HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-10-21, Page 1ifttrittt ait; titttiffitt.
Flour Mills
Come, Ant Get
Your Participa-
tion Certificates.
G. Drinkwalter
Dundas & mond Sts.
Lewder. Oat .
Write for information before choos-
ing a schooL There is a difference.
!ail term opened August 30th.
J. Merritt. N. Stesekss
rrincipaL toe -Mena.
Ia the matter of tie estate of Arch -
bled McIntyre, lane of the 1 ewaalitp
of Aaaatw is the County oil Uarest
eoamaa . deceased.
:. ounce as nrerroy given that all per-
sons staving any cam"- or demands
a..al.n$t the late ArchlDaid lluntyre.
nu used on or about tar .1 wellts day
of Uctower. A1).. labs, at tae 'iown-
sniu Ol Aaflfidd in the County of Hu"r-
ou. ere required to seed by post pre-
paid or to deliver to the undersigned.
the surviving executor under the win
01 toe said Archibald Mclatere. their
names and addresses and full partie-
ulaaa m wnung of their claims and
statements of their accounts and the
nature of the securities. if any. held
by teem, duly yenned by allidavit.
And take notice that after the
Tenth day of Novesaber. MO. the said
executor anti proceed to distribute the
mets of the said deceased among the
arrsons entitled thereto. having re-
uazd only to the claims of which he
shall then have had notice. and that
the said execiutor will not be liable for
the said assets or any part thereof to
any person of whose claim be shall
not then have received notice.
This notice is gives pursuant to the
statute in that behalf.
Dated at Lucknow this Twelfth
day of October. A.D.. 1910.
Join Cowan.
R.R.. No. 3. Lucknow, Oat.
A petition bearing the nares of
about 9.500 county residents was oa
Friday filed with the Sherif at God-
erich calling upon the Dominion Gov-
ernment to suspend the Canada Tem-
perance Act. or "Scott Act," within
Huron county. This is about 2.000
more names than the 2 per cent cal-
kd for by the regulations. After ten
days in the hands of one interested
the petition will be forwarded to Ot-
tawa. It is within the power of the
Governor -in -Connell to grant the
prayer of the petition. and it is be-
lieved that this will be done, rather
than go to the expense of a vote of
the peoples if the petition is .grant-
ed. !Huron County will commie ander
the Ontario Temperance Act along
with Bruce and most other counties
in the province. The temperance
workers of .Huron desire this change
because of the more stringent tens
of the pruvinczal law. They ask,
h wev-r. that the Scott Act be sius-
pen,!.el,, rot repealed. in case it may
later .become desirable to agaia carie
wider the old act
• Court will be bell, pursuant to The
Ontario oten' List Act. by His Hon-
or the Judge of the County Court of
the County of Brute at the Division
Court Room in the Village of Lock -
now on the second. day of November.
1920, at ane o'ctock in the forenoon
to bear and determine complaints of
errors and omissions m the Voters'
List of the Municipality of the Vil-
lage of Lackaaw for 1920.
Dated the 16th day of October.
1920- JeoeO B. Agnew.
Cleft of the XoaiefpaIite of the
v'a>as. •t Lsska.w.
I 1
What delightful October weather!
Mrs. W. G. Andrew is visiting
friends in Toronto this week.
-- Mrs. Jas. • Armitage spent the past
week -end with Mrs. F. Cole. Kinloss.
Mrs. E. Mackenzie has gone to
Windsor where she will spend the
Jir. and Mrs. Ed. McQuillin • and
family motored to Orangeville for tM
,Miss Alma Alton, who is teaching
near tlswood, was home , for the
week -end.
Mrs. (Rev.) Garbutt and daughter,
Louise, are spending the week with
L'.acknowr friends.
Mrs. (Dr.) IL 11. MacLean visited
his parches;, .....:...1 ..aa3. D. Sherrill,
over the week -end.
'Rev. A. W. Richardson, B.A., of
Markdale, spent a few days last week
with friends in town.
Mr. Harry Alton, who is again in
charge of the school at Ayton, was
mime for the holiday.
Mr. Geo. S. Robertson was at Clin-
ton on Tuesday attending the funeral
of an old friend, Mr. lnnes.
Miss Mabel McClure was home
over the week -end trona near Dray-
ton where she is teaching.
Mr. Stewart Robertson is attend-
ing the big provincial plowing match
hear Beaune& this week.
Misses Norma Thompson and Sadie
Gee were bonne from Strauord .Norm-
al for the Thanksgiving.
