HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-12-02, Page 8. "N, 1,, •ypi�.,C,:;l/iy•-wrtii'q The Holiday Season IS AGAIN APPROACHING • Why leave your purchasing until the last few clays? DO I'f NOWT You will find it easier. NO RUSH,_ BETTER SLLECTION, BETTER S1RVICE MAKE OUT A LIST OF THE FRIENDS• YOU WISH -TO REMEM- BER, AND AS OPPORTUNITY- AF FORDS ' AND YOUR PURSE WILL PERMIT, DO YOUR BUYING: • ;•WE ARE „ AS USUAL STOCKED WITH- PRETTY AND USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. WE STRONGLY ADVISE BUYING USEFUL PRESENTS. THEY ARE THE MORE APPRECIATED. OUR STORE HAS TAKEN ON ITS CHRISTMAS APPAREL. YOU WILL FIND IT VERY EASY TO DO YOUR SHOPPING HERE.. WE HAVE TAKEN- EXTRA'PRECAUTIn.NS THIS• YEAR TO MAKE YOUR DOLLARS GO AS 'FAR AS POSSIBLE AND WE CAN' TRULY SAY THAT MANY AND VERA' USEFUL • ARE THE GIFTS THAT C, IN BE BOUGHT, AND AT 'VERY MODERATE PRICES. -'_.__ JUST A FEW HINTS -Umbrellas, handkerchiefs, Ties, •Hand .Bags, Slippers, Towels, Kimonas,''Bath-robes,Gloves, Hosiery, Mufflers, Scarfs Sweater Coats, Table Linen, etc., etc. f CAMERON, MUIIBOCF. & CO. • vur:, kc, Budget mil bripge New Edisora this Xmas THIS is the time of the year when our Budget' Plan is most -helpful. You ought to come in right away and fund out what it can do for you. ' In'the first place, it will put a Nc w Edison beside your Christmas tree, (how the family will rejoice!)' In the second place, it will stretch your Christmas dollar so that you'll hardly feel the purchase. The Budget Plan treats the New Edison as an essential of life, such a home, and rran i; es payments on the sound "time"' priricirlie. It com- bines modern bu: ine::s practice with thrift!, (' This way of treating a dollar actually makes it go farther. Let us explain how the Budget Plant brings the longed -for New Edison for what an extremely ordinary gift would cost, -and ,;; 1921 thrift pay for the -balance: • J. G. ARMSTRONG - - - LUCKNOW) t - CREAM WANT;h. —FOR — • sEnroRTi►. VREAM-E1 RY 'CALL ANY DAY AND GET,A CAN AT T. SMITH'S STORE. We test Wednesday and Satur- day, P.M. Get your, can any day.. Will also buy limited quantity of good cedar logs. WE WILL APRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE., -D: ANDREW --- 25-f1 :tf. A PERJURY CASE Harold Showers and James Show- er:;, "two young nien of Wingham were -before Judge Dickson on Tues- day on a charge.of perjury in connec- tion with -a recent liquor case, says the Goderich Signal. They pleaded guilty. His Honor ;gave them •a sev- ere lecture, pointing out the serious- ness of the .crime of perjti'ry. A peti- tion had been presented, with 'a large number of signatures •of -• Wingham people, asking for leniency for the • * young •men, and in consideration of this llis Honor made the sentence' twenty-four hours in jail ansra fine of .$38.45, including costs.: They "ere' also required to secure a bond of $1,000 ,for good behavior for two years. % • iiRUCE PREPAREDNESS LEAGUE - MEETING A meeting of. the Bruce Prepared- ness League will be held in'the Coun- ty Biiildings, Walkerton, on Thurs- day, December 9th, at 2,' p.m., Irr• ')ortayt matters' are . to be dscue:l and a full attendance is ur cd. W. D. Gargill, Jas.. A. Lamb, President, Secretary • • •- -s Nam orwerminiser Warr Phone N9. 