HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-05-06, Page 4THE WINGHAM TIMES, MAY 6, 1909 i8&T4J3LISIIRD 1812 TIi INUAN TIMES. $'/1141.10T"1', P'1 BLISUiaa AtU)PROPRIETOP THURSDAY, MAY 0, 1909. NOTES ANO OOfAMENTS The coatrooms revenue for April, the t mouth of the new fiscal year, was 861,678 This is an increase of $511,- 1130 over the same month last year, When the ooileotions were $3.449,547, !Ream KIM Minutes of Council meeting held in the Clerk'a office, Blnevale, Monday, May 3rd. Members of Council all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes at last meeting wore read and adopted on motion of Messrs. McMichael and Kelly. The Reeve reported that he had met a committee from CuIrina Council on boundary oppoeito Lot 18, Con. 12, Turnberry, and that they failed to make any arrangement with Messrs. Bryce and Lontit re drains. Mr. Wheeler reported that along with Councillor Rutherford he had held a meeting at No. 9 school house re drain through Lot 10, Con. 0, and the parties agreed to appoint an arbitration re outlet and each party agreed to abide by their award. McMichael—Wheeler—That G. Bar- ton be allowed to do statute labor for S Lot 3, Con. 0, in Road Division No. 50. Hen=y Markley, Pathmaster.—Cd. Wheeler—Ratherford—That Mr. Mo - Michael be appointed to meet a member of Howiek Council and examine drain on Howiok boundary opposite G Bar- ton's lot, Con. O. —Carried. Wheeler—Mc Michael—That Mr. Kelly be authorized to spend $16 00 on 20th Side Line, Con. 8, that being the price of timber sold.—Carried. Molli:iohael—Ratherford — That the Reeve and Mr. Wheeler inspect road opposite Lot 5. Con. 4 and 5, and if con- sidered necessary they put a 12 inch cement tile surface culvert.—Carried. MoMichael—Kelly—That Mr. Herbert Hennings be employed to work and take care of road machine at same salary as last year.—Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued:—Mnnioipal World, binder for B. M. & D . $2 50; Theo. Ball, printing, $26.50; James Nichol, filling washout in road, $3.00 Wheeler — Rutherford — That this meeting do now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's office, Blnevale, on Monday, May 31st, at 10 o'clock a. m., also that the Court of Revision of the assessment roll be held at the same plane and on the same day at 2 o'clock JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. EAST WAWA_NOsa. Chas. Martin has moved to John Martin's farm and will work it this summer. Wm. Robinson, Harry Ohamney and Joseph Ohamney are doing considerable ditching this spring, The succession dues paid to the Pro- 1 vines fcr the four months ending April tili0th amounted to $345 820, The esti- mate for the ten months ending Oct, 81st was only $400,000, so that this Will be greatly exceeded. The receipts for April were very large—•$1.19 3s8. If the present average is continned Ocl. Matheson will have over $1,000,000 for the year from this source. SOUTH HURON LICENSE. Barley • ..-, 0 50 to 0 55 Peas .... 0 85 to 0 85 Butter dairy .... ... • 0 18 to 0 18 Eggs per dos 0 18 to 0 18 Wood per cord 2 50 to 2 50 Hay , per ton 8 00 to 9 00 Potatoes, per bushel, ... , • . 