The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-11-04, Page 5a�
MEN tltb7'YtytL D & $1. Ns.
Oat.. Loaaoas . /bre an* liana&
Dir. W. IL McLeod, .ice Ilenes h
Mock. Ripley. Oice hears. 9 t•
i p.m- Phone for appointments.
Lucknow Lome meets every
Friday evening dst 8 o'clock in their
Hall. Campbell street All brethren
cordially invited. Officers: Noble
GrandJohn McQuaig; Vice Grand,
Robt. Johnston;. Rec. Sec., A. H.
Boyd; Fein Sec;, Dr: Paterson;
Treasurer, •.Rhee Ross.
A.M.. G.L..eOld Light Lodge
meets every Thursday night as or
before the full moon, in the Mas-
onic Hall,. Havelock SL, Lam.
W. M.. M. McGuire; S.W., James
Boyle; J.W. N. GOtackenz e
&c y., W. A. Wilson..
VICTORY BONDS bought and sold.
Also farm 'lams and village property.
Money to loan on Ist and Mad niortr
gages at current rads of interni. In-
suiancee, conveyancing, etc. Joseph
Agars. Notary Public, sella
Lacknow. Ont.
Council met on Oct. 4. All members
present Minutes of Sept_ tneretiag
read aild approved.
A notice regarding school atspec-.
tion was. read Moved by
and Sullivan that Dr. Simpson write
the Deparunent mac
On motion of Richardson and Jam-
ae.son the Collectors Bonds were ac-
On motion of Richardson and Jam-
it3on Council decided to pay fortper
cent of the Dungannon side _ waw
On motion of Johnston and Sulli-
van" the foitowag accounts were ord-
ered paid: Jna. Shit2s, cleaning
.fitrha. Com. ,3''_.. D; L Johnston, put-
ting lit tik S.R. 6 and
Stewart, Moa) ft lumber. 11:..50; a
Tt+eleaven, iaspeecting bridge S. R. 9
and 10, 5100; Jas Bowser, inspect-•
ins bridge Can. 10, 10-25; IL McKen-
zie. spikes. .40; F. Johnston.. iron for
bridge Con. 9 12; J. tYLoughlia. wire
for bridge, 2_1Q; E. Alton. rep. bridge
S.R. 6 and T. 13; Jaw Kilpatrick, 9ta
hrs.. on grader. 1L.:3; Jas_ Lane, grav-
el,0; G. Rivets. gravel 5-:-4; J.
X. McDonald insp.bridge SR. 12 and
13, 19.5; Jza McNamara. insp. and
teasing ter Con. 111 10..50; Jas. Bow -
kr. imp. holyer�t)��*. 10. 130: W.
Drennan. graveling S.R. e ik• . west
1.11..:5; F. Hamilton. nli:aar approach
to bridge. 114; Jas. Henderson. tile,
J. T. ORieitLy, teaming :roc.
freight inspect and right of wady.
C.:1; Jnod. Titan tile. 3•"i 1: J. P. Sul-
livan. teaming tile. 112; J. Hawes
tile .culvert $6; X_ ,I Coaimer. tiese of
rued 111; S.. Martin. builditng tempor-
ary bridge. 39: W. Twamley% tilling
approach t. bridge S.B.. 9 and 10. 3a.2
p Faaigan. cement work at Harris
baring 820.'Z.00; P. Fin .gran cement
advert SJR. 6 and : 3'r31i0); P. Fin-
igaa.. irun for ,ertzlriert. S.R. a and :.
iii; S. Swart :asp. Harris b rtez $31;
S. Swan insp. S.B. i and $13; IL
Grant_ pt. pay (hell -7 bridge. $11100:
Jos. Hackett. .spewres to Hamilton.
114; J. Jamieson. expeaces to Hanel
On motion of itahardisor and Jam-
ieson Council adjourned
C. E. ltcDonagL Clerk.
eta the mama- of tLe estate of John
MacMillan. late of the Township
of Aahieil in the Cewrrty et Hames
Yeosar. deceased.
Notice ds hereby given that i' per-
sons haring any claims or &InanAis
against the Late John Ma.Mi d an who
died on tr about the Twentieth lay of
September. D.. I tn0. use required
to send by past prepaid or to deliver
to the agile rs:zC-"te''<f. executor un er
the will of .the sail John MacMillan -
their names and aaidre yes and f•:.;
parti-trlatrs iZ wr►tirar t,f -hem c'aznas
and stattesents cf their amounts a
the ratline of ..e sc.ur s.•; .
held by them_ 3u: y t e r:dell by at9-
• e taker e • r • that : i'a . :•t-�
sed day of. Die. cher 1920. the sat&
executor will proceed to distribute the
assets of the sail deceived d senor c ;.4r
persons entitled ther'rtx bait:tz re-
kraal .only to ,the .•1.11im1 of arh,.•'rt hd•
shall tbut have had noCce. and ..t.:at
the aid rce.c itis wall mot i`. Dote? !A
the said ,isscts or any pi-f,:•"� •nd,f
arc VC!4041r.., ,1 �t.t=Ciraii
si then have i ' rvie l `t•+t'A r:
This noting riven .pursaaas:t to the
statute in that beha f.
[.a_Fd a: i �d:'.rt,,-�' •. ' F u-t!t
eat .dr. v.� _..,,r. ?!_P >r�
t. T. Loeka.w. Eseruter.
.r °.wMPr.
And will pay $300.0 in Cash Prizes forthe best answers to these
questions ---This offer is open to every woman in -Canada
and the Competition Closes Nov. 15th. 1920 .
The Human Clock usually Breaks
Down Instead of Runs Down
IT has ' .. n ♦ !asartte aka of cr.' neo
to expo s tt re :as Aware bill Wail PO
-11E.:hoot ark::"r .:tea-_los t*r •• : e •➢a
.-t -.:z .:;1sa a..i SU:* QM: I s
as a.a i n?.3 :heal . is ..&$ tun as
a -.! reg'f as fryer.-
7as.1 to •.• ..a s::d bum.* `.:•!• iw.: