HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-08-05, Page 25.
I •
1...4.,„,...... - ASALESMEN AND
............•_. ___ __
„..,,,,,,., WANTED 1 r.„. .. . if _
-,;,„„:4-,,, . . . /a.
Thc Triumph of Youth. I
. Wages—First Year: $25.00 perjnonth.
Ontario Governtvient.
Training Course in the Ontario Hospital'
t;rti.duate Nurse's Dipkima from the
Proviacial Secretary's Department of the
Youpg. women to take the Nuree3- 1
rtniuTs.iltrirese%rYtTrsa' I.
0 ;
. •••• : 44, trO. , . ,
- ::: .' . - ' an Al Investment. 'We will buck you
w,. want Agcnts who can rOpsesent
.., board. uniform. and laundering. Second up und assist you to inake sales:.
. . . Year: $3U.uU per• month. board. uniform. . This will bring you anti 'he iniest-
"Marry my daughter? Certainly nat, i Ann made a pretence, of being a little ilaitiiinlerip a.nasws4 coa:trotmiotavIng How Are Your Pots and Pans. • ‘. • or a nicq inconie.
only my clerk!" - And Sir Stephen heart she rejoicf..d that he had such a
uniformlarundering. r'and high cost of -.
living bonus. It trlaurds: •.
- 1 ortunate indeed is 'the housewife: put into the clean kettle about two
scouring pow( er andi., ee w •
• .• Write. for Informatton.
Windermere frowned blackly- at the %ay .with him.. . .• Write for particulars to the Ikho works in a kitchen which has, pounds of fat ,sor suet cut into 1?ats• '11 —
1 :t 1 ,00l Then
young man who had 'dared to Eak.v.gest Of course,. hell lecture you a lot:
Medical Baawriateadeat. : Ontario Production CO., Ltd.
• sir!. Why, you.sseam to foisset you te shocked by his impetuosity, 1
• Norman Granville bowed his'head He may send you right away. If Sq, . planned kitchen, the size of the- room I careful that it does not burn. When .- "'tanning Chambers Bldg.
such a thing. • The be:c thing s to :make no reply. - •
999 Q110011 Stolid Toronto been carefully planned, not in one; You can use it, afterWards, for soap
, - which has happened. In a Carefully ' fat. Try out the fat slowly, being.
slightly. Ile had his own ideas.of right forward your address, and Pil'arrange A . Propaganda Ghost. • has been decided by the need of the the fat, is.Aried out. pour it out of
, •
for the hand of Xnn Windermere. . I taw raarnied :within a . month. ' And which the .American army had oppor- and so arranked as to accomplish; and stnoot wi
4 • • The Worth of the
right to make a •formal apprcation . Stephen can do shall stay us from get- The only direct propaganda raid for household and its equipment furnished; the kettle. . Wipe the "utensil clean'
Utility before the armi4ice was plan- maximum work with Minimum. time•paper. ___2. • -Wilderness.
and wrong, and he had considered it to fetch you. But nothing that Sir
• ' ft crumpled'
• . It wa.i tile 'fifth reunion of. the cot
a one as is shaped•by a pablic sebool '''. . • .. by Capt. II E. Osannsitn officer of Bel lege Hass, and two of the men were'
Write as often as ycat can:" . nod and carried out on the Meta front and effort. The mother needs ...11 the He was.a clean-shaven. gold -temp- ilow, dear lieart, good-bye till then.
into a good citizen. /Lis sOmeishat i Eighteen months later Mr. and Mrs.' gian descent who was ,familiar with of her -children .and_the social needs . - Keeping Them at Ilo:ne. . calling on their old profSissOr of.pliiiies
:. , time she can secure for the training. -
ered-looking young Britisher, just such• 7*. .
• but his grear•eye.s twinkled-huoilorous-.1abor•toiry - where- he-' Avas -..sPendiair • .
kite,here is ' .aiso -...a welIffplanned se . ' "Make the home. attractive., so that .
uPI1Y. The conversat(on drifted to the
1 as Sir Stephen acted the 'stage fourteen hours a -day -making his ex -"""itcis--is•'ttiY-ferieraV',Vapt --sesaten.,',
t the boys.and girls will' prefer .it to
• different ' Men in, the CI:ilii,•atal 'their',
sir.crukeeet•!tt.s ittsliniic.,Sy. fiiiiilk till t,iie7n..2.. ,
, . •
.. snub features looked. grave enougln. Norman Granville were in Normarem:the Ge,rutan 'army, says -a makazine • of. her family as well as ..hersell.