0 40 to 0 40 .d - 0 17 to 0 17 Live Hogs, per cwt,7 15 to 7 15 South Huron License Commissioners, consisting of Peter Donulase (Chair- man) of Blake; W. 11. Delbridge, of tJsborne, and Jos Canniog, of Tucker- tmith, with John Torrance, of Clinton, met at Brucefield to deal with the ques- tion of granting hotel licenses for the incoming year; The following. were granted. Bayfield—Alex. Robinson, Commer- cial Hotel; Mrs. E. Elliott, Albion Hotel, Exeter—W J Atehcson, Central Hotel; John Morley, Metropolitan Ho- tel; R. W. Dinney, Mansion House, 2 months to sell out his stook. Hay Township—R R Johnston, Dom- inion House, Zurich; J. P. Ran, Com- mercial House, Zurich; Mrs. W. Nich- olson, Blake House, Zurich. Tuckeismith Township—Brace Boa- senbnry. Dixon House, Brucefield ; Geo. Strong, Strong's Hotel, Brucefield. Stephen Township — Wm. Moffat, Bufferin House, Centralia; August Hill; Central Hotel, Crediton; H. 0. Clark, Royal Hotel, Crediton; B. Cunning- hame, Shave Hotel, Khiva; Jos. Ziler, Ontario House, Mt. Carmel; Ezra Bremner, Shipka Hotel, Shipka; Mrs. W. Frits, Bremner House, Grand Bend; Wm, Zimmer, Commercial Hotel, Dash- wood. The Board passed the following re- solution relating to St. Joseph proposed hotel:—Resolved that the application of W. M Oantelon, St. Joseph, for a tavern license for the Balmoral Hotel be not granted in the meantime but the Commissioners are willing to take Woe matter into their favorable considera- tion whenever they are satisfied the future developments and business in- tereats of the locality justify the grant- ing of a license, and further that the hotel be fitted up to the satisfaction of the inspector. There are no shop licenses granted this time as a renewal for the Exeter hop was not asked. e.o. CENTIVI ilt/th If4 'SiRATFORD, ONT, With twenty-two years' experi- ence to its credit this college is recognized ae the greatest practical training school in Western Ontario. Three departments: Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy. Our olessee are the largest, our courses most practical and our in- etrnetore experienced. Onr gradu- ates are assisted to positions and succeed as none others. Enter now. Get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN PRINCIPALS, VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV+9V'dYW Ark "AAPi^ AAWAAOW ‘ rt PRONE 27. Inspeotor Tom made his semi-annual visit to the schools in this township recently. Mrs. Ramsay, sr., of Michigan is visit- ing with her son, Mr. David Ramsay, at Westfield. Mr. Geo. Spotton. of Wingham, and Mr. John Gillespie, of Whitechurch, were through the township on Saturday last in the interests of the North Huron Telephone Co. The farmers are taking kindly to the telephone and we hope to see a nnmber of telephones in this township: Assessor Robinson has given no the following particulars, taken from his roll for this year:—Total number of acres assessed, 41,732; mores cleared, 30,323; sores wood land, 3,544; acres slash land, 2,208; acres swamp, marsh and waste land, 5,657; value of real property, $11,870.68; valve of buildings, $444,950; value of taxable real property, $1,632,008; value of real property ex- empt from taxation, $5,760; badness assessment, $3,277; taxable inoome, $1,190; total assessment, $1,636,475. total population, 1.619; male persons, between 21 and 60, 400; births, 33; deaths, 7; number of dogs, 275. WEST WAWANOSS. This township has lost one of its most popular residents in the passing away on Snnday last of Charles W. Taylor, in hie 46th year. Mr. Taylor was up to December, 1907, a strong robust man, hat at that time he was taken down with a heavy ootd and passed through a severe sickness from which he never fully recovered. Wednesday of last week he was able to be in Wingham but the following day was seized with stomach trouble. The deceased was a son of Mr John Taylor and was born in this township where he continued to reside all Ms life. He was highly re- spected and was a man of many good parts. His death at an early age is re- gretted by'a very large circle of friends. He had 15.11 his life been a staunch