HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-05-20, Page 3TUE WINGHAM TIMES, MAT 20, 190 ne 06 es tli3 CO rk 13 Li SO ti13Ita CI 9B8 Head Office, Iitamiltoa, 1 By all who are . employed, the possibility of tempor- ary lack of employment must be recognized. . F, from any cause, your present employer were com- pelled to close down, where would you, personally, stand? Dependent on relative or friend for support or cash accomodation? The prospect is as uninviting as it is unnecessary. Be prudent, and, through prudence, be Independent, Lay aside in the safe custody of a chartered Savings Bank, a small regular sum from your income. The small amount now wasted on unnecessary trifles, is sufficient. It is remarkable how such deposits grow—if regularly made. It is surprising the satisfaction that comes from saving, and watching the total grow. THE B NK OF HAMILTON is primarily and essent- tially a Savings Bank; and, having established a maxuim of sim- plicity and convenience in this branch of its business, it is gen- erally selected by those desiring a bank for the care of small, steady Savings. An enquiry for the Manager will bring personal attention to the routine of opening a new Saving Account. e BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, Agent. -- f Neves.f'!tt1WefirlfleltettVetettr'r►'`terlre!et yvvvvy***IryVetere* w1"Ye **levet* .SKIRTS MADE TO ORDERII We are now handling the noted G. & F. Dress Skirt for Ladies. We have a nice line of sample skirts on d hand, and are prepared to get you any skirt you 4 desire, expressly made for you to your measurements, in two to three days. We guarantee you a good fit. These Skirts are well shrunk, and silk stitched. throughout. Come and try them. 4 .41 About White Blouses, 4 4 4 3 3 We are safe in saying we have a stock of Ladies' White Lawn and Silk Shirt Waists that is hard to 4 equal, and cannot be surpassed at the price. Every body who has examined them says they are very v. beautiful and very cheap. Fine Lawn, Tucks, . Lace i and Embroidery, with either short or Iong sleeves, make up a tempting assortment, ranging from $1.00 4 to $2.50. 4 a Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums 3 3 4 4 4 We have put in a beautiful assortment of new Velvet,'4 Brussels and Tapestry Rugs at very reasonable prices, a in handsome patterns and colors; come and have a i look at them. Also marry Carpet Ends to be cleared out at less than half price: And a good stock of 4 Linoleums in floral and conventional designs There's a genuine bargain in Curtain Muslin, White Striped, with trill, 38 in. wide, regular 25C per yard, for 15c renis. T. A. M1LLS PAON= 89. WI N'GRAM, CWT. sit i a 4 r 4 bThe imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Drum• 4 urls t hid" will make the season of 1009 as 4 follows: - 4 B1nelrile for Wt alter leave tis, cone 2,sMorris, for night, Tuesday—To oleo. Mcl+arlan0't, 1% miles north of Brussels gravel road, for 4 noon; and by way of Dstnean's sideroad to tl Thbs. Warwick's, eon. 8, Morris, for night. tl Wednesday—To. - T0. JaA. h T3 eddo ' ria con. 4 Morris, for noon; then two hours at Robt. Nioholson's and to Jos Miller's, eon. 8, Morris for night. Thursday -.To Jas dolley's, gravel 4 road, for noon; then to John Menzies, con. 10, M East Whwanosh, for night. F'ridtsy--•To S. 11M -chill's, con. 18, East WaWano,h, for noon ; then to Dennis' feed stable, opposite Cement Works, tle'lurieeSeitlio nes 9sbBei lndrpn hi Monday W. neon. KING, Proprietor and Manager. VICTORIA DAY EXCURSIONS Return tickets at single fare bet. ween all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mioh., Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. Good going May 21, 22, 23, 24 Re. turn limit May 26th, 1909, mousnoramoosammalsoirmarmew A, Y. P, EXPOSITION SEATTLE Very low rate in effeot May 20th, 1909. MOO V101•1•010.0 For full Information as to rates, routes, etc., apply to W. Henry, Depot Agent. or address J. A Mo. Donald, D. P A., Toronto, POPULAR STALLIONS The imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Mascot" will make the season of 1009 as follows:— Monday—Leave his owner's stable, Bluevale. for Prank Wright's, Jr., 44 miles north of Jamestown, for noon; and to Currie's hotel, Wroxeter,for night. 9.'uesday--To Kirton Bros., con, 6, Turnberry, for noon; and to his own- er's stable.l3lnevale, for night. Wednesday— To Wm. Elston's con. 2, Morris, for noon, then to his owner's stable, Bluevale, for night and remain until Thursday noon. Thursday—At noon leave for Dennis' feed stable, opposite Cement ox,eor niht. Friday .liioirsns eon.7,Turnerr for noon, and to Wingham for night, Satur- day—TO his owner's stable, Bluevale, and re- main until following Monday morning. 