HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-05-20, Page 4f 4 THE WINGIIA TIMES, 7/AY 20, 1909 TO ADVERTISERS *Woo ot ohaoges Amet be tett at this Wane not later thane Saturday noon. The copy for changes menet be left ' not later than Monday evening. Oasual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday at eaoh week. ESTA1iI,ISUBD l$7i1 Tut WINUAIII TIMES. • R. I ,11I41.,1OTT. Punmsn on ♦i`rnpaiapiunToa THURSDAY, MAY 20. 1000. NOTES AND COMMENTS Roe Dr. Pugsley expects to make. next month, a. departmental tour of in- lepeation of public works now under Way in various parts of the Doolinion, going ahrottgh to the Pacific coa4t. Hon. Jaegilea Bureau, Solioitor-General, will ala° matte is tour of inspeoton of pent- tentiaries throughout the Dominion, A newodeeler iii Chesiey ordered 3$ cruel daily papers containing u re- port of the ILinrusde wavier and sold ever.; onlay; He ordered au equal number, containing u report of the Laymen's Missionary Convention and did not sell one. The devil Deems to have the grip on the masses, 'tis the opinion o! many, but thou Ohesley may not be a criterion. CONVICT FARM$, Montreal Star. Mr. E. N Lewis coulee in for coneider- able oritioism because of the prolific manner in which he produces billy to which the Ronne of Commons pays little attention. But very often the criticism would be :novo justly directed et the ooneervative and stiok•in-the-mud Oozumoners than • at the enterprising member who is not afraid to embody a new idea in a bill and give it the sarao- taan of his name. Hie latest idea is the eetabliehiuent of convict farms in Northern Ontario and Quebeo. Of course, the Commons will not piss it. It must be a Gevornmc'nt measure in any ouse, as it implies the expenditure of public money; and Canadian Govern- ments, from whichever party they oome, are usually so slow in taking up a new idea that they would make a tortoise nervous. But would it not be a capital idea to put convicts to work on isolated farms? The products of their labor would not interfere with the prices which houest workmen caa get for their work because the little farm etuif they would produce would not weigh a hair in the immense agricultural markets. Then the quiet, rural surroundings, the freeh air, the comparative freedom, the good food and good exercise, would nil be splendid moral agente for the reformation of the convict -by -accident or through adverse oircumstances, Cleveland has a prison - ere' farm near the oity which works wonders in the mot) of its minor prison- ers; and there is no reason why a natloual convicts' farm would not be eqaally helpful. Moreover, it could easily be made self-sustaining, and so relieve the shoulders of honest workmen of the burden of supporting idle criminals. The need for closer personal relations betweyp the three great overseas domin- ions of the empire-Cenada, Actstralia and 'Naw Zealand -the loyalty to British traditioue and the empire as a whole were the dominant notes of the speeches delivered at the banquet ten- dered the Anst'taliau and New Zealand dela gates to the Imperial Press Confer- ence at the National Club in Toronto on Monday night. The Senate adopted a novel way of dodging the proposal to reform itself. When Hon. R. W. Soott's measure came up Eiondey Senator Domville suggested that tie debate be adjourned until Thursday, which is a holiday at Ottawa. This being remarked upon, Senator Doraville suggested adjournment till Friday, and thie was carried. Perlia- ment, however, will prorogue two days before that date. Trade returns of the Dominion for April, the first month of the fiscal year, showa continued improvement. The total trade for the month amounted to $34,998,854, an increase of $4,028,207, over April of last