Liber- al. Some years ago he was married to Miss Bertha Ford, daughter of Mr. Jas. Ford, who, with two daughters. Misses Ella and Alberta and one son, Norman, survive. His aged father, five brothers and two sisters also survive, viz:— David, of Blyth; Benj. and Thos. H , of Westfield; .William and Robert, of St. Helene; Mrs. Jos. Stalker, of Wing - ham, and Mrs. M. Lookhart, of Auburn. The bereaved will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. The funeral to the Wingham cemetery on Tuesday afternoon was largely attended. • Royal Report of S. S. No. 9, for April:— Jr. V—Richard Deaoon. Sr. IV—Verna Taylor, Gwedolyn Currie and Pearl Deacon equal, Mary Currie. Jr. IV—Maggie Pocock, Harold Cur- rie, Ernest Sheille, Charlie Taylor. Jr. III—Wilmor Taylor, Fiona Dea- con, Annie Corrie, Helen Deacon. Jr. II—George Pocock, Tommy Cur- rie. Harold Reid, Percy Sheills. Pt. II—Helen P0000k, Teddy Kerr, Charlie Currie, Alex. Leaver. Sr. I—Kathleen Kerr, Jas. Perdue. Jr. I—Jno. Taylor Average attendanoe 27. ANNIE L. LAWRENCE, Teacher. Grocery OUR SALES ARE INCREASING EVERY DAY IN Teas, Coffees and Groceries They are always fresh and the best that can be bought. wainerammeatio ALSO FRESH VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND CAN GOODS. ÷ • Fresh Bread Every �� PHONE 27. ..lawn Mowers, LawnHose,j � i 1 Lawn Rakes i I stock on hand and PRICES LOWER THAN EVER, MURES C®-- -Tho king of all wall finishes—no dearer 11►1 V e�7 than other makes, but just the best. a Ask your painter about it, ) > Ladies call and secure a free sample l DUSTBANI �'"'- of this sweeping compound. Keeps 1 down dust—brightens up the carpet—kills moth germs, and does away with dusty Friday. c } 3 Call and see, our Lawn Mowers. We have a complete ) s Live and learn to barn LEHIGH VALLEY COAL All sizes in stock. I RICHARDSON & RAE. OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL. AA NVVaAta" mOMVVWVVVVVVVINtiseN+. Ap��/y/aA AAAAA A AAAAA4oA, 3 ) ) ) ) ) MA,LGOLM'8 .i• Produce Taken. Phone 54. +++++ ++++++++++++++++++++4 '•h•Y+d-+++4 • • Buggies; • ♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦*♦e♦•'♦♦o♦♦♦*♦♦♦**♦♦♦♦♦ 1 2 • ®® ••♦•♦•••••♦•♦•♦••••• • •s Wingham Carriage W • • • • orks • PROPRIETOR♦• WM• • . D -•v• • •••••41.*******************♦♦• • Live Stock Markets, City Oettle Market—Toronto, May 4 —There was a comparatively heavy run of cattle in this market to -day, and though trade was a little slower there was a large demand, and by noon pretty nearly everything was sold oat. On the commoner and medium mixed butcher cattle there was a alightly easier tenden- cy, but on the whole, and particularly on the choicer quality, either botcher or export, prices were no easier, the high levels of the past few markets being frilly maintained. There is a more active demand for export cattle, and some high prune were quoted, one extra choice lot of heavy cattle selling at $6.12l-, a little higher than the top price yesterday. Tho demand for choice butcher cattle continues very active, and for the best Iota $5.25 to $5 50 is frequently quoted. There was a larger proportion of medium quality cattle offering, and thi9 accounted for the slight drag noticed in the market. Hogs—Market ten cents lower. Select hoes are quoted at $7.15 f. o. b , and $7.35 fed and watered. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lba. Choice Medium Bulls Light Cows Fenders -- best 1000 pounds and wards Stockers choice bulls Butchers'— Picked 5 00 5 40 Medium.... 4 60 500 Cows........ 3 75 4 50 Balls 2 50 3 75 Hogs-- . 7 35 Pest Lights 7 15 Sheep— Export ewes 450 5 25 Bucks.... 