3. W. Rina, D. MoPmm�eorr, Proprietor. Manager, Straight Talk on Danger of Colds Let your cold gain headway and you can't steep it from running into Catarrh. Catarrh never Stays In the same place —it travels down into the Iungs, then it's to late! Drive colds and catarrh right out of your eyatem while you have the chance. Easily one by inhaling Cetarncoeone, wnioh instantly reaches the tree sonroe of the trouble, gets right where the living germs of catarrh are working. Catarrhozone A Convenient inhaler Treatment is the Proper Remedy to Cure Yon flee, Catarrhozone is simply heal - jog balsams and rich, pure essences, and is able to patch up the sore spots and remove that tender sensitive feeling from the nose and throat. Hawking and spitting pease, because the discharge is oured. The nostrils are cleared, headache is relieved, breath le purified. Every trace of catarrh, bron- ohial and throat weakness is permanent- Iy cured, Shun medioinee that contain harmful drugs—rise a safe remedy that is pre• scribed by doctors, that is used in hos- pitals, that is endorsed by thousands Oa- tarrhozone has cured. For winter ills there's nothing half so good. Two month's treatment, large size, price $1, and guaranteed. Small size 50o„ all reliable dealers, or the Catarrh - ozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Beware of dangerous substitutes and imitations for "Cetarrhozone." Guelph's tax rate will be 14j4 mills. This low rate has been rendered possi- ble, in part at least, by the profits ob- tained from public utilities owned by corporations. The city owns the link of railway aonneoting Guelph with the Toronto -Windsor line of the C. P. R. and this made a profit of $25,000 during the year. Water works yielded a profit of $16.000; gas and electric light of $13,- 146, and the mnnioipality owned street railway $3,240. It is understood, how- ever, that a part of the oinking fund, set aside for debt rednotion, has also been applied to meet ordinary running ex - pensee. The beloved wife of Mr. John Picker- ing, passed away at her home in Ash- field, on Monday, May 3rd, after an ill- ness extending over a year which she bore with Christian patience. Deceased was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, Jnly 27th, 1843. After emigrating to Canada in 1864, she lived for some years with her brother, Mr. John Mnrdooh, near Luoknow, and was married in bis home to her now surviving husband, in 1862. They moved to their new home in Ash- field where she remained ever since. She was for many years a consistent member of Hope Methodist Church. Besides 'her sorrowing husband, two sons and four daughters are left to mourn for a loving wife and an Indul- gent mother. A GOOD STOMACH Means Good Health, Cheerfulness, Ambition. Persistency and Success Mi•o•na will onre your dyspepsia or any other atomaoh trouble by building up the flabby walla and making the stomach so strong that it will digest food without pepsin or other artificial aid, In other words, Mi•o-na cures dye. pepeia by removing the canoe. Walton McKibben is the agent for Min-na in Wingham and he says to every reader of the Timm whose atom• soh is weak, who has indigestion or dys- pepsia, that Mi-o-na is guaranteed to OM or money back. The prion is only 50 cents a large box, and one box is all you need to prove that you are on the right road to health and happiness. Mr. Geo. Linder of corner Mill and Park Streets, Elmira, Ont., says: "For about ten years I have been severely troubled with stomach trouble and in- digestion so bad that Icould not retain my food after eating. 1 could not eat meat, or scarcely anythingt and had headaohes and constipation. I aeonred a package of Mtn-na with the result that now after having taken two boxes I am entirely cared and can eat any- thing, digest perfectly and am feeling fine, Div o•na also overcame my consti- pation. I am only too glnd tc poblioly endorse and rectammend Mi•o-ria." Death of William Charters.