year. Imports for the month totalled $22,581,673, an in- crease of 02,609,075. Exports totalled $11,862,737, an improvement of $t,07,- 969. The oustoins duty collected amounted to $3,788,480 being a better- ment of $490.739. The oontraot for Provincial print- ing for the five years from July 1 next has been awarded to the Meth- odist Beck Room, while the eontrect for the ruling, printing and binding for a like period ie awarded to the firm of E. H. Harcourt & Company. The contracts were in both oases award- ed to the lowest tenderer. Hon. A. J. Matheson, who made the announce- ment, said the Province would save approximately $28,000 per annum on the new con%racts over the existing figures. The present contract with the firm of Warwick Bros. & Rutter ter- minates on June 30th, Ear. Thomas Mulvey, E. C., Aesistaut Provinoial Secretary for Ontario, is shortly to become the Under•Secretary of State for Canada, in snocesolon to the present Under Secretary, Mr. Joseph Pope, who is to become Under -Score• tary for the new Department of Extern- al Affairs. In °selecting air, Mulvey for the poet the Government has acgrtred one of the moat eilieient civil nervents of the Onteri.; Gavernuaont, who, in addition to hie executive ability, will be of specie' nee to the State Depart- went on account of has experience and Icgel knowlecge i.a ouministecieg the companies and naturalization acts, and ire setting questions aff.^_ctiog Provir.tc..iol . and Federal jurisdiction. A QUESTION OF HEALTH Without Rich, Red Blood you can not he Healthy ---How to Obtain This Blessing, IC every woman and young girl would realize the danger of allowing the blood to be become thin and poor, would un- derstand that the Majority of common diseasee are caused by an apaemio (or bloodless) oonditieu, that persist- ent pallor means that the blood is not furnishing the organs with the required amount of noitrishmont, there would be awakened interest in the tonic treatment with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Thin blood menus etarved nerves, wveakenrd digestion, functional dieorders, head- aches, frequently neuralgia, sciatica and even partied paralysis, Dr. Wilhelm' Pink Pills build up the blood, repair waste and preveut and 'Check disease. They fill the system wi ii rich, red blood which meene good he th and life. Mies Merle Din , St. Angele, Que., says: -"I am d grateful for what Dr, Williams' k Pills have done for me. My blood had almost turned to water. I was pale, had no appetite, suffered from pains in the back and side, and had a feeling of constant de- pression. The smallest exertion would leave me breathless, and I was rednoed in flesh until I weighed only 98 pounds. I got nothing to help me until I began the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. They begun helping me after the first couple of weeks, and in a few weeks more I was again perfectly well, The color returned to my cheeks, the pains left me, and I gained in weight until now I weigh 130 pounds. I feel eo;Nippy for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pille have done for me that I hope some other ail- ing, miserable girl will profit by my experience and obtain new health," These Pills are eold by alt mediotne dealers or you can get them by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Poor Quality of Nay, Hay dealers in Montreal state that that there has been deterioration in the quality of Canadian hay of late years, and suggests that the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture could render im- mense help to the trade by instrnoting the farmer in the proper methods of saving and bailing hay. The hay crop at Canada is veined at $121,884,000, and its improvement by a proper system of curing and bailing, it