HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-04-22, Page 2'doted far yea's with. a Oiseased. Liver,. Mr. L. R. Devitt, er,,bette Iowa; Petioles, as Smallpox t " lett MILBURN'S LA,XA•--LIVER PILLS Grand Trunk. Pacific, The Grand Trnnk Pacific have now under oonatrnotion for Nos floe an. the Skeane. River, British Columbia, two new steamers the same as the steamer "Distributor" built as fall. The length ot therm boats between perpendioulare le 186 ft.; width ot beam, extreme on bottom, 29 feet; beam, extreme on deok, 30 feet; depth moulded, 5 feet four. inches. The machinery for both these new boats was ordered from the Polson Iron Works, Limited, Toronto, and the hullo are being constructed at Victoria, B. 0, There steamers' will ply between Prins Rupert and the head of naviga- tion on the Skeen% River and will be ready for service in Jane. The 25 largo Mogni engines ordered by the Grand Trnnk Pacific: from the Oanadian Locomotive Company, Kingston, are well under way; delivery of the first two will be made this week and the de- livery of the total 25 will be completed by July this year. These engines have a total weight on drivers of 188,176 ibe , total weight of engine loaded, 161,976 lbs.; weight of tender, 148,300.lbs ., or total of 305,276 lbs. loaded, The driving wheels aro 63 inohes in. diameter and the oylindera 20 ins. x 26 ins , working proesure 200 ibe. In addition to these) 25 eight wheel engines have been order- ed from the Montreal Locomotive Works, Longue Pointe, P. Q. to m e de- livered by July next. The weight of these engines on drivers, 74,060 lbs.; tender loaded, 148,800 lbs.; total weight of engine and tender loaded, 264,988 Ile hie also used them for his patients when nursing them, and it is a well-known fact that small -pox sufferers meet keep the bowels well regulated. Read what he says :—" 1 have bean afflicted for years with a diseased liver, and have tried all kinds of medicine, but of no avail until about four years ago I tried yourLaxa-Livor Pills, and gotinstantrelief. Since then I have nursed different patients afflicted with• smallpox, and in each case 1 have used your valuable. pills. "My wishes are that all persona suffering with stomach or liver troubles will try Mil - barn's Laza-Liver Pills. I will advertise them whenever and wherever I have an opportunity and I hope that if at any time I cannot gett the pills, I will beelortunate enough to get the formula." Milburn s Lane Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealer's or will be mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. TO ADVERTISERS T.lin WINDHAM TIMES, APRIL 22, 1909 The Mason and Risch " Sustension" sounding board --•sensiti re, elastic g Notioe of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for ohanges must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual noon Wednesday of each accepted toweek. SSTABLISHBD 1872 Tu WING �M `DIMES. K. B. ELLIOTT. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIBTOI' THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909, NOTES AND COMMENTS and resonant. ► sounding s a soun g board that's of alive. Every it vibrates with eachh note struck. That's one of the reasons for the full, rich, resonant tone of the Mason and Risch piano. In most pianos the sounding board is attached to the case in such a manner that it loses and resiliency is the most sounding board. lbs. Driving wheels, 69 ins. in diameter; oylindera, 18 ins. n 24 ins. Working steam pressure, 200 lbs. The Weekly Sen hes this to Ely:— While there were, in the year of 1908, over two million head of h,rsee is the Domt21011 of Oanade, thtee appears to be no lite, of goods used by the farmer or prodnoed.;by him, of which there is co great a soaroity, or where the Fluffy ire so far short of the demand. This yes, sees the