HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-04-08, Page 6All flour is made from wheat. But there are different kinds of wheat and several ways of milling. Royal HOUSehad Flour is made of the best hard wheat in its finest and purest form. It always produces uniformly light, wholesome bread or pastry because its quality never varies. If your grocer does not carry Royal Household Flour, he will get it for you. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal. n R r—i 1 I (] c„c) R N "'aim <1Yv For Every eat At breakfast with porridge "Crown Brand. Syrup" is delicious. Used with plain puddings or made up with pastry, odcl scraps of cake, etc., it snakes a delightful after dinner dessert. At supper it is just the thing- to eat with bread and butter, toast or biscuits, "CROWN BRAND SYRUP" is syrup at its best and in its most delicious and wholesome form. It is prepared in a perfect manner from absolutely pure ingredients. It is far ahead of all other kinds in deliciousness of flavor and perfect wholesoineness— don't you think it's worth while insisting on "Crown Brand Syrup ? " Your dealer has it for you in 2, 5, Io and 20 ib. air -tight tins with lift-off lids. Order some to -day The Edwardsburg Starch Co. Ltsntted rif,STABLISHED 1858. Works : CARDINAL, Ont. Offices: MONTRI;AI„ TORONTO end BRmearroRD A Newspaper -- Not An "Organ ?3 The man who wants an open-minded discussion of politics, the steady support of right, justice, and decency, without cant or bitterness, and an unpre- judiced, common-sense treatment of public affairs, will thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star The Star is not tied to any party or any "interest" It has definite opinions of its own on political, social, and moral questions—but it recognizes the right of others to hold exactly opposite opinions without necessarily being scoundrels or fit subjects for abuse. The Star's editorials are broad-minded, honest, as keen and clever as some of the best writers in Canada can make them, and always Fair. The Star is published for fair-minded, intelligent people who take an active interest in Canada and the world. Consequently It Has More Readers Thal) Any Other Paper in Ontario. X1.50 A Year This paper and the TORONTO DAILY STMT topstbep for wispier, $2.20. Guaranteed Fountain Pen piysn for .50a:. added to above subscription prices. IMO 'r.tii+,; WINUIIAM. T,iM :;I, APRIL 8, IU09 KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL interesting Paragraphs trorn our Exchanges_ The night of the high ball isn't so bad as the morning after. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al. ways euro nay oonghs and colds." Speculating enables a man to save a lot of money by not doing it. Object to Sarong Medicines. Many people objeot to taking the strong medioinea usually pres:ribed by physicians for rheumatism. There is need of internal treatment in any case of muscular or chronic rheumatism, and more than nine out of every ten case of the disease are of one or the other of these varieties. When there ie no fever and little (if any) swelling, you may know that it is only necessary to apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely to get quick relief, Try it. For sale by all druggists. It is easier to stop the barking of a dog than the singing of a mosquito. Repeat it:—"Shiloh'3 Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and oolde." We are acoustomed to regard China as an immense country ; and so it is. But the three nothern districts of Can- ada, Mackenzie, Ungava and Franklin, are larger then China. It wonld take four England' to make a territory equal to our own Ontario. ° 1s Dr. Chase "tour Dootor? For over a generation Dr. Chase has, by means of hie !Amon Receipt Book and great family medicines, been win- ning the oonfidenoe and esteem of the people of this continent. His Kidney. Liver Pills, Ointment, Nerve Food and other medioinea have long since proven their exceptional merits and today are to be found in the best homes every- where. Why not let Dr. Chase be your doctor. It is now announced that seventy thousand United States citizens will oro/s the line this spring and settle in the Canadian Northwest. Theae are shrewd chaps and know a good thing when they see it, so they ohooes our Canadian wheat lands. Let them come. They make good citizens. Rheumatism. More than nine out of every ten oases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscle, due to cold or damp weather or chronic rheumatism. In snoh oases no internal treatment is re- quired. The free application of Cham- berlain's Liniment is all that is needed, and Ms certain to give quick relief. Give it a trial and see for yonreelf how quickly it relieves the pain and soreness. Price, 25 cents; Iarge size, 50 ciente. Sold by all druggists. An exohange says that it knows of men who would not