HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-12-23, Page 1i
si NG LE OOPIBS. 5 C81`TS-
Come And Get
Your Participa-
tion Certificates.
- --lo---o-o-o--o
A10.1 -:i TO LOAN -on mortgages arw
t,utes rL I'.;abo a ie Beat=s. Snit
111su1:111.'e,"LA) Lai ^aLuck surd ]Tubas+
l;unt j/it.Uiea. • t.on%,eyalrcing Quilt
H'rw larat.tless and cle>p iicb. -
tit Jadvalt, t,ruker, L IcKaow.
liuu�c, Lt.ckuuu•, every 11 wines-
t,ay au to -even. ail/ chronic u1s-
rswea eeceessiU1Iy. . ti'eaue .
,,,Cv}a,tcLy lcialu►ea Lhe� 4iiiys.ca
k:.e.see ui u.eca . ayuiusLadt:414 Ol
the :Tale 1S u:4►•e yuicaily srcat'ec.
.0 •.,sur i,rv►t r :.reatuurtia� IW t1s
t. u ka u . La,au1 ay, &Lely other anytime
M t SS • L' U -Kai ER, Teeswaber,-De-
signea of flair Goods, transformations,
• su,Leues, etc:.•. Y aur order solicited.
t1hLiitli W:1N1ti1). - Come
where you get a /air deal and 'Lor-
un:to 1s:r.es. ailso beet anti hors&.
htu s al,d sheep sans.-.iai.e Lei •
Highest cash prices paid for hides,
sheepskins and tallow at the Tannery,
., Luc :nOw.-A l RORER 1'SQN.
30-12-p.. -
LOGS WAN TED --We, the under-
signed, will buy all kinds ui logs de-
livered at our saw mill at Lucknow;
and will pay' - the highest .market
price for salve. For further partic-
wars call and see us at our office or
veil tie up by phone. The Lackaow
Table Co., J.. Bottom, Mgr. Feb. 2b.
TOR SALE -Tyro farms, .100 acres
each,' good build:11gs and forst dasz.
soil. H ill be soid at a bargain. Ap-
ply to Goa. A. SiddilL • 11-11-c
FARM FOR SALE ---,lot) acres first
class soil. Amid beildings, four mile:.
west of Lucknowl;:-5 acres fail plow-
ing done. Terris easy. Fur partic
.utsrs apply to George. A. SidaailL
HEIFER ASTRAY --strayed from
.. the •premises • of the undersigned
about Nov. 25th, a yearling heifer.
red with white on right shoulder.
'Any person having information re -
'carding the same report to J. W
JQYN T. -Let 22, Con. 10
R awan-
2;-12- 75.
terse "sleighing the past week.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Miss Dean Geddes is spending g the
week at home.
Miss Mary Rath'well is home from
Toronto Normal School.
Misses Sadie Gee and Norma
Thompson are home -from Stratford.
Mrs. M. Jacobie, of Detroit, is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ale*
Supply of Benmiller yarn now on
hand. Call and, get it now. B: Blitz -
Miss Mary Connell is home fr+orrs
Toronto University for the Christmas
Christmas . turkey will be appreciat-
ed this year at from 50 to 75- cents
per pound.
Mr. Tom. Webster has gone to De-
troit to spend a few weeks . with his
folk there.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacCarroll are
spending the Christmas vacation at
Emporium, Pa.
George D. Morrison, postmaster at
Kincardine, died at the hospital there
on Monday of this week.
' The Misses' McLean --Frances and
Lilly -are spending the Week -end
with friends at Dungannon.
Moos s. Jas. Spence and Alf Mit-
chell are home from Queens Lauver -
say, Kingston, for the v,acauorn.
eion"t forget to renew for your
Sentinel for l s21, Mice now just
opposite Armstrong's Drug Store.
A Xmas gift for the Boy --A pair
of Antoniobe skates. We rave tome
Iw aft sizes.- L ncksow• Nard*:are a.
Coal Co.
roe ts.uxardine Reporter .bad thus.
'Jaren .twine,, x.t'.t'.,. W tieing urger.,
co roll as the t-onservanuve canaesit 4
for t.ast tiurou for the tiullaire u1
the price of The Sentinel is $2.0e
.n t„ aid* and ea.50 in the V artte
States. That price went into twee►
on July 1st. It was neat jmaslt d 14,
w catch subscribers at renewal
Mrs.. Dr Tennant and dau,htei
have gone to spend- the winter in
i. ondon, Sarnia and Aylmer. Duran,
;,heir absence their resui_ nee will 1►e
oeeupied by Mr. and Mrs. Steel.
