HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-11-04, Page 8• CORSETS AND BRASSIERS Our Corset Department contains the three known and leadinglines of corsets ---Nemo, well Coilene and A La Grace. NO 514 is a NEMO model designed for the woman of from average to large figure, who does not require abdominal support, but desires extreme reductions .in back hips and upper lim bs. a Senii-elastic gores and bands in the long, • graceful corset skirt give the' desired effect with perfect com- fort. .Comes in White Coutil and sizes 23 to .35. Priced at $8.25 (tax in - eluded. NO. 216, another NEMO model, i ium figures The semi -elastic inserts NEMO "bridge" construction, insure Free hip sections and light boning Sizes 20 to 26, at $4.00. COILENE and f A LA GRACE— ly known. They have stood the test We recommend them for their splend comfort and -ease, thus giving durabil • We have these lines in a variety of s designed for the slender and fined- ' in the low bust, together withthe perfect freedom over the.�diaphram. add to its comfort. In White Coutil. wit These two are very well and favorab- N° of years and : have proved their worth. 2462 id wearing qualities as well as the:r ,nL.fy„ ity, comfort and elegance .combined. styles, and priced from $2.00 to $7.00., NO. 11 the new NEMO adjustable Brassier. It is having a wonderful sale just now in the larger places, and .like all other Nemo products vet. can heartily commend it to you. Sizes 34 to 40. Priced $1.75. CAMERON, 1URDOCU & CO. 0 O 0 0 0 -0 0 DISTRICT NEWS 0---o-0---0-0--0-0-0-0-0--0 Mr.. R. E. Truax, X1.1'., of Wa.k, r - ton, returned home last week from a trip to the Pacific Coast, where he made arrangenient+s with B.C. sawtnil- lers for a supply of lumber. He oss• absetst from Walkerton for only 5 days. An exchange says: Three Ken- tuckians were killed alba fight over a dig. The dog is alive because he ran away. and hid. • All -of 'vhf. i (stoves that brains Will tt;umph in th•- end., • FOURTH CON., K IN LOSS (Intended for last week.) The mother and eister of Mr. S Carnochan spent ( few days of fa,. week With him and fancily. Mrs. R. MacDougall is llome from her trip •to Chicago, greatly invigor- ated by the outing. ► The distinctive Red Rose flavor, aroma and rich, full strength is found in every Red Rose Sealed Carton. Never sold in. bulk. -ti n Dee Mag> eod has had Iiank Johns- ton put down an artesian well • for him. The work has. been veru satis- factorily completed. Mr. Ezekiel Hodgkinson. of the Iluron Boundary, leas- purchase- n "Ford" and the bovs are rluidly n.be- coming expert in the ,nanagen:ecit of it. • . - The • MaSenzies ' have completed another •season 'threshing in this.. lo►•- ality. Crops turned out well so, tbst both farmers and threshers are well satisfied. • It ►n'i, ht be well if each one of u•: would 'decide.whether we are Bolshev- ists; Socialists,. Reds. Communists or spmething else, if someone 'would only explain "just what these terns. .mean: Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than This Credit Stores This is the (-OIIPOSITE, the most compact stove on the market, takes up little space, will do all the work that th*. most expensive range will do and costs less money. It is just the thing for mail kitchens. If interested or in need of a stove will explain it fully to you. be sure to call and we TheLucknow Hardware &Coal Co. THE STORE THAT NEVER DNA i'I'OiNTS 1 r.. Don't fill any lamp or stove with ga-Visna or coal oil while they are lighted. Keep the burners of all latnps and stoves thoroughly clean. Fill then during the day time. CREAM WANTE D •BY— rb, xaforth Creamery Co. We solicit your patronage ind guarantee you entire sat - 'erection. Our prices are always the highest. (ler Testing done accurate - by experts. • Our service and payments are prompt Write a card to -day for ragas. !'rices were never as high as at pre`►erit and still soar- ing higher. A card will bring you cans on the next train from us. 11te Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. . "THEY SAY" "They say!" That phrase , has blasted more characters and wrecked more homes than any other in the language. Calla halt on the treach- erous peddler who comes at you with his wares—"They say." Fares point blank at his cowardly heart. "Who say.?" That hits the spot: You can- not afford to miss. The person who Circulates a scandal or peddles truths Kone is as good as the other) 'is a