)Lr. and Mrs. G. S. Free, of Mid-
land, visited Lucknow and AshXieia
friends the end of last week.
Mr. Thos. Strong. who last sprint
moved from Ashfield to Listowel. Inas
moved onto a farm near Gorne.
The W.M.S. of South Klaus,
Church at their last meeting donated
$10 to the High School piano fund.
Mrs. J. Sharman, of Springbaak,
formerly Miss N. Knowles, spent the
retest holiday with Lucknow friends.
Misses Emily Pearson and Nellie
Greenlee, of Toronto, spent the holi-
day with their friend, Hazel Webster
Yr. and Mrs. Herb Either and
daughter. Bernice, of Creditor, 'visit-
ed with friends- in town on Monday.
M r.N. D. Mackenzie arrived here
on Monday from the West where be
was looking, after his fanning inter-
Mr. aad Mrs. Geo. H. Smith. Mrs.
W. H. Smith, Mrs. Dr. Newton and
Mrs. Geo. A. Sid loll were on a motor
trip to Ridgetown over Tbaaksgiving-
Mr. L Kennedy. Wiagha'm, wishes
to announce that he lass secured the
agency for Studebaker cars for Lock -
sew and vitiaity, also the usual full
liae of Overlaads.
Messrs. E. Millsos and Huntley
Gordan came up by rotor from Ham-
ilton for Tbaakstiyiag. Mr. Gordon
has a position as inspector on prov-
incial road
Mr. and Yrs. Jack Tennant and
children, of Anaheim. returned horse
oa Monday after spending a few
days with his mother and sister here.
Mrs. Dr. Tennant accompanied them
ea the retorts trip.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robt Johnston, W-
and Mrs. Rams Robertson, Mrs. W.
Johmistoa and nes. Geo. Haigh were
a Toronto oat itednesday attending
the 'marriage of Mr. Gordon Johns-
ton to Miss Ida Risme.
Sportssea will do well to bear its
mind that the open season for part-
ridge is Ontario does not commence
until Neveember SIk. and that it ends
os November 15x. It wasa 1 all bad
lock for those who failed to get a
few birds out
Too are invited to a dance is Car-
negie Hall, L.ck aew, Friday. Oct.
nal Mork by the Goderieh Ssciet,T
Orchestra. Dancing frees 9. p.
sharp, until 1.311, am. Tickets` $1.00
per ciesPk. Extra lady and gantry
35c_ t'adsr auspices .f Lock.ow I.
Fire Co.
If pike aro anibS s to roo dM ors
•r" lwrlji4 t• "le vermeil
-Tuesday, Oct. 19.
Miss Gladys Webb was ,aunne from
Stratford Normal for Thanksgiving.
Our teacher attended the conven-
tion held at tiuderich last Thursday
and Friday.
Rittherford, of 'Mitchell; Miss
Clara Woods, .ot Guelph, and Mises
W annifre t Wows, of Drayton, vi ere
home for the recent holiday.
We are sorry to report that Mc-
Keuaie t• ebb, vino went West tor the
harvest, had to undergo an operation
tor appendicitis at high Ra.er rec-
ently. He was improvwg quite fav-
orably at ,last report.
A little daughter arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Will McCrost-
le on October 1301. -Congratulations
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell
and family, of Westfield, spent the
week -end 'at Mr. Clark's
Mrs. Salkeld and daughters, Irene
and Mamie, of Goderich; called on
Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Gordon on Mon-
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held at the
home of Mts. J. B. Rutherford on
Thursday afternoon, Oct. 28. The sub-
ject is "How to reduce Household
t ipenses." Roll call "Best Methods •
of keeping vegetables over winter."
Visitors ate always welcome.
A Bos Social and 'Entertainment
will be 'held in the Parish Hall, St.
Augustine, ort Friday evening, Oct
Anniversary services will be held
in the Presbyterian church on Sunday
Oct. 31st., followed by an entertain-
ment on Monday evening.
-Monday, Oct. 18.
Mrs. Musgrove, of W Ingham, vis-
it*d a few days with her sister, Mrs
F. Henry.
Mr. Duncan Kennedy and Mr. Joe
Forester bare returned from the
Miss Bina Henry left for Guelph
last week to resume her studies at
the Business Collet
Misses Lillie and i Helen Paterson
spent Thanksgiving with friends at
Arthur and Hamilton.