.l. T. Lyons will receive lie poul-
oul-tr : nn Wednesday each week, and
dee:se;1 poultry every day at MacMil-
lan's Grocery, McClure Block, Luck -
row; Kinloss and Kinlough .on Tues-
days. 30.12.
7.ion Church Sunday School
have an entertainment on the erett-
ine of The. 27 in the' Oraitiie Hall'
Admission 25e.
Moaday, 'Dec. 2 . Municipal election nnattters' in Luck- 1 A than wb°o came n to, pay for his
The scribe wishes ail those who now and neighboring townshf s pro- , Sent:gel last week said that he , _
read what .she had to say during the raise to be quiet this year. A rn»11laer ; tiae.lr lit $2.O0 per year was a pretty. i
past year a Merry Xmas; asd would p+f the 1920 boards will no .11oiil,t . gc, i --t,;f irwe "as doings are 1sOW ' He
gently remind other' young • spins�`s 'Mick by acclamation. / • - Lieu reference. Lia the fact .that• lir+ j
that the privileges of *'one yeatr in Lucknow's reeve weld eouncillerS, generally were on three decline andel
four" are. fast slipping away, and -tea • of course, could not avid making a ; Lh:.t there were. pros,l ects that b isi-
our • bichelpr friends greetings. few ei:elnieo n ith su`rh a fart. ,t,1at-; tit:ss •would be dull and ameba out of
W. C. Smyttle, secretary. of our loc- tera.s the installation of` Ilytin can work.
al UFO atteended tyre conve�nti'on of their hltnds; ' i> it ctv11s1,1di:rets. d., ne. ; .Ilut those se11ing prig of ll,e•aa1'spapers
the organization in Toronto last appear to he serious nue of tire• 1.:.: di i .like -that of sugar and shote, must be
week. . " • which bring a council into+ lei i .i -e- deternliricd by the ,cost to tine seller.
M•r. and Mrs. Chas. Wail, of Salem, *late,- 'Everything nl.ay not '1'e •jast as ; l:.-tfortunatv4,-, for, these. engaged in
and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wall, of on would lute it, but,on th wh,k :he publishin leu':nus, .there has
Bethany, visited at Warr. H. R all's tl a t+►wn affairs heave b.en we it man- .-t-r1 no decline -in the price of any
on Sunday. - aged and vtti11;' • looked after. T (' :i: • item which enters into the e,ost
Arthur •Hodgits, who recently re- ' iaeeve and council]or4 .hate had t0 t11eir prcxiulttions. Anti it is jus'i
tanned frons the, W st, has purchase give a •teat deal c.f ,the it til*ie tto t1it .breaker „tt TI...s ai`e as tht•r are• new
a fine driver to mate Fred, his old village interests tltreughout• the -.111 i'1.'at n•.•v,-s, eyeD' a d other printed
standby. No road too -long or snow mer and fall and they are e�ntit ed tu, 1, eft . r _ are -high , -in 'prit-e t4 hite
too deep for Arthur this winter- elle '.t 'ranks and thze nod a ish, s OT 1:E, -.c:' rc,stx s ore t,,is y ear Kann ever
George Wilson /eft a little early the dame . 1.1,..;c� z, anal t:1t rt is n ; 1`rrss}x.t 'Of~
for Sunday School yesterday on ac- ' 'Tae council of Kinloss ': un-n-17i�1 •.,s declirse e•Itl,;in the \-(sr. "As t3 mea -
count of so asuch snow°on the bound- appears to have had fair -.m its arae• now,'' rrevv'spap r- cannot lie Bold
pry,' . throughout the year. and to h:1, t, vv�on ot the pre -star! prii•e,' ra:,r an . tteng
he eke:tor ... They ,. near it. . I
have had a grtrat •dial of busine:, s to ',At per year ii,
through thle war owe here if there ��.th�l 11 "pope
Lenith 8•uthl has heels enquiring, the approval oft AN'rE
I weekly �
seas signs of a .rebellion, as on look 2ftei'` in corlrleetlon .' .1 dratlzns.: t rs site rrtly c]oul',e in lsrlc . .
