The Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-30, Page 5• • ' Ai, • • • •••••••... IABOUT WEANING FOALS They Should be Notied Leatet Four Mouths. Sudden Change of Diet Net Good fur the Visaing Cult--Weap Hine Gradually -- General Hints on Rat/ening enil Handling. tCon.Lritluted by (Inter! - ;p..rtmtnt .4 Aartcuiture. HE g e at v. : .1s should Aveaned is to a great de- . grer governed by dream- , • :-.tanees. f-nder ordinary' to allow the foal for fotfr when the foal is required to will $to better On the other in fair COM11- •_. Quit the Army of Washday Dnidgery! Join 'the ranks of more than 150,000 happy, satis!iel women, who never fear wash -lay, beqiuse they the kvasher that rith cier kai14 I him f;111,=•rs do empty. :At; MOTOR WASHER with cat (gears and four -winged wooden dc,liy-it runs so easy a child can 'operate it. P.isitivety Won't injure even the most deli- . ,:e beariti urt autoMatic (1)‘:ct lirt; r ttt tau -t hih1c- i-ht-ft tub. n :UV rclu 2c:ea eu 3.) 1.t -. it 11,4 Cwie NOW -sett a desioseitratio" eir that remarkable easc,:.iims SIR NMI Ind 111.1 2▪ 111111 E IS nme min McLeod 8 Joynt IMES EMI Lasft can ar - ail its DO not miss your chance to cre- serve • these last sun -ripened giftsofsarnrnertime. Hc,-.v.your fo!ks v. -ill enjoy them, and how -p!faSed you will be to serve them when canned goods zaziee‘ .vith t"p-priced sugar are out of -reach. Tile time for picserving foresight is when the frit is stil,in ason. . Lz.nrie is2,:-cizr best f-en.1in reta:ning the re bottquet of Luscious plums nJ pc c..-7hes. ..le:icritely-tinVoured pears. Its tiny, snc-me- crys; cf purin.: cane dissolve's° quickly • into syr.1.7. of coacc.r-rated swee:tess.th you can smile at. r "Let it simmer until the sugar is all dis- solved„."-bccdc,;:i FTN12: Fruit will, r"3i.r1 its r.r.tural f•-•rrri and cc'Tour hccr.u.cie over- c.)ekivg is unr.e.:$1:-.3-.. 'L.k.•ic WILL go furtlier, and so costs Krt...r:rac REPINERIF4, IIIONTREAL • /el . ;1:4 : • .7 • 4% 01 ri.itTAilfhvitris"-*, tick -aches -- pumpkins tr.:!weseset-„ 1 • • • /I! • • .1111P - - Arogois*,- •••, tisi-versity 41. r Guitar:a , N eiv Course in Business Aciminzstration 'Reriy-Irsitq Oct. 4th. Four year course ',7.,‘••.;r) CALENDAR %J.:1TE 2 . -L. LE, Fiar requirerr.cnt, • : ndiLinns it is .well ware to nurse htr :ltunths or longer.. 1E, is thi:: age, the snare .10 gCtr work, bill if ih VIA wt-aneft, -f the r.1‘.4re bo ion. not requirod for reridar wnrk, stelyi1.1in a rea•oinable 0liii4n- tity of .311k, the foal will do titter tf pot c-aned fO'r a month or two longrr. and the darn. having no labor to f..yrn. will net softer. The ordinary process of weaning. hieh consists in separating mare and pal, and allowing no further In - ;ere -sorsa for several weeks, or until the rrnre has ceased to secrete milk. ans'r lite foal to look for it is In out opic.lolt,1i-rational._ wasteful and on caJ1-4 ar. 's probably unnecessary to awe that 11.e Colt should he taught' to eat chopped or rolled oats, bran, etc.; bet we the process of weaning com- meaces, otherwise 40 will\surely -suf- fer and grow thin. Experience has taught all breeders and feeders of atoek that sudden or violent changes of diet or usage with any elassIof stock is dangeroue. and often expen- sive. , Wben this is. the case with aUolt animals, it is reasortable •to ex- pect It,,.t�be more marked in the youag. • Hence. in order to.avold dan- ger of digestive diseases in the young, and trouble with' the mammary glands. and possibly digestive trou- ble also, in the dam, vre should exer- cise god judgement. ani be satisfied to take considerable trouble when weantr. gthe colt.