HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-08-05, Page 5Let Us Help You Make a Garden BEAUTIFUL surroundings add to the value of your prop- erty. A flower garden to beautify --a vegetable garden to reduce rut tabis cost. We have everything to make garden work easy- swdes. rakes. lawn hose. lawn mowers. etc. Reautily Toutr house with O -Cedar Polish' (25c to $3.00 sites).Q-C. r Polish Moo. the time and laboiKsarer. is 21 so NEW PERFECTION OIL COOKING STOVES. ALL SIZES 'AND STYLES. • MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES. A KIND FOR EVERY PURPOSE. GET OUR PRICES ON CORRUGATED GALVAN- IZED ROOFING. WE HAVE A QUANTITY AT FAR I.ESS THAN PRESENT WHOLESALE PRICES. BRANTFORD ASPHALT SLATE SHINGLES AND ROOFING. THE BEST OF ITS KIND ON TIIE MAR- KET TO -DAY. LET US SHOW YOU WHY. PREPARED PLASTER.' A 'CAR OF PORTLAND CEMEN•I'.11S1 ARRIVED. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF -SECOND HAND BI- CYCLES I('YlLES IN GOOD REPAIR AT RIGHT PRICES. BICYCLE REPAIRING AND SUPPLIES. WE \ HAVE A SPECIAL COAL OIL FOR INCU- BATORS. McLEOD & JOYNT THE STOI:E WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHEST ESTABLISHED 1872 HE at) OFph.Z H..0111LTON Ithis not a case of something for • nothing' The Bank. of Hamilton takes care of 'your. saviwgs. keeps an account• in the ledger, receives your money • from you And gives it out when required and pays you for the prix ile,e of being allowed to renaef• these services. From whichever aacls jun csaniddeg the matter it is certainly to your advantage to :ace your money this way. BANK OF HAMILTON LUCIINOW BRANCH -J. A. CIeniiie. Manager. 1 PRESEFVATIH 6F FJOC Essentia s in having Vege:ao:e3 an. Fru t'. Sterilising Prepitratarl to t itl.►.iug Des.e•rihe;•d --- ilr)►iiit,t .lethod.:.!tel the Cold rack Also Described. (Coatrth•tted by irntart.. n-t..rtturnt .-4 • Agriculture. 1....,;t1•, ► IT is a unh ersalh i ..wn tact ilia! foods apt pt'dpra I : pi eserved will spoil. They Will terms -ht, de- ' t•ay. putrefy or become moldy.' 1'hrse• chat.ge's are brought abou• by the development of- bacteria.. yeasts 1 and molds on or in, the food. If 'these nitro -organisms can be ,prevent -,d from growing on or in the food it .rill not spoil. Therefore. the gum - titin of food p ,servaticln resolves •it- ieit into the problem of preventing .thes�. tiseetet^•iatt.Keai its in'd 4.e.olds front erose ng or, multiplying on or in the toads. This is done in Various ways according to the nature of the food to be preserved, .be In the preservation of such vege-. 'abler as green peas. bQans. asparagus sad green 'coin, cooing and• sealing re neces.sary. •These are green and jui.'y, and it stored' in the ti csh con= dition they will .either. wilt or fer- nte•it and rot. This tertaentation and ,rotting is due -to the develol•tncr►i of the bacteria which are present e,n the: Vegetables,. There will be sofa leo: moisture present in the nia►s_s to en- able the bacteria to niiiltiltly are! ft.- it on the ii:aterial and thus in.it.. a the rot. So in order to presFrve.,su• tt re -::.