HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-05-20, Page 1THE W1NGHAM TIMES.
NO. 1945,
We carry a fine line of Films and
Photographic Supplies.
Kodak- $10.00 to $35.00.
Brownie Cann rias $1.00 to $12.00
No trouble to ahow- the Cameras—
aomt+ hi and inspect,
A dark room FREE to our onstone-
era. We develop films
IP; Mon McKibboo
ataodonald .Blook, Wingham,
Any Time
has been tested in the crucible of ex-
perience, �P
with the fire of public opinion,
and has not neon found wanting. The
success of our graduates has not been
excelled. Not the largest, but the high-
est grade modern Business School in
Western Ontario,
Individual instruction. No vacation.
Mail Courses. Enter any day,
Write for particulars.
Gwen SPOTTON, Principal
Hi!hoct prion pair) for hided and poul-
try est T. ks'ellee botcher shoes.
Newest and I;bteet designs in wall
papers, at KNox's.
Wt, believe in turning things
BUT ALWAYS. To do this, we
fellors the best business prin-
ciple --
Lowest Notch Prices
consistent with
Best Quality Obtainable
Do you know what It means
to eat low-grade foods ?
Think of quality I
Good Old Cheese
Tho kind you've been looking
fes and couldn't get. A
chases with some taste to it.
Just Arrived!
Five Dinner Sets just ar-
rived—yoe ORDERED ! This
means to you a Dinner Set at
an unutetally low price. They
are all beautifully decorated;
be designs. Worth from
$12 00 to $14 00. Spot oath
price $7.98 to $9.00
Pineapples, etci
NOW's the time to get your
Pined, The quality he excel•
Eat Nanel Cranoos while they
cast, The season will soon be
Fresh Eggs and Choice
Butter Wanted.
For all oeoaeione Parties,
Weddings, Funerals, eto.
Wingham Greenhouses
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
The Court of
of Wingham will
Chamber, on
Met. A number
entered and these
thin meeting.
f Revision.
evisiou for the Town
e held in the Council
nday evening, May
f appeals have been
322 be dealt with at
Automobile for hire. Apply to A. M,
The Wingham b
Institute will hoI'
for the eleotlon o
of fees, in the 0.
day, afternoon, a
Wiwi are invited,
anah of the Women's
its gunnel meeting
officers and renewal
F. hall this (Thera•
2 o'alook p. m, All
For window shades and wail paper,
try Knox's, Wingham
Death of
Dr, Bre't`on for
of Wgox,entri, died
plane outFriday ev
had begin in fails
ttme aiM his deat
He had a large pr
in Wroxeter au
esteem in the cow
r. Brawn. r :5
uyyears a resident
at lice home in that
nilrg last. Deceased
g health for some
was not unexpected.
tine during his time
was held in high
To RENT. --Three roome on Victoria
street ; alto a nine -roomed house. Apply
to MIss K. M, FISHER.
The Robson Me
a "Hurry Up Sa
mance on Friday
There le a $14,000 s
there will be bars
geode, oto. See Iar
been distributed, f
Jp Sale,
antile Co. announce
" which will cone-
orniug, May 21st.
ok to be cold and
ins in general dry
o billy, which have
TRUNKS and VALISES.—Big stook at
lowest prices. W. J. GREER.
As the springti
deer will be aronn
will tell you the
geode that must
deceived. Ramer
dealer is here to
good, and that he
stook to seleot fr
of the Camelia
something for
when they can d
yet. Nor is it li
mer. Our mere
give you cometh
give you as, ran
anyone else, a
mese lot of rel
a Jacks.
MI approaches the ped -
d in all his glory. He
month story about
e sold. But be not
er that your home
make every promise
loan give you a better
m. It ia,charaoterietjo
people to try to get
othing, but the time
this has not come as
ble to dome this sum -
nuts do not promise to
pg for nothing, but can
h for your money as
I are showing an im-
ble goods.
FOR SALE, --A quantity of good Hem -
look lumber, suitable for sheeting, for
sale cheap. Apply at the SaIt Works,
Lost in .;swamp.
