HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-04-29, Page 41 inkuttuo 10111,00 1.11110 1 rq art 0.00 Fla Er". BURNED OUT W. G. Patterson's Jewellery Store Has Been Gutted By Fire-- Stock Ruined 1111111111111601111111111111111113111111111011111 Customers need not be alarmed about their Watches and Jewellery which were left for repairs, as they were safe in the vault. 1111111111110011111111111111161111111111 We will be greatly obliged if those owing us will please settle at once, as we are at a great loss, and need the money. NOW OPEN For BUSINESS AND GIVING IMMENSE BARGAINS ! W. G. PATTERSON :YiZ=E� _ce 4 alleTABLI$11R13 liar WINCI' t. B.BLI4Q ..Prmr,xs4ax O1nPitoirRl7:ra1T ThluRSD , APRIL 29, 1909, NOTES AND COMMENTS The true principle of Itnpe,rial de- fence, Lord Milner Bays, it to moue - age et oh dominion to provide first for the defence of its own soil, and all Imperial interests there by its. own ;Wive force, Sinoe the commencement of thin oes- ltitru, nothing of a scandalous nature has been charged against the Governmeut. It is rarely that a new parliament meets aithant many charges of political cor, rnp$ion being preferred against the win. ning side, This is a cireumstanoe which 'should be regarded as in favor of the Government, The attitude of the Opposition on the Grand Trunk Peoiflo loan is on a par With their attitude on the original bill. They wanted the road built but they did not agree with the polioy of the Gov- ernment. They now want the loan to be given but they don't agree with the security offered. This is a paltry objec- tion, The loan is guaranteed by the old Grand Trunk Company and the surplus of this company for several years past would have been sufficient to have paid the interest on the loan several times over. The Western men are all in favor of helping out the road which will find traffi.o from the opening day. The good citizen is always the sonny -eider. If there are two sides to be considered, he chooses and talks about the better and brighter side. He leaves his troubles at home if he has had to bring them there. If his brealsfnet has been unwisely chosen, he goes down town by the book streets. If he feels good nest day, ho walks three blooke ou the main thoroughfare to make up for it. And his smile leaves its trail of radiance behind him that does not fade with the day. Some time we shall erect a monument to some happy -hearted, laughter -loving, smiling• soiled citizen, who never built any great institutions or performed any great deed of valor or made himself famous by any not of courage or great- ness of genius; and upon the pedestal of the monument shall bo engraved the enfiioient inscription, "He smiled!" —Hamilton Spectator. The T. Eaton Co., is the successful tenderor for the publication of the new Ontario readers, the contract to run for 10 years, Sir James Whitney has issued a self -laudatory statement re• garding the price obtained under the contract which he claims to be lower than, has ever been attained for a set of readers. The pride is low indeed, but not rroportionately lower than might he attained for any produot under similar conditions. Hitherto the publication and distribution of school books has been conducted on a ccmmeroial basis. The change made now involves a very different system. The Government bears all the expenses of the preparation of tho books, copyright, the work of composition, electrotyping and supply- ing the piatee and all other incidental expenses, leaving nothing for the pub - "I have taken Scott's Emulsion for six weeks and have found it a won- derful onderful remedy. Before I took the Emulsion I had no appetite; was weak; had lost nearly fifty pounds of flesh, and now I eat well and am gaining every day. 1 find Scoffs Emulsion to be very easily digested and a good food for all weak people."—FLORENCE SLEEKER, No. 1 Myrtle Avenue, Bridgeton, N. J. This is only Doe of thousands of cases where Scott's Emulsion has given an appetite. It's so ea.