sevneral evenings .of late he has not- t3ae construction of which will cost a " t? y 'ere before :he wsir, • and,, ' its -F ,i ,,i, \TD P�#Y F'OR 'I88
iced a "niountie" pat olling 'the water g' deal of rnMKT. This c•mi let' spite .of recent bit i ' in pric•t•=', al
that terminates at ebbe bund ears aleio:t 'a t lls near lout affairs :.oat ail other goons, inciud:eg fare,-, TORONTO CRB?1�IERY (Q• F. «)
'e what
course '
ary to a British Protectorate_ seem to have sufered- atoth:ng by '--r-diik, are stili dlolable, nr 111c,rk ACCURATE Tim . BEST PRIAi
(-)11- asking persons in Lucknow that I1 is asto:Zish:ng the a=ncn.nt c,i ih:.e (loulee the olc) Trac'. • ' CANS SUPPLIED. AT _•
what they want for Xmas no one he_- •wet.,e that. a reeve or even_
itates to say "Hydro." No doubt eillor- will do for the, small amount of
Hydro is needed in Luekuow, but. it pay that he gets? In this respect the 1
is the writer's opinion that- it is also Kinloss board has Made good, a.:d '-i:..
to the present there. is no ,evidence cf
opposition- -. ' '
West ,Wawa•aos'h etuncil, ten, ap-,i
pears tie; have earned the approval o i
the electors, -and it :$ said that reeve
a fortnight .ago, chanced to lose his and c.+linemers . may have. a "nark
way, became confused and after neer" if titer want it.. . -
n-ander•ing around and mildly calling ' in the big town hip elf Ashflt•11
for help for several hours, tae at last .the ► .is -not arta oiler:elesir. tin:
came to the cross roads. at the corner i .this. is not due to any harsh criticicn
and by this new. discovery was able of existing* council board. li one
his joairney, reatc•hing Rocha dscan, .de eity- reeve has solei
needed in Westford. This neeessitsy
can be proved by relating to our
readers a very alarming incident.
When one of our Westford gentlemen
returning home one starless evening
to continue -
home just as the new day was dawn- out his farm and before spting
ing in the east. Thus it can be see move to a farm near Breeefiel,l, flee ir, Li:iratti e.. • 1
why- Hydro is needed in the country °ntakina break • in t c:lar.:I of G. L& hart. 7:T, A. Reid t�.', It. Me- •{
Folk. do net •apes ar to o'', jc-ct t o - .
high i rice 1f they bi....'evo that it
:ustified_ It i$ being- th«i
they resent. I this r -c•ard n'.1 be
ii(- 5 will better_ steed invesTiv'`a,.:or
t11ttt the newspaper. bes:nc'ss ' Ther
arc' only doeble vv h:.t *i..r weoe '
Years rs ago. HOW ahoii •11u;13inr vat-
er:al, nlachit ery,• food, clothir.e. an,4
farei produce
Reports for Nev. and Dee.•
. Foran 10. ' . .
--�bject_.,-C erolieeit:oils ret. ?t, late
as well as in the town. • 1$20 and opening the nay • for a-1 t'1- Intceh. 6S, B.-Murdie 6e,1 1. /tit 1nSh
Property is still booming in West- redoes_ Besides~ .Ashfield •ra e- a;'c-r- • i •.'�-• C. Goan 4o, G. Douglas: 4-, .A•
as the twenty-seven, thousand are going to• vote on tee 'sues:ltln of 1it•lI.1z ���. 11. McDougall >,il. Sr Iliarns
halt been ba ught back art aa ad- hav in; the road repairing looked af- id OO. 11 ithout • Litton • or Fr+eracsa--E.
*4;;? Lucks ow-
, toot • w-ip have a tenc eney 1* invte' .:n l; h: ;56, 1. Rac•emeha111 :' J.' Mc- .
M,cC'iar are Bldg. - L R. TAYLOR
fordi all kinds
Fir winter storage ant
dollar estate mentioned a few weeks (Ovine away. with statute _labor „anti. .,:a_ Yt ,thout French-R..Ma io.ral of battt•iT rc•I+S:rzlg, leave you, ba; -
ter -r with T. W. Snaith, Central Gar-
ter in sc►'11e less primitive way,. T ii It oson t' B. moiQuri,isn' t;:No, l'hi1-
vatiCe of three tilounsand.
e ec'taor1, but for the present all i4" -
OR. JOHN WI LLtllOOD • certainty.
