HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-05-06, Page 5TUN WINGIIAM TIMES, MAY 0 :1909
For Salo by
For every button that comes off one of our RAILROAD
will give you 10 cents, and for every rip in a
seam we' will give you a quarter of a
` dollar, within 30 days from date
of purchase.
The root of the varnishing department
01 the Doherty Organ and Piano Come
piny was blown off about midnight
by the strong gale which passed over
this district. A. large plate glass front
in the store (templed by R. A. Downs,
merchant tailor, was also blown in and
completely destroyed. Other damages
were also reported, each as telegraph
and telephone poles having been blown
Mr. A. Hamilton, a prominent lawyer
who at one time practiced is Palmer-
ston, and later held a Government
position in the west, Dame home to
Ontario for his health. While visiting
in the township of Howiok, some four
miles out of Harriston, ho left the house
on Wednesday evening of last week
presumably for a walk. He did not
return, however, and a searoh was made
for him, but to no avail. His body was
found next day in the river about dinner
time. The remains were interred in the
Palmerston cemetery. The unfortun-
ate man was about forty years of age,
Miss De Leon, the dancer, was sen-
teneed to eight days in jail at Montreal
for giving an immoral exhibition. An
appeal was entered, and she was releas-
ed on bail.
"Why 1 Recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
The Particulars of a Remarkable Cure Told by a Presby-
terian Clergyman—T Sufferer Brought Back from
Death's Doors.
Mrs. Robertson, of St. Augustine was
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. D.
Wm. Geddes, 3rd line of Morris, de-
livered six hogs to O. Johnston that
netted him $99.
Last Thursday Messrs. Geo. Spotton
and H. B. Elliott, of W ingham were in
the village in the interests of the North
Huron Telephone Co. They report the
stook of the company selling well and
many people in this section have signi-
fied their willingness to put in tele-
phones. We hope to see the rural
telephones in working order within the
next few months.
St. Andrew's Manse,
Cardigan, P. E. I., Jan. 1908.
Though I have never been siok my-
self, and have not had ooeasion to nee
Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills, I thought you
ought to know of the remarkable owe
they have wrought in 1>1r. Olding'e
During a visit to my home in Meri
gomtsh, N. S , some years ago, I wee
grieved to find our next door neighbor
and friend, Michael Olding, very low.
"He is not expeotod to live," my moth-
er informed me, "And you must go
over and see him as he is liable to
pass away at any moment." "Not ex-
pected to live," that was the opinion
not only of the doctor who attended
him, but of his wite and family as well.
Upon visiting him myself I fennel
abundant evidence to confirm their
Mr. Olding had for years been af-
filiated with asthma and bronchitis, but
now a complication of diseases was
ravishing his system. He had been
confined to hie bed for months and was
reduced to a skeleton. Though evident-
ly glad to see me, he conversed with
the greatest difficulty, and seemed to
realize that it was the beginning of the
end. He was daily growing weaker;
his feet were swollen to twice their
natural size, and the cold hand of death
was npou his brow. "It's no use," he
said feebly, "the doctors medicine is not
helping me and I am going down rapid-
ly." I prayed with him as for a man
soon to pass into eternity, and when 1
took his hand in parting it was the last
time I expected to see him in the flosh.
Three years later while on another
visit to my mother's Michael Oldine
was seemingly in better health than 1
had ever seen him, for, as I said, he
Counoil will meet next Monday.
Tho Truss to January lst, 1910 for
50 cents.
Policeman Oaldbiok, of Cobalt, was
here on a visit to the parental home.
Miss Gertrude Duncan, 4th line, and
Mies Gertie Ewan, of Brussels, were
visiting at Blyth and locality' laet
Mrs. E. Sellers, 2nd line, entertained
a few of her neighbors to an oyster
supper on Friday night, April 23rd, prior
to the going of G. W. Tnrvey to the
West on Tuesday of this week. An
enjoyable time was spent. Musical
selections were played on the gramo-
phone by Issao Jewitt. The company
dispersed thanking Mrs. Sellers for her
kind hospitality.
The Guelph Ministerial Association
has passed a resolution condemning
large hats worn by women, and re-
questing that they be removed in
-�-•� ,0101..
Not Strinria.siate
Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not stimulate. It does not make
you feel better one day, then as. bad as ever the next. It
is not a strong drink. No reaction after you stop using it.
There is not a drop of alcohol in it. You have the steady,
even gain that comes from a strong tonic and alterative.
We wish you would ask your doctor about this. He
knows. Trust him. Do as he says. . c. A •r co., Lowell. Mass.
Doyer's doctors recommend them? long? Liver Pills. How have
yourthown been
and find out.