The two sons o J, H. Armstrong,
Kinloss, aged 5 an- 7 years, respective-
ly, wandered from omo Friday morn-
ing, ;looking for r Were. ?'They were
seem entering Gree . oak swamp. About
forty men aeon ga , end, end spent Fri.
daq"afternoon and • !gilt looking for the
children, but w hoot; mooed. The
search was resum Saturday morning.
the searchers nu boring about one hue•
dred, and was .k:,.t tip till about 4:30
Saturday afterno n, when the ohildren
walked out on L: =at farm, not far from
Riversdalo, afte emending thirty-three
hours in a swa et), It is about four
miles from whe they entered to whore
they came out., The children are not
muoh the wore for their adventure.
''North Hur n Telephone Go.
A meeting
of the t e provisional Board
of Directors of : o North Huron Tele-
phone Co. was h .id in i t.a office of the
;Rosiness Colles: on Illonday evening,
Where Mr. Gilmer • , representing the Bell
Telephone Oo,, was present and the
matters of the Bell Co. selling and
leaving certain their nivel lines and
doing the ewitoug for the new oora;
perry Were dhoti sed end it is expected
that t satisfaoto t arrangement will be
Made in the n: at future, The coni•
patty's charter il2 be granted it ie
eipeoted, in a • ew days and then a
gene 1
r� ruse in .
g t of o the eller
oho) e
Will be held and ermanent offieerd fend
direotors eleoted. Within the next Mgr
er 'tin weeks .1, ' ootnpawt should be
ready for bngiinese,
Read. Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8.
Backwa d Weather.
We have this year had very bad
weather for the s ring work. The rain
whish set iv on riday last will again
keep the farmer off the land for a few
days and seedin operations are much
later than last ear. A number of
farmers in this section have about
finished seeding. good spell of bright
weather will be w coated,
Yon can have your buttons made to
order from any kind of material at R.
MAXWELL'S tailor shop.
Engineer' in
Wm. Mahlon D
Berlin was in tow
and took measure
over the land befor
on the post of ins
water works system
our present plant.
his report ready in
IW Ingham,
vie, Engineer, of
on Thursday Iast
tents and looked
making bis report
aMpg a domestio
n connection with
r, Davis will have
re course of a few
Walt Paper from 5 cents per roll up,
at Xerox's.
Hyron Old Bo
The tenth anon
Toronto Huron 01
will be run to Win
on Saturday, July
trains will leave T
and it is expeoted
special will reach
noon. These exo
popular and no doe
former Winghamit
tags of the opportn
da; a in the old tow
s' Excursion,
exouralon of the
Boys' Association
am and Goderioh,
8rd. Two special
ronto at 7 15 a. m,
that the Wingham
ere at 12 o'clock
sinus have been
a large number of
s will take advan-
'ty and spend a few
Rooms to rent in Macdonald block,
suitable for dwellings or Mauna Apply
Our mailing lis
ecoordi,ng to remits
May 12th. Kindly
label, anti' see if 'y
so, we would be p
amount due. Our
$1.00 a year, payab
States subscribe/1r
few seem to overt
let their sabacripti
before remitting.
the email label o
your name, indica
your sabsoription.
amaze, we agar
Attention 1
have been revised
ase received up to
1 ok at your taddrese
o are in arrears; if
ased to receive the
libaoription price is
in advance, United
$1.50, but quite a
ok these facts, and
n run several years
The addrees label,
thie paper bearing
es the date to whioh
is paid. To all in
Folz SALn.—A good building lot on
the corner of Frances and Victoria
atroeta. Apply to H. HAMILTON.
That it was cafe
quakes has been
Canadian prairie
evening, when s
were recorded ov
thousand miles of
foot of Lake Winni
ranchirg country
lying under the aha
and running from
of Montanaupnor
graphic wires have
appear to have bee
the main line of
betweeas BrandE
but' yvise:out re.
availaele the cont
best but guess
feature is that the
the wont disturb.
cause they were
high buildings.
o in West.
t least 1`rom earth -
fixed idea of the
est until ,Saturday
ismio disturbances
r praotioally one
territory, from the
eg in the east to the
n Southern Alberta
ow of the Rookies,
e heart of the State
so far as the tele -
been parried. Shooks
most severe along
he Canadian Paoiflo
and Medioine Hat,
ending innw,rm:terna
entity:, severity ie at
rk. A note -worthy
arger centres report
nc.1o, apparently be.
re felly felt in the
The :annual mo
Oitizer,e' Band. v.