=- tables in the fresh eotidition the t•a••-. feria present have to be all killed u,:d all other bai•teria prevented from get- ting on the material until' it -Is to .ire used. In order to a:compl:sh tats the process of canning is -'esorttd to. To get satisfactory results- from can-, ring vegetables it is ne:cessary to have: • - 1st. Good sound healthy vegetables. . 2n4..Good clean sealers with 61041- ftting tops and good rubbers. 3rd. CVash the vegetables and Ell into the sealers.` ' 4th. Cover with water salted • to. ' .taste: , -• Sib. Put on the tops and leave slightly loose, ' 6th. Place- sealers in a steamr'r of ` boiler half fitted with cold water and heat to the boiling point for half an ' hour. 7th. Retuose sealers froth boiler or steamer and tighten down the' tops. Sth. After :4 hours loosen the tops and return to the boiler or steamer • and give avnother half hour's io:Gaga 9th. Repeat this process ter an- o• ther :4 hours. Then tight!i down • the tops and place away. .This treatment should destroy all Micro-organisms •present. and if the • torp Is hoz- tastiealip settaloti ail °does .an get to until it is opened. Another uiethod.of sterilising tr' rive one boiling to the filled sealers for threeto four hours. This, how- ever, cannot be depended on to give as satisfactory results as the above'.' Another luethod is to heat in steam' under 15 l s.'pressure for thirty min - oft s. This is the commercial way lot wLich special strong steamers (auto- • clay. Q that can withstand internal ft es5ure -are necess try... , Another method of prR.;'tving vegetables is by drying in special __ovens.. This driing procoss eat -eters suticient moisture from t'he vege- tables ege- tobl.s to prevent the bacteria pc; sent from 'having the power to multiply • unless the tu'il1Iriais should get Rooth L fore;• being used. If sufLcient. e.o.s- tti:e! is nut eXtr.acted. or should ill dried t.tate'rt.cls get moist during K:o: .:get• then dtcay or rot will' r.,pidis Jeer clop. as :he bactet is are not ktljt e. in the dryig process and may rt•- Qu:re toot: t, r to enable tl.eni to at - 's -flop. - Such fruits as strawberries. Vas: - ber: es. plums.. p•'. .hes. outran:; bla• bet-rit.. eta.. which are soft. caw :an be kept . ny length of time with: L•ut lt•rn.entiag or mowing tinl•,- tl.ey .are canned. _ - elle canhit.g process is sin;rly ;t.. the p :t'poe4 of killing. ..:1 n:oId sport r al.•I 'ran cells that are on the Luz: • .rid p:tse.tttng A•l:ers getttng'o n u: it the !:tat. Vial is to be used. Catmint: tr•:t-s is not so dalhe tlt a, c:.r...i:tg v.--etables beeat,se n is e`. : ter to k:11 yeasts and molds Whit. :aQ.a : 1:tit's than it trto kill ba.ten-- tl.at. .I.fii►.: sed:. tables. lil.• w: ft Rai:s tr.:ay be cooky' in atilt ke::Ir, sugar added to taste. an,. :tiled i•.it di:re.t atom this` LtttIe in:i' ate r«its ,1.-..11(41% to Ltt•ve'd tweet t fh... sa.....:..g R..tt r- 711:t• ctira't., tiny ..a.: itab:A . _ .:•ould tr p:i: oa at on.- .'.: re•ai'i:u::. w...l.::,:g w.t.t i.