HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1920-07-08, Page 6“..
_, • • a -777 re---„ese „ . , •
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.4/ ••44 40..
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Dull Letters• . That girl tied eneeteitti the ert ot withlbut euccese, lee bath them a 414.- ............niog"""".""w•"'"""d"!"'"'"-.....„...............-
Cut Your fuel Dills In Iftsaby IJ&I:10
tetter•writine. . tected tarew.ell the next meriting.
1, .1
Most eeeple think before they epeak, „
but only a few think before they write. So many •poceie Fuffc.r trent )u -L- ota byla-wtoeiteulo,rraendiatyhisitpeaasisietl..ronly x thrsi,Acen•
alwayi keeps . her friends; partly, 1 • se
teet. rer taeteace, tetine time ego,. den on business. It•wa-e;st-b'-rilii•foreclill; g° CLEAN ALL
. •
, 1 lats..- a frieed, and she is a girl who '
'i.,_ il ill
am eure. because however far awst.a- : cf) a very serieue eie- eitam, it lie, eie
',ten my mother -. e: a. ebeta to. under.. rid of Pum But Tom heel grown worrea.
, :i11.1 Waig.reduced to spenchng most erf.• '• • BOILER COMPGUND
/ •'''-
' c t ee.-.).,
to write them long and iutereeting lee
they -are it ie . never too. much trouble . 1 ecessare to censee her c(trreepeee.' him .t.411e en• the sufa. 'Marlene s:l'ce-
ly left hie eitte. The ewea roes: water Puriflor Cn.,
NI,kriii::, ttt,...11,.,
ters. -Thus, though miles _Amy stretch of it was too depressing for wurde. e reour came' bask. Ile het! a- I:in:keit, :.'il Camden st., Toron•(..
, t II ct ler the eimele reeson that scale ..' Thol _y
•between them, she can always keep black eye: e. cut un his fercheite!„ zee!
• . . her friende very nletr to her ill ,i One very welhmeaning • cid atay , the pleased eir of 'a reen.Who bee.: tri
ea- La -a_
. 1 weete .,,,..;yi14; how sO 1. ry , hi., wus . to umphed over his cholla : . •
Get Away From' the :Opt Stove: 1 if the seal is defectiee, ifiafter steril- -'• ,
Careful 'planning .vsill \• en•tble ' the iZitig the tOps are removed Nem the- She dues not dash oft anythfzi • thatea teY inothe las greet iteisfertane. ' ,",lf 1 m, had up for 1u
• .
a14) (.On con. !'"\`.
...,e, hit- 0 • en la ppo,, ( ..1 N t... ) „ vialence, you will hell 1111 cei Teni 7
c‘outes into her -head; she a i'
housewife to feed her family' '•aele- jars to replece the rubber rings, and. , , v., his first wor's
poent of view. ir .• active wentea ended their ees's as oei.-.. ...... • •• • - • •
IA Mit on earth ---1 ..
mete ea ou .
h t ;f the jars are kept in a (1 11 p1 ice • siders her ..friends' 1
quately and siitisf‘... 1 " '. ...
ridease levalidel . And ehow .
0. e.teelit t op attel
'11°' ("lee ,:, Seynnilir sat. (Iowa 'on at f; otstoe la
spendinee hears Over a . het kitchen 1 where the rubbers may °decompose. ' the particeler friend she Pe W•rititeg to a
stove. - le •tlile first p1 IL by such I
Shrinkage may ,occur during eterils e A r
1 is son... 0, sports she its cf it; fond "k".77' hi •t -ak
e • ; he v all - - ; •• . . and preduced from eineinnerepeeket it
:.1.1. sieeikee aperat ion, and C0riti:1(:te:1 ...11.0f cvntaill:111r' tWu litt:e. i)zicket. , Both
i • -
planning, the hit:Levier, 'gee:le:en ization• 'because of improper and/ in -I of books: the -the lateat bocas are. die.
articles of food will leive sere. little : euffielent blenching and cold-dipp
. . , settle awitia hind of inceirehat eihei" teld seede. •
ing,,,cussed; if music Its. a favorite, theei:' Not A Biercita
oee afweys eaneillei•e pe-sele in seal- •• e. •
rears. the perfect
place an the menu.' Many More (old; `,..4,reles packing, poor grading, steed's., muster find's. a place. in her letter. And ' - . ' • "Ceti you PQ any differ; neeX
, eeceit.
apeceiranee of her coin -
dishes :will be serve.i. 'file hot 1i he ""'" for in quantity?'" he asked. "No?. 'Well,
too lona a periods or lack of relways tarcugh them all there ,it • ;,e:•siitiOn. - -'1hen sYlia lit. L in'. .14:' t t1.-1'• A.: iiii,e,r11.5t. Tho re eeactly tliii sante.rF
•pinion. Per...mance
will beeeso, planned as .to -take r ttle' Judgment in the amount and size of: a little vein ot humor. ' etitina'.'
