HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-05-20, Page 66 Royal �u ID YOU EVER FIGURE THE COST of a single day's baking, •-- the material, fuel,. time and labor ---and consider that it is all wasted if the baking is a failure? Is it economy, then, to use a flour of uncertain quality when a few cents more will buy M Flour —a flour that you can depend upon to produce light, crisp and wholesome bread or pastry? It is made from selected hard wheat, milled by a most modern process which guarantees absolute purity. Royal Household. Flour does not vary in quality -- does not disappoint. 17 Ogllvle Flour Mills Co., Mulled, Montreal, CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. With twenty-two years' experi- ence to its credit this college is recognized as the greatest practical training school in Western ;Ontario. Three departments: Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy. Our classes are the largest, our courses moat practical and our in- structors experienced. Oar gradu- ates are aseieted to positions and encoeed se none others, Enter now. Get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MoLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. 4' CANADIAN Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $76.20 Return from WINGHAM, good going May 20th to Sept. 80. Return limit Oct. 81st. Liberal stop- overs. Wide choice of routes. Go by the direct Canadian line --see your own country —the West, the Rocky Mountains. Visit the Seattle Exposition and other special attractions. Talk it over with J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wingham, Mrs. Patterson of North Bay was caught while crawling under a train and fatally injured. Alex Young & Co. SOME OF THE THINGS YOU WILL NEED THIS SPRING There is no season of the year so fitted for brightening up as the present. Look at the list given below and see if there isn't something you need for spring cleaning, Then look at the price and see if you can afford to overlook this store. MOPS A good Mop is always useful, but just now with the muddy days it is especially so. We have excellent mops at 2 for 25 cents. PAILS Don't be handicapped by a leaky pail, we have pails of all sizes. The following prices should appeal to you. Best Galv Iron Pails 30e. Strong Tin Pails 20e. Good Fibre Pails 30c, 'these are all guaranteed to hold water. Scrub Brushes Our Scrub Brushes are made to stand the hardest kind of work. Strong solutions will not effect their fabric. Price l0c and 13e. Carpet Beaters Times have changed, no more whips or bamboo poles, we now have some durable Carpet Beaters that can be -used by any housewife, any shape for 15e. Step Ladders Hanging pictures, washing woodwork, etc,, all require the use of a stop Iadder, and it is not a pleasant sensation to be on et rickety step ladder, Let us show you some of our good ones. We are agent for Sherwin•Williams' Paints and Varnishes and will be glad to give you figures on "Brightening up" your place inside or out. Come in and talk the hatter over, tf 3 P YOIING'S BIG HARDWARE „1„ r^. r r' (`. r r r y [ [ r tyj( VI 17 I'%rfi.✓:i .:3 ✓ISj .7grifJ .iKy� lL%i I" fg L/, .t S.,rtA 4Y}L 'i .�'l7 'raw W1NUIiAM TIMES, MAY 20, 1909 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our !exchanges, According to what the man is, must you bnrnor hire. Do not in trying to escape from the trite become paradoxical. so A ticltling or dry cough Iran be quickly loosened with Dr. Shoop's Omagh Rem tedy. No opium, no chloroform, nothinti unsafe or hared, Sold at Walley's Drug Store, Cured When Doctors,Eatled. Mr., Felix Vlllenvue, Clarence Creek, Ont., writes: "I was a great sufferer from kidney disease, inflammation of the bowels and liver troubles and doctors could not help me much. Could not sleep, water contained sediment, had frequent desire to urinate and often passed blood. Had dreadful headaches, one side almost paralyzed and was deaf in left err for eight years. Dr. Obase's Kidney -Liver Pills cured me and I am very grateful. I want to thank you." Do not read books alone, but also men --and chiefly yourself. DR. A. W, CHASE'S QR CATARRH RE a ee i � is seCUnt direct to :he diseue• d parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo- A boy leaving school was saying good by to his headmaster. "I owe you everything I know, sir," he said. "My dear boy," was the reply, "don't men- tion such a trifle." Whooping Cough, "In February our daughter had the whooping cough. Mr. Lane, of Hart- land, recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and said it gave his cus- tomers the best of satisfaction. We found it as be said, and can recommend it to anyone having children troubled with whooping cough," says Mrs. A. Goss, of Durand, Mich. For