—William Charters, brother of Mr, Robt, Charters, of the Mill Road, and one of the early residents of Seaforth, died at the home of his daughter, in Denver, Colorado, on Monday, 10th inst., as a result of a Dancer in the head. For a number of years Mr. Charters was engaged in the grain business in Seaforth, and after the Village of Hensell oame into existence he was located there for tome time, en. gaging Irl the gtain business. About twenty -flee or thirty years ago illr. Charters moved to Ashland, Wisconsin, where he mentioned to live until about a year ago. On aobount of failing heelth be then went to make his home home with his daughter in Denver. In the forty yore of confederation, parliament lies granted 58 divorcee to Ontario people; 19 to residents of Qua, bee; 4 to Manitoba and two to each Al- berta and Seskatohewan, The Iooal courts gave 125 in No Sootia; 80 in New Brnndwiok end 66 in Eritioh Col - ambits. Prince Edward umb a dwa d I Ia e rid is the Iyr in a in banner ov o this respect with no divorce of any kind to its credit for forty years. A recent bulletin issued by the bureau of steadies, Washington, gives the average of divorcee in the Milted States for twenty years, gee one to every twelve marriages, This is a Striking oontraatto the Canadian record of one to every thirty thotntand marriages. A Fair EstFinate. The Oanadien Courier, whose ed, (tor, Mr, John A. Cooper, wee one of the text book eomneission of the Ontario Government, candidly ad, miss. that he was mistaken when he estimated that the new set of On. tario readers would octet 80 cents at retail, and apologises for his mis. take, Pat the Courier's estimate of the saving in the contraot for the new readers falls chert, very short of what Premier Whitney beastingly proclaimed, It oaloulatee it at $300,000 for ten years, or deducting the cost of editing, eto., at $275,000. $27,500 a year for the ten year per. sod, This is net to be daspieed, but if any ordinary individual were to say that he had entered into a tren• section whereby a easing of $500,000 would be effected in one year, and $125,000 a year thereafter for nine years longer, and it turned out to be only $27,600 a year altogether, he wonld be called—well, a relater of fish stories, to put it mildly. The Premier has overestimated the sav- ing more than Mr, Cooper overes- timated the cost of the books. Will he make the monde honorable and correct it, as did Mr. Cooper?—Strat• ford Beacon. CARTER'S ITTLE IiER PILLS. U RE leek Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl. dent to a billor,.7 state of the system, euch as Dizziness, Naueaa, Drowsiness, Distress atter eating, Pain in the Side &c. While their most remarkable enecsss has been shown in curing SIC headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre. venting this annoying complaint, while they also Correct fill disorders othe stomach, atimn.atetbo linvrer d regulate the bowels. Even it they only A Ache they wenldbe almostpHs el (es to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; be tfortu- natoly their goodness does n et end h ere, anti those who once try them will find those lIttle pills vain - able in so many ways that they rill not be wil- ling to do without them. But after all sick. head CH E Is the bane of so many lives that hero is where we make our great boast Oar pills cure it while others do rot. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who nae them. cum snows Co.. 112W YM& LI a Smaal Daus hall Irian While Nelson Yeo, of Goderioh Tp„ was working in the field he came ,across a large Copper Snake which measured six feet in length and as thick as a man's arm. Nelson, being a Iittle doubt- ful as to the nature of the reptile, determined to face his antagonist and securing a strong rail struck it on the head, In an instant it rolled into a ooil then uncoiled itself again as if ready for battle. Mr. Yeo gave it another blow which proved to be fatal the snake showing no more signs of fight. Last fall, Edward Marshall saw a snake something similar, he says, but dreading the look of the thing he left it unharmed and took a quick step for the house. Another outrageous aot has has been perpetrated by the American Immigra- tion authorities at Niagara Falls. A lady from New York State had been liv ing in Winton throughout the winter and a few weeks ago purchased a ticket to her home, where her husband and family are living. When she reached the border the officers under the employ of the Governmeut of the much flaunt- ed "Land of the Free" refused her en- trance. She had to purchase a ticket back here and has been put to ooneid• erable expense. The matter is being taken up with the authorities at Wash. ington, and will probably be straighten- ed out by the American authorities banking down. A number of similar oases have been Dropping up in the last few months