HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-30, Page 8a • 9 AMP • ...4110.1111•14.110.0..01.• 11.111111•1111111611111.1111, ,00.1100, 000/00.00000.008000. SPECIAL VALUE IN FALL. •. • • • • • LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE, BLACK AND OXFORD GREY, g1.25 *1.40, $1.85. CASHMERE HttSE IN TRE NEW MEATS= MIXTURES @ NEW SILK AND GEORGETTE WAISTS. SEE THE SPLENDID RANGE WE ARE SHOWING AT FROM $5.90 TO $10.011. SERGES IN NAVY BLUE AT REMARKABLY WW PRICES. WINCH NAVY BLUE ALL WOOL SERGE @ $2.75 rEM Y. • -Li NAVY SUITING SERGES IN THE ALI, WOOL BOTANY SERGE $4$0, 16.041, Watt and $10.00 yd. , • . ALL WOOL PLAIDS FOR CHILDRRN'S AND LADIES' DRESSES. BLACK WATCH, GORDON, McDO'NALD AND ARGYLE. $2.00 YD. 7.7 NEW WINTER COATINGS, GRYIENS,ACREYS, BROWNS.; 11"AlIVE, 111111,11C1JNDY. $4.00 TO 19.00 PER YARD. VELVET AND PLUSH TAMS FOR OWLS ANS LADIES, (4.2.70, 2.75 AND *3.00. ENS WINTER ENDERIVEAR -ST ANFIELDS, 1"MIN-MAN'S, ETC. CASHMERE SOX AT 75c, 90c, 1.00, t1.25 AND 02.00. NEW SWEATER COATS, OVERCOATS. RAINCOATS, HATS AND CAPS CAMERON, 111URDOCII & CO. .11111111M11•111111111I PRINCIPALS and TEACHERS See tort your pupils enter this compet:tini,, and also arrange suitable progranirrie 14n - FIRE PREVENTION DAY, OCT. 9 We will present one thousand gold plated and enamel 'Medals, suit- abty inscribed, as PRIZES for savoys on Fire Prevention topics. to he competed for by the boys and girls of Ontario in the :',rd and 4th Forms. High School, College and LInivery Students me eligible to com- pete for nine grand prizes.. TWO SOLID GOLD MEICAL:IR SEVEN SOLID SILVER MEDALS The Royal Proc lomat skit, uid read by a pupil in every •• • School Room. • Text Books and full portico tan free or. .appiicatior... ONTARIO FIRE PREVENTION LEAGUE, INC. otEtiotim with The Ontario Fire Marshal's ()thee 153 UNIVERSITT !AVENUE, T.OkONTO, GEORGE F. LEWIS. Sec.-Treas. LIST or roma WINNERS (Carta:toed from pa'e 7. it. Mackenzie; Farneus or S4now, T Palkeld, Mrs. D. Bustor.*; Northerr Spy, G. Greer; Warners. W. Hunter. F. Miller; McIntosh Red. K. Cameron, T. J. Salkeld; Any other variety, .1. P.. Hackett, K. Camerrm: Any other Winter variety. K. Camerrin. 3 var- ieties Fall, Y. CAMeT4TTI. T. .1. Salkeld;., trite! Winter. K. Cameron, T. .1 Salkeld: Crab Airples. F- Miller:. Far Pears. Jos.,' Hackett; Winter I'ear-s, W. Bunter. .los. Ifacice:t : Fiuins, Mite. Wes. Henderson.. George Givitrr; Minus, red, Mrs. 1. Curia; Pima plum T. J. 1. • Con gram; Grapes, T. 2. Salkeld, Geo. Greer; Grapes, red. E. H. 