HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-08-19, Page 1ittirloto $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2 -SS OTHERWISE' Lucknow Flour Mills FARMERS ` Come .. And Get Your Participa- tion Certificates. • W. E, TKELEAVEN. ,p. G. Drinkwalter FURNACES SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED --PLUMBING AND ELEC' I'RIC WIRING. AGENT FOR THE NECLA PIPELESS FURNACE. DENTIST Dr. W. U. McLeod, office McTavish block. Ripley. Office hours, 9 to 6 f -an- !'Moor for appeintatests. SALE TENDERS Tenders addressed to the under- signed will be received up to August 31st, 1920, for tho purchase of prop- erty, Lot 233, Campbell St., Lucknow —just east of Finlayson's store. On - the - lot theme are two buildings suitable for shops or stores. High- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. For ' particulars and terms apply to Ben Hughes, R.R. A, Holy- ,, 26-8. TO MY PATRONS • ; L,UCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY. AUG. 19, 1920. I• 0 0 0 0 0 11•0 �• l.I1;CA! - , - 1p Owing to unavoidable circumstanc- es, I have been unable to make my annual visit to Lucknow with the Pri- vate Christmas Greetins Cards. How- ever, I expect to be in town some time during - September. I hope, therefore, that my customers will not order,their cards until they have seen lay new samples. There is a splen- did variety this season. and I feel sure everyone can find something suitable. Thankinst you for past patronage, and tnisting i may again have the privilege of serving you, I remain, Yours faithfully. Albert Lott, Aug. 10th. 1920: Brussels, HURON COUNTY TO COME UNDER THE 0.T.A. • • o • • o ss o • • Mr. Ernie MiHaon is at home for his summer vacation. Mr. Ford Aitchison is up from Thedford on a two -weeks' vacation. kiss Pentland, of Elmira, was a week -end guest of Mrs. J. G. Anders son. Mr. Sam Murchison is up. from De- troit and will spend a few 'weeks in town. y Mr. and Mrs. D.. R. Macintosh spent the recent holiday at South- ampton. Miss Ann L. Halway, of St. Thom- as, is the guest of Miss Isabel Doug- tas this week. Mrs. J. Mackenzie, of Culross, is visiting for the week with her son, A. D. ' Mackenzie. Mrs. Million and son Ralph and her little grandson left Wednesday morn- ing for Alberta. Mrs. Harry Bogues and sons, Earl and Gordon, are up from Detroit vis- iting friends 'here. Mr. C. F. Richardson and wife. of Teeswiter, are spending i s two -weeks' vacation in town. Mrs.. Mackenzie, a sister of the Misses Burgess, is over from Chicago for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stonehouse, of Toronto, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Dr. Tennant. Misses Glenna and Eva Murchison, of Toronto, are visiting their sister, Mrs. F. T, Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington- 'Hender- son lender-son and children are visiting Luck- now friends this week. ' Mr. Robert Lyons was down from Quebec for a few days last week on a visit to his old hone. Mr. Carrick Douglas was among the western excursionists who left here Wednesday morning. . Mr- and Mrs. John Keith, of Tees- water, are spending the week with his sister, Mrs. D.. MacLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglas and little daughter, of., Clinton. were , at. his former home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eilber were in towe" for a few days of the week re- newing 'former acquaintances. Mr. Gordon Webster is up from Toronto to spend a week's vacation with his aunt. Miss L. Webster. Miss Christie Graham is in "Kincar- dine th4's week with her sister, Mrs. Habkirk who is confined to the house. Misses Irene McGee and Marjory Gillespy. of Toronto` are spetiding their 'vacation with Mrs. ;aures Mail- . �t ler. Mrs. J. L. Falls (formerly. Mae Graham) is over front Chicago visit- ing her parents, Mr. and )Irs. Robert Graham. Dr. and Mrs. R. M McLean hare returned to Welland after enjo;ing a three -weeks' vacation with friends at Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs, Bertram Smith, of Tara.4' were in town for a few days last week. the guests of Mr, and )[is. At a meeting of the Huron County Temperance executive held in Clinton' on Friday of last meek it was decided to immediately -Circulate petitions asking the Dominion Government to bring Harrpi Comets under the Ontar- io Temperance Act, and thus have a uniform law throughout the''e. The C.T.A. tor Scott Act) .had been very satisfactory during its enforce- araent the last six years. but it will re- lieve the County Caused of some fin - social ' responsibility, and the Lice's* Board of Comtmissiowers of the pro- vince are willing to swarm this res- ponsibility if the OT -A- is accepted. opted. 'The Ontario Tewtperarre Act is a splendid- piece of legislation and b many respects is more restricted tuna the CT.A. and the fires are mach more serer.. The C.T.A will not, howeuJ. le re- pealed but imerely suspended (as loc- al option is now in many place's) and should the provincial law be set aside at W future time Huron Counts -would again be under the C.T.A. To secure this sospeusios iR will be necessary to get a petition of at /east twenty-five per curt .of the el- rctoR and the local workers will or- ganise at once for this eampaigr. U MAL. MARKET Futter .WEDDING BELLS 1 r �ct�1n r 1 ST. HELENS um SINOLE COPIES. * CENTS - SCHOOL ST %1j' COMPLETED o EVERYBODY'S COLUMN —Tuesday, Aug. 17. The Lucknow School Board has j _. - - - . .yw�,....J.. ..-w•- � ....r w...rs -,iw The marriage of two u: Lucknowrs air. John Thoms, of Fordwich, suer ed` in comp a mg , e .s o popular young people—Mr. Russell visited his father, Mr. W. Thoms on ' teachers, which w ,s somewhat disor- Clark Robertson and Miss Esther E1- Sunday. ganized by the resignation of three lzabeth Johnston—popularly known ,Mr. and Mrs. W, E. McPherson member, at the dose of the last term. an Russ Robertson and Etta Johns- left on Wednesday on a trip through Mr. A. E. Elliott.. f London, a re- turned soldier, and a graduate - of Queens Faculty ' of Education, has been engaged as 'pri cipal. Mr. Ell- iott is a son of Principal John, El, liott, of the Bowman isle & bool, who had his 'early hoi c near Holyrood, and his first experience as teacher in a Kinloss seht.�+l- 1r. Elliott cones with 1,lentlid r'cc riraendatiofs-f ti his teachers. Faculty and inspect- ors of schools in which he has taught. He won the proficiency medal on com- pleting the, cuurSe in Faculty. The board feel that they are for- tunate in again securing Miss Mc- Lean as assistant r,n_,che Continuation Class rooms. Her work in that cap- acity has always been of a .high or- der, and she conies back now strengthened by a year's rest from teaching. \tics Laura Morton, of Guelph. will have charge of Room III. Miss Mop- ton is a niece..of Mrs.. Pied "MacDon- ald and has visited here on a num- ber of occasions. She is an exper- ienced teacher. and, highly recom- mended. by -her inspectors. ' Miss Woods . will again take charge of the Entrance Class, .Miss MacCal- lum is remaining, in, Room II, and Miss Murdie will have charge of the Primary room. School wi.l r. -oi,en on Tuesday. Sept. 7n and. the secretary informs us that ch.l dre�n under the age of six years will not h'reafter be admitted to the primary class. •r.`. tai t.... ton, took place at the Methodist par- sonage jtere at 9.3Q o'clock Wednes- day morning of this week. Rev. R. Fulton Irwin officiated. The bride and groom were unattended, only a' few near relatives being present. The bride wore a suit of gabardine and a hat of green and blue dovetine. After. the ceremony the bridal pair and a number of the relatives had luncheon at the home of the bride's moth:•; on Ross Street, , and the- young heyoung couple left, by motor for Niag- ara where they will take a ' boat fora trip down the St. Lawrence as far as 'Saguenay, visiting Montreal and Quebec. They will return to Luck - now in about two weeks where they will make their