and considerable 111 feeling has been created for which the pause should be removed. HEADACHE. What Medical Skil Could Not Do Was Accomplished with Burdock Blood Bitters. If you are troubled with Headache do nee hesitate to use B.B.B. It is •no new pro.. duet, of unknown Was, but has an eat rte Hashed reputation. QQitt.D NOT WORK Mier Th tial Wright, Mutilate 1+1.1t., writes: "1 Wes rick Ins run down. would have Read - aches, a bitter tasks in my mouth, floating *pecks k.,fore mr eye' and pains in my back. I was not anis to do any house work at all end could not sleep at nieht. Several doctors doctored me but 1 saw I war getting no Milo, and on the &delta et st friend I got throe hatter of Burdock Bleed Sitters sada they *rooted a sotsrast* out'*. LITTLE DIGESTERS Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fail to cure. At all Druggists or direct from 2$c. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto $$•1 +siftae4 4* * ► 1.000•410., :! ****Ay!•••••41i !.*•••••••0411 • i • f f COAL COAL COAL which We no equal s for the celebrated Also the best grades of Smithin Siannna and NTON ' Domestic Coal, and We d of all kinds, aiwaye on hand. We carry a LU 1 ER. I N LE , LAT Call stook of (Dressed or IIndressed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. " Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. JoyA t l esidenoe Phone No. 65. Oboe, No. 64. Mill, No, 44. se iffleLeanal a•1•D9****W****!D*OHNt*®A*4****r*tc+a►*"i*ti$tii*i********* IMPROVEMENT OF FARM CROPS Press bulletin from the Ontario Agrieultur al College, Guelph, Canada. The barley crop in Ontario has in- creased in market value from $4,812,194 to $12,900,689 during the past ten years, according to the latest reports of the Ontario Bureau of Industries, In the same period, the area devoted to barley inoreasod from 438,784 to 766,891 sores. The average annual yield of barley per acre for the last ten years was 22.5 per oent. greater than that of the ten years previous. These large inoreases in areas and in) fields per acre are undoubtedly due, to a considerable extent, to the in- troduction of the Mandscheuri variety by the Ontario Agricultural College, and to the distribution of the same through the medium of the Experimental Union. One hundred and fourteen varieties of barley have been grown in the Experi- mental Department at the College for at least five years in succession, and some of them have been grown in eaolr of twenty genre. In the spriog of 1889, one pound ofMandsohenri barley, which was obtained from Russia, was sown in a small plot in the Experimental Depart- ment to be tested with sixty other varieties. It produced comparatively stiff straw and gave a large yield of barley which was of good feeding quali- ty, being fairly thin in the hull and plump in the grain. It has continued to give good respite, the average for twenty years being 69 8 bushels of grain per acre, in the experimental plots, Small quantities of the Mandsohenri barley have been distributed in each of the past fifteen years to those farmers who applied for the experiment with barley in oonneetion with the Experi. mental Union, For these one -pound lots eo distributed there are now about 267,000 acres of the Mandsohenri barley grown in Ontario annually, The intro. duction of this variety has had a won. derfnt influence on the barley produc- tion of this Province. In the spring 01 1903, 9,972 selected grains of the Mandsohenri barley were planted by hand at equal distances apart in the Experimental Department at the College. When the plants were ripe they were carefully examined, and thirty-three of the most promising ones were seleoted, harvested and threshed separately. In 1904, thirty-three separ- ate lots of barley were grown from the Omits sele,ted in the year previous. From that time forward, only the best attains were grown in the tests as fol- lows; fourteen in 1905, eight in 1906, seven in 1907, and three in 1908. In one instance, over forty bushels of barley were grown in 1905 as the produot of one seed planted in the spring of 1903, Of all the selected grains, the one which is known as "0, A. 0. Number 21" has made the best record. In each of the last two Years it has actually given better results than the Mandecheuri 'variety in yield of grain, in freedom from rust, and in both length and strength 01 straw in the experiments at the Oallege, and aloe in the oo•operative tests throughout Ontario, The grain is quite easily distinguished from that of the Manddoheuri barley. From