HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-30, Page 1$2,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.5. OTHERWISE. 41111.. tittititt. LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY. $EPT. 30, 1920. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS. • Lucknow Flour Mills FARMERS Come And Get Your Participa- tion Certificates. W. E. TRELEAVE . G. Drinkwalter FURNACES SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED --PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC WIRING. . AGENT FOR THE HECLA 1'Il'ELESS FURNACE. LONDON BUSINESS INSTITUTE Demists & Richmond Sts. London, Ont. Write for information before choos- ing a school. '1 here is a difference. ken terns opened August 30th. J. Merritt, N. Stonehouse, • Principal. Vice-Prin. BOOKS ON FARMING' . The Department of Agriculture at Ottawa includes in its available pub- lications some four hundred titles which embrace practically every: phase "of farming in its broadest sense in Canada. 1 he new list recently issue.. contains thirty new publications which 'relate to dairying. field crops, insect and plant -diseases, live stock the or- chard and garden and poultry. In the miscellanepus list is included "Farm Feeds,' "The Use of Coarse Grain for Human Food," and a new edition of "'The Maple Sugar industry in Can- ada." All. these publications are for the free use of the citizens of Canada and are obtainable for. the asking from the Publications Branch of . the Department of Agi ieulture at Ottawa. DANCE You are. invited to a dance in the Town Hsit, L'lt'k. O ►, F.iday evg, l.)c ;4;h. Music by Goderich Society Or- chestra. Dancing at 9 o'clock, sharp, until 1.30, a.m. Admission $1.00 per couple, ,+atroeladies and gallery 35c. Under auspices of the Lucknow Fire Co. .,111 ST SIGN ' YorR :CAME Folk who send in for publication. notices or accounts of births, mar-. riages or other -matters should sign .their names. We want to know who is resptonsible if the' report is wrong. " It wont do to sign "subscriber," "reader" or anything of that, sort. Anybody may sign in that way. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o LOCAL AND GENERAL o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ripley fall fair was held yesterday. Miss Hazel M.. Aud:son, 1{.N , , of Yorkton, Sask., is the guest; of Mrs. ,D. R. '..:.u. Dr. Stevens, of London, was in town the end of last Week, being the ,guest of Mr. and Mrs. i<), Sherrttf. Miss Melinda Finlayson, of Detroit, is spending the week with her mother north of the station. • tVe ha\ a just received several cars of coal. -McLeod ik Joint, Hardware Merchants, Lucknow, Coming,. on Oct. 19, the ,best con- cert of the season. See particulars next week.-Lucknow Fire Co. Mr. Elliott -Little is over from Chic- ago to spend a week's vacation with ups, parents, ,Mr. aid Mrs. W. J. ..Little,. Ars. Ernest U'Nell, 'ot near Wind- sor, with her three chikken, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Howe. The entertainment given by the Swiss Bellringers in' the Hall Monday night drew a good crowd and • is • re- ported an all round success. Mrs. M. ,Mortis is home after rec- eiving ,treatment for her eyes at the London Hospital. She is greatly ben- etited and can now see to go about.. Mr. and all•_. Jas. R)th.ti•: and daughter, tie'ielr,• e -no we_% visiting wit's Astir. and Mrs. W. 4. Davison, have returned to their home at Virden. Man. CORN Tiia-Inthe Township of Kinloss, on Sept. 22: 19:.'0, to Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Tiffin. a daughter. H -In Lucknow, on. Sept. 27. 1920. to Mr. and Mrs. Wnr. E. Henderson. a son. ,MARRIED Word was received* in town during the week that Mrs. A. M. Armstrong, of London, a former resident of Luck - now, had ,been the victim -of an auto- mobile accident, sustaining a com- pound fracture of the arm. THE ANNUAL FALL FAIR AT , LUCKNOW The 55th ninnual fall fair of • the Lucknow Agricultural Society has paused - into history, the event having been staged Thursday and Friday of last week. The weather was delight- fully fine, unless onecomplains of the .unseasonable heat of the afternoon. This, however, is one of the years when it cannot be said that the Show was "bigger and better than ever." IIere there was the same sort of fall- ing off as was reported