«ily digested that it doesn't tax the digestive organs and they rest; yet the body Ls wonderfully bore. asked and built up. The digestion is improved --dial ordinary food is 5ufi-irient. Growing bora and girls, who retied so much food to keep there well and strong, and also growing, should be givers a bottle of Sc otr•'s rattrurox every few weeks. It doe *coders fat than. It pte- vents thelt getting run ilcrmt and apin y. Nothing docs thee( so =eh good. Ark DItt7O SSa Dee ....read loos son Irelore bold here*, fare owed* rodirot 4 tart (Mad. shim vitt rddreer,416s *oar of ski. roma. SCOTT & KE UUI Wellieesua ilk-. K. Tweet* licher to do, and no risk or expanse for hint to bear rave the press I'prk and binding, The Government might. easily leave reduced the price mush further; it war only a gaeet1on of charging ro much more of the sort to the public treasury. --Hamilton Times• IMMIGRATION, From a little book containing the lat- est immigration statistics, it is seen that things really did not begin to move until after the last centavo so that the whole boom will go to well the population which will be ehown in the census of 1911. In the year 1900-1 the immigration was only 49,14D. It rose next year to 67,379, and reached its summit in 1907$, when the figures were 262,469. The next year there was a falling oft, eleven months showing only 130,444, which would mean about 142,000 tor the year. The total immi• gration since 1901 is nearly 1,200,000. The two years before the next census should bring the total up to about 1,500,000. Making allowance for natural increase, the census of 1911 will show a papulation of considerably over seven millions. British immigration began to boom in 1901.2 when there were 17,259 ar- rivals, and reached its highest point in 1907, when the number was 120,182, as compared with 83,975 from the cons tinent of Europe, and 58,312 from the United States. The falling off in the eleven months of 1908.9 was chiefly in British and European immigration. The American immigraiion was 50,650 for the eleven months, which was high. er than either the British or Enropeau immigration, and this yeas it is re- ported that 70,000 Americans are com- ing. The American stream varies lees in volume than the others, the av- erage for the /met few years being a little less than 50,000 a year, Out of 239,771 who entered in five years, 155,- 388 were farmers or farm laborers. While we are getting a mixed popu- lation in the West, the proportion of those who present no difficulty in the way of assimilation is fairly maintain- ed. In the banner year 1907-8 there were 178,500 Britiehere and Amerioans, as compared with 84,000 from the con- tinent of Europe. In the last eleven months there were nearly 100,000 Brit- ishers and Americans, and not a third as many from the continent of Europe. There is also a very considerable ele- ment of Oanadians from the older Provinces, so that the assimilating forces ought toff be,; strong enough for the task set before them. WEST WAWANOSH, Council met as per adjournment on April 15; members all present except Councillor Wilton. Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved on motion of Thompson and Watson. Treasurer's statement showed balance on hand of $248.44. Filed on motion of Aitobeson and Thompson, The Olerk reported that he and Coun- cillor Wilson had purchased a safe for the township from Wm. Little, of Lucknow for $40.00 and an order was drawn on the Treasurer for $40.00 for same and $2.00 for having it removed to the clerk's office. Matters as to roads and working the grader were talked, over and arrange- ments made for attending to same. The council then adjourned to meet on May 26th as a Court of Revision of assessment roll and for general business. W. S. MoOaosrxn, Clerk. Two men were killed at Calgary and a third fatally injured by the caving in of a trench. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has given notice of a bill to create a separa to Department of Labor. A tramp took possession of the union school at Cedar Springs, on Sunday night and used the school diotionary and pupils' teat books as fuel to keep himself warm. Final plans have been fyled at Ottawa for a 0. N. R. line from Ottawa to Hawkesbury. When this line and the Sollwood to Fort William link are built, the Canadian Northern will be able to give an all -rail service from Quebec to Edmonton. A SPRINGTIME WISH. !Isabel Ecolestone Mackay, in St. Nicholas, j O to be a robin In the spring! When the fleeting days of April Are a -wing ! And the air is sweet with knowing Where the hidden buds are growing, And the merry winds are goini7 Wandering! O to be a robin With a nest Built upon the budding branches Bast or West! Fust to awing end away and dangle Par from earth and all 111 tangle, Joining in the Kay bird jangle with* seal O to be a robin Jest to sing t 1.t to have the pain of hating Anything— Just to Aerie the foremost rwalletrr O'rer hill and over hollow-- And the joy of life to follow Through the spring! THE WING1IMM TIMES, APRIL 29, 1909 