HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-09-23, Page 1ANAL.....-........+.
Flour Mills
Come And Get
Your Participa-
tion Certificates.
G. Drinkwalter
:1.1_, TRI(_` \WIRING.
tom.•. ��.�.Y�r� --_ - - - -
Uandas fit Richmond --Sts.
London, Ont. '
Write for information before choos-
• ing a school. There is a difference.
• Fall term opened August 30th. •
J. Murritt, • 1 N. Stonehouse,
Principal. Vice-Prin.
Mr. and Mrs._. Will inlay and -Mar-
g.ret ,motored 'to London Wednesday,
spent the •day at the fair, returning
that evening. They visited friends
is Wingham. and Teeswater Saturday.
. Mrs. -I. Craig, of nonny Brooke, vis,
ited her daughter,.. Mrs. W. Finlay,
last week. ' •
Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake and Mr.. Wal-
lace Twamley• speak, . Thursday and
Friday at • London Fair..
Mrs, Wm. Blake is v isiting her sis-
tt•r, .11 rs. • Alton, at Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kilpatrick and
,family and .1r. Bert Treleaven spent
• a tout& of days last week with
frit. nils at Allanford.
M i. A. McKee, of Sault Ste. 3Iarie,
visited at the home of S. J. Kilpat-
rid; part of last week. . •
• Mr. -Thos. Blake and daughter,•'01-
it;t•, were in London part of last week.
M r. • 1-a:ar 5tuthers returned to
Guelph Ias't week to resume his stud-
ies • in the 0. A.C.•
In loving memory of our dear son,
and brother, Pte. Clarence Donald, 43
• Battalion, killed in action Sept. 21,
• 1916, at the Battle, of the Somme.
Little we thodght when he .bade us
• good-bye,
Ile had left us forever -he had left
us tci die.
Ile bravely answeled his country's
*N. _
He gave his life for one and a►I. ,
His heart was '.►od his sri.it br^ve
:le now '.: i. : t►'t� �� : rat e�.
1` ei • os and Ilrethers.
A number of the member: of the
Presbyterian Auxiliary attended the
W.M.S, Conference held at Winghanl
Tdesday afternoon. The conference
was well attended, and those who took.
part in the program showed great
earnestne a and enthusiasm. A 'short
earnest ad. Tress was given •by a re-
turned laxly missionary from Africa,
who haPpened to be in the audience.
-0 0•o ----
Miss F.leatior M. Grei,*. only (laugh-
ter of Judge and Mrs. Grei._, of Wal-
kerton, was married last week to kir.
('. Ernrnrr:',n Linty. ty, barrister of
.Roblin, Man. The_.niarritz e. took plsse
in Knox ('hitrch. 'K'xrksrten, Re;. \V.
II Burgess oti'tei•,ttint.•.
Eggs. • • '
Batter.. •. .... •.�%.''
•U 20.00
O --0-O 0 0 O
Lucknuw's big Fall Fair to -morrow.
Thanksgiving Day.this year will be
celebrated on October 18th--Montiay.
A man, hauling wood to town .
$48 f ui his days • haui-two loads.
Miss . V. Ruttle, of London, • is the
guest this week of ;Hiss Isobel Doug-
Mr. Ashley .Blair was over from
IIarriston on Tuesday meeting- I.t.tck-
pow friends.. •
I\1 r. -Jim Ros ;, , of. • Port linea►►t„ it
':Lucknow boy df '29 years ago is
•' iting friends here. •
Mrs. Stewar.t'Altun and family, of
• Toronto, spent a few days of the week
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1Mullin.
Miss Letitia Joynt was in Toronto
a few days last week and attended
the marriage of her`friend, Miss Jesse
L. Bennett.
The first cargo of new grain from
the..West t.,,..ierich on Tues-
day of last week.. • 1 t consisted of
wheat, and flax.
•Rev. R. MacCallunr and Mr. R. D.
Cameron attended a meeting of Mait-
land Presbytery at Wingham -on Tues-
day of this week. -
Mrs. Pincombe, of ' Detroit, wire
spent a few days recently with her
sister, Mrs. D. Geddes, returned to
her home on Monday.
Mrs. Barrett and children have re-
turned to London after spending a
month's vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong. •
Misses Ethel and Jean Armstrong
have returned to London after spend-
ing a week's vacation with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong.