from Goder- ich and Kincardine this year -a its first victory over the men of shortage in the exhibits, especially Bruce. It was on that memorable oc- noticeable in horses and cattle. The casion when Huron, having won the reason for this, perhaps, is net far first pull, the second proved a dead to seek. Help on the farms is scarce, lock, and for a whole hour and thirty and • it takes a lot of time and work minutes the teams tugged and strug- to fit up a team or a few head of Bled neither being able_ to budge the cattle for exhibition. It is said, too, other an inch until at last someone that a great many heavy horses were fearing that some of • the men might shipped out of the locality during the die in the struggle, cut the rope .and summer. But nodoubt the rise of put an end to what .was perhaps . the the automobile has much to do with greatest physic l contest of all tine. _.the failure of country folk to bring There were giants in those days." their live stock to the fair. They For .eight successive years Eruce had came themselves as usual but they won from Huron, but this time the came the easiest way -by auto; and decision went to MacDonald's team. they didn't bother fetching the horses It had won the first pull and during and cattle along. As for buggy and .the deadlock the centre of the rope carriage horses, these have been so stood about three feet to the Huron largely • supplanted by the automobile- side. that .they may not be expected. in Mr. MacDonald went to the Pacific considerable numbers. coast 28 years ago, and for a num- The inside exhibits of fits, roots, ber of years conducted a large groc- dairy produce, ladies' work and cook- ery store at Nanaimo, Vancouver ery were quite up to those of former Island. (Ie sold out the store eight years and quite a number inspected years ago and for the past three ASHFIELD OLD TIMER VISITS LUCKNOW Lucknow .had as a 'visitor for a few hours last week Mr. John A. MacDon 1, of Nanaimo, Bk„ a for- mer resident of Kintail villat}e. Mr. MacDonald is best remembered in this_ part as the man who captain- ed for a number of years' the Huron County Tug -of -War team in the days when the Caledonian games made the name of Lucknow known far and wide. To a friend we heard MacDon- ald remark that it was just 33 years ago this September that his team won these on Thursday.. evening. Gate receipts indicate that the crowd was not quite up to that of the best years, but it was not far behind. There was the usual sociability and pleasant time all round. The concert on Friday evening driw a full house, and the entertainment was of a high older. A dry spell of unusual length for this time of the year was broken Sun- day unday and Monday by electric and rain storms of summer-like severity. The rami was most welcome to moisten the dry grass fields. „ - and fill, empty cisterns. It will also give the fall wheat a boost. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Armstrong are this week k at St. Louis, Missouri, at- tending the_ big convention of drug- ;ists being held there. They went by motor to London • where on Monday they caught a special trach run b. the Rexall Co. for the benefit of the: store • managers. This was one, of eight special trains, all scheduled to arrive in St. Louis at the same hour from all over the continent, a fact which suggests the magnificent scale on which the convention is cc nducted. Mr. E. S. Caswell, of the Toronto Public Library, visited Lucknow and Ashfield friends the past week, while in town being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson. Mr. Caswell as i boy worked on The Sentinel, and never fails when in Lucknow to call and see how much of the old plant is still in commission. He did nqt fol- low up -the printing but he never has forgotten the days when he threw type and helped .get out the paper on the old Washington press. He visited also at Dungannon, Goderich 'and Clinton. W hytock-Filiett.