When the fol ,e zl
--President, ,A.,
dent, E. Forcer;
Treasurer, H.
surer's statemen
oelpts for the pa
and expenditure
ante on hand of
had heavy expo
An entire stew
pnrobased and
now practisiog
pus townapeop
the summer
haler been ole
seeking a gee
bet of ne
bemired and t
be a good o
The band Ik
on any even'
always given
and all oorre
Seoretary of
cube SOW
Itrzens' Band.
ing of the Wingham
on Fiidsy lett,
floors were elected:
Hingaton; vice•presi•
eoretary, N. L. Fry;
insolifl'e. The Tree -
showed that the re-
t year had been $800 30
$722.07, leaving a bal-
S78.32. The band has
se during the past year.
t of mesion has been
evbierh the players are
with a view to giving
o good concerts during
onthe. The uniforms
d and new braid put on,
mprovement. A num,
players have been
o Oitizena' Band should
ganization this summer,
epered to Allengageniente
g �oxoept Friday, which is
•t) a ooneert en the pagik,
ondenoe addrekeed to the
he Oitizene' '?and *ill re.
0. . C. Examinations.
The vernal a of the final examinations
at the 0 ario Agriculture' College,
Guelph, • ere .anneuneed this week.
L. MgBwe •, Wroxeter, has passed his
first year a ruination, H, A. Dorranoe,
Seaforth, p seed his second year and
won the Ge. ge Chapman soholarahip.
P. Light, He salt, and 0, A. Andrew,
Luoknow, p seed their second year
Week y Half Holiday.
A well at ten
nese men and
held in the Con
clay evening, wit
the plaoes of bus'
each week dnrin
and August was
spoke expressed the
favor of the scheme,
appointed to wait on t
nese men and another
held next T,assday eve
titer with the`mattor.
ed meeting of the busi-
olerks of Winghe.m was
oil Chamber on Tuss-
le the matter of closing
ess for one afternoon
the months of July
teetered. All who
elves as being in
A committee was
e different bus'•
meeting will be
ing to deal fur -
Death of Wal
After an illness ex
Mr. Walter Oonites
East Wawanosh, o
Met in his 62nd yea
amioted with a die
and gradually kept
the end came. W
employed,with Mr.
duoe merchant, an
of years in Win
quiet disposition, b
of friends. His r
will have the aymp
sty in their affiictio
plans yesterday aft
don cemetery.
r Coultas.
nding over a year,
led at his home in
Monday morning
Mr. Ooultee was
ase of the muscles
etting worse until
n token ill he was
Wm. Armour, pro -
lived for a namber
am. He was of a
t made a large circle
la+ivee and friends
shy of the commun-
The funeral took
rnoon to the Bran -
BUTTER and EGGS. --Bring along your
Produce. Highoet price paid in ex-
change for Boots and Shoes,
A Canventlo
the Wingham D
Missionary Soot
held in Gorrie
week, The atte.
enthusiastic, a.
complete sncoess
organizer, prea
speaker was Mrs.
dent of London
W. Rowell, ler, •
aionary Movome
brother, she is a
inspired her and'
sionary e:.thusia
Teeawater; INlesd�
and Hicks of Win,
dist choir of Gorr
to the interest by
music. Letters fr
Miss Weliwood,
field, were also rex;
kindly placed tb
penal of the conve
and afternoon no:
one was held in
The Gerrie frie
pitality to all oa
ry Convention.
't the Auxillartes of
tact of the Woman%
ty (Methodist) was
n Wednesday of last
danoe was large and
the convention a
Mrs. F. G. Speriing,
ed The principal
ordon Wright, Preen
ranch, a sister of N.
of "Layman% Mis-
t" fame. Like her
le and eloquent, and
noe with true mie-
n. Mrs. Baker of
•yes Willis, Maguire
ham and the Metho.
e, contributed much
furnishing excellent
m Mies Howson and
Missionaries in the
. The Preabyteriane
r church at the die -
tion for the morning
ions and the evening
•he Methodist °heroin
ds offered kind hos-
Dre, A. 3, Irwin and W. J. Prioe will
close their de;nttal offices every Wednes-
day afternoon from the let of May to
the 1st of October.