'Thompson, I. Miller; Grapes, any ,variety, I. Mil- ler T. J. Salkeld; Collection of apples: .1. R. Hackett. LADIES' DEPT., HOME MFG. Judges -Mrs. Bahh and Mrs. Grant. Colk.rtion of Fancy Wrrrk. Mrs. K. Mac7Leod, Mrs. Ternlyr., •Mrs.. J. S. Mackenzie; Irish. Laces, 'Mrs. Taro- MrS., KetcLeod; Colin. Ladies' Itork, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs; J. S. Mac- kenzie: Knitted Goods. it rs. 2. S. M.Frckentit. Mrs. Ts:lily-71: Irish Cro- . nr.t Wrirk. Mrs..1. Mackenzie. Mrs. Tarn:yri, Li7ingstcme; Apron, kit- chen'. 'Mrs. TairtIpt, Livistftvtont:; 41,1,Pron. flineY,:iriss J. Lyme, *i. D. ••=0,11000•00111000.00111.0--,000000000001,"0000,0-010 ..•000, S. MASS 1'.11A, 000000•0000.0 - A meeting of the Einloss Church W.A1 _held ‘\'••,1. ur •ei e . OVA. f;, l't 141ek Whet' 1 If. titl.rkumip, of Wroseter, wilt give an addrioi. A 'meeting at 4 o'cii.(4c in the afteruoon for childrie •will 1+e ud- die.aii-el I y fliinknemei • Silk or velAtat, bits. D. 4. MacLeod,. 'Ars. I. S. Mackenzie; .Slunthea h". '-*it J10(11141111 ,lliten, M. J. S. Iftlaokenzie, 111Irs.1): Lood; Shirt, suites, Mrs. S. -311.ay kenzie, Mrs. D. II: 11.aeLeod; woolen, J. Lyons, M. Livingstone; So%, man's fine, Mrs.•Tainilyn,'Ilies..1. S. Itackenzie4 *awl, J. S. Mat kenzie, Mrs. 1C.: /llacliettd; Piessing Segue, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. J..S. Mac-, kenzie; Sofa Pillow, hand M. Livingstone; Sofa Pillow, embroider-. ed, J. S. Mackenzie, Mrs. Tem..' lyii; ...Sofa Pillow, any other, :MS. Tamlyn; Towel colin.; -J. Lyons, 11. _Livingstone.; T.!svelo', .1. 14-Yolv-ii, S.Illackenzie.; Tatting M. Linings J. itiguAkortzie;,.. Table -Centre Piece, white, J. 1431•0116, Mrs. Tamlyn.; Table •Ceatre'Piece colored, Mrs. J. S. l'Itoelcenvie, Mrs. K.•31aC.Leod; ' Table - uner, Sirs: Tandyn, Mrs. J. S. 3,1c - :Kenzie, Tray Cloth, embroidered', Airs. J. S. Mackenzie, M. Livingstone; Tee. Cosy, J. Lyons, Mrs. J. S.1111a4.4cenzie; .Underwear, lady's, X. Livings -Witt, Mrs. J.S. Mckenzie; AST-orkSug Mrs. Tandyn, Mrs.,1..S. Mackenzie; Colht. .cif old-fashioned 'household art - Mrs. R. MacLeod; Lady winning greatest number of tat prizes :class 29, Mackenzie and Tamlyn, ties. • IE AND FLOWERS -•.1-uue-Mrs. 1R. flh1. exit viev,s, AUK- --nuoyn, -Living:Aune; A,iv.zo4stone.; Animals, al. -Livingstone. Lantisc.iipe, M. Livingstone.; zawie l'aintitiZ, AL. Livingslone, Mrs. ... „oliteLeod.. • .Water L•utors--Idarine View,- 3Irs MacLeoti, Ai. Livingstone; Eiguae, LiVingito-ite, Mrs. •1‘.. MacLeod; .....owers, M. Liaringstone;, 'Landscape •atuillt7, AL, .1.,i-vnigstone; Watiating t;ihiss ur p(ttery, M.. Livingstone. Crayon, Charcoal anti, init-urayon„ Mrs. K. MacLeod, sd. ,i4ovinggtone; Ouercoal, Mrs. K. _MacLeod, Alf. •And. rew; la Sketch, 411.rs. Me - 31. Livingstone; .Pencil Drawing • MrLMite:Lead, 3/....Livingstone. Eiowers--Ferns, C. Decker, Mrs. 1). Z. Thompson; Fdliagthi, C,.