• ../ end.' terpporary' ske:
tithe. . The canned L•messte vihieh were.' product put into the conkainer.
• 1 , ' ; • • Only cite 1tt came:fie:It eluttflower -ef
yOltrF, end the other. from a loeked
: .. traublas_are effectively
put aWey during buteheieng „time will:.
1 Canned corn, peas, beans and espare • - , , • eraever he the house et your preeious
. .. eanecaled.. •Redaces en.
now • reappear, f. el' t hey -peed ath1eeal.gusanlaY
a ihOw no signs of •Spoilage tfteeeefifieeceeteirvate.aletelirat..a.-Voreaaefaitsea.......eleieseatesaerPeeeesaaeefteassa. ' •rcths '11 • •
e., ea-. g:cvsy :j: its: Highly andeeptle,
. . ,
eetural color and cOrreeis
- "Mate?" --' ..- • • '• • .: •
heated to. serve. • '• ' -; ands EVill, Wheb' opened,. have • iA koala
.• .•ft lead whh benefead results as
h-Max-ealtirall \a...It ti • mea .at
. .
; ei e cusetive agent for 70eyears,
'. The -oil stove, gasohne ee.gas stove!'
2 teste end ''a disagreeable peidor.- Tithe'''.
:will be used' instead, ot. the' rartesea If.'.:' is. knoyen as "fletssour," and- ,can be' • unee.that if.you peggethout•he wee the
. -1../ ,a - 1 ' . .
will ,he •so.planned that the large part; P1°‘
iet thataise • one which has •no t o ''''n13: Ptrsott 'witted aenefiteeferet ou ac•-
count of. bo1ng :he -next heir, and ale;
th.e rezege• has to be us.ect, tee mealsi aVoided if .the. canner Will suse fresh, J.' ' _. _ Perfeez; '''-irS; 1441:' ••
„. " •..,:•e.. •,•4•:Z1 - .
„....1,,.......,•:. of. _the __cocking . eine heeeeg• man be. been leathered more. than five or six hecause he 'ean't forgive y•ou for V. ri e .-F rearn-
,_, . •_ .
done. in the cobtamorning hours. thea hours, and. will' bleach,- cold-dia and.
. • - ..7 ,77•• t ••••• ea', --"s• ea esseeseeesa ..naageli&-LeeetcerafsteteeKthatsefeaesneaotl+enadl
••• -• - . -.,-/hc-st.,.... 46 -*AV'.... -
1110 lie'd'traelliel•n geed. bit 'in West
a ' 7•.**D-.117E-Caiattife.tse
, . .... ..
fire alloeved to, .go otit end no". re,: peels cite jar ef.produet at a thee, and ' .,
kindled •till- the next morning,. : The. peteesseech jer iit the canner as. it is _to beennich the samNs •ire 'your 'orchid --e ..s.._
. ' ' name Hail datesattack to tlie Middle "I'll tell •
.7, . • was stumped Ly the•floWer, 1 Sent:Max light of eehef in each other S eyes.. •
evening eneal Can be old. e.vei. to the; e
packed. The first -jar. in will not be
. . . afiN".11,140es",•4ard'asoafartel"t044100/"I'404010•"*.41,6''''60 house.- 4T-iiiiiter---a---"Tew ihquiries of with this .Cii:-------&-t---Teuee-ry'en . 'as- ...-.13.137Ct you
an en: the .tcem-pressure- canter is used Otte , "Otte thing •tor whah I ve. alas a'fell' me. what. really happened?". chai•ge of his .place had been. pretty. a
the manseivant l`dax • had left In that the fiedIng of it would :have on
I'd eloped, that see thet he•was counting on the effects .
beverage. If _poesible the- Seism '.sa-o-' Li'lle.c•te'd bY 'the 'txera cookiege Whets Logan and found as
man. wil, n:sist upen. hav`irg • I •se ‘: 1.1
- • All fuel ie. high in •price• end W'ill' retort, the 7 cover. plaCed. in. position, . e to her son's fiancee, "is there mast heve ..been soinethieg .to• denera.