Mr.w and Mrs. Brown Mallough re-
turned from their honeymoon trip on
Tuesday night, and will be in town un
til the first of the week when they.will'
go to' Grimsby to reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 'Lindsay arriv-
ed home. Tuesday_ night from a vaca-
'tion trip up the lakes as far as Dul-
uth. The return trip was made by
•rail. - • •
Contractor T. Sandy has cualpleted
the big concrete bridge over the Nine
Mile bridge at Sannder's mill. Air.
Sandy will leave the •farm early next
month and go to reside in Goderich.
LOST --From an auto, in Lucknow,
or between Lucknow_ _,and Kincardine,
'a. black waterproof raincoat. Finder
please return to the Parsonage or the
Sentinel Office, Lucknow, and receive
The Aerocushion Inner Tire .Co., of
Wingham, will have an exhibit of
their products at the Lucknow Fair.
We understand that Mr. Jesse Button
will he, in charge. . Auto owners will
be interested.
. Y ou are invited to a dance in Town
Hall, after concert, show night. Mus-
ic by the Goderich Society Orchestra.
•Dancing 'until 3.30, a.m. Lunch, ser-
ved. Under auspice Lucknow Fire Co.
Good time for all. ,
Mrs. R. T. Phillips was in London
last week attending a committee
meeting to make arrangements for the
Western Ontario Women's Institute
Convention, which will be held. in Lon-
don on -October 26th; 27th 'and 28th.
Mr. Richard Mackenzie,.Manager of
the McLaughlin Motor Co., of Win-
nipeg, accompanied by his daughter,
M arjorie.,_and- --sone---•daek;----"motvre1t'
from London last week and spent a
',few days here with the 'Misses. Mac-
The Lucknow Women's Institute
purpose having a booth as usual in
the Agricultural Hall Sept. mrd and
24th, on the evening and afternoon of
the Fall Fair. Will the ladies pleas('
donate home .made baking and candy.
• Teeswater was in darkness last
week owing to the burning out of a
dynamo at the lighting plant. Mr,
A. L. Strome, assisted by a few other
town men undertook the repairing of
the dynamo, a piece of work which
required three miles of wire. It was
a big job., for inexperienced men to
Mr. F. McKenzie .Paterson, White-
church. announces the engagement of
his sister. Ellen Matilda, of Niagara
Faits, N. Y.. and daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paterson, Wing -
ham. Ont., to Rev. tiohft _ :" Mundell,
Detroit, Mich.; son of Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Mundell, Stratford,, Ont., the
wedding to take place the latter part
of Septyeinber. -•
Dr. W. C. MacGregor returned last
week on his motor trip to Chicago.
Dr. MacGregor is one of the Lucknow
boys wild 'has done well in Chicago.
He is now bead surgeon in one of the
Mary .Mackinlay, wi - '•: ^f the late
Jas. Ramage, was born at aexandria,
Dumbartonshire, Scotland, on Jan. 9,
1836. She was married in 1857to
the late Jos. Ramage, of Latfarkshire,
Scotland. Both ';emigrated -to Canada
-Tuesday, Sept: 21.
Mrs. Gordon returned on Friday af-
ter a week's visit with friends at God-
Den't forget the. `School Fair on
the •same year, settling • in Puslinch Wednesday, •Sept. 29th. Lunch will
Tp., Wellington Co, In 1862 they be .sold on the •grounds by • the Wo -
moved to West Wawanosh Huron Co inn's 1r•stitute, proceeds'in aid, of the
making their= home on 'Lot. Con. 10. new Children's ,liopital, London., In
They laid a ,family of eleven,• of whom the evening, a grand cont;ert will -b,:
c daughters and one son survive: given in the church :sheds., The, fol-
es- Jos. (,odktn, Winnipeg, Dian.,. eel: \\'alter. Etllvtit(Is, •CnnC�,'1('t •Cf!ntE'd- i1ix(•t'ail'+:!it l,c t Cc i1( cl the Cl't'ei?!•'+1
i lr... -••Robt. Falt:oner, Bindlnss; Alta.; ., ,
Tan and enta'rtainer.; 1''lorrnt.e.\\-ri;.ht ratted' :•1! • lt,'t li..,t.1tr:l played Cie
lir • Elias L��•atherdalP, Morden, htatl;.