-:1t the Parson - :vv. Luekna', on Wednesday. Sept. 2o.,1920, by the Rev. R. Fulton Irwin. James Wesley Whytork. of Culross. Miss Edna Elliott, of Kinloss. and At'CT11ON SA LE KINGSBRiDGB . -Monday, Sept. 27. Wedding bells are ringing loudly. Miss Katie Dean is visiting her mint. Mrs. J. E. Sullivan. Father Donnelly, of Denver, Color- ado, spent 'a few days visiting friends here. Mr. Jos. Stiles O'Laughlin. Dean O'Reilly. who spent the sum- mer here, • has returned to Dakota. ..Gus and Irene McCarthy have re- turned to Detroit. Quite a number from here took in the Fair and dance held in Lucknow is visiting Mr. Jos. Alfred .8. Fowler. Lot 1S. Con. 7. West Wawanosb, will have a sale of his faun stock on Oct, 4th, commenc- ing at o00 o'clock. J o Atte, OA on Friday, and all report a jolly time. Threshing is the order of the day. This comttiunity witnessed the worst electrical storm of the season Sunday evening. The barn belonging to Morrill Durnin, 'on the 2nd. Con., was totally destroyed. and a number of cattle in the neighborhood were killed by lightning, Lennon O'Laughlin and Willie My- ers paid tying visits to Ed. Foley's and M. J. O'Connor's Sunday night. L-, irate hoot for Toby. W-, go slow and easy through that cheek. Itoposta*a «mis 'spdib when you •a wt l►wrOkibas r+0 LIST OF PRIZE WINNERS • . HORSES Imported Horses or tracing to Im- ported Dams -Brood Mare, Sam Mc- Comb, John McQuillin; Foal, Sam Me- , onlb, John McQuillin; Female, any age. W. McQuillin, 1 jand 2. Heavy Draught Horses (Canadian Bred -Span in harness and wagon. W. Watson, Jas, Forster; Brood Mare, 3. -Hunter, S. McComb, J. Forster; Horse, Foal, S. McComb, J. Hunter, J. Forster; Filly Foal, Angus Graham; Two-year-old Gelding, J. Hunter; fwo-year-old Filly, W. A. TaylorrFe- male, any age, W. A. Taylor, J. Hun- ter. Agricultural -Span in harness and rig, D. MacGregor, :Rod Ross, J. For - vis. ster; Brood Mare. W. A. Taylor. S. Carnochan; Filly Foal, S. Carnochen, W. A. Taylor; 2 -yr. -old Gelding, Jos. Ta41or, W. A. Taylor; 2 -yr. -old Filly. Jos. Taylor; 3 -yr. -old Filly, Wesley Henderson; Female, any age, D. Mc- Gregor. 1 and 2. General Purpose Horses. -Brood Mare, Willie Lyons; Foal of 1920, W. Lyons; 2 -yr. -old Gelding or Filly, W. Henderson; 1 -yr. -old Gelding or Filly, A. Graham. W. Henderson, Jas. Pur - Carriage Horses -Single Horse, W. H. Cameron, Fred MacLean, J. H. Whytock; Brood • Mare, 'H: Mathers : Foal of 1920, D. A. MacDonald, H. Mothers; 2 -yr. -old Gelding or Fillj, Jas. Alton. Jas. P rvis; Span in har- ness, W. M. Johion. - Light Horses -Buggy horse in har- ness,Geo. Cruikshank, J. • Forster, C. Howey; Brood Mare, J. Forster, J. Johnston; Foal of 1920, J. Johnston, J. Forster. , - Specials -Lady Drivers, Mrs. 3. Henderson. Mrs. W. 11. Cameron. Mrs. G. Cruikshank; Gentlemen's turnout. G. Cruikshank, W. H. Cameron, . J. ;Forster; Ladies' Hitching Race. Jean Johnston,' Mrs. Jas. Webster; Mare or Gelding. any age or class, D. Mac- Gregor, W. A. Taylor. Jake Hunter; Halter -broken foal, W. Lyons' Boys? Competition, 16 to 19 years, judging horses, Willie McQuillin, Watson Webster. Sam Alton; Boys' Competi- tion. 15 yrs.+and ander, judging hors- es. -Alvin Woods, Wellington Webster, John McQuillin; Heavy Foal, any' class, Angus Graham. CATTLE Judge -William Moffat. = • Special -Fat Calf,' W. H. ,Taylor. W. Lyons; Calf, fed by a boy 15 yrs. or under. W. Lyons. . Pure Bred Shorthorn -Bull; 3 yrs. or over, MacKay Bros: Bull. 2 yrs. MacKay Bros; Bull Calf. 6 months, MacKay Bros; Bull Calf, S months and ander, MacKay Bros., .e. F..- Rob- ertson; Aged Cow. MacKay Bels, 1 and 2: 2 -yr. -old Cow, limier Bros: !•ytr: old Rotes, 6tseZsy gra., 1 sad (CosOseed le Mit 4). f M years as been employed with the Provincia Government in connection with lands lement. He came east an a vacati trip and was as far as New York ity. WEDDING BELLS Stockham--MacDiarmid A pretty home wedding was solem- nised at the residence of Mr.'and Mrs. -Alex MacDiarmid, Paramount, Thurs- day, Sept. 16th, at 3.30 o'clock, when their second daughter, • Catherine Gor- don, beeame the bride of Mr. George D. Stockham, Jr., of Detroit, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Stock - ham, S Detroit. Rev. Mr. MacCal- lum otiated: The ceremony took place before• n bank of asters and ferns. The bride was attired in brown georgette and carried a shower boquet of cream roses. She was at- tended by Mrs. Tompkins, Detroit, who wore . black satin and georgette • and, carried pink roses. Miss Helen Tomp- kins was ring bearer, while Mr. Lyall MacDiarmid, Detroit, .acted as best man. Miss Annie Blue, of Lucknow, played the wedding music. After; a wedding dinner a reception was held in the evening. Guests present from Detroit were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Stockham, Sr., Mrs. Tompkins, Miss Helen Tompkins, Mr. D. L. MacDiar- mid, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mackenzie. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Washburn and Douglas. The bride and groom left by motor for .their future horse in De- troit. carrying with them the best wishes of many friends. oi0•- Lt'CKNO1ti SCHOOL NOTES WHITECUUI:CB -Monday, Sept. 27. Mr. and M ts. J.,hn • Fleming, of Hamilton, North Dakota, are visiting with Mrs. Fleniinr's mother, Mrs. Jas. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin, of Wingham Jct., visited at Wm. Mar- tin',s on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jno. alcGee and Miss- . es Lily and Helen Pate rson visited i►i Teeswater on Sunday. Mr. and Nit's. W. J. Rintoul and children, of Dutteie t i•: a visitors at Mr. ,Gihs•,n t:!!if'.a•ir'. on Sunday. Mrs. nn.l flae Lhter, Mks Annie, of ltai ilton, North Dakota, are visiting at the home of Mrs.•Snail lie's brother, Mr. Andrew Ferrie. Mrs. Bricker and grandson, of .Lis- towel, aro vaitors at Mr. A. Emmer- son's. Mrs. Pit►. r an.! daughters, Retta M and ar, :.ret, of Powasson,. are vis- iting at Mr. A. E. 1'urdon's, aliss Gita Mcr'leliaghan visited ov- er Sundae v. ith Mr. wed Mrs. Dustan Beecroft. • Mrs. Mowbray,' of Edmonton, Alta., is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Cottle. Miss Nettie Cottle arrived home on Saturday after a two months' vis- it with friends in • the West.* • . Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Falconer, motor- ed to Orangeville with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Falconer,. of Culross, and spent the week -end with their daughter, Mrs. Wel wood. CHURCH NEWS Methodist Church. -The pastor will conduct both services next Sunday, al- so preach in Whitechurch at 3 o'clock. Ashfield 'Methodist Circuit. -Sun- day, Oct, 3, Rally Day Services at Blakes and Hacketts Sunday Schools. Evening service at Zion Church. Presbyterian Church. --The Sacra- .ment of the Lord's Supper will be ob- served next Lord's Day at the morn- ing service. The Preparatory ser,-- ice er:-ice on' Friday evening ai 8 o'clock will be conducted by Rev. F. C. Over - end, of Kincardine, and the service on Saturday at 3 o'clock by . Rev. H. Campbell, of Dungannon and Port Al- bert. Oct. 7th is to be given over . es a Fied Day in the Lucknow Schools. A' full program of .sports, including base- ball match, is being arranged and no effort will be spared to make the day a success in every Ivay. ' In the morning bicycle races, a marathon race and other events wilt be held for'*he boys,, and a series of basket -ball games have been arrange for the girls. The afternoon sports, which will be- gin promptly at 2, p.rn, will provide a full and varied series of events for all students, to be followed by a base- ball game between L.C.S. and an out-. side team. The day will be brought to a close by a concert in the :town Hall com- mencing at 8. p.m. in addition to an excellent program, prizes will be pre- sented to the various winners of the morning and afternoon events, - The public ate cordially invited to attend and help make the day the suc- cess it should be. A full day's enjoy- ment is assured and • everyone who can possibly do so should arrange to be in attendance on Oct. 7th. Eggs. Attar. Bqs LOCAL MARKET 55-84 , , 67-40 10.00 --o-o-o-- BELFAST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • 'O o EVERYBODY'S 'COLLALN O 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MONEY TO LOAN on mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. 1 u c 1nsurutice, both stock and Mutt.ul Companies. Conveyancing with neatness and despatch. - Geo. A. Siddall, Broker, Lucknoe. DR. PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at a.�l ,louse, Lucknow, every •tv etli,c a- taxy afternoon. All-cnrur►.c easeS Suta.essiuliy teopathy 1u111U, t lilt'' • .lit* . t:ol CilUal'J vi t1..' Aa.. • AUI:n‘l.. the spine la U.ule 5t:luittl ��,.1 �tlltl lrtctl tltaluor.�1 1'� lt:• tuo1►atIt,' tllarl us ally i'Utt'.1' n1CtU i All kinds of fat poultry wanted. �>ligl,e�se~Toronto prices paid. Also all kinds of junk wanted. If you aave any, let me know. Phone 216. 