. . • • . ' • fellow with evrveelike,yotirS? Don't•.
•• 1 • •
stove. --. er heeteeejare• 0-recansentey-be. placed senethe.eleaane de-voutly 7 •than-fuli se id Ars- e he said.. •-•Tom won:t- say asword; but pally with . ort cf• - your under-•gare you. see ----'e • •
•.- • 1 vou know 'the old portion of Ryming- it • . • I3ut nim A n1 Marjorie were, capeble
• ,
, that .we aleph. run to Ally genets,. As make hit» feint like that. What Va'. •"So as .soen as I sew the professor of. seeiiia nothing just then, except the.
take forethaught to • use oil and. gas t.but. not clamped down until the -retort
as econonneally as possible. .Wheno
! fa filled. Rapid eooling ef these .pt•ea I
Ages, beta thank goodness, there • are • pleeeaa:d Marjoriee, asea . proceeded '•caine down here, and burgled has ' . - ahe • End.) . -
• •e ou exactly what . toelz: a wite . that fetched •him •up • to town,
once any:feed has. been thoroughly,
1 ducts pre.vent's over cooking... elarifieee
heated and is boiling, the flafne should the liquid and preserves the shape and no silly tales of ashitc. ladies eir head- to do so.
he turned 'dowel and the boiling, pceint texture.. less spooks te •frighten people. and •Half -way threugh the recital •Mrseaotasing for -the seeds,• thet is 'Bute- els,' 1 910, esi,eaa,,a-a! tons. .
• .-. 'estudy.e. I. diseovered what- I'd beene ' lareiaht . handled thretigh Soo. Pap,
. •
. Make the•servants. leave. We've got .
merely ma:ntained. This saves fuel, .. e - ... . .
.and cooks the food as weli or be•tter 1 ' . . .Four Geed Saueee. one rather' untienny legend, • hut no Rynangheree gripped the stern Of her 'his man dhscovered me, Sled -we had. a, --
• chair With a rigid heed; the coneluSien hit of 1 shindy.. Once -I'd got the bet- i .--
is used, the: simmering buitrithe will be; teaspoon salt. -I: etip boilini' water, .1 Croft asked eagerly. ' . I Of the a:t Fathers of Confederation
. . .
• 1 . sperrits. - .
than. If. it leoile •haerd. If. a gas etove "Vanilla Sauce --1.. , cup ' 'sugar,. '-he ... • .. .
"Oli, what's the legerei? ' Mar;Orie held fear and tragedy'. -
found her very pale, with' eyes that ' ter of tile said Man I forceal the .whole., • • • a • • a
\When cakes or•• bread. .lias.e. to . Le' cattle:tars+, 1. table.sPOon butter. , .. hainee___•", . no 14. •
ii--+ur:41 : . wealth equal:,
used . . "Oh! ‘,Vhat is it'?" exclaimed Mar- a tonfeseion which -will coniediarather i . • '•
' etory out of him, and maole. hire sign; . . . . • •
• 1 teaspoon v•anilla, I., tablespoon flour or 'Simply' . that • when a Rytaing- jorie, unaccountably frighteeed. Ir hind handy to confrOnt e-ur dear •friend '
Rymingharne drew •aelong .breatha • • ' with..it neeessara. • • - . : see; •°
Canada's . ... . .. .
• . ••. "I think--ard-bettee go_ and see this • stasae chanced on thaflowers by pure: •
- se off) itt! every erhabitent.
baked, a meal planned foe the oven!. Caramel Sauce -Place onesfeeirth: •
She breke,offalistening. A footstele
will save fuel since arl the oven heat , cupful of White sugar in ,a' frying pan, that dragged slightly was approoLhing -flower for myself," she. said. '''Per- luck, it seems, and,: saved the seeds
He Tem! I'll tell you. another .,uhderegardeners • can aceount •for its -- Mirarcrs Liniment L:-s7d ty Physicians.
. and let it Melt without any watee until' haps, lifter all, togart, or one of. the
can. he utilized..*If the bread is. beked down the .passage outside.
early, the noon meal Can he. prepared bros.: n or even slightly btirht, then add' -
she said. "I don't avant him 'presence.'
ip the 'oven. . For instance, have sliced, two eeinftils of boiling water and...ones' time. ''' .•
i to.--!thrta thinking ithou. that sort_,of ..She• epeke as . one WIlO clinge, to -a •
and „ baked -scallope-d ceen, baked pO-, fourth teaspoonful of - salt; • ..Alihen•
tatoes,. -baked' c.ustard. Suel-i. q plan Goole. beat in one teaspoonful of; thing. ' "" desperate hope. 1 .