N. 1't,:'`'tt• :`Opt'an anti Pnt''rtattle'1•;• t' ('cldill_ ''t+` l' . 1: c, 1.• 'le anti s'es.
`Ir:. Jai. Carr, Sarnia; Mrs. Neil 11ic-
.Arthur. Sarnia ;Airs. Edwin Purves,
1{awing Toronto talent has llc n secur-
`.iallou n-S1a^.Donald EVERYBODY'S .CULL i
• 1
o E
. I
A quiet home weddins took pla• ce at
the home ' of lir: and Mrs. Thomas' a1UyEY 'i0' LOAN on mortgages and
' r1uLc:a at r�.:a,isunaute Tates: .' ore
MacDonald, of town, at noon on Iasuratice, truth St.ut;k and lAlutt.a+i
Thursday of, last wet k, when their • t.,umpatut:s. t-wrveyaricut� t,.itti
.witu t}t:atlie:SS Will ut;sl;at.et►. ----
(�eu. A. swaall, liruker. Luc-..te+..
daught.;l•, ?l ss., Etta };elle, was united
'in marria!_'e • t►, ,1 r. i;+rown R. , 4al-
lough, sun of M r. iilt)d tMrs., I): Mal -
lough 'of. town. 7`h.. bride' and groom
Vere Ut itt_ttl;tltledl, tied th2re)were pres-
ent only' a fe,,v•-relath• a and•int•intate
friends of the f�;iliili• ,The Rev.. R.
lltt%('1 1).'ali Bryan, Coles t•t `'inlitti ,t, left b.,. ft oft. c ,; '•;, train 4"1'
Lucknow, and Mr. Jas. R'itnaae un 1I!idaa Ilut.kin_'hatti, Pianist.. Adtui the old hohu. Inserving her genera- bion, 50c and 25c.
Word was received.' here on Monday
of the death at South Mountain on
Saturday of George, youngest sun ul
Rev. and Mrs. Jamieson. Litt,e George
• has been' in poor health Aur 'sunle
months, and the sympathy of the cwo.
munity io 'extended to ttie lama:y to
their bereavetuent.
.1t►s, McKenile and children kit un
Aluoday u11 died. return to Winnipeg
hail-respetiding a .fe:w weeks with tier
sister, Ars. tieo. Webb.
Mr.• McQyillin left. • yesterday for
Niagara and ,Erie district ,where he
will• act 'as judge on stuck at the, fall
• Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Reid, Mrs. Rath':
well and daughter, of Stanley, were
visitors at •Mrs. R. J. Woods'.
Mrs: Jas. Durnin was at Seaforth-
i or the week -end. -
111iss Lila Iiumpirrey has returned
after a'ie;w weeks' visit with her.aunl,
+1 p.: 1 aylur, at Westfield. • •
l: r. 'and Mrs. Will Taylor, . were
week inti vioito.s at Listowel.
Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, organ-.
izer for. the Canadian 1 en►pe:•ince ssct
tic i a ntce1tang- here on 'I ttur.,tla;; .
• Mcssr'. \`.'ill Wt'bstvr, Cairns Att-
, chicon, Souter Taylor, John 'l aylur,
Toni Alexander, Jas. i'urdotiand Miss
.Alexander were visitors at the 'London
Exhibition last.week.
tion she was unusually active and re-
mained so until her last. illness. She
was a loyal Presbyterian and belong-
ed .t.o St. Helens congregation. .:She
could sing clearly • • till within a few
weeks. of death, -and read and .wrote
without glasses -until a week: before.
In. her death • the 10th has, lost the
last vld resident. The large cortege
was. a tribute to this old pioneer and
the many flowers breathed thein own
'message. She was laid beside her
late:,husband in Bethel Cemetery.
"Absent but not forgotten.
-Tuesday, Sept. 21.
Mrs...W. R. Johnston and Miss
Mantle spent Sunday at Mrs. R. • Cul-
Quite a dumber of 'the younger
sports took in Kincardine .'air and re. -
e -port it well worth the, taking in.
.Mr. Levi Wall and sister, Mrs.. Ar-
mour, • of Kansas,'are visiting friertds
in this burg.
• Miss Marion, Iiodgins• _ sent -elle
R;r er slater, llrs. J. E.
Culbert. •
" Holyrood School' Fair was the lat-
est event to attract .in these parts..
1'he exhibit was certainly up to the
mark, and the whole affair a credit
to the teachers and Pupils.