vampire. He sucks lifeblood. No combination of words in the language has caused more trouble, pain and sorrow. Shadowy—it hits in the dark. It is anonymous. It has no personal- ity. It cannot suffer any reaction. It is wholly irresponsible The.ohrase_- oughtto.be put under the ban. • o•o-o--- • Don't keep matches in anything but a closed metal receptacle. Use safety matches: • A ' REMEDY FOR "BLUES" "We all have them -the richest, the poorest, the highest and the lowest. Those hated blue devils will con e back no matter how we guard again.: "them.. And if we treat them well. feed then( .with & lot of very urs - happy thoughts, overwork, lack of sleep and stuffy rooms, they are goin to. stay. Unless you want then for household pets, get 'outdoors and los:• so • them:- The fresh airsiosthe•- gess•, • the blue devils are afraid of. Sonic: - times it takes a'half hour or so to walk them off, but you'll win out i you stick to it. And when you wall:, don't go, along with your head down, ' your hands in your pockets and o frown on your face. Hold your ,hea•l up and get.full value from your ex- ercise. Just try this, recipe and se if it doesn't work. • Dcin't trees. ---o-o-o— use, candles on Chri-;tn::t•; NO NEED FOR ALARM There is no need for alarm because in some of our cities cdnsiderable liquor of . various concotioris was sold and consumed. Prohibition is too new Ito wipe out the appetites of those •ad - i dieted to alcohol. There is little drink- ing compared with the amount con- sumed when saloons were open. The habituals will get liquor if it is to be had—and . it Is obtainable in some places .even if the price is seemingly prohibitive. 'Het boys will not get the habit as when the open saloon W a is on ' all the principal streets:; No need to t' become discouraged and wonder if it j;- a success and will be more so as time Roes • on. There is too much manhmd in.the Ame.riean people to permit an • outlawed traffic -.to make any head- • way. The man Who .ensourhoes rntt- law ry cannot he considered a gond citizen,—American Issue: Don't out ashes in wooden boxes or barrels. , Keep ashes away freim boards. Hot a:.hes Rill take 'fire by themselves, as frequently they have small bits of coal mixed in with them. '4 —o-o-O—•— S(•l1Of)1, REPORTS . S. S. No. 11. .!Afield. R►•nr,.rt based on weekly exams arr.(' iensral work. Sr. IV.-- R. Felc•c•. 1. (,rant". ,Sr. II1. - U. grant', D. }libber, 11. Feler.`. ( Hamilton. .Jr. 1i. --:1. (,;rant". L. Felce. (libber.. • Jr. 1.--11. M,aeKent:n, E. rely*. f'rim�•r-K. i.'rn h' -r,. N'smhc•r •n 1 12. Average at t(•ndan(•r reprftet Stttien4anPe. •♦ Missed exams. . 1 WEAR WARMER UNDERWEAR NOW is the time to lay in your stock cf Wintor Underwear. Our Underwear Stock ---the Biggest and Best in the country—is filled with beautifully fashion - y i ed garments of superior quality for all ages and sizes. TURNBL'I:LS for Ladies and Children. Vests, Ura:: ere; Combinations in .all S tykes of neck, high or low. STANFIELDS for Men and Boys. Nerd no introduction Our lines of Green, Red or Blue are now in stodc in all, s:z• es.'In 'finer goods vee recommend No's. 7, 7.7 or 88. These 3 lines we carry both in 2 piece or in combination. FLEECED LINED for Boys and Men in Wool or Cotton fleece. (,044 Values at bow prices prey ail. ('h:ldren's Knitted or Fleece Waists from in f: t:l's site up to 12 years of age. Sleepers in different styles. more comfortable than night- ies. are shown in all wanted sizes at neo(!e•rate pries s. Your Winter Hose :\re•here in Fleece lined pure Cashmere or All Wool—('h'hlrrn': 1.adii.s sizes. Rca5 onahl) priced and well fashioned hose that will gig,. wear are the kind we s •il. Special Values in- odd lines to clear at reduc- ed prices.' - or Get Ready for Christmas Now is the time to prepare dour gAts. Something- you make is ap- preciet'.d more as a gift than any riad-made artirl:-. We have *an excellent stock of Stamped go►wls on hand. incluelintr towel. pillow eases, nighigowtts, to:, cosies, ',argues, cc;mlqrg Jackets and 'arsons otlt••r tike'.:: that make useful gifts. RIBBONS 1.:1D1Efi tell us that we ha':. t' Best stork of fancy I:il►I:'on, in thr country. %e want you to 'r•e our rii►herns. Rihhons here for ever'. pur- pose. Speriall otiried for making' gifts. We hale rileln►'is from :►c 10 S4.00 a '. rel, ant every yard a superior %aloe. LAMES LOOKiNG FOR BLACK FURS WOULD DO WELL TO CALL HERE. A. MUN & SON - _ - RIPLEY