for the excur•
eion to Guelph 0. A. C. on June 17th?.
Mr. A. Pollook, who has been suffer•
ing from an attack of malaria, is re-
covering we are pleased to say. He has
had quite a seige of illness.
4 also our Parisian Corsets at $1.00 per pair.
Lawn Waists.
• Taancy Embroidered Lawn Waists in new designs, long sleeves +
Straw and Linen Hats in newest shapes, all sizes
We have a nice line of Princess Ribbed Hose in black and
tan, best quality in all sizes at 25e per pair.
Men's and Youth's Clothing. 1
Wo have been doing a big business in Men's Ready -to -Wear •
s Suits which are hard to best, they are well finished, perfect fitting, +
;$ stylish looking and good patterns. Remember they are all new, all
,e sizes 34 to 44, ranging from $x10.00 to $15.00 per suit. ••
BOYS' SUITS. --We have in stock many Tweed and Wor• ••
ls♦ sted Suits in newest designs and patterns --•-bring in your boy, we •
s have all sizes at lowest prices. •
• •
Grocery Department. •
4++++++H++++0•1++♦+++4++ '044 ++t-/,•<,+++14;+++.4. +A+ +A* + gr. e•<,aaa4;+s 4.aa++A*++
be the order of the
WANTED AT ONCE, --1000 oases egg•,
1000 boxes butter, large quantittest wool.
Highest prices, cash or trade. KING'S,
The annual meeting of East Huron
Farmers' Institute will be held in the
Connell Chamber, Brussels, Friday
afternoon, June lith.
On Wednesday of last week, Frank
Querin, eldest brother of our townsman,
Joseph Querin, died at his home in
Mornington after a lengthy illness from
stomach trouble, Deoeased veal 74
years of age.
Wednesday of last week the contract
for the new Carnegie Library to be
erected on the corner of Tnrnberry and
Mill steets was awarded to John Hun-
ter, of Oranbrook. The brick work will
be looked alter by D, A. Lowry, of town.
Work will be oommenoed shortly.
On Monday, May 24th, Mrs. Archie
McDonald died at the, home of Mrs.
Dunoan Livingston, 1X miles north of
Brussels, with whom she had been liv-
ing for several months. She was boru
in Scotland and came to Canada when
16 years of age along with Alex McDon-
ald and family. Deceased's maiden
name was Margaret Galbraith. After
residing in Elgin Co. for a while she
went to London where she lived foe a
number of years. In 1886 she was mar-
ried to the late Aroh. McDonald, for,
merly a wellaknown resident of Grey
township, and they made their home
in Miohigan until 1894 when Mr. Mc-
Donald died. Old age was the chief
oasee of Mrs. MoDonald's demise, having
attained to her 89th year. She was a
faithful member of the Presbyterian
WANTED AT ONCE. -1000 eases eggs,
1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool.
Highest prioee, oaeh or trade. KING'S,
Blyth stores have adopted a small
measure of the early closing movement
by taking Tuesday and Thursday even•
ings of each week off.
Communion service was held in the
Presbyterian Ohuroh on Sunday morn•
ing last. The preparatory service was
held on Friday afternoon, Rev. Mr.
Ferguson, B. A„ oe Belgrave being the
The new oflleers of Blyth Lodge,
I. 0. 0. F. are as follows:—Jr. Past
Grand, W. Begley; N. G., R. M. Mo -
McKay; V. G., G. E. McTaggart;
Reo.•Seo„ P. 'Gardiner; Fin.• Seo., J,
Weymouth; Treas., D. Floody. Re-
presentative to Grand Lodge at Ottawa,
Frank Anderson; represeutative to
District meeting at Seaforth, P. Gar-
'1 selling quickly, come and pick out your size,
p Men's
at all prices.
Straw Hats.
Dr. Hamilton's Cure for rl nples.
All skin diseases such as pimples
originate through failure of the kidneys
and liver. AU taints that blook the
avennee of health moat be removed.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills do this quickly.