•1 a;e ars.: x %Ir�l�Ulc�/J WINGHAM._ ONT. FALL TERM F1.001 AUG. 31:t. Graduates Placed in Positions. Sent; a carol n`ei:iec'istg the pr nciral f, call on you 4 bring the. vaca- tion. We flare ccnipetent teachers. one for reach department. Register now for the fav terns. Phone1ti6. Il. -.C. NIeLACIII.AN..Presider.t. M[t'RR.%I' tii.1.EI�If. 1`r; t,'ipa1. . Ceistipation karats: Poisons 'Whet (\,nstipntion colas, wast happen' T'ie t'nlii Ret clogged with waste Material. which is ea- tromeiy pt•:son os. the blood circula- tion conies in s;:`!iciettly close con- text with the waste to take up these Poisons by absorption sad to distrib- ute them throughout the body Tse, refrult is --:he i.iver becotnes Shit r-seh. you become dull and heavy. R:i�.iu�re`-? : <- r•? it=.'f. th•-t e„ti hare Headaci-c. Krdney and Bladder Trouble. Indigestion. Append•citts. aril more ev .: - Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills are highly recommended for Constipation - and its Evil Results They are portly vegetable. do ne.: 1:ripe. I'urgg► or trr.'.,t.'. au.1 bring relief by ptodacir.g a healthy tooth- tton of :he Stomach. 1.1% e�, 1►1,1>zerrs ane! Dull is. No matter *hit medic:ne you are taking for a larat i : e it might be jus: as well l to c:aa a g e off to Mac k s ng•s. Tse combiaoetien of Csst-ars, rep permit-% Ma_rappee a:1,1 the oth!'r Vegetai.ie Dime's 'en>,:staitte.l in %brie Pahl w►.1 redact rt'cutti to be •n ognialled by ars tlt 1!e` :^, Thee teert beautiful to Digestive Disorders. for Gas en the Stomach. for Spasmodic _t Paints in -the Stomach and Bowels. noel foe Dyspepsia and Itrdiffestion '"F S few [cfl `q from ytrttt r.es!e�r - '. at but Se at:o;utely sire Few get Hackings. PROMPT RELIEF far the at id-disttasred atone* try two or three 'RI•notDS after meals. diasoired as the bongs-koer year atotiaeb met - aid � o i d s - !the tttei► • MAtbt R scoTT t omens Maami 0I acorn -s MUM= THE WESTER t2R111` _ tt esti^`ate ,1 that r;trout :Zil.ttlilti ' nien will be requirt`.1'tas w-,,rk as Farm • Laborers to assist in harvesting the :Airs in Manitoba. S5-$ *ta itewan. and Alberts. The ('anonLori Pari^c has • arranged anti is a.is-er2,:sing• usual speetai fete of $I' to Winnipeg. and • wiIl ran `pea: trans from Terisnto. August Seth. 11th. loth and 11th. Brading l p a Plot k. i 1:.r, :,:rills ..)ehi.itmatale bre, Thai tsto k r - 1 Z,e see•;tr,•.I. The 1::..le tr..ay hS t • .'..reit in T•71-• ny • (.t '- to On- i I art . from eggs si(Ur'tl ,D;► t•htldren i i a,ri: Iia : t in s. h.'. t 1,:f* Ct'at2i � i to • ••bo ! stir winners this ye..-. t 1:'. g-a.ring up•a htr'r.t ti,'ek . vis `t:1d be it::. -chased. From 11 etch for Nu>tits 1 iraii - In looking for Qaa: k eras* it mould we`ll to statrh Ms.) for e'the'r weeds. -Leaking sure -_-_-- ;O to seed sad that*. Its I of ts!'satR& a se t les G! &VI V tltt�■.i,I 1 Riding; �Iac�e Comfort Cariada. WHY letr malt roads 'int. fere with youi n;.�►,;:;•,1;�• comfort . In this Overland ynu t'ee,i.n. let bat Foals spt)i - go -0 ? ri.i,•;. Triplex Bhangs, mak; mile you ''ride a t .)re c•_ .'.� :•l::i:(a ✓ mlle.