is thought, can be enhanced in value by 25 per Dent., which which world increase it from $121,884,000 to a total of $152,355,000. The Trade Bulletin is of the opinion that the experiment of issuing instruc- tions totheproper to farmers as p oper method of saving and bailing their hay is worth trying on the part of the Government, especially ee muoh weighty results hang upon it. "Tile Inveester" in Setnrdey Night give's an idea of the vast railway de- velopment that is is progrp:.s in the Canadian Went. He write -e: It is ex- peeted that over :;25,000.000 will be cap:llenge this year by the railc,cgr in eonrtrncting lines in Wentern 0 t.'. The budget for ca+nolruction prepas a by the Canadian Pacific calls for en expenditure of '$20,000,009, the (1,tn ,, (lion �7o tir:rn is to expeed fully ei1,. 000:000, the major portion of which. ••,i;1 be ni tho interest of its extension to the coact, and Jcmcr J Hill has °.Anglais'N•1 construction plans which v ill l a s aa. other $15 O90,009 to b' exfe°deal on the Goat Nartlaern in the makkinq of the fourth trunk line trona Winnipeg to the Pacific Casket. Almost as prea: e pada w,a'a be expended by the Grand Trunk. 1°'el:Ctic an its march to the coast, and a 1; a"a r.::iza is to be used by this company .n,� in 1,n'alaiah,., branch lines At least Cbree brsnches• gill be built by this read from its ;villa, Sisk , ono northwesterly to • Prince Albert, is .eoonal nertherestetly to Ilndeon Bey, met, A thi':;d to the 'Unit. td States loonaery thtetigli hemi°,, The remainder of tli hticnbit -d $85,- (0003,000 will he stoat:011 by many tom.' pantos which have'Weintly been organ - t eel to built; abort roads.. America's Cocoa Consumption. The imports of crude cocoa into the United Staten in the calendar year 1908 amounted to 97,419,700 pounds, valued et $12,909,836. The imports the year previous were 912,147 pounds less, but the total vaine was $2,155,743 greater, In other words the market vaine of the cocoa imports dropped from 17e cents per pound in 1907 to 13;.3 Dents in 1908. The United States is the Iargest consumer of cooca, the world output of which is about 340,000,000 pounds. The leading countries supplying the Ameri- can markets are the British West In- dies, which sent 27,945,871 pounds in 1908, while 17,026,116 pounds name from elsewhere in the West Indies and Ber- muda; Brazil furnished 15,301,524 pounds, while 18,773,986 pounds came from elsewhere in South America. Crude cootie ranks an twenty-fifth in importance of merchandise into the United States. ettteeeeteeetlerstets 915 t. Ii' 1 w': 51. C�R�9 eta 'Tr The Rock of Moses. According to R. 3. Robinson in the Strand Magazine, the "Rook of Mesta" lies in the wild valley of the Leja at the bites of Jebel Musa, the Mount of the Law, in the peninsula of Sinai. The ' rook le eighteen or twenty feet high, slightly inolined, a 'tough indentation over each side, whioh is intersected here and there with slits, and the atone is worn away in planes as if from the abate of running water. It is beyond doabt the oldest known legendary object in the vicinity. The Foran refers to this rook more than once, and from these allusions arose the reverence of the Bedouins, who hold it sacred: From the Middle Ages onward it has boon visited by Christian pilgrims, who has carved rude croae3s on its oidea. oe all the objeots in the depart it le most °loco• ly bound up with the simple faith of its wild inhabitants and of its early visi- tants. Cause for Relief. An Alabama man tells of an unique funeral °yeti=n delivered in a town of that State not lor:g ago by a darky ;;.