HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-05-20, Page 8ICING'S FOR BAROA11+IS I WIJ WANT' YOUR TRADF; HOUSECLEANING TIME You Will Want: NEW CURTAINS CURTAIN NIUSLINS (Madras, etc.) CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS MATTINGS ETC., ETC. We Have Them! WAN7PED-EGGS, 20 CENTS GOOD I GOODS 8 TUE W1 WIAht Mgt), MAY 20, ISO !AMOR l..QOALS. -Public holiday next Monday -Vie• torte day, -Get your wedding invitations and lainiting envie at the Tsars office, -The Trans to any address in Canada to J'a urry let, 1010 for ti 0 cerate ---Uhesley hoe a population of 2,026 is id total was; ltanent of 8747,895. --24th of afay oelebrationo rani ho held Iaext Monday at Clinton, Bruseele and -A new verandah on the frout of Dr. Tamlyn's residence makes a great int- provemen t, --Mr. J. Leslie Kerr has moved from Blyth to Clinton and will motet in the ?manageneeet of the New Etat -%'ublic Scbooi Inspector Robb i>: tike Wali meadow lois official visit to the different schools in Turnberry. -hlr. Geo. Town, of Toronto, has Moved into the Crofton house at Wrox• eter and will run it as a temperance house. -The Jane meeting of the Huron County Council wail be held at Goder- ioh, commencing on Tuesday afternoon, June let. -Mrs. Carrick wishes to return her etneere thanks to allthose who gave money to "it 1h.er in her lees in the recent fire. -Seaforth'o total assessment is 8899, - OS' and of this 809,552 is for business slsecearaent and 811,900 for income. The population is 2,140. -The officers and members of the Salvation Army of this town will hold services in Lnoknow next Saturday evening wine cn Sunday. ---Mr, S. Gracey, the furniture man is giving extra bargains in all lines of furniture for the next thirty days. Read his new advt. in this issue. -An excursion will be run from Wingham to Port Stanley some day during the first week of July. Par- tioulars will be given later. --Miss Ethel Elliott, who for some time past has been librarian of the Wingham public library, has tendered her resignation to the Board. -The London Advertiser's free European trip contest closed on Saturday last. Mrs. J. A. Rumba', of Gsderioh, was the wiener in district No. 8. -Clinton's total assessment for this year is $764,148. Of this amount 870,- 533 is for business assessment and $9,625 for income. T1>c population is 23139. -=Wingham, one of the prettiest towns in Western Ontario, will be look- ing it3 beet in a few days, when the nrlmercns shade trees are out in leaf, -Egoursion Rates for Victoria Day will be issued, return tickets at single fare. These will be good going May 21, 22, 23, 24t1z returning up to May 26th, -Monday was a very busy day with the cattle stealers. A large number of cattle which are to be placed on grape for the rummer were delivered to the dealeao. -no Citizens' Band has been en- gaged to furnish mneio tat the 24th of May celebration in Brussels. The people of Brussels know where to , :t a good band. -Beth eta may leave t.: dealer a lax lar rpofit, bu4, "Salado" ea jpaol and in sealed lead pack s) :ayes a lasting an favorable impress' •n upon the pal- ntee :"^. ' ni.ving it a trial. Hence its Gnormous bale. - -Dot hog the past week three neve tel. .g :.^s .^u have been added to than Dell Telephone Co's. exobange, ass follov,e:-- J. E. Cope'o residence, No. 141; Sheriff's residence, No. 142; W. J. A. McGregor'a office, No. 99, --"Advertising is no good," said the men he E d clothes. "It ii.,vce. wbllkd me `sit, o " .. ue inil,iujkite men a.tkaot smiled.;,, That is because you tried it, 13'_' ., 3Em .rt tool c fC7tila pia; 'nen cui aa t:t . t' Bir •- ; eief we heap fool, nail" --Councillor Graham is absent from tovin this week pushing the sugar beet business inaWini ham and 13russels die - Wets for the Wallseeburg Sugar Fact- ory. He is meeting with success and a largo acreage of beets will be grown fhl!s cj or. Ito Berlin factory will ice nun in co,:171petion with the Wallace - bulk; nuc nal[ in Now Era. -A meeting of the Mutual hire In- turanee men, representing Hay. Mo- Killfp, Wawanosh, Elmo, and Ribbert companies, was held in Clinton on Wednesday of last week. They were dealing with the knotty problem of ;cettleno lighla enol gaaillin$ light t►na IsaWet+, with, A aieW of arriving at a uniformity of rateb and rules. .