Miss Annie H. Henry has gone to
London where she intends to reside
for a time.
Mrs. Henderson, of the Parsonage,
spent Thanksgiving with friends at
Ethel and took part at a concert
given there Monday evening.
The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian
Church held their annual Tbankolfer-
tag meeting Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Gollarq of South Kinloss Pres-
byterian Church, was present and
gave a most helpful and inspiring
address. Miss Greta Fox sang a
solo and Mrs. Scobie and Miss- Alba
Fox sang a duet The offering a-
mounted to $52.60.
Miss S. Sharpe visited in the vil-
lage Sunday.
Miss Fleming, Mr. Fleming, Miss
Scott, Mr. Hugh Scott, Miss Smith
and Mr. Richard Anderson, of Galt.
spent Thanksgiving week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Fox.
Mr. F. Clubb, Mr. Hogg amid Miss
Hogg visited with John Chubb on
Mr. and Mrs. D. Beecroft. Miss
Robinson. Mr. Robinson and Miss N.
Cottle spent Sunday is Kincardine.
Mr. V. Sinclair spent Sunday with
Miss Y. Garton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spiiiwall
spent Sunday at Samuel Gartor's.
When you subscribe for a news-
paper there are two essential points
to be taken into consideration. First,
make sure that you subscribe for a
paper friendly to your interests, one
whose friendship has bees proved.
Second. a newspaper that is fearless
edztorialty, always depsiadable and
with farm markets reports that are
as nearly correct as possible. Such a
paper is The Farmers' San, Toronto,
ownedamid published twice, week
by the farmers in the interest of the
farmers. Twice a week 104 issues
for the old price. $1.50. Toa should
bave this .are friend in your home. -
Tearerrew is always • hosier day
tip WO assume we premise to do
non Vas se is
The crowd at Carnegie Hall, Tues-
day was well entertained by the "Big
Four" troupe of entertainers, and the
Fire Co. is to be congratulated upon
the all round success of the evening.
The four represent a wide range of
talent and it is all of a high order.
Ifs. Frank Oldfield is a splendid bar-
itone, and his wife, formerly Ada
Davis of Vancouver, is equally suc-
cessful as a soprano and pianist.
Maud Buschkn delighted the audience
with her violin selections, while Mr.
J. H. Cameron, a veteran of the ei.
tertainment platform, was very pop-
ular with his endless fund of twin_
stories and songs. All were frequent-
ly encored and they were pleasantly
liberal with weir responses. From
here the troupe went to Kincardine.
Methodist Chnrck=Next Sunda}
Rev. Wm. Sterling, of Trowbridge,
will take the services_ Also in .114 hite-
church, as Mr. Irwin will be absent
on Anniversary work, and lecturing
on Monday night.
Ashfield Circuit -Anniversary ser-
vices will be held at Blake's Church
Sunday next at 2 o'clock and 7
o'clock, p.m. Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick, of
Ripley, will preach .at both services
-Monday, Oct 18.
This Thanksgiving Day finds many
of our citizens roaming the cods ac-
companied by dog and gun. However
some have not taken to the uplands
where the mingled splendours glow,
but • are celebrating in Wingham
where the blessings of the ,season
are being exhibited, and what more
fitting day than this our Thanksgiv-
ing Day.
Mrs. Jas. Hodgins is recovering
from the effects of a fall from a
wagon on Friday last. The load of
corn on which Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins
and a visiting lady were riding slip-
ped throwing all' three to the ground.
Fortunately no bones were broken,
and we look for a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jho, 3IcFarian, of
near Teeswater, visited in our burg
on Sunday.
Verne Hodgins and' friends, of
Lucan, motored up to this vicinity
for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Logan, of Rip-
ley, visited at F. C. Hal ienby's on
Sunday. Mr. Logan had the misfor-
tune to disable his car while taking
the young people out for a spin and
had to engage another car to trans-
port them home to Ripky.
Mrs. F. H. Haldenby, accompanied
by Mrs. Wm. Ryan. of Kinlough, are
spending Thanksgiving with friends
in Stratford.
We are about to lose our much es-
teemed neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. M.
Cassidy and family, who have dispos-
ed of their property to Wm. flecking
and D. J. Murray. During their
short 'limy in this burg they have
won the respect of many by their
neighborly deeds and genial disposi-
tion. 'Tey will move to their new
bonne in Southampton this week.
