HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-11-04, Page 6. r�
Give a Thought to theiiCse's Wheels. l serves to keep the wheel beneath from
The modern automobile wheel h dirt, rust, ,,etc.
among the hardest working parts of In 'France and England they are
the car, and 'yet 90 well has it been using the steel spoke wheels for pas-
perfect+sli that' it rarely gives trouble, senger car service, and they are giv-
and the average car owner is almost! ing excellent results. they are even
oblivious to anything except its bare! ! lighter than wood, and stronger, and
existencefl And yet, strange as it their heat radiating qualities are bet-
may seem„ it looks as if we were on
- the verge of Acme change in for wheel
. f eld, though it is not" likely to be the
complete revolutions that some autos
orities seem to imagine.
Wheels at the present time in use
may be divided into four major class-
es: a •pod, wire, disk and steel spoke with grease. Once a month each wheel
wheel's_ The latter type is practically on the car should be jacked up and ir
confined to motor' truck construction, turned to see that it moves freely. At
but cannot be entirely neglected in any the same time the spokes at top and!
comprehensive 'view of the wheel sit- bottom should be grasped and the•!
nation. wheel be pushed and pulled to
ter. - It is not impossible that the
steel spoke wheel may be,'t.be type• of
the - future..
There are certain details of caret;
which must be given alike to all, t �ypes
of wheels. Eery wheel mots on-.• a
bearing, and this must be kept packed f .
The .. - predominating type of wheel at-' �� ernexcessi\ a play has deve
peed � S
the present "tine is the wood wheel, the bearings or hub may
made of second growth American hick- cause this trouble. In the case of + s 1
Dere There is no real cause of. tom-! wooden wheels, distortion of the wheel•i
- - ,!
For long. long months ' we've Hied to spend, but now onr
orgy see its end. and hetet'. days bcg:t:; the man who has a
bunch of bones now asks, himself. in btentor 'tines. '-Why should
I blow them in" Why feed my money to the cows when yonder
• savings bank allows a seemly interest rate" Too lcng. too loan
•i've thrown away the shining plunks 1 drew as -ply; and bit a
gaudy gait,- And no* the merchant primes : r..e. and say to e
clerks and kindred gays, "Our prices must come down: so let's
reduce some pica: tones on every pair' of panteloot:s. and evtty
velvet gown-" And all the hungry profiteers are."doubtless-tilled
with 'sordid fears,: as they size up theirrolls: doanied is the
graft they long have held. the easy marks have ail rebelled. and
they must hunt their holes_ An 'end .to'.proateeridg crimes wrould
cane. I've said, in countless rhymes. and malty a deathless
screed. when people. sane again once nitre. refused to pure'- se
at the store the junk they did not heed: And now that happy
day has come.' or all the signs are on the' bum. and all the omens
punk; and Father; when he .drams: s wage. � w'an't seek the.
mart,, in 1 noble rage..to blow his bottetu puck_
A Red Cross Bridge.
The development of the dairy in.
dustry of Canada during the past two
decades has be"n, surprisingly rapt.
4ukk to realize the .profits to be der-
ived from milk production and the
•great value of dairying in conserving
the fertility of the -soil, the Canadian
farmeir has not hesitated to iacreaae
his inve t' enti in dairy cattle. The
industry' expanded during the five
1 years of •.wor:d war. Cainadl,, being
distant from the theatres
the a war, al-
theugh handicapped bytion
: into military service of .half,„a mil
'of her most vigorous manhood, • was •.
able to, continue, the • development of
i ma• ny Of .her important ' industries,
particularly -agriculture.