• In taint cases the *mammary aro paratns is still quite active.. and a considerable quantity- of milk is be - tag secreted when the owner decides that :t is time to "wean the colt." The colt, in addition to.the grass and grain that it has been cousuming. has rhea far been areustorned to milk also. In tact, milk ie. -5 been his principal diet. and. if s:iddenly de- prived cif it he casn..t avoid fretting. and failmg in condition. Then again, the secretion of milk is the mare will not eat/eel at onee, and, unless the glands be relieved of It. mem- mitts w111 be the result.' Last:.ad of maws. also SM. mai et ruo.se. raalang no uzz?. ifir It. as I: - usually done. the colt should get tit, benefit, Our idea of .the propos method of weaning is as follows: When it is dOcided that the colt shall be weaned,. be should be placed in a Lomfortable box call, by hirnself.-or with other eolts that are being wean- ed. There sn)uld be no manerr or boxes into which he can rear or jump. A n d pru!iably injure himself. and th. door and wall should be en hie). that he cannot ;limp over thera or g -t his forIffeet over The dant should be tie‘in a st:.11„ or better. it'eon- venient, kept in a blx stall. not n:ni, eerily far reinu.ed trot her foal. In fact. the writer h:.s made a praeti, of having the stalls ad,loining. sr that the dam and real can see an hear each other. but cannot get to- g . ther. Whether or not the mare t required • for wnrk, she should taken to the colt's stall. LIr btttet colt' lead to -the dant's ar. al. -.wed to remain for 15 le 29 tots three times daily for a wc,k • waits reciiikairredes ONNI•••••01•••••••• 10 tit4 setter ef the ebtate Ptiki Melbstose, late p1 the Tewnekip of Cokes, in the County of Brom Yeveatus, deceaded. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the late Peter Mein- t4h, who died un ur about the eight- eehtti dayef July-, A.D., 1920, at the Toy.-ninip ot KnIcss, in the Pravince uf Ontario, are required tusend by post prepaid or deliver to the under- signed, Administratrix of the estate of the said Peter McIntosh, their names and addresses and full particu- lars In writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities,4if any, held by them duly - verified by affidavit. And take notice 'that after the Six- teeiith day of October, A.D., 1920, the said Administratrix will proceed to, distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whict she shall then have had notice, and that the said Adminis- tratrix will not. be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim she shall not then have received notice. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. , Dated at Lucknow this' Fourteenth 'day of SepteMber, A.D., 192u. Donald& McIntosh, R. R. 5, Lucknow, . Ont, 30-9-500 Administratrix. -o-o-o- An airplane mail service between the United States and Cuba will be inaugurated within a few months. IMEIPm"111PPumr.11P,M111111111191"." Canada's Overseas Trade is $.2,351,000,000 Sea -borne $1,046,000,000 Land -borne $1,305,000,000 More than half this land -borne trade is ultimately sea -borne --but in Foreign Ships. Every pound of Canadian products shipped from. a port outside Canadian territory retards our maritime growth, weakens our national prosperity and , places control of a part of our sea- borne commerce in the hands of a competitive natidn. The Navy League of Canada. 