Tom Ryiniughame, thouss'h 'nearly a - "I -don't underetanel." said Marjorie •
moans • saved 'fuel .and saved time.venillae
1 - . • • ' year.had elapsed sine his discharge - "Do you' remensber a -a legend that
While this Meai•is . cooking a • cake; • Orange Sauce -Cream one cupful of: from the Army, was still rather a.• I. mentioned not leaps ago?" , .
can he baked. • • • ' eager andone-fourth cupful of butter , crock -as wasonlynatural in the -•case - . "Yes."...e. . •
The .firelese. cooker .may be leeught ' •tettca he •and beat indu ily the
. . .• t gra is of ' a man who had sup-plemented a "Ikell, it is this -L. -that the death el" ''.
ready-made or may be made at ,l-ioine.' yolk's oftwit eggs. Flavor with, g' rated ' gupshot wound with- severe •shell -shock ,-a Relnirigharne is- heralded by an un -
homemade .one cots eabokit one- ''orangerind and one tablespoohful of and :subsequent netrasehenia. _ . ,. • • • 1.earthly flower that blooms where , he
tenth of the eost of a 'eoiensercial ane:' •• His recovery was slow but ssaisfac- 1 will.find it.. It's otneene tradition." and
01ange juice. No. cooking i•s required.. . • • 1 •
tor-h•s limp he.would keep for life:, the".'anly -superstition, thateie believe'
On the esther an the eommereiel .
Sour -Cream Sauce -A - dainty-tast-.
sbut his shattered • nerves, though still, in.,' My husband was killed .in the•Boer
cooker usually has two or three coma ing sour -cream sauce is made by beat- sensitive, were regaining theit • old. War. and so I never knew .whgther he •
partnients and includes - a' seariety of ing into one pint of .sourcream enough: soundnees. He was fragile to a des; was • given the - usual' Rytninghame •
utensils to allow for the preparation lightLeolored molassesto. sweeten to gree. ibut health and -strength. w-ereawarning or not; but, according,ta the
.of all kinds' of food from 'cereals and taste.' Add one-fo.urth teaspoonful 'ef only a matter of time and the alsence,' family records,. it has come to every,.
meats to sponge cakes, end pies. 1 Fait and flavor with nutmeg. • 'o' worry.
The limits to the uses of the horne- I ' ' • rtnele of the direct line. • And , now it •
: "The- estimate for the has... seems that -that Tom -e.
cOnle; mother," he finnounced; "and.' "Oh, no!". whispered 'Marjorie. "It
••made cooker as well at: the aOninier-: .
Foods -Fer Children's•Teeth.
• . by deye, teo has that bauader, Max.7-.clin`t he' true!"
tier .cooker are dependent upore the 1
elev.erness slid ingenuity of the person It is generally eupposed.*that be-' 'He spr.ead: a -handful of papers 'out Mrs. RymingLharne. 'rose to heiefeet.''•
cause. uncivilized people have as a rule' en the _table, and Mrs. Ryraingharne and•went into the coneetivatory. Mar-
eising it. Meats car be, roasted •or' well -Made :teeth,. Aehich are' free' from bent over them. Marjorie, i•iaing, jorie would- haVe followed,•but a suds'
•-stevred, eoup eat. he male. one -dish '
meals •prepared,-- beans.. babied, - peta-: decaye a meat dietary eauet Isk the, s/ipped.out of the Freeaq) esindow, alto ; den impulse took her instead to the -
the cor,(ervasery
toes fr:ed, cereals and . dried fau„s - Tom s last item of news other end of rile qfig room, where Tom
a ' best to preserve the teeth. T.hat, howa • ' • • '
ever cannot .14....corr-efer manys. 'had dis- ' sat with Seymour.•One glanch at the:r
-67-uneiVili7ed races areif '
prepared • and pi ddings eaeleect • •er .. ; ' ' turbed her, inasittueh as his cousin faces told her that:they-had. -been- die -
steamed. Since little or it-e.evapore--ei.-‘------1414' 1" Max had been a-peri..'s•tent and. most cussing•the sante subject._ • • .
tion _takes place there is tat loss of "'I' 'ar.g-ely ••carnivoroua tr. picaerille unwelcome sutor for her hand.- a ' • , s•Tom:" she said; 'and the next nee
flavor. The fireless cete'ker •is 'a fuel •a dentist in NeweZealancie has recently... - Not even her engagement to _Tom Meet • she had• her Mine •around him.
gayer for 'all kinds efkeg- ePokery published the results of a verY. pro- -had discouraged him; snegly. exempt- and his beloved head en her shoaider..