home in the pretty residence which Mr. Robertson has just had completed on Ross Street. ' MARRIED AT OKLAHOMA The following report of a marriage which took place in the fay -away city of Oklahoma has local interest, the bride, eldest daughter of Mr. Myles MacMillan, being well known. here. The report is from The Daily Okla- y`A marriage of interest which took place Monday at noon (Aug. 9th) in the parsonage of St. Joseph's Cathed- ral, 'was that of Miss Mary MacMil- lan, of Lucknow, Ontario, to Mr. James A. Menefee, of Fort Cobb. The Rev- Frank McCreedy read the impressive. marriage. service The bride came to Oklahoma city about a year ago as superintendent of St Anthony's Hospital; where, through her' charming and loveable ssonality, she made many friends. Mr. Menefee who is well known throughout the state, is president of the Caddo County National Bank at Fort Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. Menefee left i:rmed- iate;y alter the ceremony for Color- ado where they will visit the priacip- alaproints of interest .Ater Septem- ber 1st they will be at home in Fort Cobb. Ed. Hoagies. )ir. Mark, Douglas, of North Bar, Firs. Too Douglas and grandson, Thomas Angus,` are guests of the Misses Burgess. - Mr. and Mrs Roy SlacIntosk, of Haamilton, who are arming the visit- ors at Point Clark, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. BroWa Master Geo. Tweet came over from Zetland on Sunday to spend the day with his friends, Morgan and Billie Henderson. The Post Oce Departnnent has repealed the recent order requiring postage on registration returns to the provincial geserameatt. Mrs, William with her daughter, Sadie, and soa. Frank. motored over front • Bultaio and are spending a wail k with Mia. Fannie Anderson. arm Donald* MacDiaraid, who has been at her bonne here the past few months. returned on Tuesday to Detroit when. she will resume her profession of nursing. Aalr branch of the Bank of Hamil- ton will collect Canada Wheat Baird certificates. Holders shoeld consult the local manager who will be Vd to (Give information and ad- •-• •— VER! TALL OATS the Western •prbwinces to the coast. Cecil Hyde and Roy Aitchison left for the West last Wednesday. ' A- mong those going this week are, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lavis, Harry Lavis, McKenzie Webb, J. D. Anderson and I Miss Ruth Phillips Mr. Neil Stewart, of Chicago, is a visitor at Mr. J.- B. Rutherford's. Mrs. Tigert and son, Arthur, of 'Hamilton, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of Toron- to,are holidaying at Mr. P,_ Clark's. Miss Durnin has.returned from a month's visit at Detroit, Ingersoll and other points. . Mrs. Hugh 'McCrost:e has return- ed from a holiday in Munkoka. Mrs. Snell and son, Lorne,„accomp- anied her grandfather on a visit to Kervrhins ' Harvey' Webb spent the week -end at Toronto. • Aisses Annie Durnin and Mabel Woods are enjoying a holiday with friends in .Stanley. Miss Minnie Habbick, of Toronto, is visiting her,. sister, Mrs. John Mc- .Quillin. Miss Ada Haines, of W inghani, is a visitor at Mr. W. McQuillin's. In the ::eld •competition Mr. John Webster won 1st prize for wheat and' 2nd for oats at Lucknow; , and Mr. Will Webster, 1st for barley and 6th fur oats at 'a ingnam. The representatives from the Rifle Club who were at Long Belch last week were quite successful. As a team they won second .place, the prize being a , bronze medal present- ed by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, and a cash prize of $25. Each member Fon. several other prizes amounting to -about $75 - Mr. R. 1. Woods has a santfole of oats on exhibition at the store. They are O.A.C..oats and measure 6 ft, inches in height. Can anyone beat this' Mr. and Mrs. Saar Reid are to be congratulated on their baby. Ruby, receiving the first prizeat the baby show held at Silver Lake picnic on There are mansAugust SLK: (Incfine fields of oats Nixon and air. in the country ,this year, and sit is Mr. and Mrs- Ralphy rarely tjtt the crop is so uniformly and Mrs- =am Reid and children good. We have seen a number of spent Sunday at the home cf W. R. specimens of very long oat straw. Farrier. but a small bundle brought. in from The St. ,Helens Women's Institute the farm of- Mr. Robert Woods, near' will hold their August meeting at the St. Relent beats them all so far. It home of Mrs. Clark on Thursday. the is 6 ft. and 6 inches tall_ There was 126th. at 2.30 o'clock- Subject, "How quite a lot of it about this length. I ' Roll call. "Summer -dishes.