Death of
Thi,r PJC`;.'; :'ie
other of nal
of this eeotiim, in
et Simpson, rel
.Phippen, who pn•.
evening Inst at th
Geo. A. Phippen
Deceased was bor
Lower+Canada, on
1824, and i:i 1843
then %trowel e,{, De
east of Toronto, v:
Iate partia to in Di
Mrs. Phippen oa„
and settled on a b
etor. Here they
when they moved
Since the death o •
years ago, Mrs. P
time in her own h
has made her ho ••
The deceased lady
ell the trials and
life. She was for
member of the
three ohildren die
nine survive, acz,
Mrs. ktolntosh an
ttoit; Mrs. J. E.
Phippen, Oakland
Phippen, Rrnsdele
.Phippen, Pine Hil
and Geo, A. Phip
The funeral took
oennetery ?rester • . .
'sloes being pond . •t
rs. Phippen,
cord the death of an-
d reepeoei d pioneers
the person of Ib7argar.
•t of the late George
tel away an Sunday
home of her son, Mr,
in Lower Wingbam,
at (7aldweIi's Manor,
the 23rd of December,
arae up to what was
erin'c Creek, 25 miles
aero she married her
LI 1850, Mr. and
to the Queen's bush
sir farm near Wrox•
remained until 1860,
to Lower Wingham,
her hue
band sixteen
ippen lived for Orme
me end of late years
among hor ohildren,
had passed through
erdships of pioneer
any years n faithful
Metho.liet Church.
tonne years ego and
--Alonzo Phippen,
Mrs. Mangier, 1'.ie.
mith and William
Oaiifornia; John
lktntkoka; Edward
, Wna
. Finley
n, Lower Wingham.
00y6 to the '9i Ingham
ie±ternoori, the serri
fid by Rev. W. G.
A New
0. Lloyd & Son o
factory purpose area
title summer, The
of brick and will be
mediately west of tit
This new building w
pany to enlarge thei
facture a more exte
of doors. TIMES re
to Iearn that the o
maining in Wingha
investment in a ne
machinery will bri
the Wiugham door
Ina a new faotory
w building will be
tint on the lot im-
preseot building,
II arable the ooze -
plant and mann-
ive and varied line
ers will he pleased
parry purpose re -
and we trust their
baildiug and new
a largely increased
You'll enjoy the 24th rano
your feet are neatly dr see
Oxfords, Ties or Pamt6s
I better, if
in a pair of
W. J. Gluten.
Death of Ja
The death took
last of Mr. Jam
home on Victoria
weeks' iciness. D
Puslinoh Townshi
fifty years ago m
Township, settling
Line, thus being o
of this district. T
he gave up farmin
ham. per, Case
Methodist Church
tive in politics.
widow, wbo was
daughter, Mrs.
and three broths
Balfour, Turnber
Wingham, and G
bereaved will ha
many friends in
funeral took place t
ou Snuday afternoo
es Casemore.
place on Thursday
Cesemore, at his
treat, after several
ceased was born in
in 1840 and some
ed into Tnrnberry
n a farm on the B.
of the pioneers of
o years ago last fall
and moved to Wing.
re adhered to the
nd was a Conserve -
is survived by his
ane Cornell, and one
antelon, One sister
survive, viz: —Mrs,
; John and James,
rge of Bluevale. The
the sympathy of
heir affliction. The
Wingham cemetery
Huron—Pe th League.
The following is t , e schedule of the
Huron and Perth baseball league:—
May 21—Blyth at Goderioh.
May 24—Blyth a Clinton
May 28-111itohe - at Clinton.
June 1—Blyth a• Mitchell.
June 3—Goderio' at Clinton.
Jane 10—Goderi.a at Blyth.
June 18—Goderi.+ at Mitchell.
June 25—Mitohe 1 at Goderioh.
Juno 24—Blyth , t Clinton.
July 1—Mttoh,11 at Blyth; (Minton at
July 3—God:. rich at Blyth.
July 16 —Bly at Mitchell.
July 22-01i, ton at Blyth.
July 28-01i- ton at Mitchell.
Aug 10-01i ton at Blyth.
Aug 17-01i, ton- at Goderioh; Mit-
chell at Myth.
Aug 20—God rich at Clinton.
Sept G—Blyt at Goderioh; Clinton
at Mitchell.