-The bot laneinede banometot for a' torn bs tho;advertising colnrmas of Hs fora newspapers. Those seeking bar• gains will go Many miles further to trade where they sae bargains adver. tised than where none ate offered; hence, business is always better in town where merchants advertise their nares than where they do not. One good advertiser is of more benefit to town than half a dozen nerV'ornt' business men, as he not only helps himself but helps his oomlietitors, whO Mkt too ileopy OA alb* to gulp their opp►rtunities. --Mise Joan'TcGillivray, daughter of Mr, Arob. McGillivray of this town graduated this wtek as a nurse in the hospital at Evaueton, Ill. Mile Mo - 's many oId friends here will be pleased to hear of her eaocess. -Mr. a. Walton McKibben has fur. torr improved the appearance of his drug store by pituzg in four silent sales- man show oases, The oases are up-to- date in every particular and with the other improvements, give Mr. Mo$tb- bon a neat and tidy drug store, -Mr, S. Bennett, of the pianiug mill, reports business improving in his line. Earlier in the season it looked as thonah there would be very little banditti; this season, bat during the past week Mr. Bennett has taken a number of orders for material for new houses, COMFORT FOR MOTHERS; HEALTH FOR CHILDREN, Baby's Own Tablets wil promptly cure indigestion, colic, onstipation, diarrhoea and teething troubles, de- stroy worms, break n colds and thus prevent deadly ensu!. This medicine contains no a o'=on.. s opiates or nar- ootiot, and may •: given with absolute safety to a now-. n child. ,Mrs. C. L. Manery, Leamington, Ont., says: "My baby suffered from collo and constipa- tion so badly that we did not know what it was to get a good night's rest. But since giving him Baby's Own Tab- lets tine trouble has disappeared, and he now sleeps well. The action of the Tablets is gentle and yet very effective." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from, The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brookville, Ont, NEWS NOTES. Three young Montreal men were fined and sent to jail for beating a horse to death. Charles Smith of Hamilton is dead from a gunshot wound, the result of an accident. It was expected at Ottawa that the session of the House of Commons would end yesterday. The Provincial license department has rocci,ed v,ord of 40 prosecutions at Co- balt for illegal sales of liquor. Francis M. Barrow is under arrest at Belleville on a charge of giving Amos Leech soave drug with intent to do him bodily harm. Mr. Eager, Governor of the jail at Cornwall, has decided to resume his business carreer, and has resigned, to take effect on June 15. With the season's lumber cutting op- erations practically at an end, it is estimated that the cut in Maine this year amounted to about 700,000,000 feet. The 0, P. R., it is said, will go into the business of farming in different parts of the country, with the object of supplying the requirements of their dining oars and hotels. The Canadian Northern Drop report gives a highly satisfactory statement of conditions in the west in its territory. Quite a fall of snow is reported at Mao- Leod, Alberta, and the cattle are suffer- ing. Col, C. H, Rogers, postmaster of Pet- erboro, has tendered his resignation to take effect December 