,,writer: . • - ,-- . ' Thd:iuranctenetent.0016,thisAesineble
" avy father" to the life. . periments. Master Norman, aged six; said when he explained his scheme. .not..at all dependent upon chance or•
• ' , thetireet: the -torn er'odeug,store.:,,Ate ,
tinued Sir Stephen. his wilith growing anxiously.
d never have thoughtof her, con- mother arms.' as 'she was looking On i That division is full of Alsaco-Lor- .- ,
. A f ttehre tehqe u,ki pi tmchene nt hs ae ebteeedn and
adn naerd_ advice often heard, but the question
is, How can you do it?
. appoiiitment to. the •presidericy of the
the 'apers
If my ' daughter was a' poor girl months. cooing and nancing, was,in his, -
. ' . All I want is forty thousand leaflets. the. convenience of the carpenter. '
• cheap AknCe'er-theatre," is . a, tat of .this morn ng professor. ;'ilibtirKcittrti'a
ranged, there remains for• the house- The answer, as many fathers
. Brown & Brown eo? Pretty fine -hon -
and or for so aoung a man, - siou't yuti ,.
hotter, "but you considered it was a Norman looked thin. ad haggescl.1 rainers. and I know the names of and
. wife the sele:Aion of her cooking
mothers have proved, Is comfortable think . .
ery good way by which to get hold . The seeret he had tried so hard to;
t scores of men in it. Well drop rpecial
of my •money, if the silly -tittle fool so ‘e hadso far eludedim. ..ee ,
i leaflets on them. for a few *days, and
utensils. For convenient e • - k sc"P•
surroundings, fret ii and companion- -yes," neplied the profe,a'or, but
preparation, in the most! attractive ., l'm tifrai'd a little to -eaay an honor
t for liiiii." .
could be persuaded to Marry you." l'ed that dozens of times he was on' after they have soaked in I'll take a
, asy wor ,
as myself, Sir Stephan__ then. yon'did not come, and Nortnan's thousand/ wire and calls_ Don t shoot. in n Women too often mal.e the mistake'
,.... .....
she must haye enough utensils for•the • • .
. • . .
t • I going to shoot. is Fritz' Schneider of beautifying their homes beyorid -1) 't .0 i thiek he cau hold down
."I wish ,our daughter was as poor the 'blink of success, and yet success patrol some.night and go up to their
your money away?" / Right up to r.ow h-e..hafl ben hope-. there? I want to talk to ;him. ' Where '
pook. There is such a thing, how- 'practical use Fragile forni-i - -
the job?" said the otti`ef in anxious. •
wouldn't refuse me. Ca,n't you • give pounds had- gone. way, of any dishes she may wish to
_ . . _ . _
. ....•... _. __ .•
tion as be frowned again. "You. sug-. himself- that he minded as for Ann. m„h- a / •
.,' kind or a duplication of saucepans and well enough as ornaments; hut if the , "
I have LW dOtIbt about that. . -VIA
"What"' Sir Stephen's bushy white fu!, but at last it seemed that he had i is. Willy Liebms.nn?" . ,,,, .. ever as acquiringtoo man utensils ture and embroidered cushions are,
Pest that I should disinherit inv (laugh- . Her father had never forgiven her; ; me :guns, observed. younger members of the family must
f a 1 1 Ova he will lield it down, and
be 01 tent to do so. 1 don't like to
--'....e• .syebrows stood out stiff with. indigna-' been beaten. • It was not so much for i "You'll get a prompt answer from
or an overabundance of the wrong
making additions, the housewife keeps ing the one' or "mussing the ot icr, .
ztgainst injur-,
' see 'things Come so easily to .so yotIng
a man. l'd rattier. have ,:een him
be continuajl' warned. ..