4444444+++++++++4 4444+4444 4444444444444444+++++444.4
+ Phone 70. Prompt Delivery. Highest prices paid for all kinds of produce, +
Ladies' Lawn Waists.
had a'ways bion ailing. In a eer
peration he had asked his wife to got
him Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They
soon began to help him. His appetite
and strength began to improve, and to
the aotnnishnient of his family and
friends he rapidly regained hie health.
Now, though the burden of well nigh
four snore years is upon him, he is able
to do a fair day's work, and is in the
enjoyment of good health, even the
asthma has oeaeed to trouble him as in
former years.
Do Your Ears Ring?
This le the beginning of Ohronio Ca-
tarrh. If not checked, the result is
deafneos. A simple remedy that many
physicians advise is to slowly inhale
' 0atarrhozone" a few times each day.
The soothing vapor of Oaterrhozone
cures the Catarrhal condition and hear -
rug improves at once. Head noises,
buzzing ears are cured. For Catarrhal
deafness, throat, nose and lung catarrh
there is probably no remedy so effioient.
Following so olosely on the demise of
his son the news of the decease of Thos.
MoFadzean on Sunday, April 25th, oame
with a great shook to the community.
He had contracted a cold at the funeral
on the previous Monday which develop-
ed into pneumonia, which with other
complications resulted in his death.
His age was 76 years, 1 month and 22
days. Mr, MoFadzean was au old and
well-known resident of the 17th of Grey
and was moat highly respected for his
integrity and his outspoken candor. He
had prospered in the things of this
world but while doing so was not un-
mindful of the life beyond. In politics
he was an earnest Liberal and in church
relationship a loyal Presbyterian. He
is survived by his wife, three sons,
James, (councillor of Grey) Wm. and
.Robert, and one daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Shortreed, Morris.
Ladies' Waists for warm days. The best of the season's styles, ♦
'♦ beautifull3 made, fancy fronts, long sleeves; picked from the best
money can buy; sizes 32 to 34; prices ranging from $1.00 to $3.50.
• Muslins.
Mr. Olding h' self, as well as his
neighbors an he writer of this letter,
confidently relieve that his reeone from
the vary awe of death—seemingly so
minion! ..s—is due under the) blessing
of o• to the timely and eontlnaous
ns Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Mr. Olding himself writes:—"I am
glad Rev. Mr. Smith has written you
about my wonderful cure, for I confi-
dently believe that if it had not been
for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would
have been dead long ago It would be
impossible to exaggerate the desperate
condition I was in when I began to
use the Pills. No one thought I oonld
got better. I scarcely dared hope my-
self that Dr. Williams' Piok Pills would
bring me through, but they did and I
have ever eines) enjoyed good health
Though I am seventy-nine years old
people are always remarking on how
young I look—and I feel young. I can
do a fair day's work, and I am better in
every way than I had been for years.
I minuet say too much in praise of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and I take every
opportunity I can to recommend them
to friends who aro ailing."
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams wish to
thank their many kind friends who
assisted them either by money or goods
after their recent lose of nearly every-
thing by fire at the Boundary Brick
How about your Summer Dress? We have many wash +
fabrics of pretty design and pleasing patterns. Newest shades
.t in Mulles. 2
Young Men's "Stylish Suits."
We have a range of different styles that is equal to the best
It Iran Billed Hundreds,
Strong purgatives have killed many a
good man. Costiveness is bad –violent
oathartics are worse. If bothered with
stomach trouble or billiousness, try Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. They are so mild you
can scarcely feel their action, yet so
effective that the entire system is Olean•
sed of wastes. Dr. Hamilton's one the
move the bowels gently,
kidneys. assist digestion, clear the skin.
For those subject to colds, biliousness,
langotir there. is no better medicine
Try a 25c. box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
that can be bought; in grey, brown, blue and green sults; also the +
• •
finest selection in Gentlemen's Suitings at best prices.
New Derby Hats for $2.00.
English and American; some like one; some like the other;
Blacks, Browns, Greens and Black Fedoras.
t -louse Furnishings.
tralla. After living in that country for
a number of years they returned to the
Orkney Islands and some forty years
ago Dame to Canada, settling first in
Brantford and a few years later .acme
and settled on the let line of Morris.
Mrs. Spence was a woman beloved by a
large circle of friends and her death
leaves another blank among the pion-
eers. She had for many years been a
faithful member of the Bluevalo Pres•
byterian ohnroh. She is survived by
her husband, who, we are sorry to re•
port is in very poor health, and two
daughters, Mrs. A. MacEwen and Mrs.