The road leading into this burg
from the east, which was not only an
eyesore but a danger zone. -has been
greatly improved. The roadsides
have been underbrushed. the roadway
gravelled and the sink hole bridge
raised. This is probably the tenth
time that this bridge has had to be
raised or the approaches lengthened.
Apparently the bottom is not yet
--Tuesday. Oct. 19.
The following' Were home for
Thanksgiving: Graham MacNay.
from Stratford; Ellen Ketchabaw,
from Wangle' .. and Dorothy Picker-
ing, from Godericb.
D. Cameros visited with bis sister.
Mrs. A. Cook. on Saturday.
Grant IIacDiarptid is bonne fron•
the West.
Misses Myrtle and Winnifred Web-
ster spent Thanksgiving with their
cousin. Miss El Leda Stanley.
Miss Lizzie Baird has returned to
Toronto after a visit with her par -
eats here.
Misses Milly and Jean MacGregor.
of Toronto, spent tho week -end with
their sister, Sirs_ JiR! Henderson.
Mies Hamel Rayrard spent the hol-
iday with her aster, Mrs. Altaa.
We have anotr .r wi:d-man sensa-
tion this fate i he !laird family, a
few miles west of town, were ..a good
deal disturoed last week by the vis-
its of a man, appal ently demented,
who paid a nun,., r ut calls to their
barn -yard -on one oCcaxion almost
setting the place un tire.
During vii ut h.s vests he carried
away al' whip, and the breaking of
the tinaepete et the aLtonlobile, ui
an effort to remote it, is thought to
have been his stork. Ile was seen
three times aoout the b.trn, and on
one occasion was banqueted. None
of the igen Were :knout any t.uie,
Grace Baird being tide only one to
see the wanderer. faith time he
made off towards the woods. About
forty When searched the neighborhood
one afternoon but no trace of the
man could be .found.
It will. be remembered that a year
ago a Wean, apparently demented.
naade his headquarters in the vicinity
of Dickie's Hill, until the cold weath-
er forced him to find .better shelter.
It was never learned where this man
came from nor where he went to.
In an article on School Fairs, The
Walkerton Telescope had the follow-
ing: "In the conduct of .the Rural
School Fairs, Mr. N. C. McKay has
co-operated, this year with the Agri-
cultural Representative in the adjoin-
ing county of Huron, Mr. Stephen
Stothers, . B.S. t , of Clinton, an old
Lucknow boy., Each county has 13
School Fairs and the 26 shows were
managed jointl} by the two men.
Mr. Stothers is a thoroughly capable
man and a "live wire." He and M=,
McKay make an unbeatable team.
Mr. Andrew. of Lucknow, Miss 31. E.
Havill and Miss Schwindt, of Walker-
ton, were efficient judges in the in-
side classes."
R alkertoxi Telescope )
A quiet wedding took place at Hill-
crest Farni at High Noon on Tuesday,
October 12th., When Miss Freida
Dippk, younger daughter of Mrs_
J. Dippie, was united in marriage to
Mr. Robert "drench, of Teeswater.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
J. H. Grenzebach, only the immediate
relatives being present_ As the wed-
ding party entered the drawing -room
which was prettily decorated with
flowers, the wedding march was play-
ed by Miss Jennie Trench, niece of
the groom, who afterwards sang a
beautiful solo. The bride, who was
given away by her elder brother, Mr.
Peter Dipple, wore a handsolis mid-
night blue suit trimmed with bearer
fur. her hat being of brown velours.
After the ceremony a dainty lunch-
eon was served. Jar. and Mrs_ Trench
left on the afternoon G.T.R. train for
Torono, leaving, later for a month's
trip to the West which will extend ks
far as Saskatoon. On their return
they will reside m Teeswater. Thi
bride is one of Walkerton's most est-
imable young ladies and has been
very popular throughout the district
as a trained nurse. The groom is
one of Bruce's best-known business
7 1 i
The Hoiyroo.i Women'- Institute
will entertain the inmates ' of the
House of Refuge. Walkerton, to a
fowl dinner on V1ed., Oct. 2:? at 12
o'clock, noon. Cars will be provided
for all members of the institute
wishing to attend. F -a: h member
please bring cake er pie.-Fresident
-Monday, Oct ls.
Mrs. Thos. Lumbers, of Toronto,
spent the holiday with. her mother.
Mrs. W. Bueelass.
Miss Margal•t Maclennan attend-
ed.the Tesehers' Convention held :n
Goderich last Thursday and Friday.