It was not so in. Europe_ 'There the
•'flee}blast of war, which :eft profits
m soii:e parts 'cf the wor1-1, almost ex-
tingnisl:ed no: only industry but na-
tQvnal life itse:f .inethers. The drain
'upon t r.etnhoo 1 :. c i so -great. that" ewe
_ 9 ,! thousal►Js of fame:ice+
in� hundreds. - r
•• The Stalwart. Sower : iso' adult rna'ts remain. Europe. more -
The old method of seeding by band over,' is fi:ltd with orphan chil�Iree
-till exists on many a small farm in - v-ho�e l�r•;spect i,f itfe .:s marred by •
• .Oratai io 'the, la lc of illi that- is r-e:essary h
t''acada. The phcto i3• cf :...
farmer putting. in• fail wheat. bodily and.. mentalgr., th- 1n most
- �a-e tel" meat winter__ r t 0Onse-
. ur� � the p
1 ! - ¢, ��n Diver of.thtit
ed •
-• •
Tur s,r:g g fine
kale methe,1 of coking the cables and \I1TiJn.=rsQt
there a-vlrplu_ p
means !`f :i ias�y.`ls:1Q"•"••'-�� rlec`2 thrr'rut:li Q:lOditic"C that ''''rt" ? ► Il$rI1� n�"�Izd :�
is h'r ,f which a'nar' ►vc t:st,e i- .•:ti••►�•1vri:s� C• t s i'' foes instance .
•htgis -•teed c w1Ct.nuBu- y by , fainilies. r" dertrod -
�' and is out of the question. •o tae to Canada
i� r
: 'a a:n
•t the service rendered sometimes Tykes it'difficult to mount ig a; will be sent. out b' _u !,;.•tusk of the corn-
plaint again. j
this of wheel. although meets' the rim. or the rim .may get'. out .of ��
b t type • , WORLD'S lulJ��yobis �1 re-•
,pe hoothertypes. ' suit.. When this occurs • 'it is an ease i
ally efficient in sen-i�•e, occasionally placing the jack against the hub and
will have • e .,era prC a . is
posai5 toward.== this end it yeas prat- . Th:a [.i fit: .i(a \i'h:cln 2.:?� i`:eaoii� have. i.�J means
W' 1 caSaorialty thecreep a little so WONDERFUL PLANT AT ' tis left to Fr +ire and the L`nited perforated by a �t►ef=aM k°u . . c.,a
never happen The commonest feattu• f of \rooden loose lugs or. by a distorted rim or by -- what 3b...it .he ret u te..rt ,-.;
.a.. • se of erre:-' t : to :•c: made af.::-.t:a Armistice ce «eel. on
academic flaws are picked in it by ex- shape acid the. same tro
its w favor
s _ •
While the wooden wheel is getter- matter to force the rim into place by 1
aJ isol:itifg her three great enemies
one 0F. :anc�t C , w it ' , - T;, , _
' Etarope' o i. . �.
—_. Stations -Born- the dc:_,- slid the r}.=Hr. tic;l..iig up �m:isorlit .14a
r and seri- mt:pit^es of r.iirope. but the na.tois_
e4 a t France and America is the pro- i -. C -.t ;•r �
►• ,, a far:!iie rrre�•. '"".."
How the Great i� a t•., J
was . #. ntucli°}(mt -ere=t- the wrords .to he '-waved- over earth ; •
While Britain - .six.+► for the thil+leer. ,tf file <�►ar. rd�tir
this type has been known to go to the troublesome. place in' the rim. Oc.-
d on type_ :n :t f ;* teem. The ('an -
Tierces under excessive strain tee rims t:c:i.. ,
States to get or with tine jolt. C ::i- wr:ger, pretty much �a flys .,vas ••r- - , _t• -_an Red t Porti ga nr rileaiot
wheel ap orates elaim that this can' that the valve sterns are bent or even BORDEAUX, FRANCE-
• to :uFpl ; ;s;.r: of their r �''e' 3 i•� means
n with their favorite tope_ broken off. This may be caused by'
, wheels is the development of annoying a rim w eth worn shoulders It is well Wireless
Messages Are Sent at Bordeaux for the :.�,
squeaks*. Thu trouble may be erred- �.to keep an eye on the calve stems. foring" a neer and n':,gether Q:ranger' ot's?, may well be asked. "tt :.'. it be behalf ,,f the Br ?i -.h Empire Fend
,This _. , - tit :ea: !r»-t:tlidtiJ"i, t!I-411-1'3d-''littl3+et' . - we .its a :f.ar,,itlezu . t•� -,:.scent the ^!•.�.x12 "I. tt:il 1:i, the llil.aian.?'