.• . found study of the diete of the differs' ed, he had harassed herewith his ettep- ' Seymour promptly' VaniFhed-...: lie,
processes. . . •
--___ •
• • • ent civilized • and. weevil -teed mei, ee. tions .in the time of her deepest reappeared some time latete in corn-
' anxiety.. when Tont was at the Front.' pang with'Mrs. Ryminghame, _ •
- • the world'. Ireecaeipares. the diets of
• . the Miracle: . He had lately .been away for 'some • **Logan tells me he, noticed the plant
• the different races with. the percent-,
ageseef-Ciental •decay in the raffle races eeiete
tinie, leav ng his • houee on the. out- some Weeks ago. and left it. atone tel
Ch. little child a mine, .
a the 'village in charge of a see what- it Nvotild tarn out,t'.-) be:" mid
It seemed,. before you clime. • • •
is sone _et inaresteig hese
" ,ekeeeer and a manservant. ' • the letter vsear.11y. "He seye it's 'rea
I was a ••evenry woman serown. .
. facts about preserving the teeth; e-spea Marjorie suseeected shrewdry that it canny, and that he's.. never seta a
My world a role eel fully blown;
, cially the•fi.rst set of teeth. in childrefl.. was the neva of her presence at the flower Flee ;t before
Toe many epidneks' had bloomed • the - Mothers *sonietimes pity little-atten. Hallthat had suddenly lo•ought hint ' Thm leligisiel bitterle. a
Bulk Carlots
C. J. curF . TORONTO
san:ie . ' . •• tion . to their children's . milk teeth -home. • . 1 "We'll soc,n settle that," said .Fh,sy,
For e nee to. be -divine. . ' thinking that as thos'e. teeth are so The conservatory at Rym.-nrrhanie melte hrieltia. “C'ait Llieve the pleei
Before Iehnew. your eyes, • short-Ieved.aneway., it is of l•ttle use Hail leads into an 41 rchitl-hetiSe,.Witieh.ete 11.0 ae 1 like ejth ?" .
The ineede of your hand, to try to preserve iheni. On the con- mis fiam.."5. 1"...°"g..deep ,i 11Put thought.thee .(..°'tr:,?';'.Y: • **Of course. Ilia Nvha t ran you do?",
A little 'cius?y seemed: my •w..y, trary every effort 'eliatils1 be m.dde to\* 'VP heard of 'AlacGrecor. the
to .the. fh'ir end 'et* it. arid w•ae lout fern:1w: ri iteaer of hotar.V?"
And dull etti•h ofe.repeated dety. keep them ie place and sound a' !one: to retrace her steps, when' be.r eye . •
Ala! faded ',..-ernr.1 flit...! slimmer land, as poseible, 'for 1.hr t• have to •piree the wee ceteeht hy -a.,Petuiliar dewergrow- ! ••• ally's a friend 'of 111y pes;ple'e, se.
A ed Chided, too, the
,way for tht• perrneeent teeth by keep- ngi; n the Kane pot as ,c,ne• of 11iL, Urn . i:, take it -to }dmveld Fee
And then, eny. sweet. you cente; : ing the law 'in geed Shane •and.rooniy if ht can orchid74. : -t`
' • t identify it. It he 'etin, then
behold the ..world nt.ntle new! ' . so that the neet set ell!) erupt without - It weelike no flow -0e she had ever it must have grown. thole $0111,? ,..r..ed
•New flowers epring.ng left and riahte the crowding that "fo'rev3 them 'out seen in -her life.' To 'Rein with, it thars"Ccinte over wiTlit 'the orch,his.
'l'he sun nteW gold, new eters •i;:.h.tht.' of angrily • h •
.,entma i
. reover, It s neve" ,wits idackaanot tempered w.ith ens • -Ana if he. i.an't ?" ... .
LLeo earls: to torn', grit)ft habit... ana 0..... lighter. eleade. ner betraying in y sign epoii't roti worry:7The pleat elocsn'e
A•nd.voitelatifed tint!, sett theough yeti +
"' ef evreution trent purple or dark re 1. eeat that MacGreeer hasn't rot tvp-
Nese yoethe•-a deathies...; flame: , ' • •
child ho ilea heel) taught. te. (-leen :hut sh
. -;ee.r coal:hitecle, Only Ow :::1,10" 4.:1 .. fi'ed. and incleXe-d; Tell. e.o.ti what.
