HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-10-07, Page 51 1 • The Busy Hardware House Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery We have a full line of HEATING STOVES and RANG- ES. Try the PER FECTION OIL HEAT- ER for Early Fall. It will keep the house quite coir fortable. A carload of Brantford Roof- ing arrived this week. We have it in Red and Green Crystal Plate.' Also Brantford Shingles.; SPECIAL CASH DISCOUNTS ON DOLLAR DAY AT OUR STORE. McLEOD. &JONT TUE STORE WHERE YOUR MONEY HOES FARTHEST BELFAST —Tuesday, Oct. 5th. Mr. Robt. Agar who spent the summer with relatives in the West las returned borne. Mr. Gorden Irwin, of London, is spending a few weeks at his home in this vicinity. Miss Janie Topp has returned to her borne in Toronto after spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Coon Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherwood re- turned home after spending two months with their sons in the West. air. and Mrs. Robt. Philips and Mr. Emmerson were the guests of Mrs. Ralph Nixon Sunday. Fina Sherwood, of Lucknow, spent ,Sunday at' her base in the burg. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin and Condor are visiting frien.is in Clin- ton... • Mr., Mullin is spending a few days bis aunt, Mrs. Stothers. Mrs. Johnstone, of Stanley is vis- iting friends here. ANIMIftram Rally Day was successfully obser- ved in Hacketts church Sunday after - The evening service of the W.M.S. which was to have been held Sunday, Sept. 26, bat which was withdrawn owingto the electric storm, will be beld Sunday evening in 8acketts church at 7, p.m. Quite a number from this burg at- tended the school fair held at St. Helens Wednesday afternoon. . Much credit is doe our teacher, Miss Webb, and pupils in the part which they bad taken at the fair. An OpenSscr.t The arae[ a[ buota.t vigor- ous hosith. is a weDirousisbed body. k is mogul swag gait Scorsfaisio� is sr waoderlrl hip to those who ars rosr4lovrs in vitality lyrasay card, Try kr Oona a ar.■11.:~nabs. omit ,.. Overseas Trade K�ps Canada Proaperoua. -F� .ice To Win World -Trade WeMustDevelop aIr s.. Heritage Our Men Our P«b Our Slips Trade must flow East and West and Overseas— Shut off this Donation from die seas and in fifty years Canada will cease to be a action. 'The Nos tag8lss el Crook e d. . , '' 'y'R * • "Wire First Hiss Shepherd sang,' In the Gloaming." The New Edison stood, on the stage by her side. • L 1 Th en She suJd::nly $topped sic:gi• g. The Nei. EE>dis►a and eontidur. i it alums. I • rt iIjTL1TjJLTj1 I ier? IP? 185 times- no differeflc.f Miss Betsy Lane Shepherd, famous concert soprano, has made this test 185 Milnes. 185 public audiences, in 185 cities, have heard her compare her voice with its RE- CsrATzos by the New Edison. No one, out of a total of more than 100,000 lis- teners, has been able .to tell when Miss Shepherd was singing. and when the New Edison = except by watching her lips... 4,000 similar tests of direct comparison,j made by over fl t y other celebrated vocal- ists and instrumentalists, have given this same result. Tie N e w Edison is perfect realism, achiev ed . at,kinct of music ets yott `6 .Tell as—and we'll show you hor all its emotional power is RE- CREA TED by the New Edison Is it the soulful violin ?—a mellow con- CREATI:n music in the same way that you traltot—the scintillating- flute?—a sweet, are touched bythe living- music. soothing tenor?—that draws the quickest We �vacit to show you that emotional response from you. the New Edison RE-CREATES all the vital power in Let us play your favorite voice or inst,-u- ' all music. ment in a new kind of Realism Test. See Remember what to ask for—" penal whether you are touched by the RE- favorites" Realism Test !rso "The Phowotraph with a Sorel" Perfect realism is sour one vehicle tothe inner joys of music whic}i you crave. Mr. Edison spent three million dollars in the re- search work which Rev fitbe New Edison perfect realism. He did this m order that the phono- graph might transcend its former limitations and (here we quote Mr. Edison's own words), "bring into every American home, music so rea!- istic and so perfect in its rendition as to be arr unending source of benefit and pleasure. " Tie instruments which proved this perfect real- ism in Shepherd's .185tests were all exact duplicate .of the ..yigival Official Laboratory Model un A hie h Mr. Edison spent his three million dollar. You ran also hale an 'exact duplicate o� this three trillion dollar original. We have it in ` our store, and guarantee it to be capable of sus- taining the same teat of direct comparison. lieportaat Practical Detail Our Budget Plan brings your New Edison fur immediate enjoyment. without asking f..r immediate payment. Ask about it wbseou come in to bear the **Personal Favor- ites" *enlists Test. J. G. ARMSTRONG, LUCKNOW. 7,PANOTRUNK pr'SEAmy' L4RV EST BILP EXCURSIONS $1$.N TO WINNIPEG *1ss 34 cent per =Be beyond AUGUST 9TH and 14711 from al stations in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, Pembroke, Golden ,Lake, Toronto and art. AUGUST IITN and 18TH, from all ,cations in Ontario, Parry sound. Scotia Jnnetiioe and south' to and in- cluding Toronto; )teaford, Penetang Midland and Depot Harbor Branches included. For further psrtienlars .apply to any Grand 'Frock Ticket Agent or C.E. Hong, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Oct, F. PIMP. G.T.R. Agent Ont. Phone 2. Eana0p t>r eme I to elan vas CStair� It s -salt *gym s ah!srr MIN CZEMA Ton tiro e s p r rts,+es. Ins whin 9I', SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA e T he:applications for New Assurances received by the Company during 1919 reached a total of over $100,000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- sura►nee previously written in one year by any Company of the British Empire. Geo. H. Sinith, Get a Policy in 1920. Agent. Lucknow.