HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-04-22, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES. VOL XXX.VIIC NO. 1,94i. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909. $l A YEAR IN ADVANCE OLD PEOPLE fllO1 our famous Cod Liver and Pep- tonate of Iron tonic, because it contains the very elements needed to , rebuild wasting tissues and replace weakness with strength, and to cure chronic coughs and colds, and prevent pneumonia. We aro positive It will benefit every old person who will give it a trial. If it dotal not. we will refund their money on demand, Walton McKih1on THE I» UCC1ST Macdonald Block, Wfngham,t Enter Any Time WINGHA➢I BUSINESS COLLEGE has been tested in the crucible of ex- perience, with the fire of public opinion, and has not been found wanting. The has not been fourgraduates success o t but thehigh- est the largest, u excelled.. Notge est grade modern Business School in Western Ontario. Individual instruction. No vacation. Mail Courses. Enter any day. Write for particulars. GED. SPOTTON, Principal SMIIIIMMINEVIEL 1 FLOWERS ! For all occasions — Partion Weddings, Funera Wingham Greenhouses FRANCIS STREET • PIIONE 101. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Liquor 1, The North Hurd aioners will meet in ber, Wingham, of week at 11 o'clock of granting• linen year. Fifteen lice year, but the passa by-law in Ashfield four. Wall Paper from 5 cents per roll up, at KNox's. KEEP IT UP We just want 8 more days of good buying and business for the month will more than exceed' our ex. pectations. It'll be worth your while At 75c per doz. Will be quick sellers— Hurry ! About 't' dozen Willow Pat- tern Cups and Saucers at this price make a regular snap. This line always sells well and if you want a dozen you've got to hurry. Spot Cash or Trade. 5c & lOc per tin Baking Powder bought to sell at 15e and 25c per tin. The quality's all right but like many other things didn't catch on, have a tin, only 5e and 10c Only 33c per lb. As you know we blend our own Teas, after blending our last -lot of 40c quality we had about 85 lbs. left over of High Grade Indian We always use fresh teas for blending purposoa and prefer selling this as it is—straight, You might t as well drink good Coffee—we've got it The Grocery Store menses. License Commis - the Council Chem - Saturday of this . m. for the purpose s for the ensuing Isee were issued last g of the looal option township will out off For window shades and wall paper, try KNox's, Wingham Barber Bus' Mr. Chas. Swai sold his barbering b Mutoh, who is now Mutoh has been in time and is a yonnl well. We wish his ventnre. Mr. decided what he does not purpose town. J. Henri Christie PHONIC $9 ess Change. eon on Friday last sinees to Mr. Joseph in possession. Mr. this shop for some man who should do im every success in wanson has not yet ill do in future but oving his family from Yon van have your buttons made to order from any kind of material at R. MAx`i'ELL'S tailor shop. u Annl a The annual see Young Men's will be held in th block, on Triesc inst. Among tl be transacted w reports of the and the eleotio for the ensuing of members is a Read Willis & Co.'s adv. on page 8 I. O. O. F. Wingham Oddf the anniversary o Order by attendi the Methodist Chu ing next, 25th ins Bro. the Rev, W. liver an appropria are requested to me Hall, in the Wile p. m., to attend tt fellows will be web eeting, ing of the Wingham of tion a hrietin Association zooms, in the Meyer y evening next, 27th items of business to 11 be the presenting of Moen; and committees, of a Board of Directors i ear. A full attendance ked for. hurch Service. Ilowe will celebrate the founding of the g divine eervfoe in oh on Sunday even- , at 7 o'clock, when G. Howson will de - e sermon. Brethren t at the Oddfellows' n block, about 6,15 service. All Odd - me. Newest and latest designs in wall papers, at KNox's. Twine Fa The Walkerton has been sold to a tends potting the and will manufaot rope. A number of triot were sharehold that started this fao ton, of Walkerton, Telescope, figures it deal has been close will get from 18 dollar. tory Sold. nder twine factory r. Donner, who in- otory 1n operation, re both twine and armers in this die - re in the company rya Mr, Jas. Tol- according to the t that when the the shareholders 20 cents on the TRUNKS and VALISES.