•"1".*.e, her, Mts. .1..).•ai. '1'hompiolii.; 1.loiair .1 lents , iparayos. Tern, Mrs. 'D. 111.1.Thotyasintll ..liegunia, 'Ittrs. K. MacLeod; ...Asters airs.- I). M.. Thompsoli, S. Cern Aleillill; : 1 .Ltahlias, Mrs. D. iltaitun, 1. Miller.; ' Gladioli, ./..- 'Webster, Mrs. 1.). id.' 'Thompson; Marigolds, airs. 1. Cols - gram, Mrs. I). X. Thompson- Sweet ..Peati, Mrs. D. 11. Thunipson, R. ii. 'Thionoson;• Pansies_ C. Decker, :S. Carnochan; Phlox. Mrs. I. MacLeod S. Carnochan; Petunias, S. CarnOlutii Mrs. D. X. Thompson; Sunflowers, Mrs. Ii. 'MacLeod. M•rs. D. in. Thomp- son; intsket Annunki, It. ' H. Tiiiiniii- -son, .1. Webster; -Table Bouquet, ars. D. M. Thonipson;S.. Carntichan; AUL- :WW1 Leaves, idury 'MacLeod. Mrs. I). IL- Thompson. • ' .- ,AIISCELLZ:ZOI.:S.. Colhi. of curios ur o4dities, Mrs. Jas. 'Pur•vis, Mrs. D. Ilit. Thompsini, - K. MacLeod; Colin. of CUMs, Mrs. D. M. Thompson. . .. •• St.:11001. CHILDREN'S DEi 'T. Crochet work, • Wituared Ferrier. 000.11110.1...00.0101100000.......0010.111V Phone Ns. 10 is at Your Service 11414e Sal See Okub-ilat Sae Cluso.or Than The Coedit Samoa • FIRST QUALITY GOODS AT LOW PRICES .WE ,GOtt A VENI.1.03E_ AWN' IMEIFIK •-E-111,111ME11..111' sel/F•%0011IIP) *WE means •3!�R auris Awnz wt air.Nowtriniust, tow *JJ idr otvo AtmNkom ottosuis „ • . • scAsanw 44F' Ritmo' it. w‘it ocumok tor sem- • 4o. • lova: MIB(IEHWUNG • '113094FEWEIIIZ, a'r as slump, mw .7,11EAr okILIAIIIIITIV • 4.11..X4M.A)II) WIREE, AM) MI *UM, 1111F 'AMID 111'.*E.B0 • FOR inueNE Tot* kelltIXElt Ab •WAIL moth) fl pal 'soup, gwe voy .-soorintsiL 4197. Rpo!ribirs Witutaaves IP Want 111 WIE *RE . irtki0ES.. aliFE 'C*1146ntS4IffjAIWEITS #1147-31111E04 tralkirs:TILThEcfr 737 'Mg" TheLacknow Ilardware&CsOs. saTemE mar /my= MSCTWLEKTS laigeet arm in the world CIMIC 11111011111 that -of °Charies NObleforci, • • Allerta. There ar.e 1.-8000 acres eh:- . der cultivation, and a return •Of about one million dollen; is expeeted'frozu .its operation this :year. . - C.tgaret smeiking is ion the increase all over the -world, aceorifing,tou . cel -ins M . n 39,u00,000,000 -of . these '".ccrffin -were -smoked in the 1.Inited States, and more than 16.000,000,000 were ex - A Itlact Ton Lommon • 'With Farm ititir.x- r ^ • Tintiii,), Mlle no 1,111110 -ported. C.:Decker Mrs. 1.). M. ThOM4)SOn; MacLeod; Baby's Bonnet, IL Living- stone, Mrs. D. D. lflacLetid; Boudoir Cap, Mrs. D. I). MacLeod, Mrs. J. S. Mackenzie; Bedroom Slippers, Mrs. J. ' S. Mackenzie, M. Livingstone; Baby's