ter to oblige'you! Your impudeance,: he nad married again and had refused ;' "Oh yes but only a burst or two,
kettles: -
"So is nty love, Sir Stephen. I mean . Ann, who had never knotrn the want. be a pause, and Ill gall more names they will prefer going where there is',
sir, is colossal!". 1
• to have anything to do with hcr, and. Osann said "They'll miss,and there'll
• When choosing her utensils or when
to marry Ann whether you like it or of money, had to screwsand scrape and 1' If I get somebody out there to argue
in mind what use she is to make of less to mar and "muss." Let the weather fur ten years or ino-re. He's
not." I do without even what had been the' with, I'll send him back to bring ht6
them and the. size of her family. The furniture be solid, durable and asi, capable of bigger things than this. You
,.. l -Stop'." Sir Stephen rose and lean- necessities of life for her. ' • . whole battalion over.", . 'rural housewife buys very little,,food beautiful as may be but not too beau.: remember how the Bible pats it about
ed over his desk. ''Go to the cash'er. 1 • Yet she did not regret her runaWay, . We showered them with °semi's'
already prepared. ' On the farni she tiful to be used. Otte Jews:r 'God lel thefil pot through
I will tell him to pay," you a month's marriage. Norman wai, always so good' leaflets in French and German, ad- 1 the way of the land of thaPhilistines,
will probably carry °a at some time If you have an only chi!d, find some
though that was neSr.' He made theni
see you again." so persevering, and so brave. that she
dressed to Alsace-Lorrainers—simple
statements ;of what the victory of one .
or other every type Offood prepare- boy Or girl who is away from home,'
take forty years fer a. trip that was no
money, and after that. never let .rne! and kind, so. cheery and full of hope,!
ton, butchering and curing of meat; living perhaps in an -,mattractive
1110re thitn fear hundred miles in a bee
'. Stephen. You give Ann to me, and ever. - 1 side or the other would mean to them.
c.anni g place from which he .will be glad to a
I'll improve your Ibex explosive for Then little Norman was a continual! Then on a quiet night -Osann and a
ing;" boiling and broiling; soap mak-
Y g, g and roast- escape, and take .hini as• a boarder.! "Ile' -----
hardships before. Ile brought them in -
Ile wanted. tu toughen them by
"You'll be sotry if you do that, Sir had learnt to love him better than
'n and dr in • bakin
joy. He had his father's sunny tem- i patrol of. twelve stole along the rail- Never mind•if yoqado not make money
to the land. Of .luxury, Once in the •
"You!" Sir Stepheo Was. so astonish- per, and he laughed to her and cheer -1 way that ran 'into the enemy's lines
There are on the market utensils
. . from the Venture 7or- if it cauqcs you
, wilderness Ile let them teed on quails,
gas engines." mg.
made of iron, aluminum, enamel ware, extra work. It is an investment that!
and Many of them gorged themselves
ed at the audacity. of li:s clerk that he ed up ;in the darkest daYs. She would. before Dampvitoux.' Alone, he made ,
almost s Ilittered as he went on: not have exchanged 11r.n for all her, his way within thirty yards of an ob-
lass, pottery and. wOod. The woman will bring valuable returns. tia death. They weren't ready for a
who gives thought to her buying will The plan 'has been followed by wo- quall diet. There are more men buried
"You're a gas bag, sir—the very last father's wealth. , servation post on the edge of. a wired g
-more, you're a fool!" . . 1 Norman could afford to give to his was not even a shot- After ten'min- choose from all of these, since no one men.who are far more confined to de-
finite tasks than most housemothers. In
the graves of soft indulgence than
person I'd .entruat Ann to. And what's But this week was the last one that woods ancrboldly set up his call. There
"Leak here, Sir Stephen," the youngi experiments. If no good came by Sat -I utes he began again, "Men of the flat material will give the beat result for In any other kind.
all kindsof coolcing and food prepare- are. Two women who. carry.on a busi- • „How many valedictorians do yoo
come here if I hadn't a reasonable' he was going es clerk to a friend who! ness, both mothers of only sons, each hear froin afterwards? Many a man
. man said earnestly, "I shouldn't have urday night, on the Monday morning, Regiment. listen!" Then the patrol
chance of improving my position. I've ! would. g..ve him four pounds a weeIci behind him began to hear voices; in tion.