—Big stook at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Entering The Mitchell .e. its fiftieth year of R. Davis, who eta at the helm. This oonnbcted with on wishes Mr. Davie the newspaper continue to give t snoh as the Advo brother of Mr. H. Rooms to let, over the let of May. Ap Fiftieth Year. vooate has entered on nblioation. Mr. W. ted the paper is still is a long time to be paper. The Trams any more years in sinees 'and may he e people a good paper te is. Mr. Davis is a Davis of this town. Rooms to rent in Macdonald block, suitable for dwellings or offices. Apply to R. VANSTONE. Died at Mr. Wm. Wal F. H. Walley, of t hospital at Winni last week. For ceased carried on merchant in Salto ly had been a o Winnipeg. He i and a grown up f a daughter, hi brothers and five s Winnipeg. y, a brother of Mr. is town, died in the eg on Wednesday of number of years de. business as a general ate, Man., but latter- mercial traveller in survived by a widow ily of two sons and parents, and four ters. alcolm's More, by ly to 0. N. GRIFFIN. Miss1onar The Luoknow has been organi been arranged Luoknow from April 28th, not The congress i is taking in the d dine, Ripley, W and other point gniehed speakers be present are:— Rowell, K, O., Parkinson, Mr. R. P. McKay, of took a promise Oongrees; ;also: don, and Rev. Wingham. Thi far as we lino congress in the tario. Colonist Excursi • ns to Pacific Coast and Mexico. / Daily until second -chile co issued by the System to the f low rates:—Va Wash., Spokane Los Angeles, 0 Mexico City, et tion and tioke Trunk ticket a pril 301h, one way nist tickets will be r. nd Trunk Railway l;.w'.g points at very :r, B. C., Seattle, Wash., Portland, Ore., San Franoisoo, Cal., For further informs- apply to any Grand ent. Congress. issionary Congress d and meetings have ioh will be held in Wednesday evening, Sunday, May 2nd. ndenominational and strict as far as Kinoar- iteohuroh, St. Helens . Among the distin- who have promised to anon Tucker, N. W. ev. James Allen, M, . W. Allis and Rev- Toronto; evToronto; all of whom part at the Toronto anon Hague, of Len - W. G. Howson, of is the first attempt, as of holding a mission mailer towns of On - SIGNS 0 (New Y Far flung on the hor The olonde arise, a And o'er the meado The sun hath oast a The trees with bloc In garlands decked And all the rivers The measures of th The birds are soar. And sound their oar While in the garde The waking of the And flung across t In letters brilliant The message, rises, USE AUN ROUGH 1 SPRING. k San.] zon wide Iden tide, a fresh and green adiaatsheen, oms all are gay, o greet the May; ily sing dawning spring. in the sky Is cheerily; close we see sy bee. distant height, ed and bright, irs and thrills: MARIA'S . OHILL,3`r House to rent. A CoszNs. ly'to RITCHIE & Wingham' A meeting of Turnberry Agrio held on Tuesday el deoided to hold th on Tuesday and 28 and 29. The oonfiioted with Br mittees were app prize list. The I to make this year' ever held in Wing Seed 0 White Cap De $1.25 per bushel; 4 lbs. 25o. at rn For Sale. and 90 -day Learning, also Dutch Set Onions T. A MILLS'. Lose.—Yellow canary bird, Good singer. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Brunswick hotel. rbor Day. Noticing in ' merioan exchanges that Friday, April . 30, is Arbor Day in the United States, or in some of them, is a reminder that •he first Friday in May, which thia ye: r will fall on the 7th, is Arbor Day in Ontario. For a few years after its instilion there was much in- terest taken i. it and zeal displayed' both in urban nd rural communities. Many trees and flowers were annually planted, and a Feat impetna given to the work of notifying the school grounds. Lett: ly there seems to haye been a leggin :• and a revival is neat*, eery, or the i stitution of some other plan of carryin on a work whfoh is Ito. companied wit inch benefit to town and country. e ' Dr. Nelson Tait, of 408 9padina ave., Toronto, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, all day Thursday, April 291b, tor consultation in diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Glasse' fitted. North Huron A meeting of t scribed stock fo Telephone Co., wa College office on visional directors Geo. Spotton, R. well, W. J. Gre These directors w coed with the pr the selling of sto for telephones an nection with th company expects working order in mere and others rural telephones making contracts vestigated the N posal. The useful apparent to all and doubt as to the enc Telephone Co. oee who have sub - the North Huron held in the Business nday evening. Pro - ere named as follows: anstone, Wm. Max - r and H. B. Elliott. re authorized to pro- curing of a charter, k, making °entreats other work in con - undertaking. The have some lines in o near future. Far - who are interested in ill do well to defer until they have in- th Huron Co's pro- em of telephones is there should be no ems of the company, Fall Fair. he Directors of the Rural Society was ening, when it was Wingham Fall Fair ednesday, September ormer dates chosen 58815 fall fair. Oom- linted to revise the ireotors are working fair one of the best am. WANTED.