demand for good horses, espec- ially goad mares, suitable for farm wok as well as breeding, probably keeter tbe^i ever before. Reoeot de:nends for goo i brood mares of scale and quality, a:'t- abie for the Western farm, have been eery wide and active, and prioes paid have been high enough to be remure.a• tive, while for fancy animals there is a fairly fancy prioe waiting every tome. There is no business which seems ewer of steady demand, than teat of breeding and raising good draft horses. It looks as though Weiss were Rolm' to boom in the West this year. A de- spatch from Winnipeg says: Wealth is pouring over she border into Confide from the Un'ted States at toe present at the rate of nearly a million per week, according to the estimates of those who are in touch with the immigration movement. The influx is exoept:onally large, 'Its'. ns' in two sections see tie rule running into Mouse Jaw, and all the tca:'is ere or- .7,-g large numbers of AMSVICF. ie from the States to the ceo- tta'West. Spec'''_ sett'ees' i'a'as, v✓ .a laage numbers of oar 9 1435',.; a ith ef- feats, are also being ol•,aa..ted. The TOWN DIRECTORY, Berme Osllson—Sabbath Services at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday 8ohool at 2;80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W. L. ?Reeves, pastor. B. Y. P. TT. meets Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner gowns 8,8. Superintendent. MaenoniST UH B0ll_Sabbath cervices at it a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2 :80 p m. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. W. G. Howson, pastor, F. Baohanan, S.S. Superintendent. PREBBYTERIAN Ontrncs—Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wed nada eve A. dm, nIgs. S.S.e v. D. Perrie, past. Superintendent. Her Bub y Had Eczema, "My babyOhad eczema on,her ear. r -The porn was very bad and nothing seemed to help her. Hearing of some rema-k- able ones Dr. Ohase's Ointment had it and with the trade we began using third application the sore began to heal The cure was thorough and uumetlete aad 'He hive all credit to Dr. Ohaxse d Oi.itmeut." VALUE OF THE TELEPHONE. "The telephone may be jostle planed, almost if not quite, a tha head of all the labor-saving ins:elements on the farm," remarked a be lder of rural te•fepeonee recently. raoti• "Before it was int:educed, p care, ail tae work which involved oar ops -atone on the farm, bad to be sr- rnged for by mer.O2 et the extra wank of no.:tywg all hta:s. Espee- fa'lv was tba labor of thi:i heavy a.2.1 long if it involved in an e c ergo i -f pier t. Butoheriue, th.ea le. L '. d, ", Veen wary otber vice r :'equiael r a• 3itic:able eel.,: t:.iti e of time 511 elort, to melee mntnr.l f a. -3":•n` T1s, wnaleas row with the "t.:end on tray orly a• few mem •sate' e ale tacpan'dd to do all tail. Was f fond wail run a:' ,nds often better and feeler thee &'iv meerd bee and far oheapb-'. The real value of the telephone may be gatiared f:om the fact that a rural community wainh bee once become awakened to its `wine us a tiire and labor eavr ', ua:'.d not do withot.t it for ma. 17 tames the 0054 R,l,;eh iia inete'ltales rad inmate ammo ':vo'.-es. By its Ube the faSmer ern oi,ouas in person all the matters, bee c : ot*ar- fvette, in which he i' tear es' sed• Send- iest word has usually p..aven to he a more os less nneati.