3 50 400 Cunt' ,250 3 25 Spring Lambs each.. 5 00 6 001 Nivea. each . 300 6 501 LOWER WINGHASM. The following is the report of Lower Wingham School for the month of April. Names in order of merit. IV Glass Sr.—Grace Sherriff, Ermine Copeland, Laura Calhoon, Ed. Lock - ridge, Ruby Foreytb, Alfred Lockridge. IV Class Jr. --Beatrice Johnston. Minnie Saunders, Alvin Groves, Jessie Carrie. III Class Sr.—Susie Sherriff, Vernon Allenby, Myrtle Lockridge, Susan Weleb. III Clam Jr.—Mindred Mercer, Milton Groves, Francis Lockridge, Roes For- tieth, Gordon Raueom, Leonard Adams, Edith McNutt II Olass.—Winnie Ransom. Mary Austin, Jimmie Sell., Roy Forsyth. Willie Anetin, Erneet Johnston, babel Austin Stanley Baser. Pt, II . r.—Olive Groves, Sam Look - ridge, Hilda Adams, Garnet Oasemore, Grim °ethane, Maggie A+iams. Merton Case ore, Russel Finley, Carl Dixon. Pe.5r.—Gertie Groves, Roy Finley, tom Oruickshank, Ed. Shrigiey, Willie Fialey, Mayse Hart, Howard Finley, Edrl Hart, Frank King. Pt. I Jr,—Tom Lockridge, Lizzie Cruickshank, Gordon McGregor, Mamie 13'inley, Margaret Linkiater, Charlie Loekridge, Wilbert Oasemore. E. Musonovn, Teacher. SCOTT'S EMULSION stops Ioss of flesh in babies and children and in adults in summer as well as winter. Some people have gained a pouncl a day while taking it. Take It in a little cold water et sank Get a small bottle veva Ari Drtgtsts '-eaE: 5TANOAR0 Or "'14C WOHLf5 $1.00 Wheat $5 50 $6 00 5 00 5 05 4 50 4 75 375 400 4 25 4 50 u425 450 275 300 1 50 200 Means good times— The farmer pays for all. When he is prosperous All other businesses are benefited. The winter is nearly over— Spring is close at hand. Yon have decided to move to Wingham— But there are practically no empty houses. It will pay you to buy one. We have studied the situation. Prices are certain to advance Within the next few months. Call and see us. We can convince you. We have the proofs— Aloo a good list of desirable pro- perties Either in, or near, town At right prices. Money to loan on farms at lowest rates. Ritchie & Cosecs REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. WINGHAM - ONT. Are you thinking of a new rig this spring ? You'll make a mistake if you buy elsewhere without first seeing what we have here, in Open and Top Buggies, Carriages, etc. Something new and nobby in a surface -oak finish box. The latest in rubber tires, etc Materials, workmanship, and everything about these rigs fully guaranteed PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY • • • z • •Z • • A ♦ 4 • • 4 • 4 ♦ v • 4 4 • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ,IEW-- Rev. Dr, Workman is suing the Wes- leyan College for five .thousand dollars for wrongful dismissal and slander. J. H. Rolls and family, of Listowel, left for the Canadian West. Mr. Rolls recently sold his farm to Thos. Gibson, of Britton, the price being about $10,000. The undersigned will keep for service on his The farm is situated just east of town prem ises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. on the let concession of Elma and is Terms—$1, to bo paid at time of service. M. considered one of the best in the town - T. ENDERSOP.,0. ship. Win The People's Popular Store WINGHAM, - ONT. Mr. Alex. Alex. M. Scott of Landon, Ont., celebrated his hundredth birth day on Sunday. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Agents— Ladies Home Journal KURR N. BIRD • Agents-- Honio Journal. Patterns /1 great Big Clearing Sale Now On nor r per elIINGSAM MAR2 80 to 3 25 H1aT IMPORTS 5th, 1009. IFallWhe t� Wingh.. 112 to 1 42' CASII FOR EGGS. Phone 9. 