—Genera ser nt girl want- ed; housecleaning do Apply to MRs. GED. SPOTTON, Shnter street. Tenders ailed For. The adjourned eeting of the Wing - ham Pdblio Soho 1 Board was held on Tuesday evening, with all the members prevent. After o nsidering the question of the remodelli g of tho beating and ventilating syste of the building,it was decided to ask for tenders for the com- pletion of the w rk according to the plans prepared b Arohiteot Binning, of Listowel. Ten•ers will be received up to the llth of ay. The advertise- ment appears elsew'ere in this paper. Death of Mr After a long illnes relict of the late A passed away on Tae home of her daught son, Shnter street. was born in Ca shire, Scotland, eig and came to this o She had for many now and vicinity, made her home Wingham. For t had been confined eral takes place noon to G. T. be conveyed t train for inter tery. Y. M. C. A. aseball Officers. The regular meting of the Young Men's Christian ssooiation was held on Tuesday eve ng of this week, in- stead of There ay. The young men will have a base all team for the coming summer, and organization has been effected, the Mowing being the offi- oera:—Presid t. H. Jobb; vioe-presi• dent, J. Alto aeon; secretary -treasurer, Walter T. H II; manager, Percy Kerr; oaptain, Erne Greer, Parties owing the firm of Elliott & Walley aro requested to make payment at Walley's drug store or at TIxzS office. Drs. A. J. Irwin and W. J. Price will close their dental offices every Wednes- day afternoon from the let of May to the let of October. Fame WANTED.—About 100 sores; must be good soil, have a good barn, and price must be reasonable, State price, and give description of farm and buildings. Box 322, Wingham P. 0. Epworth Lea Anniversary tier with the Epworth the Methodist 0h Monday last, and Despite the gloom the services were and the discourse the day, Rev. J Mitohell, were hi the evening the spoke upon the en lives into the live music was well r and Mise E Estel Rook of Ages," i. Monday evening delivered his int; lecture on "The large audience. bell, of Clinton, on the pipe ie organ was interesting as out, and the Lea:. laced on the suooea servicer. Overeating W Sir James Gra dressing a meeting cational Assooiat weok, spoke in pa, people died of ove alcohol. Many m soh as if it were a leave all the affair when they go to quires a rest fro mealtime, for it i that the brain di stomach. To be must live on slap quoted the docto teaching. "Ala and !enemy, aloe remarkable conn er in disoussin liquors. "By lo the slave trade continent. Let will come when also be abolished er amid applause ue Anniversary. foes in connection eagne wore held in .roh on Sunday and were very successful. weather on Sunday airiy well attended, of the for •sea Livingstone, of hly appreciated. In reverend gentleman jeot of "Pouring our of others." Special ndered by the choir, , e Griffin sang a solo, splendid voles, On ev. Mr. Livingstone eating and popular . uman Voloe," to a of. W. Glenn °amp• ve several eeleotione The entertainment instructive through. • e is to be oongrattt• of their anniversary se than Drinking. 1, of Ottawa in ad - of the Ontario Edo - on in Toronto last as follows:—"More ating than drinking n treated their stom- achine. Men should of business behind eats. The brain re - its ordinary labors at a physiological foot ested more than the well and happy you ce a day end earn it" as a summary of his of and crime, alcohol land poverty have a ction," said the speak - the abuse of alcoholic g and severe struggles as abolished from this us hope that the day the liquor traffic will " conoluded the speak- . Murdoch. Marion MoMillan, sander Murdoch, ay morning at the r, Mrs M. Robert - The deceased lady pbelltown, Argyle- ty-seven years ago, ntry early in life. ears resided in Look- nt of late years had ith her daughter in e past two years she to her bed. The fun - his (Thursday) after - station, the remains to Luoknow on the 2.08 ent in Lnoknow came - Low Rates for Set To certain points in askatohewan and Alberta each Tu y during April. Full information an tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent. CHU'OH NOTES. A meeting .f Maitland Presbytery was held in 5 Andrews' Charoh on Tuesday. Oler 's report of meeting will be given in Jnr next isene. The Easter Vest y meeting of St.Paul's Ohnroh was held • n Monday evening, and an adjourmen was made until early in May, when rept is will be presented, and election of offi.ers completed. The Lord Biala. • of Huron, Right Rev. David Willie ..s, D, D , will visit St. Paul's church on Sunday evening, May 2nd, when th rite of Confirmation will be conferred . pen a large number of candidates. The anneal Dis a ict meeting of Wing - ham District will . e held in the Metho- dist ohuroh, Gerrie, on Wednesday and Thursday, M: y 12th and 13th. At the same time ad place the Women's Missionary Bode of the District will meet in Conventi. n. During the moth of March the Hur- on County Y. M C. A's., oondnoted 22 week night Bib is Classes, among the young men with ::n average attendance of 19, besides 7 e• ncational evenings at debates, practical talks, stump speeches, contests and spell.g matches. Death of c eorge Soole. A well-known ; nd aged resident, in the person of Geo ge Soole, passed away on Friday, at the family reeidenoe, 328 Richmond stree west, Toronto De- ceased, who wa in his 86th year, was born in the Uni ersity of Cambridge, England, and ca .