HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-12-16, Page 1-A.
A � '
4vIR OR, 44.
i •
ONT., THURSDAY. DEC. 16, 1920.
Flour Mil
Come An
Your Participa-
tion Certificates.
W . E. , TKELEA1iE.N.
o ;a £Viii( !UT'S
wo t ky to - LOAN on tnurtb-ages 3n0
..est at rtaisuaaale i,.;ers- r ut
l::a•.it:t+.�e,'y boat stuck and .+rlute.a.
L wit pi►.i.tz. ' L oil ti ey aacmg, tome
. non neatne's..s rind despatch.' -
bro. broker, .Lucknow.
Lt'» P-Airtis ER, OS IEOtA ll, at Lam
uo..ae, l.'re&ilutei,. eters N canes,
uay ;a tcr►yv ra.• Ail chronic dss
eC^i.-+r3 at►t.«:aktiu4 treated. lisle
o.-otatn i• u. a fume •pit„jys.sink
uI uas ase sYuju'�Ltijenc 01
tate. ' s .s1r as a,.►u a q*i►:iCi 5a tUrt*l
awl ...en Lentz avat terata by U-
;r;-e,biatay ueain Vy ;.n i other wefc
3a.S3 PL'TCII R, Teeswater,-De-
slgues ed hair .Good i, traasiorUiatte,n3,
ow o:cities, etc_ lour order solieitieL
3i -12-p.
vile ie you get a fair seal and Tor -
n:4 pra.es. Also her.; and horse
hales &i..i sheep ins.- J a .e Li :gel
li;.g:.est . cloth pri.-e3, pard for bides,
siteepoiins and taboo at tz'.e Tannery,
i -..c: ow.-Ssilt ROBERTSON.
i.(jt,S AA _t N'f L D -n e.. the ur Jer-
i.gned, %iill i;uy all kinds of log, i -
iavercil at our oaw stili at Lucknow;
and ;via' pay the h_gbest market
pace for same_ For further partic-
ulars call and see us at our office or
ati ui up by pone_ The Lockman'
Table to,. J.I+iUtas, Mgr. Feb. 2,
Lia: know Public School; lith exprr-
D►.tie s to set II McDonald returned to '•
-Tuesday, Dec. 13.
Miss Ada Clubb who has .been liv-
ing at Brucefield for some time re-
turned home last week.
Miss Lillian Patterson, of Luck -
now, visited over Sunday with her
friend, Miss Jean Eagleson.
Mr. Wm. Conn and son, Robert, at-
tended the Fat Stock Show at Guelph.
Mrs. Garton, Sr., and daughter,
Mabel, spent the week -end with
friends in Brussels.
Mrs. Wellwood and baby, of Or-
angeville, . attended the Purdon-Fal-
coner wedding last week and are
'flaking a visit ,vwitb her parents, Mr.
and • Mets. Jno, Falconer.
Mr: Thos. Kew, of W ingham, vis-
ited at Mr. Geo. Cottle's on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan, Mackay. ano
children, Johnnie and Isobel , of Brus-
sels, attended the - Yurdun-Fraconer
a etlding last Vli ednesd.ay .
Jars. Sturdy, of Lucknow, .Mrs.
r ever Lea�.rs and .a i o. at•.i t arr, o.
a inghazn, - . visited with Mrs. M. D.
nenaeisol1 last week.
air. Rnddails, o; Tiverton, conduct-
ed rkie: services in the Methodist
c, Burch herr on • Sunday. _ Rev. Mr.
irwkn preached anniversary services
at Y itrertun,
Rev. Mr. Irwin intends holding
prayer meeting on Thursday evening
m, the Jietlnuu.sc t.nurch. Everybody
,frill be made welcome.
-Tuesday, Dec. 13.
Dr. Will Hackett, of Detroit, made
a short visit .last week with -his
wroth er, David backett.
Mr. and Mrs_ Earl Begley and swi.
of •the West, are visiting with -alr.
N an Twamley.
Ai-. David Hackett, who has been
in poor health . lately, is Improving
tuaely and we hope. to soon see bins
about agate
Miss Ida Hackett is spending a
few days this week with her sister,
.tars. Jack Bradley.
Miss Doneda Sherwood has return-
ed to Lucknow after spending some
time at her home here. •
Mr. Roy Irwin spent the past week
chopping grain in the Zion neighbor-
hood -
The - pie social. held in Hackett's
cb�h Wednesday evening was quite
'a success. All present had a very
enjoys time
Mr. Joseph Hackett ►►s "retxistied
home -after attendir_g t'*t C '"ntty-
Mr. Frederick F. Phillips, G. T. R.