Outfit, Mrs. K. _MacLeod, Mrs. J. S. Mackenzie; Bo& Towel and Wash Cloth. knitted, Mrs. .1. S. MaCkenzie, M. Livingstone.; Bedspread, fancy, Mrs. J. S. Mackenzie; Child's Romp- . ers, Mrs. K. MacLeod, Mrs. 3. S. sme. ; Kenzie; Dress, girl's, cotton, Mrs. J. S. Mackenzie; Mrs. Tamlyn; Dreelt,, , girl's, cretton, Mrs. J. S. Mackenzie, Mrs. Tamlyn; Dress, 1414Ys, cotton, , Mrs. Tamlyn, 3Irs. J. SrMackertzie;- , Dress and Cover Stand, J. Lyons, Mrs: J. S. Mackenzie; Drape, sideboard, J. Lyons, Mrs. Tarplynt Darning, M. Livi e; Drawn Work, Mrs. Tam- lyn, re. K. Mac_Lend; Embroidery, 1...veiyn Lockhart; DUAL L. 1.164:4146"; eyelet, .1. L4-ains, Miss M. Lyons; Ein.-* Lniuroidery, L.- Lockhart ; Socks, sot - Em broiderynlardinger, Mrs. Tamlyn; titer), L. ''t ; . Tow*, % • I' e' - M. Lipgstone; Embroidery, any oth- •rier',1;,. Lockhart.; t•olin. general wuri,, er, M. Livingstone, I. Lyons; Five 1% . .terrier,, L. Lockfl*rt; Wa.ter clew- O'Clock Tea Cloth, Mrs. J. S. alacken- oruwiiig. Lean McInnes, And. Thouip- zie, Mrs. K. MacLeod; liandkerAiefs, .,,;int; remil dralwing, ,N. 1.'errler. A. Mrs. J. S. Xiackenzie., lidr, K. Mac- 1 hornieson; .Writing., 31. illsicUsiduni, Leod; Hug -me -tight, Z. :Livingstone, :oury Douglas:. Writing, under iu yrii, Mrs. .1. S. Mackenzie; Irish Crochet -iliarion Stewart,• Winnified •Weirster: Bag, Mrs. Tamlyn, R. Livingstone; ntteu, W. terrier, L. Locknart; Car - Luce, Honiton or Point, Mrs., K. Mc- •riita, b•... terrier, Item Purvis; Onions Ikeod. M. Livingstone; Lace,, Duchess, W. Ferrier, Ken. •Titonipson; Veoet- a1, LiVirkrAtOrte Mrs. Tamlyn; Lace, awts, W. Ferrier, K. Thompson; Boit- knitted, M. L:vingstune, Mrs.. K. Me- goat of garden flowers, it. Purv:s, K. Leod; • Lace, crochet., M. Tionlyn, ihuilipi404; Irrawing of. gamic!: tis • Mrs. J. S. Mackenzie; Lace, Batten- planted .ior 1:120, , E. Locknart.,' And. Lunch Set, J. Lyons, Mrs. J. S. Mae- "Luck o ow k all burg. M. Livingstone, Mrs. Tionlyn; Thompson;. E4044Y• kenzie; Laundry Bag, airs. J. S Mc- Fair.•" Myrtle Webster,- W. Ferrier. kAC'ES Kerizie..M. 1.;;"Mgla.CITIt; Mats, table, • . • Mrs. Tamlyn, , Mrs. V. D. llacLefid-,- Iloys, 16 and under, - Alex Andrer.-... •A 1 Mat, fancy, 'M. Livingstone; Mat, 'hool;ed. rag, Mrs. J. S. Mackenzie; Mitts, Mts. K. -McLeod; Netting. Mrs. J. S. .MackenzA, M. Livingstone; Niringown or u'nderwaiot yoke. cro- chet, M. Livingstone, Airs. .1. S. Mac- kenzie; Casts, day. Miss J. Lyons, Ifirs. .1. S. Mackenzie; I'illow Cases, night, M. Livingstone, Miss .1. Lyon; Poiotriv C;aties, crochet lace. S. • Mackenzie. Mrs. Lend; • ('ur i.. M Livingstrme; Pin (ushion. J. Lyons, 31. -Livingstone; Quilt. 