' his ' firr't . teeth with ' a little tel'oe'h• stamene in the eentre Were (!lty white If y.fli'll 'wet 1,0fta;-, to repot the thing,
Care in Canning. - . ..
• mort'nr anti evcr.inz 'kind after each 'n hue; they served •.... :a-tee:eau; the • lei an up to town Wit !i it to.eisent,
. t ..
IN1sVel n'alY da1'010P (1a eall!,4' 1 g01,is Meal. will form- a itelete that will rule jetaine4s of the thi.•k,Velvety petals. Ile u•ae. as 0,)orl':v tliA v..ord. ri6.1.
illni Ali hie iife end ave hint front- It wa4 n'oicii. the •••h"trie "f achrist- days passed: during which tti'N' hal
. 1 • . ,
The. untold pain and atlieceyeeta :,:v.• n•-;. tra,.: rese; it he,..„ ,,,ii ii eimei plant. no fnie ffom. him. arel Mese the oh}or-
thing ef dentisths bile . - • i('( it sie in, es•-• !.......11. dull:greet, and jecteateiee. in td hipeeetteto d'rr.(.1..
nit or the ,r)elltal ..„ i; eee,e1,1 eehee ee :tc.ii ill shs- ,,f *,.,.,.,. ;,: ; ',..,e; rvr:i ,hi, ',lids On. Ilie even:lir-. etf the reente! ;lee
.J'armer's „„t, „ll,iy the em.anite ea.e, ge...ree Zi -T10.4. ,i,•:1fi,‘..,..i..hi' ;,:li."Ipellivoi‘,,,vc,I;ir)11-..!Lt.1•1:-1 an recited httle. leen aitit a heaid e.,...
Saneteti e Boye ..
as, . 1eae, a., tn.! ,,.,1.0),,,.., 1 so,Ftcr t.is,,,,,te of twv12,.r.i.r .!,,,..1..;10,1. mnii‘l one tilinl (.1. rived. Ili tard pre -ht. -mut hint 1111-f.r.
.„ 1). 3. -lefeefireaer. reel Nee letters illet
the torah. • If • rhe smelled rent:thee a wee)) catteheee.-
. ...aeltia.a.• i•.••:', •t the teoth well not teem,. • h"r• uttt"ri"i gar- .followel his ramie rieitily ti-licl up the
space. Ile lee! called el.tea
dae....e. 7 ;‘• i*:-' AI', to tITTVe.:1•0. 'it' •,:i:.• it Bet rt .. aa. •estes •,eh1eh iied '•.;-ct. iite tee strantse .flower,•of areiree.
ai x. :•-i pro"fwgc,1*-ertil-• trittcH Mar.'''' '''.' ' atteatien v‘..5s ii, "Airiazing. ,hilnly :,nia./.r4i,e.- be
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Worsted Jerseys ,,,,..., c t.• .., ,, a 7 ; .e• I , • . • •-Pr , • -
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„eh -ed -7 hai le ad ae if it yoergsler that tele (-at; t hit, o e • , ...
hull.over or Button Shoutdr,
For Dad and the Lad' .: '' ..- '-'* ' • • • •,.! -,:.,......n,,,n,...,1 I.. ,.,-,..,:f . '...:::te 6, tiv.. ,(,,,4 c,.,1 io:,,,,,:iit: to n
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WinniPost ; TORONTO' _ Mostr..1
Bob tome Breed! ' .,• 1•••ai 't'ae•• as • a esh '• ' • . '. ea h th• ie were.'
14. ' . rs,trt
Knot.vf. fr-m -1 No root'
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c ' ' s. .•
, , • •
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Fut the
Boys and
Girls in
WHAT you Nvel11(1 have'l 0 pay for a single pair of
children's leather slioes will buy several pairs
of Fleet Foot. And Fleet •FiAit have many other.
advantage -r. The rubber soles prevent slipping id
play and promote tittietness in the house, TIK”e
shoes are ca -y on the feet ..'td so carefully ntade
of such sturdy materials that they give excellent
wear, even with children who age hard on shoes."
"Put the boys and girls in Fleet Foot this summer
and s:tve money on their shoes: There are styles fur
men, women and children.
Fleet Foot Shoes ore
Dominion Itubkr Sys,tettI
The Best AOC Stores
Sell Fleet l'out
• , •
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Fre:sh and Sv'efasthe
p I :7 r
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r.„,,,: r (,. ( r fseit aste,
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