HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-08-19, Page 5• •1 1 Let Us • Help You Make a Garden 8EAUTIFTTL surroundings add to the value of your prop- erty. A flower garden to beautify --a vegetable garden to reduce your table cost. We have everything to make garden work easy-- spades, rakes, lawn hose, lawn mowers. etc. Beautify our house with O -Cedar Polish (25c to $3.00 sizes). Q -Cedar Polish Moa the tins and labor -saver. is 11 xn NEW PERFECTION OIL COOKING STOVES. ALL SIZES AND STYLES. ricAtiftei°te • MARTIN aSEN0-13114PAINIII' A'ND'Y:iRNISi1ES. A KIND FOR EVERY PURPOSE. GET OUR PRICES ON CORRUGATED GALVAN- IZED ROOFING. WE HAVE A QUANTITY AT FAR LESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES. BRANTFORD ASPHALT SLATE SHINGLES AND ROOFING. THF BEST OF ITS KIND ON THE MAR- KET TO -DAY. ' LET US SHOW YOU WHY. PREPARED PLASTER. ;A CAR OF PORTLAND CEMENT JUSI AIntl l'ED WE HAVE PRICES A NUMBER OF SECOND HAND BI- CYCLES IN GOOD REPAIR AT RIGHT• 'BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUPPLIES WE HAVE A SPECIAL COAL OIL FOR INCU- BATORS. r17r•• MLEOD&JOYNT THE STORE WHERE YOUR,MONEY GOES FARTHEST ESTABLISHED 1872 til Mt OFFICE IHs,M1LTO 14 r'• THE 'customer of the Bank of Hamilton may depend on ab- solute secrecy in .connection with all transactions. The .customer's confid- ence is never violated under any con- t'ition, even the existence of the ac- count itself tieing treated as a busi- • ness confidence. • BANK OF HAMILTON LUCItNOW BRANCH -J. A. Clennie, Manager. WINGHAM. ONT. FALL TERM FROM AUG. 31st. Graduates Placed in Positions. Send a card requesting the principal to call on you during the vaca- tion. We have competent teachers, one for each department. Register now for the fall teen. - Phone 166. D. A. McLACHLAN, President. MURRAY McLEISH, Principal. NOTICE 1'0 CRUDITOR. . Notice is hereby given, pursuent to section 56, chapter 121, of the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons . having claims against the estate of John MacLean, deceased, who died at the village of StHelens, Huron County, Province of Ontario, - on or about the 17th day of July, 1920, are repuired to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to the under- signed, at Luyknow, (int., on or be- fore the 31 §t day of August, 1920, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims in writing and the nature of the securities, if any., held by them, duly verified by' a statutory declaration. and further' take notice that after the said 31st day of August," ,I920, the assets of the said estate will be destributed by - the executors among the parties en= titled there tar, having regard only to the claims of •whieh they shall then have notice; and the estate will ,oft, ,--lut'-r: *1e r.:I,anyv, ala rtisi. • not filed at the time of the said destri- bution. . • Dated at Luckhow, k this 26th day of July, A.D., 1920. . George A. Siddall, agent for the Executors. 19--8--500 INTOXICATED PERSONS MUST NOT DRIVE According to the new Legislation, as passed by the last Session of the Ontario Government, the penalties fur violating certain sections uI the Motor Vehicle Act ha'. e been made inure severe, especicily Sectio i 14. which reads as fololws: "No• intoxicated person sha i dri'.e a motor vehicle. - The penalty for violating ' this sec- tion is provided by Section 24a, which in part reads as follows: "Every person who violates the provision of Section 14 of this Act shall for the first offence be impris- oned for a period not exceeding thir- ty days 'and not less than seven days. For a second offence for a period not exceeding three months and not less than one month." • The Magistrates have now no op- tion in the 'natter, they must send the person convicted to jail, whereas formerly a fine of fifty dollars or less might be imposed. --o-o-o-- SCHOOL FAIR, DATES Holy rood .. ..... .... Sept. 13th. Teesw ater.. ..Sept: 14th. Mildmay- - - Sept. 15th. Port Elgin'.. ' . Sept. 27th. Kincardine.. . -Sept. 28th. Tiverton Oct. 1st. Riversdale .. Oct. 4th. • A French scientist has niade Ice too heavy to float by freezing water •und- er pressure. