HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-23, Page 8• • • 1 • • 110741112%- 3 k s. Ammarror.- • INSTIRINKABLZ MIJ N D }VW E.A R IPC1 end SMALL esati fit them al: w.i; n STANFIELPS' -* - IN 4 And let us show you the UNDER- WEAR that the boys over in France. STAN - FIELDS is a Inuse- ho dword in. Can- ada. Let your next underwear be STANFIELDS. 11 Barred }Locks. Pair--.1arg. MzKen- 7i.,, Chas. Robinson, Harvey Ackert.' Louis Taylor, Nettie Colwell. CoAerel —Ma rg. McKenzie, Al N in Percy, Chas. Robinsn, Kenneth Mc- Kenzie, Harvey A.ek . Pullet—Marg. McKi tie, Clair, Mc- Pougall, Jinunie McPherson, Harvey Ackert, Chas. Robinson.. , •-• Light Cake, Iced—Tena Hawkshaw, Mary McKenzie, Ethel: Richardscn, Lena Robinson, Margaret McKinnon. RiatIf McLean. At:ron—Gertrude lIamiltim, Clara • McGillivray, Lola, 'McGillivray, Lena RObitson, Clara Purdon, Rena Car- ruthers.,- , Hattn—Mary McIntyre, • Blanche iTatiiilton, Rena . Carruthers, Aln:a Carruthers, Evelyn McLeod, Jean Scott: ' - ' ' .. • Asters-7-BessieChesnut, Katherine McK innon. 1 Tattle Bcicirilet---Betty Car Winnifred 'Ackert, Mary McKinnop., Lena Robinson, Blanche Ilamilton. White Bread—Margaret..Nichityre.• Tena Hawkshaw, Nettie Colwell, Lena . Robinson, Gertrude Hantilt4, Jetta' McLean. , • . Brown. Bread .--Gertrude Ham il ton. Biseuits—Jean Scobie; Jean Dsw- son. Lena Robinson, Evelyn McLeod, Blank -he Hamilton, Mary Campbell.. I Apple Pie—Nettie • Colwell.; Tena 1 Hawkshaw, Margaret„MeIntyre, Lena 1 Robinson, Alma Carutheri. 1 ornmar..00111rmor,rorarmins...-, Phone No. 10 Is at Your Service We Sell tor Cash We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores tge- CAMERON, MURDOCII & CO. TOWN HALL, TLUCKNOW MON., SEPT. 27th. T. 'Ceti ARDT PRESENTS T E MUSICAL ECKARDTS kiNLOSS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL FAIR List. of Prize Winners. Sheaf Oats—John McIntyre, Joe aunt, Wesley Wesley Younz. Jas. Wilon, Karl Boyle, Harold Prey. Qts. oats...4ex. Gaunt, Voting, Or id Johnstmt. Jas-. -Wilson, MFIntyre, Karl Boyle, Ilarct4 Pemy. Sheaf Barley—Joe Elliott. Qts. 'Barley—Joe Elliott. Siicat IA-heat—Malcolm '11,ass. .• • •Pcas—Harey Hedgias, Blanche IIantilton, Roy Graham,..Pot.1 Hodgkin.. G. M. Potatoes—Geo, Colwell, Moffatt; Gordon Statters, Irene Moore. .:rnonias, Moffatt, Kenneth Mckenzie, Wm. Broome, Win. Chcs-- nut. • SWISS BELL RINGERS MUSICIANS, VOCALISTS AND COMEDI A NS A TON OF MUSICAL NOVELTIES DAINTY DANCERS THE MILLER SISTERS CLEVER ENGLISH JLVENILES BRILLIANT 1- 1_ EVER • COSTUMES COMEDIENNES THIS IS YOUR LAST. CHA NCE TO HEAR THE -OLD ORIGiN. • /At SWISS BELL RINGERS, AS THEY ARE RETIRING FROM THE STAGE AFTER A. SUCCESSFUL 'TOUR OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA FOR THE PAST TWENTY-TWO . - YEARS. ADULTS 50c. CHILDRE'l 25c. Test theNewEifison 01 our *tore If the New Edison can make. you feel the same emotion's as eau t he • living artist—it proves itself the musical equal of the -living artist, doesn't it • Come in and see whether it can do this. Well give you Mr. Edison'. Realism Test—the most fascinating of Rhonograph experitiees. • J. G. Armstrong. LuTnow C. ,Pot;ttot—Bert yhIn.r.,:oi).. i Cecil Johnston, Ethel .. Rieharils.an. 1. Harvey Hodgins. David Henderson. -1•Willie Carnoehan. Creta Heckle?. it :tree 3IcKinmal: INIang:ek—John" All:Fa..-larie. Stec. -- 1 art Smith. Harvey Ackert. .Haralil i•Thompspn. Eddie Hodgins, Lydia J. %II Inl:rdi!lisze Cont-,-Markers Die .. . •.Tornips - Frank Thon:p...ort. Jal!nri,. , Missal]. Edward Nloore.. Jack Flet - I c:,..r. Ernie Hanna. E , ynert . . Sweet furn--K. McInnes. 'Annie i rolvvell, Ge,I. :`-lidfltetln. •Greta Ilud7.-- 1 kin,zon, Norine Hods. I I:vets—Jean Dawn. Olive Ken-. nr,,iy,I.itie Ilodekinscin. Helen Burt.. 31:itilda R-.-nr. Mae Hoyle. l'a--:•tf: Winnif,vd• .tokort. •7tiiry ..‘te.lc.rmen. Jean.1n7.'t, 1• • . 'Me.ra.-*ano. • IVidie S..ott. Ph 'ON' . . . . • . 0 eions-.— 1 .avorns= .4.--itast-m.-------P.„•ith - I 'Met: innen. XCtt ie Colwell. Jennie M Thorn..Pitss Gr.7!rt. 1 11-1--rins--Nlinnie Richards. . 