4 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE. COMPANY OF CANADA 7 heapplications for New Assurances received by the • Company during 1919 reached a total of over • $100,000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- surance previously written in one year by any Company of the British Empire. Geo. H. Smith, Get a Policy in 1920. Agent, Lucknow. LIST 01' PRIZE WINNERS (Continued frorn page 4). A. Schmidt, W. Lyons; Squash, Jas. Forster; Pumpkin, James Forster; Citrons, W. R. Ferrier; Parsnips, A. Schmidt, B. Ward; Carrots, long, A. Sclunidt, Jno. Webster; Carrots, short, Leading the colt' in i he dare.' W. R. Ferrier, Jas. Purvis; Beets, st;•IL is a g:Iod system of r•••-ing hi: long', J. MacDiarmid, A. Schmidt; his first lessoas in trtilnina for fut'.. Beets, short, John Webster, A. Sch- usi-fulnese. During the e:und midt;. Winter Radish, A. Schmidt, J. twice daily will be i..tel.-ient to icily theta to7ether. and atter this in., grad:tally shortening ler.gth of the visit limit the mstri:. becomes practically inctire. itti:.• . way each 'gradu..y beto.3. s tomed to ti ora 11. other. The cLange of ; for the ro. is gradiati. And he wectivts the llt” tit .ur the milk that otherwise be wasted. It, Ala.) danger of tuanimitis. in the the glands grac:naiiy be'-onir inactie . In the meantime tr., (*nit $::,)111,1 h allowed aboet *II the w.1.1-etav_tt (tot er. hay a.id chort or rolled 0.it.- • that he will . se Purvis; Tomatoes, I. Congram, A. Schmidt; Corn, Golden Bantam, A. Schmidt, Jno. Webster; Corn, A.O.V., Jno. Webster, A. Schmidt; Celery, A. Schmidt, I. Congram; Cauliflower, A. Schmidt, Mrs. D. M. Thonipson; Wat- ermelen, J. S. Mackenzie; Muskmelon, J. MacDiarmid; Beans, small. white, W. Hunter, A. Schmidt; Beans, any variety, J. Purvis, W. Hunter; Dutch Sets, I. Miller, A. Schmidt; Top On- ions, A. Schmidt, W. Hunter; Potto Onions, .4/ Schmidt, W. R. Ferrier:. and palatable nitI tire is r.i.t11,;, t- Onions, red, A. Schmidt,.Jno. Webster; putting a li-tle ce; ha) and Onions, yellow. A. Schmidt, J. Mae - tion or'oats in a pail in the cv. mat coverirg wait 4, iibbee• ih..et *in Schmidt, Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Col - allowing it to stand ,o11.1 fection.garden produce, A. Schmidt, then pr, oarteg another tttd for .it W. R. Ferrer; Exhibitor winning evenipc. wit:i a ration ot greatest number of 1st prizes in•class oats, we'll' a carrot or 0;0 in addition te 11.e of e;e- N. A. Schmidt. excellent results. uf Hiss i DAIRY AND TABLE SUPPLIES hay he wi:1 quires some time and tioubl.-, a:: when this is not conveni.nthe will do very, well without thp; ation of food note.S. Whta the addition of ce‘,k*4 • excellent r but . tally obtainable. , After the eo has ceaeeo for his dati. he should ho take daily exercise in a yari or end dock, and his feet shonhl be initial..? at least monthly. Usually ander elms. conditions, the wear is nut eq.1A ti the groethand 11 not at:ended the feet will hecceie abnormal in sia. and shape. which t”ay Injure hiiii. Hence they soloild trimincd to the mvt711.3 shape. as f•nr.ditio••.s .0.er...in41. • It J. ft Reed, V A.. 0. A. using Diarmid; 3 varieties vegetables, A. Rosome W •ot, t! •71 ro -n taking them in a -tr.,ek before th, farrow enables them to become ac eustomed to Ibheleauew %%Amok • Judge -S. R. Brill. Special collection of butter, Mrs. 1. Congram, Mrs. Neil. Campbell; Crock of butter. Mrs. N. Campbell, Mrs, 1. Congram, Mary MacLeod; Butter in vints, Mary MacLeod, Mrs. I. Con - cram, El T. Harper,; Home made Bread, white, 'Mrs. N. Campbell. Mrs. Jas. Purvis, Mrs. W. R. Ferrier; Home Made Bread, brown. Mrs. Jas. Web- ster, Mrs. Jas. Purvis, Mrs. W. R. terrier; Home made