.station master here, and Miss Nina
Woods, until recently, on the Luck -
now Public Schools - teaching staff,
were' quietly married at the Manse
on Monday evening, Rev. R. MacCal-
lum officiating. On Tuesday. morning
M. and Mrs.'Phillips= lett on their
honeymoon trip to Florida, . and of
Bourse will be away for a 'few weeks.
Fairbanks --Webster
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the Methodist Church, Burlington,
Ont., 'on Dec.. S, when Miss Mabel
Mara, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. 11. Webster, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Perry E. Fairbanks, of
Grimsby. Rev. G. W. Barker offic-
iated and ' Miss. Margaret Dalton
played the wedding march. The
young couple went on a wedding trip.
to Buffalo and ilarnestown, N.Y. On
their return they .'will reside at
Still folk are speculating , as• to
when THE current will be turned on
-said current being Hydro Electric.
Well, we •have a little real inforrna- r,speet,' was a must amiable neigh.-
tion on tete subject this week; at Least- cor.- Ile 'served fur a year on tui,
we think it • is really reliable. , 1.tidenuly v inane courieii.,
An engineer of the Commission
Besides 'a widow, al r. Boyle is sur -
was in town on Wednesday and lw .
stated to us that the present delay ' t v."'i by two suns: James in �:eu..: On -
The many friends ' of ]i r. James
Boyle were 'greatly-ur;�r:- 1 and
saddened On'Saturday hist to Learn
that he .lead passed. away tlt;:tt.rvrn
ing. Mr. .Boyle had been seriously
ill for only a couple of days,.and un-
til Friday evening he- was not,
thought to be ill serioUS danger. `It
appears that for about a Month he
hard not been feeling well, aid about
the middle of last week pneumonia
set in and developed rapidly. Ile
was in his 64th year. . •
Mr. Boyle was a nier ger of, the
Masonic Order and the local lodge
had charge of the funerar, . services.
being conducted in the. Anglican
Chureh at 2 o'clock • Tuesda1 after
noun. The service was dar;;el'y 'at-
tended, and there was along •.pruces-
414ii. of mourning friends to f:iniusz
e:eretery-whsle interment :.as Made..
• 1 he late Mr. Boyle was fr:�r ells:
' years' a, rii:sidrtlt o f near - Is inlu:ta h,,
<u.i on retiring from the farm a fe ..
5 -cars . go came to Luck -now to re-
_�lde. Ile Was a man who c,.11lchat:d-
ed a high measure of e:uni:14.lce a.lt.
was due to difficulty in; getting mat- '1'", �a.l k. rank on the hymn iarzu_
erial for the sub -station at Holyroodi iti�•re are also four brothers az.d a
However, this material was definit-• I _,s`.rr:.1,;ci aria n esiey at Kinioug::,,
eq promised for Dec. 15th. and no
:lnubt it would be here. . It would
take about two weeks to install this
material and test out the Lut:know
sym so that, barring tmforseen
trouble, the Commission . will be able
to give lir:ht and power service in
Lucknow witllirt a few days of -Jan_
Ist. So we can celebrate the New
Year and the new lighting service at
on and the •same tithe.
The engineer further stated that
the sub -station at Winghazn was
practically -completed, and there was
some prospect of supplying current
!here Sunday night, but he was nut
sore of this. -
' r..ai-a:tl of aloes: Jaw, Sas:►_,
�epil in Kansas. • J ie sister is Mrs.
Cox of Kinloss.
u-Oii0 •O
aant.:il- big wind .. awed
�•�tiie: a iv rueie.'
Now is the opportunity. ' to buy an
all linen welt 1 abkixig at 'l. �., 'per
'J ani a Connetl's.
stores in town well be open eV -
eitit1os Le..t Ut1ei: for the a,.ctu.uzitut1.t-
c.toll ut l,tlris.tinas shoppers.
Miss Min Graham - is over from
LhdilchOtile, Ohio, to speoci• a 1irui.�.h
Witt; her brother allu sister here.
A tut suost:rll,ttons to the wen.
ttr. Ialt rt:. in 1.ieC�rillLetr. it s �+
don't uterluuli it.
