HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-04-22, Page 3IT THE WING ILfait TIMES, AP'RII, 22, 1909 L1heJ ona Flesh NerveToRies and Makes Blood,Strengthens the Nerve Invigorates, Builds up, Braces. Like Electricity, you will feel the new blood coming into your veins and the nerves getting strong. The wrinkled and pale lace will put on a natural color. VITAL GIVES ENERGY AND SOUND, LASTING I-IEALTH, host tart in its ¶onderful Ro VITAL cures all diseases arising from a poor and watery condition of the blood, sgeh ae pale and sallow complexion, general muscular weakness, loss of appetite, depression of spirits, lack of ambition, anaemia, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath on slight exertion, coldness of hands or feet, pain in the back, nervous headache, and all fortis of female weakness, tardy or irregular periods, suppression of the menses, hysteria, sciatica, rheumatism, locomotor ataxy. Vital is for sale everywbere or direct from T.ai Soosx;,t, DRUG- Co,, St Catharines, Ont, Price 50 ets. box, or six boxes for $2,50. AT MoIG,UBBON'S DRUG STORE. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE :TORONTO, Capital paid up, $3,916,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,291,000 Total Assets, over 48,900,000 WINGNMM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the ]United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT_Interes allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor. FARMERS and anyone having live stook or otk„r articles they wish to dispose of, should adv,+r- tiae the same for sale in the Timis. Our lar,', circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if that yonwilltsell beecause youemaygaskmore ror the article or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Tame and try this plan of disposing of your stook and other articles. STEADY iEMPLOYMENT for a reliable Local Salesman repre- senting "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" in Wingham and adjoining country. You will find there is a good demand for nursery Stook on account of the high prime that growers have realized on their fruit this season, Our salesmen are turning in big buss. nese to no this year. Be one of them and earu good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved. Pay weekly, Fres sample outfit, eto. Write for particulars. r,1TONE & WELLINGTON Fonthill Narseries (880), TORONTO, CANADA. .60 YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARES DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS die.ucknertnoronepheanQlyascaiusketch and free description is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents bent free. Oldest agency for eocuring Pstents. Patents taken grouch Munn .k Co. receive special notice, wltbout charge, lathe i i1ife t ti mer Ault, A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctx. eulntlon of any satentieo journal. Terms for Canada. n da.$J.6 year'poetage Prepaid, Sold by MUNN & Co.aGtetoadway_ New York Branch Oaleo, 626 W St.. Washington. D. Q. rnArrNIffir• Twig brothers were married at Tem. eevar, Hungary, to a widow and her daughter. The bridegrooms are 26 yeare,'old, ead the brides 48 and 2i. Repeat It:--"Shilob.'s Clare will a1 - ways onre my coughs and wide," John Bright used to tell how a barber who was cutting his hair once said to hint: "You 'ave a large 'ead, sir; it is agood thing to have a large 'ead, for a large 'ead means a large brain, and a large brain is the most useful thing a man can 'ave, as it nourishes the roots of the 'air." Repeat it:---"Shiloh's Cure Will al. wave cure my oonghs and colds." Freight is handled in the Philip• pines by coolies, who with a bamboo pole and a piece of rope, carry in a most preoerions fashion pito:gages that are liable to drop and buret at any moment, Renee the need of good stook for the easings and reiuforoement with iron strapbauds. Repeat it:-"Shtloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and oohs." The Cheeley Enterprise is responsible for the following: The figures submit- ted by Assessor Walks of Elderslie show that 2,600 acres changed hands during 1908 at a vaine of $119,000 or $45 per acre. The roll shows a tieorease of near. ly 100 tie compared with the previous year. The value of church and school property in the township is $18,000, The opinion is general throughout the township that properties should be assessed at their actual valves. The assessment is slightly lower than last year. The old guard of pioneers is get- ting smaller every year. Hard Office, Hamilton. The following Information may interest those desir- ous of opening a Savings Bank Account for the first time. . s • s • • • • 1. An account may be opened with the deposit of a single Dollar; and, while you may deposit as much more as you wish, an opening deposit of One Dollar is sufficient. 