'Jake Libel. .. LIVE POULTRY WANTED: High- ,st prices. paid. Siiverw nods Ltd., l.ucktww. Phone 47 r 2. ' 12-8ti. MISS BUTCHER, Teeswater,-De- signer of Hair Goods, transformations, switches, etc. Your order solicited. 31-12-p. Anybody wanting sheep on snares, call on ALEX. ROSS, Luckgow. • 7-10-p., COLT ASTRAY --Came to the pre - of the undersigned, just west of Lucknow, a colt.._ Owner 'may have _,acne on proving property and paying _xpenses, R. J. BUTTON. -Tuesday, Sept. 2S: Miss Mildred Treleaven. of Luck - now, was the guest of Miss Violet Tw amley Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carey. of Shep- pardton, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin and Mr. and' Mrs. Walter Alton spent a few. days last week with relatives at Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. 'Nelson Graham spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity: . Obituary -Mr. John McMillan. a respected resident of Ashfield. died in R ingham Hospital Sunday morning where he had been taken the day be- fore for tmetment._Mr. McMillan was of a very quiet disposition and made friends of .all with whom -he came in contact. Ile was in religion a Presby- terian. He was born here. 53 years ago on the farm which he still omitted. and where he residesi all hi• life. He leaves to mourn his loss two.brothers and two sisters. Neii and Mrs. Henry Mullin. fo Lucknow. Malcolm and Mrs_,, John Stothers. Ashfield. The funeral held from the home of his brother Malcolm on Tuesday afternoon to Kin- loss cemetery was largely attended by sympathetic friends and neighbors. Rev. Mr. Copeland conducted services at .both house Anel grave. Much sym- pathy • is extended, to the bereaved ones. '1FEE !NG -Tuesday. Sept. 2S.. Mr. Jas. Raid. Thos. -and Miss Eon - ice Reid. of Barfield. visited at Mr. ThoS. Blake's ?Ando-. Misses Mary Helm and Janie Topp visite Miss Jessie Stothers ` turday. inspector Thottr, of Goderich, visit- ed S. S. No. 9 on Monday. Mist M. Sturgeon. of Berrie, is teacher in charge of our young hope- fuls this year. Sunday .School Ralf will be held in 1 til. SALE. -Cutter, .nearly i:e •" ;. Phaten buggy; Stock raci:, • 1:; Atli, lura the 1119111'16* -'.:-1 in. xm; .n.; 11 -in: grinder; Iron laythe, a number of anchorposts; Milch cow .vith calf. Apply to THOMAS SAN- i)Y, 12th Con., Ashfield. 30-9-p• FARM FOR SALE -100 acres good tend, bot , Gm 8, E. D. Ashfield. Chere are on the farm two good barns A frame aweliing, pig pen, hen house. good orchard good well. For partic- ulars apply on the premises. GEO. GLAZIER, R. 7, Lucknow.. . 14-10-p• Blake's Church next Sabbath morning. We have just received several cars of sass:--McLood ! Joint, a • 4 ii MinnM ta, Locks'''.. Bon. Wary? AUCTION SALES An auction • sale of farm, farm stock and implements (estate of the late Peter MacIntoshl at Lots 14 and 15, 3rd. Con., Kinloss, on Sept. -30th. commencing at one o''.loek, • p.in. The farm will be subject to a reserved bid ' J. Purvis, Auc. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Postmaster General, 'will be re- ,:eived at 'Ottawa until noon on Fri- day, the 22nd day of October, 1920. for ,the conveyance His Majesty's Bails. on a proposed Contract for four years. six times per week, over Lucknow No. 1 Rural Route. from the Postmaster General's pleasure. Printed notices containing further Information as to. conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen a:td 'lank forms of Tt n'Ier May be ob- tained at the Post t)ttices . of Luck - now. Ht►lyrood, Ripley. Whitechurelt, and at the office of the Past Office Inspe. tor. London. Chas. E. H, Fisher, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Iaspector's office. London. 16th July, 1920. 30-9-531'. .EIGHTH CON.. KINLOSS -Monday. Sept. 27. Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm: M.Phert.m, of W in,ghani. visited at Geo. Harris' a day this week. Georgena Swalwell is vis,t-,'Ig h; r aunt, Mrs. Jos. Culbert. Mr. and Mrs.:Thos. Congram called on Charlie (longram's en Sunday las:. Mrs. J. 5. Culbert, who was spend- ing a coultle of weeks with 1,ondt'n and Lucan friends, has returned hemi. Don't forget Ripley Fall Fair, Wed. • Mr. Henry Culbert paid a flying visit to Goderich. What's the attrao - I Sept. 29th. 11 1 r • 1