- Lfight weight II:a!;:'s ever.111'. a more econoillie.11 illliC. This rare combination of rid l' ng luxury with drip-ing economy accounts for the tremendous en- husiasi.. ,which is greeting the Overland all over Canada. Its equipment is of the most inoc:crn type. I:s stamina is a tredit to the Canadian institu- : ion which created this car. Let us shpt• you the Overland. ji Wingham Dealer L. Kennedy. Dungannon' Dealer L. M. Mackenzie. Head Ot'i:e and Factories: \l Limited, To -onto, Canada Branches: Toro-:.:. M.,nrre.'I, Wir.r.irce ani Reif, - Ct' s AD!.N PAcIFIc FARM LABORERS WANTED "fere Going "=--$I5 to WIANIPE6. 5itsdpefidevait h fta`tlHi . "Fare Returaing"-$20 frau WINNIPEG.. is Ear Stift* Halt to aim GOING DATES TERRITORY AUGUST IN j Proms Star.oes in Ontetr-e, Sta.tl s Fans t, and iw:p lsat T.x,,esto cal Lake Oe.tar:o Shore- Lime so,: Havebo k-Pete:basrn Lxae, and Front S;sr. x -a R'atiton to Renfrew mart ms. inclusive_ AUGUST 1 ilii ' From &att.).:. era Timate r rj�..ry di.:eve Este. bets -ea T; roto sm3 Parry Salad inclusive. From S-ar xis Delsr+eb t^ F. --e Vela= •" and Bunce: c 5. a R.a+-s.•aer.., i,;..•' -ss ee. AUGUST 1 1. Froca Sasr.,-South a-:.'. V'ci; „AT ,,,,-.,i., end it►c:a►c! r:t Feieerr►r-s t W +iter, O t. tamed .` Prete Owen Butt,!. War.yarn. Te ,.eater. BSl ess !tarn. urs. Lstoetet. Ga.:e h. Si. mar's. Piot Burner. a;:: St. &1wr.,. , Pr. 1: hes- SPECIAL I tlL From Sta::.'rs Toronto snit Ne3r'h Z,Bs,ttoa. itt:;a:• SPECIAL T*Alleta FROM TORONTO Fnli psrtecu:ars fr,-ia Carta'11 •`a T.: !et A:-a's. W. B. HOWARD. 1 .•i . •t P. enter k reit, tarestw. Itaril:: - :1 1• . .' dis..u.' 1' �`• • ,• :ca'a• kfe-r:e l trir, al fie:' :t 4 nlaiu :n.:•`r this t.;'t 'r r. `.•.^ &1t!, -tt-1•'. Thiry- `e,;t.• . • c.- ftA^t •t a reit id tTirt: .,A. 1°".+:• t •, blurs t\ clt'tt' cath►•; droop . They eat 1 -Ic' r,.-1. altho a`: they . errt,z- . .. It 1- t.r,itigz A VA": w:. . • ,.• - ar :i t': a •'o 'ae t:•'•.. •. cl••c; - : :to ,t.•, Tort, r'•... 'ohs t lgh:l�'. tome -!ton b i•' Ite'`d or •! Aril•':htr say 10 • present such and r.. qtly die tr. a free t: :.:S.:. ty the cold pM. k iiie::.o.:. ' In hosiek . r. sunt lye. • tt, r..e"t:.od the ft tits are not con.ke;. Po;: mortem .'1t !•c`w-s tttate the sealer. ltleW cf flesh: the a177- 1; .: t t:.ti os, t:s1';. *Lou*:.' be used •t usual: r•t , icke•4 e.dr•and lililei dot-c:l;t $utd• The; , :'i; :1-.01* .ile'rs. St..)le' tr:ilt shcul.t.1 bac �a f. R lid le .•••• r • t►a' �•.';la:- The ti 13-...1.1e • 1.-• :t .`:.• l sy::ipb of sfttcar ar d whitt r s u et t• 1 -;-.Wks 11..: e'ts• f t*. ; , tr; .i +a► ia`:e•it t:.••••• t:l.ei' Into hen vibes, atiat\ s •.fie.} t chtrk� in •tht` ilii•. h s,,' pt.'s tie ters. tithlakrS and ring harte'.A front :1`i• /2,i; ... j 1:: on but n1t s. 'e'weral dew !erre,: •'ii: -k+a ant • so f ,' .' -.,•,- tight•1 Th.' still}. •. their, plated sprea' The:` ct. ►• tat - �, 'ate' a••:.1 ••f. 111,411.1111,411.1ft::- d:5t'a•' .11=1=1 :; ft_itr'i. '� -.-�' 0 ;t to ic,.i:. ii.tth..+' ril.r'u� ;ht tsar.►• h.,1Y,e!'+,'.lam•' :sal leP:. i`• - - 1 A ,. •' :: :s Z::e'•,Alii to :a •;was arty-;ttc•?:e .rgi^e ww:,.. •wr- 1�c ..�,� ' i,.; :or h..:t a t 1...r. i Itable :o -o:za: c.' .se.s�a the t .i.' 4 •'•.•l•SZ .tQ ti