HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-12-23, Page 5•
/ As Edison's Electric
Light Outshines The.
Candle, So Edison's
Phonograph Oidsings
l'alking Machines"
TH"E complete list of Edison's Inventions,
that have helped mankind to live better and
to better, enjoy living, reads like the Arabian
Nights. Isn't it easy to understand why the
inventor of the phonograph can produce. the
world's greatest -phonograph value, the Amberola?
Isn't it difficult to understandwhy anybody ever
buys a talking machine, when they_ can own
MBE R01311
est Phonograph Value
The. World's Great
Are you familiar with the
shrillness and metallic sound
of "talking machines" and
ordinary phonographs? Then
come to our store and listen
ta the pure, musical tone of
the Arnberola! The differ-
cht-e is startling.
Do you know the cost and
bother of constantly chang-
i-li; phonograph needles! Let
us show you the permanent
Diamond Point Reproducer
of the Amberola that does
away with needles!
1 lave you seen how easily
4. talking machine" records
crack and break? A,.mberot
• Records can be accidently
dropped without damage -
they are practically unbreak-
- able and everlasting!
Would y9u like to own an
Amberola, but feel you can-
not afford one? Let us prove
to you-. that Edison's wish
to bring music into every
home mikes it possible for
you to posss an Amber-
ola almo.4 on your own
Come in and talk it over
with us. If you rarinot come
soon, write us --today.
i'..7teralle4 for last wee•k I.
)IT. ia. 1tough returned to his
bore in D..zartort after srelet,nic 4
iteit ..hys witn'his daughter, Mrs.. A.
Mr.' and 71--. 2 hrt Mcn'ary spent
Suaky with "Mt.'llerb Curran, Mafe-
Mr.:. r. Wire:ham..
1 rt the hoe of 2•Irs.. Mathew
Shaekieten rece•ntly.
It returned ta
ber•home at Wintait after sPerr4ine a
few •y4 at tit; home of 31r4. 1'. Fin -
ST. nEL&%5
Untended for last week).
Messrs_ Cliff Murray. John Camer-
on win Taylor, Jas. Barbour, Hugh
Rutherford and W. 1. Miller attended
! the Guelph Fat Stock Show last
Mears. Will Rutherford and (*aim'
Aitchisert :ire in Toronto attsnding
the annual reeetirg-
John Aitelt7son i ir Goderich this
servinz ore the jury. ,
Buchaea,a has rone to Chicago
attend the funeral of her brother-
Mr_ Kew.
.Jhr o SararnererT strtended for Tit. week.i
aPeft a few ai4:is witb friends around Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MacDonald were closes OInntmt tree if _yam
*81.- in Gm/trial last mark attending the C,P7ansallolert2esisoloy Mr
funeral • of Mrs. Boswell Reed and
Mrs. Jenkins Rho loot their lives in a
tiro N'ew 'York. •
krs. Struthers has returned to her
home Lucknow after . visiting
friends here.
Mrs. Max Rzynard, who ha; been
ili.'is recover:ne....
Mr. Will llart:n was in Ki:1-,ar401
11)HN St, nit -ELAND & soNg, %Leap.
(Asc.. loaurance. rift amid ktari-b•
Dr. W. D -McLeod, office McTavish
block, Ripley.. Office hours, 9 to
6 p.m. Plaine for appointments.
1.0.0.F. Lueknow Lodge metts'eveTY
Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their
Hall, Campbell street- All brethren,
cordially intritA. Offe,ers: Noble
Grand. John 31c-Quaig; Vice Grand,
Robi:. Johnston; Rec. Sec., A. 11.
Beyd; Fin Sec., Dr. Paterson;
Teea.---,1rer, Alex Ross.
.401=111011111111. •
A.F.& A.M, G.R.C. Old Light Lodge
• ,
meets every Thursday night. on Or
before the full nioon, in the Mas-
onic Hall, Havelock- St., Lucknuw.
W.M., M. McGuire; S.W., James
Boyle; J.. W., K. G. Mackenzie;
iSec'y., W. A. Wilson.
VICI:ORY BONDS bouglt and. ?Old.
Ado farm lards and Nillage prenerty.
M(ney te loan on 1st and '2nd wort-
ga.;,es at current rates of interest. In-
surAnee, croveyanving, etc. .1-eph
Aenew, Notary Public. _Allis Block,
Lucknow. Ont.
Walkerton ratepayers ,wil1 vote on
• a g2'5,000 grant towards a inun,Inient
for fallen soldiers.
The town of Kincardine ha had to
renew 50..) feet of hose at an expense
of nearly $1000. It was an absoluts_.
necessity to- bring the equipment up
L,n Saturday.,
We are glad to hear t'nat Mrs.
Stanley .and children are revoyering
from 4trere colds. •
Mrs. Page. who has been ...wire, ser-
iously ill, is recovering. •.
to standard.
7 he Applicaationi: for New Assurances received by the
Company during 1919 reached a total of over
$ oo,000,odo
This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As-
surance previously written in one year by any Company
of the British Empire.
Geo. H. Smith
Get a Policy in 1920. Agent, Lucktnow.