• e to Canada fiffy five years ago, settlin: in Seaforth, where he parried on success oily the business of builder and contractor. Retiring from business, he moved o Toronto eighteen years ago and had resided there ever einoe. Mrs. Soole died about eleven years ago. Eightohldren survive, four daughters and four a 'ns. The daughters are: Mrs. J. D. Si11:, Wingham; Mrs. Jae. Love, Seaforth and the Misses Mary and Jennie, at home. The eons are : 'PP. H. of Be •. ont, Charles of Seaforth, and Frederik and Thomas G. of Toronto. The the ral took place to Seaforth cemetery . • Monday after- noon. BUTTER and EGOS.—Bring along your Produce. Highest •prtoe paid in ex- change for Boots and Shoes. W. J. GREER. Hospita Notes. Mr, Webster and Lower Wiagham, and were able to le week.—Dr. Marga on little Myrtle Fy Saturday last for a which was obstruot ing.—Mrs. (Dr) Ke ill in the hospital fo has recovered and w this week, --Mr. T Lower Wingham h severe attack of pn hospital for home Dineley underwent the hospital for Saturday last. $ performed the ope Hill, who was oper tela week ago M eatiefaotorily.-"-Mis patient in the hoopit or ten days, Her pleased to know th. valeaoing.-Okra. Way/snob was a p last week, under th et °alder. --Mise improving graduw An Old Resi Oa Monday, the Aikens, of Clinton, kneeling beside hie who was born in seven years ago, ca youth and settled James on the 3rd o lett. For nearly th taught school in va county, inoluding lett, Taylor's Corn township, and East the latter township a small grocery bn quentiy engaged in peas in Wingham wi law, Mr. Chapman. proved unsuccessful a he lost almost all t lifetime. Five year James died and the the home of Charles 3 ton, where he passed a man of parts, we thoughtful inquiring m would have graved a than the humble one in to labor. ittle Earl Hart, of ave both recovered ve the hospital last et Calder operated at the hospital on rowth in the throat g the child's hear- nedy, who has been the past two weeks a able to go home os. J. Groves, of s recovered from his • monis and left the last week.—Mr. D, severe oporati0n at anal obstruction on r. Margaret Calder ation,—Mrs. Calvin ted on, at the hoapi- nday, is improving Boyd hat been a 1 for the last week ny friends will be she is rapidly con- . J. Currie, of End tient in the hospital care of Dr. Margit'. niande Nethery is ent Dead. 5th inst., Wm. was found dead, ouch. Deceased, va Sootia eighty - to Huron in his with his brother ncesaion of Hnl- rty-five years he ions parts of the lis Green, Hei- rs, in Goderioh Wawanosh. In e also oondnoted iness and subse- the tanning busi- h his brother -in - This enterprise d in his old age e earnings of a ago his brother eoeaited entered hnson, of Olin - away. He was 1 read and of a nd, a man who higher position hioh he chose Rev, W. G. Ho on of the Methodist ohnroh will occupy his own pulpit next Sunday. Subjects: 11 a, m., "A brief address, on the " ' enervation of our Sabbath." 7 p. m. The annual tier - mon to the members .f the Independent Order of Oddfellowe on "The Hands of Christ." The pnbliare cordially invit- ed. The Ladies' Guild held their annual m afternoon, when the were elected:—Pre Smith; vioe-presi Roderus; treasurer Secretary; Mrs. lectors, Mrs, W. Glenn, Mrs. J. 11 deoided to hold union on Tuesda 111 f St Paul's Church eting on Tuesday following officers ' S. J. net Mrs. de nt, Mrs. F. H. Mr. J, McGuire; m. Diamond, ool- . Gray, Mrs. C. N. Stephenson. It was congregational re - evening, May 4th, PER, °NAL. We shall be glad this column from a have visitors or purp drop in and tell us, o effoot. o have contributions to of our readers. If yon se going away yourself, send us a note to that Mr. W. J. Gre :'r was in Toronto for a few days this weak. Mies Eva P. erson, of Toronto is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Paterson. Mr. Clare Adms left on Monday for Shelbourne, w • ere be takes a position in a drug store Mr. and Mre, Geo. MoDonogh, of Win- nipeg were vie ting with old friends in Wingham this • eek. SPRING --- Suits Overcoats