(•sella: It ocomo that the habits of the de- eoaeed brother had not been irre. proachabl'e to the great scandal of the worthy pastor of the flock. So, in cum- ! ming up the coxa at the funeral, the .,• ,aeier delivered himself of the follow- ing: "My brethren and sisters, we are here to pray oar last rad reopeoi3 to our de- parted brother. Some say he was a bed ascan, end orae o,y ho viaao a good man. \;w here he has gone to bre can't tell, but in our grief crc• hevo 0!13 ; 0..,3'h lion, a i1 that is --he's dead." Workmen digging in a peach orchard t Nlsa,pnre, [Punt,. N. Y., !otr_d a pit sog about fifty human skeletons. l 1rwr rivaranen were drewucd Esrd e cEa' -r of others had narrow escapes A. ) running the repine in Petaw:.w . IbtV"+.e a,nn r 5 Cliiul5 • E1��9 i9 5m6u III MI Queens Who Smoke. No fact in modern social life is more striking than that so many of the Queens of Europe find es much solace in tobacco as men do. The striking ex- ception to this rule is Queen Alexan- dra, who has never smoked. In this respect she is different from. her sitter, the Dowager Empress of Russia, for the latter smokes a good many cigar- ettes a day. Another queenly smoker is the Queen of Romania, the highly acoompIished Carmen Sylvia. Tile Queen Mother of Spain, as King Al- fonso's mother is still called, is an- other smoker of cigarettes, as is the widowed Queen of Portugal, who con- trary to what might be expected in.a resident of southern Europe prefers Russian tobacco to any other. 91 41819 1•nna n6,. 56n. , .r FURNITURE • DEALER e a. ria n . n .r■ ■ re r P FURNITURE Special 30 Days' Sale EIBUIMMIEMEAcimusTASY PARLOR SUITES SIDEBOARDS PARLOR CHAIRS (odd pieces) BEDROOM SUITES COUCHES EXTENSION TABLES SPRINGS and MATTRESSES We bave a pretty fall stock and . refer the money to the goods. If you have the mone an • want to exchange it for anything in the furniture lino gei speclat good value, the opportunity is yours now, Come and we will do our best to deal with you on SPECIAL TERMS for 30 days. Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Brass Extension Rods for doors and windows, Stair Pads and Carpet Paper. Baby Carriages and Go Carts kept in stock. We make a specialty of repairing and upholstering sofas, couches, chairs, etc.; also of picture framing. WE ARE AGENT FOR THE NEW SCALE-WILLIAMS PIANOS and can give you some special inducements in this line. Call and see what we can offer you. 4D ACE AND PRACTICAL UNDERTAKER. p■ ■ ■•ane o n s■ pan•nwr rrdar6■ru�rr.rrrdvwrrnr■oe�iir■a.cur�iirG""-` '_ GiiaiYr�.�r■ura�■6arroarrorrrn A farmer at Aiehy, South Lincoln- shire, has a stack of vi heat which, has been stranding in his yard for thirty years. It is understood that he made a vow not to sell under 60s a quarter, vahich wheat has never sine attained, Although the stack is black with age the grain is acid t:a be in exoelient c.n- dition. The Curler, Bowler and Golfer Melga zine, pnbiiahed uaader the petronae,e of the Ontario Bowling Association, the Western Ontario Bowling Asatoi'wtion, the Dominion Bowling Association and the Ontario Curling Association, has ahem ed hands, th0 purchaser being Err. W. J. Tay ior, of Woodstock, Oa- torio, the publisher of Canada's t \,„o leading sportemon'a magazines, The Rod and Gun Magazine and The Motor Mazine of Canada. 111 11 9 e 5 5 ri r::15na �kll: Ir, 5'6115 541 111 51119 Ci�L19 51'1115 .. nil. 51119 ■ nIn■ 511185 inn■ 5,1119 5111111 1 511111• 91809 5 5 5 44. y 1112 olose to 1,500 pounds, eaoh going at the latter price. Choice butcher cattle were steady to firm around $5,35 to $5.50 for pioked ex- tra, choice heifers and steers. The ordin- ary run of fair to good butcher steady around $4.75 to 0, Common to inferior mixed butcher enttle steady to easier at 10e to 15o lower than a week ago, Good feeding cattle are scarce and firm at $4 80 to $5. Hage -The market is firmer, and prob- ably 150 higher than last week. The run was 52 loads, with 1,090 head of cattle, 20 sheep and lambs, 25 hogs, and 87 calves, The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle-- Por 100 lbs. Choice $6 75 $6 25 Medium 5 00 , 5 50 Bells 4 50 4 75 Light 3 75 4 00 Cows 4 25 4 50 Feeders- best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 25 4 50 Stockers choice 2 75 3 00 bulls .. 