2. Farther deposits of any sum -One Dollar or more -may be made at any time, either regularly or irregularly, as money is available. 3. Remittances may be made from amount on deposit, to relative or friends abroad; and the BANK OF HAMILTON will make such remittances for you whenever desired. 4, Money may be withdrawn in person from Savings Accounts, whenever desired -either in whole or in part. 5. Savings Accounts may be opened with THE BANK OF HAMILTON by any person in trust for another. Parents may open accounts for their ebil. dren, such accounts being subject to withdrawal only upon the signature of the parent, 6. Aecounts may be opened, and deposits made, by minors or married women in their own names, and fully under their own eontrol, repayable to them on their order, without regard to parent, guardian or husband. 7, Accounts may be opened, payable to either of two (husband and wife, for instance) or more, persons, or the survivor, 8. All dealings between THE BANK OF HAMILTON and its deposi- tors are strictly confidential, and no information -not even the existence of an account --is given to any person. 'rout Savings Account is invited by THE BANK. OF HAMILTON, and any additional information that may be desired can be obtained by a simple enquiry for the manager. BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, Agent. CITY UEAUTIFUL, Malt Reporter ) If your store front, residence 9r fence is dingy, .order it Wetted. If your awning is old, taro or faded, get a new one. If your sidewalk, gate or fence needs repairing, Oa it. If your advertising sign is 04 or laded, l tame. it down or patnt it. Resolve never to throw paper in the street, Take all dandelions out of your lewq; they spoil Ito beauty. Destroy the rating weeds that are straying on your property, and on yonr neighbor's property, Bern a1I the rubbish possible, allow no one to throe/ it on streets, alley$ or vaoent lots. Promise not to spit on the sidewalk. Organize a block improvement society, and allow no weeds to grow on sidewalk, area or vaoant property in your block. Irrespective of the size of your Douse, snake your lawn the finest, Ilinniiuete the front of your store in the business section. CARTER'S IVER PILLS. dentt tk R�¢tl o ne relieve of all system, aachhas Dizziness, ePain iiq the Sideoc&c. While their moat remarkable aucccss has been shown in curing Si Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pule are equally valnnbloin Constipation, curing andpze• venting this annoying complaint. while theyatso correct all disorders of the stomach, stimu.atotho cured lliver d regulate the bowels. Even if thcyoniy -Ache they would be almost pricel es to tho,o who euffor from this distressrngcomp aint; but fortu- nately thel r goodness does not end here,and those who once try them will find these little pills vela., able in so many ;vayys thut they t lli not be Wil. ling to do without them, Butafter elle/oh head Te the bane of ao many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pine cure it while others do not. very easy to take. (Moor iltwo pills make a dose They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by theirygentle action please auwhouse them. Od8T3;i YIDICIiil6 4Q., IIEW TO2 halt? ► Zea. Ind trial, How to Make Mischief. Beep your eyes on your neighbors. Take care of them. Do not let them stir without watohing. They may do some. thing wrong if you do. To be sure you never knew them to do anything bad, but it may be on your account they have not. Perhaps if it bad not been for your kind care they might have disgrace ed themselves a long time ago There- fore do not relax any effort to keep them where they ought to be. Never mind your own business -that will take oare of itself. There is a man passing along --he is looking over the fence --be sus- picious of him; perhaps be oentempletes stealing some of these dark nights; there is no knowing what queer fanoies he may have got into his head. 11 you find any symptoms of anyone passing out of the path of duty, tell every one else what you see, and be particular and see a great many. - It is a good way to circulate such things, it may not benefit yourself or any one else particularly. Do keep something going-silenoe is a dreadful thing; though it is said there Was silence in heaven for the space of half an hour, do not Iet such a thing oo. aur on earth; it would be too mnoh for this mundane sphere. If, after aII your watchful oare you cannot see that they have done anything bad, throw out huts that they are no better than they should be -that you should not wouder if the people fonud out what they were after a While, then they may not o.rry their heads so high. Keep it going, and some ane rely take the hint and b, gin and help it along after a while -then there Will be muslo, and everything villi work like a charm. Follow the above