polish their boots on Sunday, but who would as cheerfully blacken their neighbor's character on that day as on any other. The longer we live the more we are convinced that there is nothing so good in this world as oonsistenoy and nothing that is harder to achieve. a► - *100 REWARD,3100. The readers of this paper will be pleas- ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soienoe has been able to mire in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. $all's Catarrh Oure le the only positive cure now known to reedi- oalfraternity. Catarrh being a consti- tutional disease, requires a constitution- al treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, noting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda- tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con- stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have no much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F, J, Cheney do Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggist/, 75c, Take Hall's Family Pills for coneti- pation. Prestwiokiana have agreed to provide themselves with a sea wall as a protea• tion and as an attraction. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1444 A Saskatohewan farmer, writing to a friend back emit,' trying to give him some idea of the soil out there, said they bad to mow the grass off the eod•honee floor every day to find the baby. One family near him had twin babies, with only one cradle, and the kid that had to sleep on the fiber grew twice ae fait as the other. Where the soil is richest a man dare not stand on one foot for any length of aline lest that his Leg become Imager, and bother him when walking. I t sometimes happens that a woman has an attentive husband and doesn't know it. Repeat it:—."Shiloh's Ours will al- ways cure my ocughs and oodles," The man who plays poker for pas tine naually passes more or less coin over to the other fellow. There are now about 80,000 negroes living in N -,w York City, and their number is cow tantly increasing. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak Stomao'. , or etimulatiog the Heart or Ruiners is all wrong, Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his preaor,ption—Dr, Shoop's Restorative -- Is directed entirely to the cause of these ailments the weak inside or eontreling nerves. It ian't Rd difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, if one goes at it cor- rectly. Each inside organ has its con- trolling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then those organs must sure- ly falter. These vital truths are leading druggishi everywhere to dispense and recommend Dc, Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few daps, and see 1 Improve- ment will promptly and surely follow. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Judge Robertson, of Chandler, stop. ped a little newsboy at the Denver convention and asked for an Okla - home paper. "Where is Oklahoma?" asked another newt,boy who stood by. "I don't know where it is,'' answered the first hopeful, "but We where all this convention came from." Wedding belle pealed forth merrily in Ripley on Wednesday, Ma -oh 24th, when Miss Annie MoLeod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D. MoLsod became the wife of Mr. Malcolm Smith, a pop- ular young farmer of the 8ch con. The solemn wedding vow was adminis• tered by Rev. W. A. Bremner, pastor of Knox Church, in the presence of about forty guests. For Constipation, Mr, L H. Farnham, a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says; "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are certainly the best thing on the market for constipation," Give these tablets a trial. You are certain to find them agreeable and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 Dents, Samplea free. For sale by all drnesiets. Death has again entered our midst and claimed one of the oldest persona in Constance, viz., Mrs, Jane Hugill, She died on Thursday, March 25th. She leaves behind to manna a loving mother, the following children: Mrs. Wm. Smith, Seaforth; Mrs. Wm, Cook, Mre., S. Rands, Constance; Jas., Wm., George and Mise Jane at home. She was 80 years of age. Oonghe that are tight, or distressing tickiing conghe, get pertain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. The ten- der leaves of a harmless lnng•healing mountainous shrub give to Dr. Shoop`e Cough Remedy its curative properties. Those leaves have the power to oalm the moat and heal rthe nmoat nsensiti a bronchial membrane. Tent it once yourself, and see! Sold at Walleye Drug Store. Joseph Curry, Goderioh township, has sold his farm to a Mr. Nelson, and pur- chased the residence of Wm. Hutchin- son in Goderioh, and ie now a resident of the county town. Preventioe—those Candy Cold Cure Tablets—will safely and quickly check coldsall em once and see len 48.25o, SoldTry