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 1 he applications for New Assurances received by the Company during 1919 reached a total of over $100,000,000 This exceeds the largest amount of ordinary Life As- surance previously written in one year by any Company of the British Empire. Geo. H. Smith, Get a Policy in 1920. Agent, Lucknow. The Argentine Government has re- quired railroads to heat their cars in Passenger trains as a health measure The til'''e of the Argentine guato l :ant ha: 'ng bet•n -found suitable for lace manufactures, a lace factory v. ill be established in that country: A real man never hunts danger and never dodges it when he ought ;u meet it. The prig* list for the Canadian N a- tional Exhibition .amounts this year to approximately, $75.000 It practic- ally all goes to the egricultural class-, es The, nian who is so constituted that you would be willing to do must any kind of a favor for him is the ens •hs some to used Yelp the least. IL Do not roger another day with lichen .M. enc. •+r )'rotrod- t g f ile+. :to snrzteal oper- s t i o n fep UIt$led Dr. Chase'. OInta,tcpi �1n$aenel bear sl am °t>dsises Batts co.. limited. MKMi Des ase u la tesatt s p'w*rM IPS/46 CANADIA; ACIFIC FARM LABORERS WANTED "Fare Going "-315 to WINNIPEG. "Fare Returning" --120 from WINNIPEG. teat per stile Wiuipt to destitution cent pr wile starting piet b wiellipeLt GOING DATES TERRITORY AUGUST el, (Front and `From AUGUST 1 e,. tFrom From AUGUST 1 1, From and Brom Station. in Ont..rio; Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on .Lake Ontario Shore Ling and Havelock-Peterburo :,tine. - Stations Kingston to Renfrew J faction. inclusive. Stations on Toronto -Sudbury d.rest line. between Toronto and Parry Sound igclusive. Stations Dranorl to F't r t McNi-oll and Burketon: to Bobcaygeon. inclusive. Stations South and Wrtt of Toronto -to and including Hamilton and Windsor. Ont. Owen Sound. Wa'-zt•cton. Teeswater- Wingharn, Elora. Listowel, Goderich. St. Mary's. Port Burwell; And St. T{igtm', Branches. • AUGUST 18. ,Ftom Stations Toronro and North to Bolton. inclusive. $P(CIAL TRAINS t ROM TORONTO rttkoait-it:utasstiiat r - r"ar.a*1:an f' .' .' „cries. W.: R. f!•OW AICD:,.,E4istrict passenger Agent. Toronto. Dancing and Music The emotional aide of the Major- ity of people cannot be satisfied by Free Libraries, Gymnasiums, Play- grounds, etc. The love of moving the heekby body to the rhythm of musk in some form of dancing isan in- born peculkir ty of the average man ,, and woman; with liquor and indec- ent music, Bowe vac, dances may do more harem than bacteria. It is path attic to see in our lame towns and cities young Hien and wunten rust► to some dance had to satisfy a desire for amusement. People who have used up their strength in Dancing, Late hours. Mich Foode or have, perhaps looked tido long upon the Wine when it was Red and have let Old John Barley- corn sap their vitality will find a boon in the use of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy. It will dispel "that tired feeling" tak" away that feeling of depression and nervousness that comes from lowered vithlity and brim bask the_ smithy rich. red color to the cheeks. It will mwke your beauty sleep more sattis•fping so that you wit' awake in the mornings full of life and hopes and more able to carry on with the day's work. The "Wilts that hurt" Olin MO _ eeslly be overcome..._4ouu will use Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy to strengthen the Nerves, to add power to the Heart and to tre- dve and stimulate the circulation of the Blood. ' Buy them from your dealer. 