sale by All Druggists. A quiet and pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. David Carruthers, Kinloss, on Wednesday evening, May 5th, when the eldest daughter, Ann Jane was unittd iu the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Rich- ard Creech, Rev. D. T. L. MoKerroll officiated. If your Stomach, Heart or Kidneys are weak, try at least, a few doses only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In five or ten days only, the result will surprise you, A few cents will cover the cost. And here is why help cornea so quickly. Dr. Shoop doesn't drug the Stomaoh, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to the weak and failing nerves. Each organ has its own controlling nerve. When these nerves fail, the depending organs must of necessity falter. This plain, yet vital troth, clearly tells why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is so universally successful. Its sucoess is leading druggists every- where to give it universal preference. A test will surely tell. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. On Wednesday, May 12th, 1909, Mr. and Mrs. G. Richardson, Russell street, Kincardine, celebrated the 68th anniver- sary of their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are a well preserved couple and they have been the recipients of many kindly words and greetings from their friends on this occasion, Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured. "An honored citizen of this town was suffering from a severe attack of dysen- teey. He told a friend if he could ob. twin a bottle of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, he felt confident of being oared, he having used this remedy in the West. He was told that I kept it in stook and lost no time obtaining it, and was promptly cured," says M. J. Leach, druggist, of Wolcott, Vt. For sale by All Druggists. The Ontario Government has deoided that the grant of $25,000 to the Provin- cial winter fair at Guelph should be paid over at once, provided that the additional building is proceeded with, completed and equipped before Deoem- ber at a total cost of $40,000. .,_.....111•111•1=.. ,_1100__, Afflicted for years with a Diseased Liver. Kr. L. R. Devitt, 13eriin, Ont., better known, perhaps, as " /Smallpox Ben," has used MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS Ho hall also used them for bis patisnte when nursing them, and it is a wolf -known fact that mull -pox sufferers mufit keep the bo cels well regulated. Reed what he says -" I have been afflicted ;tor years with a diseased liver, and halls tried all kinds of medicine, but of no trail until about four years isgo I tried your Lexe-Lieft- Pills, and got inetant relief. Since than I have nursed different pptients atHioted with small -pox, and in each case I have need your valuable pills, " wi*hes are that all persons Buffeting with Itamaoh or Iiyer trcubiee will try Mil - barn's Laxa-Lieer Pills. I will adverties these whenever and Wherever I have aq opportunity tad I hope that if at any time I e annot get the pills, I will be' !orteMate estoaggh to get the formula." Milburn a Laxa•Liver Pills Ire 25 cents per Pial ora vials for $1.00, at s11 dealers ee be nailed dbeet by The T. =buds 00., Liositedy 'Toronto, Ont. Henry N. Zinkan, of the firm of H. N. Zinkan & Sons, and formerly of Bow- man & Zinkan, of Southampton, died last week at the age of 72 years, after an illness of two weeks, He was the old- est Metier in Oanada, having been en- gaged in the business for about 55 years. He leaves a widow, three eons and six daughters. The Aloft Common, Cause of Suffering. Rheumatism causes more pain and suffering than any other disease, for the reason that it is the most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to suf- ferers to know that Chamberlain's Liniment will afford relief, and make rest and sleep possible. In many oases the relief from pain, which is at first temporary, has become permanent; while in old people bnbjeot to ohronio rheuma- tism, often brought on by dampness or changes in the weather, a permanent cure cannot be expeot_sbd ; the relief from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its cost. 26 and 50 cent sizes for sale by All Druggists. Marion McLeod, relict of the late Murdoch McLeod, of Ripley, passed peacefully away on Saturday, May 8th, at the ripe, age of 85 years. The deceas- ed has been an invalid, and for many years has been tenderly oared for by her daughter, Miss Margaret. A faith- ful and devout member of the Gaelic Ohnroh, she was a bright example of Christianity. The tender Ieaves of a harmless lung - healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Oongb Remedy its marvelous curative properties. Tight, tinkling, or distressing coughs, gaiokly yield to the healing. soothing notion of this splendid prescription—Dr, Shoop's Cough Rem- edy. And it is so safe and good for children, as well. Containing no opium, chloroform, or other harmful drugs, mothers should in safety always demand Dr. Shoop's. If, other remedies are offered, tell them No! Be your own judge! Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The marriage of Mies May Burt, only daughter of the late John O. Burt, to Mr. Mervyn R. Hay, Regina, Sask.� second son of Mr. John O. Hay, took plane at the residence of the bride, Main St., West, Listowel, on Wednesday, May 121h, at one thirty o'olock, In the presence of the very immediate rela- tives. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. H. Oliver, of Sarnia, assist- ed by the Rev. R. D. Hamilton, of the Listowel Methodist Oharoh. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Hugh Morrison, a former resident of Luoknow and later of Thessalon, Ont. recently underwent a very critical oper- ation in St. Michael's Hospital in Tor- onto whereby a stone between five and six inches in length was removed from one of his kidney,. It is considered by the profession a remarkable case and has attracted a great deal of at- tention in the oity. We are informed there are good prospects for his reoov- ery. Biliousness and Constipation. For years I was troubled with bilione, nos and constipation, which made life miserable for me. My appetite failed me. I lost my usual foroe and vitality, Pepsin preparations and cathartics only made matters worse. I do not know where I should have been to -day had I not tried Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, The tablets relieve the ill feeling at onoe, strengthen the di- gestive functions, purify the stomach, liver and blood, helping the system to do its work naturally. ---Mrs, Rosa Potts, Birmingham, Ala. These tablets are for sale by all druggists. James Boyle and his wife, convicted at Mercer, Pa„ of kidnapping a lad named dilly Whitla and exacting from his parents $10,000 to secure his release, were sentenced last week. The man got imprisonment for life and the wo• man goes to penitentiary for 26 years, besides paying it fine of $5,000. It le bald that both obllapsed completely on bearing their fate. Until recently the penalty for kidnapping in Pennbylennie was 10 years, Thin happened on the lake shore flier not long ago, A Man rushed in froth the oar behind, evidently itt great agita- tion, and laid: "Has anybody in the oar any whiskey? A woman in the oar be- hind has fainted," Instantly dozens of flasks were produced, The roan picked out the largest one. drew the cork, and put the bottle to his lips, With a long satisfied sigh he handed it back and re- marked: That did me a lot of good, I needed it for it always makes hie feel gile8r to tee a wbtnMri feint. 0 While rending a Bible which he pur chased in a seoond hand shop, a Horne Hill, London, gardner named Wallace, recently thrown out of work, came upon two n5 ($25) notes and the following in- aorli.tion: "I gathered this money with great dlffionity, but leaving no relative who is in absolute ueed I make thee, who ever shall read this Bible to be pay heir."' A book on Rheumatism, and a trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy—liquid or Tablets.—is being sent free to sufferers by Dr. Shoop, of Roiue, Wis You that are well, get this rook for sora, disoowraged, dig• heartened sufferer! Do a simple sot of humanity! Point oat this way to (nick and certain relief 1 Surprise some guff erer, by first getting from me the book- let and the test. He will appreciate your aid. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. As a"gentleman was having his lunch- eon in the coffee room of a Birmingham hotel he became irritated at another visitor, who daring the whole of tbe meal stood with his bank to the fire, taking up most of the heat, and watoh• ing hien partake of his repast, At length the man at the table rang the bell and said: "Waiter, kindly turn that gentle. man round; I think he is done on that side," The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfeot oough medioine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. There is no snooeeaion duty on an estate that doesn't exceed $10,000. The Sncoession Duty Act says no duty shall be leviable on any estate of the value of which doesn't exceed $10,000. It also says that no sncoessign duty shall be levied on property passing to a father, mother, husband, wife, child, daughter. in-law or son-iu-law, where the aggre- gate value of the property so passing doesn't exceed $50,000. STATE OF OHIO, CIT---- Y OF TOL- 66 EDO, LUCAS COUNTY Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, end that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that can- not be oared by the use of Hall's Ca. tarrh Oure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (SEAL) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter. nally, and ants directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for teatimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 750, Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. William Reid Kent, Orangeville, was injured• in the Oaledon wreck on September 3. 