HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-10-07, Page 8• r n; eron, Mur STORE IS HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS The Specials listed below should crowd our store from early morning until late at night. AS some of the quantities are limited it will pay you to comp early. 1 BOOT&AND SHOES WE AIM TO SELL $1000.00 WORTH OF BOOTS AND SHOES ON 4 TUESDAY. YOU WILL FIND 5 TABLES LOADED WITH SHOES AND EVERY PAIR A BARGAIN. MEN'S, WOMEN'S. BOYS' AND GIRL'S. EVERY PAIR MARKED WITH SIZE AND PRICE IN PLAIN FIGURES. 50 Pair of Mea's Rubbers to go out at 51.00 f'the pair. U Only odd sixes and styles.—At the Door. MEN'S FELT HATS, TWEEDS AND FUR FELTS AT $1.80 EACH. 100 COAT HANGERS AT 10c EACH: ,N . PAIR WOMEN'S STOCKING FEET. Good Heavy Quality. Not store dials f pate to a civtutuer. Good Stock. MEN'S RAINCOATS in the popular tweed material 11 On DOLLAR DAY we will offer 10, reg. $18.00 and $29.00—One Day only— 10c pair. $13.00 MEN'S TWEED CAPS 31.00. _ / F LADIES' ,SILK WAISTS ONLY 30 OF THEM—Black. White and Navy Bide. Sizes 38 to -11. IX)! LAK DAY It'll: CHOKE ' $2.95 WHITE vO(LE 111.01LSES—Long and Short Sleeves. Iter. $.1.00 to. 56.50. DOI LAR D t Y 130Y PAIR WOMEN'S TAN ('O1TON STOCKINGS (Same quality 1. Black is 50c pair). DOLLAR DAY ONLY 25c pair 10 DOZ. Mi'S ALL WtrOL CASHMERE SOX. Reg. $1.90 pair. for79c $3.95 50 L (D!E HOUSE DRESSES. Reg. $1.S9. DOLLAR D:1Y $2.9b BARGAINS IN _ MENS ALL WOOL ' UNDERWEAR SEE THE TABLE. LADIES' CREPE KIMONAS, ('lain or fancy patterns. L'p to Si. DOLLAR DAY RUOS_6rROS TAPESTRY. BRUSSELS AND UNION SQUARES ON DOLLAR DAT YOU CAN BUT THEM AT 15 PER CENT OFF THE REGULAR PRICE.. LADIES' OVERALL APRONS 51.00. • $.3•95 REMNANTS --REMNANTS CORSETS Ckarlsg lot of Ladies' Corsets All sizes ia the lot bat sot all sites ia any particular style. Reg up to 33.110. DOLLAR DAY $1.75pair - 200 TDB. of Best SILK POPLIN i, cobs of Navy. Saadi, Plunk Grey as Gia. Revtlar $2.50 yd. DO LLAR DAY $175yd — —o-.- 1 PIECE BLACK DUCHESS P AILETTE. Reg. $3.50 the yard. Dollar Day X2.49 ONE PIECE UNtCN STAIR C ARPET. Reg. Mc yd. DOLLAR DAT. isc HUNDREDS OF THEM ALL KINDS OF MATERIALS. ALL AND EACH A BARGAIN. • Piece of our Best Satin Duchess Black only. Reg. $4.50 per yard. Dollar Day $5.50 a yd... 1 32-iaeh ALL WOOL SERGE. Colour: Navy, Burgundy, Green avid Brown. SPE( IA1, $.69 yd DONT MISS THIS ITEM. LADIES' RAINCOATS ONLY 13 OF THEM SPEC IA L PRICE $ 13.75 MEN'S AND BOYS' SWEATER COATS AND PULLOVERS. COME HERE ON DOLLAR DAY AND SA VE MONEY. Cdt this advt. out and bring it with you. Extra Salespeople for Dollar Day. 1` .. i AUCTION SALE of filch Cows, Heifers and Steers at -TIIE CAIN HOUSE BARN, LUCKNOW, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9th Commencing at 2 o'clock 8 COWS to freshen before Jan. 1st. 20 Heifers and Steers --good feeders D. A. McDONALD, Prop. J. PURVIS, Auc. CHURCH NEWS . Epworth League --entertained the H,.; Set:cei sttAdents on N'ur't.T iy which the different nations were rep- resented eo-resented by a national song: Eng- land by sung, "Tommy Atkins," Scotland, "Annie Laurie." Ireland. an Trish love song; United States, "Star- Spanr1kd Banner:" France "Marseil- I:ai st" 1 instrumental) ; elanada "Men of the Nurth." A dainty lut►ch brought a very enjoyable evening to a .lase. Presbyteries' Riess next Lord's Day at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The subject for the evening will be: "The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin and The, Lost Son." You are cordially invited to attend the services. A letter from Rev. J. S. Duncan states that the congregation of 'St. Pauls Church, Sault Ste. Marie, of which he is pastor, has undertaken to build a new church 'to cost about thirty ti'. -e th,au..and dollars. Anglican Church, Lacksow.—Har- rest Thankseivinr Services Sunday. Oct. 10th. Morning II a.m., -treacher W. J. Eccleston; evening, 7 p.m., preacher, H. W. Snell of Wingham. A DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS AT ACKERT & RATHWiLL ON DOLLAR DAY AT OUR STORE .R E WANT' EVERY CUSTOMER R TO FEEL THEY HAVE SAVED MONEY ON EVERY PURCHASE '1'RFJY MAKE. SPECIAL %'AI.t: % 11.1. RE G.IV E:N ON NEARLY E% ERY LINE IN - THE STORE. Ladies' Nigh Shors rloth avid kid tops, for how* shoes far fall and wint'r, in sizes 212. 3, a12 1. 1X1L1..tR DAY PRICE $2.9s. 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Calf Hal, sizes 212 to ti, Leather and Neolia .ole'+►. *molar 37.00 and W00. DOLLAR DAY PRICE 36.80. 23 pair 1.id'•'4' ('nay Slippery 'i Slim a pair. A RIG S1'F:1 l.tl. in Men's Rubbers Rubber% have ad•aaced price. Save :►Ar a pair on Dollar Dar-, $1.110 pair. MF`'` RI I l I' RS, . all sire., Special $1.2.i a. pair. t quantstof lade 's' Rubiwry - '!Mc a pair.