• If she wishes to have things heat
. extended the hospitality of. her home • is so elated by an early half success
fitted up a little laboratory of my not enough to pay for future expert-, _
• , est discussion was going on.
choose aluminum or enamel.ware. For
la nominal: board, but the real purpose
'last winter to a young man who pal( that he relies on that to. carry him
through: No. You, fellows are not
i ,the. Boche trench a guttural but earn -
been studying chemistry hard. I've just enough to keep them going, but,
through and cook quickly, she wi
own, and I've fou -ad out how to im- ments. Therefore, it meant that•if by I ga Bann - h of each was to provide companionship long enough out of college to begin. to
• prove on the Ibex: I can show you—" Saturday he could not solve the prob-1 knew; in the silence the whole patrol boiling potatoes, cooking eggs, heating for her son. The young men read to- measure the success or failure of your .
"You.dare! You dare .interfere with lem'before him, his chances of making', could hear the footsteps ; of a man water, for any process in which quick gether, played musical instruments clasitnate.s. Wait for ten years more.
. ; together and found satisfaction and I.ife is like the four years•incollege:
my patent, and I'll ruin you! It took a fortune were 'gone, and Ann must: walking along the railway track to -t returns are required and when we do
me twenty years to discover the Ibex. continue to know poveity; and little' weed °Bann, bnt he ran back and os- not wish to retain t6 heat, these two pleasure in each other's comPanY-
'4- and here you've not kr.own it for two, Norman would have to be brought up rnaterialt are very •satisfactory.
the showy fellow • who wears a res'.
and yet— • Oh, get out of my sight. without any of thc pleasures that Just;
!''aiin had ' Youth must and will have companion- necktie and is elected. 'o the Pses'a
..4to come away.
andI'll hive .a talk to -Ann. And don't a little more nnoney can give ' on that front, and every man had heat, aluminum appeals very strong- ship of both sexes, und if the home deney- Of the freshman Class' is sedan]
.... A few days later we took prisoners Besides being a fine conductor of
- • you dare to speak to her again. No* . "Look out, Ann!" Norman cried, for,does not provide it, will go out after. heard from afterwards. Along.toward
sac a go!" ' . . baby's grasping little fingnpi
ers had Selz;
, . s
cea of -the Alsace-Lorraine leaflet in ly to the housewife because it the end ofthe coursesocia qttlet fel
is so it.
.• NOrman Granville bowed and left. ed a Cny -phamongpockets.When we asked it they light and easy to handle. It is made ial that was the; his Youth also needs entertainment; .lov.- whom you dititi't notice much in
It was on .,, as he xpe , , 1 bottles and boxes of -'nemi*-als
, wise parents provide mus;c, games.' your fresh'inan year forges to the front
4had noticed anything recently in No i up in very attractive shapes, and is
' , . - w•.
' la ,.• so he was not altogether disheartened.f on the shelf behind hisa. • Man's Land at night, they answered, ; very good to look at. What woman lights and good foodYouth is aland 1lks off with theprize
The Ibex explosir.
ve had revolutionized! Ann tured swiftly, sghost?A ghostthey is there who does not enjoy buying
winging round -You mean the ways hungry; make boys and gi:ls -
nallTyhewnetaaknenwi:lioatgestosmeea,sisos!nu;..cess iDoniel
free of dining room and kitchen and.
explosive engines and had brought Sir, with baby in, her arms. His „slight said, had been heard calling soldiers kitchen ware which. is comely? The
,. • Stephen a. fortune and a. knighthood relaxed, and the bottle fell :nto by name. Their officers had made a many styles and makes of utensils on do ‘nOt be afraid to let. them use thd:
a . . . He.ivas a widower with one datighter, a mortar in whith Ncrman seni.er had report of the ghost to the Ronimando.-' the market maintain a fine average best dishes. Electric -light be in a hurrv. Don't ever be afraid to.
T's • . ard he had dreanted dreams of Ann Pounded a combination of chem cals. .1 For all 1 know the command may for neat and attractive appearance. and china are cheaper than anxiety when the strain comes son wou't Warp
Teather and season. a 'little. . Then
bills,' fuel
..., . 'tarrying a t.tle. , i \ Instant' 3,- there as an. explovon. A
Outide the office a pretty girl wai flame hot up and Normn hurt.en . have iisuor breakTake our ildsrness Jour
galking un and down re -t
•ed orders about it: "In Iron is the best material for fat- and trouble. Above all. let a cheerful:
future ghosts will be met with five frying. and for preparing pot -roasts hospitable and happy spirit prevail. ' ney. It will toughen you for the luxu•
' : yw-
a-altia, W- , himself on the mortar. so. :..ting out '
ess.lv, Rather 'shall, with'black hair, the feeding air trot: it mit his bicnd rounds of M. C. fire; angels with ten." because iron holds heat well, and an Iles of Canaan when:Y:At arrive. I have
. ing red hps, Ind a neat figure, she: The n:r was ch..rged. wit'A an .aCt:. 1' • ...• tained.. . Two Handy, Shelve..