°a•01.c y iLettod G? most of its resiliency -- important feature in a ason and Ris.ch The piano with a soul In the Mason and Risch piano the " sustension" sounding board is raised on bridges in such themanner that it leaves every part of it free, giving instru- ment a remarkably pure, full, sustained, tone quality. We would like to tell you more about the construction of the Mason and Risch piano. The story is interesting to all who piano. own or contemplate owning a P Mail this coupon to us to -day and we will send you all the reasons why you should h a v e a Masonlen and Risch piano in your preference to any other make. The Mason and Risch Piano Co., Limited, 32 West King St., Toronto. MASON and RISCH PIANO CO., Limited, TORONTO / Send me your illus- trated booklet explain- ing the reasons why I should own a Mason and Risch plana This in no way obligates me to purchase. ST. PAUL'S bath services at 11 aEmsand 7 p m. Sunday School at 2;80p m• Rev. O. E. d. Nash, 5. B. Superintendent ndent ; Thos. E. Robinson, assistant Superintendent. SALVATION AHS on Sunday,SerV108 at and and a m and 8 and 7 dig the week at 8 every evening o'olook at the barracks. PosT Orrios—Office hours from 8a m to 6:80 p m. Open to box holders from 7 a m. to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster. PUBLIC! LIBBAsY—Library and free reading room in he afternoon Hall, w2 ill be open every from 7 5:80 o'clock, and every evening to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Ethel Elliott, librarian. g6TABLUIRRD 1672 TUE WINciI TIES. 18 PUBLItitiaD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING --A1-- The Times office, Beaver WINGHSM, oNTAEIo, Tawnier I UBSO Tlald No per annum nim oinr advance 01.50 if not so p tinned till an arrears aro paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADVA T18IN0• BA2,19• — Legalp and other firstcasualInsertion, busPfor r eachariel line f or subsequent IIrstineertion, P Advertisements In local columns ere oharged insertion. 10 cts. per bus for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for eaoh subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Bent, and similar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 25 cents tor eaoh subsequent in- sertion. Name Street ............... City............................................. . Province Block THE iloAt,T, What Happens t T 's Pat'en's Organ When It Is Overstrained.ieitig and Tho heart is a long suffering it is patient organ, and ontleis that this is so, for even the g or the laziest person puto burden ns on it that any less obliging $ would resent to the extent of quitting work. The digestive organs do this some- times, and the result is much suffer- ing when for the time being, and the the quarrel is patched up • offender ceases to abuse the body life se useful and necessary P goes on as before. work for a The heart cannot stop minute, for if it should lLe would end at once, and so human 'nature presumes upon its knowledge of this and puts all sorts of difficult tasks upon the heart•, however, that There is a limit, especially by cannot be exceeded, the fortieth those who have p milepost, without risk, if not instant death, at least of chronic invalidism. The heart is a muscular bag, di- vided into four compartments, the function of waw is to purap the of the body,which blood to all p it does by the regular contraction of its walls. In health and under% nor- mal conditions this pumBut goes on regularly and quietly. when an impediment is offered to the flow of blood in the arteries, such as occurs during active exercise or un- der the stress of some strong mental emotion, such as grief, anger or great joy, the muscular wall must con- tract on tract more forcibly. If the opposing force continues be- yond %certain timethe ilate heart s little, er CONTRACT BATES—The following table shows onrrates for the insertion of advertisements tor specified periods:— SPA01- 1 YR• 64 M.000. 