one-ponndIota of the 0. A. 0, Number 21 barley sent along with two other varieties to Experimental Union applloants in each of the past three years, several thousand bushels of this barley were grown in Ontario in 1908. One farmer in Huron County harvested nine hundred bushels 01 the 0. A. 0. Number 21 barley in 1908, which was the third crop produced from one pound Of teed sown in the spring of 1906. Farmers Who had kept the barley ruse h lar oda el a 4o I demand aria far seed this Spring from their neighboring farmers, and in Same instanoes realized as high at! $1.50 per bushel. The demand for reed next year Will likely be more general, al the barley Will be better known. It is quite probable that in a very short time this barley will be grown more extensively than any other variety in Ontario. Besides the work in selection for the improvement of barley and other farm oropsi the College has made twenty -flue distinct crosses between leading var- ieties of barley, oats, spring wheat, winter wheat, and field peas, within the past seven years. About forty thousand hybrid plants, besides one hundred and seventeen plots of hybrids, were grown in the Experimental Department in 1908. Some interesting and important restate are expected from these hybrids during the coming season. 0. A. ZAVITZ BAD LEG FOR 60 YEARS. Zani-Buk Works a Complete Cure. Mrs. J. Minett, of 192, Thnrbers Ave„ Providence, Rhode Island, has been cur- ed by Zam-Buk of a bad leg, which had defied all remedies for sixty Iong years. She says:—"When a child of eight, I was bitten on the leg by a dog. A doe. tor cauterised the plane, but is never healed up soundly, and I have suffered with an uloerated leg for aver sixty years. This occurred in England, and many English doctors tried in vain to heal the sore. At one time I was an in- patient at the East Suffolk Hospital for a Iong period, and for three years I was in and out of hospitals. I was ooetin- nally in pain, and the sore would not heal, but continued to discharge. Twelve months ago I came out her to my go I bad e doctor ex - nee a plaster, again the pain hen I reached my , she sent for a medical nothing resold ever do it daughter, and daring the vo to keep my bed.' The shi amines my log, and ga wh ch I had to take was so int :nee. ad among, op: man, who a any good, though I tried other Ameri- can dootors, they did me DO good. They said my leg wan13 never be well. "One day my youngest daughter brought home a box of Zam-Buk, and induced me to try it. With the first ap- plication I seemed to find ease, and further treatment with Zam.Buk didmo se much good that I sent for a proper supply. I kept on with the Zam Buk treatment, and soon saw that the wound was getting better. The discharge was reduced, and the pain was eased. I per. severed with the Zam•Bak, and, to out a long story short, it effected a cure. It is marvelous to think that, after suffer- ing for sixty years, Zam•Bak has been able to make my leg perfectly sound." Zara-Buk is a combination of power and purity. Purely herbal, it io super- ior to all known remedies for chronic sores and wounds, eczema, salt -rheum, ringworm, eruptions, varicose ulcers, cuts, burns, bruises, skin diseases. it also cures pilot. All Druggists and Stores sell at 50o. a box, or post free from Zam'Buk Oo . Toronto, for prion. Three boxes for $1 25. DO YOU REALIZE? That mail order buying builds up Toronto at the expense of the Smaller towns and villages. Every dollar used in this way by a resident of this community takes a dol. lar out of circulation at home and puts it into oirculation where it does you no- good. ogood. The dollar spent with your home gro- cer, dry goods dealer, hardware merch- ant, druggist or other badness man, npbuilda the community in which you Iive. These pay taxes to aupport the town, repair the Streets, maintain the sohools, and build and sustain the ohnrobes. Do the mail order houses ever anbsoribe to the building fund whenever a new church is to be built, or any public improvement is to be made? It you were to take hold of any good Work for betterment of this community, who would you go to for finanoiai attd, the loeat business man or the mail order houses in Toronto. Let us look at the matter broadly. Is it not in a many 0x9 shortsighted ea y orti S ghted sel- fishness and thoughtlessness that prompts us to send our money to the snail order houses? Thoughtful self interest dfoiates that we all work together for ant oowmtxt good and the community M large, Think it over.