50c a btu. 6 for $2.60.' F ORDYt'E —Tuesday, Aug. 17. Misses' Vinnie Haines and Mildred McQuillin, also Mrs. Robert ilaines visited relatives at Vingham on Sun- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor and family visiting' relatives at Auburn on Sunda'. Mr. and Mrs.. William Rintoul and family, of Wingham, visited his brother, Alex Rintoul, on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Souter Taylor visited relatives near Auburn- recently. Mrs. Gaunt is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs John Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy 4lavens and family, Mr. and Mrs. -dose Champ- ion and 'Harry made a motor trip to Arthur. Limehouse, Terracotta and Hamilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rush. of Wing - ham, visited at Peter Leaver's dur- ing the week J---o-o-o--• — .I.SHFIELU —Tuesday. Aug.• 17. The completion of what is known as the Buckingham Bridge. took place on August 13th, when the contract- or, . Mr. Thomas Sandy. iwrited all the members of the County Council, together with Mr. Roy Patterson, 1 county engineer, and thes.goodent. inspector to be present. The bridge was duly inspected and pronounced a first• class job, which reflects much credit upon Mr. Sandy and upon the young engineer, Mr. Patterson. Af- ter the inspection the whole et mpany, including the workmen and all who contributed their services in the con- struction of the fine piece of work, were invited to Mr. Buckingham's where they assembled upon the lawn. where ice cream and cake, w ere serv- ed in the good old style hospitality which everyone present seemed to appreciate., After the lunch mem- bers of the Council were called upon to express.•their opinions of the work they had just inspected. Mr. Sandy came in for many compliments on his skill, and the faithfulness with. which he had followed out the plans and specifications. The work 'had been corirnt-nced'on May, IS. and• the time occupied in completing it was considered very short. • The work- men were alto complimented oa their share ie the undertaking, Mt. • DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUE N cise NOTICE ho Manufacturers, Wholesalers and ketairlers OTICE is hereby given to all concerned, that •Returns, accompanied by r tnittance of Luxiiry and Ex - Taxes, must be made as follows to the Collector of .Inland. Revenue, Owen Sound, from whom any information desired may be obtained: Returns of Luxury Tax must be made on the first and fif teenth day of each month. Returns of Jewellers' Tax, Manufacturers Tax, and Sales Tax Must be .niade not later than the last day of the month following the month covered by the Return. Returns for Taxes ,in Arrears must be niade forthwith, e oth- erwise the penalty provided by law. will be enforced. -- --By order of the DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND INLAND REVENUE Collector of Inland Revenue • N. P. HORTON Owen Sound, OnL Sandy's well known modesty prevent- ed him from making any reply, but the tine bridge stands as 'e monu- ment of his' skill. . --o-o o---- Stlol nt-r Pair) \.its 1 realize !!:::t i:ir tri,- jt.rit�, of tl:,ire farmers do nu: il• e l t •til tis:f•i s to chat they sl.u,,Id do in t.,: etin:iry p::. - iiee. but mankind rent!'