In Women's Oxfords and
are many new coloring: in
sates, Winos and Oe 1. , .
handsome. $1 50, $2 It
s there
ns, Chow-
-Swell and
to $3 00.
Methodist Di•trict Meeting.
The annual dist of meeting• of the
Methodist Churche of the Wingham
District was held at o orrie, on Wednes-
day and Thursday .f Iast week, with
Rev. J. E. Ford, Oh: firman of the Dis-
trict, presiding. M. : t of the ministers
were present on '' ednesday for the
ministerial session n. d a good represen-
tation of laymen for he general session
00 Thnreday, Rev. e, W. Rivers, B.A.
B. D , of Belgrave, ••.a elected Journal
Secretary, and Rev. 'a ,D. Madden, B.A.
of Pine River, was a . pointed Statistical
Secretary, Rev, T. ' ' . Blatohford, B.A,
01, Ripley, was electe: to represent the
District ou the Stat 'ping Committee,
with Rave G. W. Riv rs as reserve dele•
gate, The Distriot • eeting was very
nicely entertained y the ladies of
Gorrie Methodist Ohoh,•-•-meals being
served in the baseme of the church for
both W. M. S. and z n, .isterial delegates
on Wednesday, and the homes being
thrown open for the remainder of the
time. The followinlaymen were ap-
pointed to represent . to District et the
coming annual Conf:. ence :—John Kerr
F. Bnohanen, Win' ,. am; John Hiles,
Itinoardino; Dr. Spe oe and D. C. Tay-
lor, Lf0know; 3. 13is000ks, Tem.
water; John Brya.: and R. Pearson,
Ethel; Goo. Ashton,- T'ordwioh; R. B.
Stevens, Gorrie; . 0. Hazelwood
Wroxeter; A. Shaw, Blaevale; Samuel
Sherwood, Belfast; a eo, 13 ell, Westford;
Geo. Hunnphreys, , barleys; Geo, i3,
l iboney, Ripley; W. Graham, Kluged;
Geo. Clark, Miltrer on; I. N. Blair,
Tiverton; I. Taylor Langside;1l. Hop.
per, Eelgrave; J. T Woods, 13rnsrels.
Reserve Delegates-- H, Derr, Brua.
s$Is; Geo. Itibey, + birth Bruce; E.
Dawson, i
Greig, r$ i
wioh, A eplendi spirit prevailed
throngllout the Die- lot Meeting and
motion of appreoiet • n wad tendered the
Chairman it the 15 riot for lit* eervioei
and kindly Spirit.
The 25th annual fneetistg of the Mait•
land Presbyterial ooiety was hold at
Brussels on Tueada+y of this week,
Rev. Mr, Swan a former pastor of
Brussels Methodf,�b Oheroh recently
celebrated his 87tb birthday and ore
Sunday morning, April 25th preached
in the Methodist Chorale at Fergus,
Rev. W. E t ilr}�y, pastor of the Oon-
gregational Churls Brantford, former
ly of Toronto, has eoeived an invitatIou
to go to Brandon, but it le nnderatcod
he will not awe' t it. The reverend
'gentleman is a bra er of F. H. Gilroy,
of Brussels.
On Sunday even ng next, Rev. W, L.
Steeves will prea h the third of the
settee of sermons o the Seven Carnival
Virtues, Subject, "Temperance." Text,
Peter I:5, 0 "Add o your faith virtue
and to virtue kno ledge and to know-
ledge temperance. '
On his nineties birthday, Rev. Dr.
Wardrope, one of be patriarchs of the
Presbyterian Cher h, who now lives in
Montreal, preaohe a farewell sermon
on Sunday to the a ngregation of Char
men Ohuroh, at uelph, of which he
was for nearly thir y years the pastor.
Despite his years, e venerable doctor
preached a strong ermon, which was
heard by a Gong egation falling the
church to overflow' g.
Women's Low Cut Shoes
leathers will be the. thi
Come and see tit
Madam' 1
this season.
ew Creations,
Miss Lizzie Barbar visited friends In
Toronto last week.
Mr. A. M. Craw ord was in Toronto
for a few days last •• eek.
Mee. D. T, Hep urn is visiting this
week with relative. at London.
Miss Grace Gre:r was visiting for a
few days with trio , ds in Wroxeter.