8 MO. 1150. OneColumII $70.00 $�$22.b0 $8.00 Hall Column 40.00 25,00 15.00 8.00 QuarterOolmmn20.00 12.50 7.50 8.00 one Inch -- .. -- — 5.00 t specific 2.00 1.26 will be inserted till forbid andochaargdirections d accord- ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advanoe. TEM 3011 DirARTYINT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the e typetand a gtpropriate ooutut first 811 style's of Post- ers, Hand Bills, eto., and the latest ,tyles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print, ins. H. B. IILLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher P BENNBDY, M. D., M.C•I'. R. 0. aT • Member of the British Medical Aseooia-' tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child, ren. Omoe hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p. m. ToWN OOUNOIL—Thomas Gregory, Mayor; Dr. A. 3. Irwin; i Reeve B Geo. Spotton, J. W. MoKibbon, H. Elliott, William Bone, Dr. Robert O. Redmond, and V. R. Vannormsn. Ooanoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Asia and Treasurer; Anson Dnlmage, eaoh r. meets onth atr 8 dMonday evening in Meier SOHOOL BOARD.— W. F. Van - Stone (ohairman),1J. A. Morton, John Wilson, O. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, John A. ffioL3an, Frank Baohaaan, Dudley Holmes, seoretary. A. Oosens, treasurer. Board meets second Monday evemng in eaoh month. POBLIO Sanwa BOARD. - T. Hall, (chairman), G. O. Manners, H.E. Isard, A. E. Lloyd, W. D. Pringle, Wm. Moore, Alex. John F.oss, 0. N. Grovvee Treasurer, 3 to B Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in eaoh month. Meter SOHOOL TEACHERS—J. A.$ tsy- DB. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingbam, BGglker � Pe1no1P�•-- Miee Brook, los, B.A., principal; J, C Smith • A. •s4 classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A., mathematical master ; Miss Helena Dadeon, B.A., teacher of English and Moderns; Miss Anderson, fifth teacher punoid SOHOOL TBAonees. -Joseph e St flees Principal. Mies Brook, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, physician; surgeon, eto. Office—Macdonald Blook, over W.MoHtbbon's Drug Store. Night orals answered at the office. International Newspaper I • Bible Study Course. Salient Points in the Lesson fs 9f or Sone 1by A.pr. 25, Given. in e . Dr. Lin a tt. Sex«.be:e.l in ac.o-11 nce w ch the Coayright Act.) Tam Gor': nL IN A alno g•—A c'ts si :19- B 'Vrtbasrses 23-24—Whet sort of a man 30; x*i :2�• was Baraabae? Golden Tens -The disciples weld Is it necessary, or not, to be Oiled A.liad Christiane first in ?. itioch. with the Holy Ghost, in order to Acts si:26' that make converts. or to comfort the Vers ttered Who were they children of God, and are these re- Hadwar� "scattered abrany?" sults always attalredin the ministry these men any an3!ifrom of a. man filled with the Holy Ghost? the church to prat*? (See Acts (Ibis que:,tfnn must be answered in viii:4,) ai'iting by nlelall)er5 of the club.) Pt it the duty et every Oenriatian to tai ,^h pa' to whether Chtica tor not he as doLEDo we e vice eiso3ro .,i o "cleave rnuto the tics appo°-ted bq the Lord?" so? i1 n lending Is it possible to enjoy the fullness Are ball -yea. ed people we . p of God's love, erd sever say a woad to God? 25 26. --Why did 8a,nabas aha at it? Are good people liable to be narrow in start oes it fregEeine:: I : p coal?that two Weir v -ewe? rsicntione end all. sone et holy me- o e e much u £;,g ti ether, Are pe L rabic, a:wasyFi :,F'il 1i► to the children thenhe o w-eea C'5 o.- 'es o r Je6.:'i first of God? Some of t'Yeee disciples seem to Rave orale a Oii''s.,. 1- ? • hat bee r!'. Ar :s been been ns' "" 0 v., p,t l t'+'O2OhOU to Je ays i , O ,.,u •phi,, en'y; others bels4 biopaur, preached to called r.et'". e tine Greets also, vvrat miu:e bhe differ • dams? se; 27'1S. -r 1. • ; "r ,^ - , 'etor, eni3 in Me; meu? vee to Whtoh is the veneer power to tert is Milt- n ,,.