Henderson and ono son, Mr. John
Spence. One daughter, Miss Annie
Spence, died a few years ago. The
bereaved have the sympathy of the com-
Monday of last week, W. E. Dancan,
who recently sold his barber business in
town to John Elliott, purchased the
tonsorial business of George Robertson,
of Clinton, and will take possession in
the near future. He will move his
family to Olintou shortly.
The house and lot ownod by Peter
Ritchie, William street, Brussels, has
been purchased by D. B. Moore, who
will get possession in about a month.
Pride is said to be $700. It is the inten-
tion of Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie and family
to move to the West where several sons
are residing and where Mr. Ritohie is
interested in real estate.
A. M. McKay, recently of the hard-
ware firm of McKay & Shaw, having
sold out to his partner, purposes remov-
ing to Chesley where he will be assooiat
ed with the Chesley Sanitary Plumbing
and Heating Co. He has been a resi-
dent of this locality for a great many
years and has taken a great interest
in all that tended to the betterment of
the community, The Presbyterian
Church and Sabbath School will lose a
faithful official and worker by his re-
moval. He was also President of Brus-
sels branoh of the Upper Canada Bible
Society, and the local Lord's Day Alli-
ance organization.
Doctors Fear Tonsilitis Outbreak.
Hundreds of oases are reported. If
your throat is irritable and sore, gargle
it three times daily with Nerviline and
water. Then rub the throat and chest
vigoronely with Nerviline and put on a
Nerviline Porous Plaster. Follow these
instructions olosely and yon will avoid
Tonsilitis. Bronchitis and Throat
Trouble of every kind. Hundreds aro
preventing and caring their colds by
this method and report it eminently
satisraotory. Both Nerviline. Plasters
and Poison's Nerviline oan be had from
any dealer, 25o. eaoh.
Wenvl invite everyone to come and inspect our Rugs, Carpets,
Linoleums and Floor Oils. We have a nice variety to select from. +
The Grocery Department has our special attention. Pnone
number 70, and leave your order, which will be delivered promptly.
Thos. Jacklin,, Who bought the Bel-
den farm, Howiok boundary, had 1,167
trees tapped this year and manufactured
3,112 pounds of syrup, representing
nearly 240 gallons.
The 100 -acre farm, known as the Vod-
den farm, lot 21, con. 5, was disposed
of by Thos. Vodden, last week, to Lewis
Heath, of Elma, for the sum of $5,000:
The new proprietor gets possession at
Last Sabbath afternoon the Sabbath
School meeting in the school house of
S. S. No. 3, resumed operations after
the usual winter holiday. The people
of the neighborhood evince no small
interest in the Sabbath School which is
to their credit.
Ho was a Presbyterian P b t in church tela
Tuesday of last week Joseph Oster, a
well known resident of the Oth con.,
answered the 'summons of his Creator
and he passed away from his earthly
home, in his 65th year. He had been
poorly daring the past year with
Brights' disease but was only in bed two
weeks. The announcement of his de-
cease was a great surprise to many.
Deceased was born in Vaughan town-
ship and was married to Mary E. Hunt-
er, (who died on September 9th, 1907)
about 40 years ago and is survived by
one son, Fred, and a daughter, Miss
Laura' both at home. Walter and Joe
are deo-eased, Thos. and Aaron Oster,
of Vaughan, are brothers of the subject
of Ode notice and Mrs. Keys, of Wooed.
bridge, and Mrs, McDougall, of Toronto,
are eiders, Mr. Oster was of a quiet
tarn who attended closely to his own
affairs and enjoyed the respect of the
community who will regret his demise.
-her husband left early in life for Aus•
++♦+++++±+;#,1014++++4+ iii1.44i++++44+,114,.644.44.+4,0§#4• +-1:1.44i++++44+,114,.644.44.+4,0§#4• tiondhip and a Conservative is politica,
One of the most welcome among the
many exchanges which oome to onr
desk is The News, of Toronto, The
News has recently made wonderful ad•
vanaes, so much so that old friends of
the paper would hardly recognize in this
great Canadian newspaper the old News
of a few years ago. The News now
contains from fourteen to twenty pages
eaoh day, with twenty-four to thirty-
two on Saturday. A specialty is made
of political and Parliamentary news and
questions affecting the welfare of the
public receive fair editorial treatment by
clever writers. We aro safe in saying
that there is no paper more widely quot-
ed in Canada and its cartoons are re-
produced by many of the leading jour-
nals. Through an arrangement made
with The News we aro able to offer THE
Tutus and The News in a olnb for one
year at the remarkably cheap price of
Tour Nervus Aro Weak.
You. sleep badly, appetite is variable.
You eat but gain no strength. Morning
tiredness makes you wish night would
come. When night comes refreshing
sleep is hard to obtain. You're ran
down, your blood is thin and watery,
your nerves have grown weak, the
thought of effort wearies you. Yon
need Ferrozone; it makes blood,—red,
strong blood. An appetite? You'll eat
everything and digest it too. Strength?