- are we benefitted by meeting togeth- and it was an standing up well a er. veik Music. err. If possible we would like all the members to be present as ar- rangements must be made re;-aniing giving lunch at the School Fair. Visitors are always welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Rising, of Seafartb, Rad air. Wilber Wehster Jami' Miss s't Lwin, of Seaforrti, motored asp ora 55--410 Sunday and worn guests of Mr. and , ... $19.10 Ma ham ago MAFEKiNG —Tuesday. Aug. 17. Miss May Menary, of Crewe, visit- ed airs. Jas. Culbert Sunday. Miss Gladys Blake returned to her home near Clinton Sunday. ac coiup- anied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake who returned 'hie same day. Harvest is in full ,swift. Most of the grain is now in the stook. Misses Mary and Belle Anderson and Ohre Kilpatrick are spending this week on t hel:th. Coo. Miss Jessie Stothers . spent the week -end with friends at Grand Bend - Mr. and Mrs. T. Bamford and fam- ily. of Westfield. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Finlay Sunday. Mins Frances Fitzgerald returned Iasi' week from a two -weeks' iisiz with friends at Port Dower. Mrs, R. Bell, of New Ontario, is It -jilting Mrs. Jas. Clalbert this week. Mr. and Mrs, J. D. McLennan. of : weeks with the latter'' . sister. Mrs. HIGH CLASS CONCERT Zion Methodist Church have sec- ured for their Annual Concert, to be held On Monday evening. :August :n. Professor. Robert'1Hannait. B: - Pro- fessor of Public Speaiingc. Western Cn'rersity; Mr. James Anderson and Mrs. W. Joynt. of Lucknow; Rev. J. Agnew. of London. Admission Star and 25e. BELFAST 3Irn Fielding. of Wiarton. visited retatives in the burg. on Monday. daughter and Mrs„ Laugher& Sr.. of Thorrolale. spent a few days last ebiceess are visiting his brother, K.. D. MacLennan. AshfiekL Mr. Mac- Mr. and 3Irs. Pardon and Nit*. of Leman will he remembered as twins; wilitearxmh- 'Tent the art'ek-ead at 000 -- TWO OLD WOMEN PASS The death 'of f two very okl persons occurredjust ::orb of Lucknow with- in the past two Weeks.- We..refer to the late Mrs. Donald Murchison. who died on August':Zth at the age of 95 year, and” tIr_-' Jacab FS_fieic,V: mho lied un August 15tli at the age of 92. Mrs. Murchison hid been living with ner ua:::hter. Mary, near the railway crossing, and had been an in- valid for many months. Before her marriage to the late Mr. Murchison ?ler name vas Janet MacPherson. _ Mrs.• Fisher • had also been -an in- valid for some time. and for a num- ber of years had been ' blind. She :rade her 'home with her son. Mr. James Fisher,, or. the 2nd_ Con,. Kin- lorfi. CHURCH `:EWS Ashfield • Method's: Cimait.—Zion Anniversary. Servi•ses Sunday, Aug,. ,new. of London. Ilickett's Anniver- sary Services. Sunday. Sept_ 12th. 2 Rev. D..MacLeod. of Montreal. who is sssjourst:sts.- a: Bruce Beaeh ar.d vis- iting his former iessile at RipleY. oc- cupied the..polpit of the Presbyterian Chureh here -on Sianday. preaching in a m.n.st.acceptahle manner. )Ir. Mac-. Leod not ortir preas hes but sings well. and in. the evening he centrlbuted a -solo to the strict Of ilbng. qmm en 4111 man • EIGHTH .CON.. KIM -WS —Tuesday. Aug. 17. Mr. Alf Swat-nell. 4 Saskatoon. has returned a his western home after atives in :his par:. Mr and Mrs: Jss. Ws:: were. Sun - MONEY TO LOAN on niortgages and notes at reasonable rates. tire Insurance. both stock and Mutoal with neauiess and, despatch. — - Geo. A. bidden. Broker. Lucisauw. pit. 