led by driving wooden wedges into the, by -their angle -one is warned-thatat S Half -Way wi a
a3!'S L13rnVt!i out ;.t : o g're.�t a"1 9 i? w t,' relieving the lQ:c'r::: !� of aril
• where the spokes have ae`ome to been • dee-- - I practicable. -
,f I
- -
t it was agreei that the French as the machines used by te.egrapla:; tea
pciate.v, - �
Gc�ceramenc should sive a Fiat of land' in the great centres of the world. of a genera: a�l#eat. lar eantribstion_e
loosened_ Car Dormers frequently neg-
'i' t d that
lea to give die attention to the hub
Even Senator Marconi himself cont 1
A BOrde^ns properly protect it_ fit
is creeping. , T
Fra pa ti„ - Receiving .0,(x0 Words•a Cay. ;;, a;,,:, are ._.:vests by fatnirar'-and
• � -h should flare the gruttnd at . At kir t there a-`il ^•:a d: mac':l-y ei_f'as: Par: c` she fend be •E•e use+1
Round the Woad. s r` ref the
ba:'gain' Wa_
tip :u tie`s COGr>Pc`ti•aC be' t :e • •I :eM= a � for ;,:ircli:i;:t:;.+ • i°t (ar.:�•fa sal
bobs of their wooden wheels. These Proud Worldliness can shout 'mea h l' ed when only a -
t- through the wheel and hohi j his land. rhi•uuies:t ha\ decide -1 to e•;•i p a:'• . supe:':@=. a,� .i .t:�us :i:c Red Cress will
bolts pass gh
the hub plate in poe=tior.: 1•n then case ;' Ho
of the rear wheels the hub bolts also;
hold the brake strums. If these ° bolts : For merely ,creatural things. tb :t tie : that his invention would p:a9 a t g
l' war, and -•1 Whir the greatest whsle experts
scarcely awe+yea :z ,
w short years ago, he was astound--; buildings. guarantee a, water supply
Houses. and herd—all in one a
� -- ; the
noon: in wlfieles� to egr phe i wcndat,on. On her ps t the •world with ale ...illi ,•r inita� ' cf o �r -ur;i! . ,:ills..«,•i s ..;-h the er, .
their receiving• eperee rs t?s.r�-: ?icut' fern:rh he re -stifle a-r+,:s \y}:=r`.s sonic
fixe- mg the scientists of the globe Kith h+.- = and power facilities, and make •
rt the atatcs •1 { r -ail' a-'. :t••
rad' 3•a reed that her Navy Department— W'i`t-h will make p' r L•ca,�rap.;:: rt ?res cert:e' .:.°_le r tr .r::'� -tr3s
Of incoming' :lie ---,cel. .1-=: 2'1:: A�-, '1'1ire!ts h„, a' w. r . c' ha e .
tetwards l:'' r.: (seer Fee a ,v - = �' ' the s3•t: f:ictio" o ha .".:yi' i t..Q:"_:.vj:ec
eta rJ : ib2•T. fte 1;r "es,. `:# ; ecce • to Toe=e-ver t! ��*?teFan�.' ts: aatheri .. -
.Ju4t lai:t;:tie siI:at .i:. tlx: 7 1 ess fvett::^a'e but by h_: -t -:g ozhera.
mean'. S'ou ha:d in a r.:Cti:.•s,? ± �'p 't- ► :'r "c` :l} 1.0➢J them.