They cleanse the system, make the skin
smooth, resters roses to the cheeks and
give clear, dainty complexion. For
good looks, good health and good spirits
there is nothing so sure as Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills. 25c, boxes at all dealers.
Tuesday morning of last week, at
9 30 o'clock, John Boll, Olaresholm,
Alta., and Miss Anna May, daughter of
John Redmond, of Westfield, were
united in the holy estate of matrimony
at St. Augustine R. 0 church. The
ceremony was performed by Rev, Fr.
Laurendean, The wedding march was
rendered by Mise Williams, of Seaforth,
and Miss Mary Bell, of Blyth, was
bridesmaid and R. Redmond grooms.
man. A reception was held at "Fair-
view Farm," the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. Bell and bride will leave
shortly for hiss home in the West and
will parry with them many good wishes
for a happy and prosperous future.
The Perfection of \Vomanhood.
Who does not envy and admire a
lovely woman? The secret of her love-
linese, of her perfeotion, is health. She
sleeps well, eats well, digests well—in•
trioate functions are vigorous and regu-
lar. Of all woman's remedies, Ferro -
zone is the best; it vitalizes the func-
tions upon whioh health depends—
makes the purest, richest blood, gives
perfect complexion and lots of vigor.
Every girl and woman who seeks health,
vitality, looks—let her get Ferrozone
to -day. Fifty Dent boxes at all dealers.
The receipts from the sales of Prince
Rupert lots are estimated at $1,175,975.
Mrs, Robert Teri of Weston committed
enicide by cutting her throat with lamp -
Harry McEwen and Albert Milburn
fell off a launoh in Hamilton Bay and
were drowned,
The Lake of the Woods Milling Com•
pany have made financial arrangements
for the building of a five-thoneand•barrel
mill at Victoria Harbor.
Children's Hose
WANTED AT oxcp.-1000 eases eggs,
1000 boxes butter, large quantities wool,
Highest prices, cash or trade. KING'S
After a briof illness, early on Friday
morning, May 21st, David S. Taylor
passed away at his lata residence on the
ninth ooncossion of Howick, at the age
of seventy-one years. He was born in
Harford, Maryland, U. S. A., and was
the youngest of Stephen Taylor's large
family, all of whom predeceased him.
At the age of live years he was left an
orphan, both his parents having died
when he was of that tender age. In
1862 he came to Canada and settled on a
farm in Waterloo county, Ontario, near
the site of the present town of Berlin,
where three years later he was married
to Elizabeth Oberholtzer, the mother of
the sous and daughters who now mourn
his demise. Leaving Waterloo county,
lie spent emu time on his native soil,
and again migrated to Canada m 1873,
this time coming to l:Iowiok, seouring
the property which by his industry and
management ultimately became the
beautiful farm on which he resided un-
til his death. In 1889 he was called to
mourn the lose of his life partner but he
was married again in 1890 to Magdalen.
Oberholt, sister of his former vsj4•
This union lasted for only two years,
when he was a second time bereft. The
eldest son, James, died in infancy.
Those who survive him are Mary (Mrs.
Knowlson), Rosa, Stephen, John, Nora,
Thomas and Minerva, all of Howick,
and Elizabeth, Maggie and Hannah, all
of Berlin. Tile remains were taken to
Berlin for interment.
New Idea, New Ides,
Patterns THE LEADING STORE isagazines
19c O.
........ ...
Isard's for Hosiery
Cloves and Parasols
Dr. W. R. Mirwin of Windsor was
fined $100 for attempting to poison a
neighbor's dog.
would build you up, increase your
weight, strengthen your weak
throat and lungs and put you in
condition for next winter, you
would begin taking it now.