_too many character:, rotting le
the sunshine to want•yoti to arrive Le
• and eyes. a straight ;:ttIe nese. cars- (hist.. , 1 even , slow heat can easily be main - .
attracted a good _teal of ur...vantel at- •-tre,'F.c, and baby 'set up .i twat. Ann., . Fashi▪ ons ,n • Faces. For good, brown crusts and sur- • Two iheives. thirty inches long by for yeti are-hardencd for it goal."
sraileirront her an,i-,verc.1 a smile,- Lee: i,,k1 :. sofa.sit7l ran baA to. rLECLie" • There are faekion's• in faCes-. jfacesthe best materials are Russia
Ust as '
iron, aluminum, enamel ware or. glass . _ten inches wide, :with a double row'
ter.t ion. BA- no min, -met,her eyes, it- tvt- nrr.reti.. rail oat -of/ t'ae- roefas put ' ,
there wa3 .only, one r...zin :n the World Norman: : , . . • there art' -fashions 4n the manner of
The glassware appeals strongly be- of hooks in the bottom make one. • . • ' 4
•••• cause it easily can be kept clean and housewire's kitchen neat and conven-; , . Some Facts.
for Ann Windermete. and 1•.e was just _But Norsaan was safe.'Ria :a,.f; v..i:s. Wearing the hair. Face fashions, how- T
corning out of her father's ofoce. ' blackened, his str:rt w:is stil (u ti ever, mint,: be altered when it suits lent. One shelf—white enameled—is, The ,•lierry. the peach. anti the pluti .
She 'hurried t, Meet him. her prett,• 'dering. Mid he was n'nehirk. ol.t' the the will, but remain, for at least a sea- the exact stage of brownness can be oVer the sink On It stands the double were iill first grown :1 Persia.
mouth dlospirg as She saw les' smi.:e. fire in it. In spite of 'es: nl:_ick. Ann sonand acmetimes for years. . . seen FO slearly. , . boiler, coffee 'percolator, coffee in an The hippepotatnua is r.early blind.
"No tuck. dtarest!!".the askefl. "Cfrh Nernian:- she cr:et-i. "Wit...! an lain sport or hot is re;puisible fee very. valuable for casserole cookery, skor-t.g.4- can—the (toffee mill is at, but can scent a white Til ta twit miles
m his. hu-,heil face.* cvnE shaking'. • Soniettrae.s the pcptilarits• cf a CIA.- Both the glassware and pottery are • i h -
the prevailing fashion; at othe.r lizues' custards and mokis, A genuinely tached to the .v•all just over the to windward,
drainboard—and scouring powder,' Britain bought the ).:,,,. s agar. crop
! . "Not yet," J.:a, answers!. "Issitead escape! Are, you rare. you're all •
;,-,• eerti.in •type botomcs popular, and, ' steelf in Niattrititii, con:pri,tri; 1,4V-:1* .200000
tf , you. I've .g.ot the sack." rarst . gor-d and enthusiastic cook will insist /A rie ,wool . d• b tt'
s • ,. meals; aild. thus; save much work for daily -ult.. lon;:t-linedled spoons. in- tons at a tost. of. ”0401)....C4I41.
"Did sou WI ii.m• you eiP.::71,i.r.pro..,:.. -I i 1 t!: ' he said. And. al' hersn .
3r, 'IA, :.i:ly .0.41 1;11,:o...:rer i.:s a4.4.4. he kissed her, imtdging het thro,tigli imitating this type, the face son a careful selection of casleroles, javelle water. On the, hook beneath
d'•in't !,e!.eve vie. end he flan: 1 nre-!-.• cheeks• with 1.,!-i sf,ety far.e r.,.. as.i.untE.e. a permanent expreseion of a for she is going.to cook.many one I hang the cooking utensils in constant .Alth6tigh salmon hilve tue .1:Ntlent-.