Mr. W. 0. Tho ,peon, of Hamilton,
was Ioel:ing up 2 fender In town for a
few days last wee
Mr. and Mrs. W.sley Walker, of Clin-
ton were visiting with • Wingham rela-
tives for over So• day.
Miss May Davi, son visited over Sun-
day at the home . f her uncle, Mr. John
Davidson, 3a W . xeter,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Malcolm were
visiting for over Sunday with kir.
Malooim'a moth r, near Mitchell,
Mr. Daman ; tewart, of Stratford,
general agent 1'r the Mutual Life
Aeanranoe Oo. wa in town on Tuesday.
Mr. Thou. Bia -k left this week for
Saskatoon, Sask. where be intends
working on his omestead near that
Miss Ethel King left on Saturday for
Chicago, and Dau.hin, Man., where she
will spend spm: weeks visiting with
relatives. ,
Mr. Herb. Lova., of Winnipeg is visit-
ing with his mot, er, Mrs. Love, and his
sisters, Mrs. A. J. Maicelm and the
Misses Love.
TSlessre. F. Bn Manan, W. J. Howson
and Robt. Curr e, er., were among those
who went to T, ronto last week to hear
Gipsy Smith, t e evangelist, o
Mr. Jae. SIe••in has returned home
after spending the pads few weeks in
Colorado, who he had been closing up
the estate of ie brother who died re-
Mrs. Ohau. l2 • ing was visiting with
her Sister, Mn. A. J. Malcolm this week
while on her 'ay to Goderioh where
Mr. Ewing has ,. =chased a buSIneSs and
where they wil reside in future.
Theolog in the Highlands.
'The ministe 's close at the kirk of
T'obermory hal been reading the etory
of Joseph and is brethren, and it came
to the turn of the minister to examine
the boys.
The replies o all his quettions had
been quick, i.telligent au correct.
Seth au:
"What great .rime did these sons of
Jacob- oommit?'
"They sold th air brother Joseph."
"Quite Ccrrec • And for how ninth?"
"Twenty' pied=, of silver."
"And what ad, ed to the eiuolty and
wiokedness of tit se bad brothers?"
A pause.
"What made their treachery: even
more detestable -,.d heinous?"
Then a bri ht little highlander
etretohed ant an ager hand,
"iWell,ray ma.,"
"Please, giir, t 'ey sell't him owe*.
A Memorial to he late Edward Han.
1t Hanlan'k WSW.
Ian Will be erect
Etc., etc.,
is the theme which we bring to
your notice at this time.
Some wise man has said, " My
son, get wisdom, and with all thy
getting get understanding,"
The wise man to day says, "Get
a new suit or overcoat, and when
you are getting, get it made to
your order in your own town,
where you know what you are
getting, and that it is genuine
tailor • made." That would be
wisdom ; that would be under,
Our New Spring Goods have
arrived, and it is not exaggerat.•
ing to say they are the nicest line
we have had for some time, and
at prices corresponding with the
qualities shown.
Space will not allow ns to go
into detail, but
and can make them any style
desired, We are dealing in
strong statements, but will baek
it up, that we have yet to find the
style of garment we cannot dupli-
cate. And although plain, neat
styles are more in line with
strictly high - class tailoring this
season, it is for you to name your
Our Furnishing Department is
filled with the newest and best
for Sprint; and Sumner in all
lines, k'We have also added a
first class line of Jewelry.
RobtM xwell
Tailor and Furnisher
For Men Who Care.
hones, attle, or re who want
og to feed f4 market
oan have it on reasonable terms,
Notes discounted for tradesmen, mer-
chcnts or agents, on favorable terms.
sates going real estate era the lowest
The Leading Shoe Score.
No Woman's Shoe Outfit will be
complete this &Rome without a pair of
low oat, Colored Loather Shoes.
There aro many new ideas; .Dark
Tans, Chocolate oolors and Kid Jeathere
in Brower. Wine colors, Ox Blood and
other new shades.
Thtre are Oxfords.
Pampa, Ankle Strapromps,toSlippers,
oto., etc.
Preach and Onban heels, short vamps
and trimmings, Every size and width,
$ .50, $1.90, $2.50 to $3.00
If we could only show the seperiority►
of our Shoes when we quote the prloes,
it would be far more satisfaotory to tie.
for quality ie the chief attraction M
this Store.
11Z StiOMAX.