�1r . Adaltil Thuieesor., who spent
c.e past trtr.<e !Lentils 1t --:Nle tau:lit
�i . f1Ci vt:, . zl'. i . 'ti. l tlu.ttllaun, Alta
_c t lk'Atil to �` Ut:211,►_•g-
Citizens s o.z n uCa4rtl:tle • tole: -e have
..r :;:n.4.ed.•IUf Lae puro,st X11 liv..il :e
411 ' Old boys aa.d Vitt Glr:3 f L-uzl.u:i
to the siluiniet uI 1.,22. , ' •}
i ou Si1.J:iiel seg th K.•.:,-:elflt-, te`1-►t
`U.:acit is �eillllbat 3
.., A s'heeiai
AL:U'-.r i'!1 oar:: •; :e
'.vas=�.tzJ� Z U *i;:,JO. •
fir. .f. C. AI itti-sun has -i'et..rtie.l
hhhe fit/Ill ;fa:hi:ton where he has
.e.e•IL the past munch..., .fur , nttedlcai
.. c atre.e t. %t -e • aze Sorry 't3 learn
• unlit tI r. Aide: rson has not iulpruvee,i ' •
'daring his absente.
The special. nc't- in aleu's .tinder
Pte' p•
t.ar at Connell's sale are real money
sa$.ers on a staple line. Stnnllt:.i
.;reen Lahr!.. at $2.uv a garrhenf.
i ne line in all `curl at 4 ;.t�;) is an-
tiler gie:at %.l:t1;
Capt. John Salt, r,• Itadr of the
-ith lighiaact Bond, Te.rtnto, an•i.
one of the • foremost b:.ndsr ten in
{ Canada, has" been engaged to t'ume to
St. Helene. >u E. ,tseee:ir---R-v: K. •t.•kertun for a lay each week to
A. Gotlan, interim moderator, v►::� .:et the proposed G.W .E »1: Band int,
lisle sale ht.
;situ C ir.stznas
tra speiial�.
.au:es' coats at
pries; and . in
nlent a special.
Rev. R. Mac. alium conducted an- ,
. , iduct the services on Suati:a; at
tae ostial hours. .k good. att_ndance ;
is requesters as arrange:seri is to . I.
! hear more tanditiatzs will be tutee. �'
Dr_ Currie silo was ur..fc r. e...11 ha -v-
_ng accepted a call to Blind P.i.er in
!the Alguiha Presby. tory . ; 1
niversary seri. at Brussels 'a.,t
4anday, the Rev. Mr. Mann, of lulls- f
-Tuesday, Dec. seLs, taking the seniles in the Pres-
Ms, Frances McIvor. who has bees bgterrsn Church here,
att ndin,K Continuation C'_as_es in
Lucknow School, returned to ger •
hnrne on ac.-our_•t of the prevalen:e of
c: ocincil in Goc.�e' rich tris we,:k. ' mumps in the village.
Masses Lits and Lizzie A' it" of Miss _
1:r21. A `:• i s trait on Wednesday reit to continue
good lis- g.urfcro�r, .� r. t t ��ri�,i} ,
,others htre ger training as a nurse in one of
the hospitals.
'Alf Bacistock has gone to Cargill
where he intend_: to spend the sinter
The annual business • nice t ':r of
the Presbyterian W.M.S. was held
Wed,, Dec. 1. Reprts uf. the differ-
ent departments were given and o:-
tieers elce:ttd for 'the coming year.
Coliectiors for the year
A year's supply of cathing: was sent
in Jain to an Indian boy in the West
and two barrels of prof inions were
cut this month to 3liss Ratte's Res-
.lute Horne in Toronto..
tence a!t :rd. Cia.ii Mt ork.
ce, alkenes _ J.:neary ::►J.
re_opetettt applicant and a
Ci r:traaran 'rill receive a salary of
U44,) per aunt m. • Arab. to D. R. Mc -
I\iOaH. 0-1
w ANT> D -A safe small ase pre-
ferred_ W. L 3ilacKFNZIE.
FOUND -A small sum of money.
i.i:•: rntatie;►n at The Sentinel Office.
rola SALE -Two SALE --Two farms,, 1W acres
*a h, gaol build:rings and li`i^st claim
s• .:_ t► .t bee dw _ 1 at a :arga.n. Ap-
to Genu. A. Si ela1L 11-11-e:
pal --- - -- - - ---
Pi:NO FOR SALE -In first class
repair -will be solo at ai bargain_
MRS. A. FI NLAY SON. North of G.T.
R. Station. , 1r7- 12-p.
11* S_tLii.-F.3naen geese and
Barrel Resit c tckerels. choice quality
if taken before Christmas. GEO. A.
F _1R;t FOR SALE -I00 acres first
e'..�s =--' i. gJud lxi:iesinr . four. mile
*est .,c Laeck-nos; 25 acres fall plow-
d.>tiee. Terms easy., Fur pertic -
war; ai ply • to George. A- SiiiiU.