1 50 2 00 Eutobers'- Pioked 5 25 5 40 adedium 4 60 5 00 Cows........ 3 25 4 50 Bulls 2 00 2 60 Hogs -- Best „ 7 75 Lights 7 50 Sheep -- Export ewes 5 00 6 00 Bucks 4 00 5 00 Calle 2 50 3 25 Spring Lambs each.. 4 00 6 50 Calves. eaoh. 800 6 50 a.ive Steels Eat roots. Utaioa Stook Ya.da, Toronto, May 17. --Thera were 52 caro of etnck at toes° yards to•dey but not ala of. these were "on the market." In other words, some o! thcm, t a"ttcu".ar-r. f export cattle, wore fold over for Tuesday's tnarhet, ii, frrtheranoe of the effort by the uaow Stook Yards Company on run their liar. lots on the same days as the City Cattle °farbet (Lys. Of the cattle on the mar - het for Dale to -day, there appeared to ba quite ppon1y for the day's a?a.nai;altUe, Bootlaces in fact was is little clow, Land not mach life to it. Ptidl s, however, do sit CI;i3M0, to have et seal any in r;Jaiparl an with the pri'ao going lest weak, nov.,z Of the but:114:4s lar,, veil snppilea from r attt rather her. -. bop. ing, and the'delnfaud for botcher eetile Woo slovi-43 z caa tide aao ornt. There fa r4 goad demand for claoiee ex port cattle, end this demand was met by j the offering of carilo vc.trY claaica gatntlity cattle. A couple of lends e2 lino cteso sold at$6 40. A part ofd tont of extra Molts heavy export colts mat at to 0645, it donple of line °owe weigIdra WXNG ElfAl4'l. MA11K li mii'OIiTS Wiiighem, Miry 19th, 1909. Flat r per 1001bs.... 8 10 to 3 50 Fall Wheat 1 25 to 1 25 Oats, 0 45 to 0 48 Barley .... 0 50 to 0 55 Peas ..,..... 0 85 to 0 85 Butter dairy „, .., .... 0 18 to 0 18 Eesti per dos 0 18 to 0 18 Wood per cord . 2 50 to 2 50 Hay , per ton 8 00 to 9 00 040 to 040 017 to 017 750 to 760 Potatoes, per bashes, Lard ... . Live Hogs, per cwt. le -10CERY I Our business is inereasing every day, and we wish to thank the people of town and ,surrounding country for their -patronage. C why n5 it: Because we keep the best goods at right prices. r = i�,� M ICE We also iettenea i.- eve Ice Cream, and hope to give per. feet satisfaction in this line. We want Choice Butter and Fresh ItIgge. J. T. LENNOX. ThoNg 139.. Adbrey Ward, arrested in Detroit for bigamy, confessed his guilt and consent- ed to return to London, Ont., for trial without extradition. eakeeteesesfeleteleteteltdoeleaffteateleteeeetee 1' 4. Royal Grocery .t• �i- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4, 4. 4. PINEAPPLES This is the week for Pineapples, call• and see. our stock and get pries before buying. ALSO CABBAGE Now in stock, fine large heads. Remember we $ keep nothing but the best. H Our Teas and Coffees Lead 1 � Bananas and Oranges + Always in stock. + ---- .1. MALGOLITS '1e. Produce Taken. Phone 54. ++++++4.+++.4*+4•4. At 11 Agaies Having purchased the Grocery Business formerly owned by J. T, La onb w m si• u e i e to inform t y, d elm he people of Wingham and vicinity that we are prepared to supply all kinds of FIRST-CLASS GR CERINS AT REASONABLE PRICES, WE ALSO INTEND TO SERVE ICE CREAM and having before gained a favor- able reputation in this line, we solicit a share of your patronage. Fruits of all kinds ill season. D. Le RUSH. CASK FOR EGOS. Phone 9, Buz Nt+t, ZK:q Yf IM68 6 The lualeiClialed "riilhen;,rorr-rrvirarenhis prom i ,est, Lot 18, Con. 1, INtor'rie, (Blnovale 11oadi a trorouctitbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms $1, to bo paid et time of service. T. H. 1.I1etillE1;$o14, Wingham, P. 0, imminimetwoomponammisommomaimpoommomeows The People's Popular Store WINOHAM, - ONT. Agents - Ladies Home Journal KERR & BIRD Agents - Home Journal Patterns Great Smashing of Pries —IN THE— Chip:+pare DeparImnt 100011.1.11141 ONE WEEK OLYMY 25 TJ 29 MIIMIMMMM MMISIMIGMMIMMOMIMIMIMMMIN 1 Dinner Set, printed, 91. pieces, reg $6,50 for 1 week $3.24 1 Dinner Set, printed, 95 pieces, reg........., 6.50 for 1 week '3.7b 2 Dinner Sets, printed, 97 pieces, reg .. 