Talo it in n little cold milk or water
50c. and $1.00. All Druggists
Full stock of Groceries always on hand,
C )
th Screen Doorsa Grass Shears IScreen Windows 1.4Hedge Shears
Screen Wire Sheep Shears 1
Spring Fringes Q
Pruning Shears a'
Door Springs Pruning Saws CV . i
O j.
w 100 per cent. Pure Paint
C �; Ps. a
• "'s Lawn Hose
Slin,, Ropes >
Ilay Fork Ropes '�', Lawn Fencing
<+ Woven Fencing '
Hay Fork Pulleys b
i Pulley Hooks R3 Field Hoes
Rope Flitches Turnip Floes
c ,
IT Mate
Just received a large shipment of Hosiery, Gloves
and Parasols. Quality is right with us—always
will be. Our Goods are First Quality, and the
prices are guaranteed right.
We have imported lines at moneysaving prices.
In Cotton Hose we are showing very special lines
in Black and Tan at....10c, 15c, 20c, 25c.
We handle the celebrated Fown's make—every
pair guaranteed. Special value in long Silk or
Lisle Gloves. See our leader at 50c.
Two -button Kid Gloves, all shades, our price $1.00
Very pretty Summer Parasols just to hand, and
prices are very moderate. We have all the
leading colors, as well as the best black.
Special value at $1.00 and $1.25
IH. E. 1SARD & C
Look Ahead for Illness.
Sudden illness and pains come in
every family—to parents and children
alik0. But tf you have looked ahead,
and have right in your home, ready for
immediate use a bottle of Poison's
Nerviline—there isn't much to worry
over. If it's a sore throat or contracted
chest, apply Nerviline and put on a
Nerviline Porous Plaster, If it's colic,
cramps, or any stomach disorder, just
administer ten drops of Nerviline in hot a
water. No family medioines are morel
useful or more depended upon in emer- -.
Porous Plasters.Theykeep thedoctor
bill small, 25o. each at all dealers, tv
Refuse substitutes.
Honor roll for S. S. No. 0, East
Sr, IV,—Verna Taylor, Gwendolyn
Currie, Pearl Deacon, Mary Currie.
Jr, IV.—Ernest Sheills, Maggie
Pocock, Charlie Taylor, Harold Walker,
Harold Carrie.
Jr, III.—Fiona Deacon, Helen Dea•
con, Wilmer Taylor, Annie Carrie,
Maudie Riatonl,
Jr, II.—George Pocook, Ena Mo.
Dougall, Tommy Currie, Percy Shiells,
I3ossie Barohill.
Sr. Pt. II.—Helen Pocock, Alex
Leaver, Teddy Kerr, Charlie Currie.
Sr. Pt. 1 --Kathleen Barr, Jim Per-
Jr, Pt. Taylor, David Deacon
Jr. B. --Gertrude Sheills, Lyla Leaver.
Average attendance 26.
A. L. LAwRENCr, Teacher.
Winnipeg. street railwaymen are not
satisfied with the award of the Concil-
iation Board.
Alex You
There is no season of the year so fitted for brightening up
as the present, Look at the list given below and see is ti,,,„e isn't
something you need for spring cleaning, Then iook at therei.>G
and see if you can afford to overlook this store.
A good Mop is always useful, but just now with the muddy
days it is especially so. We have excellent mops at 2 K9
for 25 cents. Led
Don't be handicapped by a leaky pail, we ha%e pails of all
sizes. The following prices should appeal to you. hest
Galv Iron Pails 30c. Strong Tin Pails 20e. Good 17t-4.'
Pails 30c.
1 hese are all guaranteed to hold water.
Scrub 'Brushes
Our Scrub Brushes are made to stand the hardest kind cal
work. Strong solutions will not effect their fabric.
Price 10c and 13e.
Carpel Fps caters
Times have changed, no more whips or bamboo poles, we
now have some durable Carpet Beaters that can be used by
any housewife, any shape for 15e.
Ilanging pictures, washing woodwork, etc,, all require the P.
Use of a step ladder, and it is not a pleasant sensation to ba .g
on a rickety step ladder, Let ns show you some of our
good ones.
We are agent for Sherwiir•Willianls' Paints and Varnishes t
and will be glad to hive you figures on ".Brightening up” your
place inside or out. Come in and talk the natter over,
` W