21- l tfe.
HEWER F Eta _t STIL% T -Strayed from
th' remises of Ow undersigned
a',.. it Nr+v_ lath;, a yearning heifer.
rr•i w th white . on right shoulder-
Are. r,•,.n Nil rile infnreatkn rr-
lorf:-. t,e san+le retort to J. W-
JOYN T . Let 22. Con. 10; W. "Way. an-
3- 'I'. L : ,,.; - w t!I ree.•s ive live peal-
e ol-ty on Wednesday eat !i week. and
rr,.l,,,= '! poultry every day at MaeMii-
�tn'a Gles•ery. 'Ye$ iTer Block,. Lnek-
K in'.ea= s and K -nl.,ugh oft Tues-
ues-da,_. alt
Never porpo!ellr offend another and
strive never to take otrrtse.
Mr. and airs. Rog Alton and Mr.
and 3Lra.. George Lane attended 'the
funeral of the late Wm. Carey on
S.S. No. 13, Asiieid.
For November. '
Jr. IV. -O. Alton, L Hackett. J.
Irwin, aL Vint, A. Bowles, C. Hack-
ett: D. Cooke.
Jt. ILL -R. Nicholson. M. Hackett
A. Cranston.
Sr. 11.--T. Hackett, M. Hackett
Jr. 11.-J. Bowies. E. Nieba tse�tt.
Jr. 1.-G. Henry_
• Sr. Printer -T. Henry, N. Cranston
G. Camerae.
Jr_ Pri>ser-i . Vint. F. PhiIL: ps, P.
Thompson. R. Catecrua. IL Nicholson
W. Lazenby.
Kathleen M- Welsh.
Roses white and roses red
For the betide just one year wed_
Five years wed' -'tis understood --
Pretty presents all of wood.
Ten. with jollity and din,
Come the treasures niaefe of tin_ •
?were m. ans linen sett and sheer.
Fifteen. crystal ! rzv�t 3 ••f i e' -r.
Twenty. dishes patterned gay
For the china wedding day-
Twenty-five comes clear and shining
Alt its clouds have silver listing.
Thirty is the year of pearls.
For the loveliest of girls_
Forty is of amber mellow.
'Fifty is of gold so yellow.
-ixty years together spent-
T rnkmess and sweet content -
Sixtieth anniversary,
Coates the Osmond fie.
.-Ltbosios bat
months Lumbering.
Mr. Walter McKerzie is sper.dinat
a few days • in Toronto this w.,rk in
the interests of our U.F.O. Club, we
The farmers in this neighborhood
are in many instances taking advant-
age of the ope weather to lessen the
amount of plowing likely to be need-
ed in the spring. We the the plow-
ing of stubble Land in such a saturat-
ed condition is unwise. but goes" t'•rut
sod turned over now will do very
-Tue.:flay, Dec. 1=t.
Half _way through Ueve nber :net
still goosi plowing weather.
Miss tutor lt. Ke nate, of Dungan-
non. was the guest of Miss Neta
f w amley toter the week -end.
Mr. and Sirs. Stephen Stvthe m3
were up from Clinton over Sunday.
Don t miss the Christmas tree en-
tertainment the Blake's S. S. are giv-
ing Dec- 21st. A splendid program
has been prepared. Admission Ad-
ults ':ic ; Children 10c.
The very low prit'es at which.
we are selling .1 the reivaiader
aff .or Winter Mipi.ery gives
eves-yy . Ne the .h.rtatnity to se-
cure a good hat at a very low
peke. 4
Misses sad Children's Hats at
Haff price.
--e. e-
-Ttiesda_' Dtc.• It.
The Anglican Sunday a:ttoul
tree entertainment v..a►. be ite.0 en
1 ucstiai evening. Dee. `_ : -:, to tite
basement of the .hureh. A -•oel
gram consisting of % Jcai and ir..-tru-
mental music, diatlogues, dr.11s, etc..
Admission. Adults '2.ic; Children 15e.
Mr. and Mrs R.. A.
eta at Eldon E kersariiter's oh sur_
Mrs. Taylor,' of Sa katoor`. Sark-.
is nisi:inti her l other. Mr. Join Mac-
air. Verna Itodirins is vi.�it r h.-
uncle. Mr. John Hodg:tri.