at h Walley's Drug Store. Donald Clark, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark, Con. 11, Kinoardine died on Monday, March 291h, after three weeks Revere illness, Ile had an attaok of M grippe, and, going out too soon after, had a relapse, serious com- plications set in and death resulted. The deoeased was 55 year of age and unmarried. Deceased was a brother of Hugh Clark, M. P. P. for Centre Bruce. CONSTIPATION IRREGULARITY OF THE BOWELS irregularityAny dsage oue,and should be at enc. attended to and corroded. MIL BU RN'S LAXA =LIVER PILLS work on the bowels gently and naturally without weakening the bey, but, on the aontrary, toning it, and they will if por- serered. in relieve and cure the worst cases Of eonotipatron. Mrs. James King, Cornwall, Ont., writes: "I way troubled with sick headaches con- stipation and catarrh of the etomaeh. 1 could got nothing to do ma any god until I got a vial of Milburn's Laza-layer Pill!, They did me more good than anything else I over tried. I hare no headaches or eon. s$ipatron, and ibe catarrh of the stoma' is entirely erre, I feel like a new •womsr, urn's Laxt-hirer 1'ilte, I used in all about half a dotien vials." 4 del?:rs rtlailecldireottbyThe;T.M lbuna 0o.. Limited. Toronto. Oat. - Find Out if You Have Catarrh Don't Walt Till Consumption De- velops, Cure Yourself NOW. CATARRHOZONE. Io the disoavery of this wonderful curative medicine the entire race is gip, eu freedom from Catarrhal diseases, in. olnding Asthma, Bronchitis and Throat Weaknesses. Is catarrh in your nose? Does it affect your hearing? Is your throat hneky? Are your eyes watery? Is your breath offensive? These are the indications of Catarrh— now why continue to live in misery when cure is guaranteed with Catarrh°. zone? So sure is Oatarthozone to euro that thousands recommend it—tell of its wonderful merit after being cured them• silves. Read this: How Catarrhoxone Cures. Mise Worrel is a resident of Clarks villa, Da., and has been the means of pointing the way to health of many of her friends. "I received snoh extraordinary benefit that I have indaoed many of my feiends to nee it also. My catarrh was so bad year ting mired. I amesure my/ ungsrwere somewhat affected also. The relief I got from Oatarrbozone was remarkable. I improved under this treatment very quiokly, and was oared so thoroughly the disease has never returned." Get the large dollar size of Catarrh-' czone; it contains a beautiful hard rub- ber inhaler and medicine that leets two months. Smaller sizes, 25o, and 50o each.° Beware of imitations—accept only "Catarrhozoue," Bold by all reliable dealers or by mail from The Catarrho- zone Company, Kingston, Ont, Farmers in the vicinity of Brnoefield are petitioning for ural mail delivery. "One Touch of Nature Makes the World Ain." Whole When a rooster finds a big fat worm he calla all the hens in the farm yard 'to come and share it. A similar trait of human nature is to be observed when a man discovers something exceptionally good—he wants all his friends and neighbors to share the - benefits of bis discovery. This is the touch of nature that makes the whole world kin. This explains why people who have been oared by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy write lettere to the manufacturer• for publication, that others similarly ailing may also use it and obtain relief. Be- hind every one of these Iettere is a warm hearted wish of the writer to be of nee to some one else. This remedy is for sale by all druggists. There are said to be 1,041 women arohiteote, 3,373 clergymen, 786 den. tints, 409 eleotrioiane, 84 engineers, 2,196 journalists, 1,010 lawyers, 327,618 teachers, 74,813 bookkeeper', 85,246 clerks, 946 commercial travellers, 1,207 officials in banks, 3,43E manufaotnrere, 19,998 packers and shippers, 86,118 stenographers, 22,556 telegraph opera- tors, 323 undertakera, 545 carpenters, 126 plumbers, 1,309 miners and 133 blacksmiths. • • Hemline Salvo for Burns, Chapped Hands and Sore Nipples. As a healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Chem. berlain'e Salve is most excellent. It al- lays the pain of a burn almost instantly, and unless the injury is very severe,. heals the parts without leaving a soar. Price, 25 Dente. For sale by all drug- gists. elm•selpommira• In the person of Wm. William Bell who died on March 27th, at lot 35, con. 7, Pine River, aged 83 years, Huron Tp. loses another of ite oldest and most esteemed residents. The Iate Mr. Bell was born in the Township of Na'sagna, Halton County, and there married Mile Jane Montgomery, a ni. tive of Ireland. He moved to Huron in the fifties, and einoe that time has re- sided constantly in the township. He is survived by his widow, two sons, John and Nathaniel on the homestead, and one daughter, Mrs. Wellwood of Michi- gan. Rheumatic poisons are quickly and sure- ly driven out of the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatio Remedy—.liquid or tablet form, Dr. Shoop's booklet on Rheumatism plainly and interestingly tell' just how this is done. Tell some anfferer of this book, or better sti11, write Dr. Shoop, Ranine, Wis., for the book and free test samples, Send no money. ,Inst join with Dr. Shoop and Rive some sufferer a pleasant surprise. Sold at Walley's Drng Store. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Ripley, was the Amine of an interesting event on Tuesday, March 30th, at 10.30 a. m., when Mr. Wilson's daughter, 'della, was united in marriage to Bebert Wilkie by Ivey. Mr, San. dere, of Luoknow, in the presenoe of forty immediate friends and relatives. The bride, unattended, was given away by her father, the wedding March being played by Mr', R. J. Graham. A eumptueue wedding din- ner was enjoyed, after which the hap- py young couple wen driven to the O. T. R. depot, where they took the 1,43 train for Detroit and other American cities to spend a two Weeke' honey. moon. The easentlal lung -healing principal Of the pine tree has finally been iu000Isfully separated and refined Into A parted' oontih medicine—Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of sratisfaetlon. Prioe 26 cents. TWENTY YEARS AGO� Items frorXirof a the tTi ;y os. "Times" tyles, LOOM, 1\EWS, Easter Sunday ponies on the 21st of April, Mr. Jas. Slemiu's bake oven is now completed, Siemin can't be beaten as to quality of bread or prices, Mr, A. Roe le making extensive im- provemeets iu his hotel premii;es. The lower flat of stores in the north wing has been removed and this ie being convert- ed into a large dining room. A driving shed 80 feat by 22 has been oleo erected in the rear. Dare, R, Elliott reoeived a telegram on Wednesday announcing the death of her brother-in•law, James Winter, of Mon- teith, Manitoba, in his 53rd year, The fall wheat prospects, so far as we have heard, are good. Mr. Thos, Coad bas bought Mr, Oliver Gitobriet's house and lot on Leopold St., It takes, a cheerful to make in a photograph, through 5, Yonhill'la agency, for $800, and removes 10 town. Mr; Joe Bullard has purohaeed the dray of Wm. Felton, Joe is working steadily up. The Lacrosse Club was organized on Wednesday evening, Mr, J. A, Morton eing chosen president; Dr. A. F. Mao- kenzie, vine -president; Mr, W. E. Groves, seoretary. treasurer, and Mears, G. S Anderson, J. S. Anderson and E. Bowles a committee of management. Mr, Geo. McKay is at present in Manitoba, having gone up with a load of apples. MARRIED. Pugh—Ramsay,--In Morrie, on the 20th nit , at the residence of' the bride's parents, by Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Mr,. James Pnab, of Bluevale, to Bliss Ade - lino Ramsay, of Morris, good MAKES ASTONISHING CURES. Repeat it:—"Shiioh's Cure will ways cure my coughs and Bolds." A politioal dark horse is a a real ni mare to the rest of the bunch. Doan's Kidney Pills aot on the net's, bladder and urinary organs o They cure backaches, weak_baok, rbc asism, diabetes, congestion, inflame gravel, Bright's disease and all o diseases arising from wrong action of kidneys and bladder A wise man never cans another a fool—no matter what he may think. Repeat lt•:—"Shiloh's Oure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." When a stingy man is in love he is apt to loosen up —but not for long, Read the pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor it there is a better one. Pain means congestion, blood pressure some- where. Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see! 20 for 250. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. A girl thinks it is flirting if she oatohee a young man looking at C7.AiSt'ItCtan. i Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bought of ,r 2 Signature c%� A married man should come home early at least one night each week—just to show his wife that he can do it. MI o-na Tablets Cure Dysyepsia by ght Promply Removing the Cause, or Money Baek, kid - There is just one way to (rumdyspep- sia and stemma- disorders, trivial or Idea serious and that is to tone up or put um• energy. into the stomach walls, so that tion, they will be able to properly mix ther churn the food. the Mi cane tablets quickly arouse the stomach from its inaction and in a - short time It is able to do its work properly. Harry Dodd of Bridge Street, Hast- ings, Ont., says: "For maven years r had suffered and spent much money doctoring, but all to no avail. I could eat but very little, as the food would ferment and sour. making gas, which paused serious heart oppression. I was in constant misery, sour gas would belch from my etomaoh, I was languid and weak and had no ambition. I did not feel Iike going anywhere or ening anyone, There was a constant dull pain in the pit of the stomach. I was un- able to sleep, was nervous, restless and' would awake more tired than on going to bed. I tried M[.