direo- tions and you will be pretty sere to make plenty of mischief. -Exchange, EADAcA.lIt. What 1VIedital Skill Could Not Do Was Accomplished With Burdock Blood Bitters. If you are troubled with Headache do not hesitate to use B.B.B. it ie no new pfd. duct, of unknown: vaine, but has an aotab. lished reputation. lioui.a NOT WORK. Mies k enrun on, wulave Ee - aches, a bitter taste in my mouth, floating speck* before My We and pains in my back. 1 was not able to do arty bon86 work at all and could not sleep at night. Saveral doctors doetorod me but I saw' Wee getting no help, and oft the advice of s friend I got three bottle* of Murdock Blood Bitters ead thee- sffeetel r emaciate nue. LiTTL,E GIRL OF LONG .AGO (Joe Oorie, in Boston Jerald.) Little girl of Long Ago. Erni of blue and bolt of tow, Oheetrs as red as Owlet aides Ligbteng up your laughing 0yee; How I loved vou, did you linoVe, Little girl of Lang Ago? I' was shy and modest thea-- Xou were Omni!, rnxonch tbaen w But you towered to the sky, Yon were far above nee, fax As the distant sbloing star; Flat I loved you, even eo, Little girl of Long Ago, Little girl of Long Ago, Tears have lengthened since we stood In the meadow near the wood When we quarreled, Foci and I, O'er a trifle foolishly, And I lets you sobbing so, Little girl of Long Ago. Love has brought me home erode); We are more than eight and ten; And my heart yearns for you so, Little girl of Long Ago! Here's the meadow and the wood, Here'/ the very $pot we stood. Ah! What means thatbluebieg brow? Little girl of Here and Now! She'll Be Charming Just The SA These new spring Bats are With things, nay' look like washtubs when Jure To each a hanging garden clingy, While here and there a twig Inserte ever this world D1orebomelyheadgear was invested The poor inventor, whether man r woman, must have been dements on wonder whew you see them in how windows scattered through city, ow women wearing them may win en's love or be ocnsidesed pretty, au ask yourself as you behold hem on dummies, forces to b them, ow lovely women, young or old, ay ever be induced to wear them. e of good cheer yet and cling oceesioh, brother: he maiden will bto esweetthis spring nd charming still somehow or other he never yet has failed to stir he old, disturbing, heavenly presioII matter what the milliner eoreed to belittle latestfaehion. After living for ninety years, M no Wilson died on Monday, Ap exaotiy eighteen years after t ash of her husband, John Willi o died on April 12th, 1891. S s born in County Monaghan, Ir d, and was married there. WI r husband she oame out to Caned the early fifties and settled in Godo , coming up to Kincardine abo 0. She always enjoyed good heals 111 two weeks ago when she saffe a stroke of paralysis. She coal d without the nee of glasses and /amities were acute. I T 0 8 fi Y T IT B U T A s T No D Je 12 de wh WA tan be in ioh 187 un ed reg her me, tf ul rted d; d, the ear , re, pril • 110 .e Willie he e- th • a 8 r- ut h r- 11 LITTLE DIGESTERS Positively cure Dyspepsia. r, ! Digestion. Money back if they fail cure. At ati Druggists or dirtrck f'rgrat 25c. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto fi*40*1*4**1*1N*4...9**••• **....**40440100..••••••••••1111 COAL COAL COAL.: We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRA + ,which hag no equal AIao the best grades 01 Smith ngN47anu COAX,' ' e. Domestic Coal, and We 4 of all kinds. always on hand,• ` Wecarry a LUMPED. SHINGLES LATH full stook of 1 (Dressed or Undressed) * Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc, Z Ate` Highest Price paid for all kiwis of Logo, " OM I • + Siff A. McLean. ,•j Residence Phone No. 56. Office, No. 64, Mill, No. 44, • a•*********wad*********a*** **4►+s*******1:1*sr*1*1****Mr* •.......•..s,..,$...,..•,,, eemenseseei•Nfillnsesoltlalnso • CLUBBING ••• • • 1• • • • STOMACH COMFORT, When the Stomach Rebels, Head- ache, Indigestion and Nerve Pain Follows-ill-a•na Brings Relief. Just as soon as you are done eating the healthy stomach commences to ohurn the food around and mixes it thoroughly with the juioea of the stomaoh. If the food is not churned, . it lays heavily on your stomaoh, turns sour and causes all kinds of distressing symptoms, such as headache, indiges- tion stomaoh pain and dyspepsia. Mi.oma helps the stomaoh to properly mix the food. John S. May, of Isabella Street, Belleville, Ont., says: "For over seven months I was in constant agony with a tioncase of and that nermedioal ssklll sia could notges re- lieve. 