coitus: vial transact sn or eueeY t ,, a get : ee
are permitted - to becoate loose, the!, et hand, .
wheel will be thrown out of alignment_ Can • be surveyed hnd atmmbere4 just
This will make driving difficu:t and' so soon. '
inevitably tire weir 'will be er•ormocs-; And though 1 call no foot ground
ly increased. t ! my ' own, ea
Next in popularity to wooden ` Through the great world of mind I,
the wire Strangely make me was: wrriter. In to^hptcal langnagf ou - business house in Sari :Fran:' .�t�. cr
ing part :n a tremendous , -
that. immediately after . that wars in the world to-:say—_should , design
close. there would be established aTti:e plant. erect the tower: �d Inst1
station capable of sending • its lures- : the .ta:i,1•'• a mp:e_e fa every rt .pert.
iblei.messages through .t•wreice thew- Standards Higher. Tnan Eiffel Tower.
and 'smiles of ether:. sacs an English To give the details of this
nothing to readers,who••are not electi- China. or a hirth:ay ere, 'ilii; ", 3
shown lance over Which 1 cal engineers or wireless • students- trierd is one of the Pae : I-'
stray leisure of a snm:ner �, to SYtation. at $ordeauY. will be ! but one important point is well worth at a • Lendon 'post c:5 c e. mare
l met•tioning- The scheme embraced ; -via Bordeaux
quite inadequate to Stan strainsl •
of its new service_ La'er considerable' For when I scalp Parnassus' flowery' the erection of sigh t IN t, a.
changes in design were effected. and • height,
the wire., wheel was made entirely Or watch the swaying fortunes of
practicable for the motor vehicle. old Troy
As a matter of fact the modern wire Or Sappho sings to me aero,; the
wheel has certain undoubted points of ' night. •
superiority over its wood rival. Teel Dull Sense rarest fail to understand
wire wheel is somewhat stronger in
my j��;--
resisting shocks than evert the best' Hisheavy feet reftr-ie t fOlIo+�r me 't is lciiie. T.
I with ease and cetia!ntc_ The Unites! t t ,icer . Into:r.-,•-.:•tt1 tons of
Brood wheel__ The latter, too. it i3 Beyond the mangle she the glories e t e. end i.- not near
1 States have a magnificent , t.t,on At i s•:y - o h:get as the
c'.aime>3, vcirh continual service be- � � t i►13t'�':and. 'szith a radius of !Bordeaux wrirrieK? t+>tre:.-. They are
cotni.3 surneQaha:'distorted, a condition' • —:Alexander LtuiS Fraser. I AnL-rpo_i'•
• fttl:y s'.1 thou=and miles. It is under three :egged in '.nape_ s and each leg
that it:-zEase` Lire Rear. The seine; il.i�ifax. �.5. • ' recta en a large c:rc�isr_ c.•ncrete plat-:
wheels comes type.-
enough the wire wheel was the orig-n-1 Treasures I have whose worth cannot Tet this is slightly less than the dis-
al automobile wheel, but it was simply"; be s -h h the W �nderfnl La►-
lifted bodily from the bicycle and was; In the s _ tayet
nadveqd the trains! d g ♦mmun•vtrting
' capable of a ective_y ct • 'tremendous steel ! >r' on,., *ere-.•-
under 'normal conditlon.-
tower` for cartTiag the antenna wires. French town. There • _ ;' ,t
Throwing Messages Thousands of The U-,. Bureau of Lards and Docks ;on a dot -and -dash d ar<tii :'t .
Miles. drew up the ; t,acai ations for these +
through another mar h:n•'. t • •'-.