GROWING • BOYS AND GROWING GIRLS Need Ar. Williams' Pink Pills to Give Them Health and Strength, Growing boys as well as girls need such a tonin as Dr. Williams' Pick Pills to keep the blood rich, red and pure and give them health and strength, Dire. Edward Koch, post- mistress at Prince's Lodge, N. S., tells the great benefit her little gen has de- rived from the nae of this world fano one medioine. Mrs. gook says:—"My little son, Reginald, had bean troubled with anaemia almost since birth. Ra was alwaye a siokly looking child with no energy and little or no appetite. His veins showed very plainly through his skin and he had several serione attacks of stomaoh and bowel trouble, and on one occasion his life was diepaired of by two doctors who were at riding him. vly wasting more than a b and fretful His little body was elo away until he was nothin skeleton: He was peev and a misery to . msel , Having read and heard so m ' o . of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills I deter . tied to try them in hie case, and atter giving them to him for a couple of months they certainly worked wonders with him. Today he is fat and healthy looking; he has a hearty appetite, is able to play like other children, and is bright and energetic, instead of dull and listless as he used to be. Dr. Williams' Pink Pi118 have changed my puny, sickly child into a rugged, hearty boy." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured this siokly boy because they went down to the root of the trouble in able blood. That is why they never fail;, Bad blood is the clause of all common die - tomes like anaemia, (bloodlessness) ecz- ema, 'statement, headaobes, indigestion, kidney trouble, neuralgia, rheumatism and the special ailments that only grow- ing girls and womenfolk know. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills dont bother wits mere symptoms, their abn't cure for a day—they cure to stay oared. Do nos take any pills without the full nan.e "Dr. Williams'" -Pills for Pate People" on the wrapperaround each box. ' Sold by ail nnedioiue sealers or by mail at 50 cents a boa or six boxes for $2 50 from she Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook. villa, Ont. The military department orders that this summer no liquor is to be .old at oamps of instruotions. This is an im- portant concession to the temperance people and Domes as a result of the laxity of canteen managers in not con- fining the sale of beer striotly to the soldiers in camp. Does Your Hide Ache? When the first symptoms appear, rub with Nerviline—rub it in deeply. It penetrates to the muscles and chords that are sore—takes away stiffness—re- moves all strain and inflammation. If the condition is ohronic, put a Nerviline Porous Plaster on the affeoted spot. This draws out any virus or neuralgic irritation, restores the tissue to their wonted healthiness, permanently cures any weakness or tendenoy to pain. Nerviline Plasters absorb all the deleterious secretions through the re- laxed pores and when used along with Nerviline itself, every mnsoular pain or ache must go. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, April 27.—City Cattle Mar- ket.—Market up 10o to 15o to -day above yesterday's market. The receipts were very light, contrary to the calculations of those buyers who banked on heavier receipts and easier prides. There are some very good quality oattle in just now, and this compensates somewhat for the smaller numbers, and con- sequently high prices now going. "I do not see how prices oan go any higher than they are now," said a well known dealer this morning, "unless the prioes for butchers' meat gods up higher, too." Opinions differ ns to the near future of the market, some holding that there are plenty of cattle in the country, while others say they are very scarce. It is oertain that drovers are paying very high prides in the country, and until the "graesers" begin to comp in it does not look mnoh like lower prices. The run was 50 loads, with 736 head of (rattle, 200 sheep and Iambs, 400 hogs, and 470 calves. The following aro the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Por 100 lbs. Choibe $5 25 $5 60 Medium 4 40 4 85 Bulls , 400 5 00 Light................. 3 75 4 00 Cows 4 25 450 Feeders -- best 1000 pounds and up- wards 4 25 4 50 Stockers choice 2 75 3 00 " bnlls...,r, 1 50 2 00 Butohere'— Ploked 5 00 5 45 Medium.... 400 4 80 Cowie....... .. 3 25 3 50 Bulls 250 3 75 Bogs-- Beet 7 40 7 45 Light's 7 15 7 20 Sheep— Export ewes 4150 8 75 Bucks,,. 