1, and it has been t;^oegsre3 at Ottawa. He will be sno- ceeded by A. H. Stratton, a brother of J. R. Stratton, M. P. Willing all his property to his chil- dren on the condition that they Dare for him the rest of hie natural life, Frank Nolan, of Sandwich, 103 years old, made the trip to Windsor unao- oompauied and deeded over the pro- perty in Crown Attorney Rodd's office, s Just received our supply of Seed Corn from the best corn growing country on the Continent. Come in and see the goods -you can't beat them. Early Bailey Improved Learning Compton's Early North Dakota White Cap Dent Etc., Etc. G. E King A St. Catharines correspondent says the fruit crop prospects are very good. About $3,800 were colleoted from Cobalt violaters of the liquor law in fines. John McDonald fell forty feet off a derrick at Murphy's stone quarry in Tweed and received very serious in- juries. A man locked up in the police cells at Moncton, N. B., for violating the Scott Aot, found a hundred -dollar pearl in a dish of clams. Chatham, Ont., News : -The man who can pay and won't pay, who makes hie living not by honest work, but by dodg- ing his oreditore, is not entitled to a single moment's sympathy from the gen- eral public who pay for what they get and try to fulfill their obligations. If the merohants can make the deadbeat a better citizen by inducing him to pay his debts they will be not only doing themselves a good turn, but doing a good torn for the whole community, G. E. KING. P Iniesammemans2=123 anamorsa a•miawaooe9rj:,•9iii1•••••er sat•ae••va•eessas aaltasseweearat 99 0 to 9 •• of • Our • Line of Is IJURTAINolG Complete • a We have Madras -which make such artistic curtains -at 25c, •• 85e, 40e, 50c and 65c a yd, in white. ecru, blue, green and red, oWe also carry a large stock of Lace Curtains from 25e a pair a, up to $8.00 a pair. sWe have Dotted Muslins for curtains, with dots of all sizes, also pretty shaded Art Muslins and Art Draperies. Call and see our goods. Priees and qualities, we know, will suit, DHEA PRICES Once more housecleaning season has arrived with its attendant worries of re furnishings. If yon will allow us, we can assist you in choosing Curtains and Draperies, and thus save ycu some of the worry. • • BLOUSES 9 • • 0 • • 0 • • • • 0 • 9 a • 9 G2 9 We have a large stock of Ladies' Blouses, prettily embroidered with the new long sleeve, also the very fashionable Tailored Blouse, in all white or with colored trimmings, Blouses from 81.25 up. CHILDREN'S KID GLOVES We carry a complete line of Children's Kid Gloves -ail shades and all sizes. Call and inspect our stock. m • GOR ON ••ps••A•••••09•••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • 9 a ansasaaalsoasaotoca•csaoesseaa•s REFLECTIONS ON THE DANDELION, The dandelion now observe, The freshest plant of all, It has the most exalted nerve, The moat colossal gall, "Get all you can," so runs its oreed, "And give a blame sight less; These are the simple rules that lead To glittering success." When other flowers have closed their eyes The dandelion labors, And everlastlingiy it tries To overcome its neighbors, The bluegrass and the clover flee Before its competition; It has no social sympathy To check its fierce ambition, Although its harm Is something great, Its worthlessness sublime, It gets a lot of real estate By rooting all the time. So nerve and front and diligence Will surely take no far, It makes no speoial difference How no -account we are. --Newark Evening News. BURN. MoEwnw.-In Morris, on the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mrs, J. D. McEwen; a daughter. WALTox.-In Winghairi, on the 18th Inst , the wife of Mr. Leonard Walton ; a son. BARR.-In Morris, on May Oth, to Mr, and Mrs. Peter Barr; a son. FOSTER -In Hoivick on May 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Foster; a son. • r,L&RRIJSD CREECA-CAninTnans.