♦ i�[, 1 broaden cans views, and m2;re *18 lore t'' '�a everybody; or enviionmeett, or sink- ing, deeper :,•id rieirg 1'381 es' 10 5110 lovO et God? Verse 21—Whether a men hes n�rrow oe, only p' or broad, if he ,i' will Ged x60 him to extend hie king- dom? Are any elms to e'stend the kingdom of God eve- in vain? Verse 22—Did bhe news that Anti- och be received the word of God give the ohnxoh at Jerusalem jay or sot- row? W e at news is tl• 1 most joyous e: slier to en.led+laden. Oh laden, or to Pool's I+;.a:C 1iE-" Ton: aey-- a h? DR. ROBT. O. RRDMOND, M. R.O.S. (Eng) L. R. O. P. London. PHYSICIAN and BURGEON. Office, with Dr. Ohieholm. 'MissReynolds Mise Farquharson, Miss Wilson, Mise Cummings, and Miss Fraser. BOARD or HEALTB--•Thos. Gregory, (chairman), O. J. Reading, Abner Omens, Wm, Fesaant. 3. B. Ferguson Seoretary; Dr. J. R Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. estimate of the local office is to 1 as' r,o. irnsinesi, and;., ns'' er as g"^d. r e a efieot that 7,00x) Ametioane wi`t came dcetips a folk• in this season, taking up between 20,' „TLS telephone is rt,: u a tines - reach 000 and 25,000 homesteads, and the ruf- ! pi. -sr, but it ie a roc. any save. P:. we ". ber may possibly reach a hnnd••d Wi"h a telephone ..i 1.L'.e isame, and thousand. At several pointe la Sae- ,ct with the 1r 1-_ taw... the katohewan and Alberta the rush has o method n' „hit and n -." �..tk'.b• been so g.:eat that the Governm ." ''a; • r c, n mdse, is shoat a Wing of tae arranged to supply large 1nrnieheeti peat The teleran ; L:.1 seminal it tents, These can be used not only by I a .ea a more bueinc,eel' lee system of op - art travellers from sti9 United Stay" `'ut also by those from Eastern °antes ani Earope. Western implement dea'er3 ale having great difficulty in Mlle their spring orders, which have ex- ceeded in volume al. estimates of the trade. Manufacturers cannot fill rash orders, as their output in a majority , A n of asses i9 already told ahead enormous business is being done in plows, threshers and smaller imple menta. Stock Farmer's Lucky Find er- Rios,." Why 1 neve e yr tet s !a ,.. +J' shop to Lo gtor nd, wiiho {t fi , . a . ,ah rill at eelensee trey P:0 fll'ed wita a • .a' 1" I L � gat my grain goer ' W O4. ; a • . C. ,.a+• de:tsy," 1aniatted a t"•,'m.,; "ru"Snv.7 ' e is than oma this; Mare has savod me man; basun! of wittina." "In merketang roe' li Zee m6.y have fallen end the fa"mer w1 1350 no tele peoue in the house teino'y toes on aad prnpa. e9 Ms plodcoe for market, or they may bene mon, and he its at home and nd knows nothing of g he lead for making a few easy dollars. Prides may be obtained tro'n d`fferent dealers wbi:e stttif•^, ro•e' a teb'y at hems with more ease end be!se mote r t 'ni io nb c ndo f the e, , momma Y w sae- . t could be done without It 1 had hie goods right is town, rid Lad t week frem one dealer's l laesi et bst axles tired, and its cavities while its action grows more rapid. The sign of this is shortness of breath. 'Young athletes, by a course of judicious training, gradually strengthen the heart muscles so that it is able to meet the strain and over- come it by more forcible contractions. In youth also the organ is elastic and readily returns to its normal size, even in the absence of training, as soon as the strain is reducelastid. c- itylater life, however, disappears, and a severe taxuphill, the organ, such as bicycling running or even a strenuous game of tennis when one is "soft," may re- sult in a dilatation which is not eve re- duced readily or which may persist as a crippled heart, maksng nt its owner more or less of a p invalid. should Every person over fifty avoid severe physical strains of all kinds.. He should exercise regularly —walking is the best kind of exercise for elle heart—but he should avoid unusual feats of running, bicycling or even horseback riding if he would keep his heart in condition to last as long as the other organs—up to 80 or 100 years, which is the natural limit of a well spent life. DR. M eRGAR8T O. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University,. Licentiate of Ontario Oollege of Physicians and Surgeons. special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, No and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasse properly fitted. Oa r 10E—With Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours -3 to 5, 7 to 8 p.m. On Wednesday, April 7th, a very pretty Easter wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mee. David Prowse, (Garden Park Farm," Huron Road, ,when their daughter, Miss Rose J., was united in marriage to Mr. Johnathan Thompson, a prosperous yotng rmer of. Raglan, Ont. The bride was assisted by Miss Ethel Thompson, oousin of the groom, and the groom by Mr. Chas. W. Prouse, brother of the bride, ceremony was performed by Rev. Be Millyard, pastor of Victoria St. Methodist Ohuroh, Goderloh. R VANSTONB, BABBISTBR. SOLICITOR, BTO Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. Mortgages, Sown, and farm propfarty bought and sold, Office. Beaver Block. Wingham The pleasure he now has In looking 250 acre forte!. after his he Life has a new pleasure for t writer of this letter and we shall let him explain why in his own wore's: co "I cop notdo my life l before I day's workto aDr. i to another. The cbo'oe G° le wt' jhg get.de cease Nerve Poo& and Iiidney-Liver hamo from town or eylli.ag i t a aR or+fleR .('ills," writes Mr. Leonard Mille ,need [°anbaro, IInldtmand Co., Ont., "but tolenyoner come to the man who has a thew medieines seemed to exactly suit • any ease and have done wonders for r 'h - e .culla tt'' r9 social ode l_ e. Instead of being in misery from ;.ain and suffering, life is now sweet t Rise and I appreciate good health. as 1 never slid before. "Tide means a great pleasure to me, for I .have a two hundred and fifty aero azm and a lame stock to look after. 1 i't e,,0ni,end these medieinr'E1 beefiesa i' o•�r have eiir, ci Inc and T l.uow the air C'Iae e s V erve ' $ CURES INDIGESTION. J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON DICKINSON & HOMES Spelling at St. Andrews. Just as, according to the familiar saying, • the shoemaker's wife often goes the worst shod, so it would ap- pear that in some of our university towns proficiency in the elementary art of spelling is not invariably ex- hibited in public notices. In that ancient Scottish seat of learning DoL1,Y $ames and the Mecca of golf, St. Andrews, the writer of this paragraph observ- ed the other day a notice affixed to one of the churches intimating that services were held every at such and such hours, and on the historic links there is an excellently painted notice board which reads thus: "The Public Are Requested to Keep of the Grass." We had often heard of the spell of St. Andrews, but scarcely expected to find it in this particular form. All Distress fi•om Stomach and Indi- gc;lion Vanishes in Five Minutes. TON your sour stomach -or m^vhe you oall it Indigestion, Dyspepsia•, Gala - Witte or Oatarrh of Stourtoh; it doesn't i,atter--take your stomnoh t,'oable eight with you to your pha"maelet a id ask hi ni to open a 50.oe tt o:'.se ot Die- pepeia aad let you eat c:ie 22 grai,i 7:riregnle and see it seiti'in five mitatae there le het cry trace of hour etomech liilvei; 9'. Tee coteect name for your 'fineable le food feraneeitaulon—'col boer4t1 ; the sees pe rm •, Dia,estive oegaes beoome weak, taeee Weems 29.30--8h..? - t.r0 0.neon of tt lxok of 1488aric juice; year food ie Christ to -dam be a' .e' "' r• - r ;:-ra:.d, oily Intl: digested • and you beoo'ne en for o.ie vo, e , ea d hi eiiog each affected with loss of appetite, p.e"-nes ca g •d Witten aft,* allege vo'siti sx. BARBISTRBS, SOLICITORS, Rte. MON1Y To LOAN. OiTiOn: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of DentaiBurgeryof the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeonhg of Ontario. Omoe in Macdonald Block, W �vv7• J. PRICE, B. S. A. L. D. S., D. D. S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Moe ; Beaver Blook. other fir einnie",• • red 1 f every ober wee, a s ate r ..