Dr. John R ellwcwd whine early
Hunter. - :tome un Lite 10th Cuu. of W.''1%'awan-
. A Supper and t•oncert will be giv- 1 °eh riled '114 t alsaaty on [oTldaj nsornt-
en by the Ashfield Methodist Ladies 1 . of tt1:s wok,. lite rcr.utlns w•rir
Aid in Hackett's Churrit at 6 o'clock,
1 harsday, Dec. 30th. Good suPp<' 1
and excellent prAgram. Admi-s.- u1,
25c and 50c. Everybody welcome.
EDISON -Hot roast Irons, Toast-
ers and (*tills are the aae`A flee• -
al1 gds io the world. W • $1a+e theaw
in stock. Nothiag better for a Xrsaa
gift thaw a Not Palet Itis or a
Toaster. --Locke°' Hardware & Coal
Mr. Blitzstein and daughter were
called to Turonto Tuesday nrorning
on account of Mrs. Blitzstein taking
a bad tura. She, however, was _much
improved when -they reached the city
rind appeared to be on the way to re-
, eovery, so that they were able to re-
turn Tuesday night.
Methodist (laoreh-Th,' pl,tor will
conduct the si'rviees morning and
evening. Pulpit theme and music in
the morning suitable for. the ('hrist-
nras crrc•as*.
,1t Druugr,t east for interne:nL in the
aaaohazu (;e aeteiy. It is expected
4.stai. tape ltin r l will tx- un J.4114111),
afternoon at 2.44) u'clorl:.
Lr. H e&lwood went West abaut.,15
years ago atter graduating a: a tiled-
ated-Ica . doctor. On -the outbreak of war
in August 1914 he was among the
nrst to offer his services to the coun-
try, and went overseas in the tall of
1`4, and -9,-as with the, imperial ar.uy.
s1 hilc serving in France ere 'w -as gad -
sed 'and from the effects of this he
never fully recovered. He was ever -
:ease -four and-hatf FM'S. likaxTes
A• widow he leaves a • son about r
years of ager. }Deus a brother of
Mrs. George Webb, and had many
friends in his native toweakip - who
much saddened by the news 'of
untimely: death.
-Tuesday, Dec. 21.
A Merry Christmas to all.
Miss Phoebe Congrarn, of Strat-
ford Normal School. is spending the
holidays at her home here.
McPherson Bros. are sporting a
new cutter. Just watch the snow fly
Mrs. Leslie Sturgeon, of Berrie,
is visiting friends on this line.
We are glad to report Mac Snaith
able to he around again after a teras
of sickness. •
Solite are predicting a green
hut in order to be so the w••stlter
man will surely have to give us a
sudden change.
}Harris Bros. ate busy hauline +tt•e
to town. Doubtless the citizens of
_-Ripley will be smiling as fuel is_ at
present rather ,scarce.
The child'r to all seem 'tet t e loeking
fotward to their Xmas trees and the
anmial r sit from Santa flans.
Maple Leaf School are haeme their
entertainment end Xrnss tree on
Wednesday afterneon. We are hop-
ing for a fine day and good turn -exit
to it.
Mr. Andy Hamilton visited h:s
brother, Robert, of Ethel, one day
last week.
Mr. J. S. Colbert paid a Brat -ori
% sit to gipeateete friends.
RENTER -i,1 the Township of
Ashfield, on Dee. 5,. l.'2e, to Mr. and
Mrs. .Jacob Hunter, a. daoghter-
ReNta Elizabeth.
Donchhoys of the American Army
of Occupat on on the Rhine consumed
twenty-nine tons of turkey ea
Thanksgiving day.
• -Tuesday, Dec; 21.
Mrs. Geo. Swan returned h,'me af-
ter spending an enjoyable week .-;sit-
ing friends in different farts of t ne
Alex McLean attended the
' to. -k Show in Guelph, and also
ited friends in Toronto for a
t' I eseie and Cerdc tt- Barger
spt n+i ing a couple of months with
their parents near Toronto.
The school closed on Tuesday af-
tr m TI for the Xmas cacatioe.
Their was a well prepared program
and a much cle orated and well laden
Cit ri stmas tree which was enjoyed by
rsy of the Moose. The -lift sic
distributed by a real Santa , Claws
who cc►ntrit►uted man., jokes to the
trop Pinent, of those present-. Mach
. r,+dit 1• dee the teacher. Miss Me-
l.c•nlasn, for her peinstakitg in train-
- ; the pupils.