11„...;..ejs..._fohn Ieletyre. -.kr. tranAtnr.. - kith MeKinn.,n. • ' - - . . ATira Ca.-rut:ter-1- , . , ' l'-• -.i S,c.I4—retil ..lrohn-t.: rt. - ' . .'t.—RE!13. Ca rr: : he i.,.t. . —Janes 31eGillivray, John Frank .1leNall„ • Murdock ::tcwart. Gorl.n Statt,•rs. Jas. S;..w- na. SpAik%n—Pat.k1 Carter. Karl 11:yle. iIerviivn li.-hi,von. Chatlie .11Ogigins. '.. Fore.': Timbers—Chai. Rohinson. • . S. hoOt Parade—No. 5. Kinloss. No. Nu. • /-•ysical t'ult.ireCuenp.:on,-, .--•. k i 21:42,4. • - • ' ' • ' ' - M in 1 i 40. AI/tires:v-40bn Mc I n tyre. Halter Ilroken Spring f'..•It t Draft) . tTES OF NEIGHBORING FAIRs FolloWinit, thr list of Fa'cl FaiTs in this district: Lucknow. . ... Teeswater.. Wingham.. . Myth.. . . . .... ..S.cpt. Z;0. Oct. 1 _Jot, . itarrvii 'me giiirner. Gru ertde Hamilton. Mar - McIntyre. Eddie Ilodgimt. Pe.r —Haney At-kert, flair Fra iter. Aims Carruth - c rs: Halter Bnikcn Spring Colt .(licht• • —30e Elliot t. I. . . Scat. . —Sept. 2▪ .;-24 Sp:, . Stpt. 30,.Oct, 1 ' OZE %ova at,. TIM pe (mem- in et when irte tor. rt r -t TrA r.sit 74ctit trrita- e. h. as crAdta- a• y rt- •..he iitir • paper an.i • f per•!.40`. APA'. & box; ati stka...eitv L...tuaawitu Bates* (stk. , 1.4s4ed.rovosilv. • 1 • ' WE -TERN OXXARIO PRO- . GRESSES EDUCATION:IVY, Loikdon..Sept. 21.—Westent nrer- sity has taken another step in its de- v,eloiment by opening ,a special course in Business Administratien. There has been a crying need. throughout,. Canada for years for a. specialized cotirsein scientific Business Adniinis- tration. The need has been but huller- 1 fectly and inadequately met by car - respondence courses with American,. Sehobls and colleges. ' Prospective students are required lo old certificates.of Junior Metric-. .Chathani. England, has retired after FIRST QUALITY GOODS AT LOW PRICES WE COT A GENUINE SURPRISE LAST WEEK WHEN A SHIPMENT OF COILED WIRE ARRIVED FOR US. THIS WIRE WAS PURCHASED LIST NOVEMBER, BUT ON ACCOUNT 01 ADVANCED COSTS AND NCARCITY 01 MATERIAL WE HAD GIVEN -UP HOPE Or IA ER RECEIVING 1T. • HOWEVER, rr IS HERE, THE BEST QUALITY CLEI ELAND WIRE, AND IT WILL BE SOLD AT t.C.50 PER CWT,—CASH. PHONE YOUR ORDER AND WE WILL HOLD 11' FOR YOU. WE HAVEV SEVERAL SHAiDES SHERWIN LJP 11 • WE Alit.p. cLEARiNG r _ WILLIAMS PAINT. WHICH 11 11 \ BARGAIN PRICES. THE COLORS A RE GOOD--THE,PAINT THE "BEST QUARTS $1.201 PINTS 6:ic, TheLucknow Hardware &CoalCo. THE STORE' THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS • Albert Rose. a dockyard worker in More than 300 American Scouts are visiting the hatz:01,. 56 years' st.rviee. Rose claims ht and eemeteries of Fraaee and It was never late and never lost an hour [glum after the;i: ":anthoree" in Er. - during his long service.. ulation. Dr. K. P. R. Neville. Regis- trar of the University will give fell information regarding this new course pf lectures to all enquirers. land. I • Make This Store Your Home on AIR DAYS, 28th ---294th • We want to show you a real full store filled with all new and seasonabe goods. THE LATEST IN DRESS GOODS F'OR rm.!. _XNI) WINTER WEAR Cahardir..-s, Velottr, Ilroadcloths. New fabrics in the latest co!arin;.-., and .4.•!d at reasonable SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS 1011 and C1111.1HCES--:1; N EV ER was V.r,re s.Nown such aa • • of style's coirs and toed valtvc-• a, ‘'‘ e shook to. If you cen- ter:1143i: buying a new coat don't hey. until 3 ou give our stock a look ov er. NEW SILKS Popular Maid. for -Allis Or dres.,..•s just arrived. also Ne* Vaikttes. Taf- fetas. Ihichee. all stockedin the new and popular s!lad.....7. Overcoats Suits for the Men and Boys NEW STYLES are --how n for the men. (We of the grand.,..1 assort- ment of Coats and Suits are nn in stock. Valles are eirelirnt. t‘e • - I prise rimy with our Low Price-. FAIR DAY --- We purpose giving you extra values in many lines. We will have Spec- ials in all departments. Leave your Coats, Parcels and all excess baggage here. We will care for it. Come here for GREATER VALUES. MUNNS, RIPLEY •