8 by Calls ... 2 50 8 25 Calv es. . each each.. 800 4 5050 WXNGHAM MARK= BiarORTa per Wingham, Apr. 28 et, 1209. FallWhe t 100 lbs. ......X.. 1 802 to 1 05 O*rs 0 42 to 0 45 Barley ••. ..... 060 10 0 55 Peas Butter Qf1I ....I', 0 82 to 0 82 Eggs r dais •.'• 0 18 to 0 18 �� ggg .......... 0 17 to 0 17 Wood per Dorsi ....,.., ,, . 250 to 2 50 Hay, per tbn,.......,.+ 800 to 200 Potatoes, per bushel,....., 0 60 10 0 60 fid..... 016tte016 Lire Hogs, per ot►t. 70010710 WINGHAM, ONT. ilu�Y14w14r-g-f! it H eat 1 VI I1 rata :ELI 311 e'rul�l: 111 : Elm LIt CIA 11111,11101181110111111.111111.0000180101110 The People's Popular Store WINGHAM, • - ONT. ,A.genta— Ladiee Home Journal KtRR & BIRDig Great Bargains Evoredy Starch (fine sterols), reg- ular loo package, now - 80 Chinese Starch, (fine staroh), reg. 10o package, now - • 8o Fancy bottle Table Vinegar, reg. 15o, now only , 8o Sweet Mixed Pickles, regular 20o bottle, to clear at • 16o 'Beaver Parlor Matches, regular price 12o a box, to clear Prinoess Parlor Matches, 1000 in a box, only - - - Seedless (Sultana) Raisins, an- other lot just to hand, per lb. 100 or 3 lbs. for - - Grated Nutmeg in tin sifters, very handy, very cheap • ASnapfor the Bargain Hunter Roller Window Shades, com- plete, regular 50o eaob, noW only - • - 390 White Cottage Curtain Poles, reg, price 15o, now only - l0o loo i Brass Extension Rods, regular 600 rods for 44o 5o Brass Extension Rods, regular 20o rods for only - - 14c 25o Braes Extension Rods, regular - iso rods for only 10o bo 1 Roll Stair Outset, regular prioe 35o yd., now only - • 210 1 Roll Stair Carpet, regular prioe price 30o yd., now only • 190 1 Roll Stair Carpet, regular prioe 25o yd., now only - - 100 CANNED GOODS Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Beans; 3 cans for - - 25o Extra find quality Oanned To- matoes, 2 for - • 25o Pears, Plums, Pineapple, Blne- berries, Pork and Beans (3 lb. tin.) Finnen Hnddie, Kip. ered Herring, per tin - 10o 3 ib. tin No, 1 Pie Peaches, only 15o MAPLE SYRUP. Home made, money back if; not satisfactory. COMBS HALF PRICE. A quantity of Fancy Back and Side Combs to clear at half price. Bargains in Brushes 25o Hair Brush, for only • 150 500 Real Bristle Hair Brush for - 25o• 50o Real Bristle Clothes Brush • 25o 1,5o Clothes Brush for - • 10o 5o Nail Brushes, our price 2 for - 5a FARMERS Save postage and express charges by ordering "Special Collections" of Farm and Garden Seeds through us. We are agents for all the reliable - Seed Merchants in Canada. V V VYV V V V V V W YVV V V V w V V V V V VV it,no,nwnnAnn,^Annnn,nnnnreo+nnnn Read About c 1OO o Pure JIartiwSellour House Paints C Think About it. There are many brands of paint on the market— 1 but there is only ONE brand sold under guarantee (subject to chemical analysis) to be 3 100 % Pure a i Senour's Floor Paints. 3 16% FLOOR VARNISH Dries hard with a beautiful gloss in one night. RICHARDSON & RAE. PHONE 27, OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL. PHONE 27. T c calk About it. Use it. AAAMMMAAMAMMAAAMIAMA troWiA VWAOVVVVVIA/VVVVVVVVVVV •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦•i••••••••••i•Nl•••••••• 1200 ►u les i • Are you thinking of a .new rig this spring ? • You'll make a mistake if you buy elsewhere : without first seeing what we have here, in 1 +• Open and Top Buggies, Carriages,- etc. iii s Something new and nobby in a surface -oak • finish box. The latest in rubber tires, etc. e► wMaterials, workmanship, and everything Z Iabout these rigs fully guaranteed PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY i Wingham Carriage Works WM. DORE PROPRIETOR 004.44.4444101.404450.,4144444444.....040464t lr A ;a f 110 DRESS GOODS • . .. A. MILLS Where you get value fir every 1 dollar you spend f 41 :f 41 t 44 We $I.00 4 4 4 A full stock of New a n Spring Suitings � � Ain Satin Cloth, Broadcloths, Voiles and Panamas. would like you to compare our Voiles at 5oc to a with others in town. • • f► s s t The new Poilette Silks in all shades at per yard 2 only pieces Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, • t world beater, at SILKS lammossonommons Our Black Chiffon Taffeta, is a beauty, at - d d t r 75C I a V 75c 50C 4 4 4 4 4 GINGHAMS. ■rii■�i■�■�itA�■t• � Anderson Zephyr Ginghams in all the newest 4 designs at special prices, also a fine range of linen Suitings 4 e and Vestings. e 4" Seeing is conviction. Our values in these lines cannot be surpassed. ,.0014.. A. MILLS, ,13110NE 89. W NGRAM, ONT. wismittawasmhztwAAA r k