Mrs. Colin Eadie, of Glennanon, vis-
her son,__Wm., a few days last
week. •
Mr. Melvin Culbert was a recent
visitor with his uncle, Mr. Wal, ('on-,
gram. •
Those who attended the.great West-
ern• Fair in London seem well pleased
with the 'show. Weather was of the'
best and greatly added` to its suect as,
while exhibits and fire works were A.1,
-Tuesday, Sept.,'21:
Mr. Kenneth McDonald attended the
Londdn Exhibition last week.
'Mr. I'. H. McKenzie spent a day or Itwo at. the C. N. Exhibition, Toronto..
We join with the many friends of
bothGeo. Lockhart and his young
bride in wishing them a long and
happy life.
• Mr. Russ Middleton arrived home,
from Forest by motor today at noon.
Mrs. Rod McDougall is visiting
friends in Chicago.
The fall wheats mostly sown and
looks vy promising for another year,
Threshing is nearly completed along
thin Bite aniLxrsults-are--most sa is -
The products of the industry of the
Public Schools of the Tp. of Kinloss,
shown at Holyrood last week. were
very tine. The turnout of parents
and others was large.
-----0 0 0
A successful meeting of the C.F.W.
0. was held at thethome of ;Mss An
nie MacDonald, Kintail. Edfying
papers as to how to Weep our young
people on the farm were read by
members of the club. The next, meet -
on; wt'. be '.e'd in the L't:rr-t,i Club
house the ird Wednesday of Oct ter.
large hospitals of that city.
accompanied on his return hy•
Mae MacGregor, R.N., of Chicago,
and by Miss Fiore' rise MacGregor who
in training: as a nurse. • , -
1t- may be interesting to those who
do not already know to hear that the
proceeds of the concert given last
winter by the Women's Institute was
sufficient to. pay for three slate black-
boards for the' public school. These
have been installed making, with those
already in, one slate blackboard in
each room. The Board of Trustees
expressed their high appreciation , of
the effort of the women.
Ile was
Wier -
-Tuesday,• Sept. 21.
The Women's Institute '• will hold
their monthly meeting Sept. :it)th, at
the home of Mrs. Joseph Hudgins.
Uiret,•tur, Miss D. Aysles. Paper to be
given'by Mrs. Walter Hodgins, -How
to I'repa rss a ileal • on a. Busy Day."
Roll .call, answered by ' 'Something
•Worth Knowing.' • Music by. Mrs. Will
The first Kinloss Rural School Fair
was held at Holyrood Sept. 13th. The
day being tine there Wasa large num-
ber out -and a grand extribit of the
children's work. Much praise is due
our Kinloss teachers in the interest
they showed in the work of their puli-
ils. Full particulars • appear in an-
other column. .
'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert and
family have returned home . after a
the •W est, out as
Ethel, is n visiting
Ackert and Mrs.
two -month's tour in
far as the coast.
Raynartl, of
her daughters, Mrs.
• Mr. and Mrs. T..Harris and fatilily
tended_the. Kincardine-- k- -- --
-Quite a nunihc►r of our young people'
attended the,•reception 'held at Mr. H.
Hell's for his daughter, Airs. McGuire.
Tuesday evening. She and ' Mr. Mc,
Guire leave shortly to make their new
home in Detroit.
A1( thudi(t ('March --The pastor will'
ctin(iut t loth services next Sunday
and preach at .Whitechurch • at
o'clock in the afternoon. •
Rally May will
Methodist Church.
day, Sept. 211, at 2.
terrsting program
ciln►'t H' +t�1 n;; l•t'1 t J atitloid, '1
onto ani N'ii•.i.ra I ilei• will ,na' E•
their h('nie.,a.t trim where •.11r.
.Mallough, }i::- a I"'t'.• it`:4.n. - w'ith' the.,
Bank, (.,; lIatiiiltu i,
ti o. o--
11()'1 lui itS'
l'llust: entitled t assi ,tame • under
tlli� aet at'.e 1t 1u,,, ; V1•.t1:.)tures 'Hose
husbatl(J"1:5 per11,4ttt.'11t11 .]iis4_1r1td aillu
.u11111uU1t0 the :,up -
port of his faiull;, . 1:,. inotltct . lutist
have two ur • iil'..t ;,f . h..i• own children
under:, fourtta n yeaa: s afsage living'
with her. 1 have a cup; of the above
act and will be pleased to assist any
in Lucknow who are entitled to pen-
sion under the abo.. e act • which be-
comes effective. October lat.