1907. Kent, who held an accident policy with the Ocean Acci- dent & Guarantee Corporation, re- ceived $425 on his policy, for whioh he gave the company a receipt as a full settlement of his claire. His injuries, however, proved more severe than he anticipated and he brought action to recover $2,600, leas the amount paid, $425. Mr. Justice Mute, who tried the case at Orangeville, allows Mr. Kent $1,260 and costs.—Toronto News. A pain prescription is printed upon each 25o. box of Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tab- lets. Ask your Doctor or Druggist if this formula is not complete. Pain means congestion, blood pressure. Head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere gets instant relief frgm a Pink Pain Tablet. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Wilfrid Bishop, clerk in the Ottawa postoil:Ice, bas been arrested on a charge of stealing lettere. Doan's Kidney Pills sot on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organa only. They ours baokaohes, weak bank, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, intimation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the Iddneys and bladder Friday morning, the 7th inst., in her eightieth year, one of the old settlers of Stanley in the person of Margaret Mo - Gill, reliot of the late Malcolm Smith paused over to the silent majority. Her husband died about fourteen years ago. She and her husband settled 55 or 66 yearn ago, on the farm where she died, viz, lots 6, 7 and 8, con. 6, and cleared the broad acres now 000upied by their obildren, They we're typtoal of the sturdy race of pioneers who fifty to eovonty years ago settled in the woods and laid the foundation for the pros- perity enjoyed in this country to -day. The following figures are gleaned from the roll of the assessor of Seaforth, fir, Wm. Ballantyne, for 1909; Total assessment, $899,087, which Inoludes churches and schools; total value of real estate, $163,785; total value of buildings, $639,850; business assessment liable far general tax, $G9,662; business tax liable Sor eohool tax only, $24,000; inoome tax, $11,900; taxable real pro- perty, $722,136; liable for school tax only, $22,000; liable for local improve` went tax only, $49,000; total eohool population, 668; total population, 2,140; numbs# of doge, 87; value of ohnroh property, Presbyterian, $15,600; Meths. diet, $13,400; Oatholio, $14,800; Arlen Oen, $4,600; Salvation Army, $700; aeeeesed value of town property ---town halt, weigh melee and grounds, $16,006; waterworks, $18,000; hose, hose reels, etc., $3,500; weigh coulee at station, $200; public school, $9,500; Separate school, $8,000; Collegiate Inetitate, $12,000; pablie library, $3,000; total town property, $56,200, TWENTY YEARS AGO Local History of the early 80s. Items from the "Times" tyles, (From the Tisurs of May 17, 1889 ) LOCAL NEWS. The builders have commenced tbe brink work on Bell'a addition to hie factory. Messrs. Scott & Jones, of Listowel, shipped four oar Ioads of cattle at the G. T. R. station on Thursday. Mr. N T. Ritchie, land surveyor and civil engineer, of Kinoardine, has opened an office in Wingham, upstairs in J. A. Morton's law oflies. Mr. James Scott, late of Lanarkshire, Scotland has begun the study of dentis- try with Mr. J. S Jerome, in Wingham. Assessor Foster bas returned bis roll to the clerk. Wingham', total assess. meat this year is as follows: Real Es• tate, $439,626; pere.enal property, $64,. 685; inoome, $13,400; total, $517,712, Last year's revised assessment was $500,855, Mr. B. Wilson is having a fence erect. ed b ,tween his fine property and the Presbyterian church property. Mr. George P. Matheson, formerly of Wingham, died at Sarnia recently. He had an ulcerated tooth extracted, which resulted in blood poisoning, and caused death ie a short time. Programmes have been issued for the 24th of May celebration and the attrao- tione are suffroiently numerous and varied to afford a splendid day's enjoy - meat to all. BLDEVAT,E. At a meeting of Court Douglas, No, 27, 0, O. F , ore Wednesday evening, the following officers were installed by H. 0 R. Robert Elliott and H. Treas. John Neelands, of Wingham: 0 R., W, J. Johneton; v. C. R., T. J, Dillon; Chap , W. F. Smith; R. 5 , J. Burgeon F. 5., Jas. Elliot; Treas., G. Aitohison; S. W., J. Messer; J. W , A. Gray; S. B„ ,T. Gardner; J. 13., A. Jackson. Bro. John R. Miller• was elected as Representative to the High Court, OLENFARRO'W, After a lingering illness of about two years, Mrs. Jas, Henning, one of our most reepeoted citizens, passed away on Monday, the 13th inet. She was a good neighbor, a kind and indulgent parent and will be long and favorably remembered by ail who knew her, DEATHS. McKenzie,—In Kinloss, on the 7th inat., Mr. R oderiok McKenzie, aged 52. years. Murray.