el...? ,..* :,:.t.;:rc ,...;. tr.:. i,::'.:•:-.... • Vt.:: he 1 ...:..'e•1 her to him- v.:rti'cu:Ltr il.-7 rir ion. . . ... ed the Th. ,tr.e..4 for a tentory., t;:ey Bre
io" • .e.e, :•:s tr,.'. iit \c ,-.,:r , :Y.:- .; rf,..c-,:. -,1‘., ••r:q-,.•,- ---,. r.;r. ; :: :. r• - •',-, -••••rr.•••• .. v.,. fat:: t:.;:t fas:hieLs !:1 iace• have i-,erseif, •bes'a,r7:s feeding the family:.knife and cleaves-, bread knife, d:sh 'futind in the lsne. i...r No.,,-,...;....
le v.-..n't 1..:.,7 i" • . , •1 a. •1/21.,-.-; •he t,r,:r.:rrr: ' • .. , (1...,,:: '1,4 .t.,t.hape an.; 5ity:e, i.e. plry.e,I. on the table, extra' dishei. icrew, st.(!el frvire- 'pan.; of small Size, •teF
ners. rei 1-.:e.litei ,, .•:, : :;'• •,,•41;,,,I.r:s.
Itemodellten'the.i;io • .\'‘T.;!;:ini:t. af.
lte.r war .,erv: e ••:.•:• .)ye.1 16
1 -....n.t ,t.:I• i- to ar:-.2, ..,.t; 1 : . :::•1 ••!..: .:-:" :.- ..r.7 ! i,.:-...• r• ,... .,,.. -13,-.-.1)5. t_•.,: -••• !. a;..1 ti.::: thty have varied ;adequate!y: ,Since the °casserole can mop. '!•-.00p shaker. 1r:ttle cleaner. cur:: .
i ....,:: i '! ;,:-,*•, ,'...- a :-Tiitiy.oi•thtfr
c•i.est, are 1i.,:es e . min
At:l........id. 'Rice ( fishes' stew Fan- et
, e.. , .
t. -fq• ':. ,. ,:,! - V.'t -.- -,:: ! •,- .: ,,. 7" ' sir ,1 tn. .. ..r .-.., r! - .-:•!,-•-. r, ::::. Iti-
1 1
e••4.,i'.v.•::, if. •,.;ritr.-,:r.,! ,....!:.,- v.:. -I..,!'...,,r.-.. i., •\ ..-..,.• -.':.•,.• rf-_.t.• ,/,;,-turr-•,o!s., (if difforeot per:ort, thPi• .rernaife long- 1.alci.nz, costIrds, The other shelf ig .on• :.rt etiPhi-ed When (-. :,:,,,, 11 , (.4:11 •i•:. le:: 1:',
i•'..- ,t.' :.. ' 1:-,e ':.,•t...t ..i.','.:: -.-r..!. :.r '. roc,:y. •.• . ':.,,r.:, i.•:,. : ...4 •.- i•:.:, ,.. ,,,, 44,, •,:•••',•*i ,i,- ft, !I.-. 1.:.,:tt. stews of'. al! Pirais and baketleba-h porch, and ii ju:•isouti' 1e tie 1alehen ,
et the ::i.r...,0 1,', me :1•.:..1 .•!1.•
-';••• .., ;:: ,•(••P : ' ;..rt,t. It .*, r a -, i- le. An., -.• .. •,. ... ., --.7 : . • .!-.. ;,'„, -..'. •• - oc- 7 i,4.
t.". ,..1 :r• r.':: .1.,- it it- •,) ii:flert,:‘,..,-.4 z.re cas,:ere .lishes. ; door: •!0:1 th'e ht)olsg 1' "nom floor 31waY' "11 t'ut..
p,,, 1 *! •.•,,..:,,• it;!. ;.• , Pxi,..• •....1- ',-. -:._!' !•.:t ;I: st ',L.'. 1.e •.:a...i :v. -P.1 .• •r,
••• , • •• , • -• •• - ' •• .•1••• ,r Ir. the ,,*.ler.t.i•.n c.f catt;aig !osIs, the tanp, 11u '1 mop. ei eel. no,p. `1.orihs,e- • •
-,, Ouri.ig a tlit:rtier.i:;::- • 'the !east
i'. •: H.: 1 - •.• :!.• •!,... ' .
!: h:-. ard --.. :i. -..rt it :,. :.•::•-• - -..:, 4: :
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