-o•na and soon found relief, and in Leas than six weeks. Mj-o•na had completely oared me. Walton McKibben the druggist, sells Mf -o nes tablets at 50 Dents a Iarge box, ander a rigid guarantee to do all that is, claimed for them or money back. r _ DR. A. W. CHASE'S og CATARRH CURE ... C. la sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower, Beale the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanently cures free. ACatarrh d Rioo s,, ooand Hay Dr A, W.gChant Hedkaae Ce., Teroate earl now.. A farmer was in Walkerton recentiy with an evenly matched team, that coat him $1,000; for one he paid $300 and the other $700. They were really fine mpeoimenn of horse flesh. SPRING MEDICINE. As a spring medioinoe Burdock Blood Sitters has no,egnal. .It tones up the thesysfrom tem blood, andkeaway that removes llttired weary feeling so prevalent in the spring, Anot. Square had an unusual ezperi- enoe while conducting a 'ale near Walkerton for a farmer named Wm. Denny on Feb. 25th. The sale wait in- terrupted by a visit from the sheriff, who on the strength of an injunction from lawyer Klein, undertook to stop the proceedings until a certain debt of $500, which Denny had owed hie land- lord, Andrew Waeohter, was paid. It mo happened, however that Denny, a few days previonely, had paid this account to Mr. Waeahter, but that the latter neglected to notify his solioitor, Mr. Klein, of the matter. In order to ad- just the tangle, it was found neoeesary to get Mr. Waeohter and to produoe the reoeipt, which was finally done, after about an hour's delay. Becoming in - conned at this interruption and incon- venience, Mr. Denny was about to set the Taw in motion against Mr. Waeohter when the latter restored peace by mottling. The experience is said to have poet Mr. Waeohter in the neighborhood of $100. ,.A,, eel T Cis R X.A.. Irian eke Tie rind Tot Have Always Bal eteaattre of 108 Nox a Cold br. Edick Says it is a Wonderful Remedy. Consumption, Coughs and Oohle are gniokly relieved by this wonderful renis edy. 108 Noxa Oold is not a patent medicine, but a preioription. This same prescription Ocala the patient twenty- five dollars. Bronehitii, Asthma and all Throat Triable oan be cured by this preparation. Ont -, eayi: Edible, 108° lox a Cold a very valuable remedy for Con - gumption and all lung Trouble. Oat a bottle from your druggist teeda)r, 315 osnts, For Gale et Walley's Drug Store. A real newspaper moat be something like the Apostle had in mind when he said, "Be all things to all men." The reporter may not be personally a cham- pion at card parties, base ball, dation, of other amusements, yet they must be re- corded; neither is he necessarily a. oharoh member because he mentions the good work of revivals, favor all reforms, advocates morality and the prohibition of the liquor traffic, but prints all things of all kinds of news. Personal quarrels, scandie, or ordinary drunks are not news, and ought not, ae a rale, be -nat- tered broadoast as news. - OIYOEJTOg THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER IN THE WORLD. 1. Good brain food. 2. Excites the functions of the liver, 3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep. 4. Disinfects the mouth. 5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the stomach. 6. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances, 7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys. 8. Prevents calculus concretions, 9. Obviates indigestion. 10. A preventative against diseases of the throat, 11. Restores all nervous energy and re- vives the natural forces. THE OXYGENATOR CO, 42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont. BOLD 13Y ALL DR GOIST$. PHYSICIAN TELLS NOW HE TREATS PAT RHEUMATIC PATIENTS E: A. Distinguished Specialist Gives' Valuable Advice, In the first place I always impress upon my patients the importance of careful living and regular habits. Moderation in eating, keeping the feet dry, and wearing plenty of warm clothing are some of the precautions. No amount of medicine will cure or even help, unless attention is pair to these few simple rules. I have had perfect results where. patients followed these instructions, assisted by the following blood tonic and rheumatic specific: --- Fluid Extract Cascara ox, Carriana Compound I oz:. Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 6 oz. Dose: One teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. It is advisable, to drink plenty of water during the treatment. A prominent local merchant who Baas tried this treatment elates that it relieves backache, bladder trouble, and urinary troubles almost imme-,- diattly and has a gentle but thor- ough action on the kidneys, We advise all our readers to keep this prescription, The instructions are valuable.