10. is at Your Service We Sell for Cash -We Sell, Chlaper Than The Credit Stores YN Irjrtt 1?' • it This is. the. COMPO--)TEthe most onirtict stove on the market, takes u little s a�; , p., p - ` w,l, do all the work that the must`expensive range. will do. and costs Iess money. It is ju`t the thing for mall '_.itc•hens. If• interested or in need of a. stove be :;urc to call. and we will explain it full; to you, TlieLnckno'y liatdwre riTHE STORE THAT NEVER DISH, POINT'S it I t h 7 --_,,,c,.:-.2___I_ - �-_ _ I _ _ i._ ._�I . rt.!. - '..-""•.'''',.,_._ ‘,._ :A_ _ , ... , i . tpi 9'., rr fff,A..*4 ,T ' -,1i1 - it; r,►gels„3,„ � t 1(.0' :'1 ,:' I • :r:4'i If 7,444 Sir {' t •- , . iso; �,.ts;k1 ttt+,J11(1 Grooving Old Together T1IIS aged couple„ mellowed by tinie and the experiences of life, are hap- pily growing old together. They are happy - because they are healthy. Life is still full of interest to them, and they are wide awake to new ideas. ' These are the kind of old people that everybody lies. For, • in spite of the years, they are cheerful and optimistic. It is only natural that the blood should get thin and vitality wane aG age advances, but there are ways of keeping up the quality of the . blood• and maintaining health and vigor. • Very many .men and women have found in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food exactly what they need to restore energy-. and strength and keep them healthy and happy. AN an example «r. Eteph.mn J. 1.r'ar,i, North Tryon, P.1`;.I:, writes: "At s,tvenry- five years of age -_my heart-aye_QiJL _an_i became Very irregular kn,1 yr •ak iri-u.r•tion and wou:d pail'ttate. My, nerves also became weak, and!. could do nothing hot' lie in bed in a languishing t r'nrlition, 1n3-= Ing utrenryth and w'^Ight. in that con- dition I began grain;; i tr. t "•isc's Nerve Food, and am curled. !Tad I not obtained this treatment I ¶ ulrl now he in the box with the roof ewe,' r.: nose. At eighty-one 1 have an energy whir•h means go, nn,1 i nm writing ,his lett' r so that old people like r:lvself may prolong their health and stren,at.h by using thia ,I at. : ac dl There can he !TO doa:A that this treat- mentecrcntain'•d exactly what *as required to build up Mr. Leard's system. We are constantly receiving so many tetters of this kind that we,can, with the greatest conf►dence, recommend people advanced y1_ars to put,Dr. Chase's Nerve Food on trip:l, ac a cleans of reAtoring and maintaining health and vigor. here is another intcr.c;,:ing letter. This time from : ii . ,fir1 <r•j,b 1.,rl�r.dc+, lydro filen, Ont., ' • ' ritr.4: "I have to thank yo;t very much f1.r• what ymir r.re.dicines have done foir tt, , r �ltit t•i t i' the Nerve I'o,rrl and i„ v -T -'car Tilts. 1 was NO.r1121 dt.w•n and np,r;•ras 1 .it .summet. that .1 w..s in bed torst of tI', tL .r•, Un::'•In to cin any work. . 1 have' al o l,r ,•n trn»►hl• el Alt my kid.. fr•r o"rr tw-rmy yr �r� and tried c:•rry k',•'w of w.;:tout any per- t; n^rt res;.'t n. 1•,:i t c: n s::• that 1)r. t-: lse.s Here•. 1 t,,1 and Kion-v-i.iver have m:1r1' tnc' fr., 1 quite different. Sireet't',icing .this co-0,1nel treatment I lrtve horn ;fila f„ el•) rigs- hers,ework, and P1$h.,c =}t I--rctrt �t ;� s 2i12f,-I feel - 1.better than i, have fro• rn:,rs." ("1 know MT-lt. .1oohl,h Lalonde, and } befit•. h •r .st ttem• nt r,rarding hr. (';raq,•'s ntr,l:einee t„ be true."—fit'. P. h'Itin:l�ry, I'ostnt:,str•r.) - Dr. Ch:-Icn's Nerve Fond, 50 cents a box, 6 for $-'.ift, all dealers, or Fdmanson, Plater & Co., Ltd., Tit.eonto. Only the genuipi i bears the .portrIlit and signature of A. W. Chase, MLD., the famous Receipt Book author, on every box. •