-On May 5th, by Rev. D. T. L. Mcgerroll, Mr. Richard Creech, of Pine River, to Ann Jane, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David Carruthers, of the 0th Concession of Hitless. STOEEs-TESREy.-On April 21st, at the Manse, Bolmore, by Rev. John Radford, Elsie Frances Teshuy, of Carrick, to David Omar Stokes, of Turnberry. RAY-BURT,At the family residence, Listow- el, on May 12th, by Rev. J. H. Oliver, Sarnia, assisted by Rev. R. D. Cameron, Listowel, Mervyn 11. Hay, of Regina, Sask., second son of John C. Flay, Listowel, to May,• only daughter of the late John C. Burt. DIED CASEnoREr-In Winghain, on May lath, Jas. Casemore, aged 60 years. PE:rPPEN.-In Lower Winghain, nn May 10th, Margaret Sirhpson,relict of the late George Phippen, in her 80th year. gERR.-1n West Wawanosh, on May llth, Margaret M. Mills, wee of Mr Henry J Kerr, aged 82 years and 11 months. Bid Shoe Bargain For Women 49 PAIRS High Blucher and Bal. Shoes, also a few pairs Oxfords, in fine Dongola and Patent Colt Leathers ; regular $2.5o to $4.00 per pair. On sale FRIDAY EVENING ' AT 7 O'CLOCK FOR $1.97 per pair Nothing whatever wrong with these Shoes -simply a clean-up of odds and ends Do not forget the time (THIS) FRIDAY AT SEVEN IN THE EVENING On exhibition in North Window WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE ' STORE. Sole Agents for "Queen Quality" and '• "Victoria" Shoes for women. "Albert" and "Astoria" Shoes for men. 4 GAaauLE,-In ginloss, on May 0th, Thomas William Gamble, aged 30 years, 3 months and 8 days, BI;ArR.-In Cranbrook, on May 0th, Mary Gamble, relect of the late John Blair, aged 98 years, 2 months and 21 days. WARD -In prey, April 295h, Alfred Ward, aged 42 years, 1 month and 24 days. CoULTE8.-In East Wawanosh, on May 17th, Walter Coultes, aged 51 years, 11 months and 11 days, To Horse Breeders, THE NOTED STOOlt HORSE " MAIT }LAND "," Son of Damo, No. 4306, w' be at Lepard's Hotel stables. Wing m, every Tuesday night during the son That Maitland is a nuine stock horse goes without a yi . Many of his colts having gone to e city at long prices, having size, breeding and notion, whioh goes to make up the harnees horse, Farmers and others intending to breed their mares to a light horse should see thio stallion before using any other. JOHN N. SANBORN, PROPRIETOR, Wroxeter TOWN OF WINGHAM COURT OF REVISION. The first sittings of , e Court of Revision, for the rovi='.n of the As- sessment Roll of he own of Wing - ham for the year 1 .9, will he held in the Council Oha...er, on Monday, the 31st day of May, at 8 o'olook p. m. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves according- ly. By order. • J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL ,j The Council of tlJorpooration of the County of Huron; meet in the council chamber in tbs Town of Goderich on the 1st day of June next, at 3 o'alook p. in. All accounts requiring settlement against the county must bo placed with the Clerk on or before Saturday, May 29th, Dated May 18th, 1909. W. LANE, Clerk. Latij Tait, E Osetteeteatat WES T ICE Y EVER QUOTED IN WESTERN ONTARIO WILL BE FOUND ON OUR LARGE CIRCULARS, WHICH ANNOUNCE GRAND OPEN of nearly $14,000.00 worth. of Good Dry Goods $2,000.00 worth of strictly new goods, $7,000 worth of a splendid range of goods bought at 60 cents on the $, and about $5,000.40 worth of the Hanna Stock. THE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST ON EARTH OSIM s ALE The SaI Opens Friday, May list Store will be closed Thursday, lVXay 20th, to rearrange and ticket the goods, Get one of our lame circulars, sure, and come with the crowds. srrr Cs Cr • ri• ft . i' ai v ' e>r i ✓ +/ 't irC, t +tri / ! v1 C / /,7 The bee Hive ROBSON MEROANT1LE 00e II inyhni 4,