bread from Hay- . slack dour, Mrs. Jas. Purvis, Mrs. Jos. 1 Hackett, Mrs. W. R. Ferrier; Home m .ade bread front Sepoy Flour. Mary MacLeod, Mrs. Jas. Purvis. NIrs..h.s. Hackett; Hoine made bread, Mrs. Jas. Forster,Mrs. S. Carnochan; Collection pastry bakiat frau Made -Rita Ideal Pastry Phmsr, Rim Jes. Purvis, Mrs. • i W. R. Ferrier; Fruit Salad, Mrs. D. M. Thompson;'Vegetable..Salad; Mrs. J. J. R. Gaunt, Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Maple Sugar, Mrs. L Congmnt; Col- lection home made Candy, Mrs. Jas: Purvis, Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Five O'Clock lea, Mrs. J. R. Gaunt; Sup- per prepared:for working man, Mary MacLeod, MN. J. _Purvis, Mrs. N. Campbell; Baking. made front •Maple Leaf Baking Powder, Mrs. W. R. Ferrier; Mrs. Jas. PitrVis; - Home made Buns, Mrs. W. R. Ferrier, - Mrs. Jas. ‘Purvis; Home made Tea Bis - cults, witite, Mrs. W. R. Ferrier. J. Lyons; Home made Tea Biscuits. brown, J. Lyons, Mrs. Jas. Purvis; .0Id-fashioned Scenes. - Mrs. J. Pur- vis, Mrs. K. MacLeod; 01d -fashioned Oat Cakt*, Mrs.. Jas. purvis, Mrs. D. Huston; Layer Cake, light. Mrs. 411s. Purvis, H. T. Harper; Layer Cake, dark. Mrs. J. Purvis. Mrs. D. Iluston; Johnny Cake, Mrs. D. Huston, J. .Ly - Os; Fruit Cake, Mrs. J. -Purvis. Mrs. int R. '(aunt;... Cookies, Mrs. J. R. Gaunt, Mrs. J. Purvis; Short•Brca. Miss .J. 'Eyons. Mrs. W. R. Ferrier; Pie, lemon, Mts. D. Huston; Pie. pumpkin, Mrs. D. Iluston.Mrs. Jas.. Purvis; Pie. apple. Mrs. as. Purvis, Mrs. W. R.. I'errit'r; Pie tart. Mra. D.. Heston. Mrs. Jas. Purvis; Canned Fruits, Mrs. W. R. Ferrier. Mrs. D. Ilt:ton; llarniul.:ide. Mrs. 1.). Huston. Nirs. D. M. Tho'mpsoit: .,Pickles. Mrs. D. Huston. Mrs. D.• M. Thompson: Jellies, Mrs. D. Heston. Mrs. D. M. thoMpson: Catsup. Mrs. D. Iluston Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Mapie-Syrup.' Mrs.. J. R. Gaunt. Mrs. N. Campbell: • 1,40 Hard. Soap. Mrs. W. R. Ferrier, Mrs. .las. Pun is; .Greatest number of is; ,prizes in class 27; Mrs. Jas. Purvis,. FRUIT• "I Apples -Meanders. Jos. Hackett; Baldwins. K. Cameron. T. .1. Salkeld: Ren Davis, K. Cameron. F. Miller; .1. Sehmidt; ' Cayuga Red Streak, K. Canter. n, Mrs. D. IlUston; Duchess, Mrs. Jas. Purvis; Tilthan Sereets, K. Cameron. G. Greer; Caszt. km pippins, T. J. :Salkeld, R. R. GRAND TRUNK Pst'tv HARVEST HELP EXCURSION'. $15.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus. 1.2 cent per mile beyond ' AUGUST nil' and 16111 from a.1 stations ie 'tne Provinces of Ontatr:o and Quebec, 1'euibr...4.-e, Go:den Lake, Toronto and' east. AUtit'Stitili and ISTIt, fr.izn at stat:ons in Ontario, Parry Scotia .Junction.and south to and ii.- cludieg Toronto; Meatorsi, l'enettaing.. 1.4.1211.1 and Deis.: Ilarber i3ranchts inc;uded. 1.,r futthe.r part.,ul.ars apill.ty to ay brand Trank Ii.t eligent r - C. K. Horning. Disni. z, Passenger Agcr.t. Terotto, Ont. F. Philltps. t;'T. Lutknowe. Maid( n 11inr•! rale T. sa;ecal.1. tererain; Wealthy. 61. T. J. Saifteld; K..hit -k. R. Mackenzie, F. Valle -water. Jos. Hackett; Mani:. K. cailit,run. J. R. 114cket;. kiver. 'ii..Canicron; King l'ip;:iins; .1. liackett; Blenheim Pippins. K. Can.- 'eron; Ritson Pippins, A. Schul:tit, F. Miller; Ontane. K. Cameron, T. 2. Rho‘le Island •.C;recnin4:--., Mrs.- f). Huston:- tio:den Russep, iCont pug, •. • ' Keep Them Grown 'Children who are over -thin. I listless or delicate. s'oould take • Scott's Emulsion' regularly eyety.day as an aid to gmwth and sturdiness. Nothing surpasses Scott's Emulsion as a tonic-natti- eat for. add of any age. sma a immo. TOMO& OBIL WOG 4'