- to ¢tit. kn• Most' met: n. , d will. ;o give o •.- Mona! . sional prods ''l nr !er to kc.:• t t to the !nark. 1 tt. se n t-. ;:r.• :t with the ::attic good int. nilou -wife' "just tells iiir'r h►r•!tznd"—w, - Cause she is int••rested in hint. l'ailiaF ;-a.;tar• s •Ito;:iii be tr,ented with rr.tin. nt:;tl er t •'n fe,•d in the : t:able. Tht lot dry, tt :i- tht'r of J'ine wars short fe' d :or July and At!guit; ti':is means : r: •.;; miik and rre;irii cheQu•'S. or d sr,;. 11 amount_of bi tte'1 to i -••l2.. 13y tl..• of the milk or cream .btque we tis 'know th•• rattle of out; herd. hut no; the vain.- tit individual cows, '►titin latter can tee knew•ii• only, -by .tet;inr each cow in the he; -d. with scales and fat test. Neit to it e4 in importance, conics salt and •, tee: r.' W i:hoot •plenty of th,se, cows fadtnot He'll{ well. Salt .aids dig stion ;t'iti gives tone to a row's s} .'int. An - atet age cow re- Qr.:res a'.out one ounce of salt daily. trate' is the great carrier, of nature's supplies of quant ant animal feed. A rout• in full'G.►w ,of milk will. drink frunm ten to rw.'n•y k.,;itns of water d.t;ly. Needle=s to say' the water e!:•'uId br pare. - Cooling 'milk and r•ream on the farm is l'er!t:.r t nest to Ir:pertance. .M:'k for rhe tender .—ry . cheea.ry, or foe city tte,00la4,te h'' - ler,; 70 d, su.• t as pt:r•:!►ta aft• r tett►king—: t tt toxer tc;ni'••ratute if at all pa, .title. 'Some firms will not ac, -opt Hulk at ,a terrperatu'e above 65 degs. 1'. and prefer it below tiu dr es. • Plenty 'of , "lariats''. or pref- erably lc.-w-a't'r fur rouging milk is n -'ded. Whore w.t err is •st ..:'-e it nf.,y be t.s. J fu: wat `r in,4 sit), k afntr if tbe cotlin,Q tart b•', kept ! -an. A 'atilt cc,'. r is .. great co::t,•r.:ence where there is g. ,d s:.;,p:y of e•'!d wst.: itt,t;pt pr. ssure 1'r�Ol:r, ream :s til:'e h .more en.. 1' d+; tt•. h,,,.:t :tee th're h, ony at'o it to fifteen 'g' 'r sant- the balk to . n -i• a.' cotaf+rir.•:i with ;.tttk. Iriairrti't 1� ati't te•;,.., ting' at. fi'rs`t sltunlcl h in ' -i v. -.,,• - allowed t ' •t'.:.::>, :`e•'e-'ut:rtl tee ...cream p: •', :iettr•d for the rev, let:, * .pty it t, rt.., tit ..t tan, R- -.'; an ! re;eat}' '":•'r:t'onrw'ce::11....:: t T ce :r .:l ifls .t,.•.. '''. t rS i:1.t.,r 1.1 ,,,,y•i,t'r.,. t: •.t . .. ,:4: . ;er:-i.t': or ' •r .,cit r r,,ir around' y,-);: art; chet'rfii - . .n :. pt-'r'.tee:v.''dht tr'.'sfor the' • boat upward' in quality. --prof eselfil's'esRah. h Qts^.dpoint. it i� worth t hilt 'n;:king of 1:r.' baiter 1n Ontario. erei'ybody $}lot:'t; give Ontario baiter to try to make happy those yo:: ltsso- CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Aug. 28-Sep.11 "The Greatest Annual Event on Earth - 1. Where the Nation shows its best finished _product of the Mine, Fisheries. forest. Factory. Studio and Laboratory for Exhibition. Comparison. instruction an.l Eacouraeement • Pageantry on a Massive Scale. Incomparable Music. Fine Arts. Applied and Graphic Arts Isternationtil Photographic Salon. Demonstrations daily by Northwest Mounted Police Twe days of sensations: automobile :acute Mile.s.+ninute motor boatased rater sports. Electric shot'. AserIeaa boat LI'. Stock i vulrry. tractor end Farm Machinery Duren. t;wrressest tsbitotts and it emeaatratioea And a wore of other Special A Kray tiaina r!od Caueetrtire year -1.201.000 Visitors a, 1919. ' JOHN G. KENT. G -neral Manseer. 1 .tar+ • has Canadian Natiora; has sev-t'ral times been '•is tell by fire The !a`f. tele*' l. was iU11•i whe• $3. 0.0i -o) worth of buil.i:ne:s Gra'- Sti4'. Y. U. D4au, u.- A. C'► 'get GveIplli, • 1 1 1 1 4 1 I 44 e; 1 1 4 1 1