That's what plenty of food gives. Fer-
rezone Rives hope, vigor, vim, endur-
ance. Use Ferrozone and get strong.
Results are gniok—onre is lasting. All
dealers in 50o. boxes.
Mr. Watson Smith is slowly recover-
ing after an attack of pneumonia.
Mr. Russell ;and family of Lakelet
visited over Sunday with Mrs. Alexander
Miss Barbara Thyne has returned to
Palmerston after having visited her
sister, Mrs. T. Stewart.
The regular monthly and alto the
annual meeting of the Women's In-
stitute will be held at the home of Mre.
Harry Diamond, on Thursday, 13tb
May, at 2.30 p. m. After tho buntn�'se
of the annual meeting is completed the
following papers will be read: --"Wash-
ing woollens and blankets," by Mrs.
Geo. McDonald; "Keeping moths ant
of the house," by Mrs. W. H. Fraser;
"Salads," by Mrs. Wm Maxwell,
These meetings are very interesting and
helpful and we would like to see more
of the ladies attend.
This teotion has lost another of the
pioneers in the person of Mary Spence,
beloved wife of Magus's Spence, who
passed away on April 26th in her 82nd
year. Mrs. Spence had been ill for
some weeks with pneumonia. She was
born in the Orkney Islailds and with
Very Low Rate
for Summer Trip
to Pacific Coast
Return from WINGEIAM, good going May
20th to Sept, 30.
Return limit Oct. 31st. Liberal stip-
overs. Wide choice of routes. Go by the
direct Canadian line --see your own country
—the West, the Rooky Mountains. Visit
the Seattle Exposition and other special
attractions. Talk it over with .l. 11.
13EEMER, Agent, Winghanl.
New Idea
New pring Car its
Rugs and Art
To Seattle and Return
Account of
Alaska -Yukon -Pacific
Good going May 20th to Sept 30th,
1909, return limit Oct 31st, 1909.
Homeseekers' Excursions
At low rates via Chicago or Sarnia
and Northern Navigation Co.
We sell satisfaction as well as carpets. We would rather miss
a sale than give you something inferior, and because of that we
handle only such makes as we can thoroughly recommend. ' We
make a specialty of
New Style Ingrains
partly because they seem never to wear out, and partly because
they spell "satisfaction." The fact that few people know much
about carpets is all the more reason why you should be careful what
you buy and where you buy. Let us help you make comparisons.
RUGS.—We are showing a large stock of imported Rugs
and Art Squares, very pretty colorings in high-elass Oriental Wil -
tons and Axminsters, also new designs and colorings in Brussels and
Tapestry Squares. Prices range from $10.00 to $35.00, any price
you want to pay.
STAIR CARPET.—Several rolls of 'New Stair Carpet just
received in the different widths, see our leader at 50c
JAPAN MATTING.—Special value in Floor Matting.
Twelve rolls to choose from. Ask to see our line at.,.... 20c
LINOLEUMS.—New Block and Floral designs in Lino-
leum, two and four yards wide. All prices.
OILCLOTHS.—A11 widths of new patterns in stock, per
square yard..
LACE CURTAINS.—A very large display of pretty
CURTAINS and CURT.IIN MATERIALS, new coloring in
MADRAS and ART MusLINs, also Spot and Stripe Muslins.
: In oak and mahogany with trim,
mings to match. complete 25e
—The best quality always in stock.
See our lace trimmed blinds at. 50e
. In Damask, Chenille and Raw
Silk, new colorings and patterns, ask to see them, prices
range from $2.50 to $10.00
Carpet Department on second floor. Linoleums in the basement. p
We have just received a car load of fresh cement, and
is the time to buy while it is cheap.
For fall information apply
as . torat ens,
W. routes, eto., PP y
Depot Meant, et address J, 1), Mot 1
Donald, D. 1'. A., Toronto.
now I
We sell all kinds of metal roofing for house or barn, and we w
also carry In stock the well known and reliable PAROID
ROO1?INC, which makes a splendid covering for stables, 4
wood sheds, barns, ete. It is easy put on, very lasting, and 4
a let cheaper than shingles. DOES YOUR OLD FELT
ROOF LEAK. If so buy some of our cement paint. It is I
easy put on and is a sure cure for leaky roofs.
► The old reliable Elephant Brand—it covers, well, look well
and lasts well. It is CHEAPER than some of the other 4
makes of paint, but that does not say that it is not JUST
AS GOOD. Try it. We guarantee every can to be right
or money refunded. 1
=J G
60.tewart � 1