6 50 for 1 week 3,98 2 Dinner Sets, printed, 97 pieces. reg 7,00 for 1 week 4.79 2 Dinner Sets, decorated and gold stippled, reg9,00 for 1 weak 5.98 1 Dinner Set, decorated and gold stippled, reg, 12.00 for 1 week 7,08 It you want a Set of Dishes you know what to do after reading this advertisement. FAN?. 'Y LAMPS. Tremendous drop in prices for one week only— May 25 to 29. Large Fancy Lamp, regular price .84.50 special price $3,38 Large Laney Lamp, regular price 2.50 special price 1.88 Medium Fancy Lamp, regular price 2.25 special price 1.69 Medium Fancy Lamp, regular price 2.00 special price 1.49 Medium Fancy, Lamp, regular price 1.25 special price ,94 Sale commences 'Tuesday morning, May 25th, and closes Saturday alight, May 29th, 1909, 0 TERMS SPOT CASH OR TRADE. EARLY FOR FIRST CHOICE. 'yy'' ;,4 �t:•1°F. 4 .'�i:T.9��1.-.,:' d.. -..a -t.. .. cxrttrr,.:.���,i to r.;e:ututd VVvyvvvVVWWWW a° vvvvy Yvvafwa mold AAAAAAAMA AAAaNC� ,lt1AA ' c c c c c c PHONE 27. PHONE 27. } Lawn Mowrsq Lawn Hum iw Rees Call and see our Lawn Mowers. We have a complete stock on hand and PRICES LOWER THAN EVER, MURESCO--- The king of all wall finishes—no dearer than other makes, but just the best. Ask your painter about it DUSTBANE -a■C, Ladies, tall and secure a free sample of this sweeping compound. Keeps down dust—brightens up the earpet—kills moth germs, and does away with dusty Friday. Live and learn to burn LEHIGH VALLEY COAL All sizes in stook. OPPOSITE QUEEN'S r AAhA/eAottetA?sltAAA �:e.Ocete Aa .A/Cs'ea4sQ MdamlIMMINOMMIIMmI HOTEL. R FAO 3' F tiaettattettetStAlattleattleaeWeetteetiatees Lumber, S111114689 Lath, Fence Stays, Cedar Posts, etc. at reasonable prices at THE MILL IN THE ALPS. Give tie a call, or write ns, before ordering anything in onr line. .TAS. WILSON Lot 32, Con. 2, Culross. P. 0. Address : Box 278, Winelieln Township of East Wavvansh .Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assessment ;doll of the Town- ship of East viawanosla will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Beljirave, on Tuesday the 2511 day of May, at 10 o'clock a.m. for the purpose of hearing anal settling complaints against the said Aesestmeet roll. All persons interested in said const airs hereby notified to attend Aux POT 11tRP+IT:Lr), Clerk. Marnoch, May 1011, 1000. NOTICE. COURT OF REVISION. The Court for the Revision of the Assess. ment Roll of the Township of ruri+',terry will be held in the Township 'Merit's Office. Blue, vale, on Monday the Met dal' of May neat at two o'clock p. m, All parties interested Will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By order JOHN BURGESS. Clerk, Turnberry, May 10th, 1000. $1.00 Wheat lideans good times - The farmer pays for all. Whore he is prosperous All other businesses aro bnaiii �l. The winter is nearly over -•- Spring is oleos at hand, You have decided to s:_:cve to W ingham-- But there aro practically aro envy houses. It will pay you to buy ono. We have studied the+ aituath tt. Prices are certain to advance Within the next Yew months. Call and sec aa. Wo can convince yen. Wo have the proofs- Also roofs -Alao a good list of ad nirc li! parties Either in, or near, tele, u At right prime, Money to Ioan on Paean e rates, Ritchie & � l REAL ESTATE & INSUIIAsOIJe; WINi3IiAlai • ON1r,