Miss Margaret MacNain. of Kip -
pen, spent the holiday at her home
Miss Lily Brie re bas retuned to
her home in Paisley after visiting
friends here the past couple at mks.
Miss Marguerite Maclennan. of
Toronto. is visiting at her boon here.
Miss Mae Johnston retuned to
Tomato yesterday after a short rat -
in our seislhholiteed.
l l
AWN: E Y TO LOAN on mortgages sill
Mutes as rwa ,C lasts.
1aasur c, uvw a WCIL ivad MLa .....ea
ut+apiaa4,CJ. t. uu ► C iUM.
� frig
r► 41.111 • YCia.aar55 auu uwpiauat..
Livia. ia. .i.w.mal, ureami.
vl:. PAk t 4, OS 1'LUPA lit, a; ti..“
aautLJC, L�auiav,,, C.va, s..Wa�..-
ELL Lcltaus , _ .a.a . ata'Ju.. yw.
L..JCJ MLL..C.Ja.aaa, kL...L i. �...-
IAA/pa uaj ...a wN hit!,) ...a
law.az waA-u.ua
'-» to a.. vac y..am.a., . tulcv
..au ..tut 1C►►C1 11els .aa,taa.b UJ :.►a-
La.-vyi.ua,' Walk 0» flit,) vtlitl IaritWuii
sect kinds of fat poultry wanted.
.1,suest iorouto prices paid. ex.�u
''ai poly hal suns wanted. If ) uu
.dive any, let nae know. Phone do.
Jake Label.
Ll►E POULlkt N"ANTED: High=
est prices paid. Stiverwoods
a•lacenow. Phone 4i r :. 12 -au.
MISS BUTCHER, Teeswater,-De-
signer of•liair Goods, transformatiohs,
switches, etc. Your order solicited.
Car load of cement now at the
station, Ripley. --Duncan Maas_
FOR SALE -Comfortable house in
eucenow. Apply to Kopf Joasstoa.
FARM FOR SALE --100 acres W
Lot 2, Con. 10, Ashfield, 7 miles
.rom Lucknow, is mile from school,
z mile from store and blacksmith
shop. Never failing now of water.
r'ranie house, barn s0x35.-Apply on
FOR SALE -Town property with
nouse and two good barns, good gar-
den. Apply at The Sentinel Office.
where you get a fair deal and Tor-
onto prices. Also beef and horse
hides and sheep skins. -Jake Libel
FOR SALE -Two farms, 100 acres
each, good buildings and first class
soil. Will be sold at a bargain. _ Ap-
ply to Geo. A. Sadden.
FOR SALE -13 young York pigs,
ready to wean Oct. 25. Apply to
Henry P. Hogan, R. 7, Lucknow.
Phone Dungannon, 76 r 9.
t FARM FOR SALE -100 acres first
class soil, good buildings, four miles
west of Lucknow; 25 acres fall plow-
ing done. Terms easy. For partic-
ulars apply to George. A. Siddall.
STEER ' ASTRAY --Came to the
premises of the undersigned, Lot 7.
Con. 12, Kinloss Township, on or
about August 2, 1920, a steer ap-
parently 2 years old. Owner may
have same on proving property and
paying expenses. --John Bushell.
STEER ASTRAY -Yearling Steer
roan with red neck, pig ring in one
ear. Any person having information
regarding the sante report to Jas. T.
Lyons. R. 1, Lucknow. Phone 23 on
64. „ Zie 10-c.
ons will receive poultry. paying high-
est market prices. at Kinloss ars'
Kinlough Tuesday of each week -
forenoon at Kinkss, afternoon at
Kinlough. commencing tirst Tuesday
of November. Iti Lucknow Wednes-
day mornings at N. D. Mackenzie's
store. 21-10--tf.
Harry, Caesar. Lot L'.. Con. 4.
Endes*, will haeean auction sale of
farat.stock oa Nov: 1. J. Pers!,. Arc.
Kenny Bros.. near Holyrao 1, will
have an auction sale of farm stock
on Oct. 22, commencing at 2 o'clo:k
Van. J. Purvis, Asc.
At die Oct meeting of :he Luc: -
now Worth's Institute some import-
ant business was dealt with It was
decided we have our At Home on
Friday. Nov. 5th. It was also voted
wit donate 815,00 to the Navy League
of Canada and 810.00 towards the
patches* of a piano by the His
School. Mrs. We. Struthers was ar-
peir tag d.Iqpte to the London Con.
wsW/M/..//111.6 .1111111.11111b