^+: "7 a'e doll for Sl'o'uld ,set 1 •3 .;' non be goer beingd ,tr, iLen Lasa 1i 4 by fee .ti w:0 a. •....,? Chelatee tti:9:• t .:e avid Bso1 • ...0 An wish " ee used F.lealejbpt 1,8 1 peed up there OJ r''• b up to �'eruea. .i them, and tr noi:le work as preaching? L •: roe ler F tj'.' 2. d, 1903 W11at wf'l Rha 1p080 at r+nd:g r)vp' •v A 1 WHAT IS ITCH DIRT? 'Also. er p , I . Adele See.J. r- tie far Kissing Cd used Nausea. Nest to lint'';'tl tetrtling, a0 li acute() 01 infantile ilia, cecee'4eYeteoddling. Kiss - leg the baby Vie: it has fed, for in. ammo, isvery 1 1 -Ca cause it to Iom- tale '10:0 on the far .a 1 1 s in ,,$9 n.d a• . it. 000 vomiti:it - a to more Fah :ustieg P nil rima. t° y;:u to a c. vcatraRee. i'ornto, l" t+ g i(u'•'11e"'8 time � DTI(' =F red a. re•raea, beeatbrrw, t;'fnt'.� in hove e, earderness in :le pie of sto,nt.51, bees taste in the toonth., 0oest:,)ation, pain in 1<• fills, sled leeeneee. belching of gas. bi'l ow:eere, sick het:e she, net ven9.feee, sliminess a, 1 many otter re' oiler eying - OWN. irg- aolfeyonr appetite is fickle, and nova - fog tempts on, or you belon gee or i ;von fee; bloated after eaticg, or your food lees like a letup of lead on yon, .'s tt k• : mild than to t1 s,dtlt. The desi'•0 e ;11 : 3 .'t di s a '.1 the )@ all duh ©, i i tstera, grand was confined o gory le: ,'e' ' to tin neer,- , its little r ' o' eat t a* p t P ' i a doe maids, cooks, Inas of bit lawn h0, �.i10 'b i,lon y , d ,,,,r,pr( are watNf' ,C p.+I'aiateubili I ItlhthPr5, 2leir,.ii)1) 1•' ' seamstresses!, the b sof Rho use, tLe etloial cirnlo ie w°dened, and meet aid day and sooner 1 ld t baby" and friends, relatieee,1•110.1CF P ':c=rates in "e of yon hP . d ^,anise and city On aI' ° .11:0 epeohing nlanr nice 'Booted chats pre held over "fleck" " or later w M 4Y ..,,, de- b t15, v. v'.. btroy it'e vie .al' t*• when voln'll be babe _Ik.d to hfny for not evinflue r 'e'1+1r"jriveuetiBro a, 'atanoEl 1 �+1E d and c e. a �¢ro . v'il eine o'1tNery G ,d 1 ,, pG. I"nod is rens irlo ib1 g.,tso.ra r properyt'oe ° I a a a ba b a. poor ii, dead set• r. , ria 0 . E .t ",r r I1 r- t Waite ' rf1 Y lei• e r Cr , Scc, ii' its �5 it (1 i _e i, 111>© of 3, .; 1rYii)�1ilr.c Ula the system by lama..` j ileo t lrphcnc. Litt'o wonder that the o aY alt �•P`t. t+' t, r,E•ila it te.' l.lr.r.i IVII rel red i I': .iieeeei seas and deeehe ea :"re tiler;, conlYilo:l?sit Si:,a1 r:.,'w a. c0 .^.; c..'y iii) r. t 1, r':1 1��, i! C`-t,i�t1 l dente as ar10 ,.;Ac, ti41e1 gtltar .Miley • .,f" :°, t:f+tg Iii .) 7 1!<•, b IYvp+' t _ ' %;;.,':"" :*f:; tJ live C! tai^x fee a1lDOP! the ? r. °t �v'• T a th° ,ph000 ill beak if it little to erre D ldref , Val" i, i t : :l l , S::►U l i li,if'Y!! i ° s fl 4.Cti(7ny,,G Sun. I�G`rr nee {C,9 :y nt.G a4° Glj�. tc. ,•'I ,a. !1.•13 nr 1:11./:-_,%.",,,I.), k: _ . a .-0, tboailLth I t' 0 i13llle.--•Weekly ,.0''s' liii°m e. afP-ctior 0t0 cox 0 "hold he kis; it, end ni nl1 13'1430. grandfathers fond beehelea ;•Ye•nele of its father to heist it to tilt , : a) i ', mould be Meer - oriels denied. Such delightful domestic r'bstime9 de the t a`. r a S" 'o ©, andnes ver y eft et l3uet it -, anne It;lt. At worse is 0 • 1 0' •110 of hysteria. Children e'ina' 1 - • ah u nhd enough to ploy---witli z T .a" ,.,c _'�� L'o 11. 1ne <tor for nay'. TAKE NOTICE. That J. 5, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful seta of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airohamber. All work guaranteed. Offioe in Chisholm Block, Wingham. stomach, you can make up y._ that at the bottom of a'.1 this the., is bat one muse —fermensation of r.nttl • kes;.ed food Wove yourself, after your next e to 1 meal, that your t r oto mlchis a9 0 0 di 4 any ; that tsars is ready -nth-, ng wron R. Stop this "erme,itation and begin eistlit west yea want se itno:t fec,r o: diatom- fort end miser.'