'ernehet,. Mrs. 3. 5.. Mact:crait. lamt-r; Quilt knitted, Mrs: J. Ma 'ker.zie Mrs. Tarrit-i.; r'4_.(1 cotton. Mrs. 76,111r4.1:.1., Xi's. D. I). MacLeod; •Quilt,. pieced wool, Titmlyri, Mrs. J. 5. 1111ftekentis; 31acintosti; 130:„-s, 0, and unuer, Ad Mackenzie, Struthers. (;mdie Purvis, Geo. %V. Altt-n.; 56 and under, Meth" AMilitOti; C.;irts, 12 yrs, and uncle?. fit?. el ASriton, Muria 1Ltl, Win:..: kei-rer; Girls, 6 yrsand under, Lor- re:lie trahson, Macintosh, I.atirse Web ;tr.)* lic race, Vitsost, It. Nia f: ThompAor.; 1ac/4iir,, &PG. Dotoklas; Giri • yr-, and Bertha jear. Mackenzie. Mu, ; Mir'? LIP; !ofk., ra• „.„ (,. yeit •, 412141 zfle'li a nto cure., r 1" - i• 1 I •'tire- freoth-%yrnetlim...i.e•sertte-11 uteri (.m.nil viee.lithrtio IT reittuient-c.uhiwitt •ell the ase.ti 47.404••• fentitrtbitteti b‘ rWiwreln11"" •-.1.••••••••••.. Gerf irt at time FM Thitigilkelsalk ai EDISON laulimiPalifra 1 -null ;we in 4`Edisun and Music.' 17 ex- qukite- phonorrrapio ocroulue period • (:abinett-7-4‘11 EdiAhn CubineA. Tonil bt f&r.itiicted n'T it! Tou run chfooseym,irritioinet (in la pi,. (rf pru'e, or size, •tir twit e -it, -aria yet be gu* that irliutovt•r you, io•ket, you7-11-1-rati,' ti- orir, u to, of period itirin- t ure. Teaa * "Edison. and 'VI ucit:. • See• u; wrinderfill Trai,,ir-sotod- f'oirni't tire it tinfcildh. (;.i.Litt"t1";(1,UPii.7' 0 • A•orlotitturv, 1oritto1.1 • caused 'tie firof$01 •109(1:. doe it,rite. !:;•/,.-e•:,:, (SA rientlTion Or .irroatilarrilies • Of 4•*•tit , 1oodit4.4. irregtilurity ti. ieeilitig, • • Oilicy, Or purti.,1 Luo(!( i••••Itl• • (if 11111 dMestive rtaitOr. • . -- carrieilmv..impot ; te •-11. soft: • ite••••••-scil 41i.. tirttn:s1 Ittill; tn./. •t.,•11 -f%.• 144;in. o! 1.1•- Inly; • -fir :••• :tvit;Iws-r• ((7 If- • V:"11ti •"44,•.1, in., tpili•% run.' itLy1.4.!•• h•.:• 11;111 fiN flu- am, , ;• Iff 74,--------('J.-4' •411 t,r. •• -51,17,• 'MP • • 111-'-' 1, it in •-'- 'T 1••••".1.,,,..-7 :I •11•:. • • t•.! .iltn,ep,,•••• ;. T, t• :9. oL o -on --1v to: ionic, !itio:;! .,4_ • l• ; 17 ,,• 1•1 1- • , • T• 4•41-4.. 11." .• •• .1 ft, It, TI• •ri, •C/,v-v44 0' • ri.14•17 '; • '''',•••1" •”•ol•,!. • 41" '."1-• • 7 7 '• • •Ir•4 '! r- 47 •,1. Tv! lty• •,, • !•• .1 1.' "'I • 71 " f h'• • ,'? th, ••• . 4„.., • !-m T.'S. ?co, • •• •, ;7••• nii! •' el, .. ..;, r 1' ./ • ,• s7, • • ••• • '• 4, • •tt p. •, Mt'7 • fro ; • ; ••, i•• ,Tt ' •• • '0 '10' 7S 1,, :"-1:, ...• •, . • fr, t•• • • • . • '• • 1.; • 41. 1,1 I •• `VT •• ' • ,•••• . ' • • ,• ''• 1,1, 7' '• '• • ,I1., • r- 1.. A -su-sniciow whoy it Ytzi ahovio nif hif ninutitaciveWj shit; it. sway et a • ..