I1URON TOWNSHIP. COUNCIL r r _..• 2.'1.. 2;
Council met pursuant to adjourtl- c ,n• .
rrtl-nt on NiTedneAday, the 1:ith. V. sit • '? ; r • N1- .e
6:v.,: .,o, cn.
with Reeve Ruttle in the chatr.
members were present. Minutes of 1
lait meeting were read and adopted. t
The following orders on the Trea,--
urer were issued: D. D. McDonald. t
$2, refund of dog tax, he. hay no
dog; -Chas. Chappell. 940\ -
sruitlis bill; 11. Wy11.1. refun,1 d.
t'ax: Wm.. Sirtherland. 311c.
rank on bridge fon. ; K. M...1.t.-• • ;
etesming ditCh on Con. In, Lot W. $2:
L. •Osborn*. 5 grav:i '11:114.
fon, 12. $3; McKenzie,
refund dog tax; , Stilton Stanley. $1
I o.h; That Roht. Irwin
fNay to the Treasurer
r 1-o. F. 11cCreight for
received' from John
for old piing on 'Con. 4.
„ • 7". 7. !--.::!-R;itot.: That n.
t.x.: 4. aut:-....r..7rd to pay to the
rty, r of $1 a received
L't and •-: • • Robertson for old plank
,.- • : • t'. ••‘ D. S. McDonald for .1141
tt, •-, r
r. :t.
s . , L'.
• • • I
.3 • . 4. r.
1.1, . , .t :. ,. . 1. , - . ,.
cutting tree off -read. S. L. :e, Con. : . i I.E .,.. :;., ,,_... . ..•;•, . , ; ,,
F. Emmer.on, c:eaning out cu vt rt . ,.., ... ,, ..:_..... ..,..: '•
.,. ,
S.L. 7,. con. 12. $1: W. .Erereem r. i },..,:.... , '.. - -. , * . ..• -
rep. wash.-vut at .bridtr;,, a.n.I fur-'- It /1....,;..i : ...,,,. , ,.. ,.. v
ins post. and wire for the Ani' : it•, 1). ,.. .,. i.., :,,,... , .,• ,.: ...‘ ..,.:
McCormick. *5. rep. culvert 'ob.: :,11. i n r . i: ...4-. .
C,111, A. and .inspecting W. Eliers,or'-: 1 •
... . •L. •-•:. L.t... .
catitract: Carnerori
hole,s in road fon. 12: D. E. 4, -••
bell, 14, rep. at hall; V.'E. GawIop.
$3.40. 34 yd5. grave' for road se,o-k. _ . • s •
•arid.. yfis. gravol for ‘.
' tract $1.00: T., R. Iiotinetx.
1 rd. crave' on con. 1'2: 11. 748.1r\
c,)al for Hail; • rtirn•
deTk. "23.AI% postale and ry:
Jas. T.; r..,
fon. f: Jas. Stor,t!ernory, I., 1
vr:re fenco: 1-8.11:8; •-'
FL7. tr,7arel. 1*. -01 ,
(II 111045
yeaT !LIAO. Kin:044 r ItaPf: F. I
ozEmA I
ela OIL -f
meet Tot rearm* am/ thl In.
Ws& rpliv,v,-, at .nee nti pA}
ELLI la.2.1..4 the skill.• boa Dr.
puttee ass
• itilL
.F.reirerton. t-.1, If ad, l'or.
hi71. ST1,4,.. ••• 1
*TA: W. Mer, 51 -0,
r.-ra.rel: E. Riteh.e. • ir ::-L-
Fmn,erton'A cortt:'•?ct: F. • -
ift°. 4 hrs'..
riers_at lot 50.. eon. A: 1,4. (or:. cr. •
teems an grader Tot 14.
ran operating ern,7.--r I
T. Stc(is;te..lisul7-,y. piarK,,frn,
rep:. cnIvert I.). City!. 1.
A. MrTavish, haTaTinir vds.riive
aryl flin app. to bridge Lot 22, C.
ar» sca:ed.
4:: t -2..
; -;
' *- • "•*:*it',.. **" 1 ---Carrieti .
1) ,••:. 1- 0.eosh: That the
. 1, '.'...•,t. t.,1 to wrtte to the
in regard to a cer-
- • •-•--- -'• -• a.ros. the bdy. be-
- li .-- ... • :-1/4-1,1 K;r."•••s-z. with.,t
•-•:',!',Dor•-,'.;: That t•
• .: do. now adjourn, sine di.-.---
.-ru Marts. Cie rk.
(.1.-LitOSS 4. ENTRE
• for week'.
• - r Tt4S-7.4 and • sou
.! :nle after spend -
o • •••• :r1c:i,i," in Michigan.
r• • r. -.. • Tin D:ek spent a
.1a.tat werek...
t 7.:144 Il attended the Fat
ii lire after
s-i:-•nl,r in the We:.
- i••••-,,:tn' after ur
t -ration., • •
• ,• rt 'her
".1 r •; - _
was au:7 passed, ru
spentfinc.- 'A
.4".e 1....„or
L .n.
:• fa -mi to Sir,
. •
•• ••-• re attended the
:or', Dee.
hl s farm to.
TT. 7;
to .anI-one
ral Cnn5,..,i,e-rat:ors you
4ay every..yrie. •
' 4
• •