Robt. Johnston, Reeve.
-:.1 `it:eta, Sept. 20. •
Miss ('ora ('lull.) is visiting with,
her • brother:(, -Mews. Fred and Calvin,.
at. St. Mary's.
Mrs. Walter 1•:,tt : son -__a.fd.-'.lirrit,
g anddaughte•r•, Audrey, wf re visitor,
at the- holtte .of• Mr. 1•:. Paterson.
Mr: and Mr.... 1)ttAan''Bvecroft ane.
Mrs. John Falconer visited at London
and."ioorutown last week;
Mr. •Jno. •McGee, Mr. K: Paterson
and 'son, Scott, spent a day' at -Lnn-
don •Exhibition.
.►1rs.•.Mt t_'1.:,key and Mr, -Alex ricrl-
nedy, of Guelph, attended the funeral
.of their mother, ' the late Mrs:. Alex.
Kennedy. -
Mr....and Mrs. Gavin Middleton, Ger-
tie and Jack, ' of Molestw orth, visited
,over -Sunday with ,friends here.•
Mrs.Setclt•. of Vancouver, and Miss
Emma Rice, :of W:nni,x•g, were guests
at the home of Mr. Nelsen Rice.
Miss Margaret (;lilies, of Toronto,
i .visiting her mother, Mrs.. I)., Gillies.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lott and Nettie
and Freddie visited over Sunday with
friends at. Ripley. .
Rev. A. E, It i11;,•n. of •Auburn, 'had
charge of ata ?.er:'ice in the Method-
ist Church.,on Sunday: Rev. Mr. Ir-
•wih ts'ill nave char;xe next .cahLath. -
lTrs. \\'.. G. Ilut''hisotl
Week for London wile%i she'intends- to
make her home, ller. son; Mr..Tohn.
Hutchison, • trill move onto,, the • farm
recently wacatei by her.
--Tua.laL'. Sy
;1Ti; s F.i:a Stot,he•t•s and M:ss hazel
Augustine. of Dutlt,•annonj]t.' Son,
"ti�•tc -at
-.16;7e-171.1 Ila.kett'
Mr. and Mrs. Roy-Altt.o aid babe.
and Mk; R:,tyi Alton Visited friends at
Sheppardton Sunday.
Messrs. Wesley Amar. Irvine and
.Tames Henry took in tb. 1.ordon ex-
hibition last week I
lilt. ,NAttlii::K, (J TEOYA'11i, a: c a.n
•„douse,L .., every ►►•(.u..es-
•„td,y . aItcrnuull. tail c1l1'li24: u.5
eir�ua pucc.essiully tP a.• ••. t •►-
teuj,athy t 1,11 ,...)5.tat
tUUies of •(1`c2' ', tt,1c•!.. .c. 1•t •'e
hitt"tit lilt I t)(_ci.. 1t,•; 1 .
A I1 .i:itltls of tat poultry 11 a:,tiss.
.1►�, ue- t. i count° prices pad. Also
. i
'kinds ul. jun wanted.', If yua
,ta-vi` any, lc:t hie know,: a'iwne 06.
Jake Libel.
prises., paid. Silverwouds Ltd•,
..;.cii.ltuw. Phone 4 { r
:MI:SS BUTCHER, Teesw.ateis '-De=
•sigi er of ,tsair ts.,o,.Ls trarisfortiiatiossi,
su Tithes, etc. -. Your 'order sulieit�d.
.-ny body watithig, sirskp on aware.:,
call 'on . ALEX. ROSS, Lucknow.
i -10-p.
FOR SALE-- -Young Yorkshire sow,
bred -to farrow about Oct. 12. Also a.
nuniber of young pigs 6 weeks old.
Jas. Kickley, R. 7, Lucknow,i Phone
Dungannon 77-16.
1 Olt S.1 t.I:.--Futter, tiear,y
Fhit'te.tt Dalt.,`- • i tilt .. .....4.• _----
�1,'f, :11. a:.. .•'
.11.; it -in, grinder; , Iron' laythe, a
nut;tler'of anchor posts.; :Milch cQW
with calf. Apply to -THOMAS SAN-
DY, 12th (on., `Ashfield. 30-9-p.