Noble and Milton Guest are ho re
f ro:n the West. -
Sarehrer-Stickne' --.t : _,r , r : n,
Alta..' on Nov. 15th_, 1_'2t, t; .:rr
Rev. E_ Artntronyz. I:vr;;, n .E. Suit
ler. son of Mr. ani ars. W. Sricet:..r
of l.ut:know.e, and 11.1.-i.4I3 �- e
Stckne; of Morrin, Alta.
No matter gnat tx'�'ttrs str,re to
trr:it V.trybutiy evet'3i'aheret as though
nothing unpleasant had ever taken
C. innei1s, ,is extended
ween a :tai a few ex -
Or -e of them is:' all
one-t:..rd off regular
th tn,;I eery depart -
in hats at i;1.9n and
On Thursday evening, Dec. 2,3rd_
Methodist Church ..t Whiteellnrch
w.:: C hristi:as tree enter -alio
rn nt and lecture by Rev. Mr. Iin.
of Lueknow; suh;e.t -Ireland. and the `
irsh." r:tt:rust.s ly the cru.r and
Post Muter Lindsay a-i;s that
`'. !'=�:t:.:•5 ra .ts
Oar;- i:iree:: ce:•il :C � i.: it ..,, . ,
:'ore the mail [tot-- •>uU, c.►... : r .
:....1 � in time. The. I'er_it
1,e ur,t:t until poo.
.Ctristu.as week.
:The Methodist c• + '
h,)irl tti .'.r arr:ual Chri+t,ea:4
tair•r.t on M :il lay tve�,n':�r. i►.c.
':tlnie±loir.. at .t
r..:.i..l pr La:a c : e:: .. <. sir i:.
•;.-1A-5 ard spot:a: t.:..: _
r- :ren!_ Adasiss:e:t,
M-. and M.-. Stec..: Bunter. why
;he pas: fe.v y...r. i.al, lettl irk
i re:urn. 1 teal
i,u. kiie 'and cc i't: make tn.. r
here. The pa -1 ::.•� ;tib._ .� re
sptr.t in t tre,i.: a -..l L ndon. Mr.;
Ill ntc isle:::l p,tased et,th his so-
the :ar.,s r f Un :e Sao:.
:tiachinnoe--In tit:r .t. ei,. h..
Tu. -ay. P- 14, h. t' •'_e': •ra -
M a, X• ► .. I' a iu
:i t t' . I w'. a'r-
t:-.: r wilt:.' j; t.
{;.. ...� r. t • !'-0. c- her sort -in -
i.. r -1n,irox, 12_i1. A•h-
r x l
S •t.:a l%.: c:, .t:: a n,;!l', ,lad•, 1
i t "th at _..,�� e,'1 p .i. Inter- ' B.% IT E1►1 STIR %GE
rr,, r.t in Ei::„ss, {l`cr.:etorr. ...e■..•
' F , s raze and aiI kinds
elf leave your hat-
teru t!' T. R'..«lith_ Central Ger-
are, Lu _'.rion - • •1-11-tf.
.k etan.:e will t,c he',1 in the Town '
Hai', Luck -now. on the evg. of Friday
•17.. Blae'h_ tone's f irehe•3•ra.
Lir,•h served. Grtlemen '? ►.:'•=1: Ex-
tra ladies arli Gal;ery $Ik.-Luck r w
Fin Co.
Do -you think that Sister would
appreciate a nice little gift'that
would be useful and last for
'ears to come. If yon do we
bare a large stock to eboose
from=such as: a beautiful gold
Necklet set with pearls, and oth-
erswith combinations of pearls
and am\ythests, peredot or aqu-
arine at prices from SS to $4O;
Brooches and Ear tins set with
earls, black onyx, aquarine and
aurytiiest; Rings of all kinds. See
our Cameos and Black Onyx. .A
heaut :nl string of indestructible
15 inches and 22 inches in length.
Priced front $6.00 -to $20.00.
What would' he nicer than a
good solid- gold Scarf Pin set
with diamo..ds, pearls, amythest
or peredot; a good pair of Coe
Links; a nice Ring either signet
or store set; a good Witch
Chain; a pair of Military Brush-
es, and last bat not least' a
good Watch -one he can depend
on giv ins hits the best of service.
How would - Father and Mother
like a V ictroia'
Call to -day and make your sel-
ections and a• rid the rusk at the
last minute.
F. T. Armstrong
McClure Bldg. L. R. TAYLOR
C .t R OR- N I .s. ' .tTTEN i ION
We are rr.:pared to refinish your
car :r. a=ntiafactors manner • using
the '-•t-t •°: materials, •
we .can overhaul your car at
the - say :e tiive- Pris;3 reasonable.
i B:ttt«•r..
"Eggs.. •.•