At. the present time. all the great tourers. and they are the real engineer-. through the a�• :_n3�•
powerful wireless. plant=' : taste Te: of the Bordeaux plant:. theteo_islet-'.r'.gh too er: i:t.t n:ir?
uatioa3 have po +�
in operation_ England's leading ata -1• They are 011e feet high. and each m -.n ,inti- and t••+- i- i^ -r- • `
tion Is on the Cornish coast. from tower weighs as tens -Le very :iglu z�ay the d etc e.[i,I ries'. - .
h' h �h. can "speak ' t�� :Ymeriea ' we'ghT'. in4eed. c.::- 4- ria; • tisat the
phene. t a be afterwrei- 'play.• l- ever
at any steed des.:ed. a -:•I in a -h•-et
time, thereafter your b-:.- ---
or your relationreceive:
message at hi: desk e : :^ s, - ^:' -
Wonders six: never tea '
,Wee!. supported at the • rim by a
gritarer'mrrrber-of spokes, is net liable
to this distortion • trouble_
A further point of advantage @aim-'
ed fcr the wire wheel is that the
metal more easily d.., pates the heat
engendered by running Wood is ::n -
d euhtedly a poor heat eon. . for and! I
steel is an excellent one. Tito sire•
• wheel never gives arroyance by de -1
ase:aping squeaks. Bur the wire wheel;
demands a cansidera:'.e atr•osn: of, -,
care to • keep it in epee cenditiott_ Time
enamel must`ve watched, and when-
ever it CT; is off. as it does oe:as ion -
ally. the spot must be painted over. or
e1 a moisture wr.:l rause•raatwng: This!'
is particu arly c3a-gM"rnus around tile'
nipples where the spates join the rim.
Wire vrhee'_3 malt • be kept clean if,
they are to contsiue .to -.be an oriel
scent to -the car. The laud wrist be;
rigorously :leaned out from between'
the spokes after ee et•Y run:
Car *weer t use' ir'ire wheels"
should gine the.- part, f the t•yaip- i
meat a thor"'uwl'z•i ape once every; .
• tl—_ weeks
' o - %e hatno
spokes are •:ise et- • ars that not
has f rued dd lari .' i .he n epee' e= -
In me type of a -;re -vi _el a eve -reed
de'Ze a ':-_'•i .. i • seer:i _:s
mast ae 'here pet: ;; _ ,,.r 1' .-.
win► d.�i'3+"3j''�.�•. 1 r �' •-: try
:r .t '' • -e .Si
• meLately i .: - -
The . to w ... -- ;the
wire wrte•' •.r. .N 3t.- s :a v•f 'o^:
paT&t veiy re -•?-^,t ... -, The •: .
weDtiStl is cwuc s e:esed .z a.: i • : .
• t+a the at"`ar'sr :r of - !; • . ar and it
the con r .
sr - • . -- *••-- I France ,i 4 a station at Lyor.s which firm ;: :s deeply int:1,t'te ground. The
can send messages only, a slightly lees tower,.earls carr} c".rasa nrs..anet ace
distance. and the 4 Germans ar-4 the' been preeuunced almost a.: Strong ..as
Scandinavian ,peoples have also Tern sigh:mosses_ Tte antennae system
complete and effective rzdio,ser'vice=-' which the Fight tow's `hpport is
Wireless' has come to be an esset.- fee more powerfu, than any other sy=•
till part of evert nation commercial .tem in the wo';d.
at:d political lite 410 t Many d4lbru:ti": faced the builders
The story of the new Lafayette St :- and e-otctrical experts in the course of
t°on is, in .pare a story, of tine Great t their work oa the etat_otl, but they
War. During the time that the Ger- were all overc •knee, and now the La-
mas snbmzrine campaign waw at its Layette Station is easily the first of tts
ghastly he`ght, Great Britain. >: ranee• kind In' the world. .
and the United States joined counsel rit•mat.•3r•. it .i: eltperted that the
for the purpose of improving the Bore:earux p••ant . will ' be capable of 1Trans*tlantic radio services. primarily transmitting something like :', oe
!, for tear that the Huns Might devtee winds a day. Sending- - ineesages at
Faesces M is :carr Opens Caieea'gf.