Trousers Etc., etc., is the theme which we bring to your notice at this time. Some wise man has said, " My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding." The wise man to day says, "Get a new suit or overcoat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order in your own town, where you know what you are getting, and that it is genuine tailor • made." That would be wisdom ; that would be under- standing. Our New Spring Goods have arrived, and it is not exaggerat- ing to say they are the nicest line we have had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities shown. Space will not allow us to go into detail, but WE HAVE THE GOODS and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in strong statements, but will back it up, that we have yet to find the style of garment we cannot dupli- cate, And although plain, neat styles are more in line with strictly high - class tailoring this season, it is for you to name your, style— WE WILL MAKE IT Mr. and Mrs holidays with St. Thomes an Mrs. Wass Ethel, of Clint week with Mrs J. A. Taylor spent the relatives and friends in Dutton. • • and her little daughter n spent a few days last Aroh. Paterson. Miss Ethel Musgrove, daughter of Mr. A. H. Musgrove. , M. P P., has been a guest of Miss Minnie Gallaher.—Gorrie Vidette. Mies Vera A. Holmes returned to Havergal College on Tuesday morning, after having spent the Easter holidays at her home here Dr. Jean Sproule of the staff_ of the Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, visited with her friend, Dr; Margaret Calder for a few aye this week. Miss Cora Sher ff left on Monday to resume her di ties as teacher in Wroxeter school. after spending the holidays with her Parents in to sm. Barrister R. Homes with Mrs. Holmes and Master Harol i Holmes, have rotnrn- ed from their lig trip through the Maritime Provino s and Atlantic ,Joaat. Mr, and Mrs. Ei1P. Paulin were visit- ing Wingham o_latives this week. They left on W4dnesday morning for Dauphin, Man., here Mr. Paulin is going into busines, Death of Mrs. 'Messer. There passed away nddenly at the home of Mr. Wm. Ga nett, Diagonal street, on Monday of ernoon, Jessie Cameron, relict of the 1 te John Messer, of Bluevale, in her 8 th year. Mrs. Messer was born in pine Mountain, Piotou, Nova Sootia, and oame to Grey township with her ]Mother in 1854, where she remained until 1857 when she was married to the late John Messer, who passed away in March, 1880. Mr Messer was for many+ years engaged in the general store btsiness at Blnevale and was for some ye rs Reeve of Tarn. berry. Atter the dtiath of her husband Mrs. Messer contin ed to reside in Biue. vale until a few , ears ago when she came to Win hash to live with her daughter. Decca d took her share in the work of the ionisers of this mention and she was belo ed by a large oirole of friends. In reli on she was a Presby- terian resbytorian and was 1dr many yenta a member of the Bluevalei Presbyterian ohuroh. Two children ' survive:---•Mre. Wm. Gannett, Wingh m, and John, of Carne doff, Sask. Mr . Alex. MoNev in and James died some ears ago. The funer- al took plane on Wednesday afternoon to the Blnevale o etery. Our Furnishing Department is filled with the newest and best for Spring and Summer in all lines. We have also added a first class line of Jewelry. CALL IN. RobtMaxwell Tailor and Furnisher For Men Who Care. The Leading Shoe Store. Mr, F. Paters n intends going to Toronto, where h is accepting a good position with the 'lies s Ro e rs Co. Mr. Rogers Paterson has a large oirole of friends who will be sorry. to hear of him leaving town. Messrs, H. A. hornton and R. A. Cruickshank left on Tuesday for Ed- monton, Alta., here they have se - oared positions. It they find their pod - tions eatitaetory hey will move their families to thew stern pity. Mr, A, F. iller, for some time ledger•keeper at he Dominion Bank has been transferred o Toronto and left for the city on Wednesday. Mr. Miller's manyf riasda aro eoxr t o see him leatl' ing the town. r. 0. d. Parson!, of Port Hope has t en Mr. Miner's place here. WHY IT PAYS TO 1 BUY INVIOTUS SHOES It may cost yon a little mere to get US Shoos abut it willlly good s pay you inT the end. Because you'll get a better fit, newer styles and very much better and longer wear. In INVIOTUS Shoes you'll get genuine oak tanned sole leather—a leather that is used only in high grade shoes. The vamps and tops of these shoets. are made of the finest selected leather money and exp3riehce can procure. Every hide that goes into the INVIOTUS Shoe Factory bas to pass the inspection of an expert judge of leather, No trouble or expense is Spared to make INVIOTUS Shoes the best it'll possible to p'rodnre. W. J. GREER Ti31L SHOI I MAN.