Earl Swan is at 1olyr od cisitinc
his nncle, Joe Swan, who. we are
iv -
- Tuesday, D.•...1.
_ Mer'rj; Christmas fu ail,
- Miss Gladys Webb , is home f rani
Stratford Normal for the va-ati;tn .
Miss Miry Rutherford re:az':.r last eteek f am a 't sit w- ith M r: •_
'Mrs. Neil Stewart of Chicago,
1rs. (.`c►. l\ -her has r,': c•i
1. t.. --s , -f 2!1i' ,fit at (+ ti'e'r .•.
;i..n 1h.. t. :, ^i
i .r- -
�iF�Il3ii• `i41t*-T°k'"'* t .,..# .yy ?.tra*'+i" mi :':
t•• 1-e tI..lora,
�2 2 1a a..r.....1 z •
:orrt to learn, is eery poorly.
The town of Walkerton is going to
haw the main -street paved at aa es
tiasied rest et $519,4106. •
1 r i^ liie�1lr:a' �'-... .•
U.F.O. the Enloe:ne 3` ] • •'.; \l. • "!coo-'•` • :1,,i 17.
s 4.1 T. .1' , M . a.',.
ected 1.-r the C•�:-ring •.‘ t tri . 1 r a '
Fill Ri'herf, r.1: Vii + 1r-.---.1.-, . 41. T. t. -1 -1,., -.-es; •'.. .,. 17: -.-. ..*1 .
A",lcrs"n; Notre'. -Tr. -n': ,C. _:1••.,r, 0::- ' .
, h i.:,n.
The. ;71 t'' .r '' NT,ire .l -
('.(i•F, weir vie, .
.,1 Molt int (Nei -1;X" iNt.•. '�''.... .X
r.'.eenlisers are rc+dwcstt•,i tt-, 1-,. pet -,
i e, •
t,1.:-11ii1 51.
ewer ' IL -
Saitjt. ts, - t;r3;111.1 r, • L:tera:3re.
t", piilaca:c�a, Frc-nc•h. . •'
• E. Lug. -:hart :5, F. 1D: cl)iarnaid 71
iIt.ig�ns Ca',,' D.
11 T:l:,a11-•siy:z- ti. G. �..
I lac a 61, 11. McLt st:1 ti :, K. Lie fir
1. 1::.t•i°n'treil i'=. ,i. (;<.. an 6., Z.
.:'. \1 • Webstir r 5:', V. Mc-Qui:Alli .
1 . Andttt''Dr i��, int►tn1 ..,T .v.. P.
Alas:• •,.. M. Mi-t-l::lune ...\\ IL Mein -
7,41.. W. _'.:1 .. . ;. R. .t►nti:e 1,c
�'. 1'a:1' ee,e -1, 1t . `• l.a .:r:el ;,4),
�l •; h, :1 d:r, `1.
:i 44. F. Oahe, ;" X. `NE,
t'. .t".,:t 1". • 1 `2 .:-. *pclo_y is de(
F. '1,1h.arinid for an t•rr.`r in last r--
- -
rerta I,
5.:.:.'1. 1-r.
1 1,
4ANOW --R1r1.E1 HOCK El'
A l arg•t. aria t „:11'1 iosot' nwoo-or -
of the followers. anti p:a•; , r. of h. k- ,
cy from Ripley an,i 1.:k1.n,5w • n «-
held on the evening of Decem',•r
to organize for the tcltt1 ir.tz st As ,r
It was deei-moi to tntt^r sen:.
junior teams in Ow No'•t�:'-ri
Leair:ie arM -to plat lsnaur the I foot.,
of l.uc•kn,va•-Rlpler. • tv`frot•'r; Rc'.
el•eo leve as follows:.
Of the sten'..tr c'til,: i rt- :
Wm. A. Mair. Riplrr: Sec';
the/mew; Main.ALy"%r 0- .
.1. 11. r- , .
rrn11 R'ow-crA; L :eltr,,n•, t•, 1
MaotA an ]
iOf the i n',, ,11,',: T t
1 C,e,,. '13. Sr..'1 : :•.<'- Tr,r. ..
tui: Maracino: (. • , ''
Lean John -t ,r. • •-nraaecr:
Sin :tit• ani R.,bt. Y,,',rston.