. relit); is wri.iug for ?amt it et ? mo •. how ROA matter of yon, It is niers., a m :t you take a little D'enepen. 11 *soma Wingham General Hospital (Under Government inspeotion) Stones and Glass Houses.' The origin of the saying, "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones," is as follows: At the time of the union of England and Scotland, London was inundated with Scotchmen, and London roughs used to go about at night breaking their windows. Buckingham being con- sidered the chief instigator of the mischief, a party of Scotchmen smashed the. windows of the duke's • mansion, known as the glass house, The court favorite appealed to the king, who replied, "Steenie, Steenie, those who live in glass houses should be careful how they fling stones !" Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physioians. BATES FOR PATIENTS -- (which inolude board and nursing), $3.60 to to looation of $15.00 room pfurther per rFor week a000r in nformation, address Miss 3, E. Wismar, Superintendent, Box 223,• Wingham Ont. a RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OUTSIDE ADVERTISING GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. TRAINS Leave TOR London . 0.40 8.m - - 8.80p.m. Torento & Rsa 111.08a S.M. 8,48 a.m.-2.40P .m . Kineardine.11.57 a.m,...2.08in9.15p.m. ARBIVB SROM Kincardine ..6,40a,m_11.00a.Yn_- 2.40 p.m. London 11.54 a.m.... 7.85 p.m. .... 10.10 a.m. Toronto & 2.08 p,m.... 9.15 p.m. Toronto ie Bast W. 8E1QHYr Agent,'wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS L1AVB x015 Toronto and East.--.0.87 a.m..- 8,10 p.m. Teeswater -. 1.07 p,m ...10.00 p.m. " Aii1IVB 821011 Teeewater... 6.87 a.m .... 8.10 p.m. Toronto n. BEIBMRR, AgenE Wingham p,' Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teaohers wanted, bneineee ehano09, moeh.aniee wanted, articles for sale, or is fact tang kind of an advt, in any of the Toronto or other nibs workedlisreceiveep�Yromi the This work end will faro people the Brunn of remitting Lowe30 tor and forward g rains will be quoted on application. Loave or oond;yorir next work of this kind to the OEL+IC . virtttigha +. Malacca Belles. Eastern standards of beauty differ, like the customs, from those of the west. In Malacca, we are told, the small waist and velvet eyes do not count, but instead the length of the neck is the criterion of beauty. The longer it is the more perfect the beauty. The girl of Malacca at a very early age is fitted with a metal collar which compels her to keep her head erect, and as she grows the dollar is increased in size, and by this means the neck is gradually elongated. A x'eris contemporary, with the pres- gretesgne will be seen in European t Sties. Chamberlaif.'s Remedy Cough Y 15 DNCOUALED FOR Coughs, Colds and Cronp. Shopping In Scotland. It has been said that the Scottish dialect is peculiarly powerful in its use of vowels, and the following dia- logue between a shopman and a cus- tomer tomer has given venasa specimen. The conversation relates to a plaid hanging at the shop door: Customer (inquiring the material) —Oo (wool)? shopman Aye, oo (yes, of wool). Customer ---A' oo (all wool)? Shopman-'--Aye, a' oo (yes, all wool). • Customer--�-A us' oo (all same wool)0 shopman--Aye, a' as' no (yes, all 1 seine wool). Nothing Doing, "I've walked many miles to see r 1 you, sir," began the tramp, became people told me you was very kind to poor e " apaliked t "Iidhe genial white liaised old NMI. "And you are go- ing back the same way?" "Yes, air. , "Ah,' well„ not contradict that .minor as you go, will you? Good morning," • .