'PAR.KER, OSTEOPATH, at Cain House, Lucknuw, every Weuscs- eases suct.essisfily treated. US- tutipathY removes the phys.cal causes of disease. AdJusuueut ut tne spine is more quictuy secured , .:and witti fewer treatments by Os - All kinds of fat poultry wanted. Highest Toronto prices paid. Also .411 kinds cif junk wanted.. If you nive any, let me know. Phone 66. ' Jake Libel. LIVE POULTRY WANTED: High- est prices .paid., Silverwoods Ltd., Hotel Kitchen "and dining -room to rent- Good Business. Address Box FOR SALE.—No. 2 Borwnie Cam- era with outfit. Inquire at The Sent- inel Office. FOUND.—On the street in Luck - now,. on Aug: 5th, a sum of money. Owner may have same on proving prnperty Inforrnation at The Sent- inel Office. , • FOR SALE.— Standing beaver Any, about 12 acres. Will be Sold in iots to suit purchasers. Apply to Donalda MacIntosh,,,Lots 14' and 15, Con. 3, Kinloss. Phone '26 r Rip- FERTILIZEIL—Getting ready for fa/1 wheat seeding. Get your fertil- izer now, and When you are getting it zet ;he best None better than Gunn's No longer ian experiment. This fer- tilizer has made good year after now from G. S. Robertson, Lucknow. FARM FOR SALE 2(10 acre farm in the Township of Kir.loss.6 miles from Lucknow. good hoese and barn. orchard and spring creek. Some bush. For particulars applY to Mrs. Wm. Gleeson. Luck - now. day 'visitors at F. Johnston's. • • .Mr. Jos. Culbert spent Monday with Kincardine frie4ds. Poriald Carnegie is anions the let- • est to go west 'f,%r the luirnelzt months .The %jeinand. ftv: help in western prov."- inces is still 'great • DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE Noties• to ex -members of the Canad- ian Expeditionary' Force. OTICE iS hereby given to all • concerned that, ex -members ..14 the Canadian Expeditior.ary' Foree who are entitled to. and who require post -discharge dental treatment must submit their applications to the Dist- rict Dental Oilicer at the Headquart- ers of the"District: in which they re- side *mar before 1st September. 1p201' Applications for dentai treatment re- ceived. after 1st September. 1920. will not te considered. Major General. Deputy Mir.ister. Militia and Defence. Ottawa. August 3. 1920. .N,-te—Neirspfpers vr:11 not he paid for the adverttsement if they insert it without auth,srity from tht. Depart - Rev. Fr. Brophs- is paying a visit • Quite a eurns..er iron! this :trot to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Brophy tended divine se Tv,,Pet: at the -Indian ,- Miss Rita .Met-oratiek. •of Torortio. Caar.psn 1.11,boaCsni- en Sun lay 1,0$ t. A visiting her grandmother. MrS., few Inst.. spent knit.T.1,1e opinien ',Try Formes. at ope time a member of the Molsor.s Mr- A-hett sae"' Mr. .and Nint. Thonw strohir atui %airs. ,T1Sow r_islen party. ai.t Assis.,:sts.e Bonk .stetf. t r barns ass!! •faissy sperit 04% etzlnesea. T erg- ol kast "ttetli ttx4 mrf•-1. A. Glenn* wtarn,d daughters. of Listowel. called .or: simjiy sitit „las_ Hass's. loth Con?' i great sureeSs. there from a two -weeks' vacation at Oli- phant There ire fifteen hundred peopk at this little lakeside resort this summer. soiny being fiVal New York; Chicago and points between. friends here Friday. Mr. arsi Mrs. K_ Needham. of Is'ail° t Irrk 4- * *1-` • M r. and M rs Wilson Irwin and e.„1,zing 12,4 , Redmond orrk ftirrished 'sons and Mr. and Mrss Aks Miss. Vita S.hersrood returntsi toll Ir.7.411e$ to express her s-neere, thanks i Sssi a: her home here. i 1 for and appreciation of' the kindness These so's,. left for the West last , lust sSamPathY of frienas sod! Deitch- w‘ _k u -ere: 3Ir. and Mrs_ Sam Sher- bors during the illness and at the WOlbii. Mr. Toni reraunley. Mr. Ralph death. of bet anther. . .. Nixon ond daughter, Hattie, and Mine 3gairy llavehisio. Ilene Brunt scnn presents Toni Moore in -Just for wins it. Achnisszer 1,5 and !Se. the grounds wi:: te among t'ne rest eight desires of the Canadian Nat:er- • • •