2 to 12 Cate - At It Again' Having purchased the Grocery formerl owned by J. T. Lamonby, we.. desire to inform the people of Wingham and vicinity? that we are prepared to supply all kinds of FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES AT REASONABLE PRICES, WE ALSO INTEND TO SERVE ICE CREAM and having before gained a favor- able reputation in this line, we solicit a share of your patronage. Fruits of all kinds in season. D. L. RUSH. $1.50 , Round Trip One way $1.00. Children half fare. Bdggage free. GODDRIGf to DETROIT . Saturday, June 19th 9.30 A.M. CANADA TIME. ITINERARY OF THE Eleventh Annual Excursion GODERICH7DETROIT JUNE 1909 Steamer Gr - ound W ITE S 'AR LINE LEAVE ' ETROIT FOR GODERICH Friday, June 19th, 8 a.m. Central Time. Arrive Goderich 6:80 p. m. Special T:11 80 p m.on arrival oderfelt f steamer from Mlinton and oonlight Trip. tations to Stratford LEAVE GODERICH FOR DETROIT Saturday, June 10th, 8.20a. m., Canadta Ti e,p.mtopping at Port Huron. Arriv(Sunday In Detroit, Toledo, Put -in -Bay or Cleveland.) A. Special Excursion Train from Stratford the morning of June 19th, stop- ping at Mitchell, Dublin, Seaforth, Clinton and Holmesvilie, and arrive in Goderich �9 a, m. From Wingham, Bn 8 40 a. etc., take m., with Special Tran for June Goder ch. connects at Also a Special Excurei.on Train from Guelph, Elmira, etc., via C. P. R. FROM DETROIT RETURNING TO GODERICH Leave Detroit Monday, June 91st 1:00 p. m., Port Huron 6:80 p. m. Arrive at Goderich 9:90 p. m. Special Trains leave Goderich 11.80 p. m. for Clinton, Wingham Stratford, Guelph, Elmira, etc., on arrival of steamer from Detroit, FROM GODERICH RETURNING TO DETROIT Leave Goderich (Nl last trip pTime 8: so so a. tn.,, Canada, Time)' at 8:30 a m Meals w01 be served In the beautiful dining room for this Facurslon at SOc. Lunch at ttte Lunch Counter. Goderidi Band Moonlight Eircursion at Goderich, tic. taste Dock 9:90 o'clock Friday evening, Jute i8th. Excursion Train as usual from atrattord and Way stations. 'WWIE STAR LINE. E. 21. O'ER, Excursion agent The Excursion from Wingham, Belgravo, Blj+th mod ' Londes- boro ill be tinder the adn Order of Foresters, Faresof Court nd, Canadian and other particulars will be given next week. We're having a lively time at the Big Store this month in 1 our House Furnishings Department. We're making Tremendous Reductions in Prices and the peo- ple are securing their supply of bright new goods at prices lower than any ever quoted in Wingham. Tremendous Price Cutting in Window Shades. 84 Roller Window Shades, best colors, reg. 50e, now 390 complete 108 " " " with Lace Trimming 75c, now 50c complete 24 " C " Lace and Insertion 90e, now 69c complete 10 " " Lace and Insertion $1.00, now 79c complete Big Cut in Prices of Curtain Poles, White Cottage Curtain Rods, reg. 15c for 10c complete Oak and Mahogany Curtain Poles, reg 25c for 20e complete Brass Extension Rods, reg 604c for 44c complete 20e for 14e complete 15c for 10e complete —e - GREAT BARGAINS IN CARPETS AND CARPET SQUARES FARMERS.—Don't forget that we are in seed businesE The very best garden and field seeds from the most reliable dealers Order "Special" varieties of seeds through us. nc-."--m__ �-S= 3 "__'--r?l r�_:9:l. F. -14171 px.� • 11, Ittatt BURNED OUT W. G. Patterson's Jewellery Store Has IBeen Gutted By Fire-- Stock Ruined Customers need not be alarmed about their Watches and Jewellery which were left for repairs, as they were safe in the vault. We will be greatly obliged if those owing us will please settle at once, as we are at a great loss, and need the money. NOW OPEN For BUSINESS AND GIVING . IMMENSE BARGAINS ! W. G. PATTERSON WINGHAM, ONT. til. iiof ,, :1110 It RL.