1 t .fit►' �tl .l .•';y:,1,* • ��''
t -t.r. t :•.*. .
F. T'. %1c1 'a'+. r-
) a. x -'d to -115e. a-1.'. Rev.
.% \ : i l %•'illi', v:'.....' r :/T1 s 1. a' C ' t r � - v, ``ti ,'. 'ie atlt't1, ,1 2111' ti r?cl
13, ,yr,'.q; Wt
.- ,' 1 :1:..1t. va• `-; -r i •o at 1vq, WirirNatarr
11‘-'01 :n tNt' T ,,w:. -i, 1:. . ..1, 1\ t .1 1't : ,., - 1'; tici,tAl I'm "miaT` rlri* tt,
-,e,:a1-. Ile, ' 14P1". !lt.. ,r l M'cs Greta Fs 14w- *-erp
;11. 1 . • . : ; , r l' •' s; ow o l tl•S
_xeaday, Dec. 20.
• Miss One aicGeaagbaw visited
with, her brother. Harty, at Be1Arav e
last sleek. ,
Rev_ \t' . S -ob.ie novel i-:t+A the
Itis $1' . th.s week. During tete past
surnnu r .the Malate was torn down
and releo : ;t, and is ca i d te+► be greatly
improved in plan and appeatraace-
Mrs. Wm. Humphrey and Mi
1.=1a, r-1 St. Ilelten-s, visited at tine
n of Mr. A. Fox last week..
M : os it'a71 Eagletion is v'3sitlwg.
friends at Luckriow.
• Th. Methodist Church will bad
their Xnlsas. cnte twin -went t+rl ihars-
,aay evening, T] e.r3_ Rev. Mr.
Ile r.n, of 1,aaxkt'iow. will deliver his
lee Into on "inland and the
irS(re will also he a good swum of
rF'-- ts1i,'r,s. c!aorast E4 -e. Aidniketion
A : the, Dec. meeting el' the W.M.S.
1".t, Pte shyseria•n CIIIITT11 the `e , � . ,-, fiLecrs **MIN" re a t^ in e.l or
Preo.-Mrs. Wm. Barbour; lis
' Vice Pees. --Mrs. Theo. Moore: n1.
1'iry 1'rrg.___M•-,. tarsi Wilson; Sere"'.
-- Mrs„ A. F..: T r1 t is `'r.: Treace r er--
Miss T.. Hort-pe Helpers See.
wore; Me t`-1.s;+c•-r S.
- 1Q -- A'1.* Foe.
'1n a, --i Mr.;. A. Ftv and 1/1 -saes
it - :, , • ' t Sii 1!' 1 Fill HOME RERE A t EP
wr-r,-..:i-�, \�, �a.'1.?t r•, ,•• 54: The -, T!i �',♦
Al• Th ,, t. ;,,a......,1 't . \,,,, 's- .. S_.c- ._ .-f the, .lith- C. ..--.
Y-;,,?". , • r \ ,!-:-.-. r, , t - `1- -. t ' , • -T. 1-, '• ,-,, ' 'l( • N•r% M� •••ehia .
,I.-s'n,, 1 :1`. - ` ' -(` • .�Y; .�ti'i•:' ha.l �`l.-'r, i4,
`R. 1fg . . 1. c.,„. , T bt .1Ay c :- 1- , el.,. 11- :•. - -- 1`. .,-,• ••,.•-•+t'?:!.7,-
P,,n1Cr. .1 Z,a-t
Ct11c'ndti1 ii te' Al • 1'•; i•'1 5.1 t^'l•at 111111'. . .
vias returned hon*..
'The tlr,lcriosi i4-nr,e,, tw,
- both. hams am1.11 the fates 1ooi; f,- t11,`.
I be -fit hr.ckcr me hove seen r !''
• T.trckrrow rink for many va int:rs r•1-
thosi loge wapro t• is coked for htith
- teams as the moi alcemeat Ye the
str+n' of fist seed- 04,4 hockey.
hal i'
,..,,,-e ,L ar to '.a- -
Tilt Loh tt. :N.tRI►F.T
of their h,; a^. tics:�ctri, M 1 1 -
o, neer . a :d .
Aekert's. donated'f.t$5 donated'ti the Ch raa H (s1; F.O. -stat •aitttwl:l , .1J►t*s
relief hind;. flsabeim the gid': of a' if1111. , 1n5.''�
frtrrncl. ' -