—At Langside, on the 4th s4 inst., Mrs. John Murray, aged 81 years. Henning.—In Turnberry, on the 13th inst., Mary Henning, relict of the late Jas. Henning, aged 63 years. 4C .4 £t TC) M141.2%.* 13ears the ,,+ The KM Yiu Have Always Bess 6ignatare of A large rook crashed down on a O. P, R. train on a mountainous notion between Madams and Kippewa. The engine was smashed, but the train for- tunately remained on the rails. C1 A IS T Cit IX X -EL Beare the ,y The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature • of Hon. L. P. Brodeur aooused the On. tarso Minister of Pablio Works of breaoh of faith in the Howse for publishing the fisheries regulatione in the treaty be- tween Canada and the United States. -1111_ SPRING MEDICINE. As a spring medioinoe Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired weary feeling so prevalent in the spring An Illinois editor began his oareer 25 years ago with only 15 Dents and is now rated at $100,000. This vast aoonmu- latien of wealth was made possible by his frugality,etriot attention to business, hard and incessant work, and the foot that a rioh uncle died leaving him $99,- 998.54. For a burn or scald apply Chamber- lain's Salve. It will allay the pain al- most instantly and quickly heal the in- jured parts, For sale by all druggists. Wm. Buttery passed away at his residence on the 7th of Kincardine, at the advanced age of 84 years, Deceased was born in Lincolnshire and came to Canada as a young man in 1842. He mottled first in Toronto where he resided for 27 years. He came to Kincardine from Toronto and settled on the 9th, re- maining there for two years- He then moved to Tiverton for three years, While on the 9th he was married to Mise DeLilah Siddon, of Kinoardine township. The union was blessed by one son, William, and one daughter, both of whom reside at home with the bereaved mother. Mr. Buttery also lived in Efowick for 16 years and had only resided on the 7th oonoession for about four years. TBE LADIES' FAVORITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorit medicine. They mere Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness,• and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. The death of Mr, Joseph Marlin Smith aged 74 years and 4 months, 000urred at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Jas. Turnbull, Durham street. Kincardine, on Monday, May 10th. Deceased had been in good health until abont two weeks ago when he wise seized with a stroke of paralysis which proved fatal, Mr. Smith was born at Stanstead Plalna, Quebeo,and was a thorough Canadian, the land of his birth always being a pride to him. He married Miss Sarah Aldridge, of Maryborough, township of Waileoe. The family surviving ooneiat of Mrs. James Turnbull, Kincardine, with whom he lived; John, of Boston, Mass.; Minnie, of London, Ont., and Sylvester, of Brantford. Deceased was a man of quiet, unostentatious manner. In politics be was a Liberal and in re- ligion et member of the Anglican eharoh. CSA.15i'a:'C) 3rt. Z,A., Bears the The Kind You Hare Always Bought Signature of Nature's Remedy La grippe, pneumonia and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with OXYGENATOR "Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier Cures All Germ Diseases" FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS THE OXYGENATOR CO., 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont. L An old-fashioned, ill -working furnace is a non- producer. It consumes the coal, but through leaks and cracks wastes the heat. It is not economy to have such a furnace in your own home, or in your tenant's home. If you are thinking ofbuilding you should be inter- ested in Sunshine Furnace, It adds 100 per cent. to home comforts, .As soon as you let the contract for your house decide on your furnace. The " Sunshine " man will be pleased to tell you just how the rooms ought to be laid out with an eye to securing greatest heat from the smallest consumption of coal. If you want to eitperiment with the question don't specify "Sunshine. " If you want to settle the question specify " Sunshine." 4d ?OR SA LB BY .1. G. ST WA.. ,P & CO, - WflIGEAM.