An auct;u:, sale of farm, farm
sfock and irnplatnents (estate of the
late Peter Macintosh) at Lots l4 and
3rd.*Con., Kinloss, -on Sept. 30th,
ccomniencing at one o'clock; 'p.m. The
farm will be subject . to a reserved
bid. J: Eurvis, Auc.
SEALED TENDERS. addressed to
the I'ustntaster General, will be re-
ceiv ed' at Ottawa until noon tin k't i -
day, the 2nd .day of October, It -2o,
for the conveyance His. Majesty's
Mails. on a • proposed Contract fur
'€our years, six 'tinier per week, over
Lucknow No. '1 ' Rural .Route, `from
the Postmaster .General's pleasure.
Printed notices containing further
information as to • conditions of pro-
posed Contract may •he seen and
blank forms of 'Fender -May be ob:
taints) at the P'st Offices of Luck -
4 v, -Nc ly'ressrl ;nieT.'-t\7i;fechurch, -
and• at the • office of the .Post Office
Inspe, .ear, London,
Chas. E. H. Fisher, .
Post Chine inspector:.
Post Otlice Inspector's office,
London, 16th July. 1.:12.1.
Jit ,► ,;�tt
Hiss Ida Hackett spent lust wee.
with Dune-annon friends.
Three autn loads of young' and .(►1(i ,.
} attended they District' Mtetini held it:
Ripley Tuesday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Heil. ;, c1, :,K and
Lenore V: itetl in the 1',iru•';today,
About thirty.
S. •met at `•h. home of `•If -. AI'-
lad obserVt'.l in the t.;,o Ti1:r-'Tay ar.'1 a fee t'':. ilii isle
Lucknow, on Sun- :1!'t 1 t,li►uti Wii5 sp.•tlt.
:10 o'clock. An in- ►
will be given. •
Sept.. '2
-Tuesday. 1.
Ano. lia Leaver' is at preset
taking' a visit to Arthur and lluskok, a
for a 'month.
-----0 0 cr---•--
Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. (if :auburn.
vi'sitcd ,at 11,. Chester Taylor's. tan'
Sunday. .
tier. John:Phillips is ata ai e►ii a tripp
to the Wet,. visiting,* his brothers.
Mr. ('. llartin i• prt'asitl>`� hat ft•t• •
NIARR1E1) . • Lazenby --In Wes Ve aw"' 'sir, •►-'n his 'brother, Mr. John Martin, '
Sept.10th. 1s'2U to 11r. and .'';rs,',1t1110 e ,
Qmilh---Renngtt-�-At the home +�f , lir. ;nil �1irs. 11ii•h�el �_�_.vn__sp;:rt_..
: .i
the hridE�'a parents. J1 r. nn►1 Ales. I.azenbya (laugh -tel...____ , .- iin(h si Mr. Patrick Mct;'.ynn's:
,l►ltn_Iietmett s+:� Rnhitlt�`tt c;,t, ;
Sept.+ � lar. Jattlt•�- �otv hRs e'tt111211rnt•e'�
.Toronto,. on September 1:,• 1920. I.y Richards=fn iii• ieleh.',+n , l `' John \VrlTste r: thi-
1.20. to Mr. and Mrs. R. Ri•'har•(is,- a-• cutting' , t'e:`n 'for .
the Res..Wm. Cochrane, John Dudley Awing: the first cutting of corn in OH
Smith and Jessie Lees Bennett. • son. -
• locality.
Johnston -sin (;se rss•k Township, '11r. Daniel Ztar.tin is dra►t'ing, tinx
Stockham--Macniarmid. - At • they
home of the bride's parents. Ashfield.
on Sept. 16; W20, by the Rev R. Mac-
Callunl, Miss Catherine Gordon Mac-
Diarni ti. daughter .of Mr. and Mrs:
Alex Macl/:armid, to Mr. George D.
Stockham, of Detroit, Mich.
es Sens 11., 19:. n, •t,► .Mr. and Mrs. to \t''inghatn.
Mark Jo'l�,ston,�a daugrtt'r. Mr. .1e ''ph O'eallagi1:r , who etc-
- eptly underwent an operation for an -
1 Stanley -1n 'intron Two. t 1'itrs'e sesssms. 1 -onion. is able to, he .
travel. on Sept. 19, 102.0, to Mr. and home again, and' is doing -as wet as
IMrs. Milton Stanley, twin daughters.. I can be egpected..