,l•; , wL : tale -'-: area: 121,-si00-
ar.�Tk.•r wh 1 ► •- .try t#-fi
_ ' 1 :^.gat't.n : -\.rimae n for the
r.._I t
r --;-w orri*.E re
' i; 1 itP t` epi litSi t =- i
j Pie+D sir * i ,---
Don't say to the fellow who'e down and out:
"Forgipt voir troubles' Cheer up. ofd scout t"
But gi . - wholesome. friendly hand..
And is 'm try -=-I understand.'' •
The -midst thing in fife. maybe.
%ill . happen .Who kat)s—ter you or B!e.
And it won't be in us to calmly smile
• Or put it "aside for a little R h ile_
:�• + cheer him over the roughe' t :psi t
With $mplttiiy. for he needs a ht.
For Many a hurt that's tired and brokt'r,
. • Longs for a v.ord that i.k neer spoken.
I- Tt i_•i fine tri know. at the' chtise of • .day:
That yon helped s' me one in a human way.
So give him a Wholesome. friend+y ,hand.
And say. "I'm sorry --I understand."
Head and Hees.
A : ,•.mgt tliat has stto.i :lake's cele
! ' 's: a o.•• ••__. t:; le let the head save
ire h_-eie.'.It is aimed at p_rions wlt.t
. start ,.suddenly= for ten:ser'r_ere wiih-
,r=: a:.e.houg'htfti plats_ • Tney sped,:
'ieir time. and strergtth aimlessly he
esus: thy :lid rest mat:: tela- one clear
path. T ..y take the long_ t way
ro..r_--i. for ti:e-v _torr I is blind haste
c, itheut eaus'rg- fcr'
,The F'eal argil the heels were by a
wise prrvisi_•r of ,nature pieced se fes
apart n= the ba•'nan rnstoity p�•rmi'-. f
..;:1: the ira•ltenhigh. :r.aeertiede-
ra`)•--•.'ns. there. Rs in Si ct►nnieg
. tt.ae-,etbe eyes nay sweep the hoed-
ret:. • az i e:rrler o";lr. gine advisedly.
= Sometimes when' the brain issues:ltotn-
; o kir ,,_.- too be sure . „
1 there is rebellion. •-tc.:i}-3e'wags. foot
1 lags." :t:def aay#i. _ ,rsf that •Iespatic in=
te::1c:• 'But the head was meant to
rule. The re of 'as was meant to be
Ari if we but consent- to lis- -
ten 'o the cool and sober.. voice 'of one
icor !tor end bet! er self for •
better ju fitmnent. it may be earnedlc.
- etre sl -a'1 be delivered from many
pitfall of costly error.
The herse.nrd mule. we are hiblica_I-
.' ".: a= s tre4, . leave ns unJeestandir.g,
and. v e .ire warned not to be ike them.
That is to say. these animals do nos
Wait for a reason or at. explanation,
They take to :heir heels When an lace=
der.: quite 'outside the range of their
. experience -alartns :lens. Poor bretesi
that perish. they , know r.o 1•e.. er!I
1 Rut the $'-sires of a men. Kit
half the nets' er cf :etr. is ,n st nd
ern' ,!1_ refae '• 'sttirnpe-
t..wc•n ti'.r•-Is:ern' r vr•.,.A_ 1e• is :-sones to
a* .i. .re s:.y
the • _s:- ts. tsh P . •r.o an.1 , and
--t, : . Ma•. r.,'r:• r:..:` nt!t *way
. , rr'. . �r- +►' They
�~ r r
1A2*.' ,' :1• -air q
Returrs to C•vvl L•se.
•-+ t-isF r-. •l
_. • _ •
:el t:+-• gra:_-:elle • n
t;;:. r. •a. • :.:1 11 - •1 : - •
f •
'V'!' f '