1 was weak and had lost much weight through loss of appetite and suffering, My meals would fill me with gas and a feeling of oppression across the stomaoh and up the left side, left me in a miserable condition. I was restless at night and as tired and un - refreshed in the morning as on going to bed, A choking sensation in my throat was always constant when lying down, and my heart deemed to Satter and pound as though it were coming cut through my side. I was benefitted from the first two days' nee of Mi o.na. I began to feel like myself again, my appetite returned and the depressive feeling left me I can enjoy my meals without the Ieaet worry of after suf- fering. I have gained in weight and can sleep the night through in comfort," Go to Walton MoKibbon, the drug- gist, and Moneget y5back of oMi pent box f.sial does not care, THE WOMAN AT HOME. Much time is saved if paper linings for cake pawl are out in quantities and kept ready for instant use in a dust. proof box with tight 11d. An excellent application for exces- sively chapped lips ie a dram eaoh of tiooture 01 benne/ and glycerin. This may be put on constantly through the day and at night. Do not put be tomato aspio to harden in a tin or iron baking -pan; the acid in the jelly acts On the tin and makes the salad taste, white the biaok pan gives an unsightly black rim to the aspic. When too many oysters have been creamed for filling plates they Can be reheated the next day by adding a little more milk and fresh seasoning. Heat in a double boiler or they may burn. A French dootor Ilse bad great IMO/ oats in scattering boils by applying at the first sign of inflammation nom. presses wet with egtiel parte of tinotare of artier., tincture of Iodine read spirits of camphor. Ooutinue until the trouble seems to be paaaed, RATES FOR 1908 - 09 • aummummougaininameinu The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates + for any of the following publications : ++ Times and Daily Globe Times and Daily Mail and Empire + Times and Daily World e. Times and Toronto Daily News.. + Times and Toronto Daily Star + Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . ' Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 4. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star..., .. 4. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and 4. premiums • Times and Weekly Witness .. , • . • • . . , . ..... 2 10 4. Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 1.85 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 + Times and World Wide 2.20 ++ Times and Northern Messenger. 1.35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2,35 .p We specially recommend our readers to subscribe + to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. • TTimes and Farming World . 0-.6.6•1.75 ++ Times and Presbyterian 2.25 Times and Westminster . 2.25 Times and Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 + Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .. , 2.40 e. Times and Youths' Companion 3.25 + Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) 2.90 + Times and Sabbath Reading, New York 1.95 Times and. Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)1.85 Times and Michigan Farmer . 215 Times and Woman's Home Companion • r 2,25 Times and Country Gentleman 2.60 Times and Delineator 2 ,95 Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine..,.,1.95 Times and Green's Fruit Grower 1.55 Times and Good Housekeeping .. 2.30 Times and McCall's Magazine 1.70 Times and American Illustrated Magazine..., .... 2.30 Times and American Boy Magazine 1.90 Times and What to Eat 1.90 Times and Business Man's Magazine... 2.15 Times and Cosmopolitan 2.15 Times and Ladies' Home Journal...-. , 2.75 2.75 Times and Success , �` 2,2,5 Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and Saturday Evening Post 2 40 Times and McOlure's Magazine 04 2,40 Times and Munsey's Magazine 2,50 Times and 'Vick's Magazine ... 1.60 Times and Home Herald 2,60 Times and Travel Magazine _, , .. 2,25 Times and Practical Farmer..... 2.10 Times and Home Journal, Toronto 1.40 Times and Designer ..... ..... 1.75 Times and Everybody's.,..., *.462.80 Times and Western Home Months Winnipeg,- - Tinles and Canadian pictorial y> p e g,.. `.' 1 25 ...... 1.60 1 • • • • 0 i • • • • • • below 4. • '2' 4.50 4,50 3.35 2.30 2.30 2.85 2.60 1.60 1.60 1.85 + 4. + The above prices inolude postage on American publications 10 any address in Canada, 11 the Totes is to be sent to au American -address, add • Go Coats for postage, and where American pnblicetkins are to be sent to e • American addresses , reduction will be made in price, • We coriid eetend thio list. If the paper or magazine you want 15 001 in • the list, call at thio omee, or drop a card fled We will give you prices on the • paper you want, We club with all the Ieading newspapers and magazines, When premiums n sire given with any of above papers, eubseribere +will Isecure such premiums when ordering through us, same he ordering dint from publishers. I TRIMLY CAw.SH IN ADVnANCCE. Send reeiittencee